Friday, January 10, 2003 –

Friday, 10 January, 2003 – ((¿ “22˚C in Helsinki, Finland” ?? Plus or minus??? ))

Alphaville is down.

((( ¿ = =??? could have read that wrong. can’t read my own writing??? )))  10:00 am.

[[[ Marcia Near Amsterdam alkma-? ??? ]]] { Asc = Scorpio, Sun = Scorpio, Moon=Taurus } ((( ?? )))

Diddie G

Rocks, Babbling Brook –

((( <— web address does not work 🙂 Chloe Lane <–in game name 🙂 28, married, 2 kids, moving to Atlanta from FLA ??? )))

{{ I hope I’m only putting up addresses that are obsolete here…. }}

Saturday, January 04, 2003 –

Saturday, January 4th, 2003.  -( -4˚C @ 10:00 am )-

¿ =

Aerendelian Consulate

Aerendel Retreat

Life Research Centre

Trans-Dimensional Living Centre

Alliance d’Aerendel

Aerendel Institute

Conference Centre

Friday, January 3, 2003 – Feng Shui design for sims online?

Friday, January 3, 2003. -(-4˚C & snowing @ 5:25 am )- { Aunt Marjorie’s B’day }

-Designed a new house using feng shui principals:

Meditation Garden in the centre of the house. (Soul of the House)

— From wherever you enter a house – the

Far back -left corner is your prosperity corner. (“Wealth”)

back-center is “Fame”

back-right is “Relationships” (I put a master bedroom with an ensuite & hot tub back there?)

Middle left is “Family” area

Middle right is “Creativity & Children” area

Front (near?) left is “Knowledge” (Good place for a library/computer?)

Front (near) middle is “Career” zone

Front (near) right is “Helpful People” area.