“Latest News From Aerendel – Page 5”

{{{ A lot of this { Below } is Copied & Pasted – Don’t try clicking anything inside a box that looks like a link. }}}


“I’ve Seen A lot Of Green Things Lately – { Poem form 1971 – rediscovered in dusty, moldy archives }”

- Seen a lot of green -

I’ve seen a lot of green things lately
growing, trimmed to fit a grasping
need to feel our power over life
and cars still speed past my window
in a hurry to get to somewhere
they’ll probably wish they weren’t
yet their noises sometimes call me
to follow as far as your door.

Don’t ask me how I feel
I’ll tell you, whenever something touches me
or reaches for my eyes or mind
some complicated network
made of things like telephone lines
somehow pulls impressions
to a place where they’re measured and
set in line with things that have

Don’t ask what turns me on
the music that once filled me
echoes of small ideas and wasted energy
though I’m sick of reacting to things
I can’t control
I’m lazy and lagging
I want to start something
that makes sense
beyond all this
but I’m tired.

Don’t ask me what I want
I’m afraid to tell you
someone with soft hair
whose eyes I wouldn’t push
away from my mind, leaves
an image that won’t let me think
to the time I’ll stop my dreaming.

Don’t ask me what I’ve found
I’ll skip over the rulers of darkness
and light
and mathematical formulas
that can teach you why
the Earth moves and grass grows
and forty thousand people a year
have to die in cars;

And I’d tell you
I’ve learned that I need her
and daily look for reasons
to make her laugh
which set aside
fears that keep my hand
from reaching for hers.

Jim Wellington (4th try, august 24, 1971)


“Doe & Fawn”

"Doe & Fawn - Title + Photo"

Closer Up

— Our neighbours told us that one of the deer who has been coming around lately (which is odd behaviour for a deer, they usually disappear all summer and start coming around to augment their diet in September) had triplets and probably needs all the good food she can get.

— Tonight we saw one adult deer and one fawn. I can’t tell one normal deer from another, so I don’t know if this is the mother of triplets and one of ther fawns or not. And I had to use the flash and didn’t want to scare them away, so these are the best photos I got.



“Cathi’s Photo”

"Cathi's Photo - Whole Post"


“I’m not interested in getting more hits. I don’t care if I’m last on every search engine.”

"Who Gives A Shipp About Hits???"


“New Look – & Thank You – Jassper!”

"New Look -"

— Okay- We’ve been busy in a lot of areas lately and when we checked this page/ these pages for the first time in months, we found that:  1.) There were 1,942 spam comments waiting to be deleted. & 2.) ‘upgrading’ to a much hyped newer theme can be a pain in the, um, bum.

— Jassper, bless his heart, has been fantastic at sitting there, going through the mind-numbing task of making sure none of those spammed comments had anything to say worth allowing them to be approved for, and posted live. I think he said that two out of the first 400 he’s gone through might have been legitimate comments and/or worth checking out.

— The new theme, “evolve”, has a couple great features and, as far as our needs and tastes are concerned, a lot of superfluous nonsense-  The developers went way out of their way to make the theme user friendly, probably aimed at the 15 to 35 year old crowd – which means my step son could have whizzed through it at the age of 5. 🙂 But it has some annoying features that I haven’t been able to figure out. The suggested height of a header was “125 pixels”. This like almost everything else about this theme, is customizable. So I changed it to 200 pixels and that worked, for about ten seconds. Then the stupid thing snapped back to showing only 125 of the two hundred pixels of the old header image I had to re-upload. There probably is a setting in here somewhere that I can change, manually, by diving into the code in the code editor, reading through thousands of lines, finding the right line, overwriting the setting with the new numbers, re-saving or ‘updating’ and then sitting back while the wheels spin and hope that when I look at what I think I have just fixed, it just might be what we thought we had all along.

— Sigh.

— They have some color settings here that are marked “Important!” in the code, as seen through the editor. And I can’t figure out how to get rid of the plain vanilla overly white background all around the guts of the page and put in my own color, or ‘colour’ since we are in Canada. 🙂

— And- I wasn’t thrilled with the very green colour block around the ‘sticky’ messages that are supposed to stay at the top of the list of ‘posts’ to be displayed whenever any of you out there in reader/surfer land come pay us a visit. But that may be one of the things in the code that is marked “Important!” And right now, I’m too tired to argue with them or mess with the code to see if changing the color setting launches an ICBM attack on our closest allies or anything.

— It also took me between ten and twenty minutes of clicking through all the user friendly options to find the button to push to turn off the ‘featured image’ function, which grabbed the first image in the post and displayed it larger than the image was supposed to be displayed, and displayed it on top of the rest of the article, as a link, so articles with images had a huge honking featured image above itself and then the same image in its normal size down inside the article where it had been told to hang out- and articles with no images included had a huge light gray box with a spooky semi translucent image of a ghost camera above the article, so fraekin huge that the images were often twice the size of the article itself. But I did find that box and clicked it off, grumbling, “We don’t need no stinkin’ featured images.

— And Jassper has promised to sit down and delete another couple hundred pieces of garbage ‘comments’ tomorrow and we’re pretty sure we turned off the ability of anybody to post a comment here if they’re not on our staff. So if you really have something to say that we might think is valid and worth posting, you can send it to “jassper@aerendel.org” and if you really want to become another unpaid volunteer here, say so, and we’ll send you a user password set to ‘contributer’ and screen everything you try to post until we’re damned sure we can trust you. Sorry, we only needed to get burned once before we turned hard on potential volunteers.

— Don’t tell anybody, I just yawned.

— Thank you — And we hope you find something here that makes your day more enjoyable or at least more informed. And since these pages here are more or less aimed at relatives and close friends, we would probably be surprised if you did find something that really tweaked your interest here. But then, again, you may have found something in/or one of the other pages that fired your enthusiasm, and you can write to jassper and tell him you’d like to contribute to that page, include a user name and either a password that we hope you can change later or we’ll pick one for you. & don’t forget we need your real email address to send you this information.

— & I’ve clicked every category we currently have listed as pertaining to this message, and that’s what we’re all about, so far. New categories might explode into our consciousness any time, day or night-

— Have a wonderful day, have a wonderful life time, and a wonderful happily ever after –

————— Jim


“Sudden Rain Halts Work Outside – So Cathi Painted a Painting.”

"Sudden Rain -"

" - Not Orbs -"

"Cathi's Painting"

"Beaming Artist"


~~~~~ Jim


“Cathi Delivered Her Painting To The New Community Centre”

"Cathi Delivered"

"Today Cathi"

"We Paused -"

"We Got -"

"The School's Gym"


“This Week At The Pallet Factory -“

"At The Pallet Factory"

"Pallet Factory"

"Um - Another-"

"Tuesday -"

— I’ve also been going through old photos I thought were lost and pieces of stories/novels that were hiding on old hard drives that weren’t really dead. ( “Only sleeping?” I’ve had to go into the control panels and tell every computer I’ve had in the past fifteen years not to put the blinkin hard drives to sleep, because that crashes the computers every time. Sometimes it takes two or three tries to get the hard drives to wake up. If I knew for sure this was something that evil ice holes calculated to purposefully drive us crazy I would have to struggle valiantly to control my temper and not want to join a jihad again ice hole planned obsolescence and computer frustration conspiracy proliferators. That’s a mouthful- )


"Bowl Hockey"


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