Friday, August 5th, 2016 — 14°C / 56°F & Cool & Damp @7:00 am in Atlantic Canada —
— It’s John Olerud’s Birthday – and it’s also Terry Seguin’s [ host of New Brunswick First / Information Morning out of Fredericton, NB “on CBC Radio One, local Cable TeeVee and live streaming on the web.” ] — Also a couple friends in Connecticut, Including Gail S. and a couple others who don’t want to be reminded that they’re getting older are either celebrating or trying to forget that today is their birthday. —
— We had a thunderstorm yesterday, and my malware program found a couple ‘potentially unwanted’ bits of schnarr in my files et cetera, which is odd, because that’s a computer I don’t connect to the internet much. But anyway, the “kabooms” were loud and I could feel them as well as hear them, so I shut everything down and then had a hard time getting everything back up and running. And when a browser that had been open to twitter came back up there was this photo – or whatever that is up there – that caught my eye, and I’m still checking in to see whose blogs need to have their plug ins and stuff updated, so I thought I’d change the sticky post on my eye candy blog.
— Habbin zee gooten Tahg – [he said in his fake German accent —]
— Sunday, March 20th, 2016 — // -2˚C / +27˚F in brilliant sunlight reflected on very white snow at 12:06 pm in Atlantic Canada — // — I believe today is Dona ( née Flynn ) from my hippy days in Brattleboro’s birthday —
— Yup, looks good to me –
— Jim & Cathi’s East Side Yard At Sun-Up.
— Today dawned almost as picturesquely as yesterday –
— yup, magic happens, isn’t it great when things work out better than you expect them to?
Below is Copied & Pasted from Jim W.’s “Latest News From Aerendel” Blog:
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– Early Morning Musings? –
— Saturday, March 12, 2016 — // -3˚C / +26˚F @ 8:31 am under cloudy grey skies with small ‘ground squirrels’ running around inside the dog’s area – which really isn’t very bright- ya know? in Atlantic Canada (or anywhere else – for that matter) — // Larry Thomases’ Birthday.
— Another thing that happened yesterday, well, we had about half an inch of snow that had started out wet and froze to a weird hardness that was not easy to brush and scrape from the van so Cathi could drive to work free from the anxiety that chunks of hard snow might fly from her roof and hurt somebody or smash their windshield – and the whole time I was struggling with the brush and scraper one youngish deer that I thought was a new guy, who’d either come alone or was so freakin hungry that he or she stayed after the others ran away and ‘he’ kept on eating and scratching for any oats that just might be beneath the snow – I told Cathi about him, and said he must be starving, then told her I thought I would bring him out a cup full of fresh breakfast oats – and she said, “Well, if he lets you get near him -” And I reiterated, “I think he’s starving -” and I went out with a cup full of oats and he took a couple steps away and prepared to dash away toward safety – I tried to tell him in a nice calm voice, “Hey, don’t go too far away – and showed him what I had and tossed it while he eyed me warily – Then I tried to bow, or dip my head slightly, which is something I’ve seen the deer doing, and we’ve been anthropomorphizing that that’s the way they say ‘Thank you-‘ He just looked at me like that was weird and came back and was gobbling up the new warmish oats before I took ten steps toward the house.
— I gotta try to change the setting in the ‘editor’ here to see if I can get the captions to left justify. Me – getting typically over wordy here – it looks bad and I think it might be hard for some people to read the center justified captions. & Sometimes I think I’d have to be grossly over-confident if I thought that anybody out there would want to read any thing I post here.
— Was it yesterday I spent a couple of paragraphs describing Moe’s linguistic peculiarities? — I couldn’t avoid posting a photo I took of him between a couple of his lectures on how not to neglect the cat if you know what’s good for you —
— Enough damage for one day? Am I stealing somebody else’s line here?
~~~~~ Jim
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— I thought I messed with another photo while I was at it, but I guess not-
— Maybe I should say “Copied & Pasted, lifted and PhotoShopped?”