“Latest News From Aerendel – Page 12”

“The Weather Network Says The Polar Vortex Is Back ?”


Polar Vortex ...Wood ShedDo I know you?


“Chilly Valentines Day”

River Ice Melting

— But – Remembering friends who hated Valentines Day because they were bullied and/or never picked to be anyone’s Valentine. Perfectly beautiful people with a lot to offer – made to feel inadequate and unlovable by the stupid school system that was forced on us.

Where is my Canada's Post

And this guy with #ptsd is suffering big time and I can’t do anything but pray things begin to get better for him.

— The above tweet was posted by a guy who is currently homeless because he was fired for having PTSD symptoms during a major suicide epidemic when the previous Conservative government was closing down Veterans’ Affairs Offices to pocket over a $Billion$ and Veterans with problems had an even harder time trying to get help within a system that already tries to vilify them for not being ‘man enough’ to ‘get-over-it’ when the nightmares of brutal conditions, ugly death and military insanity in any conflict won’t just go away because some idiot with a couple of stripes says they should.

But Hummingbirds were my sister Diane’s favourites and she’d appreciate this photo of a Green Throated Mango Humming Bird.

— I had a couple weird dreams last night, and when I told her about that my favourite Valentine told me she did too. But I also made contact with a cousin who died last year – I dreamed we were in a room with a bunch of relatives – The scene reminded me of a lot of family get-together-s while we were growing up and in our twenties and thirties – My cousin sat at a computer and busied himself doing something. In the dream I remembered he’d died and I asked him if I was the only one who could see him or was he visible to everybody there. & drat – I woke up before he could reply.

Flower of Comapssion?

& Here’s a nice photograph re-tweeted by a Hispanic guy with a lot of heart.

— I’ll forget about all the time I spent today trying to fix problems caused by Microsoft’s idiotic new ‘Update’ glitches and remember the happy minutes of conversations I had with Cathi and the strange but fun interactions we always have with our four-legged friends.

— [ Imagine your favourite Happy Smiling Face here – I won’t tell you about the firefox extension add-ons that substitute cute photos of kittens for any shot of Tom Cruise in social media  🙂 ] –,

~~~~~ Jim


“This Week’s Surprising News Story? Apple Versus The F.B.I.? With Apple Sticking Up For Consumer Privacy?” —> from —HjdA—

Apple Versus The F.B.I.

— The guy who was arguing that the F.B.I. should be able to protect civilians from terrorists scoffed at the ‘slippery slope’ argument that if Apple gave government agents any help in cracking into their iPhones Then nobody’s privacy would be protected. He called Apple’s argument ‘disingenuous’. — The other side in this discussion did not mention anything about the idea that Government should be the servants of the citizenry, not despotic dictators who believe they should control everything and everybody and should have the right to snoop on everybody’s private thoughts, words and deeds. — The weird thing was, as a kind of aside in this discussion, it was mentioned that young people don’t believe their potential lack of privacy is as big a deal as do older people.

And - "[Telling The-] Truth is Treason In An Empire Of Lies"

And – “[Telling The-] Truth is Treason In An Empire Of Lies”

— Whistle-Blowers are often stunned by the revelation that the people they believe they are protecting and defending by maintaining their high level of ethics don’t appreciate their efforts. — I remember hearing one US citizen announce that if he ever saw Ralph Nader crossing a road on a dark night he would not hesitate to attempt vehicular homicide. — This person bought the propaganda put out by the auto industry saying that automobile prices had to rise astronomically because of safety legislation brought on by Ralph Nader’s revealing that the industry knowingly sold vehicles that were “Unsafe At Any Speed”.

— Several Earthquakes in the past couple weeks have also caught my attention, and Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions were accurately predicted by Astrologer Dr. Luis Turi.

— This will have to be all for now. I have some ‘Real World’ commitments to fulfill.

— HjdA —


—Thank you, —HjdA—,

~~~~~ Jim


“Saturday – Snow, Then Rain, Then Snow Again – ?”

Weird Weather ...

— “Yooks Yike another weird weather day in Atlantic Canada” It began with a light snow falling, the Weather Network expects we might get a centimeter – and then they expect rain ( they were right on that ) And then they expect the rain to turn back to snow –  I don’t think they wanted to guess how much snow we might get on the second round of white stuff, but they thought we might get “≅ 10 mm.” [ almost 10 millimeters ] of rain – But they only expected the temperature to reach 0˚C / 32˚F and we’ve already gone past/above and beyond that.

Two Crows Scolding?

Two Crows were scolding me – When I picked up the camera and aimed at them, one flew away. If you can see the crow in this photo we’re both lucky. Yeah, I think I got him – Upper third & Right third of the photograph. I know what I was looking for.

— Yeah, Crow is one of my ‘totem animals’ – but I’m not about to call myself “Jim Crow”, or ‘Jim Mountain Lion” or Owl or Wolf or Turtle or Swan or Skunk – There’s a Dog in the mix too, and I think Possum shows up to protect my inner child by deflecting threats away – You can read all about that in “Medicine Cards” – don’t google it – go to smartpage dot com and protect your privacy –

snow coated Stone Wall

And This is the part of the stone wall that caught enough of this morning’s dusting to look interesting, at least to me.

— And while I was uploading photos from the camera’s SD card I realized I hadn’t uploaded the couple of photos I took during our latest visit to the north side’s Pizza Delight, ether on Maple Street or St Mary’s (street or road?)

Cathi in our friendly neighbourhood Pizza Delight Restaurant.

I might have mentioned this before, Cathi had some modeling experience as a teen-ager And she looks like a slightly different person in almost every photograph I’ve seen of her. I egged her on to pose for this one, Don’t know whether she’s putting on a modeling face of thinking I’ve lost my mind again for asking her to tip her head forward and look up at me. Almost every model I’ve ever talked to wished that professional photographers were a lot more human than they pretend to be.

— Yay? I should quit while I’m ahead –,

~~~~~ Jim

“Monday – Um – Winter Is Still With Us -“

"Saturday Was Warmer ..."

"Bullwinkle Paddling a Blue Canoe.

Cathi and I finally found the legendary “Blue Canoe” restaurant south of us here – And captured this happy view of Bullwinkle, paddling or steering a blue canoe – not with a flying squirrel – but with a Beaver paddling at the front. What an amazing work of sculpture.

— And Cathi said, “We finally found our truck-stop restaurant.” With Genuine Home-Cooked flavours and a pretty good ambiance inside. It was a bit unnerving to feel so many people inside staring at me like they were sure they knew me from somewhere and wondered why I wasn’t saying hello on sight-

Beaver and Moose Paddling a Canoe.

Here’s the entire Sculpture, or – as much as you can see from one angle –

— As we got closer to the door into the restaurant we discovered another work of sculpture –

Fisherman With a Lobster in a blue rowboat.

I can’t read the plaque from here, (bad me) but I would guess this was the same sculpture artist who sculpted the moose and beaver in the canoe – Cathi had me jump into the photo for a couple inspired takes of her own – I’ll snitch one from facebook and add it here –

— This was yesterday, the 21st of February, with the uncharacteristic ‘No Snow’ on the ground look for this area.

Fisherman Jim

Cathi’s photo of the fisherman acknowledging that he and I are probably somehow related. 😉 – on facebook Cathi gave this photo a caption saying I’d found my long-lost uncle. 🙂

— So Yesterday was cloudy and warm and today is sunny and cold again – And I better get on to things I have to do as I’ve already spent at least twice as much time on this as I expected –

— Happy Fishing? –,

~~~~~ Jim

“Wednesday – ExpectingWeird Weather -“


"But - There Could Be Mice!~ -"

“But – But – There could be mice in there!” The object of Moe’s consternation, in spite of the morning’s snow – is our new side additions to our steel garden shed. The side additions now house cut and split firewood, nicely stacked and covered with plastic to keep the weather away from the wood. Moe has always been an expert mouser. I remember my sensitive step-daughter screaming when she saw the cats torturing a mouse. Moe’s reaction? When the mouse was no fun to play with any more – it disappeared in two bites and a swallow. Chomp chomp, gulp – yum?

— This time last year our driveway had about four or five foot high walls of snow around the area we had cleared with our snow-blower. This year we were day dreaming about an early spring. People on the radio keep arguing whether global warming or climate change is a scientific reality. Here in the ‘Real World’ our escapee cat loves the fact that he can dash out past who-ever just opened a door and run outside and smile at the grass instead of trying to keep his feet out of the white stuff.

"Enough of this nonsense..."

“Okay, Been There – Done That – & I’ve had enough of this cold wet white stuff!” Moe turned around and hurried back to the safety of the nice warm enclosed porch a split second after he decided that there weren’t any mice in the wood shed.

— We do have another pet. Jassper, the perennial puppy dog (Black Lab) who doesn’t understand that he weighs five times as much as Moe, and wants to sit on my lap, or jump on my chest any time he sees the cat get away with that. Jassper was out and about this morning, slipping and sliding around in the shallow snow over slick ice from recent thaw and re-freeze cycles.

Jassper+ snow + dog run

Slightly tipped photo of Jassper (shot through the door’s insulated glass window) out prowling around, slipping and sliding, and probably disappointed there was no one about to bark at, nothing to “Boof!” about. Three dogs from the house shown down the hill there sometimes hang out in that fenced in area. Last year at this time we knew the brown hound-type dog was in there only by seeing her head moving back and forth in the groove she wore down between the three feet deep untouched snow on both sides.

— And here we are, watching the weather – expecting it to turn treacherous soon, waiting to grit our teeth and hope Cathi gets home all right, knowing she’s found the safest route from where she works to here. ( There are steep hills in Town -)

— Other than that, I’ve been hearing weird “boom boom boom” sounds all morning, thought our neighbour might have been unloading large logs from the back of his pickup truck, but no – nothing is happening there. These booms are mildly shaking the house every time they happen. — Weird ? —

— And – um, That’s probably all for now –,

~~~~~ Jim

“Sunday – March Is Here And The Time Is Right To – uh – What?”


Friday, March 4th, 2016 — //  27˚F / -3˚C & cloudy in Ithaca, NY @ 5:30 pm

Trump leading a charge of Elephants being ridden by guys in KKK disguises.

In several ways – this cartoon sums up the main stream media news I’ve been hearing lately.

— After I got home from work this morning I tried to watch the news and after I gave up on that I conked out for several hours, woke up with a headache, took a couple aspirins and went back to bed, now alluva sudden it’s 5:30 pm  and I could almost believe Donald Trump could be leading a charge of stampeding elephants and hell-beant bigots right at my door. Still have that headache, But with one eye open, I can tell there are no stampeding herds of elephants barreling down on me here. I should take another aspirin, or maybe guess I didn’t get enough caffeine and get some coffee and then chill? Where do I go to whine, “Make it go away-” ?

"Plank Walk along the bank of a body of very green water."

I don’t know why, but this photo is very appealing right now, maybe if I was -there- the warmth and the relaxed feel of being near that river, or lake, or whatever body of water it might be – would drive the headache away and let me lean back and enjoy life?

——— djo ———

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And this was posted on Thursday – on our buddy’s blog, { “—jdaerendel—” } Using photos I took and emailed :

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Looks Like Spring — Feels Like The Deep Freeze —

{ Looks Like Spring – Feels Like The Deep Freeze – }


Jim W.’s spouse – Cathi – standing near bank of the wind-whipped St John River – gazing through the bitter cold toward the South Side of Fredericton. — Photo by Jim W. —

— Thursday, 03 March, 2016 — // -10˚C / +14˚F With Bright Sunlight and Bitter Cold Wind in Atlantic Canada @ 4:59 pm //  Ian Punnett’s Birthday :)

— I met up with Jim and Cathi and we took a break in the middle of our various tasks and appointments to gaze at the beauty of the river with its very bright reflections – And stepped out of the vehicle to take a couple of photos – But — Brrrrrr! Cathi gave up trying to stand outside and take a video of the wave action causing the built up ice to undulate near the edge of the solidly frozen ice. Jim took a couple of his own photos and ran back to the warmth, grabbed his warm insulated gloves, wore one of them and pulled his right hand up inside the cuff of his jacket so he could push the camera’s shutter button and not watch the fingers freeze and drop off his hand –

Icy River Bank

“This is looking almost due south from the north side here. The sun was so bright and it was so hard to see the viewfinder that I didn’t notice the sunbeam streaking in from above when I took the photo.” — Jim W —

— Yeah, so we got all our stuff done and hurried back home to thaw out and catch up on the news that Mitt Romney is warning his fellow Republicans not to vote for Donald Trump – who he called a Con-Artist and a Fraud. A friend told us that photos of Mr Trump as well as transcripts and excerpts from some of his television spots were used by a Psychology professor to describe the look and characteristics of a “Narcissistic Sociopath”.

— Enough for now –,


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— And, on the optimistic front – Cathi told me I would like to hear what the guys from the Merlin Project had to say about the Bio-Rhythms of the front running candidates in the mess they’ve been calling the 2016 Electoral Process in the good old U.S. of A. =

— They said that things do not look particularly good for either Hillary or ‘The Donald’ – The Donald might win the nomination, but he might also be sidelined by some kind of back room deal, or “cut off at the pass” by wheeling and dealing behind the scenes. They say his Bio-Rhythms do not look healthy coming up on the real down and dirty nitty-gritty of the Race to the White House.

— Similarly – Hillary’s ‘Time Line’ ‘goes flat’ around the middle of 2016 and doesn’t pick up until the middle of 2017. The Merlin Project guys said there are indications that she might encounter significant health problems or legal problems –  which might knock her out of the race.

— But their real surprise – which caught them completely off guard – was Bernie Sanders — Whether Bernie’s Time Line’s ‘Good Stuff’ puts him in the White House or gets just about everything he’s fighting for accomplished –  they can’t say for certain. But Bernie is the only candidate visible at the moment who looks consistently really good and healthy throughout the campaign and beyond.

— On Other Fronts: “Starfire Tor” { Official Fan Page Link } who has researched and experienced “Time Shifts” and “Inter-Dimensional Phenomena” – says that the US Presidential Candidate who was supposed to win this coming election has been ‘Edited out of our Time Line’ – which, she explained, is why the current Race to the White House is so out of this world Crazy this time. {{ Um – research this one for yourself – I can neither endorse nor deny what she has to say – it’s a bit beyond my level of expertise here – }}

— And, um, then there was my own post, in “Future Archives” — I’m looking for a new name for that blog — But :

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Saturday Morning – & We’re Missing Another Weather Bomb –

Saturday, March 5, 2016 — //  -10˚C / +14˚F — overcast and damp in Atlantic Canada @ 7:43 am — // — My Friend Lyn’s Birthday —

Weather Map fprSaturday, March 5th, 2016

This Morning’s Weather Map from the Canadian Weather Network.

I’m pretty happy I won’t have to shovel over a foot of snow [ 30 cm is just about a foot ]

~~~~~ Jim

= = = = =

And that’s probably more than enough damage for now 😉

~~~~~ Jim


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