Thursday, January 29, 2015 – Cousin Joan & 2 relatives & 5 ex-co-workers have a birthday today.
— Funny thing, for a long time today was the day on which I knew the most people celebrating their birthdays, & while Aquarians are not always the easiest people to get along with, I pretty much liked and gravitated toward everybody with today’s birthday.

“Weather Underground” photo and information for January 30th – edited in after the fact on Thursday’s post.
— We’ve had our two big snow storms within a week and we might be getting another one tomorrow night into Saturday. I’m aching all over from slipping and landing on hard ice twice, once for each storm, during the snow-blowing part. And that’s pretty much what I’m thinkin about. Other, maybe deeper concerns have been relegated to the back burner for now. I’m listening to Baroque music and loving the timbre of the stringed instruments. And that sounds like snowy day stuff.
— The dog and the cats seem to be taking a day off from insisting that I drop everything and deal with their exigencies….
— So, yeah, I guess I feel like the whole world is on hold and I’m waiting for the next shoe to drop here.
— Shrug–,
~~~~~ Jim