Optimism will not be dashed by a little bit of Rain –

Friday, June 19, 2015 -( 12°C / 54°F & raining @ 8:09 am in our little corner of Atlantic Canada && I think today might be my ex-next door neighbor Kyle’s birthday, and maybe Rachel, who lived behind both of us’s birthday too? )-

Jassper in his younger days.

Jassper le Boof at the gate we put up to keep him from running downstairs and disturbing Domino in the place we lived in before we moved here. He was probably between six months and a year old in this photo, still a bit gangly. But he was practicing his sensitive look.

— Okay, it’s a rainy morning. The cat had a lot to complain about in fairly long sentences, something like, “Arra mungah rungah wungah muhng muh!” And if I ever figure out what that means, I’ll be the first to tell you.

— It took almost all afternoon yesterday to back up and update one instance of WordPress here. But I backed up one whole site in the process and it might take considerably less time to update the three or four others.

— And once again, the Troggs are singing in my head, they’ve gotten a couple verses I didn’t hear yesterday or the day before into the mix.

— Canada is moving toward a Federal election which will happen sometime between now and October 19th? Unlike the USA, they don’t always know when the next election might be up here, could be anything from a month to five years after the previous federal election. And the Prime Minister does not run separately from everybody else. The leader of the party that wins the most seats in the House of Commons becomes the Prime Minister. If the winning party does not have 51% plus seats in the House of Commons they will call that a Minority Government. They do not need to form coalition governments to achieve the 51% plus mark. But- If one party wins, say, 34% of the seats and two others win 30% each with maybe the Green Party and the Parti Quebequois and some Weird Obscure Party winning the remaining seats, the two parties that make up 60% of the seats between them can form a coalition government and ‘rule’ together until things fall apart and they dissolve Parliament and call an election in about 30 days from the day that Parliament dissolves. I thought this would be the case more often than not before I came up here, I believe that’s the model in many European countries — somebody has to form a coalition that includes 50% + 1 of the seats in any given Parliament or it’s back to the polling booths? Nope, not here. If the gang with 34% in the above example gets away with it, they form what is called a ‘Minority Government’ and they have to tip toe around their rivals and play nice or face a ‘No Confidence Vote’ and if they loose, it’s time to dissolve Parliament and set elections for 30 days or so. That’s pretty confusing for somebody who was used to seeing everyone in the House of Representatives And 1/3 of the Senate up for election every two years and the President and Vice President running on the same ticket together joining them every 4 years. Senators in the USA have 6 year terms with roughly a third of them running for re-election every two years.

— Okay, so if you’re not confused enough, let me go on here- In Canada, the Senate, which is supposedly the upper ‘House of Sober Thought’ if full of people who never ran for that office. Senators are appointed by the Prime Minister. So what they’ve got now is a highly partisan wrangling committee and screaming society with those aligned with the current Prime Minister fiercely clinging to party lines and trying to out shout and out manipulate the opposition. Right now there are quite a few Senators who were appointed by the ‘sitting’ Conservatives and several others who were appointed by the Liberals, who were in charge before the Conservatives began winning minority governments and then a majority government. Those Liberals have been disenfranchised by the current head of the Liberal Party. The Conservatives ran with ‘Getting Rid of the Senate’ as part of their platform for years, until they were in the majority, and then padded the Senate with as many ‘Yes Men & Women’ as they could, and the fit hit the shan and they’re trying to throw the baby out with the bath water. The New Democratic Party (‘NDP’) is now saying they should do away with the Senate altogether. The trouble is, all the Provinces would have to agree 100% with that idea and they’d have to rewrite at least part of the Constitution to do that.

— Some voices in Canadian Politix are saying that it might be more likely that they might somehow find a way to change the Senate, to try to get it back to being what it was supposed to be and what it might actually have been, sometime in the past, the upper house of sober second thought. I remember learning about checks and balances in high school and junior high school and I think I believe that a Senate that has to agree with a lower house to approve any bill that might make it into a law of the land is probably a much better idea than having a lower house full of puppets pushing everything through that the sitting Prime Minister wants and the Prime Minister smiling and claiming to the world that he has a mandate to push his agenda down the throats of everybody in ‘his’ (or her?) land- whether they voted for his party or not, whether that law is a good idea for the greater good of everybody involved, or as is happening these days with a micro-managing manipulative slimy ice hole as Prime Minister – serves the greater good of the 1% richest ice-holes in the land and pushes everybody else closer and closer to economic and social slavery.

— Schnarr!

— And of course there are a few details that I didn’t have time to add to this confusion, but you’re already rolling your eyes and thinking it would much more fun to go get drunk or high and find somebody to have a nice sexual encounter with, so I’ll end this here.

— Congratulations, you’ve made it through another one of my Posts here. [ Insert weird smiley face of your choice in this space, you deserve it. ]

~~~~~ Jim


Troggs and Neil Young are singing in my head

Thursday, 18 June, 2015 -( 24°C / 75°F – Sunny, breezy & almost cloudless in New Brunswick @ 5:25 pm )-

fupp head smiling

“Did Donald Trump pay actors $50 to cheer at this announcement?” &  Why didn’t he ask Neil Young for permission to use his song? Becasuse he’s an ice-hole and he thinks he can get around certain failure by going to the bean counting jerks who exploit creative people.

— I woke up with “Love is all around me” by the Troggs, echoing in my head –

— To tell ya the truth, this started echoing yesterday, when it was laced with dark irony, and it kind of saturated something in my brain, or mind, or whatever I have left in there. And it began to sound like a promise that good things can happen to good people if they can transmute their anger and other negative emotions.

— I was going to write this earlier, but we’re dealing with catastrophic b.s. on the web site front. & then we gotta update things manually to plug known security holes.

— But in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, many of us who had been through hellacious childhoods were heading into young adulthood with an energy and optimism that didn’t make sense to anybody, but we all wanted to celebrate the hell out of it. We knew we could change the world and we wanted to do exactly that- make this planet a place where decent, loving, friendly human beings would want to live and share their most harmonious visions of Heaven on Earth. We really did.

— And then the military industrial complex and the MK-Ultra ice-holes began sending shooters up Texas Towers and activating brainwashed ‘manchurian candidate’ like pawns to shoot down peaceniks like John Lennon, their rally call, “-If ya can’t beat ’em- kill ’em-”

— Our rallying cry? Hey, Neil Young came to our aid with “Ohio” and we should be able to insert new players in place of ‘Nixon’ there, like “Tin soldiers and Trump is coming – He thinks he is on a roll – This summer we’re seeing through him, eyes dead and an lifeless soul-”

— Steal our songs, you moron, and you’ll never find all the pieces of your mind when your Karma explodes in your face.

————— The Merry Old Philosopher rises from the ashes –

Light Moments

Thursday, June 18th, 2015 -( 20°C / 68°F @ 10:30am & Sunny & ‘clear’ in Atlantic Canada on what might be Paul McCartney’s Birthday )-

Sunset(?) photo taken from a cano

Photo taken from a canoe paddling somewhere in New Brunswick.

— It’s tough when you have to scroll past hundreds of bad news tweets to find something that doesn’t make you want to throw up or go into sugar shock.

— It’s funny how, after several days of feeling like the universe is under attack by mean spirited ice holes who want everybody to be totally demoralized and ready to submit to the rule of corporate fascists, you wake up feeling really good about life, in spite of everything that’s trying to convince you otherwise. But somehow, that happens.

— In writing fiction, or novels, or anything you’d like to gain and hold the attention of potential readers, especially in these days of short attention spans from G.M.O. poisoned ADD & ADHD- riddled readers, there’s a formula we’ve been told we need to follow:

— You need to start with a likeable character whose butt is caught in a bear trap. Your story is complete when you’ve told how that character does, or doesn’t – free their butt from that bear trap.

— Ingredients that you need to manipulate your audience with if you want to hold their attention include:

— Dark Moments, when it looks like there is no way this could possibly end well for anyone, and:

— Light Moments, when it looks like everything is falling into place nicely and there should be happy endings all around.

— Think about your life. How many light moments come after your darkest hours? For instance, when you thought you’d go ahead and end it all, but took one more drink before completing the act, passed out and woke up with a happy dog licking your face, or a good looking nurse taking your blood pressure?

— And not even your deepest, darkest, most cynical bits of nature can rob you from the pure joy of being alive in that moment?

— Yup, life definitely is worth living, and that wolf at your door might have just eaten the guy who went nuts and thought his life would be perfect if he took his gun and blew your head off?

— Weird, violent images are NOT us–,




Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 -( 12°C /54°F @ 5:55 am with the sun trying to break through a hazy- not quite blue sky in Atlantic Canada )- Today would have been my Great Uncle Franklin’s Birthday.

Sun behind clouds, Earth in Shadows

Before the Dawn

What do you do when you discover that virtually everything you were taught to believe in is a lie?

Your parents repeated the lies they were taught, and let you know the depth of their displeasure when you questioned them.

Your girlfriend had to leave home as soon as she could to escape a toxic, dysfunctional environment – and when a stalker tried to break into her ‘secure building’ and her apartment, the police she asked for help accused her of lying to them for attention, possibly trying to seduce a cop, and informed her that she should not be living on her own, she didn’t bother trying to explain that ‘home’ was killing her self-esteem and convincing her that it wasn’t realistic to go on believing that life was worth living. The police are not here to serve and protect you, they’re here to keep you in line and serve and protect the powerful.

Your government is not here to nurture, support and protect you, they’re here to exploit you. In the land of the free, it’s their job to strip away those freedoms one at a time. Their propaganda machines are working overtime to try to convince you to surrender your rights and freedoms ‘voluntarily’ while they ready their stormtroopers in case you don’t buy their line of bull chips.

Religion? Let’s go the ‘Western Route’ –

All True Religions come from the same Source, share the same Truth, understand the same Wisdom, are inspired by the same Love. The apparent divisions occur because the Divine Truth has to be translated into explanations that are limited by human languages, which conform to human cultures. Moses said, “Thou Shalt Not Kill!” Jesus explained that as, – “Love thy neighbour as thyself.” – If your heart and mind have been touched, purified, blessed and/or expanded- by the Divine- You know better than to want to kill anybody.

Moses gave Israel a system of moral, ethical and legal guidelines and told his people that if they lived within those guidelines, their society would thrive, grow and bloom and become an example for all. Then the money changers took over inside their temples and judges strained the laws through rationalized misunderstanding, greed and power lust disguised as ‘judgment’.

To misquote a Greek, “I have learned this from Philosophy, that I do out of choice what others do only out of fear of the Law.”

Christianity was hi-jacked by the Romans, they canonized a false prophet and re-wrote ‘The Word of God’ to suit their lack of divine wisdom and understanding.

So God sent The Prophet, Mohammed – God Bless Him Eternally – to try again and almost as soon as Mohammed left the material limitations of this world behind, small-minded men seized control and fought among themselves, ignored The Prophet’s instructions, and created factions which all claimed to preach the one true version of the Truth.

And all the above dramas and misunderstandings are playing themselves out to this day.

Argh- I could probably go on all day, and maybe continue for several more days.

But I need a bottom line here.

Everything we believed would make our lives worth living turns out to be a lie.

So now what do we do? Give up and maybe go out in a blind stupor, or get really pissed off and go out in a blaze of – inglorious furor? Nah, that won’t help.

Suicide doesn’t work, sorry, I’ve been to the other side and you don’t just stop being. You find yourself in an emotional amplifier and any little pain you ever caused another becomes worse than the Fundamentalists’ visions of hellfire and brimstone.

Is there a God?

There’s Something ‘Out There’ and “Inside You” that is pure Love and Guidance. The only thing that keeps it from reaching us is our own misunderstanding, fear, and guilt.

Yeah, yeah, but that doesn’t help at all, does it?

“If you try to stay on top of the water, you sink. If you try to sink, you float,” – Alan Watts.

There is a purpose behind the painful state of disillusionment. Some of us never learn. Some of us never had to. You have to realize that all your ‘human sensibilities’ can’t save you. But ‘Something Else’ can.

While the chaos of apparent hell is screaming at us from all sides at once we have to find a way to sit down and close our eyes and whisper, “Help!” and then listen until we hear whatever it is that ‘Our Higher Selves’ and ‘The Loving Spirit that Created all Universes’ is trying to tell us. You’ll know you’ve found it when it hits you. And then you have to sit there and embrace it, and figure out how to hold all the Love and Wisdom and Understanding you could almost happily drown in – hold it inside and feel it change the world around you, all by Itself.

——— Cryptically Yers,

~~~~~ Jim