Monday, December 22nd, 2014 -(-3°C / +27°F quite grey and dark at 7:45 am here in Atlantic Canada )-
— At least 2 parter:
— 1) I didn’t think I did much with Evelyn before noon yesterday.
— 2) Dream: I dreamed I started a new job and was getting along well, liked the people I worked with and they liked me. We had something to do with mail or packages. But then my father was there and he told me he didn’t think he could continue to drive me to work and I would have to either quit or find another way to get to work.
— etc.) Real World: Feeling stuck for where to go, what to include and what not to include in this novel I am going ‘gangbusters’ on, I reached for Evelyn’s consciousness and asked her to help me. I immediately knew I’d made connection and that she was thrilled that I would ask for her help.
— Much later: After midnight. -We have an appointment at 1:00 pm today, I was thinking I should get some sleep at a more normal time than usual; trying to connect with my ‘higher Self’, trying to connect with Evelyn, I found Evelyn in her play clothes, couldn’t see her face as clearly as usual. I also found a blond woman at the bottom of the stairs to my higher-Self-land. She had shortish blond hair and a roundish face. She told me she would be my wife, Evelyn’s mother in that next life,and said, yes, she did appear to me as a redhead the first time I saw Evelyn, said she was busy -like maybe still alive down here in this life and caught up in a bunch of things to do with that- and couldn’t always be there in higher Self land.
— They brought me up the stairs to my now familiar landing, at the masonry or adobe half walls and now brighter windows, and turned me around and led me through a mundane door to a smallish hallway, not the main corridor up there. They turned me toward the window that Evelyn had shown me last time. And Jesus was standing there, radiating light. -totally unexpected- He reminded me that yes, that was Him that came to me in a dream when I was about 5 years old and had offered to lead me out into the woods behind my grandparents’s house near the river in Stratford, and yes He would have shown me some of the things that Evelyn is showing me now. He told me that Evelyn is ’empowered’ to answer any question I have and doesn’t have to check in with any higher authorities, in her state, she is always connected to them anyway. She’s smiling at me now, happy that I realize that. Also, Jesus teleported me, and Evelyn and maybe her mother, out into a very brilliantly lit field with many flowers blooming everywhere, where the only bugs were butterflies. And then He took us beyond -I’m still holding Evelyn’s hand- to a waterfall, again very bright, mostly pastel water splashing warmly on a spot that is perfect to bathe and have all this warm wonderful healing water splash over you and send rivers of healing energy through you. The last thing He did before he left was touch my heart. “You will feel younger, you will feel healthier. We are not going to make you look much younger, that might alert some of the wrong people and cause you more trouble than it might be worth.” I wanted to get down on my knees and Thank Him. He said my heartfelt thanks were more precious than lowering myself in His presence. Reminded me of a saying, ‘The Lord appreciates me when I pray, But He Loves it when I sing and dance in the Joy of his Divine Presence.’
— Back to reality? I was flooded with knowing what I should pop into this chapter and some of the things that need to come in -in the near future. I should not get hyper critical about anything yet, just write it all out and edit it when the story line is all out there. I have a feeling this will take a few more than 300,000 words.
— Yum!
~~~~~ Jim