{ Copied & Pasted from Radio Free Earth News —————Jim }
Saturday, 06 September, 2014 -( 72˚F / 22˚C & Mostly Cloudy in Ithaca @ 8:41 am )-
{ I’ve been doing this because I believe that the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media here in the U.S.A., AND not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }

Canada Leads The World in degrading Pristine, Intact Forests. This pipleine carries steam to well heads and heavy oil back to a processing plant. This section cuts through boreal forest 120 km south of Fort McMurray, Alberta.
Lead Articles:
B.C. cool to idea of arbitration to end teachers’ strike { -More like, The B.C. government and the Minister of Education are cool on the idea of allowing an impartial 3rd party decide how this should be worked out. —djo— }
Results of Alberta Tory leadership vote due later today { }
Sierra Leone to ‘lockdown’ areas infected with Ebola { }
Fighting in Ukraine subsides as ceasefire takes hold { }
Donetsk residents doubt truce would create lasting peace { }

“U.S. President Barack Obama vowed in June that he would act without Congress to reform the immigration system. But a debate appears to be underway at the White House over the timing of any immigration announcements. Will he or won’t he act before the midterm elections?”
-Analysis- Obama’s immigration dilemma: Act now or after midterms? { }
NATO faces 1st test, as Estonia accuses Russia of abduction { According to the Estonian government, Russian agents crossed the border of Estonia and detained a police officer. Estonia and Canada are calling this a provocation. —djo— }
David vs. Goliath trademark battles: Giants don’t always win { The electronic DJ known as Deadmau5, is being sued by Disney for incorporating giant ears as part of his costume. }
-Photos- Bad weather soaks stars, fans on second night of TIFF { It was Bill Murray Day at the Toronto International Film Festival. }
Robot milkers gaining in popularity at dairy farms in N.B. { }

An Ocean Sunfish, like the one in this photo , washed up on the beach at Cape Disappointment, near the mouth of the Columbia River in Washington state, USA. The fish was 6 feet long and weight almost 300 pounds.
‘It’s really an odd-looking fish’: Rare 2-metre sunfish washes ashore { Some West Coast friends of mine are very worried that radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Power plant disaster -after the earthquake and Tsunami- might poison vast stretches of the Pacific Ocean and make living on the west coast of North America not so pleasant in the near future- We get updates from Coast to Coast am (<—-<< Link-) every so often that are not encouraging. —djo— }
Tim Hortons coffee cups: XL claims put to the test { Somebody tested the capacities of Timmy’s large and Extra-Large paper cups- & contrary to the Conspiracy Theory that both cups hold the same amount of coffee- found that when filled to the line that Tim Hortons Employees fill these cups to- There are 4 more ounces in the Extra-Large cup than the Large one. —djo— }
Toronto Festival goers — and the world — celebrate #BillMurrayDay { I heard an interview yesterday with the producer behind some of Bill Murray’s more memorable movies – Bill does his homework and deserves the accolades he received. —djo— }
“Most Viewed”
Pictures of storm clouds, downed trees as storm passes through { This article includes several ‘tweeted’ photos taken in the Ottawa-Gatineau Ontario-Quebec area yesterday- The storm was quite impressive. —djo— }
Alex Stone arrested after U.S. teen wrote about shooting pet dinosaur { Link This one really is worth reading. A 16-year-old student in South Carolina had an assignment to write about himself as if he was updating his status on facebook. He wrote that he shot his neighbor’s pet dinosaur with a gun he’d bought. His teacher notified the authorities and the police were called in. The student had his book bag and locker searched – and, when he objected to the way he was being treated was called, ‘irate’ and taken out of school in handcuffs. The school did not inform his mother. She is quoted as having said, ‘I mean first of all, we don’t have dinosaurs anymore. Second of all, he’s not even old enough to buy a gun.’ – And I would add that if the teacher believed that everything any teenaged kid would write as a status update on facebook was politically correct – that teacher is not connected to anything like ‘Reality’. —djo— }
Busting Bill Murray: 10 believe-it-or-not stories { }
[Dutch dentist] Jacobus van Nierop’s patient: ‘Everything was infected’ { The Dutch dentist, arrested in New Brunswick and wanted by interpol on warrants from France claiming he mutilated patients- allegedly told somebody in an immigrations hearing/interview that he’d killed his wife in the Netherlands in 2006. A woman who lives in France said the dentist insisted she have all her fillings replaced even though she was unaware of any problems with them. After the dentists did the oral surgery she did have problems. She says he used dirty, infected instruments when he operated on her. The woman said her eldest child was also a victim of this dentist. —djo— }
Two dead, eight injured after moose collision on Highway 11 { }
-Blog- Spirit Airlines slips up by trying to cash in on nude celebrity photo leak { The Airline sent email ads to customers saying “Our Bare Fare was Hacked!” and featured a line drawing of a woman covering her chest with her arm. —djo— }
Fragile Ukraine ceasefire seems to be holding { }
-Audio- The celebrity nude selfie leak and why we care { }
5 memorable marketing blunders { }
Education Minister cool to arbitration to end B.C. teachers’ strike { If the Education Minister is afraid than an impartial arbitrator would find against the government and in favor of the teachers- that should tell you something. —djo— }
Indigenous women ask, ‘Am I next?’ in push for inquiry into deaths { }
-Photos- 4th biennial Stand Up To Cancer live benefit { }
Unresponsive plane crashes of Jamaica killing U.S. couple { }
Adopted brothers reunited in Ottawa after decades apart { There is also a video. “Two brothers who didn’t know they were related have reunited in Ottawa” }
-Must Watch- ‘Stories of our lives’: being gay in Kenya { “Kenyan filmmakers rish everything to tell the story of what it’s like to be gay in Africa” —djo— }
-World- Pakistan, India flooding kills more than 200 { }
-World- Nicholas Henin, French journalist, says Brussels museum shooter tortured him in Syria { }
-Politics- Brian Mulroney says Supreme Court criticism ‘sends the wrong signal’ { “Former Progressive Conservative prime minister Brian Mulroney says it was “unhelpful” for Prime Minister Stephen Harper to publicly criticize Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin. Mulroney is credited with winning the biggest landslide victory in Canadian election history – then turning the government over to Kim Campbell -the 1st and only woman Prime Minister of Canada so far- The people I’ve talked to in Canada blame Mulroney for the biggest loss the Conservatives ever suffered He came in with the biggest pro-conservative vote ever and after he left, the conservatives only won 2 seats – out of 295 —djo— }
-Politics- Canadian special ops soldiers to be part of anti-ISIS team in Iraq { }
-Politics- ISIS recruits in Canada spark Liberal call for parliamentary probe { }
-Business- Apple’s not talking but tech lovers anticipate iWatch release { }
-Business- Canada loses 11,000 jobs in August { }
-Technology & Science- House sized asteroid flies near Earth this Sunday { A newly discovered asteroid – 20 meters wide -that’s about 65 feet & change- will pass a ‘safe’ 40,000 kilometers / 25,000 miles above New Zealand – The article goes on to say that they asteroid will be farther from Earth than any of our communications or weather satellites. —djo— }
“Local / New Brunswick”
-Opinion- Michael Camp: Campaigns marked by political allegations { Michael Camp is a journalism professor at St Thomas University in Fredericton. “Two allegations against David Alward’s Progressive Conservatives caught my attention this week. – One was colourful and direct. The other was by innuendo, one of the darker arts in the world of political persuasion. – The first came on Thursday when Dominic Cardy laid out the NDP’s platform. – Cardy is doing his best to shake off the perception that the NDP is a party devoted to taxing, spending and racking up big deficits. – He said he didn’t buy the idea that there was anything left wing about driving New Brunswick into bankruptcy. – So before the bank arrives to repossess the car and the furniture, we better straighten things out. – That’s the ‘new’ NDP message. – But I think Cardy’s attack on patronage should connect with a lot of voters — if he can get them to listen. – Who would disagree with this little gem from the party platform? – “Whether it’s a Conservative minister getting the road to a friend’s fishing camp paved while your car bangs over potholes that never seem to get fixed, or your neighbour, a prominent Liberal supporter, who always finds a summer job grant for his children — too often knowing the right people seems to matter more than working hard.” – Cardy didn’t name names. His examples were generic rather than specific. But every voter knows it’s the way things have always worked in this province. – If you want a nice job, start by making friends with a politician in power ” && “The other notable allegation, if you can call it that, was made by Liberal Brian Gallant. – On the same day Cardy was unveiling his platform, Gallant took a little time off from his usual campaign routines to offer some comfort and support to Andy Harvey. – Gallant suspended Harvey as the Liberal candidate for Carleton-Victoria when it was revealed that he was facing fraud charges. – We don’t know much about the case, other than it involves the Harvey family business and the sale of some wood. – Harvey says he’s innocent. Fair enough. The courts will decide. – But in the meantime, Harvey and the Liberal leader are raising questions about the timing of the charges. – With the cameras rolling, Gallant told reporters they should ask the attorney general of New Brunswick why a Liberal candidate would be charged in July, three years after an alleged offence took place, just as the election campaign was getting into gear. – And if voters hadn’t given this much thought, Gallant apparently thought a little nudge would be in order. – “You’d have to ask the Attorney General as to why it’s been done now,” Gallant said. – “And I’ll certainly allow New Brunswickers to come to their own conclusions as to why it would have popped up now.” – ” —djo— }
David Alward unveils full ‘Say ‘Yes’ platform for PCs { Jim W’s assessment of television commercials for this ‘Say “Yes” to jobs etc.’ campaign: >>—-> “David Alward comes across as a mean-spirited high school bully looking down from behind a political pulpit, sneering at voters with a message that feels like “Only a god -bleeped- idiot would vote for [the opposition] – He’s got that smug “my-daddy-could-afford-to send-me-to-the-most-expensive-educational-institutions. So I clearly know better than you do- look. He claims that fracking is safe and will provide loads of magic jobs for everybody- And that is just not true. Scientists whose jobs depend on money from the fracking industry are the only ones I’ve heard claim that fracking is safe. When the protective layer of stone that keeps natural gas down -and keeps the gas from seeping into well water- is shattered- there is no way they can protect the water supply from gas and other harmful chemicals. Their suggested band-aid solutions are laughable- metal pipes rust- concrete slabs crumble and crack. There is no safe way to repair an area that has been fracked. & Hey, run the poster again-“—Jim Wellington. — Okay, I’ll do that. —djo— }

Jobs Per Million Dollars invested. Oil & Gas = 2 jobs. Building Efficiency = 14 jobs. Clean Energy = 15 jobs. “Do The Math!”
Liberals request judicial ruling over campaign transparency law { }
& There’s more New Brunswick news at (Link >>—->) http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick — or, if you want to see local news from any other province, you can find it at the cbc.ca/news/ site.
{ 12:12 pm —> Had one nasty browser crash and suffered the kind of lag lag lag I haven’t seen in years – —> but, ready to check for typos and paint the headlines pretty colours >>—-> Pushing the “Publish” Button @ 12:55 pm ———djo——— }