Weird Dream Before The Storm

Thursday, January 4th, 2018 —> -13˚C / +9˚F & very grey @ 7:18 am in Atlantic Canada —> More Like -7˚C @11:30 am – according to one source – and +24˚F according to another —> with anything from 15 cm / approximately 6 inches —> to 45 cm / a foot and a half – of snow & high winds —> forecast for this afternoon and/or the next 24 hours. —> They’re calling it a ‘Weather Bomb’ & a “Nor’Easter” —> New Brunswick Power is calling in emergency teams to be ready in case a lot of power outages hit the fan. —

Dalai Lama Quote on Positive thinking.
– This is a retweet of something posted by @noveliciouss – of a Dalai Lama Quote: “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” – 🙂

— Okay, so with a major dump of snow and high winds forecast – I fell asleep listening to the bubbling of a Fibre Optics ‘cable’ station that shows an aquarium with tropical fish swimming around ’24/7′ Which might almost explain part of this weird dream or mildly interrupted series of dreams.

— One odd thing, is part of this was in black and white. I almost never dream in black and white. This is the only example of a black and white portion of a dream that I can think of.

— Before I went to sleep I also tried to put out the intention that ‘the Universe’ send me inspiration for a few things that have me stumped as to what the novel I’m trying to get into a decent form by the end of this month needs most.

—> Sigh. It began with disjointed clips of small black and white images. An underwater diver in a diving suit that made him look like a mouse seemed to be trapped, held down by a chain on a flat, even bottom of some kind of underwater environment. A woman in a lab coat was posing with a lit cigarette, looking like a poster child for “Mean girls grow up to be mean women”.

— A slightly larger – and washed out, but not quite black and white – image of a man and a woman, who looked like they were desperately in love – but were separated from each other by a thick wall of shatter-proof glass. I knew it was shatterproof because they tried hard to break it and then kind of gasped at each other and looked like they tried to press themselves together through the glass as tears went down both parties’ cheeks.

— There was a series of vignettes of people of all ages doing very mundane things, separately or together.

— There were scenes of what looked like college aged men and women sitting in chairs with VR gear / masks on their faces – and their arms and legs clamped down ‘so they couldn’t accidentally hurt themselves’.

— And there was a hospital room with a series of refrigerators full of human organs, and a beating heart hooked up to clear plastic tubes through which blood was flowing both ways, in and out of the heart.

— I almost woke up at this point, but I saw the diver again like I was swimming down to him. Then I moved back enough so somebody else in a skin-diving wet suit and aqualung, face mask and flippers – swam in and began trying to untangle the diver from the chain , but discovered that the diver – who looked like he was wearing something like Medieval armor with a face-plate that gave him a pointed cone like nose that made him look like a mouse – had an oxygen hose that went down under the sand (that looked more like pebbles, like pea sized gravel) and the skin diver tried to dig down to get that air hose free.

— Then something like an angel appeared and touched them both, and in a flash – they were out of the water and in a room somewhere – a large room that looked like it had concrete walls and a concrete floor and I couldn’t see the ceiling. The skin diver began trying to pull the rusty chains away from the other diver and the diver in the mouse suit pulled a gun from somewhere and shot the skin diver. Then he pulled off his helmet and looked around, angry, looking for the angel, looking like a trained killer with his automatic pistol in front of him, pointed at wherever he looked, like he wanted to find that angel and kill it.

— And then I saw that mean woman in the white lab coat supervising an operation in which several surgeons were harvesting organs from a living donor who was wired into the VR gear and held immobile with his arms and legs firmly clamped to the chair. They could watch the VR experience this guy was having on a wide wrap around monitor screen behind him and up, over his head. The mean woman got a signal from one of the surgeons as several of them removed a beating heart and then others moved in to harvest the lungs. And then the surgeon who was signalling nodded and gave her the thumbs up (through a thick window) and the mean woman walked to a series of monitors and threw a switch that turned off all life support. Beeping warnings went off, the man in the VR gear began thrashing and trying to kick and then gave up and all the monitors flat lined. The mean woman smiled.

— I fought against waking up at that point, I did not want that dream to end that way. I opened my eyes at 4:15 am and felt like crying, realized I still had 45 minutes before I wanted to wake up to start doing my yoga exercises at 5 am. I felt dis-heartened, I didn’t want to dream anything like that, ever.

— but then I began to see small black and white squares in the darkened universe in front of me with my eyes closed – staring at nothing, and when I looked more closely I saw that guy in the mouse suit and I saw the ‘angel’ come up behind him and clasp his hands on the sides of the ‘mouse’-like helmet and transport the diver to a smallish room with a sand coloured floor, again, the floor looked more like small pebbles than sand, and the mouse-helmeted guy reached for his gun and the angel touched the gun and disappeared with it. That mouse-helmeted guy took his helmet off and looked around, walked around until he bumped into thick glass walls and then walked around with his hand against one wall, left footprints behind himself just deep enough to assure himself that he could find his way back – It became obvious to this guy that he was in a maze and there were incredibly huge sharks swimming around on the other side of the glass, some of them swam at him like they were about to attack and seemed shocked when they hit the wall on their side. At one point the guy that had been wearing the mouse helmet saw beyond what he had come to believe was a huge aquarium, to another dry floored room maybe twenty meters away. That room was lit up a lot brighter than the murky room the guy who had been wearing that mouse helmet was in. He watched several ‘test subjects’ attempt to wake up other test subjects and frantically tell them they were in danger and should get out of there. Some test subjects were so groggy they couldn’t understand what was going on, others gave their would be rescuers the finger and grabbed their gear and went back in to whatever simulated reality they had been enjoying. — One of the test subjects acted like he was stunned, a bit groggy, but thankful for being rescued, then pulled a gun from beside his chair and shot all the freed test subjects he could. Then the angel got that guy and transported him without his gun somewhere else and the couple of test subjects that had successfully played dead or hid themselves got up, grabbed the gun and tried to help any of their friends who weren’t dead.

— The guy who had been wearing the mouse helmet found an axe and picked it up. He continued walking along that wall through twists and turns and found the guy who had shot the would-be escapees, showed him the axe and the other guy nodded and followed the guy with the axe, found a sledge hammer in a murky sand coloured gravel floored room, picked it up and continued to follow the  first guy. They found the mean woman – who looked very disheveled and disoriented – lying in the gravel with her tight skirt and stiletto heals. They helped her up and she glared at them like she wanted to kill them for  seeing her when she wasn’t in total control of everything that was happening. The three of them walked on until they hit a dead end. The mean woman growled, “You idiots are useless,” took the sledge hammer from the second guy and started slamming against the glass. The guy with the axe took a couple swings, the mean woman nodded approvingly, handed the sledge hammer to the second guy and gestured with a sneer on her face, indicated the glass wall and stepped back – watched the two guys try to smash the glass and searched herself for cigarettes then sighed in frustration, cajoled the two men to try harder until they cracked the glass and swung harder and broke the glass and were deluged by tons of incoming water, swirled around, and gulped the last bits of air they could and held their breath as they were swept out into a huge aquarium and began to kick and try to swim upward toward what they  hoped was the surface of the water. But a school of huge sharks came along and the quickest sharks got themselves a tiny between-meal snack.

— Schnarr!

— I still do not want to experience another dream like that, even though I knew it was a dream for more than half of it.

— Shudder!

~~~~~ Jim


I Dreamed a High School Classmate was Blackmailed into being a Hit-Woman –

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017 —>  -14˚C / +7˚F, Dark and Clear @ 9:36 pm in Atlantic Canada on Boxing Day ( a Holiday up here ) —

Dog. wth his arm around a cat, snoozing with Holiday lights in the background.
– This has nothing to do with my dream, but cats and dogs sleeping together? That’s somebody’s dream of Harmony. –

— I dreamed one of the women I went to high school with told me she’d been blackmailed into killing people for what she called gangsters –

— One of the strange things about this dream, is that she was somebody I didn’t have much to do with in high school and only saw to talk to once since.

— hmmm?

~~~~~ Jim

Friday. November 17th, 2017 —

Friday, November 17th, 2017 — +2˚C / +35˚F with light rain @ 7:30 am in Atlantic Canada —

Madawaska (Ontario) River Fog.
Dreamscape from 2008

— Just before I woke up – I was telling somebody, “Yes, the whole time Cathi was shooting film in the haunted house I receiving those images and making sure we got them-”

— Journalist’s response: “You were right there with her?”

— Me: “I was getting her live feed through WiFi – Plus we were connected – Spiritually – the whole time.”

— —> As I was waking up  @ around 6:15 am local time I was self checking my words for accuracy and told myself, “We always have been connected – Spiritually -” & thought that was literally True – No matter what.

~~~~~ Jim

Wednesday – November 15th, 2017 —

Wednesday, November 15th, 20107 — 8:30 am-ish —

Weire on Madawaska River, Arnprior, ONtario on a foggy January Morning in 2008
– Another 2008 Dreamscape –

— In the midst of an often changing dream – or series of dreams – a thread came up in which I became aware of some kind of coupe d’etat – I thought it was in Europe – maybe in the pre- World War The First era.

— I realized I was dreaming for a short time, inside the dream – as I followed the twists and turns that brought an intellectual – ‘a-political’ man into a ‘lucky’ position in which he realized he could facilitate a positive change for his country and steer it away from all kinds of probable catastrophes that seemed to him to be ‘more than inevitable’ if the ambitious military that pulled off the coupe remained in power for more than a couple days. This man knew a ‘princess’ with actual ‘royal blood’ from an earlier deposed monarchy – who probably had a legitimate claim to power – & this princess was unaware of her lineage etc. The man helped the princess marry a charismatic man with some political ‘clout’ and popular support who was totally unrelated/un-involved with the military ‘usurpers’.

— Extraneous forces revealed that the men behind the coupe had fabricated the evidence they used to convince their underlings to go along with their plans and the intellectual helped ‘leak’ this information to the Press and to other active rumour mills. The public, and ‘all those who mattered’ quickly came to realize they had been deceived by greedy, lying, unethical, corrupt men who planned to use subterfuge, deceit and the secret police to gain and retain power. The intellectual also managed to get the information ‘out there’ that the princess was an actual princess with a legitimate claim to the old throne in whatever country this was.

— And then after very ethical loyalists with loads of popular support stage a counter-coupe and round up all the ‘usurpers’ and move the charismatic husband of the princess into power the intellectual man is offered a position as a chief advisor to the new government –

— & Inside this dream, I was suddenly fully identified with that intellectual guy and I graciously declined the offer to become the government’s chief advisor and suggested instead that a person I knew was a high-ranking / highly evolved member of the Sufi movement be offered that position instead, saying that this individual was much more qualified than I was to steer the government in the most auspicious and most positive directions.

= = = = =

— About two hours after I woke up and wrote this down I turned on the CBC network news and learned that they had ‘Breaking News’ that there had been a coupe d’etat in Zimbabwe —

— Eek? —

~~~~~ Jim

—> I Dreamed I Was Offered An On-Line Job <---

Monday, May 29th, 2017  —> +9˚C / +49˚F  —> Dark & Overcast @ 4:41 am in Atlantic Canada —

River from above
Nashwaak River from the footbridge – May 20, 2017

— Yesterday, Cathi dreamed she was offered a temporary position in England and was contemplating the positives ( travel – visiting very old heritage sites, having the ability to check hard copy records for evidence of ancestral lives —> ) and the possible negatives { Is everything super expensive over there? How can I afford to stay anywhere? — Will I still be able to keep up with my bills back at home? } —> & when she woke up she was still thinking about the possibilities and challenges that offer inside that dream presented —> & She couldn’t wait to fire up her computer and write that down in her dream log.

—> Now it’s my turn?

— I dreamed I was offered a position designing and developing an on-line environment for hosting virtual reality conferences. If the multi-user / private conference rooms caught on, I was assured, corporate clients who’d been assured their conferences could not be spied on and the records of their meetings & conferences would be un-hackable and available and completely under their control —> all proceedings would be scrambled and undecipherable to anyone who had not been personally handed a key to that day’s / that conference’s proceedings —> If that caught on { My employer would charge the corporations reasonable rates, considering the security and privacy involved – } I would be able to develop gaming environments with just as much privacy and security for much lower subscription rates, because the major corporations would be paying the salaries of the top IT engineers and security experts who would constantly be keeping up with all the latest security hacks and patches —>

—> Hmmmmm ?

~~~~~ Jim

Buzzing Sound Inside My Head & Home Invasion Dream?

Friday, May 26th, 2017  —>  +9˚C / +47˚F & ‘Dark’ & cloudy —> threatening rain @ the dark of the moon in Atlantic Canada @ 4:59 am —> I think today is Jane Kohler’s Birthday —

— Dreams :

—> (1.) — I dreamed I was hearing a buzzing sound. At first I thought I was making that sound, then I wondered if the sound was real, from outside my head. At first I thought the people in my dream would blame me for making that sound, then I wondered if I was the only one in my immediate area who could hear it and the strange looks I was getting was from people who wondered why I looked like I was acutely worried about something. — This dream ended — I might have nearly woken up and then faded back into sleep. —

—> ( 2.) — In real life, in the real world – I fell asleep sitting in a recliner.

— I dreamed I was alone in a house almost identical to the one I lived in for 43 years { not counting several nearly year-long absences when I tried to in Vermont, and New Hampshire, and longer absences when I tried to live in New York State or while I was in the US Navy. —> I figure those absences don’t quite count? }

— Anyway —> I was alone in that house and had been watching rented videos on rented equipment and got very tired and fell asleep in another recliner in the dream – in the dream world.

—> Still dreaming the same dream, I found myself in the basement, walking around, hearing somebody at the back door, and then heard them breaking into the house. I climbed the stairs and discovered myself paralyzed in the recliner, in a room behind the kitchen – reminiscent of our old ‘back room’ that served as a sometimes spare bedroom, sometimes junk collection room, sometime home for a clothes dryer when we had one.

—> Somebody who looked a little like Rutger Hauer had a contraption that looked like an old-time movie projector set up on our kitchen table. I managed to say, “Hey- what are you doing here?” and got his alarmed attention. He drew a knife and came at me, grinning, motioning with his free hand that I should get up and defend myself.

— Like I said, I was paralyzed and couldn’t get up.

— He gave up with the knife and tried to use a very strange-looking electric power saw, but I could move my hands and arms and I managed to block and then push the saw down and I guess broke its connection with its electric cable. The guy looked confused and worried, like I should not be able to know he was there and I should not be able to defend myself from him.

— I asked him, “What the heck are you doing here anyway? Trying to watch some old-time movie?” I had the intuitive feeling that this guy was using ‘black-ops’ ‘extra-dimensional’ technology and wondered if my Yoga training could actually protect me from something like that. I began chanting what was supposed to be Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite chant, “Sri Ram” –

— The guy took off  in a big hurry –

— I continued trying to regain complete control of my body, I was getting somewhere and struggling to get up out of the chair. I heard crackling and turned around to see that the guy had set the house on fire on his way out. I thought I better save the rented equipment, then I thought I should call the fire department first, make sure I could get out of the house and then think about saving the rental equipment and my computers, especially the USB key and the hard drive that had all my backed up writing on it.

— I woke up  in the real world, realized the dog was sleeping on the floor behind me, looked around to make sure this house wasn’t on fire and hurried to the wash room – Then I wrote this down on my aging Mac Mini and here we are. —> Alive and well in the real world?

~~~~~ Jim

Between Life Options?

Friday, May 19th, 2017 —> Peter Bochan of WPKN’s Birthday 🙂 —

— I dreamed I was talking with several friends who met each other between lives to help us remember who we were and what we had been and done in our past lives together.

— We were worried about one friend who had just had a tough life and might have ‘burned out’ and might try to bluff his way through a life review / integrity test. We thought that if he was anything but totally honest he might get ‘sent back’ to learn a few tough lessons all over again.

— Those of us who had recovered from traumatic lives and deaths knew there were several levels in the Astral realms & higher realms we couldn’t get to from where we were without passing certain tests that would come up every now and then – { I wasn’t completely sure about how and when these ‘tests’ came up and what that process was entirely }

— I think we meditated a lot and that process was similar to what many of us do down here in the material universe – During one of my meditations I saw a kind of ‘pop up window’ appear in front of me with an option to ‘graduate’ to a higher realm / higher level of understanding with increased access to higher lessons and possibly more effective healing abilities or something like that. —> I went to tell my friends about that, understood I was not supposed to tell them all the details about what I had done, or what hurdle/obstacle I had overcome in that meditation, but I knew it was perfectly okay to let them know that we were all making positive progress and we were not all stalled indefinitely at the level we had attained.

— One of our friends told us that he had been told it was time for him to go back down to the material universe and see if he could apply the lessons he had learned in this session between material lives. I volunteered to follow his progress long enough to see if things were turning out well for him ‘down there in the smoke and fog of forgetfulness’ –

— Someone asked me if the option I had just earned to move up to a higher level was something I should ‘jump on’ right away and let my friends on that level deal with their own tests and obstacles on their individual paths to evolutionary progress. I didn’t have to think about that for more than a ‘split second’ before I received the assurance that I could tell them, “I think that part of the reason I was given the option to ascend like that was because I was willing to keep tabs on you guys and try to send you spiritual pats on the back when things get tough down there-”

— Everybody was happy to hear that. { Oh, and this was definitely a co-ed group of friends. }

~~~~~ Jim

Butterfish Pond? Merkenack Lake?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 —>

— My sister, Sharon, found photos of me making faces {Sticking my tongue out at the camera? } and wearing US Navy dungarees & a plain white tee shirt. In one photo I was smiling, holding a young boy on my knee with a friend whose head was shaved – clowning with a monicle in his eye and wearing a brown leather jacket. I didn’t recognize the friend or the kid who might have been mine (?)

— I stopped looking at the photographs and heard mom and dad come home – I went down stairs into what looked pretty much like the house we lived in on Huntington Road in Stratford. Dad took a small black dog { Flipper? } out the front door on a leash { which almost never would have happened in this life – either the leash or dad taking the dog out for a walk } I followed mom into the kitchen. She went into their bedroom beyond the kitchen and I turned around to see dad had come back inside, & he said something about looking at, ‘Butterfish [ something ] ‘ – I asked him, “Butterfish  – what – ?” & he repeated, “Butterfish Pond, near Merkenack Lake.”

— I woke up and saw that it was 7:50 am. I got up and realized that Cathi had just gone into the washroom. I wondered if she was sick. [ —> Nope, just running late. ]

— I went and looked up Butterfish Pond, found a warning about eating something that was falsely marketed as ‘Butterfish’ but was really something with undigestible oil that could cause severe stress, especially with somebody with stomach troubles. “Butterfish” was also a description of catfish fried in butter.

— & I looked up Merkenack Lake —> The only hit at google was for somebody whose surname was Merkenback { Elise? and it came with a date “4 November 1866″ and was part of a list connected with ‘Brooklyn Geneology’ — Brooklyn Marriage Records?

{ }

{”    LAKE, Charles Henry. GAUS, Elisabetha. 9 Sept 1866. #403.

LANG, Wilhelm Friedrich.  MERKENBACK, Elise. 4 Nov 1866. #629.  “}   { ??? }

— Shrug —

Thursday – October 27th, 2016 –

Thursday, October 27th, 2016 — 3°C / 37°F with bright sun and cool air in Atlantic Canada @ 10:44 am — WPKN’s personality and host of ‘Sometimes Classical’ – Richard Epstein has a birthday today —

Peace Tower.
Yoko Ono’s ‘Imagine Peace Tower’ dedicated to the memory of John Lennon. This was tweeted ten days ago on the 17th.

— Couple of dreams this morning.

— One – I woke up hearing a woman’s voice tell me, “I’m with your mother-” I didn’t recognize the voice. ( Mom died last April – I haven’t seen her in any dreams yet. I get the impression that I can feel her presence quite a bit – )

— Two – I was a student in some kind of training program, I thought I recognized several other students there from my past – Women from my class in school that I didn’t believe would want to have much to do with me – There were both women and guys in this group and I thought we were learning something to do with producing video and audio programs for broadcast. I think we were in a ‘break’ room where there were chairs and couches at all different heights – some raised seat things at a height you might expect at a sports bar/restaurant (?) some at normal height, sofas and ‘love seats’ closer to the floor. Some of these seats had their cushions removed, I didn’t see the cushions anywhere – but some of the seats just had something like a steel criss-crossed grid to hold cushions and no cushions. I came back into this room after having some kind of interview with the teachers and/or administrators of this course. I asked several teachers or administrators where their headquarters was, expecting that it would be in New York City, and had to ask at least three times to get an answer I could understand, that answer was “In this city, on South street.” I repeated, ‘South Street?’ and they nodded, affirmatively.

— Getting back into the break room, I had several people congratulating me for something. Asking me if I won. I wasn’t sure what they were referring to, but when one young woman in the class was talking about her project I was thinking I could certainly help her with recording the audio tracks and help her get that as professional sounding as possible.

— Then someone, a guy, who I thought was one of the most important people in the organization was smiling and shaking my hand. He told me he was pretty sure I won the Audi. { I haven’t paid attention to Audi automobiles in the past dozen years, and maybe not so much before that – This was a complete surprise to me. I was thinking of Cathi’s and my recent issues with vehicles and only managed to say, “That would be nice-” }

— And then I woke up with the cat harrassing me because it was time for the pets morning feeding, & of course the cat wanted his treats first.

— Umm — ? —

~~~~~ Jim

Thursday, October 6th, 2016

Thursday, October 6th, 2016 — 23°C / 74°F — Sunny & Pleasant in Atlantic Canada @ 4:19 pm — Bill Pellenz’s birthday.

Yogananda Quote
– “Be a smile millionaire -” – give away smiles like they’re going out of style? – And not because you’re about to eat all those fish behind you? – Very nice quote, which has nothing to do with any dreams last night or this morning- But dolphins and underwater are cool dreamlike images. –

— Yeah – Yesterday, last night and this morning were so weird I’ll have to check with somebody’s blog to read up on weird atmospheric snarr that might be hitting us here on Earth.

= = = = =

— Earlier:

— I got up around 5:45 am – couldn’t sleep – made a cup of coffee and forgot it in the microwave – turned the television on to get the daily forecast etc. and couldn’t see anything in the dark to know whether I had to scrape the frost off Cathi’s windshield or not – She’s got a test today to see if she can qualify for a promotion/higher paying job where she works, or maybe even transfer to a more amazing place in New Brunswick, like St Andrews? — Shhh! Don’t tell the pets, they might not get over another move – Anyway, I sat down, waiting for the weather stuff and fell asleep, woke up at slightly after 7:00 am, got up from the chair, told the coffee maker to start working, went to the washroom, didn’t quite die of fright when I saw the guy on the other side of the mirror –

— I went back to the chair with a nice thick blanket to protect me from the cat, who did come along and climb onto my lap. 25 pound ‘Moe’ – working on trying to be a 30 pound cat, nestled in and purred as long as I kept patting him or rubbing his cheek bones- I fell asleep and had some intense and quick dreams.

— Aware of the weight in my arms as I fell asleep cradling Moe – I dreamed I was carrying a human baby around – the baby had a plastic extension where part of his pinky finger had been amputated, or was somehow missing. It looked like a piece of macaroni. Somebody – a female voice – told me, “I almost picked him up myself, but with all the amputations and other problems in his system, I got thoroughly ‘creeped out’. — Then I dreamed I saw a guy who was preparing a Hallowe’en costume, who was wrapping his arm in a sheet of plastic that was painted red to look bloody, while he would be carrying a plastic meat cleaver in his other hand. When I looked at him closely, I got a ‘something’s wrong with this’ feeling, and asked him, “Do you really want to harm yourself?” he looked serious, shrugged and nodded. I asked, “Is this serious? How serious are you?” He looked like he was in spiritual pain as he winced and said, “very serious-” — I asked, “What can I do? – Should I take you right to the hospital and get you some help?” — And that’s when I woke up with Moe deciding it was time to scramble off me and go find trouble to get into somewhere else. This was about 19 minutes after 7 am. I felt weak and dazed and got up and stumbled down the hall to see if Cathi was going to get up on time or had she fallen back to sleep? – She was getting up and I blurted out some of the details of my creepy dreams.

— In Real Life: The dog wanted out, The cat wanted treats. I dealt with both of them and shortly after Cathi went outside I managed to close the bedroom door and climb back into bed and became quickly comatose.

— More Real Life: I woke up at about 11:11 am and went, “Yipes! I almost forgot to feed the pets.” The pets were relieved and let me know they weren’t impressed.

— I managed to get back into the bedroom, close the door and fell safely into a deep sleep.

—***  Back in the very busy dream stream today: ***

— I connected with multiple dream streams, here are some details from the last few:

— I was showing a group of women friends around a city I thought might be New Haven, Connecticut. – One of them, my friend in this current life, who lives with her spouse in Vermont, stayed for the night in my apartment’s spare room.

— I was showing the whole group of Lyn and her friends how the the audio and audio-video recording and editing equipment and software worked.

— Then I was communicating with another woman, remotely, who was developing an upgrade to the Audio-Video editing software- She was able to connect with my computer and could see how I arranged everything in the program’s windows as she talked me through setting everything up in her beta test version. She asked me where I liked to keep the video streaming window and how I liked to set up the various streams below that, which colours the streams should be so the most important caught and held my attention the best. She also noted that I like to keep all this, the  video window and the tracking graphs for video levels and various sound channels – on the left in one large related panel with a vertical window on the right with all the various controls as closely related to the channels they were controlling as possible. She said she appreciated my efforts because she didn’t get much of a chance to know what her end users wanted and appreciated the most –

— I went to dinner with my friend Lyn and several of her friends, we went to a restaurant with a second story open air balcony, overlooking a nice suburban area with lots of trees and gardens and interesting lines of curving roads and hills and streams-

— Lyn’s friends went their separate ways and she came ‘home’ with me, we paused to look at the river across the street from my apartment building, which had once been a movie theatre – the river had long ago carved a pretty deep gorge out of solid rock -the river’s surface was probably fifty to seventy five feet down inside the gorge, which had interestingly carved and sculpted features- but at that time of day, the sun was reflecting on the surface of the river so brightly we were nearly blinded.

— Next morning, Lyn’s up and getting ready to go back to her home – looking for things to pack and trying to make sure she’s got everything. — I picked up a soft brown fleece jacket  with sections made to look like a vest over a sweatshirt, with slightly different, but complimentary shades of brown – the vest part was lighter than the darker, almost rust coloured sections of the jacket. The jacket had a hood which was lighter than the dark part, but half a shade darker than the vest? – I asked her if that jacket was hers. She thanked me – said it was almost identical to a favourite jacket of hers that she lost somewhere, and she was afraid she’d left this replacement jacket somewhere in our various travels the day before. I said, nope- I found it on the back of a chair in the kitchen, and I knew it was yours because of the patterns on the shoulders – which looked like an abstract arrangement of subtle flowers with most of the colours in the brown area with hints of orange and yellow and more subtle hints of red.

— We went outside and there were a lot of people staring at the river across the street, including a lot of grade school aged children, mostly boys. The sky was very grey, it was windy, the river had risen  almost to the top of the gorge and was raging, some water was splashing up onto a ledge that might have been five feet from the nearly flat top of the rock out there, on the other side of the highway. I turned to Lyn and said, “We better get out of here-” She nodded.

— On our way back to my apartment, which was the last door on the right of that building, one of the young boys pointed to the next door to the left of mine and said, “That looks like it used to be a ticket window.” A woman who was probably in her forties or fifties, opened that door, said, “Yes it was, this building used to be a movie theatre.” And I smiled and said, “And my door used to lead to the owner’s office-“

= = = = =

— When I woke up I felt disoriented and so strange that I thought I better check with Starfire Tor’s pages and see if she’s told us anything about weird solar storms and/or geo-magnetic storms on earth creating weird dreams and stuff like that lately.

— Um – shrug? ( I shrugged- )

~~~~~ Jim