Posts Tagged ‘Nobel Peace Prize’

Sat., 11 Oct., 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

{  — Nancy A.’s Birthday ———jim w——— }


Saturday, 11 October, 2014  -( 54˚F / 12˚C – & cloudy here @ 4:00 am near Ithaca )-  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Imagine Peace Memorial

John Lennon Memorial in Iceland :

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Malala & Peace Prize

Malala Yousafzai shares the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize with Kailash Satyarthi of India.


Thursday, October 9, 2014 –  would have been John Lennon’s 74th birthday.

{ Thought of the Day: I just watched ‘GasLand II” the HBO documentary-movie, most of the way through, for about the tenth time. Why are governmental ‘mouthpieces’ still tring to say that Shale Gas is: (1) a good thing, and, (2) the best way to go?  The best scientific evidence reported on in that movie showed that there is more than enough wind power available to generate 5 times our needed electricity- virtually free- forever- & it is renewable, does not pollute, does not poison your water supply. -And if the wind slows down, solar photovoltaics can fill in the gaps. And then there’s always hydro-electric and maybe even tidal generation possible.  The only thing ‘wrong’ with these renewable technologies is the fact that no greedy corporation has found a way to control them enough with lies and propaganda to raise the price high enough to keep billions of people in low-wage-slavery for the foreseeable future.   —djo— }


Lead Articles:

Malala Yousafzai shares Nobel Peace Prize with fellow children’s rights activist   { “Looking forward to learning about future recipients of the Malala Yousafzai Peace Prize.”  🙂  —djo— }

Manhunt for alleged gunman enters its third day near small Kootenay, B.C. town    {  }

ISIS fighters make inroads in Syrian city of Kobani    {  }

RCMP  has intervened against 28 people tied to militants  {  }

120 Canadian troops depart for Iraq mission next week    {  }

U.S. begins enhanced Ebola screening at JFK airport  {  }

Canadian support team for ISIS airstrike mission leaving for Kuwait next week   {  }

 -Thursday- Tories want to change copyright law to allow free use of news content in political ads   { Harper wants to include a provision that would allow political parties to use news footage without permission, without compensation, out of context etc. in political attack ads during campaigns- as an amendment inhis  next ‘omnibus’ bill. This would ignore copyright laws. News people call this an atrocity. I’d call it treason- a blatant attack on the rights and freedoms of the press, and therefore an attack on the rights and freedoms of all Canadians. If they get away with this, what will be their next atrocity? —djo— }



black and white cubuicles

“Generic Office Roleplay” – facebook users roleplay working for a boring company & post fake updates about working for the fake company.


How’s this for fun? Pretending to be a boring office drone on Facebook   { See photo-  —djo—  }

Windsor to use cayenne pepper to deter hungry squirrels   { * After I complained to a friend in 1995 that my daughter was upset about squirrels chasing birds away from the bird feeder we set up close to our window, Jim W replied that mixing cayenne pepper in with the bird seed would send the squirrels away and they wouldn’t come back. We tried that. So then Rachel got upset, worrying that the squirrels would starve to death, so we set up a squirrel feeder a safe distance from the bird feeder and everybody was happy.  —djo— }

Detroit house swapped for an iPhone 6 { *** I heard the real estate guy interviewed on the radio a couple days ago. At that time somebody in Europe who hated his iPhone 6 and didn’t want the house was giving the seller his iPhone 6 for free. This house was listed for $5,000.00 U$ after tennants moved out and squatters moved in and the house suffered a fire. So a new owner would need to make repairs and pay off $6,000.00 in back taxes.  I did not hear that the house was actually sold for an iPhone. *** —jim w—  }

Pierre Karl Péladeau imposter offers up Québecor shares on Kijiji   {  }

Record setting bluefin tuna hauled in by Nova Scotia girl  {  }

Young woman congratulated for record breaking catch by another record holder.

A 12-year-old woman caught this fish, and according to the rules, could not be helped in any way by anyone, especially adults. She told in the radio interview how heavy the tuna was in pounds but the idiots give the weight in kilograms in this article.



“Most Viewed”

Peter Degrooot sought by police in Kootenay manhunt  {  }

Nobel Peace Prize: Malala Yousafzai, Kailish Satyarthi win 2014 award   {  }

Bethany Paquette won’t back down on human rights complaint against Amaruk Wilderness, lawyer says  {  }

Alaskan police sorry for telling wrong family their son died  {  }

Oil price at $85 costing provinces and economy billions  { ***Suggestion:  It’s time to round up all oil company executives and lock them up at hard labour for the rest of their lives for making sure all research in alternative energy disappeared on their shelves somewhere and lying to everybody about the availability and cost of getting their fossil fuel. Force the ice-holes to build gizmoes for wind generators, hydro-electric generators and photo-voltaic cells.*** —djo—  *****I’ll second that —jim w—*****  }

Same-sex marriage opponents in U.S. ‘aren’t waving a white flag’   { *** Cathi and I were sitting in a doctor’s office waiting room when a couple who looked slightly strange approached us and asked if we considered ourselves Christians. I said yes. The woman, who looked like she was slightly drunk or high, said, “Well then you know that the devil wins if gays are allowed to marry- but we have a friend. George W. Bush is going to save us all, we want you to write letters to support him.” We kind of nodded and tried to look like, ‘yeah, uh-huh-anything you say’ and they moved on to bother somebody else. If churches and political groups are brainwashing people until they look like mindless parrots, and try to scare them into believing that they will suffer eternal damnation if they don’t do everything they can to prevent the devil from winning this ‘war’- well, that’s why they can’t be reasoned with, and that’s why they believe they is a Christian Jihad they have to win.  —jim w— }

Finance Canada accidentally posted upcoming tax measures online  {  }

London mayor Boris Johnson warns of terror threat   { * under -World- ‘Thousands’ of potential ISIS militants in U.K. being monitored, says London’s mayor * If you push people hard enough and often enough, they will push back you moronic tool of the string pulling ice-hole self-proclaimed ‘puppet-masters’* && * If you’re terrorizing your citizens – then the entire population will look like potential terrorists to you. * && *** Here’s how this works: — First countries like the U.S.A. and Great Britain terrorize smaller, weaker foreign nations to the point where they’re so desperate they’ll do anything to protect themselves. Then the C.I.A., MI6, and dozens of alphabet soup agencies create ‘terrorist’ groups, train them, arm them, and turn them loose. Then they point their fingers at the terrorists that they created and scream, “Hey, we need to take away all your freedoms, rights and privileges because these terrorists are coming to rape your wives and children and cut your heads off.”  —djo— }

Ebola outbreak: Canadians in 3 West African countries advised to leave   {  }

-11 photo slide show- Tesla’s evolving electric vehicles   {  }

-Thursday’s Blog- Fracking company launches pink drill bits for breast cancer awareness  { *This bit of manipulation is pretty freakin low, even for these corporate ice-holes. Trying to link a program that is destroying people’s health, property values and quality of life, as well as putting their lives in actual danger- to a campaign to raise awareness of women’s health issues is worse than unethical, cynical, bold face lying: on a par with telling Africans with AIDs that raping a virgin would cure their disease.*  >>—-> Link to Huffington Post article on Gasland 2 * Fracking may be more hazardous to our health and quality of life than we have previously warned about. Find a copy of Gasland 2 and watch it. — To be fair,  Forbes has been trying to label the movie as ‘Luddite Slander of Fracking’ *** but too many people without a horse in this race have ‘scientifically remote viewed without prejudice’ a future in which the USA has been reduced to less than a third world nation caused in a large part by fracking.   —djo— }




-Video- Cranberries: How this tangy treat gets to your Thanksgiving table   { * This coming Monday is Thanksgiving Day in Canada*  & Yesterday an article on cranberries said they fight cancer. —djo— }

Sakatchewan derailment reveals Canda’s broken-rail problems   {  }

Tesla Motors Electric cars.

The Tesla Model S, shown here,  was unveiled already, the P85D will go on sale in December with a $120,000 base price.

India cyclone Hudhud triggers half a million to evacuate coast   {  }

Did censoring a 9/11 report pave the way for ISIS?   {  }

Pop music a surprising weapon in the battle against Ebola   {  }

-Updated- $550M Job creation promise questioned in new PBO report   { “PBO” = Parliamentary Budget Office. — “It was touted as a job-creator in a tough job market, but new evidence suggests the Conservative plan to cut Employment Insurance premiums for small business won’t achieve its stated goal of making it easier for employers to hire new workers. – And the head of a key lobby group acknowledges the decision by the government may be linked to other political considerations. – In a new report, the parliamentary budget officer, Jean-Denis Fréchette, says the small business job credit announced last month by Finance Minister Joe Oliver would generate only 800 new jobs over two years — 200 new full-time equivalent jobs in 2015 and 600 new jobs in 2016. – That would mean each new position will cost the government — and the taxpayer — $687,500. – The head of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business called the PBO’s figures “puzzling.” – “That seems really really thin,” Dan Kelly told CBC News Wednesday. –  “Our own estimate at CFIB was that it would create 25,000 person years of employment. A different measure, but still an awful lot more than the PBO is estimating. And we’re trying to figure out why their estimate is so thin.” – CFIB lobbied for EI cut – But Kelly also said the government’s decision came only after his organization had lobbied heavily for a cut to EI premiums as a form of quid pro quo, to placate small business owners enraged over two new policies: new anti-spam legislation, and a drastic reduction in temporary foreign worker permits. – Kelly called those “dumb decisions” on the part of the government. –‘It’s another example of Conservative politics triumphing over public policy’– Liberal Finance Critic Scott Brison – In a separate interview with CBC Radio last month, Kelly recalled the message his organization took to the government in a lobbying session. – “As a result of (those decisions) we said to the government look, you guys have made some really boneheaded moves over the past number of months; we need to see a couple of positive things come forward. (We) suggested specifically, progress on Employment Insurance,” he said in an interview with CBC Radio’s Ontario Today Sept. 30. – “And the good news is the EI fund has returned into balance… and the government has decided to move ahead with it and we give them credit for that,” he told host Rita Celli. – Kelly also said small businesses are happy with the EI measure both as a job creation tool, and as a tax reduction measure. – Liberal Finance critic Scott Brison says the measure was a poorly-conceived attempt to placate one group for political purposes. –  “The Conservatives were looking for some bone to throw towards the small business community to make up for the aggravation,” he said.  – “They didn’t think this out, it’s another example of Conservative politics triumphing over public policy.” – Brison said the program contains a disincentive to hire by limiting the benefit to companies with 15 employees or less, and will simply cost too much. The Liberals have countered with a proposal to grant EI premium “holidays” for companies that first create jobs. – The job credit will cut EI premiums, starting in 2015, for businesses with an annual contribution of less than $15,000. – The government says 780,000 business in Canada are expected to benefit from the credit in 2015. – “This is real money that a small business can use to help defray the costs of hiring new workers and to take advantage of emerging economic opportunities,” said Finance department spokeswoman Stéphanie Rubec. – To make his calculations, the budget watchdog used the Finance Department’s own EI premium rate multiplier to estimate the increase in employment “as a result of higher after-tax business incomes.” – The small business job credit is not the only problem identified in the EI system by the PBO report. – “We’ve made a number of observations in the report that the way the program is governed now is creating a lot of problems. First of all, it’s not predictable…it’s not transparent. What we have suggested is the government should provide an estimate of the cost of the rates that they have put in place,” said Assistant PBO Mostafa Askari.”  —djo— }

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s condition still a mystery after no-sho on Friday   {  }

Kurds struggle to defend besieged Syrian town from ISIS  { * & Turkey’s armed forces would just as soon watch the Kurds get massacred before they lift a finger against ISIS. —djo— }

Hong Kong protest leaders write open letter to Chinese president   {  }

Typhoon Vongfong disrupts flights, knocks out power in Japan   { * look up “Weaponized Weather” on Google or better yet, “Startpage” search engine.   —djo— }

Sudden oil price drop a crude awakening for Canada’s economy   { *** “If it sends the current Conservative government packing, we’ll take it-” ***  —djo— }

-Exclusive- ‘Potentially catastrophic’ damage in Commons to be fixed   { * But can you repair the damage to Canada’s infrastructure and culture and economy that were perpetrated by the sitting government by patching up the structural damage in a building?   —djo— }

$1B Ponzi scheme leads to charges against ex-TD Bank executive   {  }

‘I thank my father for not clipping my wings’ Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize co-winner   {  }

Luka Magnotta’s defence questions pathologist’s expertise   {  }

-Must Watch- Circle of Light Festival dazzles Moscow   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- What to know about this year’s flu virus   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- The Amazing Cranberry   {

-Editor’s Pick- Thanksgiving dinner: how to eat as much as possible   { * “Eating competetition champion, all-you-can-eat buffet owner weigh in on strategy.”  —djo—  }

-Politics- Enbridge Line 9B pipeline delayed by NEB over major water body concerns  {  }

-Thursday –> -Canada-Council of Canadians going to court to fight election law changes   { * Why is this not up at the top in the Lead Articles section? —djo— }

-Business- Postmedia’s big bet, Clorox comes clean, & CRTC’s warning: Business Week Wrap   {  }

-Business- Climate change may create legal liability for Canadian energy firms   {  }

-Politics- Just don’t call it ‘sociology’: Tories seek bids for terrorism research.  { * Do they want to learn how to better use terrorism against their electorate? They’re doing quite well – controlling the news- invoking an atmosphere of constant anxiety and fear in a calculated effort to better control the hearts and minds of citizens kept in a state of constant fear-  —djo— }

-Politics- Alberta Premier Jim Prentice holds 1st meeting with prime minister   {  }

-Technology & Science- Bones of pre-Neanderthal found in France   { * Were they cone-heads?   —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Fish will move toward poles as temperatures rise, study says   { * I suppose they asked a couple goldfish what they thought about rising temperatures.  —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Hitting biodiversity targets will require more work: Bob McDonald   {  }

-Technology & Science- Mars rovers, orbiters will studay faraway comet’s flyby   {  }

-Community- Katy Perry’s Super bowl halftime show sparks excitement, cynicism from readers   {  }

-Community- Satya Nadella’s ‘karma’ advice to women comes back to haunt him   {  🙂 }




Canadian Money – they no longer use pennies. New Brunswick currently has a minimum wage at $10 an hour.

“Local / New Bruswick”

Anti-poverty group pushes for higher minimum wage    {  }

Saint-Louis-de-Kent apartment oil leak forces 5 adults out   {  }

Fredericton police looking for man and woman who fled crash   {  }

RCMP group issues PTSD ‘call to action’ after Ron Francis’s suicide   {  }

-Updated- New Brunswick’s jobless rate jumps to 9.6% in September   {  }

-N.B.Page- -Recap- N.B. This Week   {  }

Fredericton couple takes on big insurance over Arthur repairs   {  }

Fredericton police mum on rumours of bang being behind attacks   {  }

Boil water orders continue in 3 New Brunswick communities   {  }



Google Enchanted Owl Doodle

Inuit Artist Kenojuak Ashevak was honoured by Google with this doodle on what would have beeh her 87th birthday.

“First Nations”

Stephen Harper, Jim Prentice hold 1st meeting in Calgary   {  }

Winnipeg women say being sexually harrased downtown the norm  {  }

More talks could break Peel land use planning stalemate   { “Yukon First Nations and their environmental allies say the court battle over the Peel watershed land use plan could be settled through ‘proper consultation.”  —djo— }

Polaris winner describes being followed, called ‘sexy little Indian’ on street   {  }

Marlene Bird says she had run-in with one of her attackers   { “The woman who lost both her legs in a vicious attack in Prince Albert, Sask., over the summer says she recently came across one of the people who attacked her on the street”  —djo— }

-Opinion- A First Nations take on Thanksgiving: ‘Your Welcome Weekend’  {  }

Mi’kmaq say Sydney Harbour talks back on track   {  }

Union slams ‘rushed’ facility for at-risk girls in Winnipeg   {  }

Watchdog says B.C. government ignoring recommendations to help children   {  }



{ 9:00 pm —Ready to Rock and Roll— Had to call for late help from Jim W — Thanks, Jim ———djo——— }

Fri., 10 Oct., 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Friday, October 10th, 2014

Friday, 10 October, 2014  -( 44˚F / 7˚C – & a little hazy here @ 8:30 am near Ithaca )-  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Imagine Peace Memorial

John Lennon Memorial in Iceland :

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Malala & Peace Prize

Malala Yousafzai shares the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize with Kailash Satyarthi of India.


Yesterday, October 9, 2014 –  would have been John Lennon’s 74th birthday.

{ Thought of the Day: I just watched ‘GasLand II” the HBO documentary-movie, most of the way through, for about the tenth time. Why are governmental ‘mouthpieces’ still tring to say that Shale Gas is: (1) a good thing, and, (2) the best way to go?  The best scientific evidence reported on in that movie showed that there is more than enough wind power available to generate 5 times our needed electricity- virtually free- forever- & it is renewable, does not pollute, does not poison your water supply. -And if the wind slows down, solar photovoltaics can fill in the gaps. And then there’s always hydro-electric and maybe even tidal generation possible.  The only thing ‘wrong’ with these renewable technologies is the fact that no greedy corporation has found a way to control them enough with lies and propaganda to raise the price high enough to keep billions of people in low-wage-slavery for the foreseeable future.   —djo— }


Lead Articles:

Malala Yousafzai shares Nobel Peace Prize with fellow children’s rights activist   { “Looking forward to learning about future recipients of the Malala Yousafzai Peace Prize.”  🙂  —djo— }

N. Korean leader Kim Jong Un misses major anniversary event    {  }

ISIS fighters push further into Syrian town of  Kobani   {  }

B.C. police in manhunt for armed suspect near Slocan lake    {  }

74K jobs created in Sept. nearly all full time: StatsCan    {  }

-Analysis- The ‘unknown unknowns’ of confronting ISIS in Iraq: Brian Stewart   {  }

B.C. RCMP officer investigated after violent arrest caught on tape   {  }

-Video- Cranberries: They fight cancer and put the zing in Thanksgiving   {  }

 -Yesterday- Tories want to change copyright law to allow free use of news content in political ads   { Harper wants to include a provision that would allow political parties to use news footage without permission, without compensation, out of context etc. in political attack ads during campaigns- as an amendment inhis  next ‘omnibus’ bill. This would ignore copyright laws. News people call this an atrocity. I’d call it treason- a blatant attack on the rights and freedoms of the press, and therefore an attack on the rights and freedoms of all Canadians. If they get away with this, what will be their next atrocity? —djo— }



Camel on sand dune with camera rig on its back.

“Google Street View uses camel to map Arabian desert”


B.C. woman nurtures her 294-kg pumpkin baby   { 294 kg = 648 lbs, 2.5457 ounces  —djo—  }

Windsor to use cayenne pepper to deter hungry squirrels   { * After I complained to a friend in 1995 that my daughter was upset about squirrels chasing birds away from the bird feeder we set up close to our window, Jim W replied that mixing cayenne pepper in with the bird seed would send the squirrels away and they wouldn’t come back. We tried that. So then Rachel got upset, worrying that the squirrels would starve to death, so we set up a squirrel feeder a safe distance from the bird feeder and everybody was happy.  —djo— }

Calgary art piece removed after sun burns hole in onlooker’s jacket  {  }

-Repeat- Google Street View uses camel to map Arabian desert   {  }



“Most Viewed”

Tesla P85D: Dual motor, all-wheel drive electric car unveiled   {  }

Nobel Peace Prize: Malala Yousafzai, Kailish Satyarthi win 2014 award   {  }

‘Huge explosion’ flattens house, garage in Greely, Ont.   {  }

Jan Hooks, Saturday Night Live star, dies at 57   {  }

Amaruk Wilderness: questions raised about company at centre of anti-Christian attack   {  }

Slocan, B.C. remains locked down as police search for gunman   {  }

Canada’s economy adds 74,000 jobs, jobless rate drops to 6 year low  {  }

Where are the girls? Youngster asks of Dick’s Sporting Goods catalogue   {  }

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella apologizes for comment on women, pay   {  }

-12 photo slide show- 12 views of October lunar eclipse   {  }

-Yesterday’s Blog- Fracking company launches pink drill bits for breast cancer awareness  { *This bit of manipulation is pretty freakin low, even for these corporate ice-holes. Trying to link a program that is destroying people’s health, property values and quality of life, as well as putting their lives in actual danger- to a campaign to raise awareness of women’s health issues is worse than unethical, cynical, bold face lying: on a par with telling Africans with AIDs that raping a virgin would cure their disease.*  >>—-> Link to Huffington Post article on Gasland 2 * Fracking may be more hazardous to our health and quality of life than we have previously warned about. Find a copy of Gasland 2 and watch it. — To be fair,  Forbes has been trying to label the movie as ‘Luddite Slander of Fracking’ *** but too many people without a horse in this race have ‘scientifically remote viewed without prejudice’ a future in which the USA has been reduced to less than a third world nation caused in a large part by fracking.   —djo— }




Questions raised about company [ Amurak Wilderness ] at centre of anti-Christian attack   { “No evidence that wilderness company actually operates in Norway” & “As more women who received bizarre and inappropriate responses to their job applications to wilderness company Amaruk come forward, efforts to reach the company’s CEO have left CBC News questioning whether the business and its jobs even exist. – Amaruk Wilderness Corp. hit headlines this week after CBC News reported on a B.C. Human Rights Tribunal complaint, in which a Trinity Western University graduate — Bethany Paquette — claims her application to work for the company was rejected because she’s Christian.

“-Since Paquette’s complaint was reported, CBC News has heard from other applicants, including Lucie Clermont, who applied to Amaruk last year for a job listed as the executive assistant to the CEO, which promised a $120,000 salary and world travel. – Job too good to be true? – Clermont’s application was met with a number of emails asking awkward questions — some of them sexual — followed by more that became insulting. – Questions are being raised about Amaruk, the company at the centre of an alleged anti-Christian attack, and a number of associated businesses. – “We are very un-Canadian in the sense that we do not embrace mediocrity,” one of the emails reads, apparently from Eric Teheiura, vice president South Pacific. “We are not about to hire just anybody to assist a CEO, consular official, and member of one of Europe’s wealthiest families.” – Sophie Waterman applied for the same job, but soon believed it sounded too good to be true. She withdrew her application after a friend in the tourism industry warned her Amaruk might not be all that it seems. – “When I cancelled the interview, I received about 15 emails in quick succession,” she says. “All pretending to be from different people involved with the company, and all very litigious, accusing me and my friend of slander. My feeling is that it’s all one person.” -”  —djo— }

Microsoft boss apologizes for telling women not to ask for raise   {  }

Tesla Motors Electric cars.

The Tesla Model S, shown here,  was unveiled already, the P85D will go on sale in December with a $120,000 base price.

This ain’t your grandpa’s sedan: Tesla unveils sleek, new electric car   {  }

Airport fever checks for Ebola ‘mostly a waste of time’   {  }

-New- Initial Ebola tests on dead Briton in Macedonia discount likelihood of virus   {  }

-Updated- $550M Job creation promise questioned in new PBO report   { “PBO” = Parliamentary Budget Office. — “It was touted as a job-creator in a tough job market, but new evidence suggests the Conservative plan to cut Employment Insurance premiums for small business won’t achieve its stated goal of making it easier for employers to hire new workers. – And the head of a key lobby group acknowledges the decision by the government may be linked to other political considerations. – In a new report, the parliamentary budget officer, Jean-Denis Fréchette, says the small business job credit announced last month by Finance Minister Joe Oliver would generate only 800 new jobs over two years — 200 new full-time equivalent jobs in 2015 and 600 new jobs in 2016. – That would mean each new position will cost the government — and the taxpayer — $687,500. – The head of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business called the PBO’s figures “puzzling.” – “That seems really really thin,” Dan Kelly told CBC News Wednesday. –  “Our own estimate at CFIB was that it would create 25,000 person years of employment. A different measure, but still an awful lot more than the PBO is estimating. And we’re trying to figure out why their estimate is so thin.” – CFIB lobbied for EI cut – But Kelly also said the government’s decision came only after his organization had lobbied heavily for a cut to EI premiums as a form of quid pro quo, to placate small business owners enraged over two new policies: new anti-spam legislation, and a drastic reduction in temporary foreign worker permits. – Kelly called those “dumb decisions” on the part of the government. –‘It’s another example of Conservative politics triumphing over public policy’– Liberal Finance Critic Scott Brison – In a separate interview with CBC Radio last month, Kelly recalled the message his organization took to the government in a lobbying session. – “As a result of (those decisions) we said to the government look, you guys have made some really boneheaded moves over the past number of months; we need to see a couple of positive things come forward. (We) suggested specifically, progress on Employment Insurance,” he said in an interview with CBC Radio’s Ontario Today Sept. 30. – “And the good news is the EI fund has returned into balance… and the government has decided to move ahead with it and we give them credit for that,” he told host Rita Celli. – Kelly also said small businesses are happy with the EI measure both as a job creation tool, and as a tax reduction measure. – Liberal Finance critic Scott Brison says the measure was a poorly-conceived attempt to placate one group for political purposes. –  “The Conservatives were looking for some bone to throw towards the small business community to make up for the aggravation,” he said.  – “They didn’t think this out, it’s another example of Conservative politics triumphing over public policy.” – Brison said the program contains a disincentive to hire by limiting the benefit to companies with 15 employees or less, and will simply cost too much. The Liberals have countered with a proposal to grant EI premium “holidays” for companies that first create jobs. – The job credit will cut EI premiums, starting in 2015, for businesses with an annual contribution of less than $15,000. – The government says 780,000 business in Canada are expected to benefit from the credit in 2015. – “This is real money that a small business can use to help defray the costs of hiring new workers and to take advantage of emerging economic opportunities,” said Finance department spokeswoman Stéphanie Rubec. – To make his calculations, the budget watchdog used the Finance Department’s own EI premium rate multiplier to estimate the increase in employment “as a result of higher after-tax business incomes.” – The small business job credit is not the only problem identified in the EI system by the PBO report. – “We’ve made a number of observations in the report that the way the program is governed now is creating a lot of problems. First of all, it’s not predictable…it’s not transparent. What we have suggested is the government should provide an estimate of the cost of the rates that they have put in place,” said Assistant PBO Mostafa Askari.”  —djo— }

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s condition still a mystery after no-sho on Friday   {  }

North and South Korea trade machine gun fire  {  }

-Analysis- After the oilsands ‘victory’ will Europe buy the oil?   {  }

Top court to rule whether Zahra Kazemi’s son can sue Iran   { *-Update- The court ruled that, under the current law, he could not sue a government, but referred the case to Parliament, suggesting they change the law.   —djo— }

Conservatives to double child fitness tax credit this year   { * Sounds like a ‘transparent’ cynical bid to buy votes before ‘lowering the boom’ after the next election?*  —djo— }

Future First Lady of Oregon tearful over marriage she concealed   {  }

-Must Watch- Arrest of youth, recorded on video, sparks investigation -Graphic Violence-   {  }

-Must Watch- Man helps out feathered fisher   { “Vancouver Island fisherman gives an exhausted and sick bald eagle a life to shore after finding the bird struggling in the ocean”  }

-Must Watch- 2nd night of St. Louis shooting protest   {  }

Marijuana legalization needs strict controls, Canadian addiction centre says   {  }

-Must Watch- St. Louis police shooting protest   { “An angry crowd confronts police after an 18-year-old was shot and killed in St. Louis, Mo.”  * We heard that the man who was killed was brandishing a sandwich, not a gun, after an off duty police officer claimed he was shot at and fired 17 rounds at the victim – we now have conflicting stories coming at us from all sides.  —djo— }

-Must Watch- At Issue Panel: Polls, polls, polls   { From last night’s ‘National’ CBC news.   —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- What to know about this year’s flu virus   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Time capsule from 1901 found inside Boston statue opened   {  }

-Politics- Enbridge Line 9B pipeline delayed by NEB over major water body concerns  {  }

-Yesterday –> -Canada-Council of Canadians going to court to fight election law changes   { * Why is this not up at the top in the Lead Articles section? —djo— }

-Business- Evangelist-turned-CEO now ‘a vagabond’ as mining dreams evaporate   {  }

-Politics- Just don’t call it ‘sociology’: Tories seek bids for terrorism research.  { * Do they want to learn how to better use terrorism against their electorate? They’re doing quite well – controlling the news- invoking an atmosphere of constant anxiety and fear in a calculated effort to better control the hearts and minds of citizens kept in a state of constant fear-  —djo— }

-Business- Climate change may create legal liability for Canadian energy firms   {  }



“Local / New Bruswick”

‘There was nothing we could do’ firefighter sys of crash that killed 2 teens    {  }

Fredericton hospital lab evacuated after chemical spill   {  }

Saint John Regional Hospital photos show dirty rooms   {  }

RCMP group issues PTSD ‘call to action’ after Ron Francis’s suicide   {  }

-Updated- New Brunswick’s jobless rate jumps to 9.6% in September   {  }



First Nations demonstrators.

Demonstrators celebrate B.C. Supreme court decision not to grant permanent injunction.

“First Nations”

Watchdog says B.C. government ignoring recommendations to help children   {  }

Winnipeg women say being sexually harrased downtown the norm  {  }

More talks could break Peel land use planning stalemate   { “Yukon First Nations and their environmental allies say the court battle over the Peel watershed land use plan could be settled through ‘proper consultation.”  —djo— }

Polaris winner describes being followed, called ‘sexy little Indian’ on street   {  }

-Audio- Walking With Our Sisters installation ‘more than beautiful artwork’   {  }

Roberta Joseph new chief of Dawson’s Tr’ondek Wech’in  {  }

Yukon Judge wrong to ignore Truth in Sentencing law: Appeal court   {  }

Union slams ‘rushed’ facility for at-risk girls in Winnipeg   {  }

First Nations, Second Class Care   {  }



{ 11:30 am —Ready to Rock and Roll— ———djo——— }