Monday, 06 October, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  —  ———jim w——— }


Monday, 06 October, 2014  -( 66˚F / 19˚C – & Clear in Ithaca, Hazy where I was  @ 2:45 pm near Ithaca )-  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Mother and child Rhinos

“Want to buy a white Rhino? South Africa’s government is selling-“

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Bermuda-bound runner Reza Baluchi in floating 'hamster wheel' rescued at sea. - A statement on Baluchi's website said the Iranian exile had planned to make the 1,662-kilometre trip in his self-designed bubble to raise money "for children in need" and "to … inspire those that have lost hope for a better future."

Bermuda-bound runner Reza Baluchi in floating ‘hamster wheel’ rescued at sea. – A statement on Baluchi’s website said the Iranian exile had planned to make the 1,662-kilometre trip in his self-designed bubble to raise money “for children in need” and “to … inspire those that have lost hope for a better future.”

{ Question of the Day: If the Harper Government is trying so damned hard to de-fang the CBC, whose news coverage has not buckled under his thumb and reported only what he approved of: Why does nobody up there see this a treason? }


Lead Articles:

Parliament to vote Tuesday evening on mission to Iraq   {   }

Quebecor to sell English newspapers to PostMedia for $316M   {  }

Canadian Forces advance team already headed to Mideast   {  }

McGill grad among 3 researchers awarded Nobel for medicine   {  }

Iraq aid announced as MPs debate 6-month ISIS combat mission   {  }

-GO PUBLIC- Pharmacists miss drug warnings, leading to mom’s ‘horrible’ death   {  }

Would you pay $20 a month to get mail delivered to your door?   { * Ronny Ray-Gun tried to privatize the mail in the U.S.A. in the 1980s –  and Conservatives/Republicans have been trying to sabotage the service ever since. Now the Ice-Hole Prime Minister in Canada and his party shills are trying real hard to do that in Canada. If I wanted to write a horror story about how Neo-Fascists took over North America, I don’t think I could have come up with a better plot.   —djo—  }

In Hong Kong protest, China’s ‘Goliath’ hasn’t blinked yet: Patrick Brown   {  }



Quonset hut.

“Andy Thomson is building a tiny home community in Mansfield, Quebec, This is the common building that houses the bathrooms and kitchen.”


Ottawa couple’s tiny dream home is the size of a living room   { “People searching for an alternative lifestyle are downsizing to the extreme and building from the ground up with a tiny home philosophy. –

  • WATCH | Ashley Burke shows you tiny home ideas tonight on CBC News Ottawa TV at 5 p.m.

– Robert and Leanne Leonardo of Ottawa are a prime example. They’re selling their 900-square-foot condo unit in favour of building their own 207-square-foot home. – To put that in perspective, the new home is smaller than their current living room. It will cost about $50,000 to build the home, not including the cost of purchasing land. – The couple hopes to live on their friend’s property in nearby Rockland for free and they are quite excited for this radical life change as they prioritize paying off their debt. – “I projected that in four to five years I would be mortgage free and debt free,” Robert said. – “My projection shows I’ll be able to recover 40 per cent of my disposable income. So I mean that offers a lot of choices in life.” –   — djo— }

Hunter finds 20 abandoned puppies in field, gives them clothes off his back   { This is repeated from yesterday, and I don’t think it’s offbeat- I think leaving those puppies out in the cold to die is inhuman and cruel.  —djo— }

Spain’s human tower competition   {  }

Homegrown polar bear talent passed up for foreign cub in Hollywood movie   { * Hey, I get to use the tag about polar bears forming unions for a second day in a row. * 🙂 —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

Stranded man cuts power poles to draw attention   {  }

Battlefords Humane Society busy after hunter finds 20 puppies in field near Glaslyn   { 🙁   Repeat  🙁  }

You Have Mail a for-profit alternative to Canada Post home delivery   {  🙁   }

Pharmacists’ failure to check drug risks leads to ‘horrible’ death   {  }

Rob Ford’s controversial remarks derail mayoral debate   { * In another link to the same article some of those controversial remarks were called ‘bigoted’.*  —djo— }

Tiny, living-room-sized home attracts Ottawa couple   {   }

Quebecor sells Sun Media English newspapers to Postmedia in $316M deal   {   }

Blake Lively pregnant with Ryan Reynolds’s baby   { * Hey, nobody made headlines when I found out I was to be a father- Why do we care? *  —djo— }

Iraq aid announced as MPs debate 6-month ISIS combat mission   {   }

Bermuda-bound runner Reza Baluchi in floating ‘hamster wheel’ rescued at sea   { * Photo up at or near the top today. *  —djo—  }

-15 photo slide show- Hong Kong: Protesters in tense stalemate with police   {   }




Sun Media’s English newspapers sold to Postmedia   {   }

The limitation of Ebola airport screening: ‘We do rely on people to be honest’   { * And a lot of us relied on the ‘Free Press’ being honest, and look where that got us — “Help! — Amen-”  —djo— }

Polls suggest broad support for Canadian role in fight against ISIS   {  See above comment on honesty. Here’s a sample poll: “Do you support your wonderful humanitarian governments’ plan to send your son to Syria to fight for the lives of innocent men women and children? or are you a $%#$#$%$!! Communist brainless ice-hole who should be taken into the nearest town square and shot for being a traitor?” ***  <—<< Thinks have not quite gotten that bad, not yet—   —djo— }

Want to buy a white rhino? South Africa’s government is selling   {  }

Rob Ford’s past use of anti-Semitic slur derails mayoral debate  {  }

Ebola update: Centers for Disease Control news conference   {  }

2014 Scotiabank Giller Prize Shortlist revealed   { Okay, part of the Fascist agenda. Major banks and corporations get to put their name on buildings and contests that used to be open, democratic and free.  Like the MegaMoneyCorp’s Stadium in Anytown, USA, or the BackStabbers Bank and Trusts Free Money if we like you contest. Please don’t look toward the midwest where we just foreclosed on every family farm so they can’t compete with our plot to poison all of you with Monsanto’s poisoned GMO body rotting and mind control ingredients now the exclusive products of our Corporate Farming Conglomerate —  —djo— }

NBC cameraman with Ebola returns to U.S.   { There’s a damning cartoon making its way around the Twitt-Us-Sphere – Maybe 20 black near corpses being ignored in hospital beds while the only doctors in the cartoon are standing beside the only white patient, telling him, “We’ll do everything we can- You’re in good hands now.”  —djo— }

Canada’s free flight for European leaders ruffles German feathers   { * Yay! Somebody else out there is awake and notices these things.  Yes, Germany is a country that already saw what happens when you let Fascists take over. Busloads of prisoners heading to concentration camps had their windows painted with happy smiling faces beaming out at the countryside while they were bringing ‘undesireables’ to “Work Makes Free” camps to be worked to death, starved to death, gassed to death, or worse. —djo—  }

Downsizing: Your body can’t lose weight without your mind on board   {  }

-COMING UP LIVE- Ontario hockey league launching league-wide mental health plan   {  }

Alberta town votes to lift 109-year-old booze ban   {  }

Rock Machine biker gang boss arrested near Montreal   {  }

Search for Malaysia Airlines MH370 resumes with new underwater equipment   {  }

Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded for brain GPS research   {  }

-Must Watch- Hong Kong protest time-lapse   {  }

-Must Watch- Rough Engagement   { * Couple gets engaged while floating over San Diego in a balloon. Balloon has trouble and crash lands. *  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Typhoon Phantone hits Japan   { * I don’t like being told I ‘must’ anything- My first impression here: I’ve seen hurricanes. I’ve seen weather channel footage of every nasty storm to hit this country since 1980- something. Why would I want to see another storm hit another coastline? *  “God- help anybody in the path of a storm- be it weather or political- Amen” — If you’re an athiest or agnostic, figure I’m trying to tap into my ‘higher’ power to activate some kind of cosmic power that we might just have been brainwashed out of knowing we all have—  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- The symols of Hong Kong’s ‘umbrella revolution’   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Chemical explosion injures 2 at UNB’s Fredericton campus   {  }

Brian Gallant’s 13-member cabinet will be smallest in 50 years   {  }

Storm Arthur tree cleanup costs in Fredericton reach $1.2M   {  }

Garbage sorting going downhill says Recycle SENB official  { * Sorting garbage down-hill, that’s an idea –  stand at the top of a hill, with your nearest politician’s house at the bottom of that hill – and dump all your garbage.  Oh- and make sure there’s nothing in that garbage that can lead the ‘authorities’ to you.  —djo— }



Google Enchanted Owl Doodle

Inuit Artist Kenojuak Ashevak was honoured by Google with this doodle on what would have beeh her 87th birthday.

“First Nations”

CFS is ‘new residential school system’ says former CFS investigator   {  }

Cold, mud ending Winnipeg drag of Red River   {  }

-Audio- Clifford Kokopenance jury roll case goes to Supreme Court   {  }




{ Ack!    It’s 3:45  pm –  I’m late because my visiting daughter was sick today and none of my back up editors answered their telephones.   ———djo———  }

Sunday, 05 October, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News — ———jim w——— }


Sunday, 05 October, 2014  -( 54˚F / 12˚C – Grey & cloudy right now  @ 12:45 pm in Ithaca )-  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Mama and Baby polar bears.

“If Canadian polar bears, shown here in a Manitoba file photo, had an actor’s union, they might be miffed that a bear from China snagged a starring role in and upcoming Hollywood Movie.”

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Kenojuak Ashevak's "The Enchanted Owl"

Kenojuak Ashevak’s The Enchanted Owl, created in 1960, was featured on a Canadian stamp and has permeated Canadian culture. (West Baffin Eskimo Co-Operative Ltd./National Gallery of Canada)

{ Question of the Day: If the Harper Government is trying so damned hard to de-fang the CBC, whose news coverage has not buckled under his thumb and reported only what he approved of: Why does nobody up there see this a treason? }


Lead Articles:

-Analysis- China’s ‘anaconda strategy’ for choking off the Hong Kong protests: Patrick Brown   { “In Hong Kong, Patrick Brown observes how Beijing has, among other measures, been quietly halting the flow of Chinese tourists, an important source of income, to Hong Kong in the hopes of pitting residents against the blockading students.  —djo— }

Kei Nishikori beats Milos Raonic at Japan Open final   {  }

Texas seeks ‘low risk’ homeless man linked to Ebola case   {  }

Man in Dallas with Ebola ‘fighting for his life’: official   {  }

Hong Kong protesters agree to remove some barricades   {  }

Typhoon Phanfone heads to Tokyo after killing  U.S. airman   {  }

Pope urges creative approach to family  at Vatican meeting    {  }

Churches, mosques  offer prayers for Briton killed by ISIS   {  }

Doctors still befuddled about prescribing medical marijuana   { “Some Canadian doctors continue to have concerns about prescribing medical marijuana after new guidelines were released for family physicians.  – MDs say they have little scientific data to guide their authorizations for medical cannabis – Earlier this week, the College of Family Physicians of Canada released preliminary guidance to its 30,000 members on prescribing dried cannabis.

The college said there’s no research evidence supporting use of medical marijuana for low-back pain or fibromyalgia. Its use can be considered for neuropathic pain, such as nerve-damage pain resulting from multiple sclerosis, from metastatic cancer or from diabetic neuropathy, when those conditions don’t respond to standard treatments, the guidelines state. -Who should be able to legally access medical cannabis is a contentious issue, even within the medical profession. – In April, Health Canada changed its regulations and put the power to authorize medical marijuana use in the hands of doctors. Supplies of the herb are now provided by licensed growers and patients with proven medical needs are no longer allowed to grow it for personal use. – “We have little scientific data to guide us,” the college’s Dr. Sharon Circone said. “We have extremely little guidance from Health Canada. This was sprung on us.” – The Arthritis Society is also calling for more research on medical cannabis so people living with arthritis can make informed choices about their treatment and doctors have evidence-based information before authorizing use. – *** & Our Editor/Reporter, Jim W, reported earlier this year than a New Brunswick farmer with a medical condition reported to the CBC that he had been told that it would be illegal for him to continue growing his own, and was told that he would now have to pay $20,000.00 a year through approved channels to receive what he was basically growing himself for free. He can’t afford that. & We also commented that it looks like the greedy hands of government figured out they could extort tons of money from suffering medical patients before they decided that it might be a good idea to legalize medical marijuana.  *** At last notice, law officials and government ‘authorities’ were backing off and not enforcing the “Thou Shalt Not Grow Thine Own!” provisions until further notice.   —djo— }




Homegrown polar bear talent passed up for foreign cub in Hollywood movie   { * Well, then, we’ll just have to boycott that Hollywood movie, won’t we?   —djo— }

Pilgrims snap selfies between prayers during Hajj   {  }

Canucks anthem singer takes spill during O Canada   {  }

Montreal ‘ball of light’ mystery deepens   {  * Another one of our reporters, Cathi Harris, sent me email saying that credible authorities narrowed it down to ‘Most likely not intelligent alien sources’ =’ most likely a satellite burning out’ – they cause green or yellow fireballs.  —djo— }



Puppies in a pickup.

Some of the 20 puppies found in a field by a hunter scoping out areas to hunt for moose.

“Most Viewed”

Battlefords Human society busy after hunter finds 20 puppies in field near Glaslyn   { *See Photo * – On Friday, Greg Zubiak was having a look around the field near Glaslyn where he plans to hunt moose this year when he saw some movement in the distance. – “As I walked up, they all just kind of looked at me and I guess my moose hunt was over. I just said, ‘OK, come on,’ and as soon as I said that, they all come running to me,” he said. – He counted 20 puppies left in the field. – “I saw two puppy heads sticking out and the rest of them had their heads buried in each other,” he said. – Zubiak says he knew some of the 20 puppies, who range in age from approximately 3 to 6 weeks old, apparently needed some extra warmth after being left out in the field, apparently left with just a blanket. *** So he took off his jacket and made them a nest in the front of the box of his truck.    —djo— }

Consort shooting: Victim died protecting his family, say parents   {  }

Mexican police discover mass grave amid search for missing students   {  }

Igloolik RCMP officer shot by gunman on snowmobile   {  }

Keurig’s coffee supremacy challenged by Canadian firm   { “A Canadian company is leading a pack of challengers that intend to knock off the exclusive features of the Keurig 2.0 single-serve coffee-maker. – Keurig released its 2.0 model in August, with a feature that initially prevented consumers from using other brands of coffee pods. –

“- “We cracked the code,” a smiling John Pigott, CEO of Club Coffee, told CBC News. The Toronto company made news this week with its $600-million lawsuit against Vermont-based Keurig, which alleges anti-competitive behaviour. – “And we’ve pointed other companies in the right direction on how to do it,” he added. – Some consumers had expressed anger and even launched lawsuits over Keurig’s plan to ensure that only its licensed K-cups would work in the new model. Less expensive off-licence coffee pods have been available for two years, but would be locked out from the wildly popular 2.0 model. – Now a number of companies say their pods will function in the 2.0 model. ”  —djo— }

-21 photo slide show- Hong Kong police clash with protesters in historic standoff   {  }




Search for Malaysian Airlines MH370 to resume with new underwater equipment   {  }

Manjusha’s Match chronicles mom’s search for stem cell donor   {  }

-Point Of View- How to fix Question Period: Michael Enright   {  }

Cost to rebuild Gaza estimated at $4B   {  * How much would it cost to rebuild America’s pristine wilderness if some legal authority found us guilty of stealing our country from the sovereign people who were here before us and ordered us to return this continent to its natural state? *** Or, imagine that the state of New York invaded New Jersey and bombed the heck out of the place, and the rest of the U.S.A. came to New Jersey’s aid and soundly beat the New Yorkers- then demanded they pay to rebuild all the infrastructure they’d obliterated. How much would that cost? —djo— }

Brazilians voting in nail-biter election for president   {  }

Police officer nearly killed in 2012 crash runs 76 kilometers   {  }

Fords used City of Toronto resources for campaign, says ex-mayoral candidate   {  }

-Must Watch- Ebola fight on the frontlines   {  }

-Must Watch- A sick father’s plea to ISIS   { * This may be an honest and sincere report- but I’m remembering the impassioned ‘eye witness account’ of Saudi Arabian babies being removed from incubators and placed on the floor to die by Iraqi soldiers – that turned out to be a cold hearted lie and the ‘eye witness’ was the daughter of a Saudi ambassador who had been nowhere near the hospital. You pull stuff like that once too often and you have lost your credibility, guys-   —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- U.S. beer industry hit by brewing debate over water regulation   {  }

-Canada- No justice for victims of ‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier, say Haitians in Montreal   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

J.D. Irving Ltd. trust Liberals won’t change forestry plan   {  }

Recounts in New Brunswick confirm election night results   { “With just two days to go before the swearing in of the Liberal government in New Brunswick, the final recount in the province is done. – The hand counts were ordered after questions were raised about the accuracy of the electronic tabulation system. – Seven ridings in total were given a second count. – Elections New Brunswick says judges from the Court of Queen’s Bench have confirmed the wins by Liberal candidates in the ridings of Carleton-Victoria, Shippagan-Lameque-Miscou, Saint John Harbour, Saint John East, Charlotte-Campobello and Fredericton North. – The Progressive Conservatives were confirmed as winning the riding of Fredericton-Grand Lake. – Friday night votes – Two seats were recounted in Saint John on Friday. – Judges upheld the wins by Ed Doherty, in Saint John Harbour, and Gary Keating, in Saint John East. – On election night, the use of an untested software by Elections New Brunswick to transmit results recorded through the automated vote-counting tabulator system saw vote counts stall and then appear to drop before finally concluding. – The resulting confusion and delays meant it was about five hours after the polls closed before Elections New Brunswick could declare Brian Gallant’s Liberals had won a majority government. – After the confusion, the Progressive Conservatives applied for recounts in six ridings and the People’s Alliance asked for one. ” — * And yesterday it was reported that in one ‘riding’ five votes had been miscounted by the electronic tabulator.  —djo— }

Saint John jail guard facing drug trafficking related charges   {  }

Gas Guru: Weekly prices and predictions for gas and diesel   { *On the  page —djo— }



First Nations women marching.

March to honour missing and murdered First Nations women in Saskatoon.

“First Nations”

-New- Missing, murdered aboriginal women honoured at St. John’s vigil   {  }

Hundreds march in Saskatoon to honour missing and murdered women   {  }

*** & we ask anybody so moved to pray for the health of First Nations people, children included, who do not want to suffer through chemotherapy ***




{ 2:55 pm, I’m late again…  3:00 pm – “Publish”-ing 😉  ———djo——— }

Saturday, 04 October, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Saturday, 04 October, 2014  -( 57˚F / 14˚C – & cloudy right now  @ 12:45 pm in Ithaca )-  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Green light inside red circle near reporter's head.

“Montreal ‘ball of light’ mystery deepens”

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Kenojuak Ashevak's "The Enchanted Owl"

Kenojuak Ashevak’s The Enchanted Owl, created in 1960, was featured on a Canadian stamp and has permeated Canadian culture. (West Baffin Eskimo Co-Operative Ltd./National Gallery of Canada)


Lead Articles:

Canada sends 2nd mobile Ebola lab to Sierra Leone   {  }

Former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier dies at 63   { *”Haiti’s ‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier dies” in a second headline a couple lines down —djo—  }

Canada to send 2nd mobile Ebola lab to  Sierra Leone   {  -Redundant R Us- today.   —djo— }

Hong Kong police arrest gang members as protests turn ugly   { * I wouldn’t doubt that some of the uglies were planted there by anti-democracy government agents. —djo— }

U.K. PM  says will use ‘all assets we have’ against ISIS   { * & Earlier this morning, Jim W sent me email saying that last night on the radio he heard ‘credible sources’ explain that the “Khorsan group” that our President Obama announced was targeted and bombed for issuing threats against U.S. citizens inside the U.S.A. was a made-up name for a group that was protecting Syrians from both ISIS and Syrian Government troops, might have been good guys that bad guys in the U.S. government or shadow government took out as a favour to Bad Guy Syrian President Assad in order to secure permission to bomb alleged ISIS hot spots inside Syria. This gets stranger all the time. We may be bombing good guys that Syrian intelligence tells us are ISIS guys- Doing other bad guys a favor while they laugh at us.  —djo— }

Canada commits to 6-month combat mission against ISIS  {  }

-Almost Redundant?- Standoffs get ugly at Hong Kong democracy protests   { *Why don’t we call them ‘demonstrations’? Does anybody in the main stream know whether these Hong Kong people are there demonstrating for or against anything? We’ve heard rumours about both, including the one that this whole ‘umbrella revolution’ might actually be a rent strike. Does the TRUTH stand a chance in today’s messed up world of lies, deceit, propaganda and media manipulation?  —djo— }

-Analysis- Markets move both ways, so don’t poke the bear: Don Pittis   { * I think I like Don Pittis. Judgement still reserved- There’s a bear in a tightly cropped photo on the main CBC news page. -But not on the page where the actual full length article lives. Dang- I would have liked to have that bear in one of our copied and pasted graphics today.  —djo— }




Montreal ‘ball of light’ mystery deepens   {  See photo up at the top  —djo— }

‘Incredible Hulk’ star sworn in as honorary constable in Hamilton   { Lou Ferrigno – Yeah, cops would like to turn green and grow about twice their size and hope to get away with busting heads of anyone who looks at the funny.  Sound like junior high school b.s. to you?   —djo— }

Route 66’s singing road   {  }

Tumblr hosts ‘Mean Girls Day’ art show   {  }



“Most Viewed”

Iconic ‘Wait For Me, Daddy’ WWII photo unveiled as sculpture today   { The statue will have been unveiled at 11:00 am pacific time in New Westminster, BC – Don’t know if I will be finished by then  —djo—  }

Moose-killing winter tick population growing in Quebec   { Ticks that can kill mooses? That doesn’t sound good, Bullwinkle- stay out of Quebec!  —djo— }

-Bear Market bit  and Montreal ball of the light repeated here.-

Dallas Ebola case: Family moves from apartment where patient stayed   { * & I read a tweet that said that U.S. officials got word from ‘remote viewers’ that this would happen In Dallas with the correct date – they got the intelligence 6 months ago and let it happen anyway.  They want you to be anxious, and therefore highly manipulate-able  —djo— }

-Hong Kong standoffs getting ugly repeated here-  { Gaaaa! }

Doug Ford calls debate audience ‘ignorant’   {  }

Granville Gardens seniors complex gutted by massive fire   {  }

Shooting in Consort leaves 3 dead    {  }

Low dollar could hurt high-flying Albertans, economist says    {  }

-19 photo slide show- Hong Kong police clash with protesters in historic standoff    { *Why call them ‘protesters’? Because that raises a nastier image than ‘demonstrators’? Is the CBC as slanted and controlled as U.S. media?   —djo— }

-Blog- Mean Girls Day gets its own art show on Tumblr   {  }




The quest for E.T.? Canada helps in search for signs of life beyond Earth    { * Maybe we should look for intelligent life here first?   —djo—  }

-New- 12 pro-Russian rebels killed in fight for Ukrainian airport   {   }

5 things Stephen Harper told us about Canada’s ISIS fight   { * How do we know if anything he says is true? —djo— }

U.K. hostage’s beheading ‘completely unforgivable’ Cameron says   {  }

Brewing debate over water regulation hits U.S. been industry   {  }

Bad weather leaves 22 stranded on island in Nunavut   {  }

-Photos- Week in pictures, Sept. 28 – Oct. 3   { * Like we asked last weekend: Don’t the weekends count?  —djo— }

Canada should speak out on Hong Kong protests, ex-ambassador says   { * I’m speaking out- is there anyone we can trust to tell us what is going on? Who is behind it and who is opposed and what is their opposition doing? Are the demonstrators demonstrating pro-democracy or anti-high rent prices? Who is pulling our strings and what are they trying to get us to do?   —djo— }

Bees, birds may suffer long-term consequences from common pesticides   { * Does anybody remember “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson? And is  some evil ice-hole deliberately trying to kill off the birds and bees? Public dismemberment might be too soft a punishment for somebody like that – IF it is true.   —djo— }

Other First Nation girl who refused chemo relapsed, doctor says   { * Everybody: Pray -or send out the intention- that everybody who refuses chemo be cured by healing angels- okay? Please? -Amen  —djo— }

Canadian man caught trying to smuggle 1,007 turtles to China  { * And, recently we thought it was weird when somebody taped 51 turtles to his body and tried to smuggle them into Canada?  ***Today’s theme: “It gets weirder all the time.” Or is that ‘more weird’?  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Combative Doug Ford on CBC’s Metro Morning   {  }

-Must Watch- Route 66’s singing road   { “Albuquerque highway has new rumble strips, paid for by National Geographic, whose vibrations play America the Beautiful when driven over at 70 km/h”  * 70 km/h = 43 miles + 87s.93 yards per hour *  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Gone Girl: Film Review   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Ebola outbreak: What you need to know { *** Or what ‘They’ want you to believe you ‘need’ to know?  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- /Repeat/ Brazil presidential election: Suddenly too-close-to-call   {   }

-Analysis- /Repeat/ Why China might be willing to sacrifice Hong Kong’s economy: Don Pittis   {  }

-Politics- Environmentalists shit focus from Ottawa to the grassroots   {  }

-Business- SpaceX, cellphone prices, and Netflix: Business Week Wrap   {  }

-Business- Loonie drops below 89 cents US   { * Re: “Loonie” = Canadian dollar. — No, you can’t rent your very own lunatic for 89 cents an hour in Canada. 😉  —djo— }

-Business- Marriot rapped by FCC for jamming guests’ Wi-Fi    {  }

-Health- Ebola test on patient at Toronto hospital comes back negative   {  }

-Health- Sausage, chicken burger recall in Alberta linked to 4 illnesses   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Xavier Dolan calls Orson Welles ‘a late bloomer’   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Maroon 5’s ‘Animals’ condemned by sex assault group   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Q&A: Cara Gee plays “dream role” as gun-toting Métis cowgirl   {  }

-Technology & Science- How hackers are breaking through the Great Firewall of China   {  }

-Technology & Science- Physical labels no longer required for smartphones, wearable devices   { “Under new rules, high-tech devices with a non-removable screen, like Google Glass, can carry required information such as serial numbers on an e-label instead of a physical label.” * But how about the warning labels, like ‘Warning, wearing these glasses may blast way too much deadly radiation into your eye-bulbs and fry your brain!’ & um, not just the glasses. Cell phones might cause health problems. L.E.D. screens on ‘smart’ phones might be blinding anyone who uses them. Heck, My eyesight has gotten really bad since I started buying L.E.D. backlit monitors. —> I’m writing this on a good old LCD screen whose colours looked strange when I went back to it last month<—  —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Water on earth found to be older than the Sun    { * So I guess the big bang might be in question, or maybe -not everything began with the same big bang? Somebody’s going to have fun investigating this one.   —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Apple iPad event expected Oct. 16    { * Should I worry about what they mean by ‘event’? Will a Steve Jobs clone turn on an iPad in front of half a zillion cameras and cause the extinction of a thousand star systems?   —djo— }

-Community- #FeelingNuts campaign tries to mirror success of ice bucket challenge   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Liberal Andrew Harvey’s win confirmed in Carleton-Victoria   { “Recounts are underway today in New Brunswick after questions were raised about the accuracy of the electronic tabulation system election night. – So far, the manual counting has confirmed the Liberal win in Carleton-Victoria. The winner remains Andrew Harvey, who gained two votes. – Runner-up, Colin Lockhart, gained three votes, but the result is unchanged. – Recounts are also taking place in Woodstock, Bathurst, St. Andrews and Fredericton-Grand Lake. – On election night, the use of an untested software by Elections New Brunswick to transmit results recorded through the automated vote-counting tabulator system saw vote counts stall and then appear to drop before finally concluding.” * I believe Andrew Harvey was the candidate who was charged with fraud over an investigation of a firm that he was a board member for – and then after a couple “Hey, now, the timing on this sounds suspicious” articles, the charges were dropped. *** I’d still like to know the results from recounting all the questioned ‘ridings’s results’   —djo— }

Seniors’ prescription co-payments questioned   {  }

Armed robbery in Moncton investigated   {  }

What should Atlantic Canada’s universities be in the future?   { * ‘Above Water’ would be nice, -if any of the climate change forecasts are right and the polar ice caps melt and the seas rise several meters—   —djo— }



Red and yellow flag

This flag was carried by First Nations people demonstrating for action on the issue of missing and murdered First Nations women.

“First Nations”

Protests over missing, murdered women close stretches of 2 Ontario highways   {  }

CBC Aboriginal’s top pick for the week, sneak peek of Unreserved   {  * Okay, a couple days ago we read that a number of tribes objected to the term ‘Aboriginals’ – Why are we still seeing you use that?   —djo— }

Nuit Blanche exhibit captures spirit of Northern Ontario First Nations   { “A Scottish born photographer will have photographs of the James Bay Coast featured in the Toronto art show, Nuit Blanche, this weekend.” —djo— }

Métis president Robert Doucette threatens court action   {  }

Simon Awa Nunavut’s new chief negotiator for devolution   {  }

Chief Tecumseh honoured with turtle shell sculpture   {  }


{  3:30 pm, Guys- I’m late with this. I’ll publish now and come back later, check for typos and use the crayons  ———djo——— }

Friday, 03 October, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — Today is my cousin Aimee’s birthday ———jim w——— }


Friday, 03 October, 2014  -( 58˚F / 14˚C – & cloudy right now  @ 8:45 am in Ithaca )-  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Wild Pig?

A wild pig in Australia is credited with stealing 18 beers from campers, got drunk and picked a fight with a cow? >>—-> From Twitter

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Kenojuak Ashevak's "The Enchanted Owl"

Kenojuak Ashevak’s The Enchanted Owl, created in 1960, was featured on a Canadian stamp and has permeated Canadian culture. (West Baffin Eskimo Co-Operative Ltd./National Gallery of Canada)


Lead Articles:

-Analysis- How ISIS and Syria drove a stake through the Arab Spring: Nahlah Ayed   {  }

Clashes break out between Hong Kong protesters, residents  {  }

Commons to vote on combat mission against ISIS Monday: PM   {  }

Patient being tested for Ebola in Toronto hospital   { “As a precaution” it says elsewhere.   —djo— }

Ebola vaccine doses promised to Africa remain in Canada   {  }

Could Ebola vaccine delay be due to an intellectual property spat?   { -Wouldn’t it be a son of a gun if badly needed vaccine was withheld because some corporation was afraid it might lose a couple dollars over ‘intellectual property’ issues?- If that’s really what’s going on here.  —djo— }

-Analysis- Brazil’s suddenly too-close-to-call presidential election   {  }

-Live Chat- The Ebola crisis in Africa   {  }




‘Your breath smells like a fart’: Mean toddler video goes viral   { Yesterday they said it went ‘ultra-viral’ —djo— }

Orphaned polar bear cubs settling in at Winnipeg zoo   {  }

Converted ambulance to take couple to South America   {  }

-Repeat- Sabre discovery linked to decades-old murder mystery   {  }



“Most Viewed”

Gang rape warning issued for St. John’s sex workers   {  }

Gone Girl: Film Review   { }

Doug Ford talks taxes, transit on CBC’s Metro Morning   {  }

Ebola test on patient in Toronto hospital a ‘precaution’   {  }

Justin Trudeau says PM ‘hasn’t even tried’ to make case for expanded Iraq role   {  }

[U.S.] teens accused of killing more than 900 chickens with a golf club   {  }

Nelson Hart’s Mr. Big appeals legal bills topped $553K   {  }

-14 photo slide show- The symbols of Hong Kong’s ‘umbrella revolution’   {  }

-Blog- Caffeinated underwear won’t help you lose weight, U.S. government confirms   {  }



Bansky Mural

The mural by graffiti artist Bansky featured pigeons holding up signs directed at a more colourful bird. One banner reads ‘migrants not welcome’, while another reads ‘keep off our worms’. ( Photo)


-Updated- Doug Ford talks race for mayor with CBC Toronto   {  }

NBC News cameraman diagnosed with Ebola in Liberia   {  }

Trudeau: Canada can’t just ‘whip out our CF-18’s’ for Iraq mission   {  }

Harper to reveal ISIS mission plan today ahead of Monday debate   {  }

Australia expected to join anti-ISIS airstrikes   {  }

Rob Ford cites 50/50 survival rate for his cancer, but stays optimistic   {  }

Celebrities in nude photo hack threaten Google with $100M lawsuit   {  }

Magnotta trial sees security footage showing Jun Lin’s final hours   {  }

Guilty: Red Scorpion gangsters convicted in Surrey 6 murders   {  }

-Video- Liberia’s health workers battled ‘unknown enemy’ in Ebola, president says   {  }

Eugenie Bouchard qualifies for WTA Finals later this month   {  }

-Must Watch- Rob Ford on cancer, the election   {  }

-Must Watch- How the U.S. man got Ebola   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- New pictures of Franklin expedition’s HMS Erebus   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Meet the teen mastermind of Hong Kong’s ‘umbrella revolution’   {  }

-Repeat-Editor’s Pick- Kroger grocery chain allows guns   {  }

-Politics- Jason Kenney says no to easing new temporary foreign worker rules   {  }

-Politics- Delay in Iraq mission debate raises ire of Tom Mulcair, Justin Trudeau   {  }

-Politics- Quebec minister talks about possibly re-opening Constitution   {  }

-Business- Hard-hit loonie getting vote of confidence from central banks   { “The Loonie” is the Canadians’ own nickname for their one dollar coin, which features a loon, usually casually floating in place, on an implied lake. In at least one year’s special edition the loon taking off into flight.  }

-Business- Falling oil prices drive down TSX again   {  }

-Business- U.S. Sears dumps stake in Sears Canada   {  }

-Business- U.S. energy giant NRG buys Toronto-based solar firm   {  }

-Business- 23andme genetic testing service raises ethical questions   { Some people fear that governments might some day reveal that their dna is copyrighted or somehow become the ‘property’ of that government and then either tell its citizens that they cannot legally reproduce or dictate who they can and cannot reproduce with.  —djo }

-Health- Canadarm robotics technology performs breast cancer biopsies   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Bansky mural removed by embarrassed UK council   { The Mural is copied and pasted above this section.  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Imagine Dragons announced as Grey Cup headliners   {  }

-Technology & Science- Hong Kong protests: China may be spying with smartphone apps   { I mentioned yesterday that smartphone apps that the demonstrators were using were described as having apotential security problem. Looks like I might have been correct.  }

-Technology & Science- Pluto and beyond: Widening views of what makes a planet   {  }

-Technology & Science- Google announces project to get Canadian kids coding   { Google, after Wikileaks leaked information that the company is spying on everybody and turning information over to agencies like the NSA etc, wants to train your kids to be good little cyber spies? }

-Community- Facebook apologizes to drag queens over ‘real name’ policy   { *Facebook’s chief product officer has apologized to drag queens, transgender people and others in the LGBTQ community because its real-name policy caused their accounts to be shut down. -In a post on the social networking site, chief product officer Chris Cox extends his apology to “members of the LGBT community for the hardship that we’ve put you through in dealing with your Facebook accounts over the past few weeks.” – Last month, Facebook announced that its users would be mandated to use their legal names on profiles and suspended the accounts of userswho didn’t comply.  -Many of the drag performers and others whose accounts were disabled pledged to leave Facebook and join an emerging social media site called Ello.* —djo—}



“Local / New Brunswick”

David Alward’s Tory deputy ministers face unclear future   {  }

NB Power eues cheaper refurbishment plan for Mactaquac dam   {  }

Moncton rooming house shut down by fire marshal   {  }

FIFA Moncton visit overshadowed by turf war   {  }



“First Nations”

Google Enchanted Owl Doodle

Inuit Artist Kenojuak Ashevak was honoured by Google with this doodle on what would have beeh her 87th birthday.

-New- Kenojuak Ashevak gets posthumous birthday Google doodle   { “Google’s doodle pays tribute to Kenojuak Ashevak. The late Inuk artist, best known for her Enchanted Owl, would have turned 87 on Friday.”   —djo— }

Kellie Leitch announces $1.1M to prevent cyberviolence against women, girls   { “The federal government is spending $1.1 million to fund eight new projects to combat cyberbullying against women and girls, Status of Women Minister Kellie Leitch announced today.” —djo—  }

McMaster Hospital defends court action to treat aboriginal girl   { “McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton is defending its plan to separate an aboriginal girl with cancer from her family so she can resume chemotherapy.”  —djo— }

Federal government to stop funding payments to Sask. Metis    { “The federal government says it is going to stop funding Metis Nation-Saskatchewan. – A letter dated Wednesday from Aboriginal Affairs Minister Bernard Valcourt said the group failed to hold an assembly by the end of September “due to ongoing internal governance issues.” – He said the group was required to do so under its funding agreement. – All payments are to be halted Nov. 1. – “It is my hope that Metis Nation-Saskatchewan finds a way to effectively and efficiently give the Metis people of Saskatchewan the governance that they deserve — one which is transparent, accountable and democratic,” Valcourt wrote in the letter addressed to the Metis group’s president, Robert Doucette. – “I also firmly believe that taxpayer dollars are to be used wisely and for the benefit of all Canadians.” – Calls to the Saskatoon office of Metis Nation-Saskatchewan were not answered. – Protesters picketed last year outside the office calling for Doucette’s resignation. At the time, the group’s vice-president said several council members were concerned about an overhaul of the group’s governance structure and that Doucette was acting secretive.”  —djo— }

N.W.T. Tlicho cancel fall caribou hunt, unable to find any   {  }

Ottawa committee approves rezoning on sacred aboriginal site   { “Dozens of people crowded into Ottawa’s planning committee meeting to weigh in on the future of a former industrial site on the Ottawa River in an area considered sacred to First Nations people.” & [*] Ottawa’s Planning Committee unanimously approved a rezoning request for the massive redevelopment of a former industrial site on the Ottawa River considered sacred to First Nations people.

[*] Windmill Development has plans to build condos, shops and offices on the former Domtar lands — a 37-acre property that include Chaudière and Albert Islands, as well as a large piece of shoreline on the Gatineau side of the Ottawa River. – Dozens of people crowded the planning committee meeting to weigh in on how to use the land. – Christopher Wong, a board member of the Odawa Native Friendship Centre, has his own vision, which includes returning the Chaudière Falls to their natural state. – “It would be nice to see the space and to see the falls freed — that would be the ultimate dream, to turn it into a green space, back to its original nature. That would be plan A,” he said. – “But plan B would be to work in partnership with Ottawa and the rest of Canada to make a mutual vision happen together.” – The president of the Fairlea Community Association echoed the need to restore the former industrial site to nature. – “We need a central park for Ottawa and Gatineau,” said Peter Stockdale,. “We’re losing an opportunity just by filling it up with some condos. We’re missing the possibility of restoring the number one tourist destination that the Chaudière Falls used to be.” – The matter will go to city council next week, and to Gatineau City Council later in October.” [* = quoted/copied & pasted. ] —djo— }



{ 10:00 am = tried something different, held off most comments until typo check & coloring expedition — 10:45 am = Looks like I’m done >>—-> “Publish” <—-<<  ———djo——— }

Wednesday, 01 October, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Wednesday, 01 October, 2014  -( 52˚F / 11˚C – & cloudy right now  @ 8:450 am in Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Large turtle tangled in nets.

Leatherback turtle freed from lobster trap in Shediac Bay

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Other Sources: The Toronto Star:

CETA a much-announced trade pact of dubious value:   { –By: National Affairs, Published on Tue Sep 30 2014 –Free trade with Europe is the centerpiece of Stephen Harper’s time in government. It is so crucial that the prime minister announces it over and over again. -The latest re-announcement came Friday. This time, it was to celebrate the almost final text of what is officially known as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the 28-member European Union. -That followed celebrations last year on an agreement in principle. There will undoubtedly be another gala when, after a “legal review” the final, final CETA text is released. – And there may be to 30 more over the next few years if the agreement is successfully ratified by the European Council, the European Parliament and the 28 member nations of the EU, – In ancient times, political rulers marked such victories with human sacrifice and lavish excess. Harper made do by spending a mere $338,000 to fly a gaggle of visiting European bureaucrats back to Brussels on a Canadian government jet. – The pact is far from a done deal. In Europe, the politics of CETA have become enmeshed in the debate over a similar accord being negotiated between the EU and Washington. – Critics fear that a section in CETA allowing companies to override domestic laws could set a precedent for the Americans to exploit. – There is also dispute within the EU over whether such trade and investment deals need to be ratified by all 28 member states. – But let us assume for a moment that the Canada-Europe deal eventually comes into effect. What can we expect?  – At first glance, the answer is not much. The government promises 80,000 new net jobs. But as Jim Stanford, an economist with the labour union Unifor has pointed out, this is a bogus number based on the assumption that no one can ever be unemployed. – Expect the price of European luxuries to fall as tariffs are removed. But don’t expect a big job uptick here. – Ottawa says Canadian beef and pork producers will gain better access to European markets thanks to CETA. And perhaps they will. – Yet as a recent analysis from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives points out, the European Union is already a net exporter of pork and beef. – This doesn’t mean there is no appetite in Europe for, say, Canadian pork chops. But unless European farmers are singularly inefficient, it does suggest the market would be limited. – Conversely, a deal with Europe promises to be less disruptive than earlier free trade pacts. – The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1989 and the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1993 virtually wiped out entire domestic industries. – This time, it seems that job losses would be more limited. – With significant exceptions (particularly in Ontario), the new pact would make it near impossible for governments or government agencies to favour locally owned firms. That could affect businesses ranging from school bus operators to caterers. – Canadian cheese makers would be hurt as would domestic automakers. But neither is likely to be destroyed. – The application of European drug patent rules would result in Canadians paying more for their pharmaceuticals. Provincial governments, all of which operate public drug plans, were particularly grumpy about this. But Ottawa has appeased them by offering subsidies. – Trade analyst Scott Sinclair says he expects the provinces will quietly pass laws implementing their CETA obligations. – The real danger in this deal has nothing to do with trade. Rather it is a provision, similar to one enshrined in NAFTA, that would permit corporations to overturn domestic laws.  – In effect, CETA includes an investors’ bill of rights aimed at penalizing government actions that interfere with profitability. – European businesses would be able to challenge such actions before a special dispute-settlement board. Irish banks, for instance, could challenge regulations designed to safeguard the Canadian financial system. – European firms could also challenge government regulations that “unduly” complicate or delay business activities. – Theoretically, Canadian companies would have reciprocal rights in Europe. But we don’t have good track record. – Under NAFTA, several U.S. companies have managed to overturn Canadian laws. No Canadian company has ever successfully used that trade pact to override a U.S. law. – Thomas Walkom’s column appears Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.  / —djo— }

A lot of people in streets below camera.

Aerial Photo of Hong Kong, showing the scope of the “Umbrella Revolution” protests.

{ Is today international anything day? —> Doug, who appreciated international coffee day . }


Lead Articles:

-Analysis- Echoes of Tiananmen [ Square ] in Hong Kong’s ‘most civil’ disobedience: Patrick Brown   { “Last week, a Chinese court sentenced a human rights advocate to life in prison and confiscated all his assets, leaving his family destitute. In Hong Kong, meanwhile, a detained student protester was released on a writ of habeas corpus. That’s what’s at stake in these demonstrations, Patrick Brown writes. Echoes of Tiananmen in Hong Kong’s ‘most civil’ disobedience.”  —djo— }

Honk Kong protesters call for territory leader to resign   {  }

U.S. health officials confirm 1st Ebola case in Dallas   {  }

PM to brief caucus as he mulls expanded Iraq mission   {  }

Renowned Quebec skier J.P. Auclair dies in Chile avalanche   {  }

‘Deadbeat’ parents across Canada owe $3.7B in support   {  }

-Update- ‘Well-being’ of girl focus of search after witness sees man take her into B.C. woods   { “Police and search-and-rescue volunteers began scouring the fields and woods adjacent to an industrial area in Abbotsford, B.C., on Tuesday night after a driver reported seeing a young girl lying on the side of the road, and a man taking her away.”  —djo— }

-New- MSF ramps up in Liberia as UN sets ambitious Ebola target   {  “MSF” is the french translation for the title of “Doctors Without Borders” — -The UN mission dealing with the Ebola response has set bold goals to try and contain the outbreak, but in Liberia’s capital, medical providers like Doctors Without Borders are working flat out just to keep up. Nurse Tashan Bremond says it’s not all bad news: “We’re telling them they can be survivors.”- —djo— }



Chimp sucking on moss.

“Wild Chimp dips moss sponge in water, drinks from it- learned trick from its mother” & is now all the rage—


Wild chimp’s gadget kicks off new trend within his group   {  }

What’s cooler than cool? This french horn OutKast cover   {  }

-Repeat- Dragons’ Den judge’s Porsche goes up in flames   {  }

-Repeat- The quotable George Clooney   {  }

*** Must be a slow week for offbeat news ***



“Most Viewed”

AC/DC giutarist Malcolm Young has dementia, band confirms   {  }

Topsail soccer stabbing victim now conscious, talking   {  }

Tom Mulcair’s EU trade deal choice could signal election strategy   { *Tom Mulcair said he’d wait to see the fine print of the Canada-EU trade deal before passing judgment. – Now that the full text of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement is out, the NDP leader is walking a fine line between his party’s competing interests. – ** Exclusive: PM gives pricey free ride home to EU leadersHarper confident as final EU trade deal released – Analysis: Celebrating a trade deal that hasn’t been sealedInteractive: The EU-Canada deal -** – The NDP will discuss the deal in caucus Wednesday morning. – The first vote in the House of Commons on CETA is weeks — perhaps months — away, depending on how quickly International Trade Minister Ed Fast brings forward legislation to implement it. – But the Conservatives already know how they want to frame the NDP. – Take Monday’s question period. When the NDP criticized the expensive plane ride the Harper government provided EU leaders last Friday, Fast suggested New Democrats couldn’t be expected to see the importance of the business event that justified the expense. – “They wanted us to cancel this event because we know they are anti-trade, anti-investment and have no credibility on trade whatsoever,” Fast said. – Ready to govern or oppose? – Mulcair has been rolling out policy planks this fall designed to appeal to traditional NDP voters in 2015. – A recent speech to the Teamsters talked about protecting workers and going after corporate “freeloaders.” He has floated the idea of a $15 an hour minimum wage for federal workers. – Will his stand on CETA also tack toward’s the party’s traditional, trade-deal-wary flank to make sure it stays put? – Or will that impulse give way to a more pragmatic need to support a deal most of Canada’s business community really wants? – Opposing CETA would be a step back from Mulcair’s recent more open approach to the merits of trade deals. – After the death of Jack Layton in 2011, Mulcair’s pitch for the party leadership was based on continuing Layton’s legacy of targeting voters in the centre of the political spectrum and working hard to look like a government-in-waiting. – The NDP supported Canada’s agreement with Jordan and, more recently, its new agreement with South Korea. It also makes warm noises about negotiating with Japan, India and Brazil. – “We want to knock down non-tariff barriers. We think that more trade is a good thing for Canada,” Mulcair told The Canadian Press last year. – “It’s a good starting point to be dealing with Europe,” he said in that interview and repeated in the months since. “They generally speaking have institutions quite similar to ours, they have the rule of law, they have independent tribunals, they’ve got long-standing institutional stability. That is a good thing for us to be dealing with.” – In principle, a deal with Europe was the kind of “fair trade” the NDP could safely embrace. – – Conditional support – -But the NDP also put down markers for its potential support of CETA, including help for cheese producers facing competition from new imports and provincial governments and consumers who will have to pay more for prescription drugs when patent changes take effect. – The NDP also says municipal procurement changes should protect “buy local” programs, to address the concerns of more than 50 local city, town and regional councils that have passed anti-CETA resolutions. – With growing concern in Germany in particular about investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms in the deal, the NDP jumped on that bandwagon, too. – Mulcair said Friday he was “reticent” about the deal. – But he and his trade critics have been clear they aren’t necessarily opposing it, even as they criticize the Harper government’s handling of the file. – Saying the NDP will “consult widely and understand thoroughly” buys them time.* ***The article at the top of this page on CETA was tweeted by Elizabeth May, the head of the Green Party of Canada and I think it’s a safe bet she is not in favor of this Economic Treaty*** The snarky blatherings of Conservative Party Parrots on the floor of the House = They’re accusing the NDP of having no idea about how trade should work. How about I accuse the Conservatives of knowing how trade works while they pocket the profits of selling thirty million something plus Canadians out to forces who would love to kill and eat everybody and do not have one ounce of compassion or empathy and just want to have the power of life and death over everybody, including the brain dead Conservatives who believe they will come out of this on the very fat side of ‘rich rich rich’?  —djo— }

Target baby PJs say, ‘boys are heroes, girls can only date them’   {  }

-21 photo slide show- Hong Kong police, protesters clash in historic standoff   {  }




-Live- Protesters to Hong Kong boss: Quit or we occupy buildings   {  }

-New- Ex SNC-Lavalin exec Riadh Ben Aïssa to be sent back to Canada   {  }

‘Canada is well prepared’ Health ministers reassure as 1st Ebola case hits U.S.   {  }

Why does the U.S. Secret Service keep messing up?   {  }

Race into space opening new horizons to private sector   { Do you believe this is a good thing? The Space race in the sixties ‘gave us alot of technological advances’ in electronics, computers, surveillance, high tech weapons for cops to use on civilians, MK Ultra- maybe even secret deals between evil human dark ops types who want total control over everybody and everything and evil dark aliens who would be happy to allow those human evil dark ops morons to embrace the illusion that they have allies in outer space, until the aliens spring the final trap- & make the planet hostile to human life and move in and take over? —> Yawn, that was a stupid bad movie plot the first time I heard about it—> Corporations are Not Good.  Corporations with the ability to leave the planet while controlling everything and everybody might even be worse. But at least we’re talking about it. Right?  —djo— }

ISIS fight: Stephen Harper to brief Conservative caucus on options    { How’s this for an option? : We hypnotize Stephen Harper and convince him that he’s Rambo, dress him up in camoflaged fatiques with an American flag patch on one shoulder and a Canadian flag patch on the other- Hand him a parachute and drop him in the middle of an ISIS training camp with “I am a spy for the great satan” written all over him in perfect Arabic- whatever dialect most of them can read. Then have a lot of drones send us live video of whatever happens next. That might just solve a lot of problems.  —djo— }

Canada’s blood supply ‘critically low’   {   }

 RCMP pulls support from anti-radicalization handbook   { * Does this mean they have a pro-radicalization handbook in mind? Or did they realize that by some definitions, they’re pretty radical themselves and might find their mindset illegal if enough people read the handbook they were backing? }

Recovery effort resumes after Japan volcano eruption, death toll now 48   {  }

Stop meddling in wireless market, Telus tells CRTC   { * & Government watch dog agencies have been taking orders from corporations for how long now? Is it a good thing that they are seen to be doing this in full daylight? In public?   —djo— }

-Must Watch- Hong Kong protests: Do you hear the people sing?    { *Images from the protests set to a Hong Kong quintet performing the song from Les Miserables*  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Why emergency services need a ‘culture change’ to deal with PTSD   { * [ Officer ] Ghadban’s death [ is ] the 22nd suicide since April 29*  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- 5 things to know about Hong Kong’s ‘umbrella revolution’  { *** & Yesterday on the Keiser Report “:Minsky Moment in Global Economy (E660)” In which Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert were discussing the ‘Hong Kong riots’, which they said could be the next ‘Minsky Moment’ in’ the global financial ponzi scheme’ -They talked about what we’ve been told is a peaceful demonstration in favour of democracy. Keiser and Herbert were calling it an ‘Affordable Rent Riot’.  Am I on the same planet they are? Did I wake up in the same ‘parallel dimension’ I went to sleep in? Are we still dreaming? Are there a couple of us dreaming the same dream? Or are we all off in our little nightmares, feeding some alien battery system with our human energy? Is there a “Neo” out there? Can we wake ourselves up? Can we call on what we have been told were ‘Angels’? Can we call out to the the Light that might be able to keep us all alive and close enough to sane to fake it from here? “HELP!” -Amen  //  —djo—  }

-Editor’s Pick- What you need to know to protect yourself  [ from Ebola? ]   { *Person-to-person contact is riskiest* >>—-> Become a Hermit and wear a space suit. Stop breathing, don’t eat, don’t drink, — in a week or so you won’t have to worry about Ebola? “Wash hands before masking” *** My brain hurts. My soul hurts. Why are we putting up with these morons who are trying so hard to convince us they should be our ‘leaders’?*** —djo— ***** Having a rough morning in Ithaka, you can probably tell.***** }

-Blog- Sexual consent app ‘Good2Go’ takes the guesswork out of hooking up   { * Until a five year old figures out how to hack it and sends zillions of rapists after everybody?* —djo— }

-Canada- Lock up chronic runaways to keep them safe: Winnipeg police officer   { *It figures, trust a cop to actually believe that him taking control of you is in everybody’s best interest.*  —djo— }

-Politics- NDP motion to reform QP defeated despite Tory backbench support   { “QP” = Question Period. *At least Tom Mulcair and the New Democratic Party tried to help fix a couple problems that have been occuring during question period.* —djo— }

-Business- Ford ads 1,000 jobs to Oakville, Ont. plant   { *Hey! I think I actually found some good news here- Should I pinch myself?* —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Forget Windows 9, Microsoft unveils Windows 10   { *No matter what bad news I’ve read about Apple lately, I still wouldn’t trust Microsoft as far as I could pick up and toss an elephant-* —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Lower wireless prices lead to worse service, Telus tells CRTC   { *#1 = Never trust anything your Government tells you. #2 = Corporations are much less trustworthy than governments. Therefore: #3 = Don’t even think about trusting anything a corporation tells you.  —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Leatherback turtle freed from lobster trap in Shediac Bay   {  }

RCMP release sketch of man who followed teen girl home   {  }

Saint John honours Const. Douglas Larch with park   {  }

Progressive Conservatives seek recounts in 6 ridings   { “New Brunswick’s Progressive Conservatives are seeking recounts in six ridings “to restore faith in the democratic process,” says party president Jason Stephen. – The ridings in question include: Saint John East, Saint John Harbour, Charlotte-Campobello, Carleton-Victoria, Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou, and Fredericton North. – “This is not partisan politics,” Stephen told reporters after filing papers at the Saint John Law Courts on Tuesday, the deadline to request a judicial recount.”  Kris Austin of the People’s Allaince Party also filed for a recount in the district/riding he ran in. —djo— }

UNB faculty awarded 12.5% increase by arbitration award   { *UNB faculty had been very upset after somebody leaked the increase that the head of the university received compared to what they got, before the arbitration happened.   —djo— }




-New- First Nations girl’s family rejects chemo, hospital goes to court to force treatment   { “Lawyers from the McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton have gone to court in an attempt to force a First Nations girl back into chemotherapy, but her mother says the judicial system has no authority over her child’s treatment.” —djo—  }

 Squamish Nation members demand financial report after manager removed   { “Some members of the Squamish Nation are calling for greater fiscal transparency in the wake of revelations that a band councillor has been removed from her management position following an independent financial investigation.”  —djo— }

Northern Saskatchewan school excelling in ‘mathletics’   { “Many schools in Saskatchewan strive for success in athletics. But Father Porte Memorial School on the Black Lake Dene Nation is making a name for itself in mathletics. – The school has a web-based math program. The grade seven class is currently ranked in the top five in Canada. – Principal Steven Thatcher has seen improvements in marks and attitudes towards math. – “No confidence, kids were having a rough time. Now with mathletics, they succeed so when they succeed they get more self confident and you can just see their math scores just getting a lot better,” he said.”  —djo— }

Manitoba chiefs say child welfare system [is] ongoing ‘genocide’   {  }

7 N.W.T. First Nations publish chief, council salaries so far   {  }

Province working to get Stoney Nakoda flood victims back in homes   {  }

Grocery bus attempts to beat high N.W.T. food prices   {  }

-11 photo slide show- National Orange Shirt day promotes healing and reconciliation   {  }



{ & Ouch! it’s 12:04 pm and I’m just starting to check for typos and colorize the headlines.   Ouch again, @ 12:40 pm — ready to apply tags and reach for the “Publish” button.  ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 30 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News —   ———jim w——— }


Tuesday, 30 September, 2014  -( 70˚F / 21˚C – & Clear right now  @ 9:30 am in Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Mother and child Gorillas.

“WWF report: Global wildlife populations down by half since 1970.”

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Wind generator windmills in the water.

European Offshore Wind Power.

{ Is today international anything day? —> Doug, who appreciated yesterday as international coffee day . }


Lead Articles:

-New- Ebola outbreak in Liberia brings perils for body recovery teams   { & The bad guys keep scaring you off-center with frightening news in order to control you. Find peace within.  —djo— }

Japan volcano rumbles,  recovery of victims suspended   {  }

Afghans sign deal with U.S. allowing troops to stay   {  }

Forensic technician to testify at Luka Magnotta trial   {  }

Hong Kong protesters set Wednesday deadline for gov’t response   {  }

Vital supplies dwindle as Ebola cases rise in Liberia   {  }

-Analysis-ISIS may not even be the worst beheaders: Neil Macdonald   {  }

-Updated- Checked-bag fees may heighten carry-on chaos   {  }

Hong Kong’s ‘umbrella revolution’: What you need to know   {  }




The quotable George Clooney   {  }

Scratch-and-sniff cards help N. Ireland police nose in on grow-ops   {  }

-Repeat- Free house up for grabs in Ottawa’s Manor Park — but there’s a catch   { * You’d have to move to house and that would cost ‘tens of thousands of dollars’.  If nobody takes it- the owners will bulldoze it down and cart it away to landfills & build themselves a new house on sight. They think it’s cheaper to get rid of this house and build a new one in its place than pay for the upgrades they want for their house as it is.   —djo— }

-Repeat- Man who raised $55K for potato salad throws party   { * As a joke, an Ohio, USA, man went to “Quick-start” to raise $10.00 to buy ingredients for potato salad. He raised $55,000 and threw a party for charity with loads of potato salad on the menu. —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

CRTC to Netflix: Since you won’t co-operate, we’ll ignore you   {  }

Look around, ISIS’s acolytes are just apprentices at atrocity   {  }

Michael Wekerle’s Porsche 918 Spyder burns at caledon gas station   { Elsewhere: “Dragon Den judge’s Porsche goes up in flames.”  —djo—  }

Justin Trudeau gets apology from Sun Media   { Elsewhere it says “Sun Media apologizes for Ezra Levant’s on-air rant”. & Last week we noted that 3 top staffers at Sun Media’s new or proposed news channel get their orders directly from the current Prime Minister’s Office.  —djo— }

6-year-old left in car with rifle, shoots through door   { 3 children left in a car while parents went into a house. The 6-year-old was the oldest, fired the rifle that shot through the driver’s side door. Nobody got hurt. The father was slapped with a slew of charges.  —djo—  }

Apartment hunters targeted by Gander rental scam   { A central Newfoundland couple are being accused of pocketing money, renting space they don’t own and was already occupied.  —djo— }

Luka Magnotta case: The challenges of a ‘not criminally responsible’ defence   {  }

Tracy Morgan partly to blame for crash injuries: Walmart court filing   { Actor Tracy Morgan and other people riding in a limosine that was struck from behind in New Jersey by a Walmart comany vehicle weren’t all wearing seatbelts, so Walmart thinks they’re to blame for their own injuries?  Corporations = Not Good. Walmart = Not Good. Here in the States, it is very hard to defend against an accident being the fault of anyone hit from behind. At least it was. If Walmart gets away with this we may need to re-write a law or two, and if that doesn’t work, we may need a little bit of Heavenly Help here, in real earth time? Okay Guys? -Amen  —djo— }

-22 photo slide show- Hong Kong police, protesters clash in historic standoff   {  }




Hong Kong leader says Beijing won’t back down in face of protests   { Well, then Beijing will lose face. Question: will that bother Beijing? —djo— }

-Analysis- 3 ways to help Speaker crack the whip in question period   { Question: Is Speaker cracking whip a good thing? Are there checks and balances in place to keep things fair and honorable?  —djo— }

Universities under pressure to combat sexual misconduct on campus   { There should be obvious deterrents everybody can use. Why is nobody seeing that?   —djo— }

Men’s rugby club suspended at Dalhousie after hazing complaint   { We’re supposedly moving into a better space in the galaxy, a better atmosphere all around for all humanity. Let’s hope the hazing and misconduct rising to our consciousness is symptomatic of the bad old ways coming into the light and being banished from what everybody sees as ‘boys being boys’ and moved into the “Absolutely Unacceptable Behaviour” column.  —djo— }

Visa issues for Russians, Chinese hamper major space conference in Toronto   { * Okay, what we need is a completely neutral venue. A huge, safe, conference center on a floating platform at sea, beyond all national borders, where everybody has a stake in maintaining peace and prosperity and nobody wants to blow everybody else up over any stupid issue that nobody can remember from thousands or millions of years ago. I can dream, can’t I?  —djo— }

Are smartphones ruining wedding ceremonies?   { * Why not? They’re ruining your health, spying on you, sending information to unethical people about everywhere you go and everything you do and everyone you meet. Too many people can’t leave their jobs and go home at the end of their shifts without needing to be ready to answer job related b.s. on their phones all evening and night. Can we do anything to make smartphones our friend? Or should we just smash them all under steamrollers somwhere?  —djo— }

‘Great end to what could have been a tragic story’ 7 saved after fishing boat flips   {  }

-Updated- ‘Something we didn’t see coming’, police say of officer’s suicide   {  }

-Must Watch- Monrovia, 1st city to cope with Ebola  { “City’s cramped taxis mean Ebola gets driven all over town. Liberia’s famous greeting hugs are gone, you get an elbow tap now.”  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Fox on loose in building   { “A cunning fox gives Chilean firefighters the slip in Valparaiso, Chile, outrunning and outsmarting pursuers before escaping by jumping off a balcony.”  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Ebola outbreak: Tough choices   { Health workers choose between helping others and staying safe.  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Wikileaks founder Julian Assange tackles Google, dispels health rumours   { — In an exclusive Canadian broadcast interview with CBC Radio’s Q with Jian Ghomeshi, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accuses Google of being “in bed” with the U.S. government for allegedly spying on him and because of the way it collects personal data. – He also talks about how it feels to be vilified, his health and the personal toll of being holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for the past two years fearing extradition and, possibly, prison. – “I’m pretty hard to kill. And I come from a very long-lived family line,” said Assange, who had been rumoured to be in deteriorating health. – The Australian internet publisher, who released a trove of U.S. diplomatic and military documents in 2010, fled to the embassy in June 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden where he was to face questioning over allegations of sexual assault and rape, allegations that he denies.

– “He fears, he has said, that if he were to be extradited to Sweden he would then be handed over to the U.S. where he would be tried for one of the largest leaks of government information in U.S. history, leaks that some critics have said put national security and people’s lives at risk. – “In some ways, the conflict that has come about as a result is not altogether unwelcome, but it’s not something that my children, for example, signed up for,”Assange said. “So that’s really the greatest irritation.” – Assange, speaking from the embassy via phone, said the attacks on his character are just part of the nature of things of being a publisher and “infuriating big powers.” – “We’ve had many of those over eight years. I’m used to them to a degree. The size of the counterattacks that started in late 2010, they pushed the organization right to the very edge but we have lived through it.” — —djo— }

-Business- Solar and wind energy getting more cost competitive, study finds   { * What I don’t like, is the idea that Wind and Solar power will only become available to the vast majority of us when some major corporation finds a way to overcharge everybody and keep us all in virtual slavery to the corporations as long as possible.  corporations = not good.  —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Beluga whale population in St. Lawrence on ‘catastrophic’ path   { * Edgar Cayce told us that the dinosaurs had to go when they became a threat to all other life on this planet. Are we becoming the next threat to all other life on this planet?  —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Sue Stultz’s election sign with Moncton firefighters sparks concern    { “Moncton is reviewing policies to ensure city departments remain neutral in future election campaigns. – A controversial election sign featuring Moncton firefighters put up by Progressive Conservative candidate Sue Stultz in the final days of the campaign is still raising questions about the neutrality of city departments during campaigns.”  —djo— }

Soldier Neil Dodsworth launches class action over home sale losses   {  }

13 abandoned homes in Moncton already demolished this year   {  }

Election losers should demand recounts, ex-councillor says   {  }

Donnie Snook appeal of 18-year sentence on sex charges before court   {  }

-Must Watch- Pension lawsuit  { Retired civil servants take case against pension reform to court.  —djo— }

&& It looks like You can watch local news and weather from the CBC in 30 minute videos available under “Must Watch” on all or most local pages.




Rare Treaty Four medal returns to Sask. First Nations   {  }

Greenland [ orca ] butchering in photo posted on Facebook   { “Inuit in eastern Greenland have been hunting more killer whales as climate change leaves the area free of ice longer, says a Dane who recently posted a photo on Facebook of a hunter butchering a whale.  —djo— }

Morris Home Hardware owner sorry for not honouring tax exemption  { “The owner of a Home Hardware store in Ottawa has apologized to a First Nations woman for refusing to accept her Indian status card for a provincial sales tax exemption earlier this month.”  —djo— }

Some Stoney Nakoda residents still in temporary housing 15 months after flood   {  }

Mi’kmaq groups protest $100M Alton gas storage project   {  }

Manitoba First Nations woman shares story of life under CFS care   { “Tamara Murdock understands how young women under the care of Child and Family Services can fall into trouble.  – Around six years ago, Murdock, then 15, was living in a foster home with another girl a couple years older than her. – One night they left their foster home to go out drinking. The girl disappeared, leaving her alone with a man in a house. “When she came back, she came back with money and ecstasy pills,” said Murdock, who is now 21. “She eventually got drunk and told me that she was a prostitute. That’s how I found out she was working the streets.” – Last year, about 10,000 children ended up in the care of CFS. A significant number of these kids are young girls who may find themselves, like Murdock did that night, in difficult situations. – Murdock, from Fisher River Cree Nation, is sharing her story now following the death of Tina Fontaine. The 15-year-old girl was under the care of CFS when her body was discovered wrapped in a bag in the Red River on Aug. 17. — ‘You’re looking for love or guidance, but it’s not something you can find on the street. You know it’s something inside you that you are looking for that you lost.’– Tamara Murdock   —djo— }



{  11:33 am – checking for typos and getting out the crayons —   Ready to apply tags and hit the “Publish” button at 12:00 noon   ———djo——— }

Monday, 29 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News —   ———jim w——— }


Monday, 29 September, 2014  -( 56˚F / 13˚C – & Cloudy right now, scattered clouds later, @ 8:30 am in Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Sunset over water with lighthouse on the left.

“Sunset at Peggy’s Cove” From the Weather forecast page.

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Protesters with umbrellas open as tear gas cannisters fly at them.

This was tweeted: “The Umbrella Revolution” under fire in Hong Kong. Those are tear gas cannisters being fired at the protesters. The protesters want free democratic elections, the government wants to contol everything. That’s fascism, not communism.

{ Is it really international coffee day? —> Doug, who’s probably addicted to caffeine . }


Lead Articles:

-Go Public-Foreign worker paid $25K to get visa, but arrived to find no job   { “An Ontario immigration consultant is under investigation for charging foreign clients up to $25,000 to help them enter Canada to work at low-skill jobs. In at least one case, the worker arrived to find the employer no longer existed.”  —djo— }

Ottawa providing assistance to imprisoned Canadian in Cuba   {  }

Luka Magnotta murder trial opens Monday in Montreal   {  }

Feds criticised for $300K bill to fly EU officials to T.O.   { Apparently, Prime Minister Stephen Harper flew a bunch of his European co-horts to Toronto and sent the bill to Canadian Taxpayers.  “T.O.” = Toronto, Ontario.  —djo— }

Employment Minister Kenney defends reforms to TFW program   { “TFW” = Temporary Foreign Workers. Some companies have been accused of hiring Temperary Foreign Workers at the expense of Canadians who wanted those -usually minimum wage- jobs, but the employers wanted to get away with paying the foreigners less than minimum wages, and some were treated as virtual slave labour. The governmental clamp down on the hiring of all TFW’s has hurt some honest businesses by trying to shut the programme down completely. I’ll have to look into whatever changes this guy is talking about. —djo—  }

-Exclusive- Stephen Harper gives pricey free ride home to European leaders   { “CBC News has learned Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave visiting European delegates a free flight home to Brussels last week, after adding a Toronto reception to their schedule that made it impossible for the visitors to make a planned commercial flight home in time for a Saturday meeting. ” – * There still is some confusion over whether or not the big trade deal actually went through – my conspiracy-investigating buddies called the deal a blatantly overt plot to sell Canada out to the Banksters who want to destroy everybody’s economy and force every government in the world to be totally dependent on the evil banksters.  — shrug, I have too little information to totally agree with that- but it certainly looks suspicious.  —djo— }

-Photos- Liberia struggles to fight Ebola as newest, largest clinic reaches capacity   {  }

Vote Compass: What Toronto mayoral cadidate is most aligned with your views?   { * If I have time later, I might take this quiz, poll or whatever it might be, I doubt than any of them would be somebody I’d go out of my way to vote for- & I might be taking the quiz half to see if it might be rigged— My friend and co-editor, Jim W,  sent me a link a while back to a test to see where in the political spectrum you and your ideals put you. We both scored on the left, between Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. —djo— }



Peace love and potota salad

“Peace Love & Potato Salad”


Free house up for grabs in Ottawa’s Manor Park — but there’s a catch   { * You’d have to move the house, probably in two pieces, to another spot and then reassemble it. This would probably cost ‘tens of thousands of dollars’ and Land is more expensive in Canada than I expected. The owners decided it would be cheaper to build a whole new house on their lot than upgrade this one to suit their growing family’s needs. They’re saying it would be a shame if they have to bulldoze it down and cart it off to landfill. —And knocking it down and carting it away would cost real money, Doug interjected— The house has to be gone by October 15th. – It looked like an okay house to me, but I suppose it might be lonely and suffer from separation anxiety — When I read the headlines I thought they were going to say it was haunted. No such luck.  —djo— }

Man who raised $55K for potato salad throws party   { “An Ohio man who jokingly sought $10.00 US to buy ingedients to make potato salad and got “Tens of Thousands f Dollars” threw a ‘charity-minded’ party with more than 30,000 pounds of potato salad and other food available” – Short article, couple photos of the guy, a tray of potato salad and it looks like a video you can click on. —there’s a definite “tens of thousands of dollars” theme today.—  —djo—  }

-Repeat- White sided dolphins make rare appearance near Victoria, B.C.   {  }

-Repeat- Why eating insects may be on the menu of the future   { * One ‘scientific predicter of the future’ thought we’d more likely be eating a form of blue-green algae. But don’t go grabbing a bunch of algae and start chomping down on it- some of them are poisonous.  —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

Ottawa police officer Kal Ghadban takes own life at Elgin Street headquarters   { There’s a couple Ottawa Help Lines listed below this short article, including one labeled “Mental Health Crisis Line”. We keep losing ex-military and ‘First Responders’ through suicice this year. It’s been an epidemic. “Help! Make it go away – Amen”  —djo—}

Brooklyn Honderich, 2, missing in Norwich Township   { A two year old wandered from her parents dairy farm near Woodstock, Ontario just before 7 pm yesterday. A helicopter and two canine units are looking for her, as well as a lot of neighbours and friends. They say she’s about three foot three inches talls and weighs about 29 pounds. She was wearing a blue and white striped tank top, tan coloured overalls and grey capri pants, she has light brown hair in ponytails.  I don’t feel good about this one, I know I’d be going nuts- my first reaction to the headline was, “Wow, can you imagine a nation wide headline for a child who disappeared from a farm in Iowa or Ohio?” Every parent’s worst nightmare.  —djo— }

Ottawa Lotto Max winners say money doesn’t solve everything   { * Wisdom at the price of getting what you thought you really wanted? — Meanwhile too many people are going broke buying lottery tickets they can’t afford. gaaaa-  —djo— }

Downsizing: Lies, damn lies, and french fries   { At least they’re not calling them ‘Liberty Fries’. —djo— }

Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters resist calls to disperse   { I don’t feel real good about this one either.   —djo— }

-15 photo slide show- George Clooney’s wedding in Venice  { I think it was edited down from 22 photos yesterday, yup- so I won’t raise the “Repeat” flag  —djo— }




International media flurry expected as Luka Magnotta trial begins in Montreal   { * What is this? Are various nations competing for the ‘Most interesting murder trial of the year’ award? Gaaaa!  —djo— }

-New- Massive police search underway for toddler who wandered from Ontario home   {  Re-write of an ‘above’ headline?   —djo— }

-New- 5 more bodies found after Japanese volcano eruption   {  }

Trudeau Liberals woo high-profile aboriginal candidates ahead of 2015  { ‘2015’ refers to the scheduled national election. The next national / federal election could come sooner if any more ‘fit hits the shan’ – —djo— }

Ukraine soldiers suffer worst loss of life since ceasefire began   {  }

5 injured as propane explosion rocks Montreal neighbourhood   { My sweetie in Montreal messaged me last night to say it happened in an ‘nice’ area. & She was wondering whether it might have been terrorists, or angry ex-spouses, or a gas leak.  —djo—  }

Barack Obama has come to grips with thorny Syria strategy   {  }

Caifornia adopts ‘yes means yes’ bill aimed at reducing sexual assault   {  }

Canadian’s 15-year sentence in Cuba ‘outragious’, MP says   { -A Canadian businessman sentenced in Cuba to 15 years in prison on corruption-related charges should be sent back home, said a Toronto-area MP who called the conviction a “travesty of justice.”-  —djo— }

-Analysis- Mulcair’s dilemma: Canadians like him, but will they vote for him?  { This headline ran yesterday, and I thought it was a bit less snarky than comments aimed at other political figures. Today I’m wondering if it’s a delayed reaction word-bomb, supposed to make people leaning toward the NDP think twice before voting that way. —djo— }

Mississauga’s mayor leaves office after 36 years  { Some friends called her “Hurricane Hazel” and figured she’d still be in office after her hundred and fiftieth birthday.  —djo— }

George Clooney keeps rumour mill whirling after Venice wedding   { I read a bit of this and I have no idea why they invoked the “whirling rumour mill’ bit. —djo— }

-Must Watch- Japan volcano rescue operation   {  }

-Must Watch- Cat narrowly escapes alligator attack {  }

-Editor’s Pick- The perils of a recovering U.S. economy: Don Pittis   {  }

-Politics- Russian ship played key role in Canada’s recent Franklin discovery   { “Find was billed as expression of Canadian sovereignity in North” & “A Russian-flagged vessel played a key role in Canada’s recent discovery of a sunken ship from the missing Franklin expedition, a scenario that faced a regulatory challenge and gave senior Conservative officials pause. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper has billed the Franklin search as an expression of Canadian sovereignty in the North — particularly in light of the “imperial ambitions” of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

– “The mapping and surveying activities that are part of the search are also considered a sign of domestic prowess in the Arctic. – A Russian-owned ship became part of the multi-partner Victoria Strait Expedition after it became apparent that the Canadian alternative, a former coast guard icebreaker, couldn’t carry the private financial donors underwriting part of the search. — * Underline ‘private financial donors underwriting part of the search’: Who were they and what do they expect in return?  —djo— }

Spy watchdog’s oil ties prompt B.C. Civil Liberties Association complaint   {  }

-Business- Encana agrees to buy Texas-based Athlon Energy in $7.1B deal   {  }

-Business- Japan’s SoftBank in talks to buy animation giant DreamWorks   {  }

-Business- BlackBerry stamps its Passport, Rockefellers get out of oil: Business Week Wrap   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Ex-PM Kim Campbell pitches reform to boost gender parity   { She’s suggesting that each riding should run two candidates, one male, one female. I have no idea from reading this article whether she means there should be two candidates from each party, or does she want to limit the election to two contenders and cut out all the other parties? That doesn’t make sense. Kim Campbell took over as Prime Minister when Brian Mulroney escaped before his term in office expired. Most blame Mulroney, but some blame her for the fact that the Progressive Conservative Party went from Number One to a distant 5th party status with only 2 representatives elected to Parliament.  * one of my favourite ‘psychics’ believes we’re about to see a similar political blood bath with the next Canadian federal elections.  Others are saying that if the Canadian electorate votes for another Conservative Government they will deserve whatever horrendous consequences they get. I have no idea what’s going on up there politically- just reporting what I read. * And what the ex-Prime Minister has to do with local New Brunswick news is beyond me. —djo— }

Today’s weather: Jim Abraham’s synopsis   {  }

-Repeat- Coastal Red Oak  multi-year project aims to boost numbers   {  }

Slain Moncton Mounties among fallen officers honoured in Ottawa Sunday   {  }




-New- Diagnosis education: Sioux Lookout hospital sets up classroom   { “The Meno Ya Win Health Centre will again offer classes to children and their expectant moms who have to stay in Sioux Lookout for extended periods.” * I don’t know about this. Unless the program was conceived and run by First Nations individuals, it would seem to me to be way too much like the old indoctrination strategy from the ‘Residential schools’ that were set up to strip the culture from First Nations kids. But, I’m here, and I don’t know who is running the programme, or why it was said to be something good for expectant mothers and their kids, who are taken out of their normal environment and placed in the centre.  —djo— }

Oppenheimer Park campers vow to stay as Vancouver seeks injunction   { “Vancouver police estimates there are more than 200 tents at Oppenheimer Park.” – “Oppenheimer Park campers say they aren’t going anywhere as the City of Vancouver goes to court today to seek an injunction to have them removed. – Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson said last week that living conditions at the site have deteriorated and the campsite is no longer safe.

– “But many of the tenters say they would hate to see the camp go because volunteers there have helped them and others. – “Like when I go to work I need a lunch, they provided me with a lunch,” said camper Ricky Comeau who describes himself as working-homeless. – “You know what I mean? They make sure my stuff is safe when I go to work. I love it!” – Volunteers running a neighbourhood lunch program over the weekend say they’re aware of the controversy, but are impressed with the camp. – “They have some pretty good organization it seems,” said volunteer Wisam Abdulla. – “Sometimes in front of the bottle depot we just kind of get raided, whereas here it was nice and orderly.” -Organizer Swampy Cree says the camp is attracting people from all over the province. She says the region needs a more coordinated approach to homelessness. – Others tasked with maintaining order at the camp express frustration because the camp is attracting people from all over the region. – Organizer Swamp Cree says the region needs a more coordinated strategy to homelessness.  —djo— }

Trudeau Liberals woo high-profile aboriginal candidates ahead of 2015   {  }



{ 11:14 am – time to look for typos and get out the crayons again…   11:45 am, I’ve gone blind, but it looks okay. Time to push the “Publish” button.   ———djo——— }

Sunday, 28 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied and Pasted from Radio Free Earth News — Mark B Jacobs’ Birthday  ———jim w——— }


Sunday, 28 September, 2014  -( 59˚F / 15˚C –  Sunny & clear here, @ 9:30 am in Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Smoke from a Volcano

Mount Ontake is Japan’s 2nd highest Volcano and is spewing smoke about 200 kilometers west of Tokyo.

{ Thank You -Jim W- for filling in for me – I’m back, – I think, -counting fingers and toes etc, yeah, I think I’m all here —> Doug, who’s finally getting over his ‘mild flu’. }


Lead Articles:

31 feared dead in Mount Ontake eruption in Japan   {  }

Ferguson, Mo. police seek 2  suspects after officer wounded   {  }

Toronto’s Rob Ford appears in public to rally supporters   {  }

Canadian businessman sentenced to 15 years in Cuba    {  }

Hong Kong police use tear gas on pro-democracy protestors   {  }

Witness says U.S.-led airstrikes hit Syrian oil refinery   {  }

-Analysis- U.S. economy climbs, but expect turbulence: Don Pittis   {  }

The world’s most dangerous country? Pakistan’s fight against religious extremism   {  }



Killer whales are the largest member of the dolphin family and are easily recognized by their distinctive black and white markings and giant dorsal fin. Adult males may reach lengths of eight to nine metres and weigh up to five tonnes.

[ Orcas ] are the largest member of the dolphin family and are easily recognized by their distinctive black and white markings and giant dorsal fin. Adult males may reach lengths of eight to nine metres and weigh up to five tonnes.


Why eating insects may be on the menu in the future   {  }

White-sided dolphins make rare appearance near Victoria, B.C.   {  }

New York postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of mail   { A 67-year-old New York City postal carrier has been charged with failure to deliver about 40,000 pieces of mail- which were found in his home, vehicle and locker, dating back as far as 2005. He was released on his own recognizance and ordered to abstain from excessive alcohol consumption.   —djo— }

[ Orca ] thrills group in rare Bay of Fundy sighting   { A whale watching guide said it has been 16 years since the last time an orca was spotted in the Bay of Fundy and says yesterday’s sighting is one of the most incredible things he’s seen in his 20 years as a guide. }



“Most Viewed”

Tom Mulcair’s polls dilemma: Canadians like him, but will they vote for him?   { Tom Mulcair is the leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada, which has the second most seats in Parliament right now. This headline does not have the snarky tone that’s been used in headlines about Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Trudeau, and leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Headlines concerning Stephen Harper, Prime Minister and Head of the Conservative Party of Canada may not be snarky enough. [ wink ]  —djo— }

Halifax police searchhome where deck collapsed, inuring 6 {  “Police ‘executed a search warrant’ and searched the small apartment ‘to allow further processing of the scene-‘ before they allowed tennants to return home. 6 people in their twenties were sent to the hospital with injuries when the second storey deck they were on collapsed down onto the first storey deck. The article states that there was no mention of anybody being injured on the deck directly below the one that collapsed. The building made news twelve years ago when neighbours complained that the home’s owner was turning it into an apartment building. That’s when two decks were added. The issue went to court in 2002 and the owner of the building was ordered to pay ‘thousands of dollars’ to the city. * Must have forgotten to pay for a permit first. * & A year ago, on September 15th, a deck collapsed in Dartmouth, across the river from Halifax, and sent people to a hospital back then. —djo— }

Head lice: Most-used treatments no longer very effective, scientists say   {  }

George Clooney, Amal Alamuddin get married in Venice   {  }

Canada’s Smartest Person is ‘out of control’ says show’s co-host   {  }

Woman, 74, charged after 15-year-old stabbed near his eye   { Another headline says the Nova Scotian woman is alleged to have stabbed the 15-year-old near his eye. I like that version better, it’s more honest.  —djo— }

ISIS-controlled oil refinery hit in U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria, winess says   { This is a repeat of the headline in Lead Articles but I already had most of it typed when I realized that, so I left it here.  —djo— }

-22 photo slide show- George Clooney’s wedding in Venice   { Aren’t you glad you’re not the kind of celebrity who has photographers and reporters chronicalling, questioning and making snarky comments about every move you make?  —djo— }

-Repeat-Blog- Gay teen claims he was forced to wear ‘GAYTARD’ name tag at work   { In a fast food restaurant-   —djo— }




Head lice develop high rates of resistance to treatments that dominate the market   {  }

-Photos- Neil Young, Willie Nelson headline Keystone XL protest concert   {  }

-Video- How to stop the flow of funds to ISIS   {  }

Oklahoma beheading suspect awake in hospital, faces 1st-degree murder charges   {  }

Charges stayed against accused drig kingpin due to nearly decade-long delay   { I think they mean the charges were dropped. The article says British Columbia police knew where the man was in India but did not try to have him extradited. —djo— }

-Must Watch- Japan volcano eruption   {  }

-Must Watch- Amputee mountain climber   { It says a 31-year-old double-leg amputee successfully reached the peak of Jianmen Pass in China. I didn’t feel any need to watch this.  —djo— }

-Politics- Canada sets lowest standard at World Conference on Indigenous Peoples   {  Mathew Coon, the Grand Chief of the Grand Council of the Crees, said at the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, that Canada contradicted its own endorsement of the UN Declaration [ on the rights of Indigenous Peoples? ] this week at the UN. A UN special envoy had described Canada’s efforts on behalf of the well-being of Indigenous Peoples was ‘insufficient’.  —djo— }

-Health- Health websites could be overrun by commercial interests, experts fear   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Fredericton cab driver assaulted in attempted robbery   {  }

Saint John stabbing victim ‘a very kindhearted guy,’ says friend   {  }

17-year-old seriously injured in Moncton   { Police are releasing almost no details on this one. They said it was an assault that happened in the west end of Moncton at 4:30 am on Saturday but won’t be any more specific.  —djo— }

Coastal red oak multi-year project aims to boost numbers   { Volunteers with the Nature Conservancy of Canada ‘are hoping their efforts will help the declining coastal red oak return it its former glory. The Northumberland Strait is the only area in the world where coastal red oaks grow. Squirrels, raccoons and other small animals eat most of the acorns.  —djo— }




-Blog- Stolen Huxhukw mask surrendered to Albert Bay RCMP  {  }

-Opinion- Canada sets lowest standard at World Conference on Indigenous Peoples   {   This is repeated from ‘Other’ above, but I’m wondering if the U.S. track record is any better or worse than the Canadian efforts they’re complaining about.  —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Teepee raising competition   {  }

& Sadly, everything else is repeated from yesterday or as far back as last week. —djo—



{  10:56 am checking for typos and coloring the headlines:   11:15 am “Publish”ed     ———djo——— }

Thursday, 25 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied and Pasted from Radio Free Earth News — ———jim w——— }


Thursday, 25 September, 2014  -( 46˚F /8˚C –  Sunny & clear here @ 9:30 am – One whole time zone east of Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Tweets hinting that we may soon see if the truth sets us free.

Half Past Human Tweets- 25 September, 2014 Will the Truth set us Free?

Pig wearing Necklace?

“The oldest pig in the world lives in Calgary”

{ Today- again, this is -Jim W- filling in for Doug, who’s finally giving in and taking his flu case to bed and staying there for several more hours. }


Lead Articles:

-Analysis- Stephen Harper more open with Americans, UN than with Parliament   {  }

Brampton man shot dead during police traffic stop   {  }

Canada considers U.S. request for more help in ISIS fight   {  }

Candlelight vigil held for Toronto student fatally stabbed   {  }

14 ISIS fighters killed in U.S.-led airstrikes in NE Syria   {  }

Air Canada alleged problems with ‘explicit’ material in cockpit   { This article is about Air Canada warning flight crews they could be fired or face criminal charges  if they place ‘inappropriate material’ in the flight deck. It goes on to explain that a female pilot has reported pornographic material taped up in the cockpit and left in other places.  —jim w—  }

Lice aren’t nice, and parents pay big to get rid of them   {   }



Globe with S-O-S in orange letters stuck to in near the equator

Should have been offbeat? SOS from the world-


Oldest pig in the world lives in Calgary   {  }

St. John’s will host one of the most significant fossil discoveries made   { “An impression left by a life form, recently named Haootia Quadriformis, likely pushes back the start of animal life to 560 million years ago.”  —jim w— }

Tinder for cuddling: Cuddlr app finds you strangers to snuggle with   { A new app for smartphones calls itself a ‘no pressure’ ‘sex-free’ “location-based social-meeting app for cuddling.” — I don’t know that I’d trust anybody I met that way, and I’m a guy.  —jim w— }

Do-si-do and meet the oldest square dancer on the continent   {  }



“Most Viewed”

Teacher Daniel Mark Ogloff suspended for slapping ‘I’m gay’ sticker on student   { A Langley, B.C. metal and machine shop teacher with a history of inappropriate behaviour wrote “I’m gay” on a piece of masking tape and stuck that on the back of a male student’s jacket. The teacher has been suspended without pay for two weeks. }

Cold case: Woman digs for answers after alleged killings of 3 boys   { A woman who saw her father murder 3 First Nations boy who were later buried on their family farm spoke to police, who told her there were no missing persons reports and no bodies to back up her story. }

Jordan Subban not holding a grudge over Vancouver Sun ‘dark guy’ caption   {  }

Even Democrats seem unsure of Obama’s ISIS strategy for Iraq, Syria   {  }

Jason Kenney faces foreign-worker fallout in own backyard   { “Employment Minister Jason Kenney has faced growing pressure from businesses who say they need workers since he announced a crackdown on low-wage temporary foreign workers in June. Nowhere has that pressure been more vocal than in his home province of Alberta.” —jimw— }

BlackBerry Passport: Why it represents the ‘crux’ of CEO John Chen’s strategy   {  }

-13 photo slide show- India puts satellite into orbit around Mars   {  }

-Blog- NYPD, pregnant woman altercation video raises use of force questions   {  }




‘Drop the knife’: Witness account of what police said before deadly traffic stop shooting   {  }

-New- Ex-Scouts Canada leader to be sentenced on child luring charges today   {  }

Violence in schools can’t be solved with ‘knee-jerk reactions’   {  }

U.S. -led airstrikes hit ISIS-held oil sites in Syria   {  }

Ebola crisis: Sierra Leone now has 5 districts under quarantine   {  }

Conservatives take flak in Alberta for foreign worker changes   {  }

Canada adds ISIS name to list of terrorist entities   {  }

-Video- Greenland’s ‘dark snow’ climate threat worse than thought   {  }

American sentenced to hard labour in North Korea says he’s in good health   {  }

-Must Watch- Japan’s air force anniversary   {  }

-Must Watch- Students react to school stabbing   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- UN Climate Summit: A ‘game-changer’ for global warming?   {  }

-Technology & Science- Ancient Alaska volcano spewed ash across continents   { An eruption 1,150 years ago on the Alaska-Yukon border sent ashes 7,000 km away- as far as Europe. 6,000 km farther than scientist previously thought. They are warning airlines that other volcanic eruptions might be able to interfere with air travel in a wider area around volcanos than they previously believed. }

-Community- iPhone 6 plus bends in tight pants, say Apple fans   { They’re saying that it is not a good idea to keep one of these phones in tight pants. Bending isn’t good.  —jim w— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Irving Oil turfs Gordon Dalzell, clean air activist, from group   { Gordon Dalzell is an award-winning environmental advocate who was part of Irving Oil’s community Liaison committee- He was told they no longer want him on their committee because he released proprietary information to the media. * This may be a case where a corporation believes it can over-rule a citizen’s constitutional rights. —jim w— }

Brian Gallant’s hydro-fracking moratorium is risky, expert says   { In another case where corporations believe they can dictate around or above the laws of a sovereign nation some businesses are suing various provincial, state, and federal governments. After Quebec banned hydro-fracking the U.S.-based Lone Pine Resources sued the federal government of Canada for $250 million in compensation. Andrea Bjorklund, a professor of international commercial law at McGill University in Montreal, said the Liberals have to be careful about how the moratorium will be instituted. -Bjorklund, who was a part of the U.S. State Department’s NAFTA arbitration team, said provinces have the right to change laws under NAFTA, especially to protect people or the environment. – But Bjorklund said they also have to respect the rights of investors. ** And the guys at “Half Past Human dot com” have seen a time when the ‘Banksters’ will try to take down sovereign governments and while this will not be pleasant for anybody- the Banksters will not emerge victorious.  -When it’s us vs them in a fight for our lives, there are a hell of a lot more of us than there are of them.- Bjorklund was interviewed on local CBC early morning news this morning and said a bunch of times that fracking is safe and they have science to prove it. She was really good at trying to deflect her way around questions the interviewer asked, but he was better and I think you didn’t have to be psychic to see through her. After she was gone from the program someone sent email in to the host of the morning news and he read that on the air. The email ripped her arguments apart and accused her of believing that the general public was stupid and got their information by carrier pigeon. —jim w— }

Transition to Liberal Brian Gallant government begins   { “New Brunswick’s new Liberal government is expected to be sworn in within two weeks. – The first step toward the transition took place on Wednesday, with a meeting between Premier-designate Brian Gallant and outgoing Premier David Alward in Fredericton. – Gallant says he’s confident the process will go well, but a firm date has not yet been set. – “The premier’s been very co-operative, his team has been very co-operative, and committed to us that he would do everything he possibly can to make this the smoothest transition it can be,” Gallant told reporters after the meeting.” —jim w— }

Threats against police must stop, Moncton judge says   { I wonder if the judge thought of applying that to threats made by police as well. —jim w— }




McMaster wants aboriginal child taken from family for chemotherapy   { Somebody should spirit the ice-holes who made that decision away and give them chemotherapy. Feed them lots of Genetically modified corn sweetener until their intestines burst and/or hold the idjits down and force feed them flouride five or six times a day, a whole tube of toothpaste at a time. How long do you think they’d survive? Doctors have known for years that there are better, almost free cures for cancer that they will not endorse because the big phamaceutical companies can’t get rich if everybody knows they can cure themselves for free.  Would that be cruel or unusual punishment? —jim w— }

John Amagoalik, ‘Father of Nunavut’, to receive Order of Nunavut   {  }

Attawapiskat band members want vote on future of Chief Spence   { According to a group of Attawapiskat band members, Chief Spence “should resign as chief, considering her romantic partner and former band manager Clayton Kennedy has been charged with defrauding the First Nation. ” —jim w—  }

Atikamekw say they won’t allow forestry work on their land without approval   { -Without the First Nation tribe’s approval-  —jim w— }

B.C. Mounties look for suspect after First Nations mask was stolen   {  }

Site C or L.N.G: pick one, say B.C. First Nations   {  B.C. First Nations are telling Ottawa they will approve either a dam at ‘Site C’ or Liquified Natural Gas development, but not both  —jim w— }

Women comb riverbank for clues in missing, murdered women cases   {  }



{ 11:38 am – Chopping wood and carrying – no wait – checking 4 typos and coloring headlines.   ———Jim W——— }