From 1993

Christmas Day, 2018 —> -9˚C / +15˚F – quiet with clear skies @ 4:30 pm as the sun is getting ready to set in Atlantic Canada –

Christmas Morning Sun Rise

– Sunrise – A little after 8:45 am this morning –

— Cathi found a notebook of mine from 1993 –

Who Am I ?


I believed

I was the electric silence

that nearly rang inside

and all around my head

-the magnet pull

in my heart

-the questions I held

to the heavens

-the answers I starved

and thirsted for

-the promise to listen

for those answers

-the welling within my


– which reached

through darkness

-and promised to do

the best I could

until I knew

which name

God would call me by –


– december 18, 1993



~~~~~ Jim

This Universe Has Many Levels.

Sunday, December 16th, 2018 — +1˚C / +33˚F — ‘clear’ & hinting at evening @ 4:41 pm

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Okay, you are most likely reading this in the Material Universe. Many of you believe that this is the only universe there is.  If you can’t handle me telling you that you’re wrong, ‘log out’ of here and go somewhere else now.

The material universe is the lowest of several universes that are right here, right now.

“Above” the material universe there is the ‘Astral’ Universe. The Astral Universe is where we go when we’re dreaming. { That’t the most simple explanation. You also contact the Astral Universe when you are visualizing/imagining things, people, events etc. — }

The Astral Universe is many times larger than the material universe. The size differential has been compared to a hot air balloon and the basket below the hot air balloon in which passengers ride. The Astral Universe is the balloon and the basket is the material universe. The Astral Universe has also been called the Emotional Universe. The Material Universe can be called the Physical Universe. If and when you’re in the Astral Universe, you may be able to touch things and believe they are physical because they will be at the same ‘density’ as you are.

There are sections of the Astral Universe that are dark – where things are not that easy to see – This has been called the ‘lower’ astral universe or lower astral plane. ‘Mischievous’ or even downright ‘mean’ and ‘destructive’ and/or ‘negative’ beings like hanging out in the lower astral universe. You could enjoy yourselves down there, and feel pretty safe, or you could believe you are stuck in what some people who have experienced the least friendly citizens of the lower Astral Universe have described as ‘Hell’.

There are also lighter and brighter sections of the Astral Universe where ‘nicer’ beings tend to hang out and spend their time enjoying ‘life’ and the company of not so mean, or nasty individuals who either spend most of their time there – often between ‘lives’ in the material universe – or pop in and out as they dream. Some people who have been to the higher/lighter sections of the Astral Universe believe they have been in ‘Heaven’ – but this is not the Ultimate perfectly Bliss-Filled area that all evolving beings believe is the end of their journey through life or many lives.

Beyond the Astral Universe there is the Causal Universe. Again, the Causal Universe is much bigger than the Astral Universe – the size differential is again comparable to the size of a hot air balloon and its basket with the Causal Universe being the balloon this time and the Astral Universe being the comparative size of the basket. Where the Astral Universe is the realm of emotions – the Causal Universe is the realm of the higher intellect.

Do not be confused and believe that by higher intellect I mean this is something you can achieve by attending a decent university and training your brain just right. The higher intellect functions on a level where anything you imagine, you can manifest – if you want a river in a parched desert land you can ‘dream one up’ and have it become reality. Beings that have evolved to the level where they can live in the Causal Universe can manifest just about anything they desire. If you can imagine that the material and astral universes are the grammar schools and middle schools in the wider universes of education, we have to learn a lot of lessons on self control and discover what is most important in our lives and go through a lot of testing before we can graduate to the Causal Universe. A few really angry citizens of the Causal Universe could turn the place into hell if they believe they can and should set anyone and anything on fire who looks at them wrong or says something they’re not ready to hear. “Abandon all self-righteous delusions that anger is a good thing” before you apply for an upgrade to the Causal realms.

There is something beyond the Causal Universe, but we can’t get there from here. And those who have been there and come back to tell us that, yes, there is something ‘out there’ can’t or won’t tell us exactly what that is.

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And while I’m at it –


Let me throw a bit about ‘Chakras’ into this mix.

Your Sexual Center or Chakra has been called the ‘Lowest’ chakra in the human body. This is a bit tricky because sexual engery is actually finer and functions at a higher level than most average humans experience in their day to day existance. This might explain why sex drive is such a motivating force down here in the material universe.

If you identify yourself as a purely sexual being, and if your attraction to others remains on the sexual level, one ‘romp in the hay’ will satisfy your attraction and you’ll want to move on to other attractions / other experiences.

Next up is the physical chakra – If the attraction between two individuals is purely physical, a little bit of aging may modify that attraction to the point where one or both idividuals will lose interest in each other and go looking for a younger partner or partners.

The ‘lower’ intellectual center or chakra is next up. If two individuals are attracted by each other’s intellect all it might take to break up that attraction is one person changing their mind about something the other person believes is important.

The next higher center or chakra is the lower emotional center. If an attraction between two people is emotional – that relationship has a 50/50 percent chance to last – we’ve crossed the line into long lasting relationships here.

Above the lower emotional center is a higher emotional center or chakra.

Above the higher emotional center there is a higher intellectual center or chakra.

Somewhere above the lower emotional center peeople become much more ‘spiritual’ in their outlook and their goals and aspirations.

If an attraction between two individuals comes from this spiritual area that many humans attain, then their connection will blow any obstacles that might try to keep those two people apart – out of the way, out of the water – and basically – their combined energies will move Heaven and Earth to bring those two people together.

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How do you know what level you’re on in relation to the chakras?

When you’re fully involved with your sexual center your drives are purely sexual.

When you’re fully involved with your physical center you tend to want to relax and go to sleep and stay there.

When you’re fully engaged with your lower intellectual center you want to learn about things.

When you’re fully engaged with your lower emotional center you may want to satisfy your desires, sometimes in confused manners like over-eating, seeking over-stimulation through drugs or serial romantic encounters – or, if you’re lucky, you may seek to please and be pleased by the one person you are most committed to.

When you’re fully engaged with your higher emotional center you are filled with a sense of love and compassion – you want to nurture others and make their lives more comfortable, happier, and ‘better’.

When you become fully engaged with your higher intellectual center you are driven to know what exactly ‘God’ is and what God is all about. You will also understand that to know more and more about the ‘Divine’ you will want to share what you’ve already learned about ‘God’ and the ‘higher laws of Creation’.

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This is probably enough for one article here.

— Namaste —

~~~~~ Jim