Sunday, February 21st, 2016 — +3°C / +37°F — Dark & Overcast in Atlantic Canada @ 3:22 am — I think it’s my not-so-old (ex) neighbour, Dana’s Birthday today —
— I was just looking at things that Draelen (he’s part of our web game development team) has re-tweeted lately. Some of the photos and art work he’s found is absolutely inspiring. Kinda Makes Ya wonder how anyone could be given a wonderful, incredibly beautiful, and just plain breath-takingly amazing planet like this one and want to destroy it for a little bit of temporary profit.
— And, after reading through a page of Draelen’s recent re-tweets I thought I should tweak a few settings on this blog and then went ahead and changed the Title that appears at the top of the page as well as the smaller ‘description’ that follows. I hadn’t realized that the header photo wasn’t as wide as the blog since we ‘stretched’ it to add a second column of ‘wigets’ to include Drae’s Twitter feed. I also moved that column to the right side and moved the stuff that used to be on the right – moved it over to the left. I don’t know, it just looks better to me this way.
— I do believe I’m richer for all the ‘eye-opening’ images Drae found and shared with his small circle of twitter followers.
— Yup, so instead of me getting all upset about evil manipulating elitist pigs lying to us through their bought-and-paid-for ‘main stream media’ – I’m sitting here working on my novel, thinking about ways to make the game world we’re still working on, still making progress —
— Funny when Photos or Art can touch you and change your outlook from ‘I’m Mizzuble- Right?’ to, “Wow – This really is a beautiful world, isn’t it?” [ And I’m not even going to growl, “Let’s keep it that way!” ]
— Thanks for putting up with me? –,
~~~~~ Jim