An Environmental / Climate Tweet From Australia

Saturday, January 27, 2018 —> -8˚C /+17˚F & kinda grey and ‘blah’ @11:44 am in Atlantic Canada —

Aussie Tweet

This came as a tweet from an Australian – But when I tried to get the full message I landed on the guy who tweeted it’s web site.

— Anne Frank’s young face smiled from a number of tweets this morning calling this Holocaust Memorial Day – There were several Pro Union Tweets and only one or two really nice photos from my favourite European tweeting photographers. –


Morning Mist on Lake.

– And I snitched this amazing photo from one of our Arnprior friend’s facebook page –

— Shelley Cameron, ex-Arnprior-ite, took the above photo of a fog hanging low over a lake somewhere.

— People who capture photographs or somehow creatively spot things most of us overlook and miss – and paint or somehow share their vision with the rest of us, should be acknowledged, praised and let know they’re appreciated. 🙂

~~~~~ Jim

This Earthly Life

This Earthly Life

Friday, September 15th, 2017


It all seemed so simple
While we basked in Heavenly Love
– Guided by the wisdom of Heavenly Beings

So of course we volunteered
to come back down to earth
To save those silly earthlings
that we cared so much about
From suffering all the pain and confusion
they so readily embraced
in their blindness
and ambition –

But the process of birth
wiped our memories completely
and left us defenseless
before those Shakespearean slings and arrows

We were target practice for everything
that only valued power
and saw love as weakness
wisdom as a hindrance to their fulfillment
which, of course, they could never achieve
anyway –
And then they blamed us for their
inability to become the sole
ruler of everything they see.

And when the ones we care about
turn and blame us for every little failure
in their lives
of course it hurts

If we were mindless
It might not hurt at all

But we are, after all,
Angels in Training
And we feel every pain
we ever wanted to save
anyone else from ever feeling –

And down here
where the electro-magnetic currents
have intense and negative effects
on our ability to remember who we are
and why we’re here –
and, in effect, block out the sun of reason –
we’ve either got to trust
The Heart of the Universe
and the wisdom of whatever
we believe God might be
– to get us through this –


— Jim Wellington 2017