Independent Canadian News

Monday, 22 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Monday, 22 December, 2014  -( +36˚F / +2˚C & raining @ 9:00 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +27˚F / -3˚C   & cloudy here @ 9:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }   

Fuck Monsanto
Just when I thought we might be able to tidy this place up, somebody has to go and send me stuff like this – Stop Monsanto before they stop us. What they’re doing is beyond ‘Cruel and Unusual’ but I would say, stop short of butchering the families of everybody who works for those Ice-Holes. There has to be a Humane way to deal with them. —djo—

{ “Why the worlds’s big energy firms are running scared from renewables”  >>—>  *  Link  *  }

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Eliminate Poverty
Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—
Cool Quote
“Anyone can learn to look for non-violent solutions if the stakes are high enough?” —djo—
Tyranny versus Liberty
Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—
Baby Bobcat
If this guy was orange, I’d swear they found Moe’s Baby Picture. —jim w—
Spirit Bear Photo
Dang- Another tweet I thought has to be here. Dear Editor is the Sky, “Please advise! —Amen” —djo—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ +1,575 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{ Headlines missing from below: —>  Interesting twist on New Brunswick’s moratorium on Fracking : At the top of the list of what would have to change before the new Premier of N.B. would allow fracking and pre-fracking ‘explorations’ would be “Social License” which, he explained, would mean that the citizens of New Brunswick would have to be in favor of that fracking. = “Hmmmm” –  * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments.  — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. *  —djo— }


Prosecute Cheney
The link with this article doesn’t connect with any article at the New York Times or anywhere else saying Dick Cheney should be prosecuted. & the first time I tried to retweet this I got a snarky message saying my account may not allow me to retweet this article. -weird- —djo—

{ From Democracy Now! : Mayor of NYC is trying to put part of the blame on protesters for the MK Ultra type killing of two NYPD officers. *  Link  *  }

Fox News Admits Error
Fox News admitted to an error after saying it falsely reported that demonstrators were shouting “Kill Cops!” ? Fox News develops a conscience? That’s news. —djo—
Another One
From the BBC: “The US Justice department says it will review the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man by a white police officer in April in Milwaukee” —djo—

===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Canadian journalist Modammed Fahmy should not be jail, period. & If Stephen Harper had a functioning heart and soul he would already be doing everything in his power to help him. ;

The news tonight claims the 6 year old girl found naked in Alberta was sexually assaulted and beaten. Is there something in the GMO food that everybody is eating that makes anyone think they should be able to do stuff like that?  ;

Preston Manning is a conservative. Conservatives believe they are gods. Of course they say insane things. It’s rare when one apologizes for anything he or she said. That still doesn’t mean we should believe anything they say, ever.  ;

If the U.S. could pull the plug on North Korean Internet, why would they allow it to go back online?  ;


Blasts from the recent past:

Politicians paying somebody to wipe out evidence of overspending? They do more than that, GOTO:   CAFR1.Com  ;

& – Wouldn’t it be nice if people started living by “Love they Neighbor as thyself”- ‘Could you believe it- no more war—‘   –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

Jailed Canadian journalist Mohammed Fahmy pleads for Harper’s help  ;

Alberta man charged after First Nation girl beaten, found naked in snow  ;

Preston Manning apologizes for role in Wildrose defections  ;

U.S. responsible? North Korea websites back online after outages  ;




If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<


Nice Message
Glynis McCants is a Numerologist and a really good person. Even if our numbers don’t make us best friends 😉 —djo—
North Korean Internet Down
First heard about this at about 5 pm. Did Obama get his internet ‘off switch’ and use it? Is that a good thing? —djo—
We heard the other night that Nort Korean Media tells the citizens of North Korea that their leader does not pee or poop because he is a god, not a human being. So why would a god need an internet to hack into enemy computers? —djo—
Constructive Dissent
“Is Constructive Dissent a thing of the past?” —djo—
white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


Jenna the Husky
Husky reunited with her human.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





Gavle Straw Goat Cam
Straw Goat in Gavle, Sweden – Web Cam Shot –

German house sparkles with over 400,000 Christmas lights {   }

‘Oh my blessed Jesus,’ Cape Breton man says after $144K 50/50 win   {   }

YouTube video shows Mountie freeing elk stuck in fence  {  }

Paper panda art installation arrives in Kuala Lumpur  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner  {  🙂  }

Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years  {  }

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }

Swedish town seeks to prevent torching of giant Christmas straw goat   { * It’s a tradition in the town of Gävle, every Christmas they build a 13 meter tall straw goat and about 50% of the time vandals burn it down.  * Link to WebCam * At least in my browser, there was a ‘click here to translate this page’ thing visible for a couple seconds.  Jim W has some distant relatives somewhere in Sweden –  —djo—  }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Attempted murder, sexual assault charges laid in beating of girl {   }

Preston Manning apologizes for role in Wildrose defections   {   }

Melanie Atcovitch and baby expelled from citizenship ceremony  {   }

North Korean websites back online after outages  {  }

Girl, 7, killed after being buried in rock slide near Lions Bay, B.C.  {  }

Bedbug bait and trap invented by Simon Fraser University scientists   {  }

Joe Cocker, British blues rocker, dead at 70  {  }

Dalhousie head promises ‘significant consequences’ in Facebook posts scandal  {   }

Mohammed Gahmy, Canadian imprisoned in Egypt, pleads for Harper’s help  {   }

Allan Bosomworth, Two Chefs and a Table co-owner, sentencing postponed  {  }

-8 photo slide show- Joe Cocker: A look at the legendary blues rocker’s career {  }

-Blog- 14 people the internet made famous in 2014  {  }


Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


Babbling baby gets woman kicked out of citizenship ceremony   {   }

NYC mayor will attend funeral of slainpolice officers despite tension with union   { * The police union was upset with the mayor for saying that cops might be guilty of crimes for killing unarmed black men. Now he might be back in their good graces after accusing protesters of creating the environment that might have convinced a whacko that it might be a good thing to kill cops. Guys- it isn’t the protesters and it isn’t the cops who are the bad guys. The real bad guys are way deep behind the scenes plotting and planning the propaganda they release to create the divide and conquer fear based news and information the big corporate Media pounds into your head every day of your life. Use your heads, chill and talk to people. We can turn this thing around. *  —djo—  }

Vancouver’s peeping chef wasn’t driven by sex: lawyer   { * The peeping chef was driven by a lawyer? *  😉  —djo—  }

Does the Elf on the Shelf teach teach our kids to acept a surveillance state?   {   }

Man shot by U.S. customs officer to face charges in Canada   {   }

Breakthrough bedbug bait and trap invented by B.C. university scientists   { * ‘Invented’? or ‘developed’? *  —djo—  }

Alberta’s Wildrose Party picks Heather Forsyth as interim leader   {   }

Out-of-control garbage truck crash kills 6 pedestrians in Glasgow   { * A rampaging garbage truck? Are we living Walt Disney’s worst nightmares? *  —djo—  }

Pope Francis blasts ‘spiritual Alzheimer’s’ of Vatican Bureaucracy   {   }

Montreal officers at risk due to ‘multi-ethnic’ population, says union head   {  * The love of my life got up this morning, read today’s headlines and said, “Did we wake up in a weird parallel universe or what?” — she has a point there- *  —djo— }

Send like Santa, save like Scrooge with this postage hack   { *  Yup, this is definitely one weird parallel dimension.  *  —djo—  }

Muhammad Ali ‘vastly improved’ since hospitalization   {   }

Indonesian janitors guilty of rape in case related to Canadian teacher   {   }

5 great books for holiday reading by indigenous authors   {   }

Elton John, David Furnish tie the knot again   {   }

U.S. mulls putting North Korea back on terrorism list amid Sony hacking scandal   {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Belgian PM pelted with fries  { *** Two young men from Lyons, who I met in the U.S. told me that, in France, it was a put-down to call fried potato strips ‘Begian Fries’ and wondered -in the 1980’s- if calling US fries ‘French Fries’ was supposed to be an insult. ***  —jim w— }

-Must Watch- Truck slams into pedestrians in Glasgow  { * I don’t want to see video of anybody being killed. Rampaging runaway garbage truck or not. *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- Tokyo highrise window washers entertain bystanders  { * “Dressed as a sheep and a horse-” *  —djo—  }

-Editor’s Pick- CBC News launches new Android app  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- From Gaza to Rob Ford: CBC reporters on the big stories of 2014  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Holiday feasting: 7 ways to stay healthy in the fce of temptaion  {   }


===== Recently: =====

Military apologizes to ex-corporal who accused superior of sexual assault   {   }

North Korea proposes joint probe with U.S. into Sony Pictures hacking   { * I can imagine all kinds of ‘cans of worms’ they might open with this one. *  —djo—   }

U.S. sends 4 Afghans back home from Guantanamo   {   }

Apple ‘offended’ by BBC allegations it broke promise to improve factory conditions   {   }

-Opinion- PM’s comments about missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’   {   }

Health Canada anti-pot ad cites lower IQ, despite contrary evidence   { * Health Canada is “Only Following Orders” from the Prime Minister’s Office. *  —djo—  }

Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths   { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. *  —djo—  }

Harper’s new Supreme Court pick sought hefty tax deduction for clothes   { ? }

Trudeau’s Liberals lead in year-end polls, but by how much?   {   }

Frozen, other on-screen deaths in animated films may upset young children   { * Walt Disney: Wanted for psychological child abuse? *  —djo—  }

-Photos- 10 unusual homes around the world   { *  Link  *  }

Methane spikes on Mars puzzle researchers   { * Um let’s see, maybe there’s a secret underground civilization where cows graze on fields of clover and fart their methane into ducts that divert it into wind tunnels and eventually vent it out into the atmosphere as spikes? Anybody got a better idea? *  —djo—  }

Jeb Bush to ‘actively explore’ 2016 presidential run   { * All we need is another Bush in the White House, how about we send him to Mars to investigate the methane spikes instead? *  —djo—  }

Cheaper oil could cost Canadian governments $13B a year, CIBC   { * How much are government lies and ‘bull chips’ costing Canada now? And while we’re at it how much is idiotic ‘bull chips’ from Banks costing everybody every minute of every day? CIBC is a Canadian bank. *  —djo—  }

Loonie at 85 cents as oil slips below $56 U$   {   }

How to take the bite out of holiday travel with your pets   {   }

Actor Samuel L. Jackson challenges stars to help stop ‘racist police’   {   }

CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report   { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other  ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? *  —djo—  }

‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru   {   }

Savings at the pump to boost holiday shopping, retail analysts say   {   }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

===== Older Stuff =====

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





T.J.Harvey wins appeal in contested federal Liberal nomination  {   }

Relief for Moncton flooding with new culvert expected in 2015 {   }

Lots of rain and wind for the Maritimes Christmas Even and Day {   }

Hockey violence questioned after QMJHL game in Moncton {   }

===== Earlier : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)








>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Attempted murder, sexual assault charges laid in beating of girl  {  }

Rob Clarke’s controversial bill to change the Indian Act passed into law  { * – There are a couple of national discussions that few governments want to risk political capital to wade into — one is the Constitution, the other is the Indian Act. – Conservative MP Rob Clarke decided he’d dip his toe into the latter three years ago with a private member’s bill, after hearing for years from aboriginal leaders how reviled the Indian Act was.

– Last week, his Indian Act Amendment and Replacement Act became law. Clarke — a member of Saskatchewan’s Muskeg Lake First Nation — says he’s proud to be the first aboriginal person to record such a legislative achievement. – “I thought well, let’s start a dialogue nobody’s actually taken…on, head on,” Clarke said in an interview. – “I thought it would be better for a First Nations person to stake this forward and create some substantial change, but also to create some dialogue between government and First Nations.” – The legislation repeals long-outdated references to residential schools in the Indian Act, and removes a reference to restricting certain people on reserves from trade. – The bill also give bands the responsibility to manage the publication of their bylaws on the Internet, in the Canada Gazette, or other venues. – The bylaw issue recently came up in Saskatchewan, when home moving companies complained that they were being charged by a band for driving on their roads, but were not able to view the rule in print. – A complicated element that dealt with overhauling how wills and estates are dealt with was amended out when the bill was studied in committee. – But the central feature of Clarke’s bill is the requirement that the aboriginal affairs minister appear at a Commons committee every year to report on his or her progress in developing a replacement for the Indian Act. – The Indian Act itself is extremely unpopular, but crafting an alternative has been a political challenge. The prime minister’s own attempt to reform funding for First Nations education evaporated this year as talks between the federal government and aboriginal leaders came to a standstill. – Piecemeal solution? – Many First Nations voices criticized Clarke’s bill as a piecemeal attempt to address the problem, without the proper consultation required under the Constitution. – “While it may be difficult to speak to every First Nation in the country, there is a need to ensure that First Nations’ voices are heard and that every effort is made to speak with those First Nations who hold the rights and will be impacted,” Assembly of First Nations B.C. regional chief and now Liberal candidate Jody Wilson-Raybould told a Commons committee. – Clarke says it’s unreasonable to think an MP would have the resources to do widespread national consultations. He said he did travel across the country and wrote to all First Nations reserves looking for their input. – “Yeah, I received a lot of criticism, however there was also a lot of people who said, it’s about time something was done, and actually somebody taking charge and trying to make effective change,” Clarke said. – Saskatchewan Sen. Lillian Dyck used stronger language recently when she said Clarke was “behaving like a white man” by pushing the bill. She later said she recognized the comment could be hurtful. – Others have suggested that the impetus for overhauling the Indian Act should come from First Nations themselves — a position that Clarke bristles at. – “When (NDP MP) Jean Crowder stands up in the House and says this has to be aboriginally led, from aboriginal to aboriginal, I say, hold on there — I’m native, I’m First Nations, why can’t I do this?” said Clarke. – “We do have to start looking at a better relationship.” –   }

Saskatchewan govenment creates Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction  {  }

Austin Bigtobacco charged with murder in Skiskia teen’s death  {  }

Protest reignites calls to fire Mike Wasyslyshen from police force  {  }

Chrisma Ann Joy Denny found safe, will return to Nova Scotia  {  }

Kashechewan evacuees receive backpacks of supplies from Marhkan students  {  }

-Photos- Iqaluit resident turns public obscentities into something positive  {  }

What went wrong with Nutrition North food subsidy program?  {  }

Balfour Collegiate changes name from Redmen to Bears  {  }

Holiday reading list: 5 great books by indigenous authors  {  }

Donovan McGlaughlin, Yukon man with no birth certificate, fights for citizenship  {  }

No hunting of Baffin Island caribou until further notice  {  }

-Opinion- Stephen Harper’s comments on missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’  {  }

Chemical dump forces Songhees First Nation evacuations  {  }

Balfour Collegiate changes name from Redmen to Bears  {  }

Grand Chief intervenes in Kenora high school basketball suspension  {  }

Trailbreaker on the road in Fort Chipewyan, Alta.  {  }

– 7 photo slide show – Unreserved: December 20  {  }

===== Earlier This Week:  =====

Manitoba chiefs want teacher Brad Baduik fired for ‘hateful’ comments  {  }

-Photos- One Nunavut man’s struggle to feed his kids  {  }

Susan Aglukark arrives in Iqaluit with gifts of food  {  }

Painted Pony Cafe in Kamloops serves up Aboriginal fare  {  }

Site C dam approved by B.C. government  { * the $9-billion Site C dam would be a massive hydroelectric project that would flood a large area of the Peace River Valley in northeastern B.C. *  —djo—}

Manitoba chief says fire inspections would condemn reserve homes  {  }

The fight for missing and murdered aboriginal women reached a boiling point in 2014  {  }

Tears of joy as bison return to a Saskatchewan First Nation  {  }

Nunatsiavut’s Joey Angnatok wins Inuit Recognition Award  {  }

Manslaughter charges laid in Winnipeg woman’s death  {  }

Site C dam: How we got here and whay you need to know  {  }

Grade 8 girl dies by suicide in Fort Chipewyan  {  }

Amnesty International slams Harper government for putting economy ahead of rights  {  }

Big Black Van roaming Winnipeg’s streets a likely hoax, police say  {  }

Inquest told Manitoba reserve had no chance fighting house fire  {  }

Woman, 29, stabbed to death in Winnipeg’s North End  {  }

Cree walkers against uranium mining arrive in Montreal after 850 km walk  {  }

iPods give Yellowknife seniors a blast from the past  {  }

RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo  {  }

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<


 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


— “Other Media” :  —

“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo— Monday, 15 DEcember, this article/photo was retweeted quite a few times today.  —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Debate over Prostitution Laws
This photo bothers me for a couple reasons: (1) a prostitute who looks this good would not have to stand on a street corner to drum up business. (2) I don’t like the implications that anyone who dresses like this might be a prostitute – I mean think about it: Almost every woman in Hollywood these days would be suspect. (3) Any politician who tries to convince you that prostitutes are a bigger threat to your welfare than those politicians [are] should be castrated in public. —djo—
Freedom of the Press
New York Times Reporter James Risen is facing jail times if he refuses to testify in a trial against a CIA agent accused of leaking sensitive material. Freedom Of The Press is always an issue, More so lately. —djo—
Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—


 *  Walter Burien’s Web site explains how governments all over the ‘free world’ are stealing from their citizens and ‘cooking their books’ :  * link to *

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Hobbit Movie Schnarr
The first thing I read about the latest Hobbit movie said it’s the best one yet. I’ll tell ya after I’ve seen it. —djo—
Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Fake Headlines
Play Darth Vader’s Theme while you read this. 😉 —djo—
Aria Stark
On the lighter side, one of my daughter’s favorite actresses made the news for attending a movie premier.


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths   { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. *  —djo—  } Emma Czrnobaj gets 90 days in jail for [trying to save ducks on a highway and causing a fatal accident in the process] {  }

Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  { * It CAN – but will it? *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }


Lions looking at industrial pollution


– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 10:10 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Sunday, 21 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Sunday, 21 December, 2014  -( +29˚F / -2˚C & cloudy @ 9:00 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +27˚F / -3˚C   & cloudy here too @ 9:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }   

Fuck Monsanto
Just when I thought we might be able to tidy this place up, somebody has to go and send me stuff like this – Stop Monsanto before they stop us. What they’re doing is beyond ‘Cruel and Unusual’ but I would say, stop short of butchering the families of everybody who works for those Ice-Holes. There has to be a Humane way to deal with them. —djo—

{ “Why the worlds’s big energy firms are running scared from renewables”  >>—>  *  Link  *  }

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Eliminate Poverty
Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—
#NatureIsSpeaking nature is speaking
#NatureIsSpeaking (?) nature is speaking
Party Of On
-S0- What’s the difference between Stephen Harper and the Chinese Government? Harper doesn’t have the power to silence all his critics, yet. – I had to check out several cartoons at @Johny_Canuck ‘s twitter page before I was sure of what side this guy is on. The cartoon guy in the lower right corner is Harper with a Pinocchio nose. —djo—
Tyranny versus Liberty
Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—
Baby Bobcat
If this guy was orange, I’d swear they found Moe’s Baby Picture. —jim w—
Spirit Bear Photo
Dang- Another tweet I thought has to be here. Dear Editor is the Sky, “Please advise! —Amen” —djo—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ +1,222 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{ Headlines missing from below: —>  Interesting twist on New Brunswick’s moratorium on Fracking : At the top of the list of what would have to change before the new Premier of N.B. would allow fracking and pre-fracking ‘explorations’ would be “Social License” which, he explained, would mean that the citizens of New Brunswick would have to be in favor of that fracking. = “Hmmmm” –  * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments.  — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. *  —djo— }


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

(1) That is awful. (2) In the U.S. reservations have their own police force and in many cases would not tolerate state or local police interfering with their affairs. (3) Who decided that a 6 year old victim of domestic abuse should be the lead article when the ‘leaders’ of this country are committing fraud and worse every day?  ;

The NYC ‘lone gunman’ thing really has me suspicious, not because it looks like cops need more power to protect themselves and us, but because it looks like some ice-hole or group of ice-holes staged this episode.  ;

Are evil dark ops ice-holes targetting, brainwashing, and triggering insane acts by people all around the world?  ;

White people disguised as African Americans? Did I wake up in the wrong parallel dimension again?  ;

Blasts from the recent past:

Politicians paying somebody to wipe out evidence of overspending? They do more than that, GOTO:   CAFR1.Com  ;

& – Wouldn’t it be nice if people started living by “Love they Neighbor as thyself”- ‘Could you believe it- no more war—‘   –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

Man arrested after girl, 6, found naked, beaten on Alberta reserve  ;

‘Watch what I’m going to do,’ NYC gunman said before killing 2 cops  ;

Canadian shot by U.S. border guards at Ambassador Bridge  ;

Blackface protrayal of P.K. Subban in Montreal play draws disgust ;




If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<


Nice Message
Glynis McCants is a Numerologist and a really good person. Even if our numbers don’t make us best friends 😉 —djo—
white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


Jenna the Husky
Husky reunited with her human.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





Gavle Straw Goat Cam
Straw Goat in Gavle, Sweden – Web Cam Shot –

German house sparkles with over 400,000 Christmas lights {   }

YouTube video shows Mountie freeing elk stuck in fence   {   }

Paper panda art installation arrives in Kuala Lumpur  {  }

‘Dr. Freeze’ shares safety tips for polar bear swimmers  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner  {  🙂  }

‘Those buffalo got saved by us’: TAxi passenger catches wolf-on-bison attack  {  }

Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years  {  }

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }

Swedish town seeks to prevent torching of giant Christmas straw goat   { * It’s a tradition in the town of Gävle, every Christmas they build a 13 meter tall straw goat and about 50% of the time vandals burn it down.  * Link to WebCam * At least in my browser, there was a ‘click here to translate this page’ thing visible for a couple seconds.  Jim W has some distant relatives somewhere in Sweden –  —djo—  }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Man arrested after girl, 6, found beaten on Paul First Nation {   }

Canadian shot by U.S. border guards at Ambassador Bridge   {   }

Suspect arrested after toddler left at Surrey bus stop  {   }

P.K. Subban blackface in Théâtre do Rideau Vert plau deemed offensive by some  {  }

Ismaaiyl Brinsley, NYC police shooter, had troubled past, criminal record  {  }

Nutrition North food subsidy program: What went wrong   {  }

SaskPower worker electrocuted on high-voltage line near Wakawa, Sask   {  }

Chrisma Ann Joy Denny found safe, will return to Nova Scotia  {   }

German house sparkles with over 400,000 Christmas lights.  {   }

Christmas weather could be wet, windy in Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes  {  }

-10 photo slide show- Gunman kills 2 New York City police officers {  }

-Blog- ‘I can breathe’ shirts at pro-NYPD rally anger #BlackLivesMatter protesters  { * Divide and conquer goes to the next higher/deeper level? Somebody could use sensitivity training. How the bleep can we defuse this? Before we wake up some morning and find the whole city burning? With everybody pointing at everybody else, saying, ‘he lit the match! *  —djo— }


Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


WestJet pilots vote in favor of new contract   {   }

Teen killed by Toronto transit bus to be remembered at candelight vigil   {   }

Florida police dog dies on duty after getting shot, run over   {   }

Wet Christmas more likely than white in much of Eastern Canada   {   }

Pot still preferred drug in Canadian army, drug testing shows   {   }

5 great books for holiday reading by indigenous authors   {   }

Canadian Grain Commission chief defends quality of Canadian wheat exports   {   }

10 sports personalities you must follow on Twitter for 2015   { * Oh Bull Chips- Don’t try to tell me who I must follow anywhere. *  —djo—  }

Elton John, David Furnish tie the knot again   {   }

U.S. mulls putting North Korea back on terrorism list amid Sony hacking scandal   {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Robotic arms controlled by thought  {   }

-Must Watch- Toronto man finds partner for free trip  {   }

-Must Watch- MOnkey rescues pal in India  { * “A heroic monkey revives his friend who was knocked unconscious while walking on high tension wires.” *  —djo—  }

-Editor’s Pick- CBC News launches new Android app  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- 2014: Top Canadian newsmakers of the year  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- 5 tips for holiday home safety  { * “#6. Live in an indestructible TARDIS?” *  —djo— }


===== Recently: =====

Military apologizes to ex-corporal who accused superior of sexual assault   {   }

Canadian Kaillie Humphies makes bobsled history   {   }

North Korea proposes joint probe with U.S. into Sony Pictures hacking   { * I can imagine all kinds of ‘cans of worms’ they might open with this one. *  —djo—   }

-Analysis- ‘Tis the season’: U.K. holiday ads capture nation’s imagination   {   }

U.S. sends 4 Afghans back home from Guantanamo   {   }

Apple ‘offended’ by BBC allegations it broke promise to improve factory conditions   {   }

Incomplete autopsy on dead infants delays bail hearing for accused Winnipeg woman   {   }

-Opinion- PM’s comments about missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’   {   }

Listeriosis outbreak linked to caramel candy apples leaves 5 dead   {   }

Health Canada anti-pot ad cites lower IQ, despite contrary evidence   { * Health Canada is “Only Following Orders” from the Prime Minister’s Office. *  —djo—  }

Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths   { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. *  —djo—  }

More organ donations from seniors could help reduce wait times   {   }

Stephen Harper’s ‘lone wolf’ comments based on arrest of Montreal teen: PMO   {   }

-Analysis- Freedom’s just another word that Americans ar slowly losing: Neil Macdonald   {   }

Ford airbag recall affects 27,500 Canadian car owners   {   }

Harper’s new Supreme Court pick sought hefty tax deduction for clothes   { ? }

Putin accuses West of trying to corner Russia   {  * “Dear God, can You please give all these sabre rattling politicians a nice parallel world where they can attack each other forever and leave the rest of us alone?  -Amen- *  —djo— }

Canadian ambassador: Buy American restrictions on B.C. ferry terminal unacceptable   {   }

-Analysis- Can Vladimir Putin survive the failing ruble?   {   }

Airport security to get fast-tracked for more ‘trusted travellers’   {   }

Blackberry Classic phone a return to company’s roots   {   }

Toronto man finds woman with ex-girlfriend’s name for free trip around the world  {   }

Trudeau’s Liberals lead in year-end polls, but by how much?   {   }

Frozen, other on-screen deaths in animated films may upset young children   { * Walt Disney: Wanted for psychological child abuse? *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Tears of happiness’ after man watches sister-in-law pulled from Sydney café shooting   {   }

-Photos- 10 unusual homes around the world   { *  Link  *  }

Methane spikes on Mars puzzle researchers   { * Um let’s see, maybe there’s a secret underground civilization where cows graze on fields of clover and fart their methane into ducts that convert it into wind tunnels and eventually vent it out into the atmosphere as spikes? Anybody got a better idea? *  —djo—  }

Jeb Bush to ‘actively explore’ 2016 presidential run   { * All we need is another Bush in the White House, how about we send him to Mars to investigate the methane spikes instead? *  —djo—  }

Cheaper oil could cost Canadian governments $13B a year, CIBC   { * How much are government lies and bull chips costing Canada now? And while we’re at it how much is idiotic bull chips from Banks costing everybody every minute of every day? CIBC is a Canadian bank. *  —djo—  }

Loonie at 85 cents as oil slips below $56 U$   {   }

‘Internet Black Widow’ denied any chance of parole   {   }

Dalhousie University probes misogynistic studen ‘Gentlemen’s Club’   {   }

How to take the bite out of holiday travel with your pets   {   }

Canadian average house price up almost 6% to $413, 649   {   }

Actor Samuel L. Jackson challenges stars to help stop ‘racist police’   {   }

Joyriding 12-year-old crashes stolen car during police chase   {   }

CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report   { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other  ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? *  —djo—  }

‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru   {   }

Savings at the pump to boost holiday shopping, retail analysts say   {   }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Cat rescued after tossed out on B.C. highway   {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





Fire shuts down Saint John butcher for holidays  {   }

Christmas weather could be wet, windy in Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes {   }

Musquash home destroyed in fire {   }

Trapped driver rescued after Quispamsis crash {   }

===== Earlier : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)








>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

What went wrong with Nutrition North food subsidy program?  {  }

Holiday reading list: 5 great books by indigenous authors  {  }

Donovan McGlaughlin, Yukon man with no birth certificate, fights for citizenship  {  }

No hunting of Baffin Island caribou until further notice  {  }

Regina’s Maxine Goforth upset by new Clayton Bo Eichler charges  {  }

-Opinion- Stephen Harper’s comments on missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’  {  }

Chemical dump forces Songhees First Nation evacuations  {  }

Poverty the top issue for Makivik presidential candidates  {  }

Sex assault charge laid against Clayton Bo Eichler, already accused of 2 homicides  {  }

Balfour Collegiate changes name from Redmen to Bears  {  }

Grand Chief intervenes in Kenora high school basketball suspension  {  }

Trailbreaker on the road in Fort Chipewyan, Alta.  {  }

Manitoba pair charged with illegally selling elk meat  {  }

===== Earlier This Week:  =====

Manitoba chiefs want teacher Brad Baduik fired for ‘hateful’ comments  {  }

-Photos- One Nunavut man’s struggle to feed his kids  {  }

Susan Aglukark arrives in Iqaluit with gifts of food  {  }

-Ausio- Mishkeegogamang charity drive poves ‘people want to help’  {  }

-Exclusive- Full text of Peter Mansbridge’s interview with Stephen Harper {  }

Douglas Hales guilty of 2nd degree murder of Daleen Bosse   {  }

-Audio- Smoke shop plans concern Atikmeksheng resident who lives nearby  {  }

Band constable haunted by baby he couldn’t save  {  }

-Rebuttal- Modern-day monopoly? North West Company responds  {  }

-Video- Bianca Thomas says police used unnecessary force on Alfred Thomas  {  }

Greg Rickford responsd to provinces latest Ring of Fire request  {  }

-Opinion- Roots of racism in Winnipeg revealed in Brian Sinclair inquest  {  }

-Photos- Free makeover photoshoot aims to empower Burns Lake Aboriginal women  {  }

Painted Pony Cafe in Kamloops serves up Aboriginal fare  {  }

Site C dam approved by B.C. government  { * the $9-billion Site C dam would be a massive hydroelectric project that would flood a large area of the Peace River Valley in northeastern B.C. *  —djo—}

Manitoba chief says fire inspections would condemn reserve homes  {  }

The fight for missing and murdered aboriginal women reached a boiling point in 2014  {  }

Tears of joy as bison return to a Saskatchewan First Nation  {  }

Nunatsiavut’s Joey Angnatok wins Inuit Recognition Award  {  }

Manslaughter charges laid in Winnipeg woman’s death  {  }

Site C dam: How we got here and whay you need to know  {  }

Grade 8 girl dies by suicide in Fort Chipewyan  {  }

Amnesty International slams Harper government for putting economy ahead of rights  {  }

Big Black Van roaming Winnipeg’s streets a likely hoax, police say  {  }

Inquest told Manitoba reserve had no chance fighting house fire  {  }

Woman, 29, stabbed to death in Winnipeg’s North End  {  }

Cree walkers against uranium mining arrive in Montreal after 850 km walk  {  }

iPods give Yellowknife seniors a blast from the past  {  }

Fight in Ottawa feeds hope that North’s hunger pains will ease  {  }

Graduation from drug treatment court gives man new start on life  {  }

-In Depth- Transparency Act: Resource company payments to First Nations unveiled  {  }

– 6 photo slide show – Unreserved: December 13  {  }

RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo  {  }

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Adrian Raeside cartoon in Times Colonist accused of being racist {  }

Multimedia program offers opportunities to Winnipeg’s inner-city youth  {  }

Brian Sinclair’s death ‘preventable’ but not homicide, says inquest report  {  }

Ex-mayor Sam Katz says he funded Winnipeg Sun aboriginal internship  {  }

Brad Baduik’s ‘racist’ Facebook posts need action by Winnipeg school board: trustee  {  }

Innuit students tackle body image in Inuktitut in YouTube video  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Florida spa that treated First Nations girls with cancer faces lawsuit from ex-staff  {  }

Brad Dauik, Winnipeg teacher, under fire for Facebook posts on aboriginal people  {  }

#We Care boosts awareness of murdered and missing women  {  }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance  {  }

NewGold deal scuttled by environmental concerns at Big Grassy First Nation   {  }

Idle No More still moving forward after 2 years, says Sylvia McAdam  {  }

Good samaritan finds $1K at Inuvik NorthMart, then finds owner  {  }

Yellowknife man outs Facebook user for racism online  {  }

AFN called ‘elitist’, out of touch with grassroots First Nations people  {  }

-Special Report- Premier’s office leaves questions unanswered in Darlene Necan case  {  }

Rinelle Harper calls for national inquiry into missing, murdered women  {  }

LGBT rally appeals to AFN candidates for end to discrimination  {  }

Pair sentenced to 9 years in beating death of Tina Fontaine’s dad  {  }

Douglas Cardinal files appeal with OMB over Domtar redevelopment  {  }

-60’s Scoop- Class action not a matter for courts, say lawyers  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN relevant?  {  }

-Public Inquiry- Rinelle Harper calls for inquiry into missing women  {  }

Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<


 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


— “Other Media” :  —

“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo— Monday, 15 DEcember, this article/photo was retweeted quite a few times today.  —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Debate over Prostitution Laws
This photo bothers me for a couple reasons: (1) a prostitute who looks this good would not have to stand on a street corner to drum up business. (2) I don’t like the implications that anyone who dresses like this might be a prostitute – I mean think about it: Almost every woman in Hollywood these days would be suspect. (3) Any politician who tries to convince you that prostitutes are a bigger threat to your welfare than those politicians [are] should be castrated in public. —djo—
Freedom of the Press
New York Times Reporter James Risen is facing jail times if he refuses to testify in a trial against a CIA agent accused of leaking sensitive material. Freedom Of The Press is always an issue, More so lately. —djo—
Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—


 *  Walter Burien’s Web site explains how governments all over the ‘free world’ are stealing from their citizens and ‘cooking their books’ :  * link to *

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Hobbit Movie Schnarr
The first thing I read about the latest Hobbit movie said it’s the best one yet. I’ll tell ya after I’ve seen it. —djo—
Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Fake Headlines
Play Darth Vader’s Theme while you read this. 😉 —djo—
Aria Stark
On the lighter side, one of my daughter’s favorite actresses made the news for attending a movie premier.


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths   { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. *  —djo—  } Emma Czrnobaj gets 90 days in jail for [trying to save ducks on a highway and causing a fatal accident in the process] {  }

Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  { * It CAN – but will it? *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }


Lions looking at industrial pollution


– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 10:30 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Saturday, 20 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Saturday, 20 December, 2014  -( +27˚F / -3˚C & cloudy @ 7:30 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +27˚F / -3˚C   & cloudy here too @ 8:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }   

Democracy Now - No Fracking
New York State bans drilling after ‘Grassroots’ outcry over Public health. —djo—
Schnarr on the dam
Whose side do you figure your government is on when they okay projects like the Site-C Dam? Certainly not yours. Take back your power- —djo—
Press Progress Article
-Video- Fact-checking five “Crazy” things Stephen Harper said to Peter Mansbridge – * Link * —djo—

{ “Why the worlds’s big energy firms are running scared from renewables”  >>—>  *  Link  *  }

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Fuck Monsanto
Just when I thought we might be able to tidy this place up, somebody has to go and send me stuff like this – Stop Monsanto before they stop us. What they’re doing is beyond ‘Cruel and Unusual’ but I would say, stop short of butchering the families of everybody who works for those Ice-Holes. There has to be a Humane way to deal with them. —djo—
Eliminate Poverty
Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—
#NatureIsSpeaking nature is speaking
#NatureIsSpeaking (?) nature is speaking
Party Of On
-S0- What’s the difference between Stephen Harper and the Chinese Government? Harper doesn’t have the power to silence all his critics, yet. – I had to check out several cartoons at @Johny_Canuck ‘s twitter page before I was sure of what side this guy is on. The cartoon guy in the lower right corner is Harper with a Pinocchio nose. —djo—
Tyranny versus Liberty
Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—
Baby Bobcat
If this guy was orange, I’d swear they found Moe’s Baby Picture. —jim w—
Spirit Bear Photo
Dang- Another tweet I thought has to be here. Dear Editor is the Sky, “Please advise! —Amen” —djo—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ +1,516 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{ Headlines missing from below: —>  Interesting twist on New Brunswick’s moratorium on Fracking : At the top of the list of what would have to change before the new Premier of N.B. would allow fracking and pre-fracking ‘explorations’ would be “Social License” which, he explained, would mean that the citizens of New Brunswick would have to be in favor of that fracking. = “Hmmmm” –  * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments.  — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. *  —djo— }


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Research all ‘lone gunmen’ – especially those who kill themselves or are killed by police. See if they were ‘targeted’. Find out who is manipulating them.  ;

Here’s another video I don’t want to watch.  ;

What kind of pressures would lead a 59 year old man to rob and nearly kill somebody in a home invasion? How are we failing as a civilization?  ;

(1) Bill Cosby is damned if he opens his mouth or keeps it closed. (2) Kangaroo Court by Popular Media is Not Ethical. (3) I cannot defend, nor condemn anybody.  ;

Blasts from the recent past:

Politicians paying somebody to wipe out evidence of overspending? They do more than that, GOTO:   CAFR1.Com  ;

& – Wouldn’t it be nice if people started living by “Love they Neighbor as thyself”- ‘Could you believe it- no more war—‘   –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

2 NYC police officers ‘assassinated’ in patrol car by lone gunman  ;

Scarborough girl killed by transit bus identified as Amaria Diljohn  ;

Charges laid after 101-year-old WWII vet robbed, left with plastic bag over head  ;

Bill Cosby sex accusations met with intentional silence: experts ;




If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<


Nice Message
Glynis McCants is a Numerologist and a really good person. Even if our numbers don’t make us best friends 😉 —djo—
white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


Jenna the Husky
Husky reunited with her human.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





Gavle Straw Goat Cam
Straw Goat in Gavle, Sweden – Web Cam Shot –

Penguins extend holiday greeting ‘National Lampoon’ style  {   }

Non-regulation meat pies cause hiccup in eating contest   {   }

REddit users around world sign up for gift exchange  {  }

Monkey tasered in France after chocolate-fuelled bender  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner  {  🙂  }

‘Those buffalo got saved by us’: TAxi passenger catches wolf-on-bison attack  {  }

Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years  {  }

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }

Swedish town seeks to prevent torching of giant Christmas straw goat   { * It’s a tradition in the town of Gävle, every Christmas they build a 13 meter tall straw goat and about 50% of the time vandals burn it down.  * Link to WebCam * At least in my browser, there was a ‘click here to translate this page’ thing visible for a couple seconds.  Jim W has some distant relatives somewhere in Sweden –  —djo—  }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

2 New York City police officers ‘assassinated’, gunman kills self  {   }

Amaria Diljohn ID’d as victim in Scrborough TTC bus hit-and-run   {   }

Stéphanie Raymond wins step in military sexual assault case  {   }

Ian Bush charged in home invasion of Ottawa war veteran {  }

Bill Cosby sex accusations met with intentional silence: experts {  }

Ancient clay seals may shed light on biblical kings, government   {  }

Shaw rate hikes provoke online backlash   {  }

Li Yinhe, sexologist in China, reveals relationship with transgender man  {   }

Pacific storm expected in B.C. this weekend could impact holiday travel  {   }

Luka Magnotta trial jury deliberations; What’s taking so long?  {  }

-19 photo slide show- The week in pictures, Dec. 13-19 {  }

-Blog- ‘I can breathe’ shirts at pro-NYPD rally anger #BlackLivesMatter protesters  { * Divide and conquer goes to the next higher/deeper level? Somebody could use sensitivity training. How the bleep can we defuse this? Before we wake up some morning and find the whole city burning? With everybody pointing at everybody else, saying, ‘he lit the match! *  —djo— }


Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


Military apologizes to ex-corporal who accused superior of sexual assault   {   }

Canadian Kaillie Humphies makes bobsled history   {   }

North Korea proposes joint probe with U.S. into Sony Pictures hacking   { * I can imagine all kinds of ‘cans of worms’ they might open with this one. *  —djo—   }

-Analysis- ‘Tis the season’: U.K. holiday ads capture nation’s imagination   {   }

U.S. sends 4 Afghans back home from Guantanamo   {   }

===== Recently: =====

Apple ‘offended’ by BBC allegations it broke promise to improve factory conditions   {   }

Incomplete autopsy on dead infants delays bail hearing for accused Winnipeg woman   {   }

-Opinion- PM’s comments about missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’   {   }

Listeriosis outbreak linked to caramel candy apples leaves 5 dead   {   }

Health Canada anti-pot ad cites lower IQ, despite contrary evidence   { * Health Canada is “Only Following Orders” from the Prime Minister’s Office. *  —djo—  }

Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths   { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. *  —djo—  }

More organ donations from seniors could help reduce wait times   {   }

Stephen Harper’s ‘lone wolf’ comments based on arrest of Montreal teen: PMO   {   }

-Analysis- Freedom’s just another word that Americans ar slowly losing: Neil Macdonald   {   }

Ford airbag recall affects 27,500 Canadian car owners   {   }

Harper’s new Supreme Court pick sought hefty tax deduction for clothes   { ? }

Putin accuses West of trying to corner Russia   {  * “Dear God, can You please give all these sabre rattling politicians a nice parallel world where they can attack each other forever and leave the rest of us alone?  -Amen- *  —djo— }

Canadian ambassador: Buy American restrictions on B.C. ferry terminal unacceptable   {   }

-Analysis- Can Vladimir Putin survive the failing ruble?   {   }

Airport security to get fast-tracked for more ‘trusted travellers’   {   }

Blackberry Classic phone a return to company’s roots   {   }

Toronto man finds woman with ex-girlfriend’s name for free trip around the world  {   }

Trudeau’s Liberals lead in year-end polls, but by how much?   {   }

Frozen, other on-screen deaths in animated films may upset young children   { * Walt Disney: Wanted for psychological child abuse? *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Tears of happiness’ after man watches sister-in-law pulled from Sydney café shooting   {   }

-Photos- 10 unusual homes around the world   { *  Link  *  }

Methane spikes on Mars puzzle researchers   { * Um let’s see, maybe there’s a secret underground civilization where cows graze on fields of clover and fart their methane into ducts that convert it into wind tunnels and eventually vent it out into the atmosphere as spikes? Anybody got a better idea? *  —djo—  }

Jeb Bush to ‘actively explore’ 2016 presidential run   { * All we need is another Bush in the White House, how about we send him to Mars to investigate the methane spikes instead? *  —djo—  }

Cheaper oil could cost Canadian governments $13B a year, CIBC   { * How much are government lies and bull chips costing Canada now? And while we’re at it how much is idiotic bull chips from Banks costing everybody every minute of every day? CIBC is a Canadian bank. *  —djo—  }

Loonie at 85 cents as oil slips below $56 U$   {   }

‘Internet Black Widow’ denied any chance of parole   {   }

Dalhousie University probes misogynistic studen ‘Gentlemen’s Club’   {   }

How to take the bite out of holiday travel with your pets   {   }

Canadian average house price up almost 6% to $413, 649   {   }

Actor Samuel L. Jackson challenges stars to help stop ‘racist police’   {   }

Joyriding 12-year-old crashes stolen car during police chase   {   }

CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report   { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other  ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? *  —djo—  }

‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru   {   }

Savings at the pump to boost holiday shopping, retail analysts say   {   }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Cat rescued after tossed out on B.C. highway   {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Robotic arms controlled by thought  {   }

-Must Watch- Orion spacecraft’s camera captures re-entry  {   }

-Must Watch- Christmas house in Connecticut opens to public every year  {   }

-Editor’s Pick- CBC News launches new Android app  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Kaillie Humphries: Playing with the boys  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- U.S. torture debate underscores shifting view on personal liverties  { * “Torture, police excesses, ‘felony creep’ all part of a trand.” *  —djo— }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





Moncton hospice store robbed  {   }

Poley Mountain rebounds after fire {   }

Fracking moratorium could force company out of N.B. says CEO { * Good. If a company depends on killing people to make its money they better get the ‘eff’ out of town. *  —djo— }

Poster suggesting sexual orientation as illness raises questions { * Accusing people with a different orientation of being ‘sick’ is a symptom of a disease called ‘High Authoritarianism’. High Authoritarians have been trying to push the rest of the population of this planet around for hundreds of millenia. They are the bullies that force kids to commit suicide. We should banish them to another dimension. *  —djo— }

===== Earlier : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)








>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Donovan McGlaughlin, Yukon man with no birth certificate, fights for citizenship  {  }

No hunting of Baffin Island caribou until further notice  {  }

Regina’s Maxine Goforth upset by new Clayton Bo Eichler charges  {  }

-Opinion- Stephen Harper’s comments on missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’  {  }

Chemical dump forces Songhees First Nation evacuations  {  }

Poverty the top issue for Makivik presidential candidates  {  }

Sex assault charge laid against Clayton Bo Eichler, already accused of 2 homicides  {  }

Balfour Collegiate changes name from Redmen to Bears  {  }

Grand Chief intervenes in Kenora high school basketball suspension  {  }

Trailbreaker on the road in Fort Chipewyan, Alta.  {  }

Manitoba pair charged with illegally selling elk meat  {  }

===== Earlier This Week:  =====

Manitoba chiefs want teacher Brad Baduik fired for ‘hateful’ comments  {  }

-Photos- One Nunavut man’s struggle to feed his kids  {  }

Susan Aglukark arrives in Iqaluit with gifts of food  {  }

-Ausio- Mishkeegogamang charity drive poves ‘people want to help’  {  }

-Exclusive- Full text of Peter Mansbridge’s interview with Stephen Harper {  }

Douglas Hales guilty of 2nd degree murder of Daleen Bosse   {  }

-Audio- Smoke shop plans concern Atikmeksheng resident who lives nearby  {  }

Band constable haunted by baby he couldn’t save  {  }

-Rebuttal- Modern-day monopoly? North West Company responds  {  }

-Video- Bianca Thomas says police used unnecessary force on Alfred Thomas  {  }

Greg Rickford responsd to provinces latest Ring of Fire request  {  }

-Opinion- Roots of racism in Winnipeg revealed in Brian Sinclair inquest  {  }

-Photos- Free makeover photoshoot aims to empower Burns Lake Aboriginal women  {  }

Painted Pony Cafe in Kamloops serves up Aboriginal fare  {  }

Site C dam approved by B.C. government  { * the $9-billion Site C dam would be a massive hydroelectric project that would flood a large area of the Peace River Valley in northeastern B.C. *  —djo—}

Manitoba chief says fire inspections would condemn reserve homes  {  }

The fight for missing and murdered aboriginal women reached a boiling point in 2014  {  }

Tears of joy as bison return to a Saskatchewan First Nation  {  }

Nunatsiavut’s Joey Angnatok wins Inuit Recognition Award  {  }

Manslaughter charges laid in Winnipeg woman’s death  {  }

Site C dam: How we got here and whay you need to know  {  }

Grade 8 girl dies by suicide in Fort Chipewyan  {  }

Amnesty International slams Harper government for putting economy ahead of rights  {  }

Big Black Van roaming Winnipeg’s streets a likely hoax, police say  {  }

Inquest told Manitoba reserve had no chance fighting house fire  {  }

Woman, 29, stabbed to death in Winnipeg’s North End  {  }

Cree walkers against uranium mining arrive in Montreal after 850 km walk  {  }

iPods give Yellowknife seniors a blast from the past  {  }

Fight in Ottawa feeds hope that North’s hunger pains will ease  {  }

Graduation from drug treatment court gives man new start on life  {  }

-In Depth- Transparency Act: Resource company payments to First Nations unveiled  {  }

– 6 photo slide show – Unreserved: December 13  {  }

RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo  {  }

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Adrian Raeside cartoon in Times Colonist accused of being racist {  }

Multimedia program offers opportunities to Winnipeg’s inner-city youth  {  }

Brian Sinclair’s death ‘preventable’ but not homicide, says inquest report  {  }

Ex-mayor Sam Katz says he funded Winnipeg Sun aboriginal internship  {  }

Brad Baduik’s ‘racist’ Facebook posts need action by Winnipeg school board: trustee  {  }

Innuit students tackle body image in Inuktitut in YouTube video  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Florida spa that treated First Nations girls with cancer faces lawsuit from ex-staff  {  }

Brad Dauik, Winnipeg teacher, under fire for Facebook posts on aboriginal people  {  }

#We Care boosts awareness of murdered and missing women  {  }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance  {  }

NewGold deal scuttled by environmental concerns at Big Grassy First Nation   {  }

Idle No More still moving forward after 2 years, says Sylvia McAdam  {  }

Good samaritan finds $1K at Inuvik NorthMart, then finds owner  {  }

Yellowknife man outs Facebook user for racism online  {  }

AFN called ‘elitist’, out of touch with grassroots First Nations people  {  }

-Special Report- Premier’s office leaves questions unanswered in Darlene Necan case  {  }

Rinelle Harper calls for national inquiry into missing, murdered women  {  }

LGBT rally appeals to AFN candidates for end to discrimination  {  }

Pair sentenced to 9 years in beating death of Tina Fontaine’s dad  {  }

Douglas Cardinal files appeal with OMB over Domtar redevelopment  {  }

-60’s Scoop- Class action not a matter for courts, say lawyers  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN relevant?  {  }

-Public Inquiry- Rinelle Harper calls for inquiry into missing women  {  }

Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<


 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


— “Other Media” :  —

“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo— Monday, 15 DEcember, this article/photo was retweeted quite a few times today.  —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Debate over Prostitution Laws
This photo bothers me for a couple reasons: (1) a prostitute who looks this good would not have to stand on a street corner to drum up business. (2) I don’t like the implications that anyone who dresses like this might be a prostitute – I mean think about it: Almost every woman in Hollywood these days would be suspect. (3) Any politician who tries to convince you that prostitutes are a bigger threat to your welfare than those politicians [are] should be castrated in public. —djo—
Freedom of the Press
New York Times Reporter James Risen is facing jail times if he refuses to testify in a trial against a CIA agent accused of leaking sensitive material. Freedom Of The Press is always an issue, More so lately. —djo—
Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—


 *  Walter Burien’s Web site explains how governments all over the ‘free world’ are stealing from their citizens and ‘cooking their books’ :  * link to *

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Hobbit Movie Schnarr
The first thing I read about the latest Hobbit movie said it’s the best one yet. I’ll tell ya after I’ve seen it. —djo—
Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Fake Headlines
Play Darth Vader’s Theme while you read this. 😉 —djo—
Aria Stark
On the lighter side, one of my daughter’s favorite actresses made the news for attending a movie premier.


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths   { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. *  —djo—  } Emma Czrnobaj gets 90 days in jail for [trying to save ducks on a highway and causing a fatal accident in the process] {  }

Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  { * It CAN – but will it? *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }


Lions looking at industrial pollution


– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 10:15 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Friday, 19 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Friday, 19 December, 2014  -( +24˚F / -4˚C & cloudy @ 8:00 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +27˚F / -3˚C   & Clear @ 9:00 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }   

Democracy Now - No Fracking
New York State bans drilling after ‘Grassroots’ outcry over Public health. —djo—

{ Headlines missing from below: —  Interesting twist on New Brunswick’s moratorium on Fracking : At the top of the list of what would have to change before the new Premier of N.B. would allow fracking and pre-fracking ‘explorations’ would be “Social License” which, he explained, would mean that the citizens of New Brunswick would have to be in favor of that fracking. = “Hmmmm” –  * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments.  — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. *  —djo— }

Bridge Over the Saint John River 9:15 pm —jim w—

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Eliminate Poverty
Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—
#NatureIsSpeaking nature is speaking
#NatureIsSpeaking (?) nature is speaking
Tyranny versus Liberty
Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—
Baby Bobcat
If this guy was orange, I’d swear they found Moe’s Baby Picture. —jim w—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ +2,160 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }



===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Do headlines about violence and murder help the bad guys create a climate of fear so they can more easily manipulate us all?  ;

Is ‘To Release or Not To Release’ such a major issue that we need to hold the presses and hold our breath for the next new wrinkle in this story? ;

If Oil Companies were Honest. Gasoline would cost more like Twenty Five Cents per litre  ;

The Hologram headline turns out to be hyping a whisky commercial-  ;

Blasts from the recent past:

Politicians paying somebody to wipe out evidence of overspending? They do more than that, GOTO:   CAFR1.Com  ;

& – Wouldn’t it be nice if people started living by “Love they Neighbor as thyself”- ‘Could you believe it- no more war—‘   –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

Travis Vader arrested, murder charges recommenced in missing Alberta seniors cases  ;

Sony defends cancelling The Interview release after Obama says studio ‘made a mistake’  ;

Gas now a buck a litre across Canada on average  ;

Hologram holiday greeting turns into a surprise real-life visit ;




If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<


white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


Jenna the Husky
Husky reunited with her human.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





Gavle Straw Goat Cam
Straw Goat in Gavle, Sweden – Web Cam Shot –

Non-regulation meat pies cause hiccup in eating contest  {   }

Monkey tasered in France after chocolate-fuelled bender   {   }

Clever Christmas pop displays removed from Yellowknife grocery stores  {  }

Swedish town seeks to prevent torching [vandalizing] of giant Christmas straw goat  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner  {  🙂  }

‘Those buffalo got saved by us’: TAxi passenger catches wolf-on-bison attack  {  }

Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years  {  }

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }

Swedish town seeks to prevent torching of giant Christmas straw goat   { * It’s a tradition in the town of Gävle, every Christmas they build a 13 meter tall straw goat and about 50% of the time vandals burn it down.  * Link to WebCam * At least in my browser, there was a ‘click here to translate this page’ thing visible for a couple seconds.  Jim W has some distant relatives somewhere in Sweden –  —djo—  }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Travis Vader arrested,murder charges recommenced in McCann case  {   }

Edmonton abduction: 3 missing boys found   {   }

Sony defends cancelling The Interview release after Obama says studio ‘made a mistake’  {   }

Australian woman arrested in killing of 8 children {  }

Jack Daniel’s Christmas hologram ad sends Hamiltonian home to Australia {  }

Monkey Tasered in France after chocolate-fuelled bender   {  }

Shaw rate hikes provoke online backlash   {  }

Alyssa Sippley, 9, loses parts of 4 limbs after rare strep infection  {   }

Fort McMurray Airport evacuation over, passengers return  {   }

Dalhousie dentistry Facebook posts prompt rally at school  {  }

-19 photo slide show- The week in pictures, Dec. 13-19 {  }

-Blog- Hollywood, Barack Obama, react to FBI blaming Sony hack on North Korea {  }


Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


Stephen Colbert retires his ‘Report’ with all-star blowout singalong   {   }

Special toonie to bear likeness of Canada’s 1st prime minister   {   }

-Updated- ‘She is our world’: Family of N.B. girl who lost parts of 4 limbs in rare infection   {   }

Apple ‘offended’ by BBC allegations it broke promise to improve factory conditions   {   }

Incomplete autopsy on dead infants delays bail hearing for accused Winnipeg woman   {   }

-Opinion- PM’s comments about missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’   {   }

Listeriosis outbreak linked to caramel candy apples leaves 5 dead   {   }

===== Recently: =====

Health Canada anti-pot ad cites lower IQ, despite contrary evidence   { * Health Canada is “Only Following Orders” from the Prime Minister’s Office. *  —djo—  }

Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths   { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. *  —djo—  }

More organ donations from seniors could help reduce wait times   {   }

Stephen Harper’s ‘lone wolf’ comments based on arrest of Montreal teen: PMO   {   }

-Analysis- Freedom’s just another word that Americans ar slowly losing: Neil Macdonald   {   }

Ford airbag recall affects 27,500 Canadian car owners   {   }

Harper’s new Supreme Court pick sought hefty tax deduction for clothes   { ? }

Putin accuses West of trying to corner Russia   {  * “Dear God, can You please give all these sabre rattling politicians a nice parallel world where they can attack each other forever and leave the rest of us alone?  -Amen- *  —djo— }

Canadian ambassador: Buy American restrictions on B.C. ferry terminal unacceptable   {   }

-Analysis- Can Vladimir Putin survive the failing ruble?   {   }

Airport security to get fast-tracked for more ‘trusted travellers’   {   }

Blackberry Classic phone a return to company’s roots   {   }

Toronto man finds woman with ex-girlfriend’s name for free trip around the world  {   }

Trudeau’s Liberals lead in year-end polls, but by how much?   {   }

Frozen, other on-screen deaths in animated films may upset young children   { * Walt Disney: Wanted for psychological child abuse? *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Tears of happiness’ after man watches sister-in-law pulled from Sydney café shooting   {   }

-Photos- 10 unusual homes around the world   { *  Link  *  }

Methane spikes on Mars puzzle researchers   { * Um let’s see, maybe there’s a secret underground civilization where cows graze on fields of clover and fart their methane into ducts that convert it into wind tunnels and eventually vent it out into the atmosphere as spikes? Anybody got a better idea? *  —djo—  }

Jeb Bush to ‘actively explore’ 2016 presidential run   { * All we need is another Bush in the White House, how about we send him to Mars to investigate the methane spikes instead? *  —djo—  }

Cheaper oil could cost Canadian governments $13B a year, CIBC   { * How much are government lies and bull chips costing Canada now? And while we’re at it how much is idiotic bull chips from Banks costing everybody every minute of every day? CIBC is a Canadian bank. *  —djo—  }

Loonie at 85 cents as oil slips below $56 U$   {   }

‘Internet Black Widow’ denied any chance of parole   {   }

Dalhousie University probes misogynistic studen ‘Gentlemen’s Club’   {   }

How to take the bite out of holiday travel with your pets   {   }

Canadian average house price up almost 6% to $413, 649   {   }

Actor Samuel L. Jackson challenges stars to help stop ‘racist police’   {   }

Joyriding 12-year-old crashes stolen car during police chase   {   }

CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report   { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other  ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? *  —djo—  }

‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru   {   }

Savings at the pump to boost holiday shopping, retail analysts say   {   }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Cat rescued after tossed out on B.C. highway   {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Robotic arms controlled by thought  {   }

-Must Watch- Holiday rush at Toronto’s Pearson airport  {   }

-Must Watch- Christmas house in Connecticut opens to public every year  {   }

-Editor’s Pick- CBC News launches new Android app  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Stephen Harper says RCMP training prepared him for Oct. 22 attack  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- U.S. torture debate underscores shifting view on personal liverties  { * “Torture, police excesses, ‘felony creep’ all part of a trand.” *  —djo— }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





Better abortion access will cost $500K a year, minister says  {   }

Province unveils capital spending for health, schools and roads {   }

‘She is our world’: Family of N.B. girl who lost parts of 4 limbs in rare infection {   }

Difficult travel conditions expected Christmas Eve and Day {   }

===== Earlier : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)








>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Donovan McGlaughlin, Yukon man with no birth certificate, fights for citizenship  {  }

Regina’s Maxine Goforth upset by new Clayton Bo Eichler charges  {  }

-Opinion- Stephen Harper’s comments on missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’  {  }

Chemical dump forces Songhees First Nation evacuations  {  }

Poverty the top issue for Makivik presidential candidates  {  }

Sex assault charge laid against Clayton Bo Eichler, already accused of 2 homicides  {  }

Balfour Collegiate changes name from Redmen to Bears  {  }

Grand Chief intervenes in Kenora high school basketball suspension  {  }

Trailbreaker on the road in Fort Chipewyan, Alta.  {  }

Manitoba pair charged with illegally selling elk meat  {  }

===== Earlier This Week:  =====

Manitoba chiefs want teacher Brad Baduik fired for ‘hateful’ comments  {  }

-Photos- One Nunavut man’s struggle to feed his kids  {  }

Susan Aglukark arrives in Iqaluit with gifts of food  {  }

-Ausio- Mishkeegogamang charity drive poves ‘people want to help’  {  }

-Exclusive- Full text of Peter Mansbridge’s interview with Stephen Harper {  }

Douglas Hales guilty of 2nd degree murder of Daleen Bosse   {  }

-Audio- Smoke shop plans concern Atikmeksheng resident who lives nearby  {  }

Band constable haunted by baby he couldn’t save  {  }

-Rebuttal- Modern-day monopoly? North West Company responds  {  }

-Video- Bianca Thomas says police used unnecessary force on Alfred Thomas  {  }

Greg Rickford responsd to provinces latest Ring of Fire request  {  }

-Opinion- Roots of racism in Winnipeg revealed in Brian Sinclair inquest  {  }

-Photos- Free makeover photoshoot aims to empower Burns Lake Aboriginal women  {  }

Painted Pony Cafe in Kamloops serves up Aboriginal fare  {  }

Site C dam approved by B.C. government  { * the $9-billion Site C dam would be a massive hydroelectric project that would flood a large area of the Peace River Valley in northeastern B.C. *  —djo—}

Manitoba chief says fire inspections would condemn reserve homes  {  }

The fight for missing and murdered aboriginal women reached a boiling point in 2014  {  }

Tears of joy as bison return to a Saskatchewan First Nation  {  }

Nunatsiavut’s Joey Angnatok wins Inuit Recognition Award  {  }

Manslaughter charges laid in Winnipeg woman’s death  {  }

Site C dam: How we got here and whay you need to know  {  }

Grade 8 girl dies by suicide in Fort Chipewyan  {  }

Amnesty International slams Harper government for putting economy ahead of rights  {  }

Big Black Van roaming Winnipeg’s streets a likely hoax, police say  {  }

Inquest told Manitoba reserve had no chance fighting house fire  {  }

Woman, 29, stabbed to death in Winnipeg’s North End  {  }

Cree walkers against uranium mining arrive in Montreal after 850 km walk  {  }

iPods give Yellowknife seniors a blast from the past  {  }

Fight in Ottawa feeds hope that North’s hunger pains will ease  {  }

Graduation from drug treatment court gives man new start on life  {  }

-In Depth- Transparency Act: Resource company payments to First Nations unveiled  {  }

– 6 photo slide show – Unreserved: December 13  {  }

RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo  {  }

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Adrian Raeside cartoon in Times Colonist accused of being racist {  }

Multimedia program offers opportunities to Winnipeg’s inner-city youth  {  }

Brian Sinclair’s death ‘preventable’ but not homicide, says inquest report  {  }

Ex-mayor Sam Katz says he funded Winnipeg Sun aboriginal internship  {  }

Brad Baduik’s ‘racist’ Facebook posts need action by Winnipeg school board: trustee  {  }

Innuit students tackle body image in Inuktitut in YouTube video  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Florida spa that treated First Nations girls with cancer faces lawsuit from ex-staff  {  }

Brad Dauik, Winnipeg teacher, under fire for Facebook posts on aboriginal people  {  }

#We Care boosts awareness of murdered and missing women  {  }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance  {  }

NewGold deal scuttled by environmental concerns at Big Grassy First Nation   {  }

Idle No More still moving forward after 2 years, says Sylvia McAdam  {  }

Good samaritan finds $1K at Inuvik NorthMart, then finds owner  {  }

Yellowknife man outs Facebook user for racism online  {  }

AFN called ‘elitist’, out of touch with grassroots First Nations people  {  }

-Special Report- Premier’s office leaves questions unanswered in Darlene Necan case  {  }

Rinelle Harper calls for national inquiry into missing, murdered women  {  }

LGBT rally appeals to AFN candidates for end to discrimination  {  }

Pair sentenced to 9 years in beating death of Tina Fontaine’s dad  {  }

Douglas Cardinal files appeal with OMB over Domtar redevelopment  {  }

-60’s Scoop- Class action not a matter for courts, say lawyers  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN relevant?  {  }

-Public Inquiry- Rinelle Harper calls for inquiry into missing women  {  }

Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<


 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


— “Other Media” :  —

“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo— Monday, 15 DEcember, this article/photo was retweeted quite a few times today.  —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Debate over Prostitution Laws
This photo bothers me for a couple reasons: (1) a prostitute who looks this good would not have to stand on a street corner to drum up business. (2) I don’t like the implications that anyone who dresses like this might be a prostitute – I mean think about it: Almost every woman in Hollywood these days would be suspect. (3) Any politician who tries to convince you that prostitutes are a bigger threat to your welfare than those politicians [are] should be castrated in public. —djo—
Freedom of the Press
New York Times Reporter James Risen is facing jail times if he refuses to testify in a trial against a CIA agent accused of leaking sensitive material. Freedom Of The Press is always an issue, More so lately. —djo—
Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—


 *  Walter Burien’s Web site explains how governments all over the ‘free world’ are stealing from their citizens and ‘cooking their books’ :  * link to *

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Hobbit Movie Schnarr
The first thing I read about the latest Hobbit movie said it’s the best one yet. I’ll tell ya after I’ve seen it. —djo—
Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Fake Headlines
Play Darth Vader’s Theme while you read this. 😉 —djo—
Aria Stark
On the lighter side, one of my daughter’s favorite actresses made the news for attending a movie premier.


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths   { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. *  —djo—  } Emma Czrnobaj gets 90 days in jail for [trying to save ducks on a highway and causing a fatal accident in the process] {  }

Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  { * It CAN – but will it? *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }


Lions looking at industrial pollution


– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 10:25 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Thursday, 18 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Thursday, 18 December, 2014  -( +30˚F / -1˚C & snowing @ 8:30 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +30˚F / -1˚C   w/ light snow @ 9:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }   

{ Headlines missing from below: —  Interesting twist on New Brunswick’s moratorium on Fracking : At the top of the list of what would have to change before the new Premier of N.B. would allow fracking and pre-fracking ‘explorations’ would be “Social License” which, he explained, would mean that the citizens of New Brunswick would have to be in favor of that fracking. = “Hmmmm” –  * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments.  — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. *  —djo— }

Interesting colorful blurs
‘Interesting’ Live Video – This is a web cam shot of Cornell @ 8:30 pm here in Ithaca. Um, Somebody needs to dry off the camera lens. —djo—

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Eliminate Poverty
Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—
Harlem Demonstration
I see this as “People Against Violence” first and anti-establishment anger second. I could be wrong. —djo—
Yes, the bad guys are trying very hard to regain control of your world. Don’t let them. —djo—
Tyranny versus Liberty
Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—
Baby Bobcat
If this guy was orange, I’d swear they found Moe’s Baby Picture. —jim w—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ +1,786 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Hobbit Movie Schnarr
The first thing I read about the latest Hobbit movie said it’s the best one yet. I’ll tell ya after I’ve seen it. —djo—
Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Aria Stark
On the lighter side, one of my daughter’s favorite actresses made the news for attending a movie premier.


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Why is anyone looking to Obama to ‘do something about’ cyberattacks? All any politician will ever do is try to claw back your freedoms and privileges in favor of tighter government controls on everything  ;

Accusing ISIS of malware attacks sounds like somebody is gearing up to impose tighter control on the internet ;

Politicians paying somebody to wipe out evidence of overspending? They do more than that, GOTO:   CAFR1.Com  ;

About Stephen Harper’s comments on anything: If he had a functioning brain he might be dangerous. Why is he still the PM?   ;

& – Wouldn’t it be nice if people started living by “Love they Neighbor as thyself”- ‘Could you believe it- no more war—‘   –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

Sony cyberattack: what’s Obama going to do about it?  ;

ISIS suspected of using malware to track opponents  ;

Ontario Liberals paid $10,000 to have gas plant data erased: OPP ;

-Analysis- Stephen Harper’s carbon-pricing comments: Policy or politics? ;


— “Other Media” :  —

“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo— Monday, 15 DEcember, this article/photo was retweeted quite a few times today.  —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Debate over Prostitution Laws
This photo bothers me for a couple reasons: (1) a prostitute who looks this good would not have to stand on a street corner to drum up business. (2) I don’t like the implications that anyone who dresses like this might be a prostitute – I mean think about it: Almost every woman in Hollywood these days would be suspect. (3) Any politician who tries to convince you that prostitutes are a bigger threat to your welfare than those politicians [are] should be castrated in public. —djo—
Freedom of the Press
New York Times Reporter James Risen is facing jail times if he refuses to testify in a trial against a CIA agent accused of leaking sensitive material. Freedom Of The Press is always an issue, More so lately. —djo—
Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


Jenna the Husky
Husky reunited with her human.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





Gavle Straw Goat Cam
Straw Goat in Gavle, Sweden – Web Cam Shot –

Clever Christmas pop displays removed from Yellowknife grocery stores  {   }

Swedish town seeks to prevent torching of giant Christmas straw goat   { * It’s a tradition in the town of Gävle, every Christmas they build a 13 meter tall straw goat and about 50% of the time vandals burn it down.  * Link to WebCam * At least in my browser, there was a ‘click here to translate this page’ thing visible for a couple seconds.  Jim W has some distant relatives somewhere in Sweden –  —djo—  }

Party crashers stole booze, bragged on Twitter, got charged, police say  {  }

Henrietta Edwards’ 165th birthday celebrated with Google Doodle  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner  {  🙂  }

‘Those buffalo got saved by us’: TAxi passenger catches wolf-on-bison attack  {  }

Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years  {  }

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Pop Danthology 2014 another YouTube hit for Vancouver’s Daniel Kim  { * Um, I checked it out. & Gad, Taylor Swift is gorgeous. She was bullied because kids in her school didn’t like her favorite type of music? Which goes to prove that hatred is blind, too- *  —djo—  }

Dalhousie dentistry student calls restorative justice plan ‘shocking’   {   }

The Interview cancellation casts pall over Hollywood  { * They’re throwing some guy named Paul out of a building in Hollywood because Sony wanted to protect it’s customers from retribution? Oh wait, wrong kind of ‘pall’ – 😉 *  —djo—  }

Emma Czrnobaj gets 90 days in jail for [trying to save ducks on a highway and causing a fatal accident in the process] {  }

Sony cyberattack: what is Obama going to do about it?  { * Again- Why is anybody asking what Obama will do about this? Why not ask what Howard the Duck should do about it? Pray for help and guidance, guys, we need a critical mass to get the angels working for us. *  —djo— }

Ontario Liberals paid $10,000 to have gas plant data erased: OPP   { * & Every Government on this planet Fraudulently fleeced everybody who paid any taxes last year, or ‘EVER’ A hundred Quadrillion here, a hundred quadrillion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money. Take Back the Planet! Send the bad guys somewhere else. * Happy Holidays *  —djo—   }

Anti-marijuana ad’s dubious claim a scary hit with [some] parents   {  }

Alleged exam cheating leads to fraud charges against 2 students in Waterloo  { * You’ll might think your government suddenly became honest if they charge 90% of sitting politicians with fraud. That might be a step in the correct direction. Meanwhile –  what pressures were those students under? Yeah, it’s bad that they cheated. It’s also not good that they felt they had to. *  —djo— }

Paul Bally hit-and-run: Comox Valley man charged  {   }

Greocery stores remove pop case displays after complaint to WSCC  {  }

-17 photo slide show- Cub’s fractious relations with the U.S.  {  }

-Blog- Anti-marijuana ad’s ‘fear-mongering’ angers CBC readers {  }



 *  Walter Burien’s Web site explains how governments all over the ‘free world’ are stealing from their citizens and ‘cooking their books’ :  * link to *


Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


Health Canada anti-pot ad cites lower IQ, despite contrary evidence   { * Health Canada is “Only Following Orders” from the Prime Minister’s Office. *  —djo—  }

Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths   { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. *  —djo—  }

More organ donations from seniors could help reduce wait times   {   }

Stephen Harper’s ‘lone wolf’ comments based on arrest of Montreal teen: PMO   {   }

-Analysis- Freedom’s just another word that Americans ar slowly losing: Neil Macdonald   {   }

Ford airbag recall affects 27,500 Canadian car owners   {   }

Harper’s new Supreme Court pick sought hefty tax deduction for clothes   { ? }

Putin accuses West of trying to corner Russia   {  * “Dear God, can You please give all these sabre rattling politicians a nice parallel world where they can attack each other forever and leave the rest of us alone?  -Amen- *  —djo— }

===== Recently: =====

Canadian ambassador: Buy American restrictions on B.C. ferry terminal unacceptable   {   }

-Analysis- Can Vladimir Putin survive the failing ruble?   {   }

Airport security to get fast-tracked for more ‘trusted travellers’   {   }

Blackberry Classic phone a return to company’s roots   {   }

Toronto man finds woman with ex-girlfriend’s name for free trip around the world  {   }

Trudeau’s Liberals lead in year-end polls, but by how much?   {   }

Frozen, other on-screen deaths in animated films may upset young children   { * Walt Disney: Wanted for psychological child abuse? *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Tears of happiness’ after man watches sister-in-law pulled from Sydney café shooting   {   }

-Photos- 10 unusual homes around the world   { *  Link  *  }

Methane spikes on Mars puzzle researchers   { * Um let’s see, maybe there’s a secret underground civilization where cows graze on fields of clover and fart their methane into ducts that convert it into wind tunnels and eventually vent it out into the atmosphere as spikes? Anybody got a better idea? *  —djo—  }

Jeb Bush to ‘actively explore’ 2016 presidential run   { * All we need is another Bush in the White House, how about we send him to Mars to investigate the methane spikes instead? *  —djo—  }

Cheaper oil could cost Canadian governments $13B a year, CIBC   { * How much are government lies and bull chips costing Canada now? And while we’re at it how much is idiotic bull chips from Banks costing everybody every minute of every day? CIBC is a Canadian bank. *  —djo—  }

Loonie at 85 cents as oil slips below $56 U$   {   }

‘Internet Black Widow’ denied any chance of parole   {   }

Dalhousie University probes misogynistic studen ‘Gentlemen’s Club’   {   }

How to take the bite out of holiday travel with your pets   {   }

Canadian average house price up almost 6% to $413, 649   {   }

Actor Samuel L. Jackson challenges stars to help stop ‘racist police’   {   }

Joyriding 12-year-old crashes stolen car during police chase   {   }

CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report   { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other  ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? *  —djo—  }

‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru   {   }

Savings at the pump to boost holiday shopping, retail analysts say   {   }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Cat rescued after tossed out on B.C. highway   {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Malala Yousafzai speaks out  {   }

-Must Watch- U.S.-Cuba deal ‘overdue’: Harper  { * “Harper leaves office in Handcuffs”: overdue – me –  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- Pope Francis’ birthday  {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Does Denmark have a legitimate claim [On the North Pole] ?  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Luka Magnotta trial: What the jury didn’t see or hear  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Jeb Bush presidential bid challenge: Not being ‘only adult in the room’  { * If Jeb Bush gets the nomination I will have lost what little faith I had left in ‘American Democracy’. *  —djo— }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





New Brunswick bans fracking until its conditions are met  {   }

David Coon proposes bill to drop voting age to 16 {   }

CBC News launches new Android app {   }

Aquille Carr released by Saint John Mill Rats {   }

===== Earlier : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)








>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Manitoba pair charged with illegally selling elk meat  {  }

Manitoba chiefs want teacher Brad Baduik fired for ‘hateful’ comments  {  }

-Photos- One Nunavut man’s struggle to feed his kids  {  }

Susan Aglukark arrives in Iqaluit with gifts of food  {  }

-Ausio- Mishkeegogamang charity drive poves ‘people want to help’  {  }

-Exclusive- Full text of Peter Mansbridge’s interview with Stephen Harper {  }

Douglas Hales guilty of 2nd degree murder of Daleen Bosse   {  }

-Audio- Smoke shop plans concern Atikmeksheng resident who lives nearby  {  }

Band constable haunted by baby he couldn’t save  {  }

===== Earlier This Week:  =====

-Rebuttal- Modern-day monopoly? North West Company responds  {  }

-Video- Bianca Thomas says police used unnecessary force on Alfred Thomas  {  }

Greg Rickford responsd to provinces latest Ring of Fire request  {  }

-Opinion- Roots of racism in Winnipeg revealed in Brian Sinclair inquest  {  }

-Photos- Free makeover photoshoot aims to empower Burns Lake Aboriginal women  {  }

Painted Pony Cafe in Kamloops serves up Aboriginal fare  {  }

Site C dam approved by B.C. government  { * the $9-billion Site C dam would be a massive hydroelectric project that would flood a large area of the Peace River Valley in northeastern B.C. *  —djo—}

Manitoba chief says fire inspections would condemn reserve homes  {  }

The fight for missing and murdered aboriginal women reached a boiling point in 2014  {  }

Tears of joy as bison return to a Saskatchewan First Nation  {  }

Nunatsiavut’s Joey Angnatok wins Inuit Recognition Award  {  }

Manslaughter charges laid in Winnipeg woman’s death  {  }

Site C dam: How we got here and whay you need to know  {  }

Grade 8 girl dies by suicide in Fort Chipewyan  {  }

Amnesty International slams Harper government for putting economy ahead of rights  {  }

Big Black Van roaming Winnipeg’s streets a likely hoax, police say  {  }

Inquest told Manitoba reserve had no chance fighting house fire  {  }

Woman, 29, stabbed to death in Winnipeg’s North End  {  }

Cree walkers against uranium mining arrive in Montreal after 850 km walk  {  }

iPods give Yellowknife seniors a blast from the past  {  }

Fight in Ottawa feeds hope that North’s hunger pains will ease  {  }

Graduation from drug treatment court gives man new start on life  {  }

-In Depth- Transparency Act: Resource company payments to First Nations unveiled  {  }

– 6 photo slide show – Unreserved: December 13  {  }

RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo  {  }

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Adrian Raeside cartoon in Times Colonist accused of being racist {  }

Multimedia program offers opportunities to Winnipeg’s inner-city youth  {  }

Brian Sinclair’s death ‘preventable’ but not homicide, says inquest report  {  }

Ex-mayor Sam Katz says he funded Winnipeg Sun aboriginal internship  {  }

Brad Baduik’s ‘racist’ Facebook posts need action by Winnipeg school board: trustee  {  }

Innuit students tackle body image in Inuktitut in YouTube video  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Florida spa that treated First Nations girls with cancer faces lawsuit from ex-staff  {  }

Brad Dauik, Winnipeg teacher, under fire for Facebook posts on aboriginal people  {  }

#We Care boosts awareness of murdered and missing women  {  }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance  {  }

NewGold deal scuttled by environmental concerns at Big Grassy First Nation   {  }

Idle No More still moving forward after 2 years, says Sylvia McAdam  {  }

Good samaritan finds $1K at Inuvik NorthMart, then finds owner  {  }

Yellowknife man outs Facebook user for racism online  {  }

AFN called ‘elitist’, out of touch with grassroots First Nations people  {  }

-Special Report- Premier’s office leaves questions unanswered in Darlene Necan case  {  }

Rinelle Harper calls for national inquiry into missing, murdered women  {  }

LGBT rally appeals to AFN candidates for end to discrimination  {  }

Pair sentenced to 9 years in beating death of Tina Fontaine’s dad  {  }

Douglas Cardinal files appeal with OMB over Domtar redevelopment  {  }

-60’s Scoop- Class action not a matter for courts, say lawyers  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN relevant?  {  }

-Public Inquiry- Rinelle Harper calls for inquiry into missing women  {  }

Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  { * It CAN – but will it? *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 10:10 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Wedensday, 17 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Wednesday, 17 December, 2014  -( +34˚F / +1˚C & cloudy @ 8:30 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +32˚F / -0˚C + cloudy w/ very light flurries @ 9:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }   

{ Headlines missing from below: — * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments.  — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. *  —djo— }

Bridge Cam
Snowing @ 8:30 pm —jim w—

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Eliminate Poverty
Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—
Yes, the bad guys are trying very hard to regain control of your world. Don’t let them. —djo—
Tyranny versus Liberty
Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—
14 year old executed in 1944
In 1944 this young man was tried and convicted of murder in South Carolina. The trial lasted 3 hours and 12 white men deliberated for ten minutes, found him guilty and sentenced him to die in the electric chair. He was so small they had to sit him on a phone book to execute him. New Evidence saw him exonerated. A little late, don’tcha think?  —djo—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ +2,130 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Aria Stark
On the lighter side, one of my daughter’s favorite actresses made the news for attending a movie premier.


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Don’t expect human governments to become honest and ‘nice’ overnight: Pray for open and honest relations, not just between the U.S. & Cuba, but between all nations  ;

Is all ‘Politics’ dirty? The smug smirk on ex opposition politicians’ faces in Alberta makes me want to throw up   ;

I don’t know what to say about dentistry students posting ice-hole-ish ‘schnarr’ on facebook. I’d tell them to ‘grow up’ – but look around, what examples of responsible maturity and integrity and compassion do you see in the media news and ‘real life’ anywhere you look? ;

Whose idea was it to make the movie ‘The Interview’? How did it get funding? What the bleep is going on behind the scenes in propaganda films these days?   ;

& – Wouldn’t it be nice if people started living by “Love they Neighbor as thyself”- ‘Could you believe it- no more war—‘   –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

10 questions on the new Cuba-U.S. relationship  ;

Wildrose walkout leaves Alberta opposition ‘decimated’  ;

Dalhousie dentistry students to decide together justice for Facebook posts ;

The Interview theatical release cancelled by Sony Pictures following threats ;


— “Other Media” :  —

“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo— Monday, 15 DEcember, this article/photo was retweeted quite a few times today.  —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Debate over Prostitution Laws
This photo bothers me for a couple reasons: (1) a prostitute who looks this good would not have to stand on a street corner to drum up business. (2) I don’t like the implications that anyone who dresses like this might be a prostitute – I mean think about it: Almost every woman in Hollywood these days would be suspect. (3) Any politician who tries to convince you that prostitutes are a bigger threat to your welfare than those politicians [are] should be castrated in public. —djo—
Freedom of the Press
New York Times Reporter James Risen is facing jail times if he refuses to testify in a trial against a CIA agent accused of leaking sensitive material. Freedom Of The Press is always an issue, More so lately. —djo—
Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


Jenna the Husky
Husky reunited with her human.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





#ablegmovie hashtag recasts floor-crossing drama as political popcorn flick  {   }

The secret history of “Jingle Bells”, a drinking song written by a ‘jerk’   {  }

Tall ship Liana’s Ransom dismasted off Cape Sable Island  {  }

From bells on boxer shorts to dead reindeer, strange holiday ad blitz is on  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner  {  🙂  }

‘Those buffalo got saved by us’: TAxi passenger catches wolf-on-bison attack  {  }

Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years  {  }

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Dalhousis dentistry students to decide together justice for Facebook posts  {   }

9 Wildrose MLAs, including Danielle Smith, cross to Alberta Tories   {   }

The Interview theatrical release cancelled by Sony Pictures  {   }

Cuba-U.S. détente: 10 questions {  }

CFOX host Jeff O’Neil provokes outrage with ‘F***, kill or marry’ question  { * Good taste, sensitivity, compassion, cultural awareness and all that good stuff are not at the top of the list of what sells television programs to anybody who wants to watch them? *  —djo— }

Jingle Bells Christmas song started as drinking song written by a ‘jerk’   {   }

Jordan Axani finds an Elizabeth Gallagher for free trip around the world  {  }

Stephen Harper says RCMP training prepared him for October 22 attack {  }

La Familia gang memebers armed for ‘human hunting’ police say  { * They must have been carrying police type weapons? *  —djo—  }

Dalhousie University probes misogynistic student ‘Genltmen’s Club’  {  }

-17 photo slide show- Cub’s fractious relations with the U.S.  {  }

-Blog- The Interview vs. Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator: Hollywood’s history of fighting tyranny with satire {  }



 *  Walter Burien’s Web site explains how governments all over the ‘free world’ are stealing from their citizens and ‘cooking their books’ :  * link to *


Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


Canadian ambassador: Buy American restrictions on B.C. ferry terminal unacceptable   {   }

-Analysis- Can Vladimir Putin survive the failing ruble?   {   }

Airport security to get fast-tracked for more ‘trusted travellers’   {   }

Blackberry Classic phone a return to company’s roots   {   }

Toronto man finds woman with ex-girlfriend’s name for free trip around the world  {   }

Trudeau’s Liberals lead in year-end polls, but by how much?   {   }

Frozen, other on-screen deaths in animated films may upset young children   { * Walt Disney: Wanted for psychological child abuse? *  —djo—  }

===== Recently: =====

-Video- ‘Tears of happiness’ after man watches sister-in-law pulled from Sydney café shooting   {   }

-Photos- 10 unusual homes around the world   { *  Link  *  }

Methane spikes on Mars puzzle researchers   { * Um let’s see, maybe there’s a secret underground civilization where cows graze on fields of clover and fart their methane into ducts that convert it into wind tunnels and eventually vent it out into the atmosphere as spikes? Anybody got a better idea? *  —djo—  }

Jeb Bush to ‘actively explore’ 2016 presidential run   { * All we need is another Bush in the White House, how about we send him to Mars to investigate the methane spikes instead? *  —djo—  }

Cheaper oil could cost Canadian governments $13B a year, CIBC   { * How much are government lies and bull chips costing Canada now? And while we’re at it how much is idiotic bull chips from Banks costing everybody every minute of every day? CIBC is a Canadian bank. *  —djo—  }

Loonie at 85 cents as oil slips below $56 U$   {   }

‘Internet Black Widow’ denied any chance of parole   {   }

Dalhousie University probes misogynistic studen ‘Gentlemen’s Club’   {   }

How to take the bite out of holiday travel with your pets   {   }

Canadian average house price up almost 6% to $413, 649   {   }

Actor Samuel L. Jackson challenges stars to help stop ‘racist police’   {   }

Joyriding 12-year-old crashes stolen car during police chase   {   }

CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report   { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other  ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? *  —djo—  }

‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru   {   }

Savings at the pump to boost holiday shopping, retail analysts say   {   }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Cat rescued after tossed out on B.C. highway   {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Malala Yousafzai speaks out  {   }

-Must Watch- U.S.-Cuba deal ‘overdue’: Harper  { * “Harper leaves office in Handcuffs”: overdue – me –  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- Pope Francis’ birthday  {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Does Denmark have a legitimate claim [On the North Pole] ?  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Luka Magnotta trial: What the jury didn’t see or hear  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Jeb Bush presidential bid challenge: Not being ‘only adult in the room’  { * If Jeb Bush gets the nomination I will have lost what little faith I had left in ‘American Democracy’. *  —djo— }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





EMO says they are better prepared for extreme weather  {   }

New Brunswick oil patch workers concerned about oil price slide {   }

Matthew Tucker will undergo psychiatric exam after mother’s murder  {   }

Woodstock school’s name is ‘a geographical lie,’ ex-teachers say {   }

===== Earlier : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)







>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Douglas Hales guilty of 2nd degree murder of Daleen Bosse  {  }

Band constable haunted by baby he couldn’t save  {  }

-Rebuttal- Modern-day monopoly? North West Company responds  {  }

-Video- Bianca Thomas says police used unnecessary force on Alfred Thomas  {  }

-Audio- Smoke shop plans concern Atikmeksheng resident who lives nearby  {  }

Greg Rickford responsd to provinces latest Ring of Fire request  {  }

-Opinion- Roots of racism in Winnipeg revealed in Brian Sinclair inquest  {  }

-Photos- Free makeover photoshoot aims to empower Burns Lake Aboriginal women  {  }

Painted Pony Cafe in Kamloops serves up Aboriginal fare  {  }

Site C dam approved by B.C. government  { * the $9-billion Site C dam would be a massive hydroelectric project that would flood a large area of the Peace River Valley in northeastern B.C. *  —djo—}

Manitoba chief says fire inspections would condemn reserve homes  {  }

The fight for missing and murdered aboriginal women reached a boiling point in 2014  {  }

Tears of joy as bison return to a Saskatchewan First Nation  {  }

Nunatsiavut’s Joey Angnatok wins Inuit Recognition Award  {  }

Manslaughter charges laid in Winnipeg woman’s death  {  }

Site C dam: How we got here and whay you need to know  {  }

Grade 8 girl dies by suicide in Fort Chipewyan  {  }

Amnesty International slams Harper government for putting economy ahead of rights  {  }

Big Black Van roaming Winnipeg’s streets a likely hoax, police say  {  }

Inquest told Manitoba reserve had no chance fighting house fire  {  }

Woman, 29, stabbed to death in Winnipeg’s North End  {  }

Cree walkers against uranium mining arrive in Montreal after 850 km walk  {  }

iPods give Yellowknife seniors a blast from the past  {  }

===== Earlier Articles =====

Fight in Ottawa feeds hope that North’s hunger pains will ease  {  }

Graduation from drug treatment court gives man new start on life  {  }

-In Depth- Transparency Act: Resource company payments to First Nations unveiled  {  }

– 6 photo slide show – Unreserved: December 13  {  }

RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo  {  }

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Adrian Raeside cartoon in Times Colonist accused of being racist {  }

Multimedia program offers opportunities to Winnipeg’s inner-city youth  {  }

Brian Sinclair’s death ‘preventable’ but not homicide, says inquest report  {  }

Ex-mayor Sam Katz says he funded Winnipeg Sun aboriginal internship  {  }

Brad Baduik’s ‘racist’ Facebook posts need action by Winnipeg school board: trustee  {  }

Innuit students tackle body image in Inuktitut in YouTube video  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Florida spa that treated First Nations girls with cancer faces lawsuit from ex-staff  {  }

Brad Dauik, Winnipeg teacher, under fire for Facebook posts on aboriginal people  {  }

#We Care boosts awareness of murdered and missing women  {  }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance  {  }

NewGold deal scuttled by environmental concerns at Big Grassy First Nation   {  }

Idle No More still moving forward after 2 years, says Sylvia McAdam  {  }

Good samaritan finds $1K at Inuvik NorthMart, then finds owner  {  }

Yellowknife man outs Facebook user for racism online  {  }

AFN called ‘elitist’, out of touch with grassroots First Nations people  {  }

-Special Report- Premier’s office leaves questions unanswered in Darlene Necan case  {  }

Rinelle Harper calls for national inquiry into missing, murdered women  {  }

LGBT rally appeals to AFN candidates for end to discrimination  {  }

Pair sentenced to 9 years in beating death of Tina Fontaine’s dad  {  }

Douglas Cardinal files appeal with OMB over Domtar redevelopment  {  }

-60’s Scoop- Class action not a matter for courts, say lawyers  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN relevant?  {  }

-Public Inquiry- Rinelle Harper calls for inquiry into missing women  {  }

Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  { * It CAN – but will it? *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 10:10 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 16 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Monday, 15 December, 2014  -( +41˚F / +5˚C & cloudy @ 8:30 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +30˚F / -1˚C + cloudy w/ very light flurries @ 9:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }    { Beethoven’s & Christine K.’s Birfday- 🙂 }

Net Neutrality
Keep The Internet Free and Open – Or help us make it that way- —djo—

{ Headlines missing from below: — * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments.  — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. *  —djo— }

“Cornell University – Education Never Sleeps— & Neither do their security cams—” —djo—

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Eliminate Poverty
Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—
Tyranny versus Liberty
Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—
There is justice, but it isn’t always humans who control it. People who commit atrocities in this life will suffer atrocities in their next lives. —djo—
UFO / Government Cover-up
Why is there a cover-up?” >>—> Because your government wants to control you  and fleece you of all they can steal from from you, and if you know there is free energy available all around us, they will lose control. —djo—
Stephen Colbert
“Stephen Colbert Scores a Coup?” —djo—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ +2,799 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Militarized Police Cartoon
I’ve got a tape loop of David Bowie singing “This is Not America!” going in my head right now. “Help- Amen-” —djo—
Torture Report
The U.S. ‘intelligence establishment’ tortured and held Omar Khadr in prison so long because they wanted to get his father, not Omar. (?) —djo—
Amnesty International
“If Commas Save Lives – Letters save Civilizations-” —djo—
There are angelic forces out there who can help us. They need your prayers to call them to action. “Help! -Amen” —djo—
Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Aria Stark
On the lighter side, one of my daughter’s favorite actresses made the news for attending a movie premier.
JesseVentura Cartoon
Jesse Ventura is alive and well and busy these days. —jim w—
Can't Trust Harper
The Premier of Newfoundland – Labrador says we can’t trust Harper or the Harper Government. —Jim W—


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Re-wording an old bumper sticker: Don’t publicize the b.s. shennanigans of politicians, it only encourages them  ;

“If we keep on practicing ‘an eye for an eye’ the whole world will be blind.” -We’re almost there already-   ;

It’s not nice to attack Mother Nature- You really don’t want to be anywhere near when She decides to fight back- ;

& – Wouldn’t it be nice if people started living by “Love they Neighbor as thyself”- ‘Could you believe it- no more war—‘   –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

Danielle Smith among 7 Wildrose MLAs crossing to Alberta PC Party  ;

Pakistani PM vows full accounting for ‘every drop’ of blood spilled in Taliban school attack  ;

B.C. approves controversial Site C dam ;

Sony hackers threaten 9/11-style attacks at screenings of The Interview ;


— “Other Media” :  —

“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo— Monday, 15 DEcember, this article/photo was retweeted quite a few times today.  —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

totems attack pipeline
NorthWesternFirstNations Art = Totems attack the pipeline. —djo—
2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


Jenna the Husky
Husky reunited with her human.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





‘Dr Dreidel’ puts a hip hop spin on Hanukkah  {  🙂  }

Over-the-top Christmas lights display draws crowds to Gatineau home  {  }

Peru fistfight festival settles pent-up grievances  {  }

Morocco traffic jammed after snowstorm  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner  {  🙂  }

‘Those buffalo got saved by us’: TAxi passenger catches wolf-on-bison attack  {  }

Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years  {  }

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Danielle Smith among 7 Wildrose MLAs crossing to Alberta PC party  {   }

Taliban attack on Pakistan school leaves 141 dead   {   }

Site C dam approved by B.C. government  {   }

Sony hackers threaten 9/11-style attacks at screenings of The Interview { * Cultural sensitivity, compassion and understanding is badly needed here, guys— *  —djo—  }

Dalhousie dentistry complaints date back to summer, student says  { * Maybe we need a place where ice-holes can act out their ice-hole-ness where everybody knows they’re friggin idiots and lets them vent and then hits them in the face with pies and everybody gets to feel better without making a bigger stink about ice-holes being ice-holes? Ya think? *  —djo— }

Canada seeks 50 millionaire immigrant investors under pilot program   { * Thousands of good hearted people in bad situations around the world raise their hands and say, “Hey, give me couple million dollars and I’ll be glad to join your pilot program-” *  —djo—  }

NHL mumps outbreak:” 7 big questions answered  {  }

Members of Meixican La Famillia drug cartel arrested in Edmonton {  }

Dalhousie delays dentistry exams amid misogyny case on Facebook  {   }

Dalhousie University probes misogynistic student ‘Genltmen’s Club’  {  }

-10 photo slide show- Taliban attack on Pakistan army school leaves 140 dead  {  }

-Blog- To expel or not to expel? CBC readers discuss punishment for students allegedly involved in misogynistic comments {  }



 *  Walter Burien’s Web site explains how governments all over the ‘free world’ are stealing from their citizens and ‘cooking their books’ :  * link to *


Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


-Video- ‘Tears of happiness’ after man watches sister-in-law pulled from Sydney café shooting   {   }

-Photos- 10 unusual homes around the world   { *  Link  *  }

Methane spikes on Mars puzzle researchers   { * Um let’s see, maybe there’s a secret underground civilization where cows graze on fields of clover and fart their methane into ducts that convert it into wind tunnels and eventually vent it out into the atmosphere as spikes? Anybody got a better idea? *  —djo—  }

Jeb Bush to ‘actively explore’ 2016 presidential run   { * All we need is another Bush in the White House, how about we send him to Mars to investigate the methane spikes instead? *  —djo—  }

Cheaper oil could cost Canadian governments $13B a year, CIBC   { * How much are government lies and bull chips costing Canada now? And while we’re at it how much is idiotic bull chips from Banks costing everybody every minute of every day? CIBC is a Canadian bank. *  —djo—  }

Loonie at 85 cents as oil slips below $56 U$   {   }

‘Internet Black Widow’ denied any chance of parole   {   }

===== Recently: =====

Dalhousie University probes misogynistic studen ‘Gentlemen’s Club’   {   }

How to take the bite out of holiday travel with your pets   {   }

Canadian average house price up almost 6% to $413, 649   {   }

Actor Samuel L. Jackson challenges stars to help stop ‘racist police’   {   }

Joyriding 12-year-old crashes stolen car during police chase   {   }

CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report   { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other  ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? *  —djo—  }

‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru   {   }

Savings at the pump to boost holiday shopping, retail analysts say   {   }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Cat rescued after tossed out on B.C. highway   {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Malala Yousafzai speaks out  {   }

-Must Watch- Children’s memorial cut from stone  {   }

-Must Watch- Toronto Raptors’ Kyle Lowry surprizes underprivileged kids  {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Does Denmark have a legitimate claim [On the North Pole] ?  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Luka Magnotta trial: What the jury didn’t see or hear  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Navigating the minefield that is Christmas  { * From the perspective of a reporter trying to lose weight. *  —djo— }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





‘Wild Lights’ could bring Christmas to Moncton zoo  {   }

Brian Gallant [ <– New Brunswick Premier ] clarifies Justin Trudeau’s Energy East pipeline comments {   }

Wet weather coming to Maritimes late Wednesday  {   }

Turkey bacteria deemed cause of fatal Nackawic Christmas supper {   }

===== Earlier : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)







>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Site C dam approved by B.C. government  { * the $9-billion Site C dam would be a massive hydroelectric project that would flood a large area of the Peace River Valley in northeastern B.C. *  —djo—}

Manitoba chief says fire inspections would condemn reserve homes  {  }

The fight for missing and murdered aboriginal women reached a boiling point in 2014  {  }

Tears of joy as bison return to a Saskatchewan First Nation  {  }

Nunatsiavut’s Joey Angnatok wins Inuit Recognition Award  {  }

Manslaughter charges laid in Winnipeg woman’s death  {  }

Site C dam: How we got here and whay you need to know  {  }

Grade 8 girl dies by suicide in Fort Chipewyan  {  }

Amnesty International slams Harper government for putting economy ahead of rights  {  }

Big Black Van roaming Winnipeg’s streets a likely hoax, police say  {  }

Inquest told Manitoba reserve had no chance fighting house fire  {  }

Woman, 29, stabbed to death in Winnipeg’s North End  {  }

Cree walkers against uranium mining arrive in Montreal after 850 km walk  {  }

iPods give Yellowknife seniors a blast from the past  {  }

===== Earlier Articles =====

Fight in Ottawa feeds hope that North’s hunger pains will ease  {  }

Graduation from drug treatment court gives man new start on life  {  }

-In Depth- Transparency Act: Resource company payments to First Nations unveiled  {  }

– 6 photo slide show – Unreserved: December 13  {  }

RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo  {  }

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Adrian Raeside cartoon in Times Colonist accused of being racist {  }

Multimedia program offers opportunities to Winnipeg’s inner-city youth  {  }

Brian Sinclair’s death ‘preventable’ but not homicide, says inquest report  {  }

Ex-mayor Sam Katz says he funded Winnipeg Sun aboriginal internship  {  }

Brad Baduik’s ‘racist’ Facebook posts need action by Winnipeg school board: trustee  {  }

Innuit students tackle body image in Inuktitut in YouTube video  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Florida spa that treated First Nations girls with cancer faces lawsuit from ex-staff  {  }

Brad Dauik, Winnipeg teacher, under fire for Facebook posts on aboriginal people  {  }

#We Care boosts awareness of murdered and missing women  {  }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance  {  }

NewGold deal scuttled by environmental concerns at Big Grassy First Nation   {  }

Idle No More still moving forward after 2 years, says Sylvia McAdam  {  }

Good samaritan finds $1K at Inuvik NorthMart, then finds owner  {  }

Yellowknife man outs Facebook user for racism online  {  }

AFN called ‘elitist’, out of touch with grassroots First Nations people  {  }

-Special Report- Premier’s office leaves questions unanswered in Darlene Necan case  {  }

Rinelle Harper calls for national inquiry into missing, murdered women  {  }

LGBT rally appeals to AFN candidates for end to discrimination  {  }

Pair sentenced to 9 years in beating death of Tina Fontaine’s dad  {  }

Douglas Cardinal files appeal with OMB over Domtar redevelopment  {  }

-60’s Scoop- Class action not a matter for courts, say lawyers  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN relevant?  {  }

-Public Inquiry- Rinelle Harper calls for inquiry into missing women  {  }

Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  { * It CAN – but will it? *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

But are the liberals any better?
‘Conservative Math’ = “Just doesn’t add up”  — But the Liberals don’t have a flawless track record either —  —djo—

– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 6:00 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Monday, 15 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Monday, 15 December, 2014  -( +35˚F / +2˚C grey & dreary @ 3:30 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +34˚F / +1˚C + cloudy/foggy @ 4:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }

Net Neutrality
Keep The Internet Free and Open – Or help us make it that way- —djo—

{ Headlines missing from below: — * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments.  — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. *  —djo— }

Web Cam
Grey Afternoon Overlooking Cornell @ 3:30 pm

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Eliminate Poverty
Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—
Tyranny versus Liberty
Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—
Chicago Torture Victims.
Cyber Attacks Map
Has World War III begun online? * Link * —djo—
Australian Hostage Crisis
Sydney Australia Hostage Crisis. * Some of you know that I work nights – I fell asleep with the radio on and dreamed through a lot of the breaking news stories about this, & dreamed a friend from work was all upset about it. In the dream my friend was converting to Islam and was afraid to go outside in characteristic dress. * —djo—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ +1,837 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Militarized Police Cartoon
I’ve got a tape loop of David Bowie singing “This is Not America!” going in my head right now. “Help- Amen-” —djo—
Torture Report
The U.S. ‘intelligence establishment’ tortured and held Omar Khadr in prison so long because they wanted to get his father, not Omar. (?) —djo—
Amnesty International
“If Commas Save Lives – Letters save Civilizations-” —djo—
There are angelic forces out there who can help us. They need your prayers to call them to action. “Help! -Amen” —djo—
Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Aria Stark
On the lighter side, one of my daughter’s favorite actresses made the news for attending a movie premier.
JesseVentura Cartoon
Jesse Ventura is alive and well and busy these days. —jim w—
Can't Trust Harper
The Premier of Newfoundland – Labrador says we can’t trust Harper or the Harper Government. —Jim W—


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

High drama as a hostage crisis in Australia invaded my dreams today. Negative forces are pushing people’s buttons all around the world.  ;

A radio personality in Australia received several calls while he was on the air today. A gunman was threatening to kill his hostages if the radio station didn’t broadcast his demands. The radio personality consulted with station manager and police and had a police officer sitting in with his producer during the program, but did not broadcast the gunman’s demands.   ;

Thousands of people trying to move into Canada are ‘living in limbo’ while waiting for permanent resident status-  millionaires can buy their way in. Most people need to jump through hoops that seem to be designed to make their lives so miserable that they give up and go back where they came from. Unless somebody in the Political party in power really likes them. Predatory lawyers fleece applicants who often discover that following those lawyers advice gets them deported ;

& – Giving a dog who lost his hind legs from being frozen on an ice flow makes front page news. (1.) Being that nice to animals shouldn’t be a rare thing. (2.) This might be a good thing. They couldn’t find something that would encourage readers to become much more anxiety-prone?   –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

3 dead, including gunman, after café siege ends in Sydney [ Australia ]  ;

-Video- Sydney radio host received multiple calls from hostage during siege at café  ;

-Go Public- New dad fears Canadian permanent residency delays could force family apart ;

Dog found frozen on ice gets new legs ;


— “Other Media” :  —

“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo— Monday, 15 DEcember, this article/photo was retweeted quite a few times today.  —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

totems attack pipeline
NorthWesternFirstNations Art = Totems attack the pipeline. —djo—
2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


Jenna the Husky
Husky reunited with her human.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner  {  🙂  }

‘Those buffalo got saved by us’: TAxi passenger catches wolf-on-bison attack  {  }

Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years  {  }

Chase through Idaho town’s streets ends in cow’s death  { 🙁 }

===Recently: >>—>

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Sydney café siege leaves 3 dead, including gunman  {   }

Journalism ethics take a hit with Rolling Stone’s unravelling rape story   {   }

Oil slips below $56 US after OPEC says it’s waiting on market   {   }

5 dead in shootings near Philadelphia; suspected gunman in standoff with police {   }

[Canadian] Permanent residency spouse sponsorship delays leave new dad unable to support family  {  }

Dog found frozen on ice gets new legs   {   }

12-year-old Kitchener girl charged after police chase  { * A 12-year-old girl ‘stole’ a family member’s car and went for a ride. Police tried to stop her and were led on a ‘dangerous’ chase. A 14-year-old girl who was in the car with the 12-year-old is also likely to be charged with something. *  —djo—  }

Premier Kathleen Wynne gets earful in local video store { * A ‘young father’ yelled across the store after the Auditor General published a report that blamed Liberal Party policies for soaring electricity prices. *  Walter Burien would agree:  * link to *  —djo— }

Stephen Harper’s unappointed Senate seats unconstitutional, Vancouver lawyer says  {   }

N.W.T. taxi video catches 3 wolves attempting bison takedown  {  }

-14 photo slide show- Sydney siege and hostage-taking ends with shots fired  {  }

-Blog- #IllRideWithYou: Aussies offer support to Muslims fearing #SydneySiege backlash { * #Yay- Support your friends who could use your help. Score one for Compassion & Understanding. *  —djo— }



Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


Loonie at 85 cents as oil slips below $56 U$   {   }

Dalhousie University probes misogynistic studen ‘Gentlemen’s Club’   {   }

How to take the bite out of holiday travel with your pets   {   }

Canadian average house price up almost 6% to $413, 649   {   }

Actor Samuel L. Jackson challenges stars to help stop ‘racist police’   {   }

Joyriding 12-year-old crashes stolen car during police chase   {   }

CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report   { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other  ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? *  —djo—  }

‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru   {   }

Savings at the pump to boost holiday shopping, retail analysts say   {   }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

===== Recently: =====

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Cat rescued after tossed out on B.C. highway   {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Brett Lawrie surprises 6-year-old superfan  {   }

-Must Watch- Children’s memorial cut from stone  {   }

-Must Watch- Grand Canyon brimming with clouds   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { ? }

-Editor’s Pick- Will illegal downloading will continue with or without [ Pirate Bay ]  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Microsoft gets green light from Ottawa for foreign trainees  {  }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





Generator danger advisory issued by N.B. electrical inspector  {   }

1 killed in Route 105 crash near Country Pumpkin {   }

2 Sussex companies set to expand with funding from ACOA  {   }

Maritime weather to bring wet snow to New Brunswick, P.E.I. {   }

===== Earlier : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)







>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Big Black Van roaming Winnipeg’s streets a likely hoax, police say  {  }

Inquest told Manitoba reserve had no chance fighting house fire  {  }

Woman, 29, stabbed to death in Winnipeg’s North End  {  }

Cree walkers against uranium mining arrive in Montreal after 850 km walk  {  }

iPods give Yellowknife seniors a blast from the past  {  }

Fight in Ottawa feeds hope that North’s hunger pains will ease  {  }

Graduation from drug treatment court gives man new start on life  {  }

-In Depth- Transparency Act: Resource company payments to First Nations unveiled  {  }

– 6 photo slide show – Unreserved: December 13  {  }

===== Earlier Articles =====

RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo  {  }

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Adrian Raeside cartoon in Times Colonist accused of being racist {  }

Multimedia program offers opportunities to Winnipeg’s inner-city youth  {  }

Brian Sinclair’s death ‘preventable’ but not homicide, says inquest report  {  }

Ex-mayor Sam Katz says he funded Winnipeg Sun aboriginal internship  {  }

Brad Baduik’s ‘racist’ Facebook posts need action by Winnipeg school board: trustee  {  }

Innuit students tackle body image in Inuktitut in YouTube video  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Florida spa that treated First Nations girls with cancer faces lawsuit from ex-staff  {  }

Brad Dauik, Winnipeg teacher, under fire for Facebook posts on aboriginal people  {  }

#We Care boosts awareness of murdered and missing women  {  }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance  {  }

NewGold deal scuttled by environmental concerns at Big Grassy First Nation   {  }

Idle No More still moving forward after 2 years, says Sylvia McAdam  {  }

Good samaritan finds $1K at Inuvik NorthMart, then finds owner  {  }

Yellowknife man outs Facebook user for racism online  {  }

AFN called ‘elitist’, out of touch with grassroots First Nations people  {  }

-Special Report- Premier’s office leaves questions unanswered in Darlene Necan case  {  }

Rinelle Harper calls for national inquiry into missing, murdered women  {  }

LGBT rally appeals to AFN candidates for end to discrimination  {  }

Pair sentenced to 9 years in beating death of Tina Fontaine’s dad  {  }

Douglas Cardinal files appeal with OMB over Domtar redevelopment  {  }

-60’s Scoop- Class action not a matter for courts, say lawyers  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN relevant?  {  }

-Public Inquiry- Rinelle Harper calls for inquiry into missing women  {  }

Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  { * It CAN – but will it? *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

But are the liberals any better?
‘Conservative Math’ = “Just doesn’t add up”  — But the Liberals don’t have a flawless track record either —  —djo—

– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 6:00 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Sunday, 14 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Sunday, 14 December, 2014  -( +36˚F / +2˚C grey & dreary @ 1:00 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +34˚F / +1˚C + cloudy/foggy @ 2:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }

N.B. Web Cam
New Bruswick Highway Cam Route 8 South Portage, 2:07 pm

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Eliminate Poverty
Sounds Good To Me – & Harper Has It Wrong —djo—
Tyranny versus Liberty
Another Quote from Thomas Jefferson. I need to reflect on this before I endorse it whole heartedly — —djo—
Life On Mars?
The case for past life on Mars: * Link * —djo—
Cyber Attacks Map
Has World War III begun online? * Link * —djo—
Half Past Human dot com
Doom & Gloom? Half Past Human dot com believes the fit is about to hit the shan- Establish your community networks. Know who your friends are. —djo—
evil manipulating ice holes propaganda
Caution : Are manipulative Ice-Holes using the spectre of evil foreign hackers to tighten their contol over the internet and limit your freedom of expression, and limit the information you have access to? —djo—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ +1,119 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Militarized Police Cartoon
I’ve got a tape loop of David Bowie singing “This is Not America!” going in my head right now. “Help- Amen-” —djo—
Torture Report
The U.S. ‘intelligence establishment’ tortured and held Omar Khadr in prison so long because they wanted to get his father, not Omar. (?) —djo—
Amnesty International
“If Commas Save Lives – Letters save Civilizations-” —djo—
There are angelic forces out there who can help us. They need your prayers to call them to action. “Help! -Amen” —djo—
Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Canada’s National Post Retweeted this from @garyjoeclement – It was too long to copy and paste using a screen capture. —djo—
JesseVentura Cartoon
Jesse Ventura is alive and well and busy these days. —jim w—
Can't Trust Harper
The Premier of Newfoundland – Labrador says we can’t trust Harper or the Harper Government. —Jim W—


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

Who benefits from keeping us anxious about the possibility that any foreign power might turn belligerant? Why should we believe any news story about near misses between a demonized country’s military jets and a passenger jet? Why have we allowed ourselves to be divided and conquered by whoever is pulling everybody’s strings?  ;

Celebrities with childhood diseases: One with chicken pox the other with the mumps. All we need for a bingo is somebody with the measles?   ;

Last night on Coast to Coast A.M. someone with a proven track record of seeing the future spoke about rising sea levels leaving southern Florida under water. Today the #3 article out of the 4 lead articles on the CBC website is about climate change turning florida residents into ‘Climate Refugees’? The guest on Coast to Coast A.M. said the current tribulations will end when a critical mass of us earthlings decide to value compassion, mercy, forgiveness and love over greed and power. Sounds easy enough- doesn’t it? ;

& – Bill Cosby: He gave us a lot. & I really don’t know if he might be guilty of what he’s been accused of. I don’t think I’d want my daughter to be alone with him- just in case. But I also believe that some not-so-nice power crazy individuals are capable of either convincing vulnerable women that they were abused by anyone those power crazy types choose, and/or thebad guys could blackmail vulnerable individuals into accusing an innocent person the bad guys want to discredit or bring down of anything. So I’m still not ready to believe either side in this one.  –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

Russian jet nearly collides with passenger plane, Sweden says  ;

Sidney Crosby diagnosed with the mumps  ;

Rising sea levels could make Florida residents ‘climate refugees’ ;

Bill Cosby breaks his silence: Praises wife, pans media ;


— “Other Media” :  —

“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

totems attack pipeline
NorthWesternFirstNations Art = Totems attack the pipeline. —djo—
2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


6-metre tall (18 feet? tall) snow man in British Columbia.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





Chase through Idaho town’s streets ends in cow’s death  {  🙁  }

‘This is a lucky day’: Baby born at 10:11, 12/13/14  {  }

Santa sightings around the world  {  }

Chinese passengers pelt Thai flight attendant with noodles  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Russian jet, civilian airliner nearly collide, Sweden says  {   }

…   {   }

Irene Joseph’s takedown by Smithers RCMP captured in photo   {   }

Dario Bartoli, 15, killed in group assault in Surrey {   }

3 temporary foreign workers killed in crash near Sylvan Lake  {  }

CIA torture report: Interrogation chief Jose Rodriguez warns of fall out   {   }

Rising sea levels could make Florida residents ‘climate refugees’  {   }

Baby Hazel Grace born in Cleveland at 10:11, 12/13/14 {   }

Canada stays mum on controversial Israeli bill  {   }

Woman struck and killed by semi-trailer-truck on Highway 1   {  }

-16 photo slide show- Thousands stage ‘Black lives matter’ marches across U.S.  {  }

-Blog- #MillennialHistory: People under 35 reimagine historical events in the era of Tinder, Twitter and Kim Kardashian { * & I remember hearing a report on NPR radio in the late 80’s / early 90’s that reported that a lot of Japanese students at that time believed that Pearl Habor was attacked in retaliation for the U.S. dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki- *  —djo— }



Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


More wild weather in store for P.E.I., warnings lifted in N.B. and N.S.   {   }

CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report   { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other  ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? *  —djo—  }

‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru   {   }

Savings at the pump to boost holiday shopping, retail analysts say   {   }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

===== Recently: =====

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Cat rescued after tossed out on B.C. highway   {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Brett Lawrie surprises 6-year-old superfan  {   }

-Must Watch- Children’s memorial cut from stone  {   }

-Must Watch- Grand Canyon brimming with clouds   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { ? }

-Editor’s Pick- Will illegal downloading will continue with or without [ Pirate Bay ]  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Microsoft gets green light from Ottawa for foreign trainees  {  }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





1 dead, 2 displaced after New Brunswick fire  {   }

Fredericton to pass 2015 budget this week  {   }

Slam poem slams internet trolls  {   }

More wild weather in store for P.E.I., warnings lifted in N.B. and N.S.  {   }

===== Earlier : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)







>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo  {  }

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Adrian Raeside cartoon in Times Colonist accused of being racist {  }

Multimedia program offers opportunities to Winnipeg’s inner-city youth  {  }

Brian Sinclair’s death ‘preventable’ but not homicide, says inquest report  {  }

Ex-mayor Sam Katz says he funded Winnipeg Sun aboriginal internship  {  }

– 7 photo slide show – Unreserved looks at 2 year anniversary of Idle No More  {  }


===== Earlier Articles =====

Brad Baduik’s ‘racist’ Facebook posts need action by Winnipeg school board: trustee  {  }

Innuit students tackle body image in Inuktitut in YouTube video  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Florida spa that treated First Nations girls with cancer faces lawsuit from ex-staff  {  }

Brad Dauik, Winnipeg teacher, under fire for Facebook posts on aboriginal people  {  }

#We Care boosts awareness of murdered and missing women  {  }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance  {  }

NewGold deal scuttled by environmental concerns at Big Grassy First Nation   {  }

Idle No More still moving forward after 2 years, says Sylvia McAdam  {  }

Good samaritan finds $1K at Inuvik NorthMart, then finds owner  {  }

Yellowknife man outs Facebook user for racism online  {  }

AFN called ‘elitist’, out of touch with grassroots First Nations people  {  }

-Special Report- Premier’s office leaves questions unanswered in Darlene Necan case  {  }

Rinelle Harper calls for national inquiry into missing, murdered women  {  }

LGBT rally appeals to AFN candidates for end to discrimination  {  }

Pair sentenced to 9 years in beating death of Tina Fontaine’s dad  {  }

Douglas Cardinal files appeal with OMB over Domtar redevelopment  {  }

-60’s Scoop- Class action not a matter for courts, say lawyers  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN relevant?  {  }

-Public Inquiry- Rinelle Harper calls for inquiry into missing women  {  }

Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<






{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”




{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”


– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  { * It CAN – but will it? *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

But are the liberals any better?
‘Conservative Math’ = “Just doesn’t add up”  — But the Liberals don’t have a flawless track record either —  —djo—

– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 6:35 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Saturday, 13 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Saturday, 13 December, 2014  -( +32˚F / 0˚C grey & dreary @ 1:15 pm near Ithaca )-  -( +33˚F / +1˚C + cloudy/foggy @ 2:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }

{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section. The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’  Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new. The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new. The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday. And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks,  —djo— }

Ithaca Commons Ice Bar
The Ice Bar at Ithaca Commons, today at just before 1:15 pm. —djo—
telecom gangsters
Dangit – I refreshed and there’s more good stuff on the twitter feed. —djo—
Washington DC Demonstration
A lot of Anti-Brutality / Anti-Excessive -Force- demonstrations throughout the US today. This one is in Washington DC
Half Past Human dot com
Doom & Gloom? Half Past Human dot com believes the fit is about to hit the shan- Establish your community networks. Know who your friends are. —djo—
Looking ahead to looking back? Everybody- Pray for Help- it works. —djo—
evil manipulating ice holes propaganda
Caution : Are manipulative Ice-Holes using the spectre of evil foreign hackers to tighten their contol over the internet and limit your freedom of expression, and limit the information you have access to? —djo—
BBC Tweet
The BBC adds their voice to those concerned about evil ice-holes tightening their control over everything they ‘allow’ you to know about what they’re doing to you and everything you care about. —djo—
malala with peace prize
10 December, 2014 – Malala shows her Peace Prize. Dedicated to “those voiceless children who want change.” God Bless Her. —djo—
Spirit Networks tweet
Nice Message —jim w—

{ 1,000 + New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio

{  * *  <——<< * Link *  Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home.  —jim w— }


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

Militarized Police Cartoon
I’ve got a tape loop of David Bowie singing “This is Not America!” going in my head right now. “Help- Amen-” —djo—
Torture Report
The U.S. ‘intelligence establishment’ tortured and held Omar Khadr in prison so long because they wanted to get his father, not Omar. (?) —djo—
Amnesty International
“If Commas Save Lives – Letters save Civilizations-” —djo—
There are angelic forces out there who can help us. They need your prayers to call them to action. “Help! -Amen” —djo—
Wiki Leaks Merchandise
WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *
Canada’s National Post Retweeted this from @garyjoeclement – It was too long to copy and paste using a screen capture. —djo—
JesseVentura Cartoon
Jesse Ventura is alive and well and busy these days. —jim w—
Can't Trust Harper
The Premier of Newfoundland – Labrador says we can’t trust Harper or the Harper Government. —Jim W—


===Read This:

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Police slam handcuffed man into window.

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

We should re-write “The Lord is my shepherd” >>—> “The Lord is my Protection, we don’t need no police force.”  When Love, Compassion, Justice, Equality and all that good stuff is allowed to flourish- When everybody knows that everybody else cares about them, and will sacrifice to make sure everybody has a safe home and enough to eat- we won’t need ‘enforcers’ whose job it is to protect the Greedy and the Power Crazy who believe they have a right to steal the poor and need armed thugs to protect them from the backlash.  ;

‘A group of teenagers’ in British Columbia attacked a 14 year old and a 15 year old. The 15 year old died. Unspecified ‘weapons’ were involved. We need more details before we can venture a guess as to what is going on there.  ;

Illegal Downloading: (a.) Who were the laws defining what is legal and illegal written to protect? Are those laws moral and ethical? (b.) Musically, many artists put some of their stuff out there for free – and the ‘record companies’ who exploit those artists cheat the hell out of them and line their pockets at the expense of the creative minds they cheat and underpay- (c.) Any attempt to justify tighter controls on the internet must be suspect. -“Freedom and Privacy for All!” must prevail.  ;

& – I tend to believe that only Someone who has been to heaven and come back to tell us about that would have any insight as to whether or not our pets will find us there.  –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

‘A sea of people’: 10,000 march on U.S. Capitol in D.C. to protest police killings  ;

Teen, 15, dies after early morning assault [ in Surrey, B.C. ]   ;

Why illigal downloading will continue — with or without Pirate Bay ;

Pope Francis misquoted as telling boy heaven has room for pets ;


— “Other Media” :  —

Canadian Supreme Court
Hey, did we win one? Or lose again? – Canadian Supreme Court ‘limits’ Law Enforcement’s ‘Right’ to search everything on your cell phones. In Canada. But they say the police can search cell phones of ‘suspects’. —djo— Opponents say this opens a door that may never be shut.  —djo—
“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—
The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—
blow your whistles
I hope those Pandas and Belugas are well armed, we really need them…. —djo—
“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—
Monsanto Sux
Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

totems attack pipeline
NorthWesternFirstNations Art = Totems attack the pipeline. —djo—
2 visions of the future
“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—
Malcolm X Quote
Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms
& Don’t forget Hong Kong
Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.


-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower
“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—
from @johnlennon
Doreen Virtue Tweet
Another Nice Message


white deer
White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.


6-metre tall (18 feet? tall) snow man in British Columbia.
deer on ice
“Deer on Ice Rescued” – This seems more like “Human Decency” than ‘offbeat’.
Quack Quack.
“Dawn of the Ducks”?





Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers  {  }

Santa sightings around the world  {  }

#MillennialHistory: People under 35 reimagine historical events in the era of Tinder, Twitter and WiFi  {  }

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

B.C. man builds 6 metre snowman on front lawn  {  }

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station
New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Surrey, B.C., assault leaves 15-year-old boy dead   {   }

Jennifer Pan [ pronounced] guilty of murder in phoney home invasion   {   }

Pirate Bay: Why illegal downloading will continue with or without it   {   }

Deer on ice rescued by conservation officers in Okanagan {   }

Eric Garner, Michael Brown: Rally at U.S. Capitol in D.C. protests police killings  {  }

Giant snowman stands 6 metres tall in Fort Nelson, B.C.   { * Now- if it only ate lying, thieving, scheming politicians— that would really be something to write about. *  —djo— }

Chinese hackers installed malware on National Research Council computers  { * And evil- manipulating, lying, scheming ice-holes installed b.s. malware in your brain to convince you that we need to surrender all our internet freedoms to avoid being hacked by the imaginary boogey men under our beds. *  —djo—  }

Human tastes for alcohol linked to apes eating rotten fruit {   }

Lisa Batstone’s mental health a concern before her daughter Teagan’s death  {   }

N.B. man found dead after home destroyed destroyed by fire.   {  }

-15 photo slide show- The week in pictures, Dec. 6-12  {  }

-Blog- #MillennialHistory: People under 35 reimagine historical events in the era of Tinder, Twitter and Kim Kardashian { * & I remember hearing a report on NPR radio in the late 80’s / early 90’s that reported that a lot of Japanese students at that time believed that Pearl Habor was attacked in retaliation for the U.S. dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki- *  —djo— }


Polytechnique shooting remark sparks Peter MacKay, Tom Mulcair spat   { * Not long after the Polytechnique massacre I heard about a ‘Canadian study’ that found that mass murderers had all been humiliated in public just before they lost control and went on a killing spree.  I tried to remind several different media outlets / television reporters etc. about this as more and more of these horrendous incidents made front page / leading article status. Lately this seems to have been ‘swept under the rug’ in the pursuit of sensationalism. *  —djo—  }



Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!
“I can’t breathe!”


Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails  { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff.  The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. ***  —jim w— }

Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ]  { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada *  —djo—  }

B.C. mother charded with death of daughter had attempted suicide  {   }

-Blog- The STar Wars Christmas album you may have overlooked  {   }

California storm triggers tornado, mudslides, flooding  {   }

N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed  {   }

-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen  { *  Link  *  Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell”  —djo—  }

===== Recently: =====

Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report   {   }

Justin Trudeau denies forcing Sikh candidate from nomination race   {   }

Canada’s economy will be just fine despite cheap oil, RBC says   {  }

Canada considers prioritizing religious minorities in Syria refugee resettlement   {   }

‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area  {   }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance   {   }

Tax agency looks into pharmacies that get incentives from drug makers   {   }

Hong Kong Police make arrests, clear main protest camp   {   }

Cat rescued after tossed out on B.C. highway   {   }

-Analysis- Polls show Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harper in tight Ontario race   {   }

Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M   { * 🙂 *  }

PM backs away from veterans charter amid demands Fantino resign   {   }

Obama plans to diss Keystone XL pipeline on Colbert   {   }

Mountie killer told father before shootings he’d ‘had enough of authorities’   {   }

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

‘Affront to his dignity’ Judge apologizes for inmate’s naked video court appearance   {   }

The surprising 50-year legacy of ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’   {   }

Prostitution law comes into force on day of action on violence again women   {   }

Loonie drops to 5-year low as Canada loses 10,000 jobs in November   {  }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }

German woman attacked after defending teen girls may get posthumus medal  {   }

Boys, 9 and 11, buried by snowplow survived 7 hours in air pocket  {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Darwin the monkey  {   }

-Must Watch- Storm wreaks havoc on California  {   }

-Must Watch- Gabe Batstone’s last day with his daughter   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Making West Coast pipelines work  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Stars we lost in 2014  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- New prostititution laws unlikely to be challenged soon, legal experts say  {  }




“Local / New Brunswick”

“Fredericton Mother”
mother and daughter
Mother and daughter in Fredericton
Youth Feminist President
President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





‘Heavily armed’ man found dead after police search  {   }

Man who killed 2 police officers in 1974 denied parole  {   }

Flood damage repairs continue across Maritimes  {   }

Saint John Transit faces cuts as budget pressures mount  {   }

===== Earlier This Week : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

Bulk produce program growing in Saint John  {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }



Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


“First Nations”

Perry Bellegarde
Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan was elected Assembly of First Nations National Chief on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014.

Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assemly of First Nations   {   }

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa
“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)
Another Round Dance
From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)







>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots  {  }

Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims  {  }

Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief  {  }

Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling  {  }

Adrian Raeside cartoon in Times Colonist accused of being racist {  }

Multimedia program offers opportunities to Winnipeg’s inner-city youth  {  }

Brian Sinclair’s death ‘preventable’ but not homicide, says inquest report  {  }

Ex-mayor Sam Katz says he funded Winnipeg Sun aboriginal internship  {  }

– 7 photo slide show – Unreserved looks at 2 year anniversary of Idle No More  {  }


Whitehorse RCMP arrest suspect in death of Brandy Vittrekwa  {  }

Brad Baduik’s ‘racist’ Facebook posts need action by Winnipeg school board: trustee  {  }

Innuit students tackle body image in Inuktitut in YouTube video  {  }

Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation  {  }

Florida spa that treated First Nations girls with cancer faces lawsuit from ex-staff  {  }

Brad Dauik, Winnipeg teacher, under fire for Facebook posts on aboriginal people  {  }

#We Care boosts awareness of murdered and missing women  {  }

Assembly of First Nations elects new leader as it struggles for relevance  {  }

NewGold deal scuttled by environmental concerns at Big Grassy First Nation   {  }

Idle No More still moving forward after 2 years, says Sylvia McAdam  {  }

Good samaritan finds $1K at Inuvik NorthMart, then finds owner  {  }

Brandy Vittrekwa, 17, ID’d as person found dead on Whitehorse trail  {  }

Yellowknife man outs Facebook user for racism online  {  }

AFN called ‘elitist’, out of touch with grassroots First Nations people  {  }

Assembly of First Nations election: 5 issues to watch  {  }

-Special Report- Premier’s office leaves questions unanswered in Darlene Necan case  {  }

Rinelle Harper calls for national inquiry into missing, murdered women  {  }

LGBT rally appeals to AFN candidates for end to discrimination  {  }

Pair sentenced to 9 years in beating death of Tina Fontaine’s dad  {  }

Douglas Cardinal files appeal with OMB over Domtar redevelopment  {  }

-60’s Scoop- Class action not a matter for courts, say lawyers  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN relevant?  {  }

-Public Inquiry- Rinelle Harper calls for inquiry into missing women  {  }

Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN Relevant?  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

AFN to elect new leader amid questions about organization’s relevance  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }


===== Older Stuff we think may be important: =====

Montreal filmmaker looks for next big aboriginal talent  {  }

‘Hoping cooler heads prevail’: Tensions over barricade erected on Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

Prostitution law comes into effect on day of action on violence against women  {  }

Winnipeg police to make missing, murdered women cases a priority  {  }

Cree youth walk nearly 600K protesting against uranium extraction  {  }

-Video- Haida group animates pipeline opposition using stop motion and music  {  }

Native North America CD sheds light on lost era of indigenous music  {  }

First Nation sues Manitoba government over Bipole III [‘hydro’/electricity transmission] route  {  }

Boyle Street helps reunite aboriginals with lost treaty cards  {  }

Pasloski wants Valcourt to ‘correct the record’ on self-government  {  }

Fort William First Nation gas prices tumble below $1 per litre  { * If oil companies and politicians were honest, gasoline would cost less than twenty five cents per litre. *  —djo— }

49 First Nations miss latest deadline ro reveal financial reports  { * Almost every government in the ‘free world’ knows how to hide their real income. Tax revenue is less than 1/3 of what they take in. Hold their feet to the fire. Investigate: *  <—<< Link  *  —djo— }

Alleged racist comment spurs Maskwacis teen to speak out  { * A 15-year-old [First Nations] [woman] is speaking out against racism in her community after she and her family were refused service in a bowling alley in Wetaskin, Alberta *  —djo— }

Nunatu Kavut celebrating after Muskrat Falls injunction thrown out  {  }

-Audio- Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski defends amendments to Bill S-6  {  }

Bernard Valcourt maintains Yukon First Nations are not government  {  }

Rankin Inlet dump scavenging controversy continues   {  }

Nunavik Inuit say ‘No’ to uranium mining  {  }

‘No timeline’: Premier Gold delay upsets Geraldton homeowners  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }

Leona Aglukkaq admits reading newspaper was a ‘bad idea’ during question period  {  }

-Video- Haida group animates pipeline opposition using stop morion and music  {  }

-Documents- ‘Sixties Scoop’ case moves forward as class action lawsuit  {  }

Number of aboriginal women behind bars doesn’t shock ex-inmate  {  }

Yukon College aims to better support First Nations students  {  }

Ottawa trip on Bill S-6 ends in insult to Yukon First Nations  {  }

-Video- First Nations Financial Transparency Act  {  }

Big spike in aboriginal women behind bars, study finds  {  }

Bill S-6 turmoil having ‘negative impact’ on industry: Casino Mining  {  }

First Nation in B.C. sets out tougher rules for mining in its territory  {  }

N.W.T. chiefs salaries proven modest under Transparency Act  {  }

-Video- Arctic explorer Vilhalmur Stefansson ‘comes to life’ in Yellowknife  {  }

Peel watershed: Yukon court strikes down government land use plan  {  }

Aboriginal gravesites halt $40M development plan in Abbotsford  {  }

Members of Opaskwayak Cree Nation protest reserve’s debt  {  }

Yukon chiefs to meet Bernard Valcourt on Bill S-6  {  }

Aboriginal right to refuse chemotherapy for child spurs debate  {  }

Manitoba First Nation to get apology from premier for Jenpeg dam harm  {  }

A Tribe Called Red releases provacative song for American Thanksgiving  {  }

Mi’kmaq Confederacy clarifies roll in online gaming plan  {  }

Sioux Lookout council encouraged to be more ‘culturally aware’  {  }

-Opinion- Financial reporting for First Nations: transparency or witch hunt?  {  }

Study shows oilsands tailings ponds releasing toxic chemicals into air  {  }

52 First Nations risk losing funding for not complying with transparency law  {  }

-Review- Fabric of the Sky a powerful residential school survivor’s story  {  }

Indigenous video game designer takes stand against Custer’s Revenge  {  }

Mint’s new $5 coin features work by Cree artist Tim Whiskeychan  {  }

First Nations mistrust health system, Dalhousie researchers say  {  }

First Nations to ‘resist’ complying with financial transparency act  {  }

Students forced to sit quiet after mental health services march  {  }

Northern Quebec Cree start 850 km trek to protest against uranium mining  {  }

-Opinion- Bill S-6 is a fundamental violation of the modern day Uukon treaty relationship  {  }

-Opinion- ‘Am I Next?’ campaign hits home with Fredericton student  {  }

Child advocatges want fewer aboriginal children in child welfare  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<

{ We have moved a lot of headlines related to First Nations / Indigenous issues to a Page >>>———>  <———<<< on —jda—‘s blog   —djo— }


 { Below this line is stuff we’re having trouble thinking may have been here too long, but may be too important to delete? }


{ This is what still grabs me – from Twitter – We’re trying to trim this down, I wanted to delete these below and start fresh, but they seem a little too important to me right now.  ———djo——— }

11 steps to fascism
“11 steps to Fascism” I forgot where this came from. bad me.  —djo—


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


-08 December, 2014 – John Maguire, Ottawa man fighting for ISIS, urges attacks on Canadians targets in video   { * What do you suppose the Canadian government did to this kid that would make him believe he was better off leaving his country and telling people they should blow up the country he grew up in? If people know they are loved and valued, they don’t advocate torturing and murdering the people who love, nurture and value them. *  —djo— }

-08 December, 2014 – Samsung Galaxy Ace II explodes causing bedroom fire { * Company says a non-approved battery caused the explosion. Owner says the battery that exploded came with the smart phone when she bought it. Samsung has offered to replace burned items. Owner says they haven’t made good on that offer yet. *  —djo—  }

-06 December, 2014 – Renowned doctor Ezekiel Emanuel says 75 is a good age for us to die   { * I read, in a book entitled, “Bringers of the Dawn” by Barbara Marciniak, that Humans were originally designed with 12 strands of DNA and ‘somebody’ tampered with the design to make us much more aggressive and shorten our life spans to a fraction of what they should have been. 5,000 years, healthy and vital- might have been a decent age – ya think? *  —djo—  }

-06 December, 2014 – Hungary mayor wants drug tests for teens, journalists, politicians  { * If he wants to screen against people being poisoned by Genetically Modified Organisms, and lock up all the executives and engineers at Monsanto, I’d say, “Go For It!” but I don’t think that’s this guy’s game. */  —djo—  }

Fracking linked to Alberta earthquakes, study indicates  { * – Carmen Langer had just left his bed to grab a drink of water when he felt his house northeast of Peace River, Alta., begin to shake. – “At first I thought I wasn’t feeling very good that day… and it was just my blood sugar, but no, it shook pretty good,” Langer said about the Nov. 2 incident.

– Moments after the shaking stopped, his neighbours were calling, asking if he had felt what they just felt. – “After a few minutes, I realized it was an earthquake,” Langer said. – There was a small earthquake on Nov. 2 in Peace River, just northeast of Peace River. The recently published study involving Alberta researcher Jeff Gu indicates fracking may trigger earthquakes in the province.  – Natural Resources Canada (NRC) registered a small, 3.0-magnitude earthquake that was “lightly felt” from Three Creeks to St. Isidor in northern Alberta at 11:14 p.m. MT. NRC said on its website there were no reports of damage, and that “none would be expected.” – Jeff Gu, a seismologist at the University of Alberta, said the earthquake could have been caused by shifting rock formations in the region — but added there could be another possible explanation. – “Certainly that region is not immune to earthquake faulting, but I would say having actual earthquakes in that area is relatively recent, relatively new,” he said. – Gu is one of three authors of a recently published study in the Journal of Geophysical Research, a peer-reviewed publication that looked at four years of earthquake data around Rocky Mountain House. The study concludes that waste-water injection into the ground is highly correlated with spikes in earthquake activity in the area. – It is the first study of its kind conducted in Canada that links industrial activity to induced earthquakes. – “The conclusion was that the industrial activities could, in some cases, potentially trigger or facilitate earthquake occurrences,” Gu said. – Alberta earthquakes increasing – Since 1985, fewer than 15 earthquakes above a 3.0 magnitude have been recorded anywhere in Alberta, according to the Alberta Geological Survey’s website. There has been an increase in earthquake activity since the 1960s, the organization says. – The Peace River earthquake is not the only one that has shaken the province in the past few months:

  • In October, a 2.7-magnitude quake was recorded about four kilometres southwest of Banff.
  • In August, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake was registered near Rocky Mountain House, causing about 500 customers in the area to lose power for several hours.

– Gu said the research into whether waste-water induction and fracking are related to earthquakes is still “really a work in progress.” –  “There has been more and more evidence, increasing evidence, in the last few years in particular — in Arkansas, in Texas and actually more recently here,” Gu said. – But he said there is nothing to fear right now. – “I’m not worried until we get a conclusive answer on whether these are caused by industry or not, whether they are naturally occurring,” Gu said. – Langer, however, is worried. – “With all the stuff that’s going on in my community, I’m feeling quite concerned about it,” he said. “We’re having all kinds of environmental problems in the community… Something has to give here.” – *  —djo—   }

– 08 December, 2014 – Stephen Harper does U-turn on election law gaggin advocacy groups  { * – Stephen Harper used to contend that money does not influence the outcome of elections. – He used to rail against any attempt to limit the amount of money outside advocacy groups could spend during campaigns. – And he used to strenuously object to any attempts to compel those groups to disclose from whom they got their money or how they spent it.

– That was, of course, before he became prime minister. – Now, Harper heads a party that accuses labour unions of trying to “bully and influence our elections from the outside” and routinely uses the spectre of dastardly union politicking to drum up donations the Conservatives say are urgently needed to ensure victory in next year’s election. – *  —djo—  }

Vancouver voters elect largest Green caucus in Canadian History  {  }


{ Other stuff, More personal background about who we are and why we do this: }

=====   {  Message copied and pasted from email on  November 25th: ———jda—— }

Re: Radio: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014  -( +14°C / 57°F & There has been sunlight and interesting shadows @ 3:00 pm in Atlantic Canada )-

– After facebook contact with a good friend from WPKN radio, where I used to hang out, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, about 50 miles from NYC, I wiggled a few wires and got the speakers back at something like peak sound and listened to a couple things.  – But I have to tell you, an airing of last year’s Thanksgiving (U.S. dates) program from First Voices Indigenous Radio knocked me out. It was that good. Tiokasin Ghosthorse played a recording of John Trudell of the Dakota Nation from Thanksgiving 1980. He talks about the difference between real power and brutality, and described the tactics that corporate amerika uses to convince good people that it’s hopeless to try to resist their ‘progress’ as they enslave and exploit us all. John Trudell also tells us that if we are true to the earth, the Earth will protect us.

This is an amazing talk and if this link works, I will encourage everybody to listen to it- *  Link  * you will have to open the page and click on “First Voices Indigenous Radio November 21, 2013 [dot] mp3. –  It should be more than worth listening to.

~~~~~ ———Jim W———


{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From ENENews -Energy News-  ‘Special Alert’ Issued: A sinkhole has opened beneath a dam in Tennessee and sediment is seeping from the riverbed below the dam — Upstream from a Nuclear Power Plant.   *  Link  *  =====

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?
-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

{ – The state of Internet security and infrastructure has been rapidly changing of late in response to concerns about online privacy and security (i.e., surveillance revelations and extensive security breaches), and a series of announcements over the past several days have put a lot of momentum behind possible solutions.

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.  – }

Anti-Spyware Software released free.
“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”

{ – A free tool released Thursday allows users to scan their computers for surveillance malware that has been used to spy on journalists and activists. – The open source tool Detekt is being released in partnership with human rights group Amnesty International, German digital rights group Digitale Gesellschaft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy International.

– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.

– Detekt scans Windows-based computers for common surveillance tools used in spying on activists. Those who detect a threat on their computer can then take steps to remove it. – The software developers warn that there is no guarantee that Detekt will find every bit of spyware, as new technology is continually being developed. – “Beware that it is possible that Detekt may not successfully detect the most recent versions of those malware families,” the developers wrote on the site, which introduces Detekt. – “Indeed, some of them will likely be updated in response to this release in order to remove or change the patterns that we identified. In addition, there may be existing versions of malware, from these families or from other providers, which are not detected by this tool. If Detekt does not find anything, this unfortunately cannot be considered a clean bill of health.” – Commercial entities have developed and sold surveillance tools that read emails and instant messaging conversations, listen in on Skype calls and remotely control a computer’s camera and microphone and sold them around the world. – There is no regulation against these technologies being used by repressive governments, Amnesty says, estimating the market for surveillance software at $5 billion US a year. – “European and American companies have been quietly selling surveillance equipment and software to countries across the world that persistently commit serious human rights violations,” it said. – Amnesty is urging governments to take action to stop the spread of spyware and calls on industry to consider the human rights records of countries where it sells such software. – Targeted surveillance is only legitimate when it is based on suspicion of criminal activity and backed up by a legal order, the group said.  –  —djo— }


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Monsanto execs on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

-Blog-  ‘Terrifying new app Beam Messengers lets users see text messages as they’re being typed {   }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

‘Walk into freedom’: Murder charges withdrawn after Toronto man’s 12 years in prison  { * The case had one witness who said one of the killers had dreadlocks, police found some hair in one suspect’s home, said that was evidence that he’d gone home and cut his hair after the crime. After fighting for too many years, the lawyer got access to the hair, which turned out to be beard hair, and still had to battle the ‘old boys club’ who tried to delay and deny every request made, finally, the truth did set the wrongfully convicted man free. *  —djo—   }

-Updated- Veterans funding not as advertised, opposition MPs say  {   }

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  {   }

-Exclusive- Who are the most wanted extremists in Canada?  { * Should we list those in the Prime Minister’s Office? *  —djo—  }

Military mental health research gets funding boost  { * I think the $10 million for research pales in comparison to the $750 million the current Conservative Government spent over 9 years in partisan [ propaganda ] ads on television. *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

WestJet can’t ‘pass the buck’ on lost baggage anymore  {   }

Winnie the Pooh spanked by Polish council for not wearing pants  {   }

After 40 years in prison, 2 men exonerated, set free in Cleveland killing  {   }

Gender gouging: Women often pay more than men  {   }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }

‘Driving While Black’? There’s an app for that   { * New app intended to assist motorists during routine police traffic stops *  *** Link ***  }


{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

But are the liberals any better?
‘Conservative Math’ = “Just doesn’t add up”  — But the Liberals don’t have a flawless track record either —  —djo—

– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 6:45 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }