Noon here on Sunday, Interesting sculpture from the howling wind and snow

Sunday, February 15, 2015 -( -14°C / +7°F & Snowing Heavily in Atlantic Canada at noon Atlantic Time )- -( -18°C / 0°F & Snowing in the Ithaca, New York area at 11:00 am Eastern Time )-

Wind/Snow Sculpture

Noon. Some of the wind-sculpture out the porch door on February 15th, 2015. —jim w—

Snowy Stormy Driveway.

More wind and snow sculpture, looking at the driveway right around noon.

Jassper in the storm.

Jassper, ‘boofing’ at the snowflakes. Noon-ish.

Looking toward Canada Street.

Looking over Jassper’s head toward the road we can’t see under the snow at the bottom of the hill, out what Cathi calls our ‘back door’. Noon on February 15th, 2015. —jrw—

— The howling wind is blowing so hard no snow has built up on top of the van in our driveway. Route 2 between Fredericton and the U.S. border is closed due to the storm. They ‘don’t want anybody to be stuck in the storm near the border’. —schnarr— The ‘Confederation Bridge’ is not allowing high sided trucks to make the journey from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island. Moncton’s city services are shut down. The one p.m. news just called for 30 to 40 centimeters -12 to 16 inches. “Snow and blowing snow will continue into Monday.”

— Ah- email from Doug:

Cornell Cam

Web Cam in Ithaca at 11:20 am today – emailed by Doug Otterson

Cornell Web Cam Valentine's Day.

“6:39 pm on Valentine’s Day. Two minutes ago somebody was standing near the “David” legend in the snow, jumping up and down, waving at the camera.” —djo—

Cornell Web Cam V.D.Day 2014 Snow

“6:40 pm. Coloured light pools in the blustery snow storm.” —djo—

— And now the swirling wind blown snow is spattering the window in front of the deer cams that have not been moved into place yet.

— And Doug’s email message says the sun is trying to peek out from behind the clouds in the Ithaca, New York area.

{ Today’s Birthdays : — You can find all this and more at & They have a ‘Follow on Twitter’ link on their site.

February 15th: 1564- Galileo Galilei, Pisa Italy, astronomer/physicist. 1710- Louis XV the Well-Beloved, Versailles, King of France (1715-74)). 1797- Henry Engelhard Steinway, piano maker (Steinway).  1809- Cyrus Hall McCormick, Shenandoah Valley Virginia, American inventor (Mechanical reaper). 1820- Susan B (Brownell) Anthony, Adams Mass, woman’s suffragette. 1822  John Barrymore, [Blythe], Phila, actor (Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde). 1892- James Forrestal, US, banker/minister of Navy. 1899- Lillian Disney, Mrs Walt Disney. 1905- Harold Arlen, [Hyman Arluck], US, composer (Over the Rainbow). 1907- Cesar Romero, American actor (Joker-Batman, Ocean’s 11), born in NYC, New York. 1927- Harvey Korman, actor (Carol Burnett Show, Blazing Saddles), born in Chicago, Illinois. 1931- [Patricia] Claire Bloom, actress (Charly, Look Back in Anger), born in London, England. 1951- Jane Seymour, [Joyce Frankenberg], England, actress (Dr Quinn) & Melissa Manchester, Bronx NY, vocalist (Don’t Cry Out Loud). 1954- Matt Groening, cartoonist (Life in Hell, Simpsons). 1971- Renee O’Connor, actress, (Xena Warrior Princess).  1980- Conor Oberst, American singer and songwriter (Bright Eyes).  } ( Also, Helen Lewis, My Grandparents’ next door neighbour on Ward Street in the old days- )

— Yum?

~~~~~ Jim

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