{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News — —————jim }
Sunday, 14 September, 2014 -( 56˚F / 13˚C – & ‘mostly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 12:30 pm in Ithaca )-
{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }
* I spent an hour this morning trying to fix one small error in yesterday’s heading – and had three blogs suffer fatal confusion and crash — I have no idea what that was all about. —djo— *

* “Stay in touch with your friends @ the NSA” ?* “Messenger appears to have more spyware type code in it than I’ve seen in products intended specifically for enterprise surveillance,” says iOS forensics and security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski.
Lead Articles:
-Analysis- Expenses audit won’t end questions about Senate’s role: Chris Hall { -Um, The Auditor General is conducting an audit of Senate expenses- worrying some senators who fear their legitimate expenses may be criticized and questioned. *** >>—-> Opinion >>—-> The Harper government has been trying to bring down the Senate, with its checks and balances that get in the way of what many see as Harper’s attempts to turn Canada into his own private slave state. A tweet this morning (above) is one of many that voice their unhappiness with Harper’s attempts to ‘turn Canada into a colony of China’. It was three of Harper’s Senate appointees who were singled out and kicked out of the Senate in the recent scandals, leading some to wonder if Harper was crafty enough to appoint those three and maybe others in an attempt to sabotage the Senate. This Prime Minister has also gone up against the Supreme Court, and anybody else who would not buckle under to his total control. —djo— }
Halifax fire under control but some still out of homes { }
Britain to ‘hunt down’ ISIS after beheading of Briton { }
North Korea sentences American to 6 years hard labour { }
4th doctor infected with Ebola dies in Sierra Leone { }
Ontario town told to lock doors due to police probe { }
‘They are not Muslims; they are monsters,’ U.K. PM says of ISIS after hostage beheading { }
Quebec sovereigntists look to Scotland for independence hope { The vote in Scotland with take place this coming Thursday, September 18th, 2014. —djo— }
Miss America hopefuls take part in the ‘Show Us Your Shoes’ parade { & my first impression? the beauty pageant has hit a new low. —djo— }
&& Everything else under this topic is still there since yesterday.
“Most Viewed”
Central Huron residents told to lock doors for police probe { I had a nightmare while I was growing up that the Army and National Guard locked down this whole area for some made up reason and went around shooting my friends with impunity- I thought I had awakened in a world occupied by Nazi storm troopers in American Uniforms. So that’s ‘where I’m coming from’ when I say it makes me nervous to hear that any police force wants to lock down whole towns after one person shows up shot to death. —djo— }
Professional cheerleading ‘should be abolished’ { This opinion comes from former professional basketball player, Mariah Burton Nelson, “Cheerleading implies that women’s proper role is to support men, smile at men and fulfill the sexual fantasies of males,” declared Nelson, who played for Stanford University and in the first women’s pro-basketball league in the U.S. *Um, is this another case of somebody who wants to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’? Weren’t the original cheerleaders mostly men? I remember most cheerleaders in high school being ‘popularity addicts’ that I wasn’t particularly impressed by, -but I’ve developed an extreme allergic reaction to anyone who tries to tell me what everybody else should do or how they should think. }
B.C. teachers’ strike: Talks under way at Richmond hotel. { I wonder if we’ll ever get anything like the truth behind this. Nobody has been able to answer my questions- I saw photos of teachers carrying signs that said they were locked out- but couldn’t find anything to either support or refute that. I should probably spend a little bit of time to dig deeper, but I can’t fly to British Columbia to seek out an talk to anybody out there- and I don’t have a whole day to sit and dig through ‘virtual reams’ of lies, half truths and corporate propaganda to find out what is really happening out there. —djo— }
David Haines beheading: British PM vows to ‘hunt down those responsible’ { Tell him to search his own closet first? }
Controversial natural gas rule changes came after B.C., oil lobby met { “In January of this year, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers made a presentation to high-ranking officials in British Columbia’s Environment Ministry, outlining changes they wanted to environmental review rules for natural gas projects. – Those changes became law on April 14, but they didn’t stay that way for long.
- B.C. rescinds environmental assessment exemption
- Expansion of B.C. natural gas industry raises concerns
“An outcry from First Nations organizations forced an about-face from Environment Minister Mary Polak, who rescinded the revisions two days after they were passed by order-in-council. – Internal government documents obtained by The Canadian Press show 25 to 45 new natural gas plants will be needed to meet the government’s hopes for liquefied natural gas and that the industry wanted regulatory changes expedited so they could make investment decisions. – The Environment Ministry says Polak met with “various industry and environmental organizations” to discuss the regulation change, but the documents don’t make a single mention of any meetings other than with the petroleum producers’ association. – The regulatory review carried out on the instructions of Premier Christy Clark continues, but the ministry says no further changes will go ahead without public review and input.” —djo— }
Hiker falls to his death climbing glacier near Squamish { }
ISIS war chest grows by an estimated $3M every day { And government propagandists try harder every day to spread fear and hatred in order to prepare you for a time when they will send your friends off to die in some stupid dispute they started a long time ago and nobody can remember what the actual root cause was. }
&& There are repeats of yesterday’s Oscar Pistorius Photo slide show and the -Blog- Feature: “Facebook Messenger found to be tracking ‘a lot more data than you think“.
Abortion rights trump MP’s freedom to vote their conscience, Trudeau says { Stephen Harper has been described to me as ‘a rabid micro-manager’. I heard somebody ask, ‘Does that give Justin Trudeau the right to become a dictator on the other side of the fence?’ I couldn’t see any fence. And then I remembered Ralph Nader calling members of both the two biggest US Political parties “Republicrats” and I wonder about trends toward the same thing in Canada. —djo— }
-New- Panthers deactivate Greg Hardy as he appeals domestic violence conviction { This would be the South Carolina football panthers, right? }
Hurricane Odile to hit Mexico’s Baja with heavy rains, winds { Well- isn’t that what hurricanes do? I’m trying to remember when we first started hearing about hurricanes hitting the Pacific Coast. —djo— }
U.S. citizen sentenced to 6 years of hard labour for ‘hostile acts; against North Korea { -um, a couple years ago, if something similar to this issue popped up, would we be hearing that U.S. citizens were being accused of spying, or something like that? I’m confused. —djo— }
-Updated- Shelling in eastern Ukraine challenges ceasefire deal { And something I heard on Coast to Coast am last week led me to believe that psychics and others who believe they have prophetic abilities learned that sections in the official Christian Bible were heavily edited a long long time ago, but documentation still exists that says ‘Legitimate Prophets’ foresaw Russian troops attacking Scandinavia and then Canada and the U.S. in grabs for natural resources. The person who delivered this news or opinion says that Judaic and Christian officials were involved in cover-up re-writes in order to strengthen their own power within their religions. This guy went as far as to say that the Prophet we know as Jesus was actually Immanuel, who said that a religion based on his teachings would be perverted by power crazy religious clerics and that the same thing would happen about five hundred years later when another True Prophet would be born in what we call the Near East- and evil, manipulating men would pervert that True Prophet’s teachings. Immanuel went on to point out that the Israelites had stolen their land from inhabitants who were there before the Israelites left Egyptian slavery, and that if the two groups did not resolve their conflicts and differences, they would destroy each other. — This was way before there was a Russia or a United States of America — Karmic events were set to be triggered that could see the descendents of the Arabs who would follow the ‘True Prophet Mohamed’ conquer all of Europe, including England, and rule that area for 800 years. ***We may still be able to ameliorate this possibility, if we go back to the original teachings of Immanuel and scrap the revisionist nonsense that was written into the current version of the ‘Christian Bible’ – probably including anything that was added by the non-apostle Paul. *** It gets complicated.*** We’re stumbling around in the darkness of lies that have been hammered into our ‘consciousness’ for two thousand years, or longer. Pray for clarity here, pray the truth gets through to us. Pray for guidance and be ready to change everything you were ever taught to believe. Doesn’t sound easy does it? Want to wake up in chains or worse? Think about this — I do not have a hot line to the Source of all Truth — so you’re going to have to figure things out for yourself, and let me know what you come up with, okay? —djo— }
‘I can’t wait for the Ford era to end’: Olivia Chow goes after Doug Ford { }
-Must Watch- Hot air balloon fest { In Midland, Michigan }
-Must Watch- Baby coyote sleeps in fireplace { Why wasn’t this in the Offbeat section? }
-Must Watch- Landing a spacecraft on a comet { 5 possible landing sites on a comet where an attempt at a landing may take place in November —djo— }
&& ‘Editor’s Picks’ are leftovers from yesterday
-World- :
Typhoon Kalmaegi slams northeastern Philippines { }
Hall of fame golfer avoids serious injury in chain saw accident { }
-Politics- NDP to propose $15 federal minimum wage { I believe the US Green Party and others were saying around fifteen years ago that $15.00 an hour would be the minimum ‘Living Wage’ needed to get by back then. —djo— }
-Technology & Science- Formula E is in infancy but will drive innovation, 1st electric racing series suggests { }
-Arts & Entertainment- Ethel Bruneau. Montreal’s Queen of Tap, on why dancing ‘is a religion’ { }
-Arts & Entertainment- Shakespeare’s complete works to be translated for Chinese readers { }
“Local / New Brunswick”
N.B. Law Society members vote against accrediting Trinity Western { -You may remember from previous articles that Trinity Western subscribes to Fundamentalist Christian Doctrine and forces its students to do the same. —djo— }
RCMP looking for witnesses in fatal Royal Road crash { }
Terry Fox Run struggling with participation on P.E.I. { }
-New Brunswick Votes 2014-
-Repeat- Michael Camp: Liberals, PC stick to script in ‘strange election’ { }
-Repeat- Liberal candidate Andrew Harvey’s fraud charges dropped { One other article somewhere warned about interpreting this as anything but a case of ‘they don’t have enough evidence’ to press forward. *** & I’m getting sick of all this name calling and dirty tricks stuff. Last week there was a bit of an article suggesting that lots of political signs were being vandalized, with one party being singled out as the biggest victim in one area, another somewhere else. Are adults acting like out of control children? —djo— }
-Repeat- Brian Gallant’s energy stance hypocritical, David Alward says { & This is probably a case of a piece of coal calling a grey cloud ‘black’. }
{ 3:20 pm = Ack— I need to take a break and then check for typos etc. —Initial Publishing @ 4:15 pm Eastern Time —— Pre–tagging and not yet categorized — There may be a few typos left, but my sweetie is having an automobile problem & I gotta go help her out ———djo——— }