Monday, July 21, 2014. ( Sue (Née Morse) Rhonda D. and Tony S. All have birthdays today. & My Sister Sharon’s Second Marriage’s Anniversary)
I’m listening to Coast To Coast A.M. Richard Syrett is interviewing / talking to a past life regression therapist named Dr. Elena Gabor. I’m not perfectly happy to accept everything she is saying. She also admitted that a family member of hers became fascinated with the idea of hypnosis to reveal past lives after reading a book by Dr Bruce Goldberg. ( I’ll add a link to his sites later. ) I saw Dr Goldberg, I talked to him, I don’t believe everything he says either. But he is intriguing and so is the subject.
I’m one of those people who had to try to understand what life is all about, as a thirteen year old I cried myself to sleep quite a few times in deep despair, deeply troubled by the idea that there might not be a point to all this life stuff, there might not be a God, life might just stop when you die. But I had beliefs and attitudes, propensities and all that, which could not be explained as having come from anything that happened in this life. (I also had conversations with Rock and Roll Musicians inside their homes in England while I was asleep, that I almost dismissed as pure dream, pure fantasy, but then I saw a photograph of their house and it was exactly what I’d seen in the dream. I was also aware that the person I was talking to was not entirely comfortable with the fact that I was inside his house talking to him, and he tried to get rid of me by telling me I would really like his next album, which I didn’t like. It might have gone in weird new directions, but there was only one cut on the album I could relate to and wanted to hear again. But I should skip this bit because, unless that musician and I knew each other in a previous life or something, it isn’t exactly on topic. Any INFJ worth her salt would be screaming at me while I would be silently chanting to myself, “deliver us from INFJ’s”… ) (Please pardon the obscure reference to a love that was probably doomed from the start.)
Back on Topic.
When you “have the bug” or “the disease” that compels you to dive deeply into life’s deeper mysteries and you can’t go on without doing everything you can to uncover the truth- This intensity creates what has been called a “Magnetic Centre” You attract similar people and if you’re lucky, you recognize that they have the same affliction / disease / deeply seated interest that is driving you and when you find the guts to bring up subjects that might get you laughed out of the company of friends you value, you get to have some interesting, deep, sometimes inspiring, conversations.
This is what I’ve come to believe:
You can only prove the validity of reincarnation for yourself, to yourself. One of the most highly evolved persons I met in this life told me, “When you are evolved enough to leave your body at will, you can travel in time. You can follow yourself back in time to see who you were. You can also travel forward in time to see who you will probably be.” He also explained to somebody else who was more ‘into Yoga’ than I was at the time, basically the same thing, but he added, “When you can meditate deeply enough to see the perfect five-pointed star in the middle of your forehead, then you can travel upward, leave your body and travel anywhere you want to go, including traveling back and forth in time.” (I tried real hard to meditate like that and only saw the star once, I was amazed, a bit shocked to think it looked like the symbol used by the US Air Force, went up through it, saw myself kissing somewhere with a very clear background. saw this person from the side, she had long dark brown hair, I thought I found her a couple times, but no, Not until I was in my fifties (daw gone it) But so far, she was very much worth waiting for.) I have to say that when I reached that state of mind, it was so overpowering that I later thought I couldn’t remember what I wanted to do while I was ‘There”- if my life depended on it. Maybe if I’d been able to keep going that deep on a regular basis, I wouldn’t have been quite so overpowered and awestruck and I might have been able to go places and do things.
So, I’m an Experientialist, { If you haven’t experienced something, it doesn’t exist in your model of the world, this life or whatever. }
And part of my experientialist journey through this life time includes visiting previous lives in dreams. I’ve been to Paris (where I was an artist a couple of life times back, where my sister from this life was in love with a jerk who always had to be the centre of attention, she married him this time around, he turned out to be a complete jerk, hit her with his fists more than once and was last seen running up the street, afraid for his life with the real love of my sister’s life hot on his heals.) India (where I was trying to get to see Emporer Krishna to tell him about somebody who was abusing power), Egypt (where I was initiated by meditating in pitch blackness at a particular spot beneath the Great Pyramid), and Atlantis ( where a sagacious masculine voice explained that I was trying to help the animal-human hybrids (( Cross breeding experiments, who had been used as slave labour )) ((( Edgar Cayce said they were referred to as the ‘Things” ))) . Several of them rebelled in a bid to gain the same rights as humans and while I was trying to bring them food and morale support, the army moved in and pushed them all over a very high cliff, and pushed me off with them. The very wise voice explained that this incident is what caused my rebellious streak, and leads me not to trust the military and authoritarian types in general. )
I’ve also dreamed about running out into the rain in pure elation on the banks of the Seine River in Paris and later saw photos that looked very much like what I dreamed.
I’ve gone to parts of this country I have never been to before and knew exactly what I would see on the other side of a mountain.
I have had my world shaken up in both positive and not so comfortable ways when meeting someone for the first time in this life and come to the conclusion that this person must have been important to me in a previous life.
I’ve also dreamed that I was being given a tour of ‘Heaven’ and I was extraordinarily disappointed because it looked way too much like this world. (( When I complained to somebody about that, I was reminded that Somebody said, “In my Father’s house, there are many mansions.” Which, my friend believed, means that there are all kinds of worlds and dimensions and levels. There may be areas of the Astral universe that look a lot like our physical universe. There are supposed to be three distinct universes, the physical, the astral and the causal. There may be something else beyond the Causal Universe, but we’re not supposed to know what that might be while we’re here. ))
Does this prove anything? Ask me when you see me “on the Other Side”. 🙂
——— d.j.o. ——