Tuesday, 09 September, 2014 – CBC Headline News

{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News  —————Jim }


Tuesday, 09 September, 2014  -( 58˚F / 14˚C & Mostly Clear in Ithaca @ 8:45 am )-  —Today is National Teddybear Day in the U.S.A. & Intergalactic/Inter-dimensional/International ‘wish Jim Wellington a Happy Birthday on Leo Tolstoy’s birthday’ day on planet Earth & ‘beyhond’.— 😉

{ I’ve been doing this because I believe that the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media here in the U.S.A., AND not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }


Apple Logo and somebody intent on a smart phone.

It’s a big day for Apple Computer- They have staged a large unveiling event.


Spiritual quote of the day, “In an interview, Mahavishnu John McLaughlin said that his Guru had completely changed a lot of his thinking when, after John said, “I can’t work with that guy-” the Guru said, -‘Yes you can, the difficulties you have in working with this person are a chance for you to grow and learn to overcome your self imposed limitations’ – & I mean to tell ya, that bit of inspiration blew a hole in my ability to believe that people who oppose us are tools of some hypothetical devil- That was an eye opener- or maybe a soul- or spirit-opener?” ———Jim Wellington  { I have that on tape- Happy Birthday, Jim —djo— }


Lead Articles:

-Updated- Malaysia Airlines MH17 likely downed by ‘high energy objects’   { The flashy top-of-the-page ever-changing headline thing credits that discovery to the Dutch.  —djo— }

Russian fighter jets circle Canadian ship in Black Sea  {  }

Pieces of Franklin expedition ship believed found   {  }

Jury selection to continue Tuesday for Luka Magnotta trial   {  }

Why the next royal baby could sway Scotland’s referendum   {  }

‘I can’t just let Damian die in vain’: Mother launches de-radicalization effort   {  }




Trailer Park Boys celebrate 8th season’s launch with cheeseburgers, jalapeno chips   {  }

Canadian astronaut leads undersea ‘spacewalks’ on NASA mission   {  }

Antonio Brown kicks punter & other must-see NFL plays   {  }

Automaker sees automated freeway travel within 2 years   {  & I think I remember old shows about future technology telling us we should be flying in hover cars and riding on automated highways by the year 2000.  —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

Russian military planes buzzed HMCS Toronto in Black Sea    {  }

Ottawa company fined for saying it ‘only hires white men’   {  }

Rick Cross, missing Kananaskis hunter, killed in bear attack   { He apparently wandered between a mother bear and her cub  —djo—  }

2 women in their 90s marry in Ottawa 7 decades after meeting   { * Yes, they married each other. & With this article are links to “Same-sex marriage rights by U.S. state” – “Where in the world is homosexuality a crime?” & “Where in the world is same-sex marriage legal?” —djo— }

Apple iWatch and iPhone? New devices unveiled today   {  }

Steven Ruttan, veteran with PTSD, feels compensation falls short    {  }

-Blog- Chat Live with Adrienne Arsenault about homegrown extremism Tuesday at 5:30 pm ET   {  }




Russia denies buzzing the Canadian ship in the Black Sea   {  * Maybe it was evil aliens or even more evil – U.S. Black Ops guys – using holograms to try to start a war? *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Canadian veteran with PTSD feels $60K compensation ‘a slap in the face’   {  }

-Updated- Shark filmed near Australian beach within hours of fatal attack   { A shark killed somebody at a popular Australian surfing beach. —djo— }

John Baird, Rob Nicholson to discuss 30-day mission in Iraq   {  }

Ray Rice cut by Ravens, banned by NFL after new assault video surfaces   {  }

UN’s chief meteorologist warns of alarming C02 spike   {  }

MacKay to testify as Senate begins prostitution bill hearings { * Yes, Peter MacKay, the ‘Minister of Justice’ is probably guilty of prostituting himself for the Conservative Agenda in Canada 😉 *  —djo  }

NDP plots strategy as Tom Mulcair plans to get out of the House   { The New Democratic Party of Canada is releasing their platform a year ahead of next year’s election -next year’s, if the sitting government isn’t driven out of town on a rail before that- Tom Mulcair is the leader of the NDP.   —djo— }

Home Depot says Canadians could be affected by security breach    {  }

-Must Watch- Dogs party in pool for charity   {  }

-Must Watch- Dutch flower parade    {  }

-World- Syria failed ‘on every front’ by international community   {  }

-World- Fire collapses part of famous U.S. roller coaster   {  }

-Business- Scottish independence spectre hammers pound, British stocks   {  }

-Technology & Science- Jack the Ripper named as Aaron Kosminski, Polish immigrant: book   { This report claims that Aaron Kosminski’s DNA was found on the bloodstained shawl of Catherine Eddowes, one of the Ripper’s victims. * What if there were more than one Ripper? There are reports that the ‘Son of Sam’ killings were done by a series of young men being initiated into a cult. What if this cult was entrenched in the culture for centuries? —djo— }

-Arts & Entertainment- Jon Stewart premieres first film, Rosewater, at TIFF 2014   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment-  Tiff 2014: Michael Moore for mayor of Toronto?   { I’d vote for him – not that my endorsement wouldn’t be the kiss of death to anyone’s political career —djo— }

-Health- Dartmouth General patients get special gowns to stay warm   { * How about that? A hospital that actually cares about its patients? Oh, wait a minute, that’s in Canada. Canadians are nicer, aren’t they? & More fun- How many U.S. cities have a mayor who would make Michael Moore look like a nice, safe, conservative alternative? -Okay, so most Canadians are really nice, and friendly, and warm, and sexy, and———  —djo— }  {*** Sounds like Doug fell in love with a Canadian, ya think? —————Jim W }

-Community- CBC News readers skeptical of CRTC’s ‘pick and play’ play   {  }

-Hockey- Penguins’ Sidney Crosby happy with healed wrist  { Yes, CBC News has a whole separate area just for Hockey news, even in the summer, which has been described as ‘Two weeks of bad hockey’ by Canadians. 😉  —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

First Nations forestry plan appeal decision reserved  { “Justice Margaret Larlee promises ruling within 10 days on temporary injunction sought by chiefs” * This is the crawl that I believe Jim complained he couldn’t find clarification for- A judge in New Brunswick’s highest court has reserved decision on an appeal by First Nations Leaders, who want to put a temporary stop to the Alward government’s forestry plan. -I put this article at the top of the heap, Jim’s comments are a couple articles down- —djo— }

Decision on Rod Gillis’s appeal of obstruction conviction due today   { Rod Gillis, described as a ‘prominent Saint John criminal defence lawyer’ was sentenced to 22 months in jail in 2013 after being found guilty of attempting to stop a witness from testifying against one of his clients. The appeal centers around the trial judge’s interpretation of a note Gillis wrote to a client’s former employer. —djo— }

Shale gas debate overshadows focus on alternative energy   {  }

-Repeat- Shale gas development divides voters, CBC poll finds { This was here yesterday. —djo— }

Green Party unveils plan to create new Forestry Act { *** Last night there were several items crawling beneath the CBC News Channel’s programmes, One plan, credited to First Nations, is something I hoped would be clarified here- Another one sounded like the sitting government dismissed some kind of criticism and plans to go ahead with their agenda to allow more ‘Crown’ forest land to be ‘harvested’ by oil company & conglomerate JDI -Irving- who are spending tons of advertising dollars to try to look like they care about the environment etc.—————Jim W }

-New- High-tech golf cart maps Moncton sidewalks    {  }

David Clayton-Thomas happy to be headlining Harvest   { Fredericton’s Harvest Jazz and Blues festival is on now – and David Clayton-Thomas, whose voice you may know from his days with Blood, Sweat and Tears- will be headlining Thursday Evening – Dangit, and I’m stuck in Ithaca- 🙁 —djo— }

“New Brunswick Votes 2014

Campaign focus turns to leaders’ debates   { CBC will air and live-stream debates tonight for 90 minutes beginning at 6:30 pm Atlantic Time / 5:30 pm Eastern – & after the debates are finished, you can get the debates ‘on demand’ at cbc.ca/nb <—-<< Link  —djo— }

Anti-Fracking protesters with signs in English and French outside a courthouse in Moncton.

“The possibility of New Brunswick developing a shale gas industry has been extremely controversial. Jim Emberger says the province’s pursuit for a shale gas industry will “have severe, undeniable and observable consequences.” (Adrienne Arsenault/CBC) “

Shale gas pursuit will have ‘severe, undeniable’ consequences   { * Well, ‘duh!’-  I’ve been trying to tell you that all along.* “Opponents to the shale gas industry have packed into meetings and held protests across the province in recent years” & “When we are confronted by new evidence that contradicts what we believed was true, we experience what psychologists call “cognitive dissonance.”  – Because holding two opposing thoughts in our head at the same time is uncomfortable and confusing, we try to resolve the conflict. – We may verify that the new evidence has merit and then change our old ideas and behaviours accordingly. This is essentially how science works. – But because we really don’t like the inconvenience or discomfort that can come with changing long-held beliefs and habits, we can instead resolve the conflict by seeking excuses to downplay the importance of the new evidence and rationalize away any need to change our ways. – We can see both methods at work in how we dealt with the emerging truth about the dangers of tobacco. We eventually changed our habits, but it took decades for us to face the truth. – In the end, the “inconvenient truth” always wins, but our desire to ignore it often costs us time and, as in the tobacco example, many lives. – We are now confronted with an issue that won’t allow us the luxury of decades to change our behaviour. Our pursuit of shale gas and continued use of fossil fuels have severe, undeniable and observable consequences. – We can stay on this course only by ignoring the evidence in three areas: public health, climate change and economics.” & There’s more at >>—-> Link: Opinion Page linked to this issue  —djo— } {*** & The people who crack the hardest are those who believe they are the most stable – & Those who believe they are fighting for a future prosperity they have been lied to and convinced that Fracking is the way to go are among those who believe they’re the stable ones and we’re wacko nut jobs protesting because we’re horny and looking for other wacko nut jobs to procreate with. Link: >>—-> “Half-Past Human dot com“, with their eerie track record of predicting major catastrophes through very scientific means- is with us on this. Fracking will destroy safe drinking water and totally ruin the economy. & Remember? A First Nations wise person told me that the inter-dimensional beings- some of us call them faeries, leprechauns and ‘elementals’- will fight with us against the frackers. Mother Earth does not want to be fracked. Prayers always help, —————Jim W *** }



{ 11:11 am & my back hurts- time to check for typos and get out the crayons –   11:45 am Finished, ready to click the “Publish” Button  ———djo——— }

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