Splitting Headache Before Weird Dreams About Open Doors And Strange Things About Pets

Thursday, September 29th, 2016 — 11°C / 51°F — Sunny & Cool in Atlantic Canada @ 10:45 am —

Stonehenge at night.
— Stonehenge At Night – Seems like a fitting image for a Dream Journal Entry —

— I woke up at something like 3:45 am with a wicked headache. Could have been a combination of allergies and sleeping with my neck in a wrong position-?

— So I stumbled around with one eye half open and made a cup of instant coffee – hoping the caffeine would do the trick & went and sat back in the recliner in the living room.

— Woke up a little later with the same degree of ‘wicked’ headache, got up, ate something, took two aspirin and another cup of coffee.

— That appears to have worked. I was able to get up and start the coffee so the love of my life would have one less arduous task to get herself together and out the door on time. But then I sat back down and conked out. I think I heard her going out the porch door.

Very blue river.
— & I’m thinkin’ – these colours from this angle also looks quite dreamlike. The photographer is German, I’m guessing this might be somewhere in Germany. —

***** Dreams :

— I dreamt we replaced our outside east facing door with a more solid door that was half an inch too narrow and tried to compensate by adding a second door – a bifold door with windows – inside the one that didn’t quite close right. — The door blew open a couple times, I gave up and { inside the dream – } tried to get some sleep.

— I turned around and saw a blur on the floor, a weird green cartoon of a dog formed around the blur and looked like a caricature of a dead dog – When I got to look through the green thing, I saw a small dog who was quite lively and not dead. I also saw a cat I was sure was Domino – our dearly departed Bengal Cat – but a bit smaller and maybe younger than Domino when we knew him. I think a couple more smallish animals had gotten into the house while the doors had been open.

— Sigh –, I really miss that cat.


— There were two women I thought I recognized, one of them being long time family friend, Diane P. Torres – who’s got a birthday coming up in about 23 days 🙂 – And while they were busy doing something – I’m not exactly sure what they were doing – I realized I had a celebrity guest who came into the room with the three of us. It was a large room, reminded me of a library in a mansion (?) I’m not sure exactly what I was doing either, but I was slightly south-east of the center of the room and the women were in the north-west, and the celebrity guest came in from farther east and slightly north of me. I thought I should introduce the women to the guest and as I began to do so, realized that the woman I thought was Diane was someone else, so halfway through my introduction speech, I panicked and forgot everybody’s names, I asked the woman who wasn’t Diane, “How formally should I introduce you, tell him you are Miss Chapin?” and then thankfully woke up before I died of embarrassment.

— When I woke up from that is when I realized I had that wicked splitting headache.

Dreamy Banff
— And — another dreamy lookin’ place, Banff, Alberta —


— sigh –,

~~~~~ Jim