Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 -(-17°C / +1°F & cloudy @ 7:30 pm here in Atlantic Canada )-
— Today is singer-songwriter Melanie Safka’s birthday & I thought today is Ian Anderson’s Birthday, but no- He’s an August-born kid. But Dave Davies of the Kinks was born the same day, same year as Melanie, & I liked most of what the Kinks recorded and released, they also told the world they were depressed about the state of things in interviews back in the sixties. — I think this Melanie -( “Candles in the Rain”, “Look what they’ve done to my song, Ma”, “Beautiful People” and a lot of other songs I liked a lot )- was the first celebrity I was aware of who went by just her first name. Blythe Danner’s birthday also (I thought she had amazing eyes) & Pretty Boy Floyd -Who might be the closest thing to an American Robin Hood & ‘turned to crime’ robbing banks and leaving thousand dollars behind to poor people who were kind to him when he was on the run; all this after he was framed for robbing banks by banksters who had fleeced their own banks and got away with it back when things were black and white – was born on this day in 1904. & How about Norman Rockwell?-1894. — Elizabeth Blackwell, credited as being the first woman Physician was born in Bristol, England in 1821. & Gertrude Stein was born in Pennsylvania in 1874.
— Yup digging out. It looked like another foot of snow when I opened the door and sighed. The official word from news outlets was ‘we got 22 centimeters – That’s 8 & 2/3 inches. I think they’re lying to us 😉 –

Partially dug out – before 8 am. I had to dig a path from the door to the shed that houses the snow blower.

Partially dug out. I waited for Cathi to go to work before I finished blowing snow out of the driveway, but –

But Cathi had to go to work. A couple hours earlier I would have guessed there was no way in hell anybody would have been expected to drive anywhere in that storm. St John, New Brunswick – 100 kilometers/ approx. 62 miles south of us – was still under a blizzard warning and calling for a state of emergency so they could charge people with crimes for parking on their streets. The house across the street there has crimson Christmas lights they still light up at night. We’ve never met or talked to the people who live in that house, but the lights are a nice touch.
— There was a wind chill of -32°C while I was outside using the snow-blower. My fingers were burning and stinging hours later. I made sure I carved the path to where the deer come looking for handouts almost every night these days. And later went back to toss some oats on top of the fluffy new snow. They come when it’s impossible to see them right now through the plastic window covers and darkness, around 7-7:30 pm.
— Continuum is back on the “Showcase” channel up here, I missed a few shows, they’re working through season one at the moment, Kiera’s ‘CMR’ was hacked this morning and Alex managed to keep her from killing anybody by remotely shutting her off. She collapsed in a heap as she was about to shoot her partner and a couple minutes later woke up looking dazed, “What just happened here?” They were investigating a gaming software company that had developed advanced mind control capability by using technology that came from 2077 with people we’re supposed to believe are ‘bad guys’ at this point in the developing plot.
— Sigh, Last night the dog was such a pain, whining and scratching outside our bedroom door that I knew Cathi wouldn’t be able to sleep if that went on, I got up and tried to do some computer schnarr and then tried to hybernate in the recliner with the weather network never quite giving us their full weather reports, cutting the forecast stuff in half, probably a user error on their part, somebody pushed the wrong switch and then didn’t pay attention to their New Brunswick feed. I had a twenty five pound cat on my chest and a 125 pound Labrador Retriever moaning and groaning nearby, but I did get enough rest to be able to try to freeze my fingers off and give Cathi a nice clean end of the driveway to drive away through.
— Tuesday? Yesterday I got really discombobulated and thought it was Friday again. -Wishful thinking?-
— Sigh again. I should quit here and post this.
— I have no idea what is flying up toward the security/deer cam – it looks like snow but you can’t see anything with normal human vision. We get this effect during a fog event. Best guess? There are 20 to 50 orbs visible flying up and around most of the time. Looks like a convention of curious little orb creatures checking out those weird humans. Maybe it’s a tour conducted by orbs from the future? 😉
~~~~~ Jim