After searching for a week – I found “Ghost” – Jon Snow’s Dire Wolf – ‘alive and well’ in the preview for Tomorrow Night’s episode –

Saturday, May 4th, 2019 – +9˚C / +48˚F – greyish and ‘overcast’ ( cloudy ) @ 12:11 pm in Atlantic Canada –

photo of Survivors of The Long Night ready to burn the bodies of those that did not survive.

– It took me all week and probably ten minutes of pausing and reverse -pause-forward-pause- pause-wait- reverse- pause – AHA! to see what others saw last Sunday night in the USA after Game Of Thrones – Season 8 Episode 3 “The Long Night” gave us all PTSD relapses 😉 Ghost the Dire Wolf is in the above photo behind Samwell Tarly and Dany. { Right 4th of the photo } –

— “Ghost” the all white Dire Wolf – went galloping off beside Ser Jorah Mormont and the Dothraki horde as they charged off gallantly to face the White Walkers and their army of the dead.  After that initial charge we did not see Ghost again.

— I’m a fan of “Talk the Thrones” – which moved to the ringer dot com last year after HBO or who{m?}ever failed to bring them back for season 7. – And – After Mallory Rubin let us know she was worried about Ghost’s fate –  somebody texted her during their broadcast that they had seen Ghost in the preview/ teaser for episode 4. I tried most of the over night last Sunday into Monday – and couldn’t find that trailer/teaser/preview on HBO Canada up here in New Brunswick. – Then I found a couple different versions of the official trailer – or maybe what I found was that my computer skipped over subliminal very quick frames and showed Euron Greyjoy’s fleet at the beginning of one trailer and just a quick subliminal blip of that fleet in another. A trailer from a UK site was the most complete. I was able to see that the two ‘living’ dragons had both survived that insane battle but the rest of the ‘trailer’ flipped past so fast I could not see Ghost anywhere.

— I tried to surf in to any between program trailers I could find on HBO Canada and that was a waste of time. So When GOT s8e3 came on at 5 am here this morning on ‘HBO Canada West’ I watched it for probably the tenth time in 6 days and was able to notice a couple split second flashes of things I missed in the first 9 viewings –

Close up of the top photo

– Extreme closeup – from a non-4K television monitor – and this is what I got – but if you can’t find Ghost in the top photo you may be able to see him here. –

— I think Bran may be remote viewing me here – this closeup is so unclear that most details are lost, but there’s the Dire Wolf. { Yay! }

— && I better post this before I start to worry that maybe the Northerners and what’s left to the Dragon Queen’s army are in for an even more horrendous battle in the south. After they saved the continent from the undead – will the evil, power-crazy, unethical slimeballs in the south be able to hang on to their evil empire after all?

— Not quite a spoiler —> We’ve heard hints that we should watch episode 5 on the largest screen we can.

— Yay?

~~~~~ Jim

New Year – Progress?

– Thursday Morning, January 10th, 2019 —> -2˚C / +28˚F —> dark & snowing very lightly around Fredericton New Brunswick @ 2:34 am –

Jessicka by night.

– “Jessicka by Night” –

— {{{ Jessicka was a main female character in my NaNoWriMo novel last year –  which still needs a bit of ‘fleshing out’. Her father was the head of a university’s psychology department and he grumbled at their family dinners about ‘non scientific’ ‘Morons’ who filled people’s heads with nonsense about life after death when the truth was obvious to him that the human brain manufactured fantasies like near-death experiences because the average member of ‘the great unwashed’ couldn’t face the ‘truth’ that there was no god, there was no after-life and their pitiful little egos would simply cease to function when their heart stopped pumping and their physical brains shut down. Her mother was a nurse with a warm, nurturing nature, who quietly muttered things like, “Never tell your father I said so, but I believe his ‘scientific approach’ is full of holes – he dismisses anything that does not support his pre-judged attitude on any subject. I rather think the human mind only functions when it is open to possibilities that have not been satisfactorily been dis-proven – and I rather call myself a militant agnostic: ‘I don’t know and he doesn’t either.’-” In the opening chapters of the novel Jessicka goes through a nightmarish experience that could shatter the sanity of almost anyone, and as she is nursing the man who saved her from a hellish death, she feels stinging tears as he describes the near death experiences he has as he’s in and out of a coma. She thinks he’s dying and his dreams and visions just might be the product of a dying human mind trying to shield itself from the truth. }}}


— Meanwhile, here on Earth, In case you haven’t been paying attention:

  • U.S. Presidink Donald J Trump appears to be trying to exploit something of a mole hill he wants everybody to believe is one hell of a mountain as he’s tantrum-ing over getting his border wall between Mexico and the U.S.A. { One night we get a news story about drug lords and other nasty people tunneling hundreds of yards beneath border check points to sneak their guns and drugs and killer henchmen into the USA and the next night Donald J Trump is trying to make everybody believe that if they give him 5.7 billion US dollars to build his wall – everybody will be able to sleep well at night – safe and sound and secure —> Until the people who love keeping everyone else in a state of anxiety so they can be easily manipulated into surrendering their constitutional rights and forking over the ‘hard earned dollars’  that jerks like Trump claim they are trying to take back from the ‘tax and spend liberals’ and put into the pockets of the fine, upstanding { ‘White’ } working people. } —> { but – do you have any evidence that all the ‘major tax cuts’ the conservative, republican types have pushed through in the last hundred years or so have put any real money into the pockets and bank accounts of anybody but the filthy rich ‘robber barons’? }
    • & in the realm of G.M.O’s : where nobody came right out and mentioned “Monstanto” :
  • In ‘main-stream’ morning news up here in Canada – on a CBC morning News programme – ‘Information Morning’ on the radio and through the internet – ‘New Brunswick First’ on television – A doctor with no apparent political agenda – talking about the various trials and tribulations of health care in Canada and answering questions about food allergies versus food intolerances – fielded one called-in or emailed-in question with, “Well – for one thing – you should avoid high-fructose corn syrup altogether if you can, it’s no good for anybody.” – implying that high fructose corn syrup caused a lot of gastrointestinal discomfort that many patients believed were caused by some kind of food allergy they couldn’t quite figure out.
  • But then again today, on another programme on the same CBC radio station, another Doctor – & this one sounded to me like he ‘drank the cool-aid’ – responded to a negative comment about Genetically Modified Organisms with, “But what you people don’t understand is: There are a hell of a lot of people on this planet and we have to do something to step up the production of food because our resources have their limits.” —> What this guy missed – or ignored – was all the verifiable research that Genetically Modified seeds have proven to deliver much less harvested food than the ‘old-fashioned’ non-modified, non-proprietary, non-poisonous, { idiotic } seeds that Monsanto sells to unwary farmers who then discover they can’t afford to constantly buy those high-priced seeds every year and the seeds they try to save from the crops they’ve planted and harvested have been ‘scientifically treated’ not to grow.

— I think that’s all the pain I can handle for one morning.

— Time for an extended chorus of “When will they every learn? When will they Ehhhhh-ehhhh-verrrr learn?”


~~~~~ Namasté —

~~~~~ Jim


From 1993

Christmas Day, 2018 —> -9˚C / +15˚F – quiet with clear skies @ 4:30 pm as the sun is getting ready to set in Atlantic Canada –

Christmas Morning Sun Rise

– Sunrise – A little after 8:45 am this morning –

— Cathi found a notebook of mine from 1993 –

Who Am I ?


I believed

I was the electric silence

that nearly rang inside

and all around my head

-the magnet pull

in my heart

-the questions I held

to the heavens

-the answers I starved

and thirsted for

-the promise to listen

for those answers

-the welling within my


– which reached

through darkness

-and promised to do

the best I could

until I knew

which name

God would call me by –


– december 18, 1993



~~~~~ Jim

“Psychic Photographs” – Evidence of Life Most of us Don’t See?

— Sunday, September 9th, 2018 —  +11˚C / +52˚F – dark & slightly cloudy @ 8:19 pm —

— Below is one page from our website before we discovered and began to use WordPress :

Aerendel Logo

Haunted Arnprior

These are images that Cathi and I got when we took photos and are not retouched.

The Gillies Mansion:

Gillies House in 2005

— Cathi took this photo in April of 2005. There was nobody visible when she took it. We both had a feeling there was someone there, I had the impression there was a woman inside, behind one of the windows. We didn’t get a really good look at this photo until almost a year later. What do you see to the left of the chimney, in front of the house?

Gillies house April, 2005

Enlarged slightly.

Spooky Photo

— Now, this one showed up (not through the viewfinder or the digital window of the camera) after I tried to take a photo of Christmas season lights and the mist rising from the distant waterfall (locally called the “weir”). At first I thought I’d captured some fog rising from a storm drain – but then I looked and… no storm drain, no cars had gone by and I had not just exhaled, I held my breath to steady the camera. Then I started noticing what looks like eyes in this photo. And, when I showed it Cathi, and then others, they saw more and more figures in the white stuff. I think this is the most clear photo of whatever this white stuff is that I’ve seen yet, (saw a photo of something that somebody thought was a poltergeist on line a short time ago, but that was blurry and I didn’t see anything much in it….)


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Yahoo Groups Sign In Page

Um, Let’s see… I’m always looking for more things to go here.

I may soon figure out how to imbed a MySQL data base type forum that only okayed subscribers can comment on and put that in here somewhere.

Cat Woman
“Cat Woman”
by Marie Buchfink
(I want to give her a link
from here, as soon as I find
out where to link it to.)

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This Earthly Life

Friday, September 15th, 2017


It all seemed so simple
While we basked in Heavenly Love
– Guided by the wisdom of Heavenly Beings

So of course we volunteered
to come back down to earth
To save those silly earthlings
that we cared so much about
From suffering all the pain and confusion
they so readily embraced
in their blindness
and ambition –

But the process of birth
wiped our memories completely
and left us defenseless
before those Shakespearean slings and arrows

We were target practice for everything
that only valued power
and saw love as weakness
wisdom as a hindrance to their fulfillment
which, of course, they could never achieve
anyway –
And then they blamed us for their
inability to become the sole
ruler of everything they see.

And when the ones we care about
turn and blame us for every little failure
in their lives
of course it hurts

If we were mindless
It might not hurt at all

But we are, after all,
Angels in Training
And we feel every pain
we ever wanted to save
anyone else from ever feeling –

And down here
where the electro-magnetic currents
have intense and negative effects
on our ability to remember who we are
and why we’re here –
and, in effect, block out the sun of reason –
we’ve either got to trust
The Heart of the Universe
and the wisdom of whatever
we believe God might be
– to get us through this –


— Jim Wellington 2017  { —> Copied onto a new page, titled “Personal Evolution” —> }