Australia Calling?

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 —> -4˚C / +23˚F & ‘partly cloudy’ @ 1:33 pm in Atlantic Canada —> Today would have been my Aunt Phyl’s birthday…

Koala Ren

– “Koala Ren” –


Update: Contact from another Australian Travel Service : 12-Things To Do in Australia.

= = = = =

— Ordinarily, I might have ignored this:

— But The love of my life has relatives in Australia. I’ve always been semi-fascinated with Australia { And New Zealand, I mean any place that names their capital city after me can’t be bad – roight? 😉 } & Cathi’s got relatives in New Zealand, too.

— I went looking for anything that might have cited the article referred to in this message { below } and couldn’t find it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. & it could have been something from one of the twitter feeds that are on both sides of the posts/articles here –

— But – in the spirit of personal nonsense { which often makes more sense than anything ‘sensible’ —> }

— Here’s the message from Janice of your-rv-lifestyle :




Dear Jim,

My name is Janice and I’m a writer at Your RV Lifestyle. I was doing research on things to do in Australia and just finished reading your wonderful blog post:

In that article, I noticed that you cited a solid post that I’ve read in the past:

I just finished writing a guide that is even more detailed, updated and comprehensive on the 100 best things to do in Australia. It is over 10,000 words and packed with practical tips and advice. You can find it here:

If you like the guide we’d be humbled if you cited us in your article. Of course, we will also share your article with our 50k newsletter subscribers and followers across our social platforms.

Either way, keep up the great work!




— I’m not sure if this qualifies as ‘citing’ her article in her magazine – But hey – I looked at the link and it wasn’t anywhere near as schnarr as the spam links I used to get in way too many ‘comments’ here – and – if we win the lottery, and win big enough, we’ll probably go looking for Koalas and hope to hear some didgeridoos freeing the tension from around my spine. 🙂


~~~~~ Jim


Monday, January 8th, 2018 —> Back to School – Back to Work – Back on the Chain Gang in New Brunswick?

Monday, January 8th, 2018 —> -15˚C / +5˚F with ‘light snow’ @ 6:44 am in Atlantic Canada —> On this day in the year 1958 my fambly moved into our long time residence on Huntington Road —

2018-01-08 7:50 am Snowy landscape with driveway and lit up porch.

– & this was our driveway and lit up porch { looking South } this morning at about 7:50 am Atlantic Time –

— We woke up to about 7 cm / almost 2 & 1/2 inches of very fluffy light new snow on everything out there in the real world this morning.

van leaving driveway this morning.

– Cathi leaving for work this morning –

— If we weren’t so busy grumbling about two and a half inches of new snow that needed to be cleaned from the van we probably would have wanted to blast, “I don’t like Mondays!” on the nearest available stereo device. The very light fluffy snow might be pretty, but it was slippery. { And that’s our garbage and recycling near the curb you can’t see, because nobody can see it today 😉 } & My supervisor at TVCOGECO would probably have yelled at me because the photo looks like it was taken on an angle that was not level – But: The street is not perfectly level. The utility pole is not perfectly level and the whole freakin world is off kilter lately – isn’t it? And somebody on the radio last week explained that our weather patterns are way off kilter because the earth’s crust slipped almost imperceptibly last year and that was just enough to screw up our weather patterns. I think my Yogi friends would probably argue that the weather, and the slipping of the crust were probably symptoms of what goes wrong when the spiritual atmosphere of our world is heavily manipulated by nasty greedy ‘elite’ power crazy idjits who control as much ‘information’ and ‘fake news’ as they can get away with – We’re bombarded with insidious lies constantly – designed to keep up as off center and in a state of easily manipulated constant fear and confusion. Somebody start playing “Everybody wants to rule the world” –

Road Conditions this morning.

– Cathi told me that somebody where she works raved about how intelligent the road crews were around here – as far as they left a little bit of snow on the roads so tires could get a grip. – She wasn’t impressed. –

— & Road clearing philosophy aside —>

Side yard?

– Was it Currier and Ives who painted all kinds of idyllic winter scenes in the 19th century? I’m thinking this is really pretty. I hated the fact that by the 1970’s in Southern Connecticut all of our snow either melted or turned black from automobile exhaust within about a week of it falling. But I guess, this is my punishment for liking snow – “Brrrrrr!”

— Um, have I done enough damage for today?

~~~~~ Jim


Sunday, July 19, 2015 -( 16˚C / 61˚F @ 10:45 pm in the dark and damp here in Atlantic Canada )-

Messy office.

This ‘Office’ is technically transitioning from ‘completely freaking messed up’ to ‘I just might be able to find something I’m looking for in here’.

Yes, we had a weekend. Of course it rained, but- We got things done, and moved forward into a more optimistic state of mind, no matter how many idiotic bits of political lies and rule bending b.s. the current administration is bombarding us with constant commercials on just about every station in Canada, and maybe especially New Brunswick and a couple other target areas. If it wasn’t for the fact that they are so obviously lying and trying their damnedest to get away with immoral bull [ chips ] by playing their propaganda clips before the election has actually been scheduled – which is unethical, immoral, not quite fattening, but should be illegal, and will probably help convince the majority of Canadians who are not brain dead to vote the morons out of office that much more quickly… I might be able to shudder and shrug my way through it. But the evil sonuvaguns are trying to convince vulnerable people that if any of the other parties get to form the next government they will steal the candy out of their babies’ mouths, take away their pensions, and, in general, peel the skin from their bodies as painfully as possible, and set their private parts on fire. The politix of fear are alive and well and Canada.

Pallets, lumber & garbage can cover.

Pallets (& plywood) R us. I got a little bit done, pulling nails out of interesting pieces of lumber that used to hold three decent pallet together to form shelves for plant sales at a nearby chain type hardware and lumber store. They do have Home Despots up here, but this is a more local franchise. The thing on the far left is something I built out of plywood and 2x2s to discourage the local racoons from messing with our garbage. That’s my white hat reflected in the window.

We got out and about on Saturday afternoon after a pleasant brunch. & After grabbing a couple necessities (like food?) at the nearby supermarket, we stopped off at a ubiquitous hardware chain store and stumble upon a couple goodies, like stain for our projects on sale. 🙂 And we were checked out by one of the most friendly and pleasant young cashiers we’ve ever encountered there.

And then I convinced Cathi to check out the free pallets one company leaves out in the hopes that they won’t have to pay somebody to haul them away or whatever business they’d have if nobody came along and took advantage of the free pallets.

What we found there this time was three surprisingly good pallets and one smaller pallet with split pieces but a couple good two by fours. So Cathi said she was happy we checked. We also found the last of the season’s small potted herbs for sale for $.24 each. I think we got two small plastic square things of lemon balm and a couple other intriguing plants, one was peppermint? some kind of mint and the other had tiny light purple flowers.

This morning Cathi went around and planted the herbs along with the ivy she brought home a couple days ago-

Ivy surrounded by grass, climbing a fence.

You probably can’t tell with a casual glance, but there is some newly transplanted ivy in the center of this photo. I told Cathi I’d like to see some ivy and she found some in the bargain/closeout section of one of the stores she frequents. We had nine little pots of English Ivy, which I hope really likes the climate here, and when we set them on the outside porch they thrived, sort of said, ‘thank you’ and now there are something like 4 plants around Jassper’s fence and a couple more in not so easy to spot places. But Yum- They should enjoy the rain we’re supposed to get in the next several days.

And, beyond my usual feeling like I’ve lost my mind, we did okay. – It had rained overnight, and it’s supposed to rain every day for the next four days? At Least?

— As long as you don’t dwell on the fact that, for a promised interview with a local Author I was trying to get an old mac computer to work with the old free version of ProTools and when I struck out with the best computer I still have here for that option I tried to wake up an older G3 (“cute”) MacBook and which, for all its 640 megs of RAM started up and charged the nearly dead battery really well, but when I tried to restart using Mac OS 9.2.2 the hard drive with that operating system had a coronary and played dead. I tried another external Hard Drive with a similar Operating System, but it was even worse. — When I took the worse HD into the office here and connected it to another Mac, that other Mac saw it long enough to know it was there, but when I tried to ‘verify’ and then repair the danged thing, it disappeared and said it was beyond help, but I should back up what I could and then it wouldn’t mount the danged thing and reformat it. But if it ain’t mounted ya can’t back anything up- bluddy idjits- so I tried repairing it again a couple times with the disk utility and it finally gave up trying to tell me it was too far gone (or too old, or too riddled with planned obsolescence???) to fix- well, surprise surprise, it fixed it enough so it would mount. I then tried backing up files. First the routines thought it might take an hour, then a couple hours, then 16 hours. So I went to bed & when I woke up and checked it, it looked like it had been backing up nicely for several hours and then hit a bad file with a name that was about two miles long and full of heiroglyphics- and the only thing it had actually backed up was a stupid icon. grrrr. So I spent most of today manually backing things up one file at a time.

All the time I was gnashing my teeth and backing up stupid files etc. Cathi got up quietly and went outside and transplanted things, thinking it would be raining later.

Garden gnome hiding in ferns.

I wanted to upload a photo of Cathi on her Gazelle, but I need to straighten it out so I’ll upload the photo of a gnome hiding in the ferns by our stone wall.

— And there a very interesting story at that says France has a law against planned obsolescence. 🙂

~~~~~ Jim

Saturday, 04 October, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Saturday, 04 October, 2014  -( 57˚F / 14˚C – & cloudy right now  @ 12:45 pm in Ithaca )-  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Green light inside red circle near reporter's head.

“Montreal ‘ball of light’ mystery deepens”

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Kenojuak Ashevak's "The Enchanted Owl"

Kenojuak Ashevak’s The Enchanted Owl, created in 1960, was featured on a Canadian stamp and has permeated Canadian culture. (West Baffin Eskimo Co-Operative Ltd./National Gallery of Canada)


Lead Articles:

Canada sends 2nd mobile Ebola lab to Sierra Leone   {  }

Former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier dies at 63   { *”Haiti’s ‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier dies” in a second headline a couple lines down —djo—  }

Canada to send 2nd mobile Ebola lab to  Sierra Leone   {  -Redundant R Us- today.   —djo— }

Hong Kong police arrest gang members as protests turn ugly   { * I wouldn’t doubt that some of the uglies were planted there by anti-democracy government agents. —djo— }

U.K. PM  says will use ‘all assets we have’ against ISIS   { * & Earlier this morning, Jim W sent me email saying that last night on the radio he heard ‘credible sources’ explain that the “Khorsan group” that our President Obama announced was targeted and bombed for issuing threats against U.S. citizens inside the U.S.A. was a made-up name for a group that was protecting Syrians from both ISIS and Syrian Government troops, might have been good guys that bad guys in the U.S. government or shadow government took out as a favour to Bad Guy Syrian President Assad in order to secure permission to bomb alleged ISIS hot spots inside Syria. This gets stranger all the time. We may be bombing good guys that Syrian intelligence tells us are ISIS guys- Doing other bad guys a favor while they laugh at us.  —djo— }

Canada commits to 6-month combat mission against ISIS  {  }

-Almost Redundant?- Standoffs get ugly at Hong Kong democracy protests   { *Why don’t we call them ‘demonstrations’? Does anybody in the main stream know whether these Hong Kong people are there demonstrating for or against anything? We’ve heard rumours about both, including the one that this whole ‘umbrella revolution’ might actually be a rent strike. Does the TRUTH stand a chance in today’s messed up world of lies, deceit, propaganda and media manipulation?  —djo— }

-Analysis- Markets move both ways, so don’t poke the bear: Don Pittis   { * I think I like Don Pittis. Judgement still reserved- There’s a bear in a tightly cropped photo on the main CBC news page. -But not on the page where the actual full length article lives. Dang- I would have liked to have that bear in one of our copied and pasted graphics today.  —djo— }




Montreal ‘ball of light’ mystery deepens   {  See photo up at the top  —djo— }

‘Incredible Hulk’ star sworn in as honorary constable in Hamilton   { Lou Ferrigno – Yeah, cops would like to turn green and grow about twice their size and hope to get away with busting heads of anyone who looks at the funny.  Sound like junior high school b.s. to you?   —djo— }

Route 66’s singing road   {  }

Tumblr hosts ‘Mean Girls Day’ art show   {  }



“Most Viewed”

Iconic ‘Wait For Me, Daddy’ WWII photo unveiled as sculpture today   { The statue will have been unveiled at 11:00 am pacific time in New Westminster, BC – Don’t know if I will be finished by then  —djo—  }

Moose-killing winter tick population growing in Quebec   { Ticks that can kill mooses? That doesn’t sound good, Bullwinkle- stay out of Quebec!  —djo— }

-Bear Market bit  and Montreal ball of the light repeated here.-

Dallas Ebola case: Family moves from apartment where patient stayed   { * & I read a tweet that said that U.S. officials got word from ‘remote viewers’ that this would happen In Dallas with the correct date – they got the intelligence 6 months ago and let it happen anyway.  They want you to be anxious, and therefore highly manipulate-able  —djo— }

-Hong Kong standoffs getting ugly repeated here-  { Gaaaa! }

Doug Ford calls debate audience ‘ignorant’   {  }

Granville Gardens seniors complex gutted by massive fire   {  }

Shooting in Consort leaves 3 dead    {  }

Low dollar could hurt high-flying Albertans, economist says    {  }

-19 photo slide show- Hong Kong police clash with protesters in historic standoff    { *Why call them ‘protesters’? Because that raises a nastier image than ‘demonstrators’? Is the CBC as slanted and controlled as U.S. media?   —djo— }

-Blog- Mean Girls Day gets its own art show on Tumblr   {  }




The quest for E.T.? Canada helps in search for signs of life beyond Earth    { * Maybe we should look for intelligent life here first?   —djo—  }

-New- 12 pro-Russian rebels killed in fight for Ukrainian airport   {   }

5 things Stephen Harper told us about Canada’s ISIS fight   { * How do we know if anything he says is true? —djo— }

U.K. hostage’s beheading ‘completely unforgivable’ Cameron says   {  }

Brewing debate over water regulation hits U.S. been industry   {  }

Bad weather leaves 22 stranded on island in Nunavut   {  }

-Photos- Week in pictures, Sept. 28 – Oct. 3   { * Like we asked last weekend: Don’t the weekends count?  —djo— }

Canada should speak out on Hong Kong protests, ex-ambassador says   { * I’m speaking out- is there anyone we can trust to tell us what is going on? Who is behind it and who is opposed and what is their opposition doing? Are the demonstrators demonstrating pro-democracy or anti-high rent prices? Who is pulling our strings and what are they trying to get us to do?   —djo— }

Bees, birds may suffer long-term consequences from common pesticides   { * Does anybody remember “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson? And is  some evil ice-hole deliberately trying to kill off the birds and bees? Public dismemberment might be too soft a punishment for somebody like that – IF it is true.   —djo— }

Other First Nation girl who refused chemo relapsed, doctor says   { * Everybody: Pray -or send out the intention- that everybody who refuses chemo be cured by healing angels- okay? Please? -Amen  —djo— }

Canadian man caught trying to smuggle 1,007 turtles to China  { * And, recently we thought it was weird when somebody taped 51 turtles to his body and tried to smuggle them into Canada?  ***Today’s theme: “It gets weirder all the time.” Or is that ‘more weird’?  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Combative Doug Ford on CBC’s Metro Morning   {  }

-Must Watch- Route 66’s singing road   { “Albuquerque highway has new rumble strips, paid for by National Geographic, whose vibrations play America the Beautiful when driven over at 70 km/h”  * 70 km/h = 43 miles + 87s.93 yards per hour *  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Gone Girl: Film Review   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Ebola outbreak: What you need to know { *** Or what ‘They’ want you to believe you ‘need’ to know?  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- /Repeat/ Brazil presidential election: Suddenly too-close-to-call   {   }

-Analysis- /Repeat/ Why China might be willing to sacrifice Hong Kong’s economy: Don Pittis   {  }

-Politics- Environmentalists shit focus from Ottawa to the grassroots   {  }

-Business- SpaceX, cellphone prices, and Netflix: Business Week Wrap   {  }

-Business- Loonie drops below 89 cents US   { * Re: “Loonie” = Canadian dollar. — No, you can’t rent your very own lunatic for 89 cents an hour in Canada. 😉  —djo— }

-Business- Marriot rapped by FCC for jamming guests’ Wi-Fi    {  }

-Health- Ebola test on patient at Toronto hospital comes back negative   {  }

-Health- Sausage, chicken burger recall in Alberta linked to 4 illnesses   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Xavier Dolan calls Orson Welles ‘a late bloomer’   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Maroon 5’s ‘Animals’ condemned by sex assault group   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Q&A: Cara Gee plays “dream role” as gun-toting Métis cowgirl   {  }

-Technology & Science- How hackers are breaking through the Great Firewall of China   {  }

-Technology & Science- Physical labels no longer required for smartphones, wearable devices   { “Under new rules, high-tech devices with a non-removable screen, like Google Glass, can carry required information such as serial numbers on an e-label instead of a physical label.” * But how about the warning labels, like ‘Warning, wearing these glasses may blast way too much deadly radiation into your eye-bulbs and fry your brain!’ & um, not just the glasses. Cell phones might cause health problems. L.E.D. screens on ‘smart’ phones might be blinding anyone who uses them. Heck, My eyesight has gotten really bad since I started buying L.E.D. backlit monitors. —> I’m writing this on a good old LCD screen whose colours looked strange when I went back to it last month<—  —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Water on earth found to be older than the Sun    { * So I guess the big bang might be in question, or maybe -not everything began with the same big bang? Somebody’s going to have fun investigating this one.   —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Apple iPad event expected Oct. 16    { * Should I worry about what they mean by ‘event’? Will a Steve Jobs clone turn on an iPad in front of half a zillion cameras and cause the extinction of a thousand star systems?   —djo— }

-Community- #FeelingNuts campaign tries to mirror success of ice bucket challenge   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Liberal Andrew Harvey’s win confirmed in Carleton-Victoria   { “Recounts are underway today in New Brunswick after questions were raised about the accuracy of the electronic tabulation system election night. – So far, the manual counting has confirmed the Liberal win in Carleton-Victoria. The winner remains Andrew Harvey, who gained two votes. – Runner-up, Colin Lockhart, gained three votes, but the result is unchanged. – Recounts are also taking place in Woodstock, Bathurst, St. Andrews and Fredericton-Grand Lake. – On election night, the use of an untested software by Elections New Brunswick to transmit results recorded through the automated vote-counting tabulator system saw vote counts stall and then appear to drop before finally concluding.” * I believe Andrew Harvey was the candidate who was charged with fraud over an investigation of a firm that he was a board member for – and then after a couple “Hey, now, the timing on this sounds suspicious” articles, the charges were dropped. *** I’d still like to know the results from recounting all the questioned ‘ridings’s results’   —djo— }

Seniors’ prescription co-payments questioned   {  }

Armed robbery in Moncton investigated   {  }

What should Atlantic Canada’s universities be in the future?   { * ‘Above Water’ would be nice, -if any of the climate change forecasts are right and the polar ice caps melt and the seas rise several meters—   —djo— }



Red and yellow flag

This flag was carried by First Nations people demonstrating for action on the issue of missing and murdered First Nations women.

“First Nations”

Protests over missing, murdered women close stretches of 2 Ontario highways   {  }

CBC Aboriginal’s top pick for the week, sneak peek of Unreserved   {  * Okay, a couple days ago we read that a number of tribes objected to the term ‘Aboriginals’ – Why are we still seeing you use that?   —djo— }

Nuit Blanche exhibit captures spirit of Northern Ontario First Nations   { “A Scottish born photographer will have photographs of the James Bay Coast featured in the Toronto art show, Nuit Blanche, this weekend.” —djo— }

Métis president Robert Doucette threatens court action   {  }

Simon Awa Nunavut’s new chief negotiator for devolution   {  }

Chief Tecumseh honoured with turtle shell sculpture   {  }


{  3:30 pm, Guys- I’m late with this. I’ll publish now and come back later, check for typos and use the crayons  ———djo——— }


Friday, August 8, 2014.

Somebody whose ‘psychic impressions’ / ‘messages’ I can’t dismiss
has received a much stronger than usual impression that ‘something major’
is about to transpire on August 23rd.
Something similar to 9-11-2001, but on a much larger scale.
She saw herself sitting on our sofa, crying her eyes out in compete shock and horror – watching or listening to news reports

London, England – New York City – Ottawa, Canada – & possibly other major western cities had all been ‘hit’ by something, she couldn’t tell whether it was a ‘Natural’ or ‘man-made’ disaster, but no communication at all could come out of these cities.

She said we were okay where we are, but lots of our relatives were in the danger zones and we had no idea whether they were alive or dead.

She said, in her scrambled state, all she could do was hug our dog and wonder whether we should try to go get take out Chinese or Chicken in a bucket.

I didn’t have time to ask her whether part of the problem was that we had lost power and services (electricity? internet? telephone?) or not.

Um, she could be off by a year or more. this could be happening in a parallel dimension- there could be absolutely nothing we can do to avoid this-

Or we can ‘Pray our bums off’ for Angelic / Spiritual Help to avoid this. & Prayers won’t hurt any-



“Nothing In This Book Is True,” From “Independent Canadian News” Blog

A ‘Must Read’ I should have added before

Thursday, 24 July, 2014. (The image’s caption did not survive the copy & paste)

Book Cover

Nothing In This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are” by Bob Frissell. Is a book with quite a title. (I think Amazon dot CA {Canada} has the kindle version for something like $8.34 Canadian$)

The first time I discovered the Radio programme “Coast to Coast A.M.” (With Art Bell in those days) Bob Frissell was being interviewed on the subject of this book. I was immediately hooked. On both the talk radio late night programme and the book. It’s been a while since I first tried to absorb and understand what was in that book…

The author explained that beings in a civilization on Mars realized their planet was in danger of being completely wiped out, they looked around and built a time machine, jumped a million years into their future and landed on Earth. They immediately tried to conquer the locals, who happened to be the inhabitants of what we now call Atlantis. The Atlantians kicked their butts, and let them live. The aliens (which may be the greys that are famously abducting people these days?) waited a while and tried to conquer the Atlantians again. The Atlantians kicked their butts a second time and sort of confined them to a reservation somewhere around what is now the Yucatan area of Mexico. When these aliens came to the conclusion that a comet was going to collide with the Earth, they went to the Atlantians and said they could take care of the comet for them. But the Atlantians told them that the Comet was God’s Will and wouldn’t endorse their plan. The aliens then tried to rebuild their time machine but got something wrong and when they tried to use it, they tore the fabric of whatever maintained the inter-dimensional integrity around here and instantaneously knocked the planet from ‘Golden Age’ status way down ‘Everybody on the planet got real stupid real fast’ status, and other dimensional creatures that should not be, don’t like it here, don’t want to be here — were released and began to mess with our peace of mind.

I came away thinking that if this was not the literal Truth of our pre-recorded History (Or history that had been recorded and then lost when idiots burned down the Great Library in Alexandria)- Then it might be sort of Poetically True, like a parable, or something the author could get away with saying because the forces of darkness and evil would have torn him apart and burned his manuscripts if he tried to tell the actual truth.

There’s a whole lot more to this book, and to the author. And I am desperate to get my hands on another copy of this and see if I can absorb and digest any more than I did last time ((Now that my ego believes I might have more wisdom and the ability to see through b.s. a little more clearly than I could twenty years ago?)) — Something like that.

I think somebody has a kindle version of the book available for some weird price like $5.88. Check it out of the Startpage https search engine. Go find the startpage search engine first.

