I Dreamed a High School Classmate was Blackmailed into being a Hit-Woman –

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017 —>  -14˚C / +7˚F, Dark and Clear @ 9:36 pm in Atlantic Canada on Boxing Day ( a Holiday up here ) —

Dog. wth his arm around a cat, snoozing with Holiday lights in the background.
– This has nothing to do with my dream, but cats and dogs sleeping together? That’s somebody’s dream of Harmony. –

— I dreamed one of the women I went to high school with told me she’d been blackmailed into killing people for what she called gangsters –

— One of the strange things about this dream, is that she was somebody I didn’t have much to do with in high school and only saw to talk to once since.

— hmmm?

~~~~~ Jim

Thursday, October 6th, 2016

Thursday, October 6th, 2016 — 23°C / 74°F — Sunny & Pleasant in Atlantic Canada @ 4:19 pm — Bill Pellenz’s birthday.

Yogananda Quote
– “Be a smile millionaire -” – give away smiles like they’re going out of style? – And not because you’re about to eat all those fish behind you? – Very nice quote, which has nothing to do with any dreams last night or this morning- But dolphins and underwater are cool dreamlike images. –

— Yeah – Yesterday, last night and this morning were so weird I’ll have to check with somebody’s blog to read up on weird atmospheric snarr that might be hitting us here on Earth.

= = = = =

— Earlier:

— I got up around 5:45 am – couldn’t sleep – made a cup of coffee and forgot it in the microwave – turned the television on to get the daily forecast etc. and couldn’t see anything in the dark to know whether I had to scrape the frost off Cathi’s windshield or not – She’s got a test today to see if she can qualify for a promotion/higher paying job where she works, or maybe even transfer to a more amazing place in New Brunswick, like St Andrews? — Shhh! Don’t tell the pets, they might not get over another move – Anyway, I sat down, waiting for the weather stuff and fell asleep, woke up at slightly after 7:00 am, got up from the chair, told the coffee maker to start working, went to the washroom, didn’t quite die of fright when I saw the guy on the other side of the mirror –

— I went back to the chair with a nice thick blanket to protect me from the cat, who did come along and climb onto my lap. 25 pound ‘Moe’ – working on trying to be a 30 pound cat, nestled in and purred as long as I kept patting him or rubbing his cheek bones- I fell asleep and had some intense and quick dreams.

— Aware of the weight in my arms as I fell asleep cradling Moe – I dreamed I was carrying a human baby around – the baby had a plastic extension where part of his pinky finger had been amputated, or was somehow missing. It looked like a piece of macaroni. Somebody – a female voice – told me, “I almost picked him up myself, but with all the amputations and other problems in his system, I got thoroughly ‘creeped out’. — Then I dreamed I saw a guy who was preparing a Hallowe’en costume, who was wrapping his arm in a sheet of plastic that was painted red to look bloody, while he would be carrying a plastic meat cleaver in his other hand. When I looked at him closely, I got a ‘something’s wrong with this’ feeling, and asked him, “Do you really want to harm yourself?” he looked serious, shrugged and nodded. I asked, “Is this serious? How serious are you?” He looked like he was in spiritual pain as he winced and said, “very serious-” — I asked, “What can I do? – Should I take you right to the hospital and get you some help?” — And that’s when I woke up with Moe deciding it was time to scramble off me and go find trouble to get into somewhere else. This was about 19 minutes after 7 am. I felt weak and dazed and got up and stumbled down the hall to see if Cathi was going to get up on time or had she fallen back to sleep? – She was getting up and I blurted out some of the details of my creepy dreams.

— In Real Life: The dog wanted out, The cat wanted treats. I dealt with both of them and shortly after Cathi went outside I managed to close the bedroom door and climb back into bed and became quickly comatose.

— More Real Life: I woke up at about 11:11 am and went, “Yipes! I almost forgot to feed the pets.” The pets were relieved and let me know they weren’t impressed.

— I managed to get back into the bedroom, close the door and fell safely into a deep sleep.

—***  Back in the very busy dream stream today: ***

— I connected with multiple dream streams, here are some details from the last few:

— I was showing a group of women friends around a city I thought might be New Haven, Connecticut. – One of them, my friend in this current life, who lives with her spouse in Vermont, stayed for the night in my apartment’s spare room.

— I was showing the whole group of Lyn and her friends how the the audio and audio-video recording and editing equipment and software worked.

— Then I was communicating with another woman, remotely, who was developing an upgrade to the Audio-Video editing software- She was able to connect with my computer and could see how I arranged everything in the program’s windows as she talked me through setting everything up in her beta test version. She asked me where I liked to keep the video streaming window and how I liked to set up the various streams below that, which colours the streams should be so the most important caught and held my attention the best. She also noted that I like to keep all this, the  video window and the tracking graphs for video levels and various sound channels – on the left in one large related panel with a vertical window on the right with all the various controls as closely related to the channels they were controlling as possible. She said she appreciated my efforts because she didn’t get much of a chance to know what her end users wanted and appreciated the most –

— I went to dinner with my friend Lyn and several of her friends, we went to a restaurant with a second story open air balcony, overlooking a nice suburban area with lots of trees and gardens and interesting lines of curving roads and hills and streams-

— Lyn’s friends went their separate ways and she came ‘home’ with me, we paused to look at the river across the street from my apartment building, which had once been a movie theatre – the river had long ago carved a pretty deep gorge out of solid rock -the river’s surface was probably fifty to seventy five feet down inside the gorge, which had interestingly carved and sculpted features- but at that time of day, the sun was reflecting on the surface of the river so brightly we were nearly blinded.

— Next morning, Lyn’s up and getting ready to go back to her home – looking for things to pack and trying to make sure she’s got everything. — I picked up a soft brown fleece jacket  with sections made to look like a vest over a sweatshirt, with slightly different, but complimentary shades of brown – the vest part was lighter than the darker, almost rust coloured sections of the jacket. The jacket had a hood which was lighter than the dark part, but half a shade darker than the vest? – I asked her if that jacket was hers. She thanked me – said it was almost identical to a favourite jacket of hers that she lost somewhere, and she was afraid she’d left this replacement jacket somewhere in our various travels the day before. I said, nope- I found it on the back of a chair in the kitchen, and I knew it was yours because of the patterns on the shoulders – which looked like an abstract arrangement of subtle flowers with most of the colours in the brown area with hints of orange and yellow and more subtle hints of red.

— We went outside and there were a lot of people staring at the river across the street, including a lot of grade school aged children, mostly boys. The sky was very grey, it was windy, the river had risen  almost to the top of the gorge and was raging, some water was splashing up onto a ledge that might have been five feet from the nearly flat top of the rock out there, on the other side of the highway. I turned to Lyn and said, “We better get out of here-” She nodded.

— On our way back to my apartment, which was the last door on the right of that building, one of the young boys pointed to the next door to the left of mine and said, “That looks like it used to be a ticket window.” A woman who was probably in her forties or fifties, opened that door, said, “Yes it was, this building used to be a movie theatre.” And I smiled and said, “And my door used to lead to the owner’s office-“

= = = = =

— When I woke up I felt disoriented and so strange that I thought I better check with Starfire Tor’s pages and see if she’s told us anything about weird solar storms and/or geo-magnetic storms on earth creating weird dreams and stuff like that lately.

— Um – shrug? ( I shrugged- )

~~~~~ Jim

Splitting Headache Before Weird Dreams About Open Doors And Strange Things About Pets

Thursday, September 29th, 2016 — 11°C / 51°F — Sunny & Cool in Atlantic Canada @ 10:45 am —

Stonehenge at night.
— Stonehenge At Night – Seems like a fitting image for a Dream Journal Entry —

— I woke up at something like 3:45 am with a wicked headache. Could have been a combination of allergies and sleeping with my neck in a wrong position-?

— So I stumbled around with one eye half open and made a cup of instant coffee – hoping the caffeine would do the trick & went and sat back in the recliner in the living room.

— Woke up a little later with the same degree of ‘wicked’ headache, got up, ate something, took two aspirin and another cup of coffee.

— That appears to have worked. I was able to get up and start the coffee so the love of my life would have one less arduous task to get herself together and out the door on time. But then I sat back down and conked out. I think I heard her going out the porch door.

Very blue river.
— & I’m thinkin’ – these colours from this angle also looks quite dreamlike. The photographer is German, I’m guessing this might be somewhere in Germany. —

***** Dreams :

— I dreamt we replaced our outside east facing door with a more solid door that was half an inch too narrow and tried to compensate by adding a second door – a bifold door with windows – inside the one that didn’t quite close right. — The door blew open a couple times, I gave up and { inside the dream – } tried to get some sleep.

— I turned around and saw a blur on the floor, a weird green cartoon of a dog formed around the blur and looked like a caricature of a dead dog – When I got to look through the green thing, I saw a small dog who was quite lively and not dead. I also saw a cat I was sure was Domino – our dearly departed Bengal Cat – but a bit smaller and maybe younger than Domino when we knew him. I think a couple more smallish animals had gotten into the house while the doors had been open.

— Sigh –, I really miss that cat.


— There were two women I thought I recognized, one of them being long time family friend, Diane P. Torres – who’s got a birthday coming up in about 23 days 🙂 – And while they were busy doing something – I’m not exactly sure what they were doing – I realized I had a celebrity guest who came into the room with the three of us. It was a large room, reminded me of a library in a mansion (?) I’m not sure exactly what I was doing either, but I was slightly south-east of the center of the room and the women were in the north-west, and the celebrity guest came in from farther east and slightly north of me. I thought I should introduce the women to the guest and as I began to do so, realized that the woman I thought was Diane was someone else, so halfway through my introduction speech, I panicked and forgot everybody’s names, I asked the woman who wasn’t Diane, “How formally should I introduce you, tell him you are Miss Chapin?” and then thankfully woke up before I died of embarrassment.

— When I woke up from that is when I realized I had that wicked splitting headache.

Dreamy Banff
— And — another dreamy lookin’ place, Banff, Alberta —


— sigh –,

~~~~~ Jim




Friends’ Reunion – Rock and Roll Bands – Sporty Cars & ATM Cards

Friday, August 21st, 2015 -( 28˚C / 82˚F — Sunny & almost bearable – & a bit muggy @4:44 pm in Atlantic Canada — on Dottie Shrader’s Birthday )-

Dream like seascape/landscape.
– Game Development Screen Shot – Doug’s ‘Highe Elf’ Builder Character staring out to sea at fog enshrouded mountainous islands off shore.

— I dreamed I dropped in on a mini-reunion of friends from high school & the one I knew since Jr High was there and I didn’t think that was strange even though he’d died suddenly and unexpectedly on his way home from a holiday dinner in Boston a couple years ago – After we had dinner in their hotel, I had to go somewhere, so the friend who is still alive in the real world gave me a ride in his sporty black ‘American’ car – I wasn’t sure what make and model, just that it was made in the USA. & I had plans to meet them back at the hotel after my previously scheduled engagement. I rode in the back seat and didn’t think that was strange, or that there was a dark fog in the passenger’s seat in front where my friend who had died ( I didn’t remember that in the dream ) came along for the ride.

— My ‘previously scheduled engagement’ was a rehearsal of a Rock and Roll band that I guess I was part of. I was the last to arrive and when I got there, everybody was sitting around, no instruments were out, they were sitting at a table and informed me that one member of the band had delivered a tantrum and quit. When I asked if we were going to rehearse without our prima donna they all said, “No -” they weren’t in the mood.

— I don’t know how I got back to the hotel but when I got there, an assistant manager met me after announcing my name with a bull horn and told me my friends had left and the ATM machines all around the country were all down, so their stay had been charged to my credit card, which was the only one that had worked.

— So I went to the late evening snack I had just paid for, found nobody there but me, sat down and ate all the french fries. Then one of my friends’ woman friends showed up, went for the french fries and snarled at me saying, “That’s not the way we do things around here -” I shrugged and said, “Well everybody else’s credit cards and ATM cards are frozen and I just paid for three days of everybody’s rooms and dinner -” and shrugged again.

— I woke up and realized it was after 4 pm, I had fallen asleep between 2 and 3 pm and I had a dog’s nose in my face, he was trying to see if I was still alive enough to let him go outside to pee and back in to raid the refrigerator for the treat he believes he deserves for not peeing inside the house. 


— shrug –,

~~~~~ Jim

Family Reunion Dream

Monday, October 13, 2014  — Thanksgiving Day in Canada, Scarf’s Birthday in Ithaca —


I dreamed a lot of family members were at a family reunion that lasted several days at a house I didn’t recognize. I dreamed I slept in a couple different beds while I was there. One time I woke up our current orange cat, Moe, had gotten into some oil, had very black messy oil all over his head and back, and he wasn’t saying anything, Wasn’t meowing or complaining about anything, and when he opened his mouth he was all black inside his mouth, his jaws, his gums, roof of his mouth, tongue and his teeth. I was hoping he’d let me clean him up before something really bad happened.

Then we were listening to my father talking on and on about what he’d been up to, and I realized I had slept at least one night in his bed and that felt creepy. And then I was out in the woods somewhere, following tracks and roads that were mostly very rudimentary, two parallel tire tracks through fields and stuff. I found my father’s house, it looked like a modular unit, kind of like a glorified mobile home with a garage attached. I think the house was brown. Somebody told me that it sounded like my father was making progress in taking control of his life, avoiding some people who weren’t exactly good for him and deciding for himself who he would see and who he would hang out with. I started to follow this person back to the reunion, but it felt to me like he was following another path off away from the reunion.

Then I was back at the reunion between my cousin Glenn and his mother, Aunt Phyllis, catching up with them – they both ‘passed over’ Phyllis before 1990, I think, Glenn in 2001? soon after his 50th birthday. And my cousin, Sue, who moved to Arizona several years ago and dropped out of touch with just about everybody, who had a special closeness with Glenn, said, “Sometimes I can smell him, like I know he’s in the room with me.” And I told her that any time she thinks of him he can tell and be right there with her. She wasn’t very comfortable with that.

Then we were making plans to leave the reunion and I checked with my mother to see if I was getting a ride home with her -she doesn’t drive- she said no, the woman who was giving her a ride had plans to stop off and see how her children were doing and there wasn’t room in her car for me. I asked how I was supposed to get home, mom said, ‘Safely’.

Then I was walking through a city apartment house and heard a chain saw or something, saw kids around the age of 6 to 8 getting out of the way as somebody on a dirt bike came charging down a flight of stairs and headed for the door, revving his engine. But then the dirt bike rider stopped and parked the bike, inside the door, off to the left. He was probably between 12 and 15 years old.

Then I woke up. I got the feeling that the person who explained that my father was making progress had been an angel.


Dream Contact With Living Relatives?

Saturday, September 13th, 2014 –

I had a long, involved series of dreams in which my recently deceased cousin, Tommy, might have been showing me around his ‘neck of the woods’ in the afterlife.

And then I had a talk with his mother – and that talk went more smoothly in dream land than I imagined it might have down here in the smoke and GMO-poisoned ‘Real-World’.

It definitely felt like my aunt that I was talking to / in contact with. I don’t think I’m going to ask her directly if she dreamed about me last night-
