Last Weekend’s News, Late & Abridged:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


{ Thursday, 22 January, 2015 -( +12°F / -11°C & clear at 11:11 am in Ithaca )-  This is a very late  Abridged Version – I’ve been sick with the flu and Jim in New Brunswick was down with a different virus at the same time. —jda— is ‘up to his eyebulbs with work schnarr’-   —djo— }

Saturday, 17 January, 2015  -( +11˚F / -12˚C  in Brilliant sunlight w/almost no clouds @ 10:30 am near Ithaca )-  -( 0˚F / -18˚C   & very sunny, even if all the weather applets on my computer think we’re having light snow falaling @ 11:30 am Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }


Half Past Human dot com tweets from Friday. —djo—

{ Saturday, 17 January, 2015:  We were chatting about putting out our usual news & headlines page yesterday when a friend retweeted the above. Clif at Half Past Human dot com has been mining strategic word changes on the internet and became very good at deciphering coming events that our ‘collective unconscious’ is aware of. And then he was able to narrow trends down and figure out when and where a lot of things that were probably coming would happen. Here he said that among his latest findings he sees the “last bankster is strangled w/guts of last priest/pope/imam/rabbi, then humans will be free! Probably by 2019 when [vatican burns]!” This sounds like he believes that organized religion has been holding us down. We have heard from other ‘seers’ that ‘the age of Aquarius’ will free us from the propaganda and mind control of the age of Pisces. These seers believe that the age of Pisces has either been gasping its last breaths or we’ve been in the transition period. — Remote viewer, Major Ed Dames who taught ‘scientific’ remote viewing to U.S. Armed services personnel. Major Dames does not claim to be the best at seeing the future, but he is convinced that we are heading into what he calls the ‘Mad Max Scenario’ in which our economies will be brought down and political infrastructure will fail. And he believes that will happen this year/ is already happening. Major Ed Dames believes a ruthless group of mind controling humans born on earth here will be seizing control and that will be the end of the ‘beautiful experiment in free will and liberty that was the United States of America’.  — We have opposing views here. Some believe our world is falling apart, others believe it is coming together. Some believe that the “Banksters” and “Elitists” and the “Dark Ops Illuminati” have been pulling our strings, manipulating us and controlling everything from behind the scenes forever. They believe that these bad guys have created organized religion and warped the messages of all legitimate prophets who have tried to warn us about their schemes. They believe, for instance, that Paul, who became really active in forming the Christian Church was actually a Roman propagandist, who Christ called a ‘False Prophet’ who was canonized, not by Jesus and His followers, but by a conspiracy of those who had political power in Rome and wanted to maintain it. They warped Christ’s message, which was that all of us could become fully awake and powerful sons and daughters of God- into ‘You need to follow the church- you can only find salvation through the church, you have to do things our way and do what we tell you to do or you will burn in hell for all of eternity.’ From “Love and do as thou wilt” to “Kill for God and Country”. From “Consider the lilies of the fields-” The Father provides for them, are You not more than they are? to “Whosoever shall not work, shall not eat,” et cetera. Focus on fear instead of Divine Inspiration. Looks like the time when we will see a huge clash between the forces of Light and Darkness may be closer than we thought. Be ready. Pray for Guidance. Pray for Angelic intervention. Pray we make it through this.  —djo— }

Monday, 19 January, 2015  -( +32˚F / +0˚C  with light snow falling in the darkness @ 6:30 am near Ithaca )-  -( +45˚F / +7˚C   & pouring rain and still dark @ 7:30 am Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-  

& Dr Turi sent out an S.O.S. to the world message saying that -(1)- on January 20/21/22 there would be an earthquake above 6.0 somewhere; -(2)- on February 1/2/3 there would be another earthquake somewhere above 6.0; and -(3)- on February 10/11/12 there would be terrorist / police news.  We have no idea how close any of this might hit, if it happens, and Dr Turi isn’t always the easiest guy to listen to or believe, but we thought it might be important enough to make a note of his worrying prophecies here.

Remember Who You Are

Sounds Good To Me – —djo—

Native American Zodiac

*** A ‘Native American Zodiac’ – I never considered that there might be such a thing, but we were trying to come up with som kind of calendar for our game world, which, as far as I know is still in production, if not exactly on the front burner right now.- This is intriguing. *** —jim w—

text below

This is from “Rabble News” At * Link * —djo—

{ Canada’s Conservative government is set to introduce expanded powers for surveillance agencies, likely for the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). – Speaking last week in Vancouver, Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated that the government is “looking at additional powers to make sure that our security agencies have the range of tools available,” apparently to address incidents like the shootings in Paris. However, judging by past policy patterns reaching the highest government levels, such new “powers” will likely be aimed at stifling and criminalizing voices of dissent, here are some reasons why. – Over recent years, the track record of Canada’s state surveillance agencies has been made clear through numerous access to information requests and public accounts, the record is that First Nations have been a prime target for government spying, whileenvironmentalist and social justice groups are also closely watched. – Throughout the Idle No More protests both CSIS and the RCMP, working in concert, monitored closely the community protests for treaty rights, actions that inspired manyIndigenous youth to vocalize publicly the apartheid realities facing First Nations people. – Conservative politicians refused to ever fully recognize the voices and demands of Indigenous people on the streets during Idle No More, like the Nishiyuu Walkers, instead turning shadowy government agents on the first peoples of these lands. By extension, all other major Canadian political parties, both the Liberals and the NDP, have failed to denounce clearly, the sustained spying by CSIS and the RCMP on First Nations communities. – Within the context of the “additional powers” that Harper is publicly indicating will be given to spy agencies in the coming period, the likely reality is that additional attention from CSIS will be focused on First Nations peoples protesting for human and land rights in Canada. – On CSEC, Canada’s digital surveillance agency, likely involved in the same type of mass data collection practiced by the National Security Agency (NSA) south of the border, something never publicly disputed by CSEC, the new “powers” that Harper is speaking about will also most likely involve CSEC, an organization with tight operational links to the NSA. – Details made public by American whistleblower Edward Snowden, indicate that Canada’s CSEC maintains a “close co-operative relationship” with the NSA, a working collaboration that involves CSEC offering “resources for advanced collection, processing and analysis.” To date the Canadian government and by extension CSEC, has never confirmed or denied any of these details, in state security terms we know very well what that means. – Today, in the wake of the shootings in Paris, the Conservative government in Ottawa is working to exploit the deaths and by extension the larger neo-colonial political crisis in France, to expand the role of state surveillance agencies, like CSIS and CSEC, that define contemporary neo-liberal authoritarianism, a political orientation that is firmly rooted and extends from the colonial era. – Instead of embarking on a real political discussion on the ways that contemporary western systems of power are central to creating the conditions for “terrorism,” Harper is simply expanding the surveillance practices of neo-colonialism and by extension justifying war. – Harper’s comments in Vancouver on the Paris shootings, intentionally exploit the violence with the aim of legitimizing Canada’s role in the bombing of Iraq. “And they have declared war on any country like ourselves that values freedom, openness and tolerance,” stated Harper, “and we may not like this and wish it would go away, but it is not going to go away and the reality is we are going to have to confront it.” – In real terms this is a call from Harper for prolonged Canadian participation in war, the sustained bombing of Iraq, a military campaign purportedly aiming to save the Iraqi people from the Islamic State (ISIS) group by bombing their cities and towns. – Bombing people to save them, that was an argument made by the U.S. government during the war in Vietnam and again with the 2003 invasion of Iraq, both interventions that clearly has lead to sustained violence and human suffering, remember the Mỹ Lai massacre. How are more western bombs going to liberate Iraq, or Syria, from ISIS? – Most certainly Canada’s moves to join the ‘war’ against ISIS will lead to significant profits for Canada’s ever growing military industrial complex, while simply leading to more death and destruction in Iraq. In reality the entire bombing campaign in Iraq is rooted in violent colonial logic, the very same framework that is fueling the type of violence seen this past week in Paris, the people carrying out the shootings in France spoke about the images of US torture at Abu Ghraib prison and also the Israeli military occupation of Palestine as reasons of the attacks. – Now clearly nothing justifies the killing of cartoonists, or civilians in a supermarket in Paris, but we can’t continue to ignore that western colonialism, past and present, is creating the context for such violent incidents to continue. In a cycle of violence, rooted in colonialism, those holding the monopoly of military power, the U.S., France and Canada, clearly have the greater ability and responsibility to stop the cycle and create real conditions for a just peace. – Instead of examining in truth the roots of the violence, Canada’s Conservative government is simply abusing the memories of all those who died in France, by using the shootings to justify the entrenchment of a surveillance state and to cheerlead neo-colonial military policies abroad. – Stefan Christoff is a writer, community organizer and musician living in Montreal who contributes to find Stefan @spirodon – Image: “Strength in the Face of Fighter Jets” by Nidal Elkhairy  }


*** I’ve got friends who call this ‘The Prison Industrial Complex’ *** —jim w—


“Git-mo” 2015 ? —djo—

good move

“Teachers in Oaxaca taking down surveillance cameras.” —djo—

big difference

Above: Drawings of children 5 to 6 years old exposed to less than one hour of television per day. Below: Drawings of children exposed to more than 3 hours of television per day. —djo—



C’est Bon! Et Je Suis —djo–

free education

I’ll agree with this. Everybody deserves a free education. Shoot the idiots who are perpetrating the college debt program. —djo—

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Spirit Networks tweet

Nice Message —jim w—

{ +7,351 New tweets since 11 am Saturday – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{ Headlines missing from below: —> Harper’s trying to look like a hero by claiming he is giving families a big tax break. Nope, he’s giving millionaires’ families a big tax break. ‘Normal people’ are carrying the richest ice-holes’ weight. Why do white cops shoot young black men? *  Link  *  Interesting twist on New Brunswick’s moratorium on Fracking : At the top of the list of what would have to change before the new Premier of N.B. would allow fracking and pre-fracking ‘explorations’ would be “Social License” which, he explained, would mean that the citizens of New Brunswick would have to be in favor of that fracking. = “Hmmmm” –  * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments.  — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. *  —djo— }



{ We’ve tried to move all the New stuff up top here. There may be important and interesting stuff below: Bears, Belugas and Cats may be more important than the corporate ‘bull chips’ in the news to many of our readers, but we tried to give the current newsy stuff priority.  Now we’re re-thinking everything.}


Free Internet Is Our Right

Wanting to keep the internet Free Should Never Make You a Criminal Suspect.


I remember hearing somebody say that anybody who calls a conservative a Nazi has run out of intelligent arguements. I do not believe that. —djo—

Poem = Canada In Winter

Canada In Winter. A poem. This may be a little hard to read. —djo—

Eeek 2.0

Monopoly – Version 2015.1 ? —djo—


* Link * <—<< LInk to an article on the global financial crisis Half Past Human sees coming. —djo—





white deer

White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.  *** Our deer friends are back and happy that we’ve got a nice big bag of oats to share with them for Yuletide celebrations. Not a single one of them was wearing a Santa Claus Hat or wearing jingle bells. That is probably a good thing. ***  —jim w—  *** UPDATE We thought we saw a news story that reported that the white deer in this photo had been killed by a bus up the street. Nope. Tonight she was one of several deer who showed up to thank us for the oats we give them.


Jenna the Husky

Husky reunited with her human.

deer on ice

“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.

Quack Quack.

“Dawn of the Ducks”?







Light painting

LED lights on a kayak paddle produced this effect. Yum 🙂 —djo—

3 guys and a half buried moose

Three Alaskans Save Avalanche – Trapped Moose. —djo—

Pocket dials make up over half of 911 calls to OPP detachment  {  Accidental dialing made up more like 90% of the 911 calls to one detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police  }

‘Ship glitter to your enemies’ makes a hard-to-clean mess for people you hate  { * & If you believe you have a right to hate anybody you better ship twice as much to yourself. *  —djo—    }

Manitoba woman comes within one Jets goal of becoming a millionaire  {   }

Back to the Future lives on in Ontario man’s driveway   { * Somebody spent 12 years researching and building an authentic replica of the time traveling Delorean with all the parts that were in the movies. *  —djo—  }

===Recently: >>—>

‘It didn’t even fight us’: Snowmobilers erscue moose buried in avalanche  { * Animals are a lot smarter than most humans realize. *  —djo—  }

6 wild animals in unexpected places … and one very short cat   {  *  Link  *  }

Waterloo photographer captures movement in mesmerizing LED snaps  {   }

Goats, elk happy to munch on your used Christmas trees {   }

Couple forced to relocate wedding for Obama’s golf game   {   }

Son pays off parents’ mortgage for Christmas   { * & The money used to ‘bail out’ the ‘Too big to fail’ Banksters could have paid off everybody’s Mortgages several years ago. The human race survived on this planet for seven and a half million years without banks trying to control us. “Banking Establishments are more dangerous than standing armies!” -Thomas Jefferson.  Burn down the banks. Tar and feather anybody who voted for that bail-out. *  —djo—  }

Labrador hoisted to safety after falling 46 metres off cliff   { The dog got spooked but survived, with ‘minor injuries but walked out to the trailhead’ after a climber rappelled to a narrow ledge with a rescue harness and both dog and climber were hoisted to safety by an 8-person crew from the Oregon Humane Society.  This shouldn’t be ‘Offbeat’- This should be the kind of good news we need a lot more of.  🙂  —djo—  }

Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner  {  🙂  }

Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years  {  }

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }

Swedish town seeks to prevent torching of giant Christmas straw goat   { * It’s a tradition in the town of Gävle, every Christmas they build a 13 meter tall straw goat and about 50% of the time vandals burn it down.  * Link to WebCam * At least in my browser, there was a ‘click here to translate this page’ thing visible for a couple seconds.  Jim W has some distant relatives somewhere in Sweden –  —djo—  }



Electric Vehicle at charging station

New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

New counterterrorism bill to override certain privacy limits  { * You, who voted the real terrorists into power in your own governments, now get to reap what you sewed. *  —djo—  }

3 ISIS recruits from Edmonton believed killed  {   }

Ashley Lynch terrorized after ‘swatting attack’  { * The B.C. woman believes she was targetted by malicious ‘pranksters’ after they hacked her private information from a twitter account of someone who had publicly criticized [the pranksters] and she had followed [the critic] Twitter. *  —djo—   }

GO bus crash on Highway 407 leaves 1 dead  {  }

Charlie Hebdo shooting: France arrests 54 as al-Qaeda in Yemen claims responsibility  { * Black ops organizations created al-Qaeda. Mean people created the atmosphere in which vulnerable people were pushed into desperation and became recruited by ‘terrorist groups’. Politicians around the world are making out like bandits, grabbing power and taking away privacy and personal liberties. This will keep on happening and getting worse all the time until we do something about it. I don’t mean you should go out and buy a gun and shoot all politicians. We need a basic attitude change. Stop believing any information you get from the main stream media. We need governments that are not looking at us as their enemies. How do we fix this? Pray for guidance. *  —djo— }

Vacation companies ‘pass the buck’ after honeymoon wrecked by hurricane   { * Taking money and not delivering services or products paid for is fraud. Those companies would have to have insurance to cover this.  Act of God or not. *  —djo— }

Tom Mulcair shuffles senior staff ahead of election  {   }

Yelp accused of bullying businessmen into paying for better reviews  {   }

Olive Bailey, B.C. woman who helped crack Nazi codes in WWII   {   }

Ottawa Mosque concerned by sharp rise in young men converting to Islam   {   }

-9 photo slide show- Dawn Wall: Caldwell, Jorgenson’s historic Yosemite free climb   {  }

-Blog- ‘Ship glitter to your enemies’ creator begs the internet to stop ordering his revenge sparkles  {  }


Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!

“I can’t breathe!”


Credentials of man who recruited patients for experimental MS therapy questioned  {   }

Man overboard from cruise ship, Disney Magic to the rescue   {   }

2 cllimbers reach top of Yosemite’s challenging Dawn Wall   {   }

Dalhousie hands misogynistic Facebook posts to police for closer look   {   }

Finance minister vows to balance budget despite falling oil prices   {   }

Driver ‘hands free’ with phone wedged between ear and shoulder? Judge says yes   {   }

Top Secret Service officials dumped after security lapses   {   }

Dramatic increase in French Jews flocking to Israel amid anti-Semitic attacks   {   }

‘Crazy Indians Brotherhood’ dole kindness to Winnipeg’s homeless   { * But they clawed back $1.1 Billion that should have gone to Veterans’ Health Care while systematically denying that health care to veterans in real need? This stuff has to stop *  —djo—  }

Why it’s impossible to storm-proof the power grid   { * uh, would that be because the over-charging power companies don’t want to spend any part of their ‘profits’ to upgrade or use technology that Nicola Tesla developped almost a hundred years ago that could make power distribution free to everyone on this planet? *  —djo—  }

Cannabinoid e-cigarettes to be available in more countries in 2015   {   }

Canada’s richest 100 CEO salaries have increased by 25% since 2008   { * That’s a crime. *  —djo—  }


===== Older Stuff =====

-Photos- 10 unusual homes around the world   { *  Link  *  }

-Analysis- Neil Macdonald: Can America handle the truth about Saudi Arabia?   { * Me: Can America handle the truth about itself? Can America handle the truth about September 11, 2001 or anything the C.I.A. has been involved in since its inception? How about the NSA? How about the ‘dark ops’ projects paid for by taxpayer dollars, how about the lies that taxes are the only income the U.S. Government has to work with? How about a dozen other examples of ‘the putrid underbelly of the american society’? *  —djo—  }




“Local / New Brunswick”


“Fredericton Mother”

mother and daughter

Mother and daughter in Fredericton

Youth Feminist President

President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists






New Brunswick oil patch workers feel pinch of low prices  {   }

Beef prices not likely to drop any time soon  {   }

Fatal Bathurst police shooting confounds local residents  {   }

Cynthia Irving was strangled to death, Saint John jury hears  {   }

===== Earlier : =====

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }


Shale gas poll finds New Brunswickers divided on issue  { * How did they phrase the questions on that poll? “Would you sell your children’s and grandchildren’s future out so a couple ice-hole politicians can strike it rich?” <— That’s the real question. There is no such thing as ‘Safe Fracking’. They do not have the technology to ensure that their band-aid ‘fixes’ can keep poisons and flammable gasses from leaking into your drinking water when their patches rust,  crack or otherwise fail in a couple years. This is not a joke, this is life and death. *  —djo—  }


“First Nations”

Game Changer B.C. Aboriginal

Last June 26th, The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in favor of the Tsilhqot’in First Nation of B.C. granting it title over 438,000 hectares of land, the long ignored tribe became a priority for the B.C. government, CBC says this was a major ‘Game-Changer’. —djo—

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa

“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)

Another Round Dance

From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)









Tribal Map

Map of California’s Native American Tribes. —djo—



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


{ “Fude 4 Thought”  :  }

Ten Sticks

“As long as the fish still swim – This Land will be – Indian!” I want to cry every time I hear Richie Havens sing that song. And I play it a lot. —djo—

Portuguese Trash to Art Sculptor with 'bird'

The building behind the sculpture is almost as amazing as the sculpture itself. I wonder if anybody lives in that building. —djo—


I think I want to raise Benjamin Franklin’s ghost, give him a really nasty weapon and tell him where to find everybody who is trying to kill the postal service in Canada and anywhere else on this planet. —djo—

Nice Quote

Dang- The tweets are good today. This one is from fr0g5. Retweeted from @LawAbidingHuman —djo—

Never Regret-

The only thing I really know about this person is that she has some very interesting tweets. —djo—

Fox News

The Spirit of Fox News in a [Wing-] Nutshell? —djo—

Yay Haiti

Sometimes I think the world never forgave Haiti for beginning the struggle that put an end to overt endorsement of slavery by most ‘civilized’ governments. —djo—


Caution: Stephen Harper has proved himself to be dangerous to the health of this planet, its waterways, its inhabitants, our veterans, and your freedom to be who God meant you to be. —djo—


Repeat after me, “Abundance is my Divine Birthright, I am Healthy, Wealthy, Happy, and Loved!” — Don’t stop until every fiber of your existance believes that completely. – Affirmation curtesy of Glynis McCants —djo—

Warped Quote

“Would you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar? And be better off than you are?” -Or would you rather go to school? —djo—

Be The Change

Happy Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Kwanza- Happy Anything Else You Feel Like Celebrating.

Fuck Monsanto

Just when I thought we might be able to tidy this place up, somebody has to go and send me stuff like this – Stop Monsanto before they stop us. What they’re doing is beyond ‘Cruel and Unusual’ but I would say, stop short of butchering the families of everybody who works for those Ice-Holes. There has to be a Humane way to deal with them. —djo—

Yay Peru

“Peru is giving Free Solar Power to its 2 million poorest citizens” Strengthen your nation- Empower your people. —djo—

Cree Walkers

” Danny Metatawabin, Brian Okimas and Paul Mettina walked 1,700 kilometers to Ottawa to raise awareness of treaty rights and encourage the federal government and their chiefs to work together to address and reconcile aboriginal issues.” —djo—


A quote from Battlesytar Gallactica? —djo—


I don’t know how this caption survived, but it did. I guess maybe I should keep it here: * Wealth Is Delusion * If you believe that anyone can ‘own’ the Earth, its resources or ‘wealth’ You’ve bought their ‘bull chips’ and you’ve already lost. You can’t play by their rules. They cheat. —djo—

{ “Why the worlds’s big energy firms are running scared from renewables”  >>—>  *  Link  *  }


Nelson Madela quote

Quoting Nelson Mandela = Positive Reinforcement of Your Self Esteem. —djo—

Eliminate Poverty

Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—

Tyranny versus Liberty

Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—

Cat hugging snowman

2015-jan-01 This is cute, I hope that cat is not freezing to death out there, desperate to find a spot out of the wind or something. – & This was retweeted by fr0g5 & was just too big for me to take a screen shot and copy and paste with the laptop- —djo—

Baby Bobcat

If this guy was orange, I’d swear they found Moe’s Baby Picture. —jim w—

Spirit Bear Photo

Dang- Another tweet I thought has to be here. Dear Editor is the Sky, “Please advise! —Amen” —djo—


That’s one spooky looking owl. Where’s Odell? New Brunswick? You’re going to make me fire up mapquest aren’t you? —djo—

Oceans in Danger

Happy New Year – Save The Planet! —djo—

BBC Tweet

The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—

malala with peace prize

10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—


Less than 50,000 dangerous extremists out of 1.57 Billion Peaceful, & Honest Muslims? And the C.I.A. & Homeland Security Ice-Holes want you to be terrified of Islam? So they can push you around and take away the few freedoms you haven’t surrended yet? —djo—


 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Nice Message

Glynis McCants is a Numerologist and a really good person. Even if our numbers don’t make us best friends 😉 —djo—



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower

“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—

Doreen Virtue Tweet

Another Nice Message


— “Other Media” :  —


“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—


The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—

blow your whistles

I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo— Monday, 15 DEcember, this article/photo was retweeted quite a few times today.  —djo—


“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—

Monsanto Sux

Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 visions of the future

“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—

Malcolm X Quote

Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Debate over Prostitution Laws

This photo bothers me for a couple reasons: (1) a prostitute who looks this good would not have to stand on a street corner to drum up business. (2) I don’t like the implications that anyone who dresses like this might be a prostitute – I mean think about it: Almost every woman in Hollywood these days would be suspect. (3) Any politician who tries to convince you that prostitutes are a bigger threat to your welfare than those politicians [are] should be castrated in public. —djo—

Freedom of the Press

New York Times Reporter James Risen is facing jail times if he refuses to testify in a trial against a CIA agent accused of leaking sensitive material. Freedom Of The Press is always an issue, More so lately. —djo—

Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms

& Don’t forget Hong Kong


Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.



-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—


 *  Walter Burien’s Web site explains how governments all over the ‘free world’ are stealing from their citizens and ‘cooking their books’ :  * link to *

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Wiki Leaks Merchandise

WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?

-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.

“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }




This is from “Blacklock’s Reporter”  *  Link  * :

Feds Run News Blacklist, Ban Employee Access To Website

– A federal agency banned public employees from accessing news stories at Blacklock’s Reporter via government internet servers, documents confirm. Confidential records show Shared Services Canada imposed the government-wide blackout on website access by hundreds of thousands of staff. Files on the blacklisting were obtained through Access To Information. – Shared Services Canada offered no explanation. A 218-page file detailing the ban is heavily censored and conceals email messages in which Shared Services staff discuss the action in messages headed, “Block Domain:”. – “This is outrageous conduct,” said Blacklock’s publisher Holly Doan, who noted the newsroom first learned of the blacklisting from individual subscribers in federal departments who were unable to access news content. Shared Services Canada manages telecom services for 43 departments. – No reason is given for the blacklisting. Blacklock’s is an accredited member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery covering bills, regulations, Access to Information and federal courts. – “It’s astonishing to see Canada join the short list of countries that forbid public employees from accessing internet news sites,” Doan said. “This is not only Orwellian, it appears to breach the government’s own guidelines on workplace internet use.” – Cabinet’s official Policy On Acceptable Network & Device Use adopted in 2013 permits federal employees to “search for information online” and “share links to professional activities and events or interesting and relevant articles”. The Policy also details “unacceptable use” of government computers including access to “hate propaganda”; “pornography”; “obscenity”; and “illegal gambling”. – Doan said, “Surely Shared Services Canada can tell the difference between Blacklock’s and a jihadist website or crime syndicate”; “No rational agency would blacklist an accredited news site in the name of security or crime prevention”. Doan noted the Blacklock’s ban appeared to be revoked September 9, the same day the publication filed a formal request for records from Shared Services Canada. – ‘Way Ahead There, Boss Man’ – Documents indicate the government’s central internet provider blocks numerous domain sites. Shared Services Canada would not explain how many sites it has blacklisted, what their names are, or how many others are accredited news sites. “We do not comment on the specifics of methods used to protect the Government of Canada’s IT infrastructure,” said Marie-Helene Rouillard, a Shared Services spokesperson. – Access To Information records show the department’s IT security division blocked the website from last August 22, sending an email alert to numerous agencies including the Department of Industry, Correctional Service of Canada, tax department and others. “The email went to all contacts we have on record,” Dave Tough, a Shared Services security analyst, writes in one August 25 email; “Way ahead of you there, boss-man.” – Tough rated the alert of “high importance”, and indicated several IT staff monitored the news site. Blacklock’s was also cited in an August 27 Cyber Brief distributed to telecom staff across all government agencies; “Cyber Briefs are publications released by the Government of Canada with the goal of preventing widespread incidents,” the memo reads. All references to Blacklock’s were lengthy and censored. – Tough did not reply to repeated requests for an interview. “At no time did our newsroom pose a security threat to the nation,” said Publisher Doan. – Under cabinet’s Policy on workplace computer use, more than 200,000 federal employees are permitted to “watch online broadcasts of work-related content” and “keep up-to-date with news and current events”, according to Examples Of Acceptable Use. Other permitted activities include “subscribe to web feeds”; “check the weather forecast”; “confirm bus schedule information”; “read or contribute to online forums”; and “visit social networking sites to connect with family and friends”. – Forbidden computer activities include using workplace computers to “make public comments about government policies”; “engage in political activity”; or “breach the duty of loyalty requirement for public servants”. –

Apprenticeship ad’s claim of skilled trades shortfall open to question   { * And the current sitting government of Canada has been accused of lying in these ads as well as using taxpayer dollars to fund the ads which are thinly veiled campaign ‘bull chips’ to try to keep themselves in power while they fleece the country- Steal 1.1 Billion dollars from Veterans’ healt care and give it back to try to brag about saving money while denying health care to Vets, discharging Vets months before they would be elligible for their pensions, closing down 9 regional offices where veterans used to be able to get help with their health claims- and then spending hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money on lying television ads about the economy?  Gag me with a spoon? *  —djo—  }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

Lions looking at industrial pollution

{ 12:25 pm EST — Almost a week late- But — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —   & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Saturday, 06 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Saturday, 06 December, 2014  -( 32˚F / +0˚C –  & I think it’s raining @ 8:15  pm near Ithaca )-  -( +34˚F / +1˚C – & Cloudy @ 9:15 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }

Fire in Athens, Greece

“Okay- Maybe this is the occasion, or the reason for today’s demonstrations?” —jim w—

Thessaloniki Defenders

“Our Greek Friend told us that the last time he went home and visited family, Elizabeth May was in Greece and showed up at some kind of protest. The official media tried to pass something off as a bunch of crazy anarchists trying to stir up trouble, but somebody who was with Elizabeth May had photos of over 1,000 people peacefully trying to get some point across and that forced some Media types to change their tune.” —jim w—


“Today, I asked a friend who grew up in Greece if he knew what was going on over there. Yesterday I saw tweets of people throwing Molatof Cocktails at buildings etc. He said- “Oh, that’s Greece, They’re always doing something like that-” But I think this might be more than that- —jim w—

Hands Up I can't Breathe

A Retired Philadelphia Peace Officer who protested in #Ferguson was arrested in NYC —djo—

Swastika Barracks?

“?” Swastika Shaped U.S. Navy Barracks? —djo—

Toronto Star Report

“The Toronto Police Association is demanding that Alok Mukherjee, chair of the civilian oversight board, resign after he shared a meme on his facebook page that the union said compares officers to terrorists.” —djo—

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

Mexican Police

“Mexican Police – Agent Provakatuers?” —djo—

Political Cartoon Harper Vs Vets

“With New Federal Elections in Canada no later than this coming year, many of my Canadian friends believe Stephen Harper will be forced out of the Prime Ministers Mansion up there. But new polls suggest Harper’s Conservative Party is in a virtual dead heat with his nearest contenders which the polls claim is the Liberal Party. The New Democratic Party has slipped to 3rd place. My Canadian friends wonder if the polls are either fixed or have the majority of Canadians been brainwashed into believing that they really do embrace the Conservative Party’s b.s. Scare Tactics.” —djo—


“The Greedy shall inherit the wasteland while the children of love and light move to the New Heaven, New Earth-” —djo— { “Help-” }

“America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” & the Monster is the one who convinces the police they need to arrest the 90 year old and scares them to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. The Police are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo—

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====


Port au Prince, Haiti- Anti-Government March. —djo—

1960's Headlines

“Ouch!” Time to dust off the turntable and play an endless loop of ‘What’s Going On?” —djo—

Wiki Leaks Merchandise

WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”


March Against the Petrolization of Quebec, #Sherbrooke today. —jim w—

Royals grin while police shoot unarmed minorities? Why should we embrace the vacant smiles?  ;

Canadian Forces fight the Ebola Bomb in Sierra Leone while Stephen Harper signs more bills to starve Canadians at home? ;

Cry for gone Hockey heroes, Don’t look at Mexico or Greece, or even Quebec, protests there probably mean nothing, outside of a small circle of friends? ;

& – Why have there been changes in Canada’s immigration policy? –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

Justin Bourque had [survival] ‘kit’ ready the night of Mountie shootings  ;

Royals or celebrites? Prince William and Kate take Manhattan  ;

Canadian Forces medical team sent to fight Ebola in Sierra Leone ;

Jean Béliveau: The torch passes ;

& – -Point Of View- Why our immigration policy has made us meaner: Michael Enright –

-Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }


{ +1237 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National something or other day, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

— “Other Media” :  —


“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—


– “I think my cousin showed me that place, in a dream, after he died – Where is it? – —jim w—

Small Tweet

From CBC Montreal: TransCanada is standing down on further pipeline construction in Quebec? —djo—


The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—

{ Too Ugly to Post: From Huffington Post Canada: 2014, December 02:  Canada’s government under fire for allowing trade in meat from endangered whales.  *  Link  *  }


“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—

Dead Trees

“Gaaaaa!” If we sharpen those murdered trees would there be enough to impale every freakin ice-hole who makes a profit from killing the planet with projects like the tarsands? —djo—


Remember Somebody saying “Judge Not -Lest Ye Be Judged?” Think He had insights that maybe there is no justice down here in the smoke and b.s. that has been designed by ice-holes to keep us from realizing our true nature and seizing our true power – God and the Earth and the Natural Universe Give Us Power. Humans take it away with Brutality. Brute Force is Not Power. It is Delusion. GACK- I wish today’s tweets were all boring – we’re freakin way late as it is- —djo—

Monsanto Sux

Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

the formula for civilizations' rise and fall?

“Civiliaztion’s Rise and Fall?” —djo—

"Re Educating" Artists and Dissidents

Is China still sending its Artists and Dissidents to Re-Education camps?

too many cops to pull over a bus?

“How Police intimidate law abiding citizens?” —djo—

Run away screaming

“Yes, Ariana, that is terrifying-” —djo—

totems attack pipeline

NorthWesternFirstNations Art = Totems attack the pipeline. —djo—


‘Sculpture’ on Burnaby Mountain. —djo—

Sign Solidarity With Ferguson

Sign in Derry, Northern Ireland.

The Panda is correct.

“Panda calls Harper an idiot for selling Canada out to China” —djo—


“-Almost 20 years ago – I remember the stunned look on reporters from WPKN radio in Bridgeport, CT when they learned that police were taking and smashing cell phones near a protest demonstration, calling them weapons.” —jim w—

2 visions of the future

“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—

Malcolm X Quote

Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms

& Don’t forget Hong Kong


Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.



-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:


Every day’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”


Royals grin while police shoot unarmed minorities? Why should we embrace the vacant smiles?  ;

Canadian Forces fight the Ebola Bomb in Sierra Leone while Stephen Harper signs more bills to starve Canadians at home? ;

Cry for gone Hockey heroes, Don’t look at Mexico or Greece, or even Quebec, protests there probably mean nothing, outside of a small circle of friends? ;

& – Why have there been changes in Canada’s immigration policy? –


What drives so many young adults to believe they need to be armed to the teeth and ready to kill enemies that may be dressed as police?  ;

What kind of social pressures would drive a 14 year old and a 12 year old to want to steal somebody else’s baby? ;

‘Information is Power’ and your government wants it all. When you are the enemy-‘ They’ are not your government. Send them packing. ;

& – In the shell game of life, when they point to the sky, where are their free hands? –


Support Harrassed and Abused Students Today. Make Amanda Todd’s Life Count!  ;

If Tim Hortons and Burger King Serve GMO doo-doo Let them go Bankrupt ;

Open Your Ears and Heart to the Message of “Hands Up” and “I Can’t Breathe”- Know the Perils of Living in a Police State While Being Visible ;

& – Burn Your Paper Money. Deal With Farmers and Others The Old Fashioned Way Fupp the Money Changers –


 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

imagine peace tower

“Imagine Peace Tower” Thank you, -John Lennon- —djo—


white deer

White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.



“Ariana Ducks”

1960's Batmobile

“Earliest Official Batmobile”

Pig "Australia"

“Disruptive Emoitonal-Support Pig”

Quack Quack.

“Dawn of the Ducks”?





Earliest official batmobile hits auction block {  }

‘Calgary’s Worst Driver’ YouTube video spurs police investigation  {  }

New Yokr City restaurant serves up fancy ‘scruncheons’  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

===Recently: >>—>

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

Disruptive emotional-support pig ordered off commercial flight   {   }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Felines hit the catwalk at Supreme Cat Show   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station

New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Lisa Michelle Mitchell’s body kept in home for 2 years, police say {   }

Renowned doctor Ezekiel Emanuel says 75 is a good age for us to die   { * I read, in a book entitled, “Bringers of the Dawn” by Barbara Marciniak, that Humans were originally designed with 12 strands of DNA and ‘somebody’ tampered with the design to make us much more aggressive and shorten our life spans to a fraction of what they should have been. 5,000 years, healthy and vital- might have been a decent age – ya think? *  —djo—  }

Royals or celebrities? Prince William and Kate take Manhattan   {   }

‘Calgary’s Worst Driver’ YouTube video spurs police investigation {   }

Hungary mayor wants drug tests for teens, journalists, politicians  { * If he wants to screen against people being poisoned by Genetically Modified Organisms, and lock up all the executives and engineers at Monsanto, I’d say, “Go For It!” but I don’t think that’s this guy’s game. */  —djo—  }

New Horison robotic probe awakened, begins exploration of Pluto  { * To paraphrase a quote from an old World War Two war movie: “Somebody’s exploring Mickey Mouse’s dog?” *  —djo—  }

Now Magazine plans to defy ad ban in new prostitution bill  {   }

Justin Bourque evidence release could have wider impact, lawyer says  {   }

Highway 103 reopens between Mahone Bay and Chester Basin {   }

Avian flu: CFIA confirms disease has spread to a 5th Fraser Valley farm  {  * “When you go to American City: Don’t drink the water and don’t breathe the air” —Tom Lehrer  *  —djo— }

-17 photo slide show- Typhoon Hagupit makes landfall in Phillipines   {  }

-Blog- Toronto artist remembers Polytechnique anniversary with portrait sketches on Twitter  {    }


Polytechnique shooting remark sparks Peter MacKay, Tom Mulcair spat   { * Not long after the Polytechnique massacre I heard about a ‘Canadian study’ that found that mass murderers had all been humiliated in public just before they lost control and went on a killing spree.  I tried to remind several different media outlets / television reporters etc. about this as more and more of these horrendous incidents made front page / leading article status. Lately this seems to have been ‘swept under the rug’ in the pursuit of sensationalism. *  —djo—  }



Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!

“I can’t breathe!”


John Baird: Canada won’t expand airstrikes on ISIS to Syria   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

Hostages killed during U.S. rescue attempt in Yemen   {   }

Why battling invasive species may be a mistake   {   }

-Photos- FEstival of Lights in France   {   }

Mayor wants mandatory annual drug testing of teens between 12 and 18   { * Teens should demand daily drug testing of all mayors, police, teachers, and parents? *  —djo—  }

Syrian troops repel ISIS attack on air base   {   }

===== Recently: =====

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

‘Affront to his dignity’ Judge apologizes for inmate’s naked video court appearance   {   }

The surprising 50-year legacy of ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’   {   }

Prostitution law comes into force on day of action on violence again women   {   }

Loonie drops to 5-year low as Canada loses 10,000 jobs in November   {  }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Liberals hire human rights lawyer to probe harassment allegations   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Canadian vet dillon Hillier aiding Kurdish fight with ISIS, video shows   {   }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }

German woman attacked after defending teen girls may get posthumus medal  {   }

Boys, 9 and 11, buried by snowplow survived 7 hours in air pocket  {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Chris Hadfield on Orion launch  {   }

-Must Watch- Die-in at Macy’s in NYC   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- The surprising 50-year legacy of ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Orion a small step that may lead to a giant leap   {  }

===== Recent – Worth Noting: =====

-Editor’s Pick- Debt: Cheaper oil a threat to green energy: Don Pittis  { * People with functioning brains are a threat to the Oil Industry: —djo— *  }

-Editor’s Pick- Remembering Nelson Mandela   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Debt: How to use it and not abuse it   {  * “Nobody’s credit is as good as his or her cash” <—<< Old Salada Tea Bag saying. *  —djo— }




“Local / New Brunswick”

Missing woman

“Missing Saint-Andre [woman]”


“Fredericton Mother”

mother and daughter

Mother and daughter in Fredericton

Youth Feminist President

President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





Justin Bourque evidence release could have wider impact, lawyer says  {   }

2015 Women’s World Cup draw  {   }

Moncton fire forces 6 people from their homes  {   }

Morning after pill should be on the shelf, says advocate  {   }

===== Earlier This Week : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * A lot of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Justin Bourque had [survival] ‘kit’ ready the night of Mountie shootings  {   }

Woodstock family unhurt as fire destroys home  {   }

Eastport breakwater collapse injures man, damages boats  {   }

$73M in community funding, equalization grants announced  {   }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

Christmas comes early with $100K lotto win for Saint John coworkers    {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

Bulk produce program growing in Saint John  {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Trekkit gets TV deal to show New Brunswick to the world  {   }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }

-Wednesday- Mild weather for New Brunswick ahead of nor’easter    { * Ack! Environment Canada says to expect 15 to 25 cm of snow late Wednesday into Thursday. *  —jim W— *** P.S. I measured about 12 inches / 30 cm in our driveway at about 8 am on Thursday, the 27th.  ***  —jim w— }

Bathurst hopes to attract Atlanticade motorcycle festival  {   }

$25M lottery ticket claimed in Fredericton  {   }





Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Prostitution law comes into force on day of action on violence against women  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa

“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)

Another Round Dance

From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)

Native drummers

“A round dance at the eaton centre in Toronto”








Unreserved looks at 2 year anniversary of Idle No More  {  }

Winnipeg police to make missing, murdered women cases a priority  {  }

Cree youth walk nearly 600K protesting against uranium extraction  {  }

First Nation sues Manitoba government over Bipole III [‘hydro’/electricity transmission] route  {  }

Boyle Street helps reunite aboriginals with lost treaty cards  {  }

Yukon MP Ryan Leef defends aboriginal affairs minister  {  }

Pasloski wants Valcourt to ‘correct the record’ on self-government  {  }

Artcirq’s Joey Ammaq, 25, victim in suspicious death in Igloolik, Nunavut  {  }

Fort William First Nation gas prices tumble below $1 per litre  { * If oil companies and politicians were honest, gasoline would cost less than twenty five cents per litre. *  —djo— }

49 First Nations miss latest deadline ro reveal financial reports  { * Almost every government in the ‘free world’ knows how to hide their real income. Tax revenue is less than 1/3 of what they take in. Hold their feet to the fire. Investigate: *  <—<< Link  *  —djo— }

Alleged racist comment spurs Maskwacis teen to speak out  { * A 15-year-old [First Nations] [woman] is speaking out against racism in her community after she and her family were refused service in a bowling alley in Wetaskin, Alberta *  —djo— }

NunatuKavut celebrating after Muskrat Falls injunction thrown out  {  }

-Audio- Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski defends amendments to Bill S-6  {  }

-Exclusive- Edmonton police officer Mike Wasylyshen promoted despite criminal record  {  }

Bernard Valcourt maintains Yukon First Nations are not government  {  }

Winnipeg family grateful for new home  {  }

Rankin Inlet dump scavenging controversy continues   {  }

Nunavik Inuit say ‘No’ to uranium mining  {  }

‘No timeline’: Premier Gold delay upsets Geraldton homeowners  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }

Aboriginal gravesites halt $40M development plan in Abbotsford  {  }

Leona Aglukkaq admits reading newspaper was a ‘bad idea’ during question period  {  }

-Video- Haida group animates pipeline opposition using stop morion and music  {  }

Loretta Saunders scholarship recipient pays it forward  {  }

-Documents- ‘Sixties Scoop’ case moves forward as class action lawsuit  {  }

Number of aboriginal women behind bars doesn’t shock ex-inmate  {  }

Yukon College aims to better support First Nations students  {  }

Ottawa trip on Bill S-6 ends in insult to Yukon First Nations  {  }

Yukon miners fear ‘uncertainty’ following Peel decision   {  }

-Video- First Nations Financial Transparency Act  {  }


===== Older Stuff we think may be important: =====

Big spike in aboriginal women behind bars, study finds  {  }

Bill S-6 turmoil having ‘negative impact’ on industry: Casino Mining  {  }

Tina Fontaine’s family facing first Christmas without teen  {  }

First Nation in B.C. sets out tougher rules for mining in its territory  {  }

N.W.T. chiefs salaries proves modest under Transparency Act  {  }

-Video- Arctic explorer Vilhalmur Stefansson ‘comes to life’ in Yellowknife  {  }

‘Greenpeace dropout’ Patrick Moore defends Kinder Morgan pileline  {  }

Peel watershed: Yukon court strikes down government land use plan  {  }

Aboriginal gravesites halt $40M development plan in Abbotsford  {  }

-9 Photos- Unreserved: November 29  {  }

Members of Opaskwayak Cree Nation protest reserve’s debt  {  }

Aboriginal right to refuse chemotherapy for child spurs debate  {  }

Yukon chiefs to meet Bernard Vlcourt on Bill S-6  {  }

Aboriginal right to refuse chemotherapy for child spurs debate  {  }

Unreserved: Cowboys and Indians, Mohawk Girls and sacred fires  {  }

Leona Aglukkaq considers legal action against Rankin Inlet deputy mayor  {  }

Manitoba First Nation to get apology from premier for Jenpeg dam harm  {  }

A Tribe Called Red releases provacative song for American Thanksgiving  {  }

Mi’kmaq Confederacy clarifies rold in online gaming plan  {  }

Sioux Lookout council encouraged to be more ‘culturally aware’  {  }

-Opinion- Financial reporting for First Nations: transparency or witch hunt?  {  }

Study shows oilsands tailings ponds releasing toxic chemicals into air  {  }

52 First Nations risk losing funding for not complying with transparency law  {  }

-Review- Fabric of the Sky a powerful residential school survivor’s story  {  }

Indigenous video game designer takes stand against Custer’s Revenge  {  }

Mint’s new $5 coin features work by Cree artist Tim Whiskeychan  {  }

First Nations mistrust health system, Dalhousie researchers say  {  }

First Nations to ‘resist’ complying with financial transparency act  {  }

Students forced to sit quiet after mental health services march  {  }

Northern Quebec Cree start 850 km trek to protest against uranium mining  {  }

Nisga’a Nation signs LNG pipeline benefits deal with B.C.  {  }

Kashechewan students get extra teachers at Kapuskasing facility  {  }

-Opinion- Bill S-6 is a fundamental violation of the modern day Uukon treaty relationship  {

-Opinion- ‘Am I Next?’ campaign hits home with Fredericton student  {  }

Child advocatges want fewer aboriginal children in child welfare  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<

{ We have moved a lot of headlines related to First Nations / Indigenous issues to a Page >>>———>  <———<<< on —jda—‘s blog   —djo— }


 { Below this line is stuff we’re having trouble thinking may have been here too long, but may be too important to delete? }


{ This is what still grabs me – from Twitter – We’re trying to trim this down, I wanted to delete these below and start fresh, but they seem a little too important to me right now.  ———djo——— }

11 steps to fascism

“11 steps to Fascism” I forgot where this came from. bad me.  —djo—


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


Fracking linked to Alberta earthquakes, study indicates  { * – Carmen Langer had just left his bed to grab a drink of water when he felt his house northeast of Peace River, Alta., begin to shake. – “At first I thought I wasn’t feeling very good that day… and it was just my blood sugar, but no, it shook pretty good,” Langer said about the Nov. 2 incident.

– Moments after the shaking stopped, his neighbours were calling, asking if he had felt what they just felt. – “After a few minutes, I realized it was an earthquake,” Langer said. – There was a small earthquake on Nov. 2 in Peace River, just northeast of Peace River. The recently published study involving Alberta researcher Jeff Gu indicates fracking may trigger earthquakes in the province.  – Natural Resources Canada (NRC) registered a small, 3.0-magnitude earthquake that was “lightly felt” from Three Creeks to St. Isidor in northern Alberta at 11:14 p.m. MT. NRC said on its website there were no reports of damage, and that “none would be expected.” – Jeff Gu, a seismologist at the University of Alberta, said the earthquake could have been caused by shifting rock formations in the region — but added there could be another possible explanation. – “Certainly that region is not immune to earthquake faulting, but I would say having actual earthquakes in that area is relatively recent, relatively new,” he said. – Gu is one of three authors of a recently published study in the Journal of Geophysical Research, a peer-reviewed publication that looked at four years of earthquake data around Rocky Mountain House. The study concludes that waste-water injection into the ground is highly correlated with spikes in earthquake activity in the area. – It is the first study of its kind conducted in Canada that links industrial activity to induced earthquakes. – “The conclusion was that the industrial activities could, in some cases, potentially trigger or facilitate earthquake occurrences,” Gu said. – Alberta earthquakes increasing – Since 1985, fewer than 15 earthquakes above a 3.0 magnitude have been recorded anywhere in Alberta, according to the Alberta Geological Survey’s website. There has been an increase in earthquake activity since the 1960s, the organization says. – The Peace River earthquake is not the only one that has shaken the province in the past few months:

  • In October, a 2.7-magnitude quake was recorded about four kilometres southwest of Banff.
  • In August, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake was registered near Rocky Mountain House, causing about 500 customers in the area to lose power for several hours.

– Gu said the research into whether waste-water induction and fracking are related to earthquakes is still “really a work in progress.” –  “There has been more and more evidence, increasing evidence, in the last few years in particular — in Arkansas, in Texas and actually more recently here,” Gu said. – But he said there is nothing to fear right now. – “I’m not worried until we get a conclusive answer on whether these are caused by industry or not, whether they are naturally occurring,” Gu said. – Langer, however, is worried. – “With all the stuff that’s going on in my community, I’m feeling quite concerned about it,” he said. “We’re having all kinds of environmental problems in the community… Something has to give here.” – *  —djo—   }

Vancouver voters elect largest Green caucus in Canadian History  {  }


{ Other stuff, More personal background about who we are and why we do this: }

{ Jim W went over 50,000 words at NaNOWriMo On Tuesday, November 11th — He was pronounced a winner early on the morning of the 22nd with over 100,000 words typed, and verified through their word counting app. His latest word count is now = 130,222 words and still growing. & He has signed up on “Tablo” Where he has begun uploading his NaNoWriMo novel one chapter at a time. & We really are trying to trim away stuff that maybe has been here too long. Trouble is, we think toomuch of it may be important.  Maybe we’ll copy and paste today’s stuff in several places on several newsy blogs and try to start with a fresh ‘blank page’ tomorrow of Monday?  —djo— }

=====   {  Message copied and pasted from email on  November 25th: ———jda—— }

Re: Radio: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014  -( +14°C / 57°F & There has been sunlight and interesting shadows @ 3:00 pm in Atlantic Canada )-

– After facebook contact with a good friend from WPKN radio, where I used to hang out, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, about 50 miles from NYC, I wiggled a few wires and got the speakers back at something like peak sound and listened to a couple things.  – But I have to tell you, an airing of last year’s Thanksgiving (U.S. dates) program from First Voices Indigenous Radio knocked me out. It was that good. Tiokasin Ghosthorse played a recording of John Trudell of the Dakota Nation from Thanksgiving 1980. He talks about the difference between real power and brutality, and described the tactics that corporate amerika uses to convince good people that it’s hopeless to try to resist their ‘progress’ as they enslave and exploit us all. John Trudell also tells us that if we are true to the earth, the Earth will protect us.

This is an amazing talk and if this link works, I will encourage everybody to listen to it- *  Link  * you will have to open the page and click on “First Voices Indigenous Radio November 21, 2013 [dot] mp3. –  It should be more than worth listening to.

~~~~~ ———Jim W———


{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From ENENews -Energy News-  ‘Special Alert’ Issued: A sinkhole has opened beneath a dam in Tennessee and sediment is seeping from the riverbed below the dam — Upstream from a Nuclear Power Plant.   *  Link  *  =====

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?

-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

{ – The state of Internet security and infrastructure has been rapidly changing of late in response to concerns about online privacy and security (i.e., surveillance revelations and extensive security breaches), and a series of announcements over the past several days have put a lot of momentum behind possible solutions.

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.  – }

Anti-Spyware Software released free.

“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”

{ – A free tool released Thursday allows users to scan their computers for surveillance malware that has been used to spy on journalists and activists. – The open source tool Detekt is being released in partnership with human rights group Amnesty International, German digital rights group Digitale Gesellschaft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy International.

– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.

– Detekt scans Windows-based computers for common surveillance tools used in spying on activists. Those who detect a threat on their computer can then take steps to remove it. – The software developers warn that there is no guarantee that Detekt will find every bit of spyware, as new technology is continually being developed. – “Beware that it is possible that Detekt may not successfully detect the most recent versions of those malware families,” the developers wrote on the site, which introduces Detekt. – “Indeed, some of them will likely be updated in response to this release in order to remove or change the patterns that we identified. In addition, there may be existing versions of malware, from these families or from other providers, which are not detected by this tool. If Detekt does not find anything, this unfortunately cannot be considered a clean bill of health.” – Commercial entities have developed and sold surveillance tools that read emails and instant messaging conversations, listen in on Skype calls and remotely control a computer’s camera and microphone and sold them around the world. – There is no regulation against these technologies being used by repressive governments, Amnesty says, estimating the market for surveillance software at $5 billion US a year. – “European and American companies have been quietly selling surveillance equipment and software to countries across the world that persistently commit serious human rights violations,” it said. – Amnesty is urging governments to take action to stop the spread of spyware and calls on industry to consider the human rights records of countries where it sells such software. – Targeted surveillance is only legitimate when it is based on suspicion of criminal activity and backed up by a legal order, the group said.  –  —djo— }


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Monsanto execs on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

-Blog-  ‘Terrifying new app Beam Messengers lets users see text messages as they’re being typed {   }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

‘Walk into freedom’: Murder charges withdrawn after Toronto man’s 12 years in prison  { * The case had one witness who said one of the killers had dreadlocks, police found some hair in one suspect’s home, said that was evidence that he’d gone home and cut his hair after the crime. After fighting for too many years, the lawyer got access to the hair, which turned out to be beard hair, and still had to battle the ‘old boys club’ who tried to delay and deny every request made, finally, the truth did set the wrongfully convicted man free. *  —djo—   }

-Updated- Veterans funding not as advertised, opposition MPs say  {   }

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

PTSD and danger among deterrents to visible minorities joining military  {   }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  {   }

-Photos- Police rules of engagement around the world  {   }

Cheaper smartphones gain popularity among consumers  {   }

-Exclusive- Who are the most wanted extremists in Canada?  { * Should we list those in the Prime Minister’s Office? *  —djo—  }

Military mental health research gets funding boost  { * I think the $10 million for research pales in comparison to the $750 million the current Conservative Government spent over 9 years in partisan [ propaganda ] ads on television. *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

WestJet can’t ‘pass the buck’ on lost baggage anymore  {   }

Winnie the Pooh spanked by Polish council for not wearing pants  {   }

After 40 years in prison, 2 men exonerated, set free in Cleveland killing  {   }

Gender gouging: Women often pay more than men  {   }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }

-Updated- Supreme Court to hear landmark case for Métis and non-status Indians  {  }



{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

But are the liberals any better?

‘Conservative Math’ = “Just doesn’t add up”  — But the Liberals don’t have a flawless track record either —  —djo—

Mexican Proverb

Another nice quote from the anti- #KinderMorgan protesters in British Columbia. —djo—


{ 10:11 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Friday, 05 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Friday, 05 December, 2014  -( 37˚F / +3˚C –  & I think it’s raining @ 8:15  pm near Ithaca )-  -( +9˚F / -13˚C – & Cloudy @ 9:15 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }

Toronto Star Report

“The Toronto Police Association is demanding that Alok Mukherjee, chair of the civilian oversight board, resign after he shared a meme on his facebook page that the union said compares officers to terrorists.” —djo—

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

Political Cartoon Harper Vs Vets

“With New Federal Elections in Canada no later than this coming year, many of my Canadian friends believe Stephen Harper will be forced out of the Prime Ministers Mansion up there. But new polls suggest Harper’s Conservative Party is in a virtual dead heat with his nearest contenders which the polls claim is the Liberal Party. The New Democratic Party has slipped to 3rd place. My Canadian friends wonder if the polls are either fixed or have the majority of Canadians been brainwashed into believing that they really do embrace the Conservative Party’s b.s. Scare Tactics.” —djo—


“The Greedy shall inherit the wasteland while the children of love and light move to the New Heaven, New Earth-” —djo— { “Help-” }

“America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” & the Monster is the one who convinces the police they need to arrest the 90 year old and scares them to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. The Police are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo—

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Wiki Leaks Merchandise

WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

What drives so many young adults to believe they need to be armed to the teeth and ready to kill enemies that may be dressed as police?  ;

What kind of social pressures would drive a 14 year old and a 12 year old to want to steal somebody else’s baby? ;

‘Information is Power’ and your government wants it all. When you are the enemy-‘ They’ are not your government. Send them packing. ;

& – In the shell game of life, when they point to the sky, where are their free hands? –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Justin Bourque had [survival] ‘kit’ ready the night of Mountie shootings  ;

2 minors [boy-14, girl-12 years-old] charged after Toronto woman attacked, baby nearly stolen ;

Right to access government information in jeopardy, watchdog warns ;

& – -Blog- Orion flight a small step that may lead to a giant leap: Bob McDonald –

-Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }


{ +1660 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National something or other day, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

— “Other Media” :  —


“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—


– “I think my cousin showed me that place, in a dream, after he died – Where is it? – —jim w—

Small Tweet

From CBC Montreal: TransCanada is standing down on further pipeline construction in Quebec? —djo—


The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—

{ Too Ugly to Post: From Huffington Post Canada: 2014, December 02:  Canada’s government under fire for allowing trade in meat from endangered whales.  *  Link  *  }


“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—

Dead Trees

“Gaaaaa!” If we sharpen those murdered trees would there be enough to impale every freakin ice-hole who makes a profit from killing the planet with projects like the tarsands? —djo—


Remember Somebody saying “Judge Not -Lest Ye Be Judged?” Think He had insights that maybe there is no justice down here in the smoke and b.s. that has been designed by ice-holes to keep us from realizing our true nature and seizing our true power – God and the Earth and the Natural Universe Give Us Power. Humans take it away with Brutality. Brute Force is Not Power. It is Delusion. GACK- I wish today’s tweets were all boring – we’re freakin way late as it is- —djo—

Monsanto Sux

Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

the formula for civilizations' rise and fall?

“Civiliaztion’s Rise and Fall?” —djo—

"Re Educating" Artists and Dissidents

Is China still sending its Artists and Dissidents to Re-Education camps?

too many cops to pull over a bus?

“How Police intimidate law abiding citizens?” —djo—

Run away screaming

“Yes, Ariana, that is terrifying-” —djo—

totems attack pipeline

NorthWesternFirstNations Art = Totems attack the pipeline. —djo—


‘Sculpture’ on Burnaby Mountain. —djo—

Sign Solidarity With Ferguson

Sign in Derry, Northern Ireland.

The Panda is correct.

“Panda calls Harper an idiot for selling Canada out to China” —djo—


“-Almost 20 years ago – I remember the stunned look on reporters from WPKN radio in Bridgeport, CT when they learned that police were taking and smashing cell phones near a protest demonstration, calling them weapons.” —jim w—

2 visions of the future

“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—

Malcolm X Quote

Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms

& Don’t forget Hong Kong


Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.



-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you >>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel hads gone over90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:


Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

What drives so many young adults to believe they need to be armed to the teeth and ready to kill enemies that may be dressed as police?  ;

What kind of social pressures would drive a 14 year old and a 12 year old to want to steal somebody else’s baby? ;

‘Information is Power’ and your government wants it all. When you are the enemy-‘ They’ are not your government. Send them packing. ;

& – In the shell game of life, when they point to the sky, where are their free hands? –


Support Harrassed and Abused Students Today. Make Amanda Todd’s Life Count!  ;

If Tim Hortons and Burger King Serve GMO doo-doo Let them go Bankrupt ;

Open Your Ears and Heart to the Message of “Hands Up” and “I Can’t Breathe”- Know the Perils of Living in a Police State While Being Visible ;

& – Burn Your Paper Money. Deal With Farmers and Others The Old Fashioned Way Fupp the Money Changers –


 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

imagine peace tower

“Imagine Peace Tower” Thank you, -John Lennon- —djo—


white deer

White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


“Ariana Ducks”


Hockey player ‘meows’ 7 times during mid-game interview  {  }

Christopher Walken’s sublime performance in NBC’s #PeterPanLive hits fever pitch online  {  }

N.W.T. judge says accused using urinal next to him was ‘completely inappropriate’  { * Next time, pee your pants? *  —djo— }

DNA co-discoverer’s Nobel medal sells for record price at auction {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

===Recently: >>—>

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

Disruptive emotional-support pig ordered off commercial flight   {   }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Felines hit the catwalk at Supreme Cat Show   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station

New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Justin Bourque had [survival] ‘kit’ ready the night of Mountie shootings  {   }

Attempted baby snatching: Boy, 14, and girl, 12, charged   {   }

Mexx goes bankrupt, affecting 95 Canadian stores   {   }

‘Calgary’s Worst Driver’ YouTube video spurs police investigation {   }

Death of [Orca] J-32 troubling, say scientists  {   }

2 carjackings and chases halted by police in Metro Vancouver   {   }

Canada Revenue Agency goes after ailing B.C. senior for $12K  {   }

Amanda Todd stood up to stalker in Facebook conversation  {   }

Canada lost 10,000 jobs in November {   }

L.A. police investigate claim of Bill Cosby sexual assault  {   }

-13 photo slide show- Typhoon Hagupit: Phillipines scrambles to prepare   {  }

-Blog- Hockey player ‘meows’ 7 times during interview in reference to Super Troopers  {    }


Polytechnique shooting remark sparks Peter MacKay, Tom Mulcair spat   { * Not long after the Polytechnique massacre I heard about a ‘Canadian study’ that found that mass murderers had all been humiliated in public just before they lost control and went on a killing spree.  I tried to remind several different media outlets / television reporters etc. about this as more and more of these horrendous incidents made front page / leading article status. Lately this seems to have been ‘swept under the rug’ in the pursuit of sensationalism. *  —djo—  }



Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!

“I can’t breathe!”


‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

‘Affront to his dignity’ Judge apologizes for inmate’s naked video court appearance   {   }

The surprising 50-year legacy of ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’   {   }

Prostitution law comes into force on day of action on violence again women   {   }

Loonie drops to 5-year low as Canada loses 10,000 jobs in November   {  }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Liberals hire human rights lawyer to probe harassment allegations   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Canadian vet dillon Hillier aiding Kurdish fight with ISIS, video shows   {   }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }

German woman attacked after defending teen girls may get posthumus medal  {   }

Boys, 9 and 11, buried by snowplow survived 7 hours in air pocket  {   }

===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- India bus attack   {   }

-Must Watch- Sailing boat crash  {   }

-Must Watch- Orion splashdown   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Debt: Cheaper oil a threat to green energy: Don Pittis  { * People with functioning brains a threat to the Oil Industry: —djo— *  }

-Editor’s Pick- REmembering Nelson Mandela   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Debt: How to use it and not abuse it   {  * “Nobody’s credit is as good as his or her cash” <—<< Old Salada Tea Bag saying. *  —djo— }




“Local / New Brunswick”

Missing woman

“Missing Saint-Andre [woman]”


“Fredericton Mother”

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * A lot of people should be unhappy with all income tax agegencies. *  —djo—  }

Justin Bourque had [survival] ‘kit’ ready the night of Mountie shootings  {   }

Woodstock family unhurt as fire destroys home  {   }

Eastport breakwater collapse injures man, damages boats  {   }

$73M in community funding, equalization grants announced  {   }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

Christmas comes early with $100K lotto win for Saint John coworkers    {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

mother and daughter

Mother and daughter in Fredericton

Bulk produce program growing in Saint John  {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Trekkit gets TV deal to show New Brunswick to the world  {   }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

Youth Feminist President

President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }

-Wednesday- Mild weather for New Brunswick ahead of nor’easter    { * Ack! Environment Canada says to expect 15 to 25 cm of snow late Wednesday into Thursday. *  —jim W— *** P.S. I measured about 12 inches / 30 cm in our driveway at about 8 am on Thursday, the 27th.  ***  —jim w— }

Bathurst hopes to attract Atlanticade motorcycle festival  {   }

$25M lottery ticket claimed in Fredericton  {   }





Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Winnipeg police to make missing, murdered women cases a priority  {  }

Cree youth walk nearly 600K protesting against uranium extraction  {  }

First Nation sues Manitoba government over Bipole III [‘hydro’/electricity transmission] route  {  }

Boyle Street helps reunite aboriginals with lost treaty cards  {  }

Yukon MP Ryan Leef defends aboriginal affairs minister  {  }

Pasloski wants Valcourt to ‘correct the record’ on self-government  {  }

Artcirq’s Joey Ammaq, 25, victim in suspicious death in Igloolik, Nunavut  {  }

Fort William First Nation gas prices tumble below $1 per litre  { * If oil companies and politicians were honest, gasoline would cost less than twenty five cents per litre. *  —djo— }

49 First Nations miss latest deadline ro reveal financial reports  { * Almost every government in the ‘free world’ knows how to hide their real income. Tax revenue is less than 1/3 of what they take in. Hold their feet to the fire. Investigate: *  <—<< Link  *  —djo— }

Alleged racist comment spurs Maskwacis teen to speak out  { * A 15-year-old [First Nations] [woman] is speaking out against racism in her community after she and her family were refused service in a bowling alley in Wetaskin, Alberta *  —djo— }

NunatuKavut celebrating after Muskrat Falls injunction thrown out  {  }

-Audio- Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski defends amendments to Bill S-6  {  }

-Exclusive- Edmonton police officer Mike Wasylyshen promoted despite criminal record  {  }

Bernard Valcourt maintains Yukon First Nations are not government  {  }

Winnipeg family grateful for new home  {  }

Rankin Inlet dump scavenging controversy continues   {  }

Nunavik Inuit say ‘No’ to uranium mining  {  }

‘No timeline’: Premier Gold delay upsets Geraldton homeowners  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }

Aboriginal gravesites halt $40M development plan in Abbotsford  {  }

Leona Aglukkaq admits reading newspaper was a ‘bad idea’ during question period  {  }

-Video- Haida group animates pipeline opposition using stop morion and music  {  }

Loretta Saunders scholarship recipient pays it forward  {  }

-Documents- ‘Sixties Scoop’ case moves forward as class action lawsuit  {  }

Number of aboriginal women behind bars doesn’t shock ex-inmate  {  }

Yukon College aims to better support First Nations students  {  }

Ottawa trip on Bill S-6 ends in insult to Yukon First Nations  {  }

Yukon miners fear ‘uncertainty’ following Peel decision   {  }

-Video- First Nations Financial Transparency Act  {  }


===== Older Stuff we think may be important: =====

Big spike in aboriginal women behind bars, study finds  {  }

Bill S-6 turmoil having ‘negative impact’ on industry: Casino Mining  {  }

Tina Fontaine’s family facing first Christmas without teen  {  }

First Nation in B.C. sets out tougher rules for mining in its territory  {  }

N.W.T. chiefs salaries proves modest under Transparency Act  {  }

-Video- Arctic explorer Vilhalmur Stefansson ‘comes to life’ in Yellowknife  {  }

‘Greenpeace dropout’ Patrick Moore defends Kinder Morgan pileline  {  }

Peel watershed: Yukon court strikes down government land use plan  {  }

Aboriginal gravesites halt $40M development plan in Abbotsford  {  }

-9 Photos- Unreserved: November 29  {  }

Members of Opaskwayak Cree Nation protest reserve’s debt  {  }

Aboriginal right to refuse chemotherapy for child spurs debate  {  }

Yukon chiefs to meet Bernard Vlcourt on Bill S-6  {  }

Aboriginal right to refuse chemotherapy for child spurs debate  {  }

Unreserved: Cowboys and Indians, Mohawk Girls and sacred fires  {  }

Leona Aglukkaq considers legal action against Rankin Inlet deputy mayor  {  }

Manitoba First Nation to get apology from premier for Jenpeg dam harm  {  }

A Tribe Called Red releases provacative song for American Thanksgiving  {  }

Mi’kmaq Confederacy clarifies rold in online gaming plan  {  }

Sioux Lookout council encouraged to be more ‘culturally aware’  {  }

-Opinion- Financial reporting for First Nations: transparency or witch hunt?  {  }

Study shows oilsands tailings ponds releasing toxic chemicals into air  {  }

52 First Nations risk losing funding for not complying with transparency law  {  }

-Review- Fabric of the Sky a powerful residential school survivor’s story  {  }

Indigenous video game designer takes stand against Custer’s Revenge  {  }

Mint’s new $5 coin features work by Cree artist Tim Whiskeychan  {  }

First Nations mistrust health system, Dalhousie researchers say  {  }

First Nations to ‘resist’ complying with financial transparency act  {  }

Students forced to sit quiet after mental health services march  {  }

Northern Quebec Cree start 850 km trek to protest against uranium mining  {  }

Nisga’a Nation signs LNG pipeline benefits deal with B.C.  {  }

Kashechewan students get extra teachers at Kapuskasing facility  {  }

-Opinion- Bill S-6 is a fundamental violation of the modern day Uukon treaty relationship  {

-Opinion- ‘Am I Next?’ campaign hits home with Fredericton student  {  }

Child advocatges want fewer aboriginal children in child welfare  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<

{ We have moved a lot of headlines related to First Nations / Indigenous issues to a Page >>>———>  <———<<< on —jda—‘s blog   —djo— }


 { Below this line is stuff we’re having trouble thinking may have been here too long, but may be too important to delete? }


{ This is what still grabs me – from Twitter – We’re trying to trim this down, I wanted to delete these below and start fresh, but they seem a little too important to me right now.  ———djo——— }

11 steps to fascism

“11 steps to Fascism” I forgot where this came from. bad me.  —djo—


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


Fracking linked to Alberta earthquakes, study indicates  { * – Carmen Langer had just left his bed to grab a drink of water when he felt his house northeast of Peace River, Alta., begin to shake. – “At first I thought I wasn’t feeling very good that day… and it was just my blood sugar, but no, it shook pretty good,” Langer said about the Nov. 2 incident.

– Moments after the shaking stopped, his neighbours were calling, asking if he had felt what they just felt. – “After a few minutes, I realized it was an earthquake,” Langer said. – There was a small earthquake on Nov. 2 in Peace River, just northeast of Peace River. The recently published study involving Alberta researcher Jeff Gu indicates fracking may trigger earthquakes in the province.  – Natural Resources Canada (NRC) registered a small, 3.0-magnitude earthquake that was “lightly felt” from Three Creeks to St. Isidor in northern Alberta at 11:14 p.m. MT. NRC said on its website there were no reports of damage, and that “none would be expected.” – Jeff Gu, a seismologist at the University of Alberta, said the earthquake could have been caused by shifting rock formations in the region — but added there could be another possible explanation. – “Certainly that region is not immune to earthquake faulting, but I would say having actual earthquakes in that area is relatively recent, relatively new,” he said. – Gu is one of three authors of a recently published study in the Journal of Geophysical Research, a peer-reviewed publication that looked at four years of earthquake data around Rocky Mountain House. The study concludes that waste-water injection into the ground is highly correlated with spikes in earthquake activity in the area. – It is the first study of its kind conducted in Canada that links industrial activity to induced earthquakes. – “The conclusion was that the industrial activities could, in some cases, potentially trigger or facilitate earthquake occurrences,” Gu said. – Alberta earthquakes increasing – Since 1985, fewer than 15 earthquakes above a 3.0 magnitude have been recorded anywhere in Alberta, according to the Alberta Geological Survey’s website. There has been an increase in earthquake activity since the 1960s, the organization says. – The Peace River earthquake is not the only one that has shaken the province in the past few months:

  • In October, a 2.7-magnitude quake was recorded about four kilometres southwest of Banff.
  • In August, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake was registered near Rocky Mountain House, causing about 500 customers in the area to lose power for several hours.

– Gu said the research into whether waste-water induction and fracking are related to earthquakes is still “really a work in progress.” –  “There has been more and more evidence, increasing evidence, in the last few years in particular — in Arkansas, in Texas and actually more recently here,” Gu said. – But he said there is nothing to fear right now. – “I’m not worried until we get a conclusive answer on whether these are caused by industry or not, whether they are naturally occurring,” Gu said. – Langer, however, is worried. – “With all the stuff that’s going on in my community, I’m feeling quite concerned about it,” he said. “We’re having all kinds of environmental problems in the community… Something has to give here.” – *  —djo—   }

Vancouver voters elect largest Green caucus in Canadian History  {  }


{ Other stuff, More personal background about who we are and why we do this: }

{ Jim W went over 50,000 words at NaNOWriMo On Tuesday, November 11th — He was pronounced a winner early on the morning of the 22nd with over 100,000 words typed, and verified through their word counting app. His latest word count is now = 130,222 words and still growing. & He has signed up on “Tablo” Where he has begun uploading his NaNoWriMo novel one chapter at a time. & We really are trying to trim away stuff that maybe has been here too long. Trouble is, we think toomuch of it may be important.  Maybe we’ll copy and paste today’s stuff in several places on several newsy blogs and try to start with a fresh ‘blank page’ tomorrow of Monday?  —djo— }

=====   {  Message copied and pasted from email on  November 25th: ———jda—— }

Re: Radio: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014  -( +14°C / 57°F & There has been sunlight and interesting shadows @ 3:00 pm in Atlantic Canada )-

– After facebook contact with a good friend from WPKN radio, where I used to hang out, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, about 50 miles from NYC, I wiggled a few wires and got the speakers back at something like peak sound and listened to a couple things.  – But I have to tell you, an airing of last year’s Thanksgiving (U.S. dates) program from First Voices Indigenous Radio knocked me out. It was that good. Tiokasin Ghosthorse played a recording of John Trudell of the Dakota Nation from Thanksgiving 1980. He talks about the difference between real power and brutality, and described the tactics that corporate amerika uses to convince good people that it’s hopeless to try to resist their ‘progress’ as they enslave and exploit us all. John Trudell also tells us that if we are true to the earth, the Earth will protect us.

This is an amazing talk and if this link works, I will encourage everybody to listen to it- *  Link  * you will have to open the page and click on “First Voices Indigenous Radio November 21, 2013 [dot] mp3. –  It should be more than worth listening to.

~~~~~ ———Jim W———


{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From ENENews -Energy News-  ‘Special Alert’ Issued: A sinkhole has opened beneath a dam in Tennessee and sediment is seeping from the riverbed below the dam — Upstream from a Nuclear Power Plant.   *  Link  *  =====

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?

-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

{ – The state of Internet security and infrastructure has been rapidly changing of late in response to concerns about online privacy and security (i.e., surveillance revelations and extensive security breaches), and a series of announcements over the past several days have put a lot of momentum behind possible solutions.

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.  – }

Anti-Spyware Software released free.

“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”

{ – A free tool released Thursday allows users to scan their computers for surveillance malware that has been used to spy on journalists and activists. – The open source tool Detekt is being released in partnership with human rights group Amnesty International, German digital rights group Digitale Gesellschaft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy International.

– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.

– Detekt scans Windows-based computers for common surveillance tools used in spying on activists. Those who detect a threat on their computer can then take steps to remove it. – The software developers warn that there is no guarantee that Detekt will find every bit of spyware, as new technology is continually being developed. – “Beware that it is possible that Detekt may not successfully detect the most recent versions of those malware families,” the developers wrote on the site, which introduces Detekt. – “Indeed, some of them will likely be updated in response to this release in order to remove or change the patterns that we identified. In addition, there may be existing versions of malware, from these families or from other providers, which are not detected by this tool. If Detekt does not find anything, this unfortunately cannot be considered a clean bill of health.” – Commercial entities have developed and sold surveillance tools that read emails and instant messaging conversations, listen in on Skype calls and remotely control a computer’s camera and microphone and sold them around the world. – There is no regulation against these technologies being used by repressive governments, Amnesty says, estimating the market for surveillance software at $5 billion US a year. – “European and American companies have been quietly selling surveillance equipment and software to countries across the world that persistently commit serious human rights violations,” it said. – Amnesty is urging governments to take action to stop the spread of spyware and calls on industry to consider the human rights records of countries where it sells such software. – Targeted surveillance is only legitimate when it is based on suspicion of criminal activity and backed up by a legal order, the group said.  –  —djo— }


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Monsanto execs on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

-Blog-  ‘Terrifying new app Beam Messengers lets users see text messages as they’re being typed {   }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

‘Walk into freedom’: Murder charges withdrawn after Toronto man’s 12 years in prison  { * The case had one witness who said one of the killers had dreadlocks, police found some hair in one suspect’s home, said that was evidence that he’d gone home and cut his hair after the crime. After fighting for too many years, the lawyer got access to the hair, which turned out to be beard hair, and still had to battle the ‘old boys club’ who tried to delay and deny every request made, finally, the truth did set the wrongfully convicted man free. *  —djo—   }

-Updated- Veterans funding not as advertised, opposition MPs say  {   }

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

PTSD and danger among deterrents to visible minorities joining military  {   }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  {   }

-Photos- Police rules of engagement around the world  {   }

Cheaper smartphones gain popularity among consumers  {   }

-Exclusive- Who are the most wanted extremists in Canada?  { * Should we list those in the Prime Minister’s Office? *  —djo—  }

Military mental health research gets funding boost  { * I think the $10 million for research pales in comparison to the $750 million the current Conservative Government spent over 9 years in partisan [ propaganda ] ads on television. *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

WestJet can’t ‘pass the buck’ on lost baggage anymore  {   }

Winnie the Pooh spanked by Polish council for not wearing pants  {   }

After 40 years in prison, 2 men exonerated, set free in Cleveland killing  {   }

Gender gouging: Women often pay more than men  {   }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }

-Updated- Supreme Court to hear landmark case for Métis and non-status Indians  {  }



{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

But are the liberals any better?

‘Conservative Math’ = “Just doesn’t add up”  — But the Liberals don’t have a flawless track record either —  —djo—

Mexican Proverb

Another nice quote from the anti- #KinderMorgan protesters in British Columbia. —djo—


{ 10:11 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Thursday, 04 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Thursday, 04 December, 2014  -( 23˚F / -5˚C –  ‘Brrrr’ & ‘dark’ @ 8:15  pm near Ithaca )-  -( 12˚F / -11˚C – Starry skies and darkish @ 9:15 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Maddie Mae would have been 24 years old today 🙁  }


“The Greedy shall inherit the wasteland while the children of love and light move to the New Heaven, New Earth-” —djo— { “Help-” }

“America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” & the Monster is the one who convinces the police they need to arrest the 90 year old and scares them to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. The Police are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo—

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Wiki Leaks Merchandise

WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Support Harrassed and Abused Students Today. Make Amanda Todd’s Life Count!  ;

If Tim Hortons and Burger King Serve GMO “doo-doo” Let them go Bankrupt ;

Open Your Ears and Heart to the Message of “Hands Up” and “I Can’t Breathe”- Know the Perils of Living in a Police State While Being Visible ;

& – Burn Your Paper Money. Deal With Farmers and Others The Old Fashioned Way -Fupp the Money Changers! –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Dutch man suspected of tormenting Amanda Todd had 75 other victims, Facebook report says  ;

Tim Hortons, Burger King deal approved, with conditions ;

-Video- Police ‘impairment suit’ lets you feel the perils of drunk driving ;

& – Money Mart will buy your gift cards — for half their value –

-Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }


{ +1620 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National something or other day, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

— “Other Media” :  —


“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—


– “I think my cousin showed me that place, in a dream, after he died – Where is it? – —jim w—

Small Tweet

From CBC Montreal: TransCanada is standing down on further pipeline construction in Quebec? —djo—


The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—

{ Too Ugly to Post: From Huffington Post Canada: 2014, December 02:  Canada’s government under fire for allowing trade in meat from endangered whales.  *  Link  *  }


“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—

Dead Trees

“Gaaaaa!” If we sharpen those murdered trees would there be enough to impale every freakin ice-hole who makes a profit from killing the planet with projects like the tarsands? —djo—


Remember Somebody saying “Judge Not -Lest Ye Be Judged?” Think He had insights that maybe there is no justice down here in the smoke and b.s. that has been designed by ice-holes to keep us from realizing our true nature and seizing our true power – God and the Earth and the Natural Universe Give Us Power. Humans take it away with Brutality. Brute Force is Not Power. It is Delusion. GACK- I wish today’s tweets were all boring – we’re freakin way late as it is- —djo—

Monsanto Sux

Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

the formula for civilizations' rise and fall?

“Civiliaztion’s Rise and Fall?” —djo—

"Re Educating" Artists and Dissidents

Is China still sending its Artists and Dissidents to Re-Education camps?

too many cops to pull over a bus?

“How Police intimidate law abiding citizens?” —djo—

Run away screaming

“Yes, Ariana, that is terrifying-” —djo—

totems attack pipeline

NorthWesternFirstNations Art = Totems attack the pipeline. —djo—


‘Sculpture’ on Burnaby Mountain. —djo—

Sign Solidarity With Ferguson

Sign in Derry, Northern Ireland.

The Panda is correct.

“Panda calls Harper an idiot for selling Canada out to China” —djo—


“-Almost 20 years ago – I remember the stunned look on reporters from WPKN radio in Bridgeport, CT when they learned that police were taking and smashing cell phones near a protest demonstration, calling them weapons.” —jim w—

2 visions of the future

“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—

Malcolm X Quote

Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms

& Don’t forget Hong Kong


Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.



-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you >>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel hads gone over90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:


Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Support Harrassed and Abused Students Today. Make Amanda Todd’s Life Count!  ;

If Tim Hortons and Burger King Serve GMO doo-doo Let them go Bankrupt ;

Open Your Ears and Heart to the Message of “Hands Up” and “I Can’t Breathe”- Know the Perils of Living in a Police State While Being Visible ;

& – Burn Your Paper Money. Deal With Farmers and Others The Old Fashioned Way Fupp the Money Changers –


 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

imagine peace tower

“Imagine Peace Tower” Thank you, -John Lennon- —djo—


white deer

White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


“Ariana Ducks”


Ariana Grande smacjed by an angel wing at the Victoria’s Secret fashion show  {  }

Fashion designer makes ‘ethical’ fur accessories from roadkill  {  }

Santa visits NORAD Winnipeg for Christmas training  { * How does Santa decide which members of the Military Industrial Complex deserve coal in their stockings? *  —djo— }

Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ breaks YouTube’s video counter  { * Now that is Scary! *  —djo— }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

===Recently: >>—>

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

Disruptive emotional-support pig ordered off commercial flight   {   }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Felines hit the catwalk at Supreme Cat Show   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station

New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Dutch man suspected of tormenting Amanda Todd had 75 other victims, Facebook report says  { * But how many million victims does Facebook torment? *  —djo— }

PETA links deli meat to dead man Peter Wald in proposed ad   {   }

‘Daesh’ adopted as new name for ISIS by U.S., France   { * “France was first to embrace the Daesh name in September, and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius asked the media and others to do the same. – “This is a terrorist group and not a state. I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims and Islamists,” he said in a statement at the time. “The Arabs call it Daesh and I will be calling them the ‘Daesh cutthroats.'” – Daesh also sounds similar to the Arabic words daes — which means someone who crushes something underfoot – and also dahes — which is someone who who sows discord. – *  —djo—  }

B.C. Transit’s $90M hydrogen bus fleet to be sold off, converted to diesel {   }

Tim Hortons, Burger King deal gets government OK  {   }

Oil falls on news that Saudis are preparing for $60 US crude   {   }

Paid menstrual leave debate resurfaces  {   }

Money Mart will buy your gift cards — for half their value  {   }

World War II bomb shell removed from Stanley Park {   }

Gay-straight alliance bill put on hold, says Alberta Premier Jim Prentice  { * I’m waiting for “John Baird-Jim Prentice alliance outed” by Gay-Straight Alliance” *  —djo—   }

-11 photo slide show- Spectre: Cast announced for new James Bond film   {  }

-Blog- Should paid menstrual leave be an option in Canada? CBC readers weigh in  {    }


Polytechnique shooting remark sparks Peter MacKay, Tom Mulcair spat   { * Not long after the Polytechnique massacre I heard about a ‘Canadian study’ that found that mass murderers had all been humiliated in public just before they lost control and went on a killing spree.  I tried to remind several different media outlets / television reporters etc. about this as more and more of these horrendous incidents made front page / leading article status. Lately this seems to have been ‘swept under the rug’ in the pursuit of sensationalism. *  —djo—  }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


PETA likens corpse left in Hamilton home to meat in your fridge { * PETA = People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. & If you missed this story, an evangelical Chistian living in Hamilton, Ontario, kept her husband’s corpse in their house for several months, believing he would be resurrected. * —djo— }

Information commissioner pleads poverty, Tory MPs say raise fees   {   }

‘Policing has to change’ NYC chokehold death prompts force restraining   {   }

Flu vaccine may be less effective this winter   {   }

-Updated- Accused Quebec teen jihadist charged with terrorism offences   {  }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Canadian vet dillon Hillier aiding Kurdish fight with ISIS, video shows   {   }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }

German woman attacked after defending teen girls may get posthumus medal  {   }

Boys, 9 and 11, buried by snowplow survived 7 hours in air pocket  {   }

===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- India bus attack   {   }

-Must Watch- Peel police show off ‘impairment suit’ in hopes of curbing drunk driving  {   }

-Must Watch- Eric Garner protests take place across U.S.   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Debt: How to use it and not abuse it  {   }

-Editor’s Pick- The necessary hypocrisy of America’s migrant workers      {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Leona Aglukkaq admits reading newspaper was a ‘bad idea’ during question period    {   }




“Local / New Brunswick”

Missing woman

“Missing Saint-Andre [woman]”


“Fredericton Mother”

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  {   }

Bit-time movie with Saint John roots out of money   {   }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

Christmas comes early with $100K lotto win for Saint John coworkers    {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

mother and daughter

Mother and daughter in Fredericton

Bulk produce program growing in Saint John  {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Trekkit gets TV deal to show New Brunswick to the world  {   }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

Youth Feminist President

President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }

-Wednesday- Mild weather for New Brunswick ahead of nor’easter    { * Ack! Environment Canada says to expect 15 to 25 cm of snow late Wednesday into Thursday. *  —jim W— *** P.S. I measured about 12 inches / 30 cm in our driveway at about 8 am on Thursday, the 27th.  ***  —jim w— }

Bathurst hopes to attract Atlanticade motorcycle festival  {   }

$25M lottery ticket claimed in Fredericton  {   }





Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Alleged racist comment spurs Maskwacis teen to speak out  { * A 15-year-old [First Nations] [woman] is speaking out against racism in her community after she and her family were refused service in a bowling alley in Wetaskin, Alberta *  —djo— }

NunatuKavut celebrating after Muskrat Falls injunction thrown out  {  }

-Audio- Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski defends amendments to Bill S-6  {  }

-Exclusive- Edmonton police officer Mike Wasylyshen promoted despite criminal record  {  }

Bernard Valcourt maintains Yukon First Nations are not government  {  }

Winnipeg family grateful for new home  {  }

Rankin Inlet dump scavenging controversy continues   {  }

Nunavik Inuit say ‘No’ to uranium mining  {  }

‘No timeline’: Premier Gold delay upsets Geraldton homeowners  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }

Aboriginal gravesites halt $40M development plan in Abbotsford  {  }

Leona Aglukkaq admits reading newspaper was a ‘bad idea’ during question period  {  }

-Video- Haida group animates pipeline opposition using stop morion and music  {  }

Loretta Saunders scholarship recipient pays it forward  {  }

-Documents- ‘Sixties Scoop’ case moves forward as class action lawsuit  {  }

Number of aboriginal women behind bars doesn’t shock ex-inmate  {  }

Yukon College aims to better support First Nations students  {  }

Ottawa trip on Bill S-6 ends in insult to Yukon First Nations  {  }

Yukon miners fear ‘uncertainty’ following Peel decision   {  }

-Video- First Nations Financial Transparency Act  {  }


===== Older Stuff we think may be important: =====

Big spike in aboriginal women behind bars, study finds  {  }

Bill S-6 turmoil having ‘negative impact’ on industry: Casino Mining  {  }

Tina Fontaine’s family facing first Christmas without teen  {  }

First Nation in B.C. sets out tougher rules for mining in its territory  {  }

N.W.T. chiefs salaries proves modest under Transparency Act  {  }

-Video- Arctic explorer Vilhalmur Stefansson ‘comes to life’ in Yellowknife  {  }

‘Greenpeace dropout’ Patrick Moore defends Kinder Morgan pileline  {  }

Peel watershed: Yukon court strikes down government land use plan  {  }

Aboriginal gravesites halt $40M development plan in Abbotsford  {  }

-9 Photos- Unreserved: November 29  {  }

Members of Opaskwayak Cree Nation protest reserve’s debt  {  }

Aboriginal right to refuse chemotherapy for child spurs debate  {  }

Yukon chiefs to meet Bernard Vlcourt on Bill S-6  {  }

Aboriginal right to refuse chemotherapy for child spurs debate  {  }

Unreserved: Cowboys and Indians, Mohawk Girls and sacred fires  {  }

Leona Aglukkaq considers legal action against Rankin Inlet deputy mayor  {  }

Manitoba First Nation to get apology from premier for Jenpeg dam harm  {  }

A Tribe Called Red releases provacative song for American Thanksgiving  {  }

Mi’kmaq Confederacy clarifies rold in online gaming plan  {  }

Sioux Lookout council encouraged to be more ‘culturally aware’  {  }

-Opinion- Financial reporting for First Nations: transparency or witch hunt?  {  }

Study shows oilsands tailings ponds releasing toxic chemicals into air  {  }

52 First Nations risk losing funding for not complying with transparency law  {  }

-Review- Fabric of the Sky a powerful residential school survivor’s story  {  }

Indigenous video game designer takes stand against Custer’s Revenge  {  }

Mint’s new $5 coin features work by Cree artist Tim Whiskeychan  {  }

First Nations mistrust health system, Dalhousie researchers say  {  }

First Nations to ‘resist’ complying with financial transparency act  {  }

Students forced to sit quiet after mental health services march  {  }

Northern Quebec Cree start 850 km trek to protest against uranium mining  {  }

Nisga’a Nation signs LNG pipeline benefits deal with B.C.  {  }

Kashechewan students get extra teachers at Kapuskasing facility  {  }

-Opinion- Bill S-6 is a fundamental violation of the modern day Uukon treaty relationship  {

-Opinion- ‘Am I Next?’ campaign hits home with Fredericton student  {  }

Child advocatges want fewer aboriginal children in child welfare  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<

{ We have moved a lot of headlines related to First Nations / Indigenous issues to a Page >>>———>  <———<<< on —jda—‘s blog   —djo— }


 { Below this line is stuff we’re having trouble thinking may have been here too long, but may be too important to delete? }


{ This is what still grabs me – from Twitter – We’re trying to trim this down, I wanted to delete these below and start fresh, but they seem a little too important to me right now.  ———djo——— }

11 steps to fascism

“11 steps to Fascism” I forgot where this came from. bad me.  —djo—


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


Fracking linked to Alberta earthquakes, study indicates  { * – Carmen Langer had just left his bed to grab a drink of water when he felt his house northeast of Peace River, Alta., begin to shake. – “At first I thought I wasn’t feeling very good that day… and it was just my blood sugar, but no, it shook pretty good,” Langer said about the Nov. 2 incident.

– Moments after the shaking stopped, his neighbours were calling, asking if he had felt what they just felt. – “After a few minutes, I realized it was an earthquake,” Langer said. – There was a small earthquake on Nov. 2 in Peace River, just northeast of Peace River. The recently published study involving Alberta researcher Jeff Gu indicates fracking may trigger earthquakes in the province.  – Natural Resources Canada (NRC) registered a small, 3.0-magnitude earthquake that was “lightly felt” from Three Creeks to St. Isidor in northern Alberta at 11:14 p.m. MT. NRC said on its website there were no reports of damage, and that “none would be expected.” – Jeff Gu, a seismologist at the University of Alberta, said the earthquake could have been caused by shifting rock formations in the region — but added there could be another possible explanation. – “Certainly that region is not immune to earthquake faulting, but I would say having actual earthquakes in that area is relatively recent, relatively new,” he said. – Gu is one of three authors of a recently published study in the Journal of Geophysical Research, a peer-reviewed publication that looked at four years of earthquake data around Rocky Mountain House. The study concludes that waste-water injection into the ground is highly correlated with spikes in earthquake activity in the area. – It is the first study of its kind conducted in Canada that links industrial activity to induced earthquakes. – “The conclusion was that the industrial activities could, in some cases, potentially trigger or facilitate earthquake occurrences,” Gu said. – Alberta earthquakes increasing – Since 1985, fewer than 15 earthquakes above a 3.0 magnitude have been recorded anywhere in Alberta, according to the Alberta Geological Survey’s website. There has been an increase in earthquake activity since the 1960s, the organization says. – The Peace River earthquake is not the only one that has shaken the province in the past few months:

  • In October, a 2.7-magnitude quake was recorded about four kilometres southwest of Banff.
  • In August, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake was registered near Rocky Mountain House, causing about 500 customers in the area to lose power for several hours.

– Gu said the research into whether waste-water induction and fracking are related to earthquakes is still “really a work in progress.” –  “There has been more and more evidence, increasing evidence, in the last few years in particular — in Arkansas, in Texas and actually more recently here,” Gu said. – But he said there is nothing to fear right now. – “I’m not worried until we get a conclusive answer on whether these are caused by industry or not, whether they are naturally occurring,” Gu said. – Langer, however, is worried. – “With all the stuff that’s going on in my community, I’m feeling quite concerned about it,” he said. “We’re having all kinds of environmental problems in the community… Something has to give here.” – *  —djo—   }

Vancouver voters elect largest Green caucus in Canadian History  {  }


{ Other stuff, More personal background about who we are and why we do this: }

{ Jim W went over 50,000 words at NaNOWriMo On Tuesday, November 11th — He was pronounced a winner early on the morning of the 22nd with over 100,000 words typed, and verified through their word counting app. His latest word count is now = 130,222 words and still growing. & He has signed up on “Tablo” Where he has begun uploading his NaNoWriMo novel one chapter at a time. & We really are trying to trim away stuff that maybe has been here too long. Trouble is, we think toomuch of it may be important.  Maybe we’ll copy and paste today’s stuff in several places on several newsy blogs and try to start with a fresh ‘blank page’ tomorrow of Monday?  —djo— }

=====   {  Message copied and pasted from email on  November 25th: ———jda—— }

Re: Radio: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014  -( +14°C / 57°F & There has been sunlight and interesting shadows @ 3:00 pm in Atlantic Canada )-

– After facebook contact with a good friend from WPKN radio, where I used to hang out, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, about 50 miles from NYC, I wiggled a few wires and got the speakers back at something like peak sound and listened to a couple things.  – But I have to tell you, an airing of last year’s Thanksgiving (U.S. dates) program from First Voices Indigenous Radio knocked me out. It was that good. Tiokasin Ghosthorse played a recording of John Trudell of the Dakota Nation from Thanksgiving 1980. He talks about the difference between real power and brutality, and described the tactics that corporate amerika uses to convince good people that it’s hopeless to try to resist their ‘progress’ as they enslave and exploit us all. John Trudell also tells us that if we are true to the earth, the Earth will protect us.

This is an amazing talk and if this link works, I will encourage everybody to listen to it- *  Link  * you will have to open the page and click on “First Voices Indigenous Radio November 21, 2013 [dot] mp3. –  It should be more than worth listening to.

~~~~~ ———Jim W———


{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From ENENews -Energy News-  ‘Special Alert’ Issued: A sinkhole has opened beneath a dam in Tennessee and sediment is seeping from the riverbed below the dam — Upstream from a Nuclear Power Plant.   *  Link  *  =====

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?

-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

{ – The state of Internet security and infrastructure has been rapidly changing of late in response to concerns about online privacy and security (i.e., surveillance revelations and extensive security breaches), and a series of announcements over the past several days have put a lot of momentum behind possible solutions.

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.  – }

Anti-Spyware Software released free.

“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”

{ – A free tool released Thursday allows users to scan their computers for surveillance malware that has been used to spy on journalists and activists. – The open source tool Detekt is being released in partnership with human rights group Amnesty International, German digital rights group Digitale Gesellschaft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy International.

– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.

– Detekt scans Windows-based computers for common surveillance tools used in spying on activists. Those who detect a threat on their computer can then take steps to remove it. – The software developers warn that there is no guarantee that Detekt will find every bit of spyware, as new technology is continually being developed. – “Beware that it is possible that Detekt may not successfully detect the most recent versions of those malware families,” the developers wrote on the site, which introduces Detekt. – “Indeed, some of them will likely be updated in response to this release in order to remove or change the patterns that we identified. In addition, there may be existing versions of malware, from these families or from other providers, which are not detected by this tool. If Detekt does not find anything, this unfortunately cannot be considered a clean bill of health.” – Commercial entities have developed and sold surveillance tools that read emails and instant messaging conversations, listen in on Skype calls and remotely control a computer’s camera and microphone and sold them around the world. – There is no regulation against these technologies being used by repressive governments, Amnesty says, estimating the market for surveillance software at $5 billion US a year. – “European and American companies have been quietly selling surveillance equipment and software to countries across the world that persistently commit serious human rights violations,” it said. – Amnesty is urging governments to take action to stop the spread of spyware and calls on industry to consider the human rights records of countries where it sells such software. – Targeted surveillance is only legitimate when it is based on suspicion of criminal activity and backed up by a legal order, the group said.  –  —djo— }


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Monsanto execs on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

-Blog-  ‘Terrifying new app Beam Messengers lets users see text messages as they’re being typed {   }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

‘Walk into freedom’: Murder charges withdrawn after Toronto man’s 12 years in prison  { * The case had one witness who said one of the killers had dreadlocks, police found some hair in one suspect’s home, said that was evidence that he’d gone home and cut his hair after the crime. After fighting for too many years, the lawyer got access to the hair, which turned out to be beard hair, and still had to battle the ‘old boys club’ who tried to delay and deny every request made, finally, the truth did set the wrongfully convicted man free. *  —djo—   }

-Updated- Veterans funding not as advertised, opposition MPs say  {   }

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

PTSD and danger among deterrents to visible minorities joining military  {   }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  {   }

-Photos- Police rules of engagement around the world  {   }

Cheaper smartphones gain popularity among consumers  {   }

-Exclusive- Who are the most wanted extremists in Canada?  { * Should we list those in the Prime Minister’s Office? *  —djo—  }

Military mental health research gets funding boost  { * I think the $10 million for research pales in comparison to the $750 million the current Conservative Government spent over 9 years in partisan [ propaganda ] ads on television. *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

WestJet can’t ‘pass the buck’ on lost baggage anymore  {   }

Winnie the Pooh spanked by Polish council for not wearing pants  {   }

After 40 years in prison, 2 men exonerated, set free in Cleveland killing  {   }

Gender gouging: Women often pay more than men  {   }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }

-Updated- Supreme Court to hear landmark case for Métis and non-status Indians  {  }



{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

But are the liberals any better?

‘Conservative Math’ = “Just doesn’t add up”  — But the Liberals don’t have a flawless track record either —  —djo—

Mexican Proverb

Another nice quote from the anti- #KinderMorgan protesters in British Columbia. —djo—


{ 10:11 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Saturday, 08 November, 2014 – News Schnarr:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Saturday, 08 November, 2014  -( 42˚F / +6˚C –  &  Overcast  @ 2:45 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 36˚F / +2˚C –  & cloudy @ 4:00 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   Happy Birthday, Walter Chop —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you >>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel

We Were Seeds

“Governments Kill more of their Own Citizens than all of the wars in the past century combined.” Katherine Albrecht (?)

Wolves in a Group Howl, dancing.

According to “Medicine Cards” Wolves represent tribe members who leave the tribe, venture out to new worlds, new experiences, then return and teach the ones who stayed behind about new ideas, new ways, new concepts – new cultural wealth.




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: Is there life beyond a propaganda enforced ‘Thunderdome’? —  { -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry is #1066. Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel is up to 32,000 words already. }

Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev warns we’re on the brink of a new Cold War.

World on ‘brink of a new Cold War,’ warns Gorbechev  { * “Tensions between the major powers have pushed the world closer to a new Cold War, former Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev said Saturday.” *  —djo—  }

Bundled human.

“Winter Arrives This Weekend” in Alberta

‘Winter arrives this weekend’ Environment Canada warns Albertans   { * “Winter is coming. That’s the message — literally — from Environment Canada to Albertans ahead of the weekend, when an Arctic air mass is expected to pummel the last remnants of autumn into wintry submission.” *   —djo— }

‘He pushed on anyway’: Canadian soldier killed minutes before WW I armistice   { * – “George Lawrence Price was a typical Canadian soldier in the First World War, except for the timing of his death. He holds the sad distinction of being the last Canadian and last Commonwealth soldier to die in the First World War.” *   —djo— }

‘Dangerous’ man accidentally released from custody back in jail   { * “A man charged with attempted murder is back in custody after being mistakenly released from the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility on Friday.” – Meanwhile, some of the most dangerous men in the universe are meeting in smoky rooms, plotting a very dark future for the human race on planet Earth, Ya think? – *  —djo— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Harper-China 2014-Nov-08

Harper selling Canada to Chinese interests?

Saturday: 08 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

Divers recover body of engineer in Quebec train derailment  {  }

Attempted-murder suspect back in custody in Nova Scotia  {  }

PM inks currency hub deal allowing easier trade with China   {  }

NDP angry with way Trudeau handled harassment allegations  {  }

Canadiens to retire Guy Lapointe’s No. 5  jersey tonight   {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Big guy climbing out of 1987 VW Beetle

“Uruguay Elections”


Arab sheik offers Uruguay’s president $1m for 1987 Beetle  { * My initial feeling was the President of Uruguay was making a mean-spirited joke when he said he would donate the money to housing the homeless if anybody gave him one million dollars for his 1987 Volkswagen Beetle. I hope I was wrong. *  —djo— }

11-year-old Japanese kid could be the next hockey prodigy  {   }

University’s petting zoo helps students manage stress  {   }

Avast ye mateys: Pirate ship classroom launches in N.B.  {   }

From Earlier this week:   { You might be able to do a search and find these articles if you’re interested: —djo—  }

Big ‘groundhog; fossil from age of dinosaurs rewrites mammal history    {   }

Star Wars sequel title — The Force Awakens — announced, then mocked by fans  {   }

World’s biggest corn maze leaves some ‘so frustrated and so bewildered’ they call 911   {   }




The Brandenburg Gate in November of 1989.

“Most Viewed”

Special winter weather statement issued for Alberta as winter arrives   {  }

Mikhail Gorbachev warns world on ‘brink of new Cold War’  {  }

Search for James Cuthbert, 71, ends  { * Video evidence convinced police that the man fell overboard while riding on a ferry in Nova Scotia. *  —djo— }

Eliahs Kent, mistakenly released from Burnside jail, back in custody  { * I’m not sure why they have his name in this headline and not in half a dozen other headlines linked to the same article. *  —djo—  }

UBC’s Vantage College: Canadians need not apply    { * – The University of British Columbia is building an exclusive new college at a cost of more than $127 million, but Canadian students need not apply. The college will house only high-paying international students, most of them from China. – It may only be a big hole in the ground right now, but the Vantage College project has already angered many university students who say the money could have been better spent to improve student housing and limit tuition increases. -UBC student Aspen Dirk says the university is increasingly becoming an elitist school. – “It’s very disrespectful, said UBC student Aspen Dirk, “and a bit of a slap to the face.” – Students say UBC is spending $127.5 million at a time when money is tight to build a stand-alone college complete with its own residential tower for 1,000 international students. – *  —djo—}

George Lawrence Price was last Canadian soldier killed in First World War   {  }

Sept-Îles train derailment: Divers find body of engineer Enrick Gagnon   {  }

Pope Francis demotes U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke   {   }

‘Butterfly child’ has dream to see northern lights  {  }

Mexico gang members describe killings, burnings of 43 missing students   {   }

-18 photo slide show- Week in pictures, Nov. 1-7   { * Heilige Scheisse! They included the entire week this time. Ya don’t think anybody at CBC news is reading my comments, do you? — Nahhhhh- *  —djo—  }

-Blog- Tinder profiles feature sex trafficking victims as part of powerful awareness campaign  { * -This week, the Immigration Council of Ireland launched an innovative Tinder-based ad campaign to create awareness about the crimes behind sex trafficking and prostitution.- *  —djo—  }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


Canadian firm plays big role in historic comet visit   {  }

-Feature- Berlin Wall: Before and after  {   }

Canada, China sign currency deal aimed at boosting trade   {   }

Mexico gang members describe killings, burnings of 43 missing students   {   }

-Video- CBC cameraman reflects on the night Berlin Wall fell   {  }

‘Butterfly child’ has dream to see northern lights   {   }

U.S. Cardinal opposed to abortion, gay marriage, loses another Vatican job    {  }

Divers find body of engineer missing since Quebec train derailment  {  }

‘I have a ton of miles on my back’: Steve Nash pens open letter to fans    {  }

4th vicitim of Washington school shooting dies in hospital   {  }

‘I thought it was a film’ Germans reflect on fall of Berlin Wall   {  }

Theremin turning heads in Canadian music, literary circles   {  }

SNV-Lavalin loses federal contract worth up to $22.8B   { * Hooray for somebody- show those ice-holes they can’t lay off 4,000 people and hope to hang on to lucrative contracts! *  —djo— }

Strong winds whip Aaska, storm expected to bring frigid air to U.S.   {  }

NDP MPs angry with the way Trudeau handles harassment allegations  {  }

‘We are not the police’: CBC defends Ghomeshi investigation   {  }

-Must Watch- GoPro in Zero-G bubble    {  }

-Must Watch- Student saves Remembrance Day    {  * “Amherst Regional High School [Nova Scotia] student Titus Gallagher steps in when heard that the Remembrance Day ceremony at his school would be cancelled this year.” *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- Poppy sales soar   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Death and denial in Cape Dorset    {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Cam a ‘bourbon summit’ make Mitch McConnel and Obama friends?    {    }

-Editor’s Pick- Do walls make good neighbours? / Marcello Di Cintio says follow Berlin’s example, tear down walls   { * Calgary’s author of Walls reflects on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall *  —djo—  }



Fredericton police patch

Fredericton police reopen probe of city ‘financial irregularities’

“Local / New Brunswick”

Oil spilled in derailment at Moncton train yard   {   }

Moncton residents await news on surplus military homes   {   }

Moncton couple seeks swimming pool for pet dog   {   }

A weekend in the maritimes, as seen by you   {   }

Earlier this week:   {   }

Amherst protesters rally against importing fracking wastewater   {   }

Early French immersion change coming, Serge Rousselle says   {  }

Geriatric clinic for at-risk seniors opens at Moncton Hospital   {  }



AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

AFN national chief candidates address key issues in election  {  }

-Photos- Unreserved: The radio show in pictures, November 8  {  }

-Video- Mother glad Nunavut govenment is taking action following infant’s death  {  }

Manitoba Association of Native Firefighters loses federal funding  { * -An Aboriginal aid agency in charge of 2011 flood evacuees has been stripped of its federal funding effective immediately.- *  —djo—  }

Decorated First Nations vet Tommy Prince a Canadian hero  {  }

James Bay Cree youth in Quebec hit the music charts  {  }

Tamra Keepness: No evidence of missing child in wells linked to Reddit map  {  }

Shuswap reserve chooses new council after spending became key issue in band election  {  }

Injuries happened at the hands of Winnipeg police, woman alleges  {  }

Ebola fears led First Nation to opt out of Canada World Yourth  {  }

Pictou’s Clean the Mill group releases  soil data  {  }

Aboriginal star hailed as ‘pioneer’ by Soccer Hall of Fame  {  }

Shoal Lake no. 40 gets backing from IJC  {  }

Homeless woman fined for building her own home   {  }

CBC investigation prompts Nunavut health-care review  {  }

Fort Simpson, N.W.T., chief Minnie Letcher dies of meningitis  {  }

Cynthia Blackjack’s mother sues Yukon gov’t over daughter’s death  {  }

Head of B.C. Missing Women Commission says no to national inquiry   { * “Wally Oppal, the commissioner of the British Columbia Missing Women Commission, is saying no to the possibility of a national inquiry into more than 1,100 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.” * *** He says now is the time for action, not an inquiry. ***  —djo— }

Bill Lyall, former Central Arctic MLA, publishes new book  { * “Bill Lyall of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, was in Iqaluit yesterday to launch his new book, which tells the story of the co-operative movement in the Arctic and himself” *  —djo—  }

-Feature- Nunavut put community’s health ‘at risk’ by mishandling nurse  { * -When a baby in a Nunavut hamlet died of a lung infection in 2012, questions arose about the nurse who allegedly failed to treat him. A CBC investigation reveals a history of complaints about the nurse and a government that refused to fire her.- *  —djo— }

Hydro ‘cautiously optimistic’ about steps to end Jenpeg occupation  {  }

3 deaths in Iqaluit related to prescription Tylenol overdose  {  }

Oskayak high school students hold round dance for missing women  {  }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Minister of Child Services offers Onigaming support after suicides   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Transit rider wants Lift Plus service to Fort William First Nation  {  }

Facing suicide rates on remote First Nations: Why leaving may not be an option {  }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }


{ We’ve left a lot of First Nations news on this page after it was taken down from the ‘aboriginal’ page at the CBC web site. & The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }




{ This is what greeted me this week when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

encrypt things

“Encrypt Things”


#SaveTheInternet, #NetNeutrality at the White House

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legislators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{  6:45 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, which makes it painful to do simple things, like scroll or click with a mouse- = ouch! )   — Also  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Thursday, 06 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Thursday, 06 November, 2014  -( 44˚F / +7˚C –  Raining with fog patches around  @ 2:30 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 46˚F / +8˚C –  Still messy snow on the ground, grey sky overhead with interesting patterns in the clouds – parallel smudges? @ 3:45 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Net neutrality tweet

Tweeted by @occupyWallStNYC Retweeted by Fight for the Future. I have no idea why they might appeal to Pres. Obama. —djo—

Lots of tweets

Paris, Brussels and Alex Jones. The juxtaposition is priceless. There is also a lot going on in Palestine and Jerusalem.




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: Dirty deeds done dirt cheap? ooops —  { -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry is #1066. Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel is up to 18,000 words already. }



Train conductor missing after derailment into river  { * “A train conductor is missing after a locomotive derailed and plummeted to the river below north of Sept-Îles, Que., according to preliminary reports.” *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Why Scotiabank is cutting jobs while earning billions: Don Pittis   { * “Scotiabank, Canada’s third-biggest bank and 10th-biggest company, is cutting 1,500 jobs and scaling back on risk. Don Pittis says part of the reason is that it wants to be ready to cope with the uncertainties of the Canadian property market.” *   —djo— }

What a baby’s death reveals about Nunavut’s health care   { * – “Nunavut put the public health of Cape Dorset “at risk” by mishandling a nurse facing numerous complaints, according to internal government emails obtained by CBC News. The government ended up promoting her to the community’s top nursing post.” *   —djo— }

-Analysis- Keystone XL pipeline prospects get boost from U.S. election results   { * “U.S. Senate election results give Keystone XL pipeline supporters more clout in Washington, maybe enough to overcome President Barack Obama’s veto power.” *  —djo— }

Star Wars sequel title — The Force Awakens — Announced, then mocked by fans  { * “The makers of the next Star Wars movie announced on Twitter today that principal photography has been completed. Oh, and, by the way, the movie now has an actual title. Yes, Star Wars Episode VII will be called The Force Awakens.” *  —djo— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Pres. Obama

President Obama looking thoughtful?

Thursday: 065 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

CRTC bans 30-day notice for TV, web, phone service changes  {  }

Honda investing $857M in 3 Ontario auto plants   {  }

Montreal’s SNC-Lavalin to slash global workforce by 4,000   {  }

RCMP arrests ‘high-risk-traveller’ upon return to Canada  {  }

Health Canada study: No link between wind turbines, illnesses  {  }

Train conductor missing after derailment in eastern Quebec {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Tom Brokaw with Cell phone

Tom Brokaw’s Cell Phone dings.


Tom Brokaw’s phone interrupts live election coverage: ‘Yes, I will remember to bring home the milk’  {  }

Man to be eaten alive by anaconda on TV, everyone horrified  {   }

Big ‘groundhog; fossil from age of dinosaurs rewrites mammal history    {   }

Saskatoon-made drone flies into Smithsonian collection   {   }

Squirrels on steroids run wild in Canadian Arctic   {   }



two guys photos

Liberal MPs involved in Misconduct allegations

“Most Viewed”

CRTC bans 30-day notice for cancelling TV, phone, internet   { * – Canadians no longer have to give a 30-day notice to cancel or change their television, internet or landline telephone service, the CRTC says. – In a release, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission said it is “prohibiting television service providers from requiring that Canadians give 30 days’ notice prior to cancelling these services.” – *  & I thought this might be an article about the CRTC -Canadian version of the FCC?-telling cable companies, etc. that they no longer had to give subscribers a 30-day notice before they made major changes to their services. This is refreshing. *  —djo— }

Conductor missing after Quebec freight train derails in landslide  {  }

Franz Prokop, ex-B.C. councillor, loses $3.6M Lotto 6/49 lawsuit   { * – Former Maple Ridge, B.C., councillor Franz Prokop has lost a lawsuit that claimed his ex-partner’s son had stolen his winning $3.6-million lottery ticket. – Prokop’s lawyers told the court in New Westminster that he bought the Lotto 6/49 ticket while shopping in August 2007 with his common-law partner, Angelina Dushop, and that after the draw, she realized the ticket was a winner. – The Coquitlam realtor claimed Dushop’s son, Peter Dushop, had access to the couple’s home, took the ticket from Prokop’s desk and then claimed the ticket 11 months later. – Dushop — who is also a realtor — denied the accusation, and testified that he had bought the ticket. He also noted the winning ticket contained numbers representing his and his mother’s birthdays. – Flawed testimony – In a ruling released this week, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Robert Crawford found problems with the testimony of Dushop, his mother and Prokop. – “I was not impressed with the semantic dance over the purchase of the lottery ticket,” Crawford said in his reasons for judgment. – Crawford ruled it was likely Dushop’s mother used her credit card to buy the ticket, using Dushop’s numbers, and that Prokop paid the Visa bill. – The judge believed the ticket was put away in a safety deposit box, because Angelina Dushop feared Prokop would want a share of the winnings. – But Crawford ruled Prokop failed to prove his case the ticket was his, and that it was stolen by Peter Dushop. – “The plaintiff has failed to establish both of these facts and accordingly the plaintiff’s claim must fail,” the judge said. – *  —djo— }

Wind turbine noise not linked to health problems, Health Canada finds   {   }

What a Cape Dorset baby’s death reveals about Nunavut’s health care    {  }

Luka Magnotta did not need constant care: jail psychiatrist   {  }

Fake online reviews: 4 ways companies can deceive you   {  }

OC Transpo bus stops under Via Rail crossing warning arm   {   }

Phil Rudd, AC/DC drummer, charged in murder for hire plot  {  }

Republicans may have trouble making Washinton’s hogs ‘squeal’: Neil Macdonald   {   }

-13 photo slide show- Winners and losers in U.S. midterm elections   {   }

-Blog- Man to be eaten alive by anaconda on TV, everyone horrified  { * -According to Discovery, “naturalist and wildlife filmmaker Paul Rosolie will enter the belly of an anaconda in a custom-built snake-proof suit” in its Dec. 7 special Eaten Alive.- * I bet the snake is not a party to ‘advised consent’. *  —djo—  }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


No need for 30-day notice to switch internet, cable or phone service, CRTC says  { * Why weren’t earlier headlines linking to this article this clear? *  —djo—  }

-New- Wind turbines can be annoying, but not harmful, Health Canada finds   { * But anyone living within 200 meters of high powered electric lines has a much higher risk of developing leukemia, Did Health Canada figure that into their equations?  *  —djo—  }

Luka Magnotta did not need constant care: jail psychiatrist   {   }

-Analysis- Mrs. Castrator goes to Washington, round up the hogs: Neil Macdonald   {  }

NO luck in lotto lawsuit: B.C. realtor loses $3.6M win to ex-partner’s son   {  }

Faking it: 4 ways companies artificially boost their online reputations    {  }

Leaked files expose global companies’ secret tax deals in Luxembourg  {  }

Harassment allegations against 2 Liberal MPs rest with secretive committee    {  }

How a Bruce Springsteen concert helped bring down the Berlin Wall   {  }

Miranda Lambert makes history at the 2014 CMAs   {  }

Toronto-to-New York bus crash sends 26 to hospital   {  }

The right way — and wrong way — to keep your poppy in place   {  }

Florida advocate defies law against feeding the homeless    {   }

SNC-Lavalin to axe 4,000 jobs   {  }

-Updated- AC/DC drummer charged in murder-for-hire plot   {  }

-Must Watch-  Train derails near Sept-Iles    {  }

-Must Watch- London’s Flanders Fields Memorial    {   }

-Must Watch- Coyote attack in Burlington   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Busting the Berlin Wall    {    }

-Editor’s Pick- Death and denial in Cape Dorset    {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Barack Obama doesn’t have to be a ‘lame-duck’ president   {   }



guy with gas pump label

Gas Pump Labels

“Local / New Brunswick”

Fredericton students pitch climate change warning labels for gas pumps   {   }

Real Food Connections seeks local investors to expand   {   }

Moncton ‘park golfer’ given 1-year community based sentence   {  }

Family of Morgan Dunbar wants to help others after teen’s suicide   {  }

Horizon Health to survey hospital patient twice a year   {   }



AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

AFN national chief candidates address key issues in election  {  }

Head of B.C. Missing Women Commission says no to national inquiry   { * “Wally Oppal, the commissioner of the British Columbia Missing Women Commission, is saying no to the possibility of a national inquiry into more than 1,100 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.” * *** He says now is the time for action, not an inquiry. ***  —djo— }

Bill Lyall, former Central Arctic MLA, publishes new book  { * “Bill Lyall of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, was in Iqaluit yesterday to launch his new book, which tells the story of the co-operative movement in the Arctic and himself” *  —djo—  }

-Feature- Nunavut put community’s health ‘at risk’ by mishandling nurse  { * -When a baby in a Nunavut hamlet died of a lung infection in 2012, questions arose about the nurse who allegedly failed to treat him. A CBC investigation reveals a history of complaints about the nurse and a government that refused to fire her.- *  —djo— }

Hydro ‘cautiously optimistic’ about steps to end Jenpeg occupation  {  }

3 deaths in Iqaluit related to prescription Tylenol overdose  {  }

Oskayak high school students hold round dance for missing women  {  }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Minister of Child Services offers Onigaming support after suicides   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Transit rider wants Lift Plus service to Fort William First Nation  {  }

Facing suicide rates on remote First Nations: Why leaving may not be an option {  }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }




{ This is what greeted me this week when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr


“Hey, don’t look stupid- fix your map” —jda—


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{  5:30 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, which makes it painful to do simple things, like scroll or click with a mouse- = ouch! )   — Also  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Wednesday, 05 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Wednesday, 05 November, 2014  -( 58˚F / +14˚C –  with some bright sun, some clouds  @ 2:15 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 54˚F / +12˚C –  Still messy snow on the ground, mostly grey sky overhead & the moon is already out @ 3:45 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: Sometimes the news is just plain weird?



Harassment allegations lead Justin Trudeau to suspend 2 MPs  { * “Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau suspends ethics critic Scott Andrews and Quebec MP Massimo Pacetti from the party’s caucus after two New Democrat MPs alleged they were harassed.” *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Why Scotiabank is cutting jobs while earning billions: Don Pittis   { * “Scotiabank, Canada’s third-biggest bank and 10th-biggest company, is cutting 1,500 jobs and scaling back on risk. Don Pittis says part of the reason is that it wants to be ready to cope with the uncertainties of the Canadian property market.” *   —djo— }

CBC asks court to dismiss Jian Ghomeshi’s $55M Lawsuit   { * – The CBC asks an Ontario court to dismiss former employee Jian Ghomeshi’s $55-million lawsuit, saying the claim is “without merit and an abuse of the court’s process.” –  * In the U.S. this is what I’ve heard called the ‘scattergun technique’. Most lawyers use this ploy to try to con the judge and/or jury into believing that their opponent doesn’t have a real case. In too many instances it might mean the lawyers are afraid that going through the real legal process might lose them their case. —djo— }

WWI Canadian soldier’s remains identified   {  }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Pres. Obama

President Obama looking thoughtful?

Wednesday: 05 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

Republicans win midterm majority in U.S. Senate  {  }

Republican senator will push for early Keystone approval   {  }

Ottawa to table bill banning immigration by polygamists   {  }

CBC files papers asking for dismissal of Ghomeshi lawsuit  {  }

Obama says ‘I hear you’ to voters after midterm losses {  }

Trudeau suspends 2 Liberal MPs over misconduct allegations {  }

Liberal leader says party has duty to protect complainants  {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Tom Brokaw with Cell phone

Tom Brokaw’s Cell Phone dings.


Tom Brokaw’s phone interrups live election coverage: ‘Yes, I will remember to bring home the milk’  {  }

Sean Avery’s off-Broadway debute derailed by meltdown over pizza  {   }

Jamie Paquin’s Tokyo store thrives selling only Canadian wines    {   }

Marilyn Monroe photo raffled for $5 could fetch $60K   {   }



two guys photos

Liberal MPs involved in Misconduct allegations

“Most Viewed”

Liberal MPs Scott Andrews, Massimo Pacetti suspended from caucus amid harassment allegations   {  }

Jian Ghomeshi lawsuit dismissal sought by CBC  {  }

How Arctic ground squirrels use steroids to bulk up for winter   {  }

WestJet float idea of thinner seats, and more of them   {   }

Why Scotiabank is cutting jobs while earning billions: Don Pittis    {  }

Quebec mask maker helps FBI track down disquised bank robbery suspect   {  }

WWI Canadian soldier’s remains identified   {  }

More workplace allegations made against Jian Ghomeshi   {   }

Stephen Poloz comments on unpaid work raise ire of youth groups  { * Advocates for young workers took Stephen Poloz to task after the Bank of Canada governor recommended that jobless university graduates beef up their resumes by working for free. – Speaking to a House of Commons committee Tuesday, Poloz suggested young Canadians and others struggling to find work should acquire more experience through unpaid internships or volunteering until the country’s hobbled job market picks up. He predicted it would improve over the next two years. – Poloz told the committee that when a young person asks for advice on getting through the tough times, he says, “‘Volunteer to do something which is at least somewhere related to your expertise so that it’s clear that you are gaining some learning experience during that period.”‘ *  —djo— }

Chris Alexander to ban immigrants in polygamous, forced marriages   {   }

-8 photo slide show- Virgin Galactic SpaceShip2 crash site in Mohave Desert   { * & It was announced on television news that investigators ruled out an explosion due to the new experimental fuel mix they were using. *  —jim w—  }

-Blog- #AlexFromTarget: Teens on Twitter turn Target employee into viral sensation  {   }




Arctic Ground Squirrel

Other: readers to Stephen Poloz on unpaid work: ‘You first’  { * Hey, I think they’re restoring my faith in young people. 🙂 *  —djo—  }

WestJet floats idea of thinner seats, and more of them   { * & Hey.2 I didn’t think I could lose any more faith in corporations than I already have, but it looks like they’re getting seedier and greedier all the time. 🙁  *  —djo—  }

-New- Squirrels on steroids run wild in Canadian Arctic   { * I wonder what an Arctic Squirrel drug pusher looks like. Or, do they have some kind of an arrangement with big pharmaceutical company’s salesmen? *  —djo—  }

-Live- Barack Obama doesn’t have to be a ‘lame-duck’ president   { * Yeah, but if he had any sense, he’d never have wanted to be any kind of President. *  —djo— }

Visa limits on Ebola-affected trevellers need to be justified: WHO to Canada   {  }

Quebec mask maker helps FBI track down disguised bank robbery suspect    {  }

Burger King deal costs take bite out of Tim Hortons profit  { * Should have seen that coming- *  —djo— }

2 arrested after student alleges strangers tried to throw him off Ottawa bridge    {  }

Kinder Morgan lawsuit to stop pipeline protesters gets underway in Vancouver   {  }

Social media helped place flags on Canadian soldiers’ graves in Italy   {  }

Pirate Bay co-founder faces estradition to Sweden from Thailand   {  }

‘Incompatible with Canadian values’ Immigrants in polygamous marriages to be banned   { * Yeah, but, if being incompatible with Canadian values was a crime, most of the Conservative party’s members would be in jail. *  —djo— }

Commons poised to suspend MP Dean Del Mastro in Wednesday vote    {   }

‘The beginning of the long dash’ indicates 75 years of official time on CBC   {  }

Victorious Republicans now focus their ambitions on White House   { * Pay attention: Psychics and professional future projectors say there will not be a presidential election in 2016. *  —djo— }

-Must Watch-  Icons & Idols: Rock n’ Roll auction    { * If they’re auctioning off Rock n’ Roll Idols, can I bid on Linda Ronstadt? I might not be able to treat her to top of the line everything like she deserves, and she might find it really creepy, but she’d know her songs really touched somebody, deeply. *  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Sleek solar car designs on exhibit    { * “Competitors from around the world show off their sola-powered vehicles afhead of the 2014 Atacama Solar Challenge desert race in Chile.” *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- North Korea art exhibit   { * “North Korean embassy in London showcses oil pointings from the Mansudae Art Studio in Pyongyang.” *  —djo—  }

-Editor’s Pick- Show us how you will remember    { * “Be a part of special coverage on CBC News Network and online” – The show a photo of several veterans wearing their medals on Remembrance Day *  —djo—   }

-Editor’s Pick- Want a free trip around the world?    { * “If your name is Elizabeth Gallagher, you are in luck.” – A young Canadian bought two tickets to circle the globe, then his girl friend broke up with him. It’s cheaper and easier for him to give the ticket away to somebody with her name than get the name changed, or follow other options. You’d need a Canadian Passport, and do not necessarily need to have anything to do with the guy who is offering the free ticket. *  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Deradicalization programs aim to ‘get ahead of the curve’ on extremists   { * “Saudi Arabia, Denmark, Germany have comprehensive programs.” – But I still think that the right hand is creating the problem while the left hand is trying to strike it rich by coming up with expensive solutions that probably would only fix the last century’s problems and not even approach being effective against the new wave of angry young radicals who are really p.o.-ed about the way the world is treating them. *  —djo—  }



guy with gas pump label

Gas Pump Labels

“Local / New Bruswick”

Fredericton students pitch climate change warning labels for gas pumps   { * Told you I was regaining my faith in young people. 🙂 *  —djo—  }

Ebola card game aims to raise awareness, prevent spread   { * “Go directly into quarantine, we will murder your pets, do not pass go, do not collect $200?” *  —djo—   }

Woman in wheelchair suffers brazen mid-day robbery   {  }

NB Power better prepared to avoid outages this winter   {  }




AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

Saskatoon Bishop calls for day of study on missing women  { * “Saskatoon Bishop Don Bolen is helping organize a day of study and reflection on the issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women.” – But would one day make a difference beyond making the Bishop look good? *  —djo— }

Facing suicide rates on remote First Nations: Why leaving may not be an option  { * “Why don’t they just leave? That question was posted on our Facebook page in response to the story about Onigaming First Nation declaring a state of emergency last week after the 4th suicide this year, in their community of 450 people.” *  —djo—  }

Saskatoon First Nations entrepreneur gets in the ring  {  }

-Video- Mohawk Grand Chief demands apology from aboriginal affairs minister  {  }

Regina police trying to line up actual wells with Keepness Reddit map  {  }

-Photos- Saskatchewan art exhibit hits Europe  {  }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Winnipeg Sun calls First Nations’ boycott ‘disappointing’   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Transit rider wants Lift Plus service to Fort William First Nation  {  }

-Audio- NAN looks at child and family services { * “NAN” = Nishnawbe Aski Nation *  —djo— }

-7 Photos- Arviat youth use art workshops to discuss difficult topics  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }




{ This is what greeted me this morning when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }


“Hey, don’t look stupid- fix your map” —jda—


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{  6:15 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, ouch! )   — And  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 04 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Tuesday, 04 November, 2014  -( 64˚F / +17˚C –  & cloudy, at the moment  @ 3:45 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 43˚F / +6˚C –  Snow on the ground, mostly grey sky overhead & the moon is already out @ 4:45 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 deer in the snow on a grey morning.

@ 8:15 am there were 4 deer up the hill, closer to our neighbour’s back feeding spot. Only 2 of them took the chance to come down to sample the oats I threw out to them.  —jda—

{ This is what greeted me this morning when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }


“Hey, don’t look stupid- fix your map” —jda—


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{ Everything above this line should probably be on a separate page — Or a Separate ‘Sticky Post’ – But we keep seeing things that look and feel too important to ignore — & Below this begins our usual CBC News Headlines }



Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: New salt in old wounds? / Fear Mongering .201- If you have no new atrocities to report- keep the old ones alive and make them ever more scary?

Jonathan Vance in Uniform

Canada’s ISIS bomb attack destroyed heavy engineering equipment.

-Live- Canada’s ISIS bomb attack destroyed heavy engineering equipment  { * “Canadian fighter jets helped to destroy heavy engineering equipment that was being used to divert the Euphrates River to flood areas nearby while denying water to Iraqi civilians further away, Lt.-Gen. Jonathan Vance said Tuesday.” *  —djo—  }

-Updated- CBC names lawyer Janic Rubin to lead Ghomeshi investigation   { * “CBC has named employment lawyer Janice Rubin to lead an independent investigation into allegations of violent attacks against women by fired radio host Jian Ghomeshi” * & The photos they publish along with stories that he appears in are looking worse and worse.  —djo— }

-Updated- Ottawa temporarility extends health care to most but not all refugee claimants   { * “Immigration Minister Chris Alexander says the federal government will temporarily restore health-care coverage to the majority of refugee claimants pending the outcome of an appeal at the Federal Court.” *  }

An all-Canadian wine store? In Tokyo, it’s a hit   {  }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

teen working at target?

“Alex from Target”

Monday: 03 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

CF-18s hit equipment nears ISIS dam used to flood villages   {  }

Canadian jets conducted strikes on 4 targets on Sunday    {  }

Ottawa to comply with court order on refugee health care   {  }

Heralth care to be given to pregnant refugees, among others   {  }

Ottawa teen gets 6 1/2 years for running prostitution ring    {  }

Visa, MasterCard agree to cut fees they charge merchants {  }

Scotiabank to cut 1,500 jobs, including 1,000 in Canada   {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<



Bert & Ernie


Sunny Day! Sesame Street turns 45  {  }

#AlexFromTarget: Teens on Twitter turn Target employee into viral sesation  {   }

Prince not playing Massey Hall tonight, promoter says    {   }

Much ado about poo: Scientists find virus DNA in 799 year old caribou dung   {   }





SpaceShip Wreckage in the Mojave Desert in Southern California.

“Most Viewed”

Jian Ghomeshi probe: Cbc names lawyer Janice Rubin to lead investigation   {  }

Canada’s ISIS bomb attack destroyed heavy engineering equipment  {  }

Lena Dunham’s sister, Grace Dunham, confronts sex abuse claims   {  }

Canadian dollar sinks below 88 cents as Saudis cut oil to $77 a barrel   {   }

Kaily Oliver-Machado, Ottawa teen prostitution ringleader, getrs 6 1/2-year adult sentence    {  }

Jamie Paquin’s Tokyo store thrives selling only Canadian wines   {  }

Prince not playing Massey Hall tonight, promoter says   {  }

Virgin Galactic pilot actions studied in spaceship crash   {   }

Brock University students in blackface wih Halloween contest   {  }

ISIS dump truck may have been target of first Canadian air strikes in Iraq   {   }

-8 photo slide show- Virgin Galactic SpaceShip2 crash site in Mohave Desert   { * & It was announced on television news that investigators ruled out an explosion due to the new experimental fuel mix they were using. *  —jim w—  }

-Blog- #AlexFromTarget: Teens on Twitter turn Target employee into viral sensation  {   }



photo of man changing clocks

Daylight saving time 2014 ends this weekend. Clocks fall back at 2 a.m. on Sunday in most of the country.


Luka Magnotta showed signs of paranoid schizophrenia, says psychiartrist  {   }

From joints to GMOs: U.S. midterm ballot measures are a mixed bag   {   }

-New- Judge’s compassion in Ron Francis case raises awareness of PTSD   {  }

-Exclusive- Alison REdford could face criminal charges, review finds    {  }

Loonie sinks to 5 year low as Saudis slash oil to $77 per barrel   {  }

Actor Lena Dunham’s sister, Grace Dunham, confronts sex abuse claims    {  }

Ottawa teen prostitution ringleader gets ‘rare’ adult term of 6 1/2 years  {  }

Pilot’s survival a mystery in Virgin Galactic spaceship crash    {  }

Scotiabank to cut 1,500 jobs, including 1,000 in Canada   {  * Here’s a question for ya- How much is that going to cost the economy of Canada and Canadian taxpayers? If you’re going down the slippery slope of corporate fascism I bet you don’t want anybody asking questions like that. *  —djo— }

-Video- Philadelphia woman abducted off dark street, yelling for help   {  }

Want a fee trip around the world? If your name is Elizabeth Gallagher, you may be in luck   {  }

-Updated- ‘Donning blackface for Halloween is never OK’: Outcry over students’ Jamaican bobsled costumes   {  }

-Video- Eating bugs in Belgium – Are insects the food of the future?    {   }

Visa, MasterCard agree to limit merchant fees    {  }

Date-rape drugs may not be as prevalent as you think   {  }

-Must Watch-  Carlesha Freeland-Gaither, 22, abducted off Philadelphia street, still missing    {   }

-Must Watch- Insect cuisine in Belgium    {   }

-Must Watch-  Museum of the Rise of the Machines opens in Russia   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Show us how you will remember    { * “Be a part of special coverage on CBC News Network and online” – The show a photo of several veterans wearing their medals on Remembrance Day *  —djo—   }

-Editor’s Pick- Virgin crash: the tech moguls behind the race for commercial space travel    { * “Space tourism industry is shaken by the Virgin Galactic crash, but tech titans still seek lift-off.”  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- 5 myths about sexual violence   { * “Sexual violence is more systemic than monst Canadians believe.” *  —djo—  }




“Radio-Canada meteorologist Bill Bourque forecast up to 30 cm of snow could have hit New Brunswick this last Sunday.” —jimw—

“Local / New Bruswick”

PTSD Awareness raised by judge’s compassion in Ron Francis case   {   }

Gary Keating will return 3-week MLA pay   {  }

Power almost fully restored in Moncton after major outage   {  }

Campbellton locks out city workers after contract talks fail   {  }




Becky Big Canoe

First Nations seek justice.

“First Nations”

Environment Minister: ‘I don’t support a total ban’ on Baffin Island caribou   { * “Nunavut’s Environment Minister Johnny Mike says he doesn’t support the idea of a total ban on hunting Baffin Island caribou.” *  —djo— }

-Updated- Winnipeg Sun calls First Nations’ boycott ‘disappointing’  { * “The Winnipeg Sun says it’s disappointed to learn Manitoba’s top aboriginal leaders are calling for a boycott of the newspaper and its parent organization, Sun Media, citing editorial content that they say discriminates against indigenous people” *  —djo— }

D-Day veteran’s death leads to war with Direct Energy  { * “Linda Denison phoned Direct Energy days after her father’s funeral to close his account. She was reassured the power would be shut off by the end of the month. The company then mailed her a bill: $420 for an “early termination fee.” *  —djo—  }

-Opinion- Funds desperately needed for First Nations fire protection  {  }

‘It’s heartbreaking,’ Winnipeg’s Bannock Lady says after son bullied  {  }

Winnipeg mayor, council to be sworn in after aboriginal elder blessing  {  }

-Opinion- Kahnawake First Nation attacking the human rights of its citizens  {  }

Washington Redskins controversy: Protesters ramp up pressure at Vikings game  {  }

Manitoba teacher recognized for interactive teaching of First Nations students  {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

First Nations take action in alleged killings of 3 aboriginal boys, 50 years ago  {  }

-7 Photos- Arviat youth use art workshops to discuss difficult topics  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }


{  6:30 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is working today with a bruised rib, ouch! )   — And  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Monday, 03 November, 2014 – News?

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — / & —jda—‘s NaBloPoMo entries are registered as #1066 / ———jim w——— }


Monday, 03 November, 2014  -( 56˚F / +13˚C –  cloudy, with some sun coming and going  @ 3:15 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 34˚F / +1˚C –  Snow on the ground, grey sky overhead  @ 4:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 deer in the snow on a grey morning.

@ 8:15 am there were 4 deer up the hill, closer to our neighbour’s back feeding spot. Only 2 of them took the chance to come down to sample the oats I threw out to them.  —jda—

{ This is what greeted me this morning when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{ Everything above this line should probably be on a separate page — Or a Separate ‘Sticky Post’ – But we keep seeing things that look and feel too important to ignore — & Below this begins our usual CBC News Headlines }



Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: New salt in old wounds? / Fear Mongering 201- If you have no new atrocities to report- keep the old ones alive and make them ever more scary?

Woman with green hair

Lena Dunham of ‘Girls’ fame.

-Live- Health minister gives update on Canada’s latest Ebola response  { * “Health Minister Rona Ambrose is in Winnipeg today where she is updating Canadians on the federal government’s latest response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. is carrying the news conference live starting at 3 p.m. ET.” *  —djo—  }

‘I will miss him forever,’ soldier says of ‘best friend,’ partner killed in Ottawa shooting   { * “Branden Stevenson — the friend and fellow army reservist who was guarding the National War Memorial in Ottawa with Cpl. Nathan Cirillo when the 24-year-old father was fatally shot — gives his first public statement about the tragedy.” *  —djo— }

-New- Cpl. Ron Francis had no business in criminal court, judge says   { * “On the day now deceased RCMP Cpl. Ron Francis was to be sentenced on charges of assaulting fellow officers, a provincial court judge in Fredericton made a statement he hoped would bring comfort to Francis’s family and his community.” *  }

Lena Dunham disputes abuse allegations in Twitter ‘rage spiral’    { * “Lena Dunham, actor and creator of the hit HBO series, Girls, lashed out on Twitter over allegations she sexually abused her little sister.” * —djo— }

Income splitting would not benefit low-income single parents, minister says   { * “Income splitting would not benefit single parents because the majority are considered low income, says Minister of State for Social Development Candice Bergen.” *  —djo— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->


“Radio-Canada meteorologist Bill Bourque says up to 30 cm of snow may hit New Brunswick this coming Sunday.” —jimw–

Monday: 03 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

French president says Ottawa shooter ‘defiled’ Parliament   {  }

Partner of Cp. Nathan Cirillo to resume duty in Ottawa   {  }

Quebec police investigate ‘Spookland’ assault allegations   {  }

Judge says Mountie with PTSD shouldn’t have been in court   {  }

Canadian fighter jets drop laser-guided bombs over Iraq   {  }

Bank of Canada says job creation lagging behind during recovery   {  }

Canada’s protective Ebola equipment now in Africa: Ambrose    {  }

Manitoba  premier shuffles cabinet after 5 ministers resign   {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<



Bert & Ernie


Sunny Day! Sesame Street turns 45  {  }

Too soon?! Christmas music playing in stores now is too early   {   }

Hello Ktty turns the big 4-0   {   }

2,000 sheep take to Madrid’s streets in protest   {  * No, the sheep are not carrying picket signs. & a teevee spot said the shepherds have the right to use their tried and true old routes. *  —jda— }

-Last Week’s Most Notable?- Ivy League school offers ‘wasting time on the internet’ course   { * I kept this one up, even if the CBC didn’t.  —djo—  “UPenn is certainly generating a lot of buzz this week with its new English department course “Wasting time on the Internet,” but it’s not the title of the class that has academics excited — it’s the content of the syllabus, and the views of its professor (world-renowned poetKenneth Goldsmith.) – “We spend our lives in front of screens, mostly wasting time: checking social media, watching cat videos, chatting, and shopping,” wrote Goldsmith in the course’s syllabus, which is live on UPenn’s website. “What if these activities — clicking, SMSing, status-updating, and random surfing — were used as raw material for creating compelling and emotional works of literature?” –  “Could we reconstruct our autobiography using only Facebook? Could we write a great novella by plundering our Twitter feed? Could we reframe the internet as the greatest poem ever written?” the syllabus continues. “Distraction, multi-tasking, and aimless drifting is mandatory.” * & maybe they shouldn’t forget to eat GMO food and drink GMO soft drinks and reak havoc on their brains w sugar. && make sur haf th wrds r sp3lld rong.  —djo— }





SpaceShip Wreckage in the Mojave Desert in Southern California.

“Most Viewed”

Jian Ghomeshi allegations addressed by Kathleen Wynne   {  }

Branden Stevenson says Nathan Cirillo was ‘like a brother’  {  }

Lena Dunham disputes abuse allegations in Twitter ‘rage spiral’   {  }

Tamra Keepness map on Reddit gets attention of Regina police   {   }

Cpl. Ron Francis had no business in criminal court, judge says   {  }

Credit card charges after ex-girlfriend steals Visa leaves B.C. man on hook for thousands   {  }

Premier Greg Selinger replaces t cabinet ministers   {  }

Luka Magnotta complained of hearing voices, doctor testifies   {   }

MP Dean Del Mastro wants case reopened following guilty verdict   {  }

Ebola outbreak: Rona Ambrose to announce Canada’s latest response   {   }

-8 photo slide show- Virgin Galactic SpaceShip2 crash site in Mohave Desert   { * & It was announced on television news today that investigators ruled out an explosion due to the new experimental fuel mix they were using. *  —jim w—  }

-Blog- 4Chan tries to convince people that Doritos are infected with Ebola  { * Sounds like a black ops shadow government disinformation plot to me — *  —djo— }



photo of man changing clocks

Daylight saving time 2014 ends this weekend. Clocks fall back at 2 a.m. on Sunday in most of the country.


Map on Reddit suggests location of missing girl’s remains  {   }

-New- Luka Magnotta complained of hearing voices, doctor testifies   {   }

Russel Williams’s pension out of bounds in lawsuit for now   {  }

-Go Public- B.C. man on hook for thousands after ex-girlfriend steals Visa card    {  }

-Updated- MP Dean Del Mastro wants case reopened following guilty verdict   {  }

-Updated- Manitoba premier replaces 5 cabinet ministers    { * They resigned, saying the premier wouldn’t listen to them. *  —jda— }

-Analysis- Canadian military aims to ‘disrupt and degrade and attempt to defeat’ ISIS threat   { * Didn’t we hear that somewhere before? From somebody else’s mouth? *  —djo— }

Cocaine wrapped in Louis Vuitton logos seized at Halifax port    { * Before cocaine was rendered illegal by whatever ice-holes make decisions like that, enterprising good old Amerikan investers tried to transplant coca plants to Asia where the climate was perfect, but the plants were attacked by a bacteria, virus, or fungus or something like that which rendered the psycho-active components null and void. I betcha that if the ‘brilliant’ ice-holes in our ‘brilliant’ government really wanted to, they could spread that virus or fungus or bacteria or whatever throughout South America and nobody would have to worry about the “Cocaine Problem” ever again. I don’t know, is there any legitimate medical use for that stuff? *  —djo— *** I think maybe the ‘Cocaine Problem’ / ‘War On Drugs’ Problem could be easily solved if we did something about the calibre of idiots we allow to pretend they’re our ‘political leaders’ && send all the banksters into the nastiest parallel universe we can find. ***  —jda— }

‘Spookland’ Halloween party organizers to meet after sex assault allegations    {   }

-Exclusive- The shots that captured the shots: CBC video offers fresh detail on Parliament Hill shootout   {  }

Brittany Maynard takes her life in Oregon after public right-to-die debate   {  }

-New- Much ado about poo: Scientists find virus DNA in 700-year-old caribou dung   {  }

U.S. human gene patent ‘like patenting water or air,’ Canadian hospital CEO says    { * Didn’t we mention that last week? or in the recent past? DNA researchers and/or unethical government types want to patent and/or copyright your dna and then take you to court, threaten you with insane fines or even jail time if you try to mate with somebody they don’t approve of. *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Mr. About-face? French president’s visit roils Quebec’s austerity debate   {  }

Bats likely carry Ebola to humans, but may also carry cure   {  }

-Must Watch-  Peru floods   {   }

-Must Watch-  Quadrennial Route du Rhum yaght race begins    { * “91 skippers helm this year’s gruelling race from France to Guadaloupe.” *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch-  SpaceShip Two crash update   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Deradicalization programs aim to ‘get ahead of the curve’ on extremists    { * “Saudi Arabia, Denmark, Germany have comprehensive programs”  — Now lemme get this straight? First, the evil economic manipulating ice-holes behind those elitist weirdo groups like ‘skull and bones’ and international bankster organizations — get the C.I.A. to create groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS -with your tax dollars- then get other ice-hole organizations to research and come up with bogus de-programming, de-radicalization nonsense programs to try to justify stealing more ‘tax dollars’ from you — and all the while, you are their target. They want you to spend your life scared out of your mind so they can very easily manipulate you into giving them what they want- which is -complete control over you. And you- you happily turn over every right and freedom and liberty the people you worship suffered and died for? Why do you allow this to go on? *  —djo—   }

-Editor’s Pick- Movember moustaches may helf find new prostrate cancer tests    { * “Breakthroughs expected in the search for alternative to PSA testing” —  “Money raised through past Movember men’s health campaigns is helping fund the search for alternatives to PSA screening for prostate cancer. — The test costs an individual about $30. In B.C., the province covers the costs, and its billed about $11. — And Jackie Manthorne, the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network’s preseident and CEO. says: “Don’t throw PSA tests out the window until we have something viable to replace it with.” — Ya know? I can’t figure out why they’re making such a big deal over this. Somebody – um, ‘Stuart Edmonds of Prostate Cancer Canada says genetic testing “is one of the areas there are likely to be big breakthroughs in the future-“.’ — link this message to one of today’s articles, above, -where- if unethical ice holes are trying to patent and copyright your dna so they can charge you big $s in the future, is this another thinly disguised ploy to get you to let them test your dna and sign away your rights and your future children’s and grandchildren’s rights to own their own dna? Gaaaaaa!  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Radical rest homes: Old people should live everywhere   {  }




“Radio-Canada meteorologist Bill Bourque says up to 30 cm of snow may hit New Brunswick this coming Sunday.” —jimw—

“Local / New Bruswick”

Cpl. Ron Francis had no business in criminal court, judge says   { *Okay, the judge is trying to say that the RCMP, or whomever, had no business charging Cpl. Ron Francis with criminal charges while he was trying his darnedest to get help for his PTSD and they were screwing him over any chance they got. This stupid headline sounds like the judge is accusing the victim of something wrong. *  —djo—  }

Snowstorm in New Brunswick prompts frustration for drivers   {  }

Justin Bourque shooting response by RCMP plagued by communication gaps   {  }

4 men from Esgenoôpetitj missing after working in the woods   {  }

-Yesterday- Brace for up to 30 cm of snow on Sunday, meteorologist says  { * That’s about twelve U.S. inches. *  —djo—   *** We might have gotten about 4 inches at most- —jda— }



Becky Big Canoe

First Nations seek justice.

“First Nations”

-Opinion- Kahnawake First Nation attacking the human rights of its citizens  { * “Waneek and Kahente Horn-Miller say that their community’s “marry out, move out” rule is fracturing their First Nation from within.” *  —djo— }

Manitoba teacher recognized for interactive teaching of First Nations students  { * “Connie Wyatt Anderson, a teacher at Oscar Lathlin Collegiate in Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Man., has been awarded a 2014 Governor General’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Canadian History.” *  —djo— }

No caribou rendezvous: Hart River caribou wander alone in Yukon  { * “Yukon’s 2,200 Hart River caribou usually find safety among the over 197,000 Porcupine Caribou this time of year. Now the larger herd is in Alaska, prompting the Yukon government to close the hunt in their shared stomping grounds.” — Anybody else find this unnerving? What’s going on? Are the ‘American’ border guards arresting and charging their caribou with treason if they try to go home? *  —djo—  }

Tamra Keepness map on Reddit gets attention of Regina police  {  }

Canada leading global study on Inuit suicide prevention  {  }

Nunavut man asked to change residency for health treatment  {  }

Residential school survivor looks to halt distribution of education credits  {  }

Washington Redskins controversy: Protesters ramp up pressure at Vikings game  {  }

Former Olympian Waneek Horn-Miller among Mohawks suing Kahnawake council  {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

First Nations take action in alleged killings of 3 aboriginal boys, 50 years ago  {  }

-7 Photos- Arviat youth use art workshops to discuss difficult topics  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }


{  6:11 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is working today with a bruised rib, ouch! )   — And  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Saturday, 01 November 2014 – Headlines Etc. :

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  — ———jim w——— }


Saturday, 01 November, 2014  -( 39˚F / +4˚C –  Grey & cloudy  @ 11:15 am near Ithaca )-  -( 43˚F / +6˚C –  The weather applet says ‘overcast’ & the sky is a patchwork of blobs and horizontal redactations in many shades of grey here  @ 12:15 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-  -( & Snow is still in the forecast for Sunday —jim w— }  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Scary Poster

“Harper Dismembers Democracy”

{ This is what greeted me this morning when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

eff d fcc

“Each Generation Must Fight Again For Freedoms Won in 1776 – Democracy – Defend it or lose it – ” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-

{ Tweets from Montreal include police putting bloodied demonstrators in handcuffs.   & >>—–>  }


“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”

{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }

70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{ Everything above this line should probably be on a separate page – Or a Separate ‘Sticky Post’ –  & Below this begins our usual CBC News Headlines }



Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: November’s Here. NaNoWriMo or NaBloPoMo anyone?


“The company behind the dramatic launch explosion of a space station supply mission promises to find the cause of the failure and is warning residents to avoid any potentially hazardous wreckage.” -djo-  Thursday: Will this set back the commercialization of space?

-Live- Patrice Vincent to be laid to rest today in Longueuil  { * “Patrice Vincent, the Canadian Forces warrant officer killed in a targeted hit-and-run last week, will be laid to rest today after a private military funeral.” *  —djo—  }

Treatment options for Rob Ford’s aggressive abdominal tumour   { * “The aggressive for of cancer Rob Ford is battling is typically treated with four to six rounds of chemotherapy before more imaging is done, but any decision on surgery depends on a number of factors, oncologogists say.” * ***And the Pharmaceutical Industry has ‘buried’ anything that could actually cure cancer, because treating it with poisons that might be as detrimental to your health as the actual cancer, if not worse, is a really lucrative business.***  —djo— }

Income splitting would not benefit low-income single parents, minister says   { * “Income splitting would not benefit single parents because the majority are considered low income, says Minister of State for Social Development Candice Bergen.” *  —djo— }

-Video- Time change can cause symptoms similar to jet lag   { *  “A small change in your routine can make a big difference to your mood says Colleen Carney, an expert on sleep and insomnia. As we prepare to change our clocks and “fall back” Carney offers five handy sleep tips to help you adjust and avoid the consequences of poor sleep.” –  *  —djo— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->


“Radio-Canada meteorologist Bill Bourque says up to 30 cm of snow may hit New Brunswick this coming Sunday.” —jimw–

Saturday: 01 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

Richard Branson to meet with space team after deadly crash   {  }

Toronto police investigate Jian Ghomeshi allegations    {  }

Private military funeral for soldier Patrice Vincent    {  }

ISIS kill 50 members of tribe in Anbar: Iraq official    {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


kids with' smart phones'

University Of Pennsylvania’s course is entitled “Wasting Time On The Internet”


Your Halloween photos   { * My favourites include Ellen Page’s and Ian Punnett’s, but we’re not into name dropping here- *See way down the bottom?* —djo—  }

Nothing spooky about Winnipeg bat lab   {   }

-Repeat- Dentist offers cash to buy back Halloween candy, but will kids bite?   {   }

-Repeat- Esprit de corpse? Canadian puts French village through Halloween bootcamp   {   }

-Last Week’s Most Notable?- Ivy League school offers ‘wasting time on the internet’ course   { * I kept this one up, even if the CBC didn’t.  —djo—  “UPenn is certainly generating a lot of buzz this week with its new English department course “Wasting time on the Internet,” but it’s not the title of the class that has academics excited — it’s the content of the syllabus, and the views of its professor (world-renowned poetKenneth Goldsmith.) – “We spend our lives in front of screens, mostly wasting time: checking social media, watching cat videos, chatting, and shopping,” wrote Goldsmith in the course’s syllabus, which is live on UPenn’s website. “What if these activities — clicking, SMSing, status-updating, and random surfing — were used as raw material for creating compelling and emotional works of literature?” –  “Could we reconstruct our autobiography using only Facebook? Could we write a great novella by plundering our Twitter feed? Could we reframe the internet as the greatest poem ever written?” the syllabus continues. “Distraction, multi-tasking, and aimless drifting is mandatory.” * & maybe they shouldn’t forget to eat GMO food and drink GMO soft drinks and reak havoc on their brains w sugar. && make sur haf th wrds r sp3lld rong.  —djo— }





SpaceShip Wreckage in the Mojave Desert in Southern California.

“Most Viewed”

Toronto police investigating Jian Ghomeshi allegations   {  }

Rob Ford’s cancer: What doctors may try next   {  }

Edmonton’s homeless piano man reveals rough life behind his music   {  }

Income splitting would not benefit low-income single parents, minister says   {   }

Stephen Harper announces family tax cut, child care benefit boost   {  }

The delicate balancing act of 21st-century couch living   {  }

Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram married off, leader says   {  }

Patrice Vincent to be laid to rest today in Longueuil   {   }

Justin Bourque gets 5 life sentences, no chance of parole for 75 years   {  }

Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo crash prompts Richard Branson, space team meeting   {   }

-22 photo slide show- The week in pictures, Oct. 26-31   {   }

-Blog- Send us your stories of racism  {  }



photo of man changing clocks

Daylight saving time 2014 ends this weekend. Clocks fall back at 2 a.m. on Sunday in most of the country.


Edmonton’s homeless piano man reveals rough life behind his music  {   }

The delicate balancing act of 21st-centure couch living   {   }

‘We will persevere’: Richard Branson to meet with space team after deadly crash   {  }

Toxic stuff: Why it’s difficult to stop Islamophobia online    {  }

Former CIA director says balancing privacy, security key to new laws    {  }

-Video- Fall back to standard time    {  }

Movemeber Moustaches may help find new prostate cancer tests   {  }

Christmas music in stores? Wait till after Nov. 11, some say    {  }

Kidnapped Nigerian shoolgirls ‘long forgotten’, Boko Haram leader says    {   }

Toronto police investigating Jian Ghomeshi allegations   {  }

Justin Bourque gets 5 life sentences, no chance of parole of 75 years   {  }

Dean Del Mastro’s parliamentary future to be decided by MPs   {  }

Finance minister says balanced budget on track despite falling oil price, dip in GDP    {  }

Canada accused of ‘boasting’ with doctored photos of Canadarm2   {  }

-Must Watch-  Wet snow blasts Sudbury for Halloween — but it won’t stick around   {   }

-Must Watch-  Wives of slain Moncton RCMP officers speak    { * I find this in extremely bad taste. -Parade these women who are still grieving in front of too many reporters and prod them to deliver stuff like “We’re happy that our children won’t have to sit through paraole hearings-” ? Gaaaaa! *   —djo—  }

-Editor’s Pick-  Daylight Saving Time 2014 ends this weekend    {   }

-Editor’s Pick-  Income splitting: What it is and who benefits   { * “-During the 2011 election campaign, Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised that if he was re-elected his government would allow families with young children to be able to shrink their tax burden by splitting parents’ incomes for tax purposes. – On Thursday, he announced “the family tax cut,” which, when passed, would apply to the current tax year. It is a non-refundable credit of up to $2,000 for couples with children under 18 years.

What did Harper promise in 2011 on income splitting? -In 2011, the plan was to allow families with children under 18 to split a household income of up to $50,000, once the federal budget was balanced. That means, for example, that in a family with a stay-at-home spouse or someone working part-time, the partner with the larger income could assign up to $50,000 of income to the lower earner for tax purposes. – Harper argued that Canada’s income tax system “treats families the same as roommates living under the same roof with no financial attachment. That is not realistic. That is not fair.” – The 2011 Conservative Party platform says income-splitting will provide “significant tax relief for approximately 1.8 million Canadian families — each of them saving, on average, $1,300 per year.” – What is the federal government now proposing? – The only major change to the new promise is that there is now a $2,000 cap on the maximum benefit a family can earn from income splitting. – That means the average saving will be less than the $1,300 average the party promised. But, along with income splitting, the government will also increase the universal child-care benefit and the child-care expense deduction, which means families with children will save an average of $1,140 per year in taxes, the government says. – How much will it cost? – The Department of Finance says this income-splitting proposal will cost the treasury about $2.4 billion in foregone revenues in the current fiscal year, and an average of about $2 billion per year over the next five years. – Who benefits from the family tax cut proposal? – Only families with children under 18 with two parents in different tax brackets would benefit. – The C.D. Howe Institute reports that 85 per cent of all households will receive nothing from new measure, as they don’t fit the criteria. – As for families, the Conservative Party estimates that 1.8 million families will benefit from income splitting, a figure that the Broadbent Institute agrees with. – The institute, however, estimates that 543,000 families would have received a benefit of $2,000 or more under the 2011 proposal. Under the new family tax cut, those families will receive $2,000, the maximum benefit. – The average benefit for the nearly four million families with children under 18 will be $524 in 2015 under the family tax cut, which can be calculated by using data provided in the Broadbent Institute report. – Shortly before he died earlier this year, former Conservative finance minister JimFlaherty was asked about his party’s income-splitting proposal. –  “I’m not sure that overall it benefits our society,” he said. – How do benefits vary from province to province? – Sixty-one per cent of Quebec families with children under 18 would see no benefit at all, compared to 44 per cent in Alberta, according to the Broadbent Institute. That is primarily because of the different family makeups and income levels in the two provinces. – Capping the benefit at $2,000 affects 23 per cent of Alberta families with children under 18, compared to seven per cent in Quebec, according to the institute’s data. – What are the arguments for income-splitting? – Under Canada’s progressive income tax rates, if two families have the same total income, a family with two parents earning around the same amount will pay less tax than a family with two parents earning very different amounts. – “The main reason to implement income splitting is to establish tax fairness,” the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada’s chief executive Andrea Mrozek told Parliament’s standing committee on finance earlier this month. – Mrozek argues that “fixing this inequity can be done either through income splitting or by flattening the tax brackets.” – For Lawrence Solomon, executive director of Energy Probe, one reason to support income splitting is for its social impact. “Because incentives do matter, many of those now involuntarily stuck in that single household demographic would migrate to married status.” – Proponents often point out that income splitting has been available to couples in the U.S. since 1948. Uncle Sam allows married couples to file jointly or individually — the choice is theirs, depending on which way will save them the most tax. The vast majority of couples elect to file jointly. – What are the criticisms of the family tax cut? – For the Boadbent Institute, the proposal is “fundamentally unequal.” Rick Smith, the executive director, says “the greatest benefits would still go to the highest income earners with stay-at-home spouses, but would do little for low-income families” or single-parent families. – Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said income splitting “doesn’t make sense,” and he will reverse the tax cut if elected. After Harper’s announcement he said the proposal “would give a tax break to families like mine or Mr. Harper’s. That’s not good enough.” – Opposition leader Thomas Mulcair didn’t answer directly on Thursday whether he would roll it back if elected prime minister. But he did say, “It will only help a very small minority of people at a time when inequality is increasing in our society after years and years of Liberal and Conservative rule.” – How does pension income splitting compare to the family tax cut? – For pensioners, it’s the actual income that’s split. That income can be from life annuity payments, from a company pension plan, annuity payments from an RRSP or deferred profit-sharing plan, RRIF payments and even the Canada Pension Plan. – For example, with the CPP, if a couple opts for income splitting and one receives $700 a month and the other receives $200, they can both receive a $450 monthly cheque. They must both be at least 60 years old. – The split can sometimes reduce or eliminate the clawback on Old Age Security payments or the age credit for the higher-income spouse. Further tax savings appear if both partners can claim the $2,000 pension income credit. -” * *** & If what we’re hearing from Walter Burien of is true All Taxation is extortion.***   –djo—  } { ***** & Is it me? or does Harper look like a demented con-artist while pointing to the young blond girl with the red maple leaf in the background in the photo that tops this article? In the thumbnail, the girl looked terrified, like she thought Harper might turn and attack her.*****  —jda— }

-Editor’s Pick-  Send us your stories of racism: #MyExperienceWithRacism    { * “We’re on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @CBCNews” <—-<< Caption. *  —djo—  }




“Radio-Canada meteorologist Bill Bourque says up to 30 cm of snow may hit New Brunswick this coming Sunday.” —jimw—

“Local / New Bruswick”

Justin Bourque gets 5 life sentences, no chance for parole for  75 years   {  }

Moncton Mounties widos say their lives are ‘forever changed’   {  }

Spring Street fire in Saint John suspicious   {  }

Job cuts and reorganization at Edmundston Regional Hospital   {  }

-Yesterday- Brace for up to 30 cm of snow on Sunday, meteorologist says  { * That’s about twelve U.S. inches. *  —djo— }

-Earlier- Snow still heading for New Brunswick, Bill Bourque says   { * – “New Brunswickers should brace for a significant amount of rain or snow on Sunday, according to Radio-Canada meteorologist Bill Bourque. – Environment Canada has already issued a special weather statement across New Brunswick as a low pressure system heads toward the province. – Bourque, who had warned earlier this week that as much as 30 centimetres of snow could blanket the province on Sunday, said people should be prepared for the first winter blast of the season. – “It is likely to produce the first significant snowfall,” he said. – “Significant, well we don’t start talking about significant snowfalls until we see about 15 cm of snow. Could it be more? Easily, it could be more. Could it be less? Well yes, it could be rain as well.” – There will likely be flurries on Saturday, Bourque said, but the larger amounts of precipitation will be coming on Sunday. – The meteorologist said he expects people living in eastern New Brunswick will need an umbrella, while those in central and western parts of the province will need snow shovels. – He said the exact amount of snow or rain will depend on how the low pressure system moves through the province. – “Certainly there is going to be some snow fall there in central and western New Brunswick. Now of course it is difficult to put values on snowfall amounts with this type of system because it could be mixed with rain,” he said. – Bourque said the flurries could hang around until Monday.” – *  —djo— }



seattle totem

“Seattle Totem”

“First Nations”

Dozens gather to protest Gary Moostoos’s ousting from City Centre Mall   { * Four days after an aboriginal outreach worker was kicked out of Edmonton’s City Centre mall, about 70 people gathered in Churchill Square then marched into the mall to protest the move by security guards.  * —djo— }

‘Walking With Our Sisters’ exhibit comes to Saskatoon   { * “Almost 2,000 moccasin tops are on display in Saskatoon to honour the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.” *  —djo— }

Onigaming First Nation suicides prompt state of emergency   { * “Onigaming First Nation has declared a state of emergency following the community’s fourth suicide in a year.” *  —djo— }

Truth is hard but residential school reconciliation harder: Murray Sinclair   { * “Justice Murray Sinclair, head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, says reconciliation for survivors of residential school abuse starts in today’s school system.” *  —djo— }

Feds negotiating residential school credits extension   { * “Today’s the deadline to apply for the $3,000 residential school personal education credits, but the federal government is considering an extension, and Dene Nation Chief Bill Erasmus is encouraging people who still want to apply to do so” *  —djo— }

$100 million Alton gas project delayed over Mi’kmaq concerns    { * “The Nova Scotia government has halted part of the construction work on the $100-million Alton Natural Gas Storage Project until Calgary-based AltaGas carries out further consultation with the Mi’kmaq, CBC News has learned.” *  —djo— }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Paranormal team investigates Saskatoon’s Park Town Hotel   {  }

Shawn Atleo defends his actions over the aboriginal education bill   {  }

Prentice to reopen land claim negotiations with Lubicon First Nation   {  }

Nunavut actor, Natar Ungalaaq, begins work on feature film   {  }

Shawn Atleo appointed to lead new round of talks with B.C. First Nations   {  }

-Photos- Whitehorse man caught up in ’60s Scoop seeks peace  { *  “David Moroz and his twin brother were just babies when they were caught up in the so-called 60s Scoop, which saw aboriginal children placed in non-aboriginal homes in the 1960s. Now, Moroz is trying to seek peace for him and his mother in Whitehorse.” *  —djo— }

Edmund Metatawabin visits Winnipeg to discuss his life, book   { * Residential school survivor Edmund Metatawabin’s Governor General’s Literary Award-nominated book Up Ghost River: A Chief’s Journey Through the Turbulent Waters of Native History is a horrific account of residential school life but it includes a call for action and a hopeful message. *   —djo—  }

-Photos- Rescue dog with Behchoko RCMP breaks down barriers  {  }

-7 Photos- Arviat youth use art workshops to discuss difficult topics  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }


{ We tried to publish this at 5:45 pm EDT — We were Ready to Rock and Roll — But I lost my internet connection for no apparent reason, and after I checked everything here at home, it was back, & when I clicked “Publish” I lost two hours of work. The inner workings of WordPress usually save everything every five or ten minutes, I don’t get it — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is working today with a bruised rib, ouch! )   — And also thanks for valuable help from “—jda—“    && It is now 6:55 pm in and around Ithaca  ———djo——— }