– Monday, August 12, 2019 – 80˚F / 27˚C & cloudy @ 3:30 pm near Ithaca, New York –
– The above has been copied and pasted from our “Inter World News” blog – I like the way most of that blog looks. – —djo—– I copied and pasted the above here, too, maybe I’ll do this for the whole article. – —djo—
– “Economic Warfare .101 – Why do people get crazy when workers ask for a living wage when CEOs get $10,000.00 (or more) an hour?” – —djo—
– This was my ‘sign off’ for the article I posted yesterday – —djo—
— Now, if our buddy, “HJdA”, could get the design elements of the above blog to work here – I’d vote to double his salary at our next bored meeting 😉 – return multiply by zero error 😉
Monday, 01 February, 2016 -( 35˚F / +2˚C & ‘Partly Cloudy’ near Ithaca at 6:17 pm // 43˚F /+6˚C & clear in the dark in Atlantic Canada @ 7:17 pm // +1˚F / -17˚C & ‘Partly Cloudy in North Pole, Alaska @ 2:17 pm ) –
— This Post is ‘Stuck’ at the top – & not by mistake – —djo—
Bernie Sanders being interviewed by Barbara Walters.
— I thought I’d be bombarded with nothing but Political messages when I checked into twitter. There does seem to be a lot of Bernie vs Hillary stuff going on. And a lot of ‘Everybody Bashing’ by Trump’s forces.
– Um, Most people I know would be in danger of ‘Rolling On The Floor Laughing’ over this one – A couple friends might need to reach for their medications – One guy said, ‘I knew it – The Martians are supposed to be Feline Humanoids!’ – and Jim W. in New Brunswick asked, “Is it a guy in a costume or something a taxidermist put together? ‘101 Things To Do With A Dead Cat Volume 2’? ” –
— How old do you have to be to remember when typing ‘rotfl’ would earn you a bunch of ‘lol’s in IM chat rooms? Think that real cool cat might be playing “Smoke on the Water?” or “Stairway to Heaven” ?
— I should add a poll here – ya think?
Somebody gave an orphaned Kangaroo a Teddy Bear? How cool is that? Maybe there really is hope for the Human Race after all.
— I scrolled past dozens of cute cat photos and cute dog photos and cute ‘what the heck is that?’ photos, thinkin’ maybe I shouldn’t send anybody into diabetic shock from posting terribly sweet nonsense here. But I couldn’t resist the two above photos-
– Think they might be waiting for a princess to walk by so they can try to con her into thinking she should kiss both of them to see if they turn into handsome princes? Rachel says, “With my luck, any frog I kissed would turn out to be Attila the Hun reincarnated-“
— I’m almost giddy thinking about the brain power I’m not wasting getting all upset about what could happen in Iowa this evening when the results come rolling in.
“Hey,” Says Rachel, and for once I’m not upset that she’s watching my computer screen over my shoulder, ” – I think I want to spend my honeymoon right there-“
— Okay, so something’s happening. The Earth is receiving a Blessing from Above – Or maybe I’m appreciating the heck out of my daughter’s visit to catch me up on what she’s planning for her wedding?
– And I can’t even claim that any political tweets are bringing me back down to ‘Reality’, not when somebody ‘photo-shopped’ ‘The Bern’ delivering the ten commandments and pointing an accusing finger at Congress.
— It’s been fun — Hang in there, I might have a lot to gripe about tomorrow –
Ms. Pelosi says it will cost more to institute single payer health care? Bull-Chips!
— In the 1990’s a Connecticut Psychiatrist, named Dr. John Battista, did a lot of homework and realized that if the State of Connecticut converted itself to a single payer health care system the resulting savings to taxpayers would amount to Billions of good old US Dollars. He was asked by members of the Connecticut Legislature to write up his findings and did so, listing all the facts and figures that he’d researched to come up with his findings. The Connecticut Legislators who asked him for his help then brought his paper work to a marathon session and asked him to be available to testify during negotiations. The sponsoring Representatives came to him during any break they got and assured him they were close and getting closer. At something like 3 am, the disheartened Representatives came to him, glumly thanked him for his efforts and explained that Insurance Company Lobbyists (And Connecticut is and has been the headquarters for many Insurance Companies) came in, hit the Legislators hard with promises of campaign contributions if they shot down the attempt to go with the single payer system. Dr. Battista was so moved by this experience that he joined the Connecticut Green Party and changed the scope of a radio call-in talk show into an Activists forum.
— So, Nancy Pelosi is full of you-know-what –
A recent landmark higher court ruling in Canada illuminated the fact that First Nations (Native America) Children do not receive benefits, opportunities or treatment equal to the benefits, treatment and opportunities given to other than First Nations Children. One Non-First-Nations child impressed a Canadian Spokes -Person by saying that “Discrimination means your government doesn’t believe you’re worth caring about.”
— There would be no United States of America without the help and generosity of Native Americans. I’m not 1,000 percent positive, but it’s a safe bet that Canada would not be Canada if it wasn’t for the aid given by First Nations People to settlers, and resource exploiters, of both French and English origin.
And, in the spirit of a Jackie DeShannon song: “Don’t Doubt Yourself!”And here’s a copy & paste of a tweet advertising screenwriting contests.
— Silly me, I checked email and followed a couple links and missed my nap time.
Wednesday, January 27th, 2016 -( +5˚C / +41˚F — Grey skies & damp in Atlantic Canada @ 8:00 am )-
Corporate Welfare? In Canada, ‘Fossil Fuel’ Corporations get $34 Billion dollars in Taxpayer funded subsidies – In the UK, Google gets a sweetheart deal, which, when found out leads to a hand slapping pittance in back taxes. -Meanwhile- Provincial Governments in Canada, Crying poverty, are trying to convince taxpayers that they need to pay tolls that could cost heavy commuters $1,000.00 to $1,500.00 more every year?
— Economic Warfare —
— The oil and gas industries received $34 Billion dollars per year in taxpayer-funded subsidies? Mid-priced Electric cars cost about $31,000.00 Canadian Dollars. They figure there are 9 million families in Canada?
– So the ‘government’ of New Brunswick has been ‘studying’ how to fraudulently fleece the citizens of New Brunswick and reduce the health care and other services New Brunswickers are entitled to. And from this photo (above) it looks like they think they can get away with that. –
— The Province of New Brunswick, crying poverty, has told the people of New Brunswick that their ‘duly elected government’ is trying to decide how to institute tolls on New Brunswick’s highways to raise money because they’re not bringing in enough tax revenues? ***Why don’t they raise taxes on the corporations that have been getting away with downsizing, knocking hardworking people from their ability to pay those taxes, which may be fraudulently reported to the media which, in turn, ‘report’ those fraudulent figures to the news-consuming public.
— Walter Burien of cafr1.com [ (CAFR+the number 1) dot com ] is an investment counselor who has been trying to explain that virtually every level of Federal, State or Provincial, County, and municipal government has more income streams than they admit to, that tax revenues amount to one third of their actual income, and if they’re not receiving two thirds of their income from non-tax revenues, well then, shame on them for being incredibly stupid – Mr. Burien has been trying to explain this for years, has been politely screaming at seemingly sleeping citizens who, apparently, would much rather plug their ears than listen to him.
The existing pipeline would be ‘upgraded’/converted to carry oil instead of gas through lands threatened by possible Fracking and extended to where the crude oil could be shipped away from Canada to where foreign jobs would either be created or insured at the expense of possible Canadian jobs. Renewable Energy development would create a lot more jobs for a lot less money.
— The proposed Eastern Pipeline upgrade would bring oil from Alberta to Saint John, New Brunswick, not to be refined here, an operation which would create Canadian jobs, but to be loaded on ships and carried off to refineries in the USA, where US citizens would have job security that is lacking in Canada?
— Meanwhile, Facking has been shown to create earthquakes. Earthquakes endanger pipelines. Oil pipelines that split open poison groundwater. Poisoned groundwater forces humans to pay for water that isn’t poisoned, and it kills animals. Animals that die from poisoned water include farm animals that people eat, and pets, and wild animals, like the Beluga whales in the Saint Lawrence River/Seaway.
— When the Mayor of Montreal cried out against the pipeline, he was first accused of being selfish, then accused of trying to divide Canadians along East Versus West, or even Anglophones versus Francophones lines. Then, after a talk with Justin Trudeau, the Mayor of Montreal clarified that his stance against the pipeline was not against economic opportunities, but against the shoddy inability of watchdogs to insure that the pipelines would be properly built, properly inspected, and properly maintained. Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, for his part, has announced that he is not a cheerleader for this pipeline project, or any other pipeline project. First Nations/Native Americans – the people whose country was stolen out from under them by Europeans who claimed they were saving the aboriginal citizens of the ‘Americas’ from ignorance and poverty, have been fighting pipelines both in the east and in the west. They have also been fighting against the practice of ‘Fracking’, which threatens their drinking water and the stability of their lands.
— Canadian ‘Law’ sees mineral rights as belonging to the ‘Crown’, land owners have been shocked and dismayed to discover that their property has been invaded by somebody who dug a hole, searching for possible minerals or other exploitable resources, & left the ‘exploratory’ holes open and dangerous to children and other living things. And then the property owners discovered that (1) they are powerless to stop this sort of thing, (2) if anything valuable was discovered on or under their property, they would not benefit from that discovery, or its exploitation or development – at all, and (3) they just might have to pay the cost of filling any dangerous holes left in their own property.
— First Nations people have been fighting for centuries to keep their land and mineral rights, citing the fact that they never did sign away their mineral rights. Miners want to be able to walk onto Tribal lands and poison and ruin the area, grab whatever minerals and ores they find there, cart the valuable substances away and gesture obscenely as they ‘laugh all the way to the bank’ and capitalize on what they’ve stolen.
Meanwhile, in the UK –
— Corporations have also been getting away with not paying their fair share of taxes in the United Kingdom. Google, which ‘mines’ information from the browsers of anybody connecting to their ‘services’ has recently been slapped on the wrist and asked to pay a pittance to cover back taxes while taxpayers in the UK have been discovering that they are being charged unbelievably ridiculous new taxes that sound more like a Monty Python routine than anything like a real tax that any government in the Western ‘Free World’ would have the gall to suggest.
Corporations were severely limited in the United States from the time of the Revolution until their lobbyists basically pooped all over the 99%. Originally, corporations were only granted very limited time charters, & after their time was up, their assets would revert to public ownership.Nobody wants to support an industry that exploits slavery.Human Rights Watch is raising the alarm about governments using the politix of Fear to avoid the annoying problem of respecting the Human Rights of their own citizens as well as refugees.
This Japanese “Raccoon-Dog” called a ‘Tanuki’ is neither a raccoon nor a dog and is not recommended as a pet. Sounds like a shame, because a dog that cute would probably be fun to share your life with.& this, like all the graphics & photos included here, does not contain a valid link. You might be able to copy and paste something from the graphic itself. or you might have to ‘google it’ or more safely: look it up at startpage dot-com. But yeah, I think I’d rather be watching the sun rise in Ireland than letting myself become upset / depressed by the latest mass media news.
— & On the Ethics front: In France, the Justice Minister resigned her post in protest over the new French law that strips citizenship from those accused of terrorism. So human beings with their humanity and moral values intact actually still do exist as of today, the 27th day of January/janvier, 2016. Of course, the newscast that announced this brave and ethical act went on to tell us that the Justice Minister who resigned had already been replaced by a schnarr ice-hole of an Elitist shill who was firmly in favour of advancing himself without regard for ethical behaviour or the health and well-being of anybody else.
— And so, sadly, tragically, that is a snapshot of this morning’s schnarr from Atlantic Canada.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016 -( 14˚F / -10˚C & Snowing in Ithaca @ 9:30 am // +9˚F / -13˚C w/Hazy Sunshine North of Fredericton, NB @ 10:30 am // +7˚F / -14˚C & Overcast in North Pole Alaska @ 5:30 am )-
Cornell Web Cam at 9:30 am Tuesday, January 19, 2016.
— Um, So lately, along with Rachel’s wedding plans occupying much more of my time than I expected, and me thinking that copying and pasting News Items from CBC News on-line was a slightly interesting waste of time – my friend and c0-blogger, Jim W. recently told me he wanted to try to put as much positive information as possible out there in internet land and avoid the negatives as much as he could.
— So this morning it appears he’s blogged an update that I will copy and paste here:
Tuesday, January 19th, 2016 -( -13˚C / +9˚F With Wind Chill around -26˚C/ -16˚F — Greyish and cold in Atlantic Canada @ 7:16 am )-
CBC New Brunswick Tweeted a link to this Photographer’s Twitter Account. Twitter seems to be encountering difficulties this morning – might be overloading with activity? I tried to follow this acct. and got an “Ooops-” message.
— There are weather warnings out there this morning. Wind Chills below -20˚C — which would translate to -4˚F — But – The latest possible Nor’Easter that is worrying meteorologists in New England and Nova Scotia will probably remain far enough south so Most of New Brunswick might get a repeat of Last Sunday’s storm here. — Nova Scotia got 40 centimeters / 16 inches of snow while we only got maybe two inches / 5 cm?
— One candidate has declared himself in the running for Fredericton’s Mayoral position. Apparently the sitting mayor has not clearly announced whether he wants to be the Mayor for another term or run for a seat on the City Council. One thing the mayor said about labour negotiations between the bus company and its drivers might either bite him or win him points with voters (or both – earn him some votes from some voters and earn his oppositions candidates voters from pro union voters. When bus drivers said they wanted their pay to be equal with what drivers in Moncton get, the current mayor said, “If they want to get paid what Moncton drivers are paid – they should move to Moncton.”
— Local / municipal, county and Provincial governments all around Canada ( and the rest of the ‘Western world’ for that matter ) have been crying poverty and claiming they have to cut back on programs and cut down on the number of people they employ because they just don’t have the money. I have been asking reporters and other newsy types to investigate the claims of CAFR1.com for a couple of years now – since I heard Walter Burien, an investment counselor, explain that virtually every level of government in the USA and almost all of the USA’s allies follow a model developed by the Rockefellers, in which all levels of government have several income streams but only let the public know about what they get from taxes. Mr Burien claims that all levels of government in the west here could stop collecting taxes and provide more and better services than they do now. And the message seems to be, “If these governments are not following this model, well then shame on them.” If this is true, and I do not have the resources or expertise to properly investigate this, myself, then all levels of governments here in the ‘free world’ are engaged in a monumental fraud. And, if this is true, it lends a lot of credibility to the claims of many Conspiracy Researchers that Elitists, who are trying their darndest to manipulate and control everybody and everything, are using “Need to Know” information with-holding as one of their ‘tools’ to deceive the rest of us, the 99% of us that the 1%-ers want to control. Their other tactics include using Intelligence Gathering Operations like the C.I.A. and MI-6 to recruit, train and secretly control ‘Terrorists’ like Al-Qaeda and ISIS – in order to maintain an atmosphere of fear and anxiety because fearful and anxious populations can be convinced to surrender their rights and freedoms in favor of promises of safety and security. The fact that governments use Anti-Terrorist legislation to turn their guns on their own citizens does not become immediately apparent. Police disguised as rioters have been ‘outed’ in areas where G-20 meetings supposedly drew a lot of civil unrest and lots of peaceful demonstrators were arrested and later had charges against them dropped. This happened in Toronto, Ontario, Canada a couple years ago. And it’s happened in too many other cities around the world.
— “Governments have killed more of their own civilian populations than Foreign Armies have in all the Wars in the Last Century.” —
— In other, possibly more hopeful news, Anti-Terrorist Laws in the UK have been found to violate fundamental rights by failing to protect the rights of journalists and labeling journalists who criticize their governments as terrorists. I haven’t seen anything in the mainstream media about this here in Atlantic Canada, but the “Tweet-Us-Sphere” has been buzzing.
— Another thing I’d like to research today is a job opportunity here :
The wording of the “Cyber-Psyc” opportunities has me wondering if it’s true of double talk – Are they looking to offer people stress reduction? Or are they trolling for signs that people on-line may be becoming a problem along the lines of ‘Minority Report’ where law enforcement shock troops arrest, detain, and ‘deal with’ people who just might commit a crime – or protect themselves from Gestapo like tactics used by Government Forces? I’ll have to re-read this a couple more times to be sure.
— Okay, I’ve probably done more than enough damage here today – Think Positive – We are evolving, The bad guys will kill each other off in their insane power struggles and leave the rest of us free to discover what the “New Heaven – New Earth” might be like.
— Beyond that – I’ve added the spiffiest Mac Mini I could find to my collection of ‘nearly new’ computer junk, and now face the needless frustration of “Google Chrome” informing me that the mac mini’s hardware is no longer supported by Google Chrome [ implying that I should run out and spend lots of money – that would be better used giving my daughter a wedding she deserves – on making sure I have the latest and greatest innovations in NSA friendly spy tech inside my work-horse computers ] – I fire up Chrome to make sure that anything I post using Firefox does not look insanely formatted in a Chrome browser.
— & While Jim keeps telling me in email that he doesn’t think this winter will be as bad as the last two were in New Brunswick, my sweetie up there isn’t quite as sure as he is, but she has her fingers crossed. & “Hey – Universe – If you hand me a winning lottery ticket, how crazy would it be to try to maintain two residences? one in New York State and the other In New Brunswick?” – Rachel & her husband to be are suggesting it might make more sense to migrate to Maine if I’m serious about living in two countries at once? -shrug- That whole idea might be ridiculous – But —
Saturday, November 21, 2015 -( 3˚C / 37˚F @ 6:00 pm in dark, warmer than usual Atlantic Canada )-
Good News First? We discovered a relatively new organization that supports local farmers who grow what we hope is 100% natural food and sell that directly to their customers. We’ll know a little more next Tuesday.
Above is a screen shot from —> cleanproteinfarmfoods.ca [ <— link ] We’re hoping their stuff is 100% free of anything genetically modified. & we’ll let you know about that after Tuesday evening.
Ain’t it the Truth? Support your local family farms! Before Monsanto kills us all and reports back to the devil that they’ve won. (( Schnarr! ))
I went looking for some of those gawdawful images of heavily armed military guys terrorizing civilians in Brussels today. Every day it appears more clear that my father’s generation went to war between 1939 and 1945 to free the world of Nazis so good old boys the world over could sneak them bloody fascists into their countries and learn from them all their secrets and turn the whole bloody planet into a series of terrorized concentration camps.Taylorism: The plot by elitists to micro-manage technology and suppress everyone they could while exploiting them in economic slavery; making themselves richer and more powerful all the time and making sure the creative, innovative and productive are rendered powerless and penniless and in debt way over their heads through all eternity.Yes, World War II was fought so ice holes could learn how to terrorize anyone who’d been born into a free society and fleece the honest citizens of the world and invoke a Fascist/Terrorist world economy and corporate Oligarchy? ???So while Donald Trump wants to be the king of everything and build a strong defensive wall around his riches, he’s using the old ‘Divide and Conquer’ strategies, trying to scare Americans into fearing refugees and economic immigrants that the corporate oligarchy needs to work for almost nothing. & his Trumpness forgets that if he gets his way and outlaws refugees, Native Americans, Canadian First Nations, and all of North and South American aboriginals might find a legal loophole to export all the European, Asian, and ‘other’ usurpers who came to “Turtle Island” / the ‘Americas’ to escape the kind of tyranny that ice holes like Trump are trying to reinstate here now.The bottom line is. The loving, industrious, creative, nurturing, supportive citizens of this world are the ones who suffer the most, to the point where they’re almost paralyzed when bigoted ice-holes do their damnedest to create a state of constant fear and add their divisive propaganda which encourages morons to bully and isolate anyone who might look slightly different, but who just might be the Angels in Earthly form who can save us all from wannabe Hitlers and other Anti-Christs.
— Anybody want a soapbox? — I’m finished with it for today.
Somebody should nominate this idiot for one of those ‘Darwin Awards’ – Too bad Darwin should get one too?” —djo—
Looks like somebody just hit this moron in the head repeatedly with a two by four, and the jerk probably thanked his attacker profusely.
Why am I still astounded when people with political ambition want to run around bragging about how socially inept they are, and how ‘challenged’ they are in understanding reality? And they actually seem to be proud of how stupid they are.
Thursday, October 15th, 2015 -( 61˚F / 16˚C w/Scattered Clouds in the Ithaca, NY area @ 3:00 pm Eastern Time // 54˚F / 12˚C & Clear near Fredericton, New Brunswick @ 4:00 pm Atlantic Time // 24˚F / -5˚C in North Pole, Alaska, where it is 11:00 am & ‘Partly Cloudy’ )-
Scare Tactics – Half Truths – and bold faced lies, & Facebook Thinks I’m in Canada. —djo—
Is this an example of Canadian Tax Dollars at work? I think we would at least hope the Conservative Party Of Canada is paying for this out of their own pockets.
& Maybe I should be happy to see that they’re wasting their money on an ‘American’ / US Citizen who’s in love with a Canadian and checking out her facebook page.
I didn’t get the ad I clicked on before, the divisive, Xenophobic ad that shows a side view of Stephen Harper, the current Prime Minister and says, “It is offensive that someone would hide their identity at the very moment they are… [committing to join the Canadian family.” -Prime Minister Stephen Harper, February 12, 2015 <— Everything after the ellipses was on the idiotic “I AGREE!” Page. ]
I clicked “Disagree” and twiddled my thumbs while facebook brought me to a page where it finished the statement and wanted me to fill out my name and address and email address and let the conservative party use me as an example of the many quadrillions of Canadians who hate the idea that anybody from an Arab culture might want to wear a Niqab while taking the Oath of Citizenship. It also wanted me to click on “Donate Now” and help the evil, Xenophobic, manipulating, fascist, micromanaging, ICE-HOLE [Stephen Harper] get his butt re-elected.
— Jim Found the ad and emailed it to me- thank you, Jim. —djo—
This is coming one day after the media ran this article —> “Finance Minister Joe Oliver charged taxpayers to upgrade seat on flights” [ October 14, 9:27 PM ET ]
And this [ the following ] article went over the Prime Minister’s latest b.s. shenanigans [ Having Party shills exposing their children to cameras and other party shills while dropping piles of Canadian money a little bit at a time while a cash register ‘comically’ goes ‘Ka-Ching” with each drop – while the smug Prime Minister grins with a leer, preaching to his choir, firmly believing that ‘anybody with half a brain/ half a lick of sense’ is solidly behind him and firmly believes everything he believes they should believe – ] with a magnifying glass and ran this slightly lengthy article online at http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ :
Spin Cycle: Is Justin Trudeau really going to empty your wallet?
Tories say Liberal promises would cost families and businesses thousands, but what’s the whole story?
I’m half tempted to copy and paste the entire article here, but I’m not sure what the copyright issues might be. I’m probably stretching things as it is –
This is were the “Disagree” button brought me. —djo—
Also — I heard on NPR radio, WHYY’s “Fresh Air” with Terry Gross – that there is a book entitled “Canada After Harper” with a Forward by Ralph Nader :
I hope this comes through large enough so you can read it —
And I wondered why I didn’t hear anything about this book, which was published/released on August 15th, before this.
&&& If that isn’t enough, one idiot running for office under the banner of Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party announced in a real debate that Liberal Party Leader wants to put Brothels and places to shoot up with deadly drugs next door to all your vulnerable, loving, innocent children & apparently, Conservative propaganda has been published with that same idiotic & unfounded, un-verified claim in Chinese and maybe other languages most Canadians can’t read. So who knows what other flagrant lies these morons are trying to put out there and believe we’re all stupid enough to believe that if they say something, it must be true?
My favourite psychic/sensitive people still believe the Conservatives will lose big time in this election – A lot of veterans are mobilized in an “Anybody But Conservatives” campaign.
Meanwhile, some Media Watch people keep pointing out that Stephen Harper’s tactics lately show them that he’s desperately trying to hold on to his base. They point to him bringing out the loose cannon – drug addicted ex-mayor of Toronto and his brother, sitting them in front of a room only half full of ‘party faithful’ as a symptom of this desperation.
I do not endorse anybody here, but I really hope the Canadian Voters are not so blind and stupid they re-elect these ice-holes.
But then I can still hear one of my favourite Canadian’s voice, “People around here would elect a dead goat if it ran under the Conservative Party of Canada’s banner-” ringing in my ears.
Monday, 27 July, 2015 – No wonder I never get anything of my own done-
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s bid to buy votes and convince voters that the opposition wants to take food out of their babies’ mouths is a lie. The Harper Government has ‘Clawed Back’ the ‘old’ child benefits and substituted this propaganda campaign, without explaining that the new benefits are taxable, so the average benefit would amount to a little over $13.00 Canadian money per month – —djo—
& So far, nobody has won a “Nice Job” from me by telling me that the ‘other’ progressive law recently passed in France makes it illegal to design planned early obsolescence into products.
Monday, 27 July, 2015 -( 83˚F / 28˚C w/ Scattered Clouds in the Finger Lakes Region of New York @ 3:45 pm &&& 75˚F / 24˚C & Overcast in New Brunswick @ 4:45 pm &&& 63˚F / 17˚ C & raining in North Pole, Alaska @ 11:45 am there )-
Tweet of the Day? Actual Wisdom for a change? Did we blink and wake up in a more perfect world where people care about each other? — djo —
Walter Burien’s forecast for upcoming Ekonomic Manipulations – Came in email today, link at the bottom :
——— djo ———
This Wednesday is the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) monthly meeting in which the determination is made for a interest rate increase. The announcement comes out at 2 PM Eastern time.
Interest rates have held at their lowest levels for several years. All have been watching for the first move by the Fed towards the 1st increase.
Well, the data they look at to make their determination, Unemployment, GDP, Durable Goods orders, etc. have almost fallen in line. The market chatter has been looking for the 1st increase to take place in September or October of this year. From the writing on the wall, and in my opinion, I give it a 60% probability the 1st increase will be announced tomorrow at 2 PM Eastern time.
At last months meeting, one member pushed to have the increase start last month. At this meeting the data that came out since the last meeting supports an increase.
Bottom line if they do so? Some of the wildest swings seen for quite some time in the interest rate futures, metals, dollar index, stock indexes, etc. US 30 Year Bonds could see a swing of 3 to 5 points to the downside . Silver a $1.25 to $2 swing to the upside. Stock indexes to the downside, then a massive swing to the upside. All will be on a roller-coaster ride for sure.
If they do not? The chatter from the meeting will probably indicate doing so where it will have the same effect but not as visceral.
Keep your eyes open tomorrow!
Sent FYI and truly Yours, Walter J. Burien, Jr. P. O. Box 2112 Saint Johns, AZ 85936