Monday, 01 February, 2016 -( 35˚F / +2˚C & ‘Partly Cloudy’ near Ithaca at 6:17 pm // 43˚F /+6˚C & clear in the dark in Atlantic Canada @ 7:17 pm // +1˚F / -17˚C & ‘Partly Cloudy in North Pole, Alaska @ 2:17 pm ) –
— This Post is ‘Stuck’ at the top – & not by mistake – —djo—
— I thought I’d be bombarded with nothing but Political messages when I checked into twitter. There does seem to be a lot of Bernie vs Hillary stuff going on. And a lot of ‘Everybody Bashing’ by Trump’s forces.
— How old do you have to be to remember when typing ‘rotfl’ would earn you a bunch of ‘lol’s in IM chat rooms? Think that real cool cat might be playing “Smoke on the Water?” or “Stairway to Heaven” ?
— I should add a poll here – ya think?
— I scrolled past dozens of cute cat photos and cute dog photos and cute ‘what the heck is that?’ photos, thinkin’ maybe I shouldn’t send anybody into diabetic shock from posting terribly sweet nonsense here. But I couldn’t resist the two above photos-
— I’m almost giddy thinking about the brain power I’m not wasting getting all upset about what could happen in Iowa this evening when the results come rolling in.
— Okay, so something’s happening. The Earth is receiving a Blessing from Above – Or maybe I’m appreciating the heck out of my daughter’s visit to catch me up on what she’s planning for her wedding?
— It’s been fun — Hang in there, I might have a lot to gripe about tomorrow –
Thursday, October 15th, 2015 -( 61˚F / 16˚C w/Scattered Clouds in the Ithaca, NY area @ 3:00 pm Eastern Time // 54˚F / 12˚C & Clear near Fredericton, New Brunswick @ 4:00 pm Atlantic Time // 24˚F / -5˚C in North Pole, Alaska, where it is 11:00 am & ‘Partly Cloudy’ )-
Is this an example of Canadian Tax Dollars at work? I think we would at least hope the Conservative Party Of Canada is paying for this out of their own pockets.
& Maybe I should be happy to see that they’re wasting their money on an ‘American’ / US Citizen who’s in love with a Canadian and checking out her facebook page.
I didn’t get the ad I clicked on before, the divisive, Xenophobic ad that shows a side view of Stephen Harper, the current Prime Minister and says, “It is offensive that someone would hide their identity at the very moment they are… [committing to join the Canadian family.” -Prime Minister Stephen Harper, February 12, 2015 <— Everything after the ellipses was on the idiotic “I AGREE!” Page. ]
I clicked “Disagree” and twiddled my thumbs while facebook brought me to a page where it finished the statement and wanted me to fill out my name and address and email address and let the conservative party use me as an example of the many quadrillions of Canadians who hate the idea that anybody from an Arab culture might want to wear a Niqab while taking the Oath of Citizenship. It also wanted me to click on “Donate Now” and help the evil, Xenophobic, manipulating, fascist, micromanaging, ICE-HOLE [Stephen Harper] get his butt re-elected.
This is coming one day after the media ran this article —> “Finance Minister Joe Oliver charged taxpayers to upgrade seat on flights” [ October 14, 9:27 PM ET ]
And this [ the following ] article went over the Prime Minister’s latest b.s. shenanigans [ Having Party shills exposing their children to cameras and other party shills while dropping piles of Canadian money a little bit at a time while a cash register ‘comically’ goes ‘Ka-Ching” with each drop – while the smug Prime Minister grins with a leer, preaching to his choir, firmly believing that ‘anybody with half a brain/ half a lick of sense’ is solidly behind him and firmly believes everything he believes they should believe – ] with a magnifying glass and ran this slightly lengthy article online at :
Spin Cycle: Is Justin Trudeau really going to empty your wallet?
Tories say Liberal promises would cost families and businesses thousands, but what’s the whole story?
I’m half tempted to copy and paste the entire article here, but I’m not sure what the copyright issues might be. I’m probably stretching things as it is –
Also — I heard on NPR radio, WHYY’s “Fresh Air” with Terry Gross – that there is a book entitled “Canada After Harper” with a Forward by Ralph Nader :
And I wondered why I didn’t hear anything about this book, which was published/released on August 15th, before this.
&&& If that isn’t enough, one idiot running for office under the banner of Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party announced in a real debate that Liberal Party Leader wants to put Brothels and places to shoot up with deadly drugs next door to all your vulnerable, loving, innocent children & apparently, Conservative propaganda has been published with that same idiotic & unfounded, un-verified claim in Chinese and maybe other languages most Canadians can’t read. So who knows what other flagrant lies these morons are trying to put out there and believe we’re all stupid enough to believe that if they say something, it must be true?
My favourite psychic/sensitive people still believe the Conservatives will lose big time in this election – A lot of veterans are mobilized in an “Anybody But Conservatives” campaign.
Meanwhile, some Media Watch people keep pointing out that Stephen Harper’s tactics lately show them that he’s desperately trying to hold on to his base. They point to him bringing out the loose cannon – drug addicted ex-mayor of Toronto and his brother, sitting them in front of a room only half full of ‘party faithful’ as a symptom of this desperation.
I do not endorse anybody here, but I really hope the Canadian Voters are not so blind and stupid they re-elect these ice-holes.
But then I can still hear one of my favourite Canadian’s voice, “People around here would elect a dead goat if it ran under the Conservative Party of Canada’s banner-” ringing in my ears.
Monday, 27 July, 2015 – No wonder I never get anything of my own done-
& So far, nobody has won a “Nice Job” from me by telling me that the ‘other’ progressive law recently passed in France makes it illegal to design planned early obsolescence into products.
Monday, 27 July, 2015 -( 83˚F / 28˚C w/ Scattered Clouds in the Finger Lakes Region of New York @ 3:45 pm &&& 75˚F / 24˚C & Overcast in New Brunswick @ 4:45 pm &&& 63˚F / 17˚ C & raining in North Pole, Alaska @ 11:45 am there )-
Walter Burien’s forecast for upcoming Ekonomic Manipulations – Came in email today, link at the bottom :
——— djo ———
This Wednesday is the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) monthly meeting in which the determination is made for a interest rate increase. The announcement comes out at 2 PM Eastern time.
Interest rates have held at their lowest levels for several years. All have been watching for the first move by the Fed towards the 1st increase.
Well, the data they look at to make their determination, Unemployment, GDP, Durable Goods orders, etc. have almost fallen in line. The market chatter has been looking for the 1st increase to take place in September or October of this year. From the writing on the wall, and in my opinion, I give it a 60% probability the 1st increase will be announced tomorrow at 2 PM Eastern time.
At last months meeting, one member pushed to have the increase start last month. At this meeting the data that came out since the last meeting supports an increase.
Bottom line if they do so? Some of the wildest swings seen for quite some time in the interest rate futures, metals, dollar index, stock indexes, etc. US 30 Year Bonds could see a swing of 3 to 5 points to the downside . Silver a $1.25 to $2 swing to the upside. Stock indexes to the downside, then a massive swing to the upside. All will be on a roller-coaster ride for sure.
If they do not? The chatter from the meeting will probably indicate doing so where it will have the same effect but not as visceral.
Keep your eyes open tomorrow!
Sent FYI and truly Yours, Walter J. Burien, Jr. P. O. Box 2112 Saint Johns, AZ 85936
Sunday, 26 July, 2015 -( 77˚F / 25˚C & Partly Cloudy @ 8:00 pm in Ithaca === 61˚F / 16˚C w/ light rain in New Brunswick, Canada @ 9:00 pm ADT &&& 68˚F / 20˚C & Mostly Cloudy in North Pole, Alaska @ 4:00 pm Alaska Time )-
Jim W found this in a box that he and Cathi H hadn’t found & opened since they moved in September of 2013 – he scanned it and sent it to me, and Yeah- I’m gonna run with it-
Friday, 24 July, 2015 -( 78˚F / 26˚C with a few clouds overhead @ 6:30 pm near Ithaca, New York )-
What’s Happenin in Canada? I’ll give ya a hint: The ‘sitting’ Conservative ‘government’ is spamming most teevee channels up there with painfully annoying campaign style propaganda months ahead of their scheduled election in the fall: Their television ads are full of nauseating hints, false logic and innuendos – implying that the candidate the Prime Minister fears the most hates all Canadian tax payers, has his head up (*) you know where, and will pull back on all the sudden ‘entitlements’ the ‘government’ is trying to bribe potential voters with, and then strip older Canadians of their pensions and take the food out of starving babies mouths.
There are a couple ‘commercials’ in this barrage. They show people who are supposed to look intelligent discussing the head of the Liberal Party’s non-qualifications for the job of Prime Minister, his ‘lack of maturity’, his ‘clue-less-ness’ in how to defend Canada against the terrorists the Conservatives want everyone to believe are hiding under everybody’s beds, ready to pounce, torture and ‘brutally murder’ everyone and everything you hold dear.
In the second commercial in this barrage, which is aimed at senior citizens as well as the financially second class citizens who were not going to get any benefit worth noting from the Conservatives’ ‘Income Splitting’ scheme to begin with – the actors sit around and complain about the head of the Liberal Party and his campaign to cheat growing families out of the magical windfalls that have suddenly materialized ( sending the projected budget surplus into a budget shortfall bigger than the earlier projected surplus- ) and assure each other that his agenda will certainly try to cheat retirees out of their pensions and claw back every law passed or proposed by the Conservatives that would supposedly make average retirees’ lives a little more comfortable – which is a blatant lie – nothing the Conservatives have proposed was aimed at making anyone but the top couple percent of mega-millionaires more comfortable. – And the actors want to make the television viewing public believe that the Liberal Leader has made public speeches outlining his plot to take any possible advantages away from average and low income senior citizens, which is absolutely not the case. I am not endorsing the Liberal Leader, or anyone in this upcoming election, but I will say that this form of implicational propaganda looks to me like the smug Leaders of the Conservative Party up there have sunk to new lows. In the U.S.A. there is a saying: “The Republican Party has never lost an election by underestimating the intelligence of the voting public.” In Canada, it looks to me like the Conservatives have embraced a policy that can be summed up as, “Tell them anything, and they’ll believe it.”
– The biggest problem I have with these commercials is that the actors never answer the questions they ask each other, they follow those questions with unsupported accusations, off the wall implications and private suppositions which are supposed to look like the gospel truth because they’re coming from actors? – who, in the most often spammed commercial are pretending to be a board of directors for something like a respectable company. [Let me tell you, in my world there is no such thing as a respectable corporation.] Those actors’ snide comments are probably pretested on guinea pig audiences and calculated to make everybody want to throw up at the mention of the Liberal Candidates’ names. Of course, the test audiences are probably entirely made up of Conservative Party shills and I’m hoping they will be shocked senseless when the actual vote is counted and they find out how badly they misjudged the viewing public and the Canadian Citizenry whether they can stomach any main stream television or not.
– The second biggest problem I have with these commercials is the fact that the campaign has not officially begun up there yet so the rules governing fairness in campaigns do not apply yet. The incumbents can hammer everyone with lies and innuendos and call it ‘information’ and get away with that.
It also looks like *’all three’ of the ‘major’ parties want to streamline their government by removing the Senate, that ‘House of sober second thought’ which should be an effective check and balance on their House of Commons – but has been used by every ruling party to stack the decks in their favour – Canadian Senators are ‘Appointed’ by the Prime Minister, for an indefinite length of time. [ If “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the other forms that have been tried” as Winston Churchill observed, you better realize that this is not Democracy, The Prime Ministerial type of government is whatcha call a “Republic” Sometimes referred to as a ‘Parliamentary Republic’, or since they still give lip service to the monarchy in England, ‘A Parliamentary Monarchy’, ( *’all three’ = Nobody seems to be taking the Green Party or the Party Quebecois seriously – which I hope comes back to bite them where it hurts. )
-And then today- there is email from an organization that is trying to defend the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) from the Conservative Prime Minister’s campaign to unfund them and take away the potential threat that Stephen Harper feels when confronted with the possibility that quality journalism might undo his efforts to institute corporate fascism as the ultimate form of government in Canada.
-I actually signed up for ‘news & updates’ about the Canadian Prime Minister’s campaign to gut the best news service in North America. Today they sent out this message in email. I’ll mess with their ‘donate’ messages (they were links) to make them even more painfully obvious:-
Everything below this line is copied and pasted from today’s email, it probably went out with ‘default’ font and I’ve colorized the ‘please send us money’ stuff.
——— djo ———
Subject: The truth about Harper’s Child Care “Benefit”
This week millions of child “benefit” cheques arrived in Canadian families’ mail boxes, but there’s one thing Harper hasn’t told people — it’s taxable, and only worth about $13 per month for the average person. It’s a massive trick to try to buy Canadians’ votes with our own money.
Please donate today so we can counter Harper’s re-election strategy with hard-hitting ads to let Canadians know the truth about the Harper Conservative’s child care benefit.
Donate Today
Dear Doug,
This week the Harper Conservatives hit a new low. Employment Minister Pierre Poilievre raced around the country in an election-style campaign to promote Harper’s child care cheques, but there’s one thing he hasn’t told families: the new child “benefit” is taxable.
That’s right. Taxable. Which means that the Harper Conservatives are not only trying to buy our votes with our own money, they also plan to take BACK a hefty chunk in April – after the election.
Most benefits are taxable, but here’s the catch — while bringing in the new child “benefit” the Conservatives also just quietly axed our $2,225 child tax credit. After all’s said and done, that means a typical working parent will receive just $13 a month to cover skyrocketing child care costs.[1]
Thirteen dollars. Not a single child care space, not affordable care and nowhere near an actual plan – just $13. That’s not even enough to buy a pack of diapers.
The scary thing is this could work – millions of cheques are arriving in people’s mailboxes right now, and most of the Canadians Harper is targeting simply don’t know that this is a cheap trick to try to buy their votes with their own money and leave them with little to show for it. They’ll see the hundreds of dollars in their bank account, not realising it’s going to get clawed back at tax time, leaving them barely better off overall.
Together, we can counter Harper’s election ploy with hard-hitting, highly targeted ads to let people know the truth about the Harper Conservative’s child benefit, but we have to act fast, and get the ads online and into print while this is still top of mind for millions of Canadians.
Click here to chip in $10, $20 or $50 towards hard-hitting facebook and newspaper ads to warn parents who might get burned by this come tax time.
While outrageously claiming Harper’s new child care cheques mean “Christmas in coming early in July”, Poilievre forgot to mention that Santa will be taking your presents back in the next tax season.
To add insult to injury, Poilievre was also sporting a partisan Conservative Party shirt during his vote-buy – err, promotion tour, which – surprise surprise! – centred on swing ridings the Conservatives need to win the next election.[2]
Not only are the Conservatives deceiving families about how much we can spend, they’re promoting a government program to lock down a partisan vote – in the ridings where vote-splitting gave them a majority in 2011.
It’s a cheap election ploy. We know you won’t fall for it, but we need your help to warn parents about the actual worth of these cheques and how the Harper Conservatives think they can buy their votes.
If we raise $10,000 we’ll blast facebook with a series of highly targeted ads
If we raise $30,000 we’ll run print ads in local newspapers, broadcasting our warning across the country to the families that need to hear them most.
Can you chip in now to send a powerful message to hundreds of thousands of Canadians in battleground ridings across the country?
Advertising is all about volume. The more of us who chip in, the more ads we can run, and the more effective this will be. If thousands of us chip in what we can, we can blanket Conservative Swing Ridings with high-impact ads and make sure Canadians hear the truth about the Conservatives’ plan.
The Leadnow community takes childcare seriously. Thousands of us have listed the creation of a national childcare system as one of our top priorities, but we know that any progress towards building one depends on cooperation across party lines and a Conservative defeat in October. We’ll be there to keep pushing right after the election, but right now, we need to get the message out to Canadians.
Donate to fund powerful ads in the ridings Harper needs most to win again, and counter the Conservatives’ child care spin.
Thanks for all you do.
With hope and respect,
Brittany, Jamie, Matthew, Katelynn and Amara on behalf of the Leadnow team
P.S. If you prefer to donate by cheque, please send your cheque payable to “Leadnow” to: PO Box 2091, Stn Terminal Vancouver, BC V6B 3T2
Please include a note with your cheque, so we know who it’s from.
To donate by phone you can call us toll-free at 1‑855‑LEADN0W (1‑855‑532‑3609) ext 2.
We also accept donations by PayPal, Interac e-Transfer, Vancity Credit Union instant transfer, or pre-authorized payment from your bank account. See here for details:
[1] Three things to know about the UCCB payments impact:
[2] Pierre Poilievre’s hunt to hand out 3 billion in child care cheques:
Thursday, 25 December, 2014 -( +38˚F / +3˚C & cloudy @ 9:00 pm near Ithaca )- -( +39˚F / +4˚C & cloudy @ 10:00 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)- — { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is? —djo— }
{ “Why the worlds’s big energy firms are running scared from renewables” >>—> * Link * }
{ New Stuff Every Day: We don’t change the images with the twitter stuff every day, but there will almost always be something new there, usually at the top of each section.The red headlines under ‘read this:’ & ‘Not this:’ Will be new. The top 4 headlines in blue “Offbeat” will usually be new.The top ten headlines in maroon/brown under “Most Viewed” are almost always all new, with CBC repeating or rewording something every now and then. Some of the green healines under “Other” are new, the ones at the top of the list are the most new.The top 4 purple headlines under “Local / New Brunswick” are New, except when some of those top 4 are repeated over the weekend or a holiday.And several of the top olive green headlines under “First Nations” are new on most days. — thanks, —djo— }
{ +1,963 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things – —djo— }
{ Headlines missing from below: —> Interesting twist on New Brunswick’s moratorium on Fracking : At the top of the list of what would have to change before the new Premier of N.B. would allow fracking and pre-fracking ‘explorations’ would be “Social License” which, he explained, would mean that the citizens of New Brunswick would have to be in favor of that fracking. = “Hmmmm” – * UBER software raised prices during Australian Hostage Crisis to $140-$200 dollars per ride. Then apologized and offered repayments. — & Loads of people anonymously did nice things for people they never met & Media completely missed that. * —djo— }
{ From Democracy Now! : Mayor of NYC is trying to put part of the blame on protesters for the MK Ultra type killing of two NYPD officers. * Link * }
===Read This:
Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”
Avalanches possible in B.C. ;
Is it a good thing that Library and Archives Canada should be digitizing the files of WWI soldiers? ;
I never planned to see ‘The Interview’ anyway? Do ya think they tricked the North Koreans into protesting about it to boost tickets sales? Dumb and Dumber do politix? ;
Yup, It was pretty warm in Atlantic Canada today- is that because politicians and other ice-holes are trying to manifest hell on earth? ;
Blasts from the recent past:
Politicians paying somebody to wipe out evidence of overspending? They do more than that, GOTO: CAFR1.Com ;
& – Wouldn’t it be nice if people started living by “Love they Neighbor as thyself”- ‘Could you believe it- no more war—‘ –
===Not This
Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?
Avalanche Canada issues warning for backcountry users ;
WWI soldiers’ files being digitized by Library and Archives Canada ;
Hundreds of theatres begin screening ‘The Interview’ ;
Tempterature records shattered in Atlantic Canada on balmy Christmas Day ;
If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:
Australia police will destroy a Nickelback CD received as a Secret Santa gift { }
YouTuber Shane Dawson’s fans revolt after Sony pulls his Taylor Swift parody video { }
UBC’s SPIDER telescope seeks Bing Bang’s ‘smoking gun’ { * What happens when they find a bunch of Archangels sitting there grinning at them? * —djo— }
Stuntman “Mad Mike” Hughes to jump over St. Lawrence River { * If he goes to the source, he might be able to jump like six inches and clear it. * —djo— }
===Recently: >>—>
Husky missing for more than 6 months reunited with owner { 🙂 }
Pen pals from P.E.I. and Tennessee meet after 40 years { }
Deer on ice rescued by B.C. conservation officers { }
How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline { }
MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot { }
Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study { }
‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance { }
Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers { }
Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations { }
Swedish town seeks to prevent torching of giant Christmas straw goat { * It’s a tradition in the town of Gävle, every Christmas they build a 13 meter tall straw goat and about 50% of the time vandals burn it down. * Link to WebCam * At least in my browser, there was a ‘click here to translate this page’ thing visible for a couple seconds. Jim W has some distant relatives somewhere in Sweden – —djo— }
“Most Viewed”
The Interview gets CAnadian online release { * Is this a plot to decrease the IQ of everyone in Canada? 😉 * —djo— }
Christmas weather breaks records in Atlantic Canada { }
The Interview screenings popular across the U.S. { }
Fire crews battle blaze at w Yorkville restaurants { }
Russian shopping mall lays down U.S. flag doormats { }
Avalanche Canada issues warnings for backcountry users { }
Stephen Harper asks Canadians to pray for military fighting ISIS { * People with hearts, minds and souls intact: pray that Canadians get rid of Harper. * —djo— }
Montreal police officers help woman deliver Christmas baby in car { }
WWI soldiers’ files being digitized by Library and Archives Canada { }
Former president George H.W. Bush [the first] to spend another night in hospital { }
-19 photo slide show- 2014: Top images of the year { }
-Blog- Australia police will destroy a Nickelback CD received as a Secret Santa gift { }
Thousands pray at Indonesian mosque that survived 2004 tsunami { }
Wait is over for CBC News app Android users { }
Strong winds five thousands of Quebecers a dark Christmas { }
P.K.Subban gives young fans a holiday surprise { }
Mayor defends fatal police shooting of black teen near Ferguson { }
CDC monitoring lab technician for possible Ebola exposure { }
Huge titanosaur among 2014’s dinosaur discoveries { }
‘Santa cops’ give $100 bills to pulled-over drivers in Montreal area { }
TSX, loonie finish in green as Christmas break begins { }
Quebec iron ore mine owner fined $7.5M for environmental charges { }
NASA ponders airship city above Venus { }
Top 2014 weather story goes to Canada’s long, cold winter { }
Gay blood donation lifetime ban could ease in U.S. { }
Testimony in Canadian teacher’s sex assault trial starts in Indonesia { }
Keurig coffee makers recalled after more than 100 people burned { }
Russia’s ‘era of excess’ could end with fallen ruble { }
-Special Report- ‘Impossible task’ to say Ghana will remain Ebola free, WHO country director tells CBC { }
Health Canada backtracks on citronella bug spray ban { }
Want to sleep easy? Don’t use a tablet at bedtime { }
NYC mayor will attend funeral of slain police officers despite tension with union { * The police union was upset with the mayor for saying that cops might be guilty of crimes for killing unarmed black men. Now he might be back in their good graces after accusing protesters of creating the environment that might have convinced a whacko that it might be a good thing to kill cops. Guys- it isn’t the protesters and it isn’t the cops who are the bad guys. The real bad guys are way deep behind the scenes plotting and planning the propaganda they release to create the divide and conquer fear based news and information the big corporate Media pounds into your head every day of your life. Use your heads, chill and talk to people. We can turn this thing around. * —djo— }
Does the Elf on the Shelf teach teach our kids to acept a surveillance state? { }
Breakthrough bedbug bait and trap invented by B.C. university scientists { * ‘Invented’? or ‘developed’? * —djo— }
Pope Francis blasts ‘spiritual Alzheimer’s’ of Vatican Bureaucracy { }
Muhammad Ali ‘vastly improved’ since hospitalization { }
Indonesian janitors guilty of rape in case related to Canadian teacher { }
5 great books for holiday reading by indigenous authors { }
=== And: Daily Stuff ===
-Must Watch- Stephen Harper’s 2014 Christmas message { * Warning: People with sensitivity to lies: This will make you sick. * —djo— }
-Must Watch- Queen’s 2014 Christmas message { }
-Must Watch- 117th Radish Night festival { }
-Editor’s Pick- CBC News launches new Android app { }
-Editor’s Pick- Christmas traditions: Why do we celebrate on Dec. 25th? { }
-Editor’s Pick- The secret history of your favourite Christmas song { }
===== Older Stuff =====
U.S. sends 4 Afghans back home from Guantanamo { }
Apple ‘offended’ by BBC allegations it broke promise to improve factory conditions { }
-Opinion- PM’s comments about missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’ { }
Health Canada anti-pot ad cites lower IQ, despite contrary evidence { * Health Canada is “Only Following Orders” from the Prime Minister’s Office. * —djo— }
Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. * —djo— }
Harper’s new Supreme Court pick sought hefty tax deduction for clothes { ? }
Trudeau’s Liberals lead in year-end polls, but by how much? { }
Frozen, other on-screen deaths in animated films may upset young children { * Walt Disney: Wanted for psychological child abuse? * —djo— }
-Photos- 10 unusual homes around the world { * Link * }
Methane spikes on Mars puzzle researchers { * Um let’s see, maybe there’s a secret underground civilization where cows graze on fields of clover and fart their methane into ducts that divert it into wind tunnels and eventually vent it out into the atmosphere as spikes? Anybody got a better idea? * —djo— }
Jeb Bush to ‘actively explore’ 2016 presidential run { * All we need is another Bush in the White House, how about we send him to Mars to investigate the methane spikes instead? * —djo— }
Cheaper oil could cost Canadian governments $13B a year, CIBC { * How much are government lies and ‘bull chips’ costing Canada now? And while we’re at it how much is idiotic ‘bull chips’ from Banks costing everybody every minute of every day? CIBC is a Canadian bank. * —djo— }
Loonie at 85 cents as oil slips below $56 U$ { }
Actor Samuel L. Jackson challenges stars to help stop ‘racist police’ { }
CIA interrogation chief warns of fall-out from betrayal in torture report { * What about the internation fall-out we have been suffering from since the whole world already knew about the betrayal of everything we used to believe was good and right about our ‘American’ government and way of life by CIA types and other ice-holes who believe they have a right to torture and abuse anybody they feel like abusing? * —djo— }
‘Incredibly weak’ deal salvaged at UN climate talks in Peru { }
Federal government allows Microsoft to bring foreign worker trainees [ -to Canada ] { * This is after a big fuss this year about Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada * —djo— }
N.L. premier ‘cannot trust’ Stephen Harper, says fisheries fund rules changed { }
-Audio- 5 battles fought to bring Tolkien’s tales to the big screen { * Link * Interesting – There may be a New Zealand follow up movie entitled “Peter Jackson Goes to Hell” —djo— }
Why Canada can’t claim innocence over CIA torture report { }
‘Ticking time bomb’: Residents fear U.S. Love Canal waste trucked to Sarnia area { }
Russian to return James Watson’s Nobel Prize purchases for $4.7M { * 🙂 * }
Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. * —djo— }
-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. * —djo— }
Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans { }
Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations { }
Our ape ancestors came down from the trees for cocktails { * Now this one belongs in ‘offbeat’ * —djo— *** Um, the best intelligence I have on ‘Creation versus Evolution’ is : Archangelic beings created human bodies and inhabited them to jump start the human race. They later made it possible for more than one method of procreation, prefering a highly advanced spiritual form over the physical form we all use these days. “Adam and Eve” were symbolic of the first generation of ‘souls’ that evolved up through the animal kingdom to the level where they could become human beings. The Earth, and Solar System move through 4 distinct levels inside the material universe. The density or matter and magnetism in these levels dictates what most humans on this planet can understand. At about 500 A.D. we hit rock bottom and most citizens of earth could only understand the purely physical. At about 1000 A.D. we moved up to this level, characterized by our understanding of electricity. = Electricity can move through wires, water can move through earth, stone, wood, etc. ‘souls’ can inhabit physical bodies. We May be approaching the next level up- in which most citizens of this planet will be able to grasp principals of magnetism. Magnetism can control electricity which can control physical stuff. The highest level will be reached when most inhabitants of this planet understand Spirit. Spiritual energy can control magnetism which can control electricity which can control physical stuff. If and when we achieve that Spiritual “Golden Age” again, most humans are supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of life and why we’re here. The bad guys don’t want this to happen. That’s why we’re going through so much nonsense right now. If the bad guys win and we lose the planet will not make it to the highest levels. If the good guys win we will make the jump to another Golden Age in a couple thousand years. If things go on the way they look like they’re going, the bad guys with all their illusions and delusions may ‘jump’ with this planet in a downward spiral spin off into a nuclear winter and incredibly tough conditions that will make life on this planet nearly impossible to sustain. And the good guys will wake up on a virtually identical copy of this world, possibly a higher dimensional copy, parallel world on it’s way up with a lot of happier, more loving, sharing, compassionate and ethical from birth type people and happier animals and plants. Like Doug says, we could use your prayers, guys- lots of them. *** —jim w— }
Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? * —djo— }
How to make long distance space travel happen { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? * —djo— }
Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits { }
Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India { }
Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says { }
“Local / New Brunswick”
NB Liquor’s growler program chided by 2 craft breweries { }
Rain storm heading for New Brunswick on Christmas Eve { }
2 killed, 2 injured in head-on crash near Little Bartiboque { }
Temperature records shattered in Atlantic Canada on balmy Christmas Day { }
===== Earlier : =====
Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. * —djo— }
Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat { }
New Brunswick hit with more power outages { }
FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say. —djo— }
Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick { }
FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. * —djo— }
New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid { }
Tsilhqot’in land ruling was a game changer for B.C. { }
Neskantaga First Nation suffers abitger kiss ti suicide { }
Rob Clarke’s controversial bill to change the Indian Act passed into law { * – There are a couple of national discussions that few governments want to risk political capital to wade into — one is the Constitution, the other is the Indian Act. – Conservative MP Rob Clarke decided he’d dip his toe into the latter three years ago with a private member’s bill, after hearing for years from aboriginal leaders how reviled the Indian Act was.
– Last week, his Indian Act Amendment and Replacement Act became law. Clarke — a member of Saskatchewan’s Muskeg Lake First Nation — says he’s proud to be the first aboriginal person to record such a legislative achievement. – “I thought well, let’s start a dialogue nobody’s actually taken…on, head on,” Clarke said in an interview. – “I thought it would be better for a First Nations person to stake this forward and create some substantial change, but also to create some dialogue between government and First Nations.” – The legislation repeals long-outdated references to residential schools in the Indian Act, and removes a reference to restricting certain people on reserves from trade. – The bill also give bands the responsibility to manage the publication of their bylaws on the Internet, in the Canada Gazette, or other venues. – The bylaw issue recently came up in Saskatchewan, when home moving companies complained that they were being charged by a band for driving on their roads, but were not able to view the rule in print. – A complicated element that dealt with overhauling how wills and estates are dealt with was amended out when the bill was studied in committee. – But the central feature of Clarke’s bill is the requirement that the aboriginal affairs minister appear at a Commons committee every year to report on his or her progress in developing a replacement for the Indian Act. – The Indian Act itself is extremely unpopular, but crafting an alternative has been a political challenge. The prime minister’s own attempt to reform funding for First Nations education evaporated this year as talks between the federal government and aboriginal leaders came to a standstill. – Piecemeal solution? – Many First Nations voices criticized Clarke’s bill as a piecemeal attempt to address the problem, without the proper consultation required under the Constitution. – “While it may be difficult to speak to every First Nation in the country, there is a need to ensure that First Nations’ voices are heard and that every effort is made to speak with those First Nations who hold the rights and will be impacted,” Assembly of First Nations B.C. regional chief and now Liberal candidate Jody Wilson-Raybould told a Commons committee. – Clarke says it’s unreasonable to think an MP would have the resources to do widespread national consultations. He said he did travel across the country and wrote to all First Nations reserves looking for their input. – “Yeah, I received a lot of criticism, however there was also a lot of people who said, it’s about time something was done, and actually somebody taking charge and trying to make effective change,” Clarke said. – Saskatchewan Sen. Lillian Dyck used stronger language recently when she said Clarke was “behaving like a white man” by pushing the bill. She later said she recognized the comment could be hurtful. – Others have suggested that the impetus for overhauling the Indian Act should come from First Nations themselves — a position that Clarke bristles at. – “When (NDP MP) Jean Crowder stands up in the House and says this has to be aboriginally led, from aboriginal to aboriginal, I say, hold on there — I’m native, I’m First Nations, why can’t I do this?” said Clarke. – “We do have to start looking at a better relationship.” – }
Attempted murder, sexual assault charges laid in beathing of girl { }
Saskatchewan govenment creates Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction { }
Austin Bigtobacco charged with murder in Skiskia teen’s death { }
Protest reignites calls to fire Mike Wasyslyshen from police force { }
Chrisma Ann Joy Denny found safe, will return to Nova Scotia { }
Kashechewan evacuees receive backpacks of supplies from Marhkan students { }
-Photos- Iqaluit resident turns public obscentities into something positive { }
What went wrong with Nutrition North food subsidy program? { }
Balfour Collegiate changes name from Redmen to Bears { }
Holiday reading list: 5 great books by indigenous authors { }
Donovan McGlaughlin, Yukon man with no birth certificate, fights for citizenship { }
No hunting of Baffin Island caribou until further notice { }
-Opinion- Stephen Harper’s comments on missing, murdered aboriginal women show ‘lack of respect’ { }
Chemical dump forces Songhees First Nation evacuations { }
Balfour Collegiate changes name from Redmen to Bears { }
Grand Chief intervenes in Kenora high school basketball suspension { }
Trailbreaker on the road in Fort Chipewyan, Alta. { }
– 7 photo slide show – Unreserved: December 20 { }
-Photos- One Nunavut man’s struggle to feed his kids { }
Susan Aglukark arrives in Iqaluit with gifts of food { }
Painted Pony Cafe in Kamloops serves up Aboriginal fare { }
Site C dam approved by B.C. government { * the $9-billion Site C dam would be a massive hydroelectric project that would flood a large area of the Peace River Valley in northeastern B.C. * —djo—}
Manitoba chief says fire inspections would condemn reserve homes { }
The fight for missing and murdered aboriginal women reached a boiling point in 2014 { }
Tears of joy as bison return to a Saskatchewan First Nation { }
Nunatsiavut’s Joey Angnatok wins Inuit Recognition Award { }
Manslaughter charges laid in Winnipeg woman’s death { }
Site C dam: How we got here and whay you need to know { }
Grade 8 girl dies by suicide in Fort Chipewyan { }
Amnesty International slams Harper government for putting economy ahead of rights { }
Big Black Van roaming Winnipeg’s streets a likely hoax, police say { }
Inquest told Manitoba reserve had no chance fighting house fire { }
Woman, 29, stabbed to death in Winnipeg’s North End { }
Cree walkers against uranium mining arrive in Montreal after 850 km walk { }
iPods give Yellowknife seniors a blast from the past { }
RCMP takedown of First Nations elder captured in photo { }
Unreserved: truth and reconcilliation and reaching out to the grassroots { }
Manitoba invests $150K in program to help aboriginal sex assault victims { }
Transparency act called ‘control tactic’ by Manitoba chief { }
Regina man Simon Ash-Moccasin says he’s a victim of racial profiling { }
Gull Bay First Nation gets apology from Ontario Power Generation { }
Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies { }
-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada { }
Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law { }
{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star: * Link * }
* Walter Burien’s Web site explains how governments all over the ‘free world’ are stealing from their citizens and ‘cooking their books’ : * link to *
{ * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists. * Link to article in the Toronto Star * —djo— }
* Link * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio
{ * * <——<< * Link * Moody Blues @ Home in 1995? from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” I like many of the interesting details of Justin Hayward’s ‘Carriage House’ Home. —jim w— }
{ “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }
{ “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin }
{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }
{ From a tweet: Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)” * Link * —djo— }
===== From the “International Business Times” — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed” — * Link * { * Consider the source * —djo— } =====
{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice” * Link * the link might be more interesting than the above quote. —djo— }
Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.
We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).
In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.
– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.
Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.
– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *
*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background. – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks. —jim w— }
Quebec woman gets jail time after stopping for ducklings led to 2 deaths { * Morton Thiokol executives never even got their wrists slapped for ignoring warnings from engineers. This led to the spectacular explosion that killed everyone aboard a high profile NASA Shuttle launch. I say maybe they could justify locking up someone who tried to save any life after they’ve locked up everybody who willfully let many more people die in the name of corporate profits. * —djo— } Emma Czrnobaj gets 90 days in jail for [trying to save ducks on a highway and causing a fatal accident in the process] { }
Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Lineup for execution? = Monsanto execs & engineers on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? * —djo— }
Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers { * Link * }
=== Older Stuff: ===
Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says { }
‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics { }
Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories { }
– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about. Demand the truth now! * Link to CAFR1 dot com * —djo— }
-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald { }
Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. * —djo— }
Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service { * It CAN – but will it? * —djo— }
Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” * —djo— }
-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped? { * Link * } }
-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart { * Link to the CBC article. * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. *** —djo— }
{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct. —jim w— }
– Old Stuff--Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines { }
{ 10:10 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda— & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and “—jda—“ ———djo——— }
Tuesday, 21 October, 2014 -( 52˚F / 11˚C – & Ver cloudy @ 2:45 pm near Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington }
{ Today is Carrie Fisher’s birthday, ( & more importantly, Diane P. Torres’ birthday ) 🙂 —jim w— }
{ & We had more fun with computers today. The copy and past function wasn’t working at all until I threatened my newest computer, which, you may remember I got from my daughter when she upgraded- anyway, I threatened to pitch it off a mountain- and shut it off, waited an hour and now it’s working. —“gaaa”— The funny thing is, instead of getting all anxious and tense, I just kind of threw my hands up and felt like running my finger up and down between my lips? Mading sounds like Porky Pig? And I went into twiddling thumbs routines more relaxed that I’ve been in a while. —djo— }
{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above. ———djo——— }
Other Sources:
{ “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose them both” —Benjamin Franklin }
{ “-Snowden’s Film Tests Hollywood Obama Supporters: – LOS ANGELES — Early in Laura Poitras’s documentary “Citizenfour,”Edward J. Snowden, who exposed vast electronic surveillance by the United States government, tells what pushed him to go public. – “As I saw the promise of the Obama administration betrayed, and walked away from,” says Mr. Snowden, referring to drone strikes and invasive monitoring by the National Security Agency, “it really hardened me to action.” – But do some of President Obama’s staunch Hollywood supporters share his sentiment? – Her provocative, and deeply admiring, look at Mr. Snowden — which had its premiere at the New York Film Festival on Oct. 10 — arrived here this week amid high hopes, intense curiosity and more than a few raised eyebrows over its sharp critique of Mr. Obama, a president who has enjoyed strong support in the movie world. – The intrigue is especially pitched because several of the companies behind “Citizenfour” — which takes issue with Mr. Obama’s expansion of Bush-era surveillance, and his administration’s attempt to prosecute Mr. Snowden for espionage — are led by some of the president’s close political allies. – They include Harvey Weinstein, the Weinstein Company’s co-chairman, as well as Jeff Skoll, the founder of Participant Media, and Richard Plepler, the chief executive of HBO, who all have been major contributors to Mr. Obama’s political campaigns. – “Citizenfour” has already landed high on the handicappers’ lists of prospects for a documentary features Oscar. The film also promises to jolt the award season with a dose of real-world politics, as happened in 2012, when Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” Kathryn Bigelow’s “Zero Dark Thirty” and Ben Affleck’s “Argo,” the year’s best picture, converged on Washington, with screenings, receptions and a Congressional uproar over the portrayal of torture by Americans in Ms. Bigelow’s film, which was about the hunting down of Osama bin Laden. – The role that Mr. Weinstein, whose Radius-TWC unit is backing the film (and distributed last year’s Oscar-winning documentary “Twenty Feet From Stardom”), will play in promoting “Citizenfour” remains unclear. In the past, he has not shied from using his association with Mr. Obama to promote issues-oriented movies. These include the biopic “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom,” which had a much-publicized White House screening last year, and the documentary “Bully,” which was screened for Mr. Obama in 2012, just minutes after he announced his support for a pair of anti-bullying bills. – Also in 2012, Mr. Weinstein arranged a high-profile Washington showing of his “SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden,” raising complaints that its flattering portrayal of Mr. Obama — who was edited into the film before its election-week premiere — amounted to a campaign stunt. – On Tuesday, it was the Radius-TWC co-presidents, Jason Janego and Tom Quinn, and not Mr. Weinstein, who played host as Ms. Poitras introduced “Citizenfour” to film buffs and some potential Oscar voters at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. – “The film is certainly about the danger of N.S.A. surveillance, but it’s also really about courage,” Ms. Poitras said. (The movie’s title comes from Mr. Snowden’s self-designated code name when he began communicating with Ms. Poitras.) – In a later phone interview, Mr. Quinn and Mr. Janego said they had exercised considerable autonomy in acquiring rights to “Citizenfour” after Mr. Quinn visited Ms. Poitras to discuss the unfinished film at her home in Berlin. Both stressed that Mr. Weinstein and his brother, Bob, co-chairmen of the parent company, were not a driving force in the decision to distribute the film, which is to open on Friday in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington. – “We did not see the actual film until very late in the process,” Mr. Quinn added. – Promotional screenings and talks are likely among the tech crowd in San Francisco and among political types in Washington, but scheduling has been hampered by that late delivery, he said. – The potential power in “Citizenfour” lies less in its revelations — though its ending points to the existence of another, as yet unidentified, government-surveillance whistle-blower — than in its intimacy and attempt to make narrative sense of the disclosures by Mr. Snowden, a former N.S.A. contractor. – At the film’s core are startlingly close encounters with Mr. Snowden, shot during eight days in a Hong Kong hotel room in 2013, as he began revealing secrets of the N.S.A. to the journalists Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill, and wrestled with the implications of his leaks. At one point, in nearly silent pantomime, he reshapes his beard and restyles his hair, preparing to slip from the hotel and eventually seek refuge in Russia. – The footage of Mr. Snowden is framed against shots of Mr. Obama and members of his administration, first denying the existence of domestic surveillance, then promising a review of programs, and finally insisting on Mr. Snowden’s prosecution. – In the Oscar race for best documentary, “Citizenfour” is likely to find itself up against some less volatile documentaries. Among those are “Red Army,”about Soviet hockey stars; “Life Itself,” about the film critic Roger Ebert; and “Tales of the Grim Sleeper,” about the predations of a serial killer in South Los Angeles. – But “Citizenfour” recalls a different political dynamic, in 2004, when Mr. Weinstein introduced Michael Moore’s anti-Bush “Fahrenheit 9/11” at the Beverly Hills headquarters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with a personal tribute to Mr. Moore. The two received a roaring ovation from like-minded Academy members. – But “Fahrenheit 9/11” won no Oscars. It was ruled out of the race when Mr. Moore chose to air it on pay-per-view television shortly before the presidential election. – This time around, though, some key voices are quieter. – Mr. Plepler, whose top documentary executive, Sheila Nevins, is an executive producer of “Citizenfour,” has not yet seen the movie, an HBO spokesman said. Mr. Skoll, through a Participant Media spokeswoman, declined to comment when asked whether he had concerns about the film’s view of Mr. Obama. In an email, referring to Mr. Quinn and Mr. Janego, of Radius-TWC, Mr. Weinstein said: “This is Tom and Jason’s show. They have autonomy, and it’s all their call.” – Mr. Janego, on Wednesday, asserted that Ms. Poitras’s cinéma vérité approach leaves a comfort zone for both those who support Mr. Snowden and those who find his actions offensive. “You’re left to make up your own mind,” he said. -” ———djo——— }
Lead Articles:
Tug tows incapacitated Russian cargo ship to port in Prince Rupert { * The first attempt to tow it anywhere failed when the rope snapped. The news last night said they were once again worried it might run aground and ruin sensitive areas around Haida Gwaii, B.C. * —djo— }
-Updated- Driver in hit-and-run attack on soldiers was arrested by RCMP in July { * They’re trying to make this guy look like a probably terrorist wannabe- They shot and killed him this week. Which almost always sends me to my cliché locker, looking for something like, “Oh- isn’t that convenient?”- They seized his passport and wouldn’t let him leave the country, saying they believed he’d been radicalized, but they didn’t have enough evidence to charge him with anything? I don’t know- Something feels a bit ‘off’ here- And the photos they chose to publish: From a weird angle, looking up at him, it looks like his head is shaved and he has a beard but no moustache. In another photo the guy, who has a French name, looks like he’s wearing something like an Arab outfit -I don’t know what they call those robes with the head-dress— and his face is covered, except for his eyes- I took one look and thought, heck, that could be anybody, not necessarily the guy they’re painting as a wannabe terrorist. * —djo— }
===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->
PM Harper calls Quebec attack ‘despicable act of violence’ { * I know several people who think Stephen Harper is a descpicable piece of work. & Yeah, Harper sounds like he studied huard in the Ronny Ray-gun school of reading the lines the puppet masters gave him as convincingly as possible, as if he actually had a mind and thought those words up all by himself, but we know better, don’t we? * —djo— }
Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, 53, died in Quebec attack { God Bless Patrice Vincent. *But I’m sorry, Warrant Officer Vincent may have been an extremely wonderful person, but if I turned around and told you that he was killed by a ‘radicalized terrorist wannabe’ – I’d be guilty of false witness, I didn’t see it- I wasn’t there, and just because somebody a uniform says something- does not make it true, quite the contrary- the military mindset works like this: The head ice-hole in charge turns red in the face and screams at his ‘inferiors’: “You tell them anything you need to tell them to get them to carry out the orders I just gave you or you can be busted back to private and we’ll get someone in here who can get this job done!” * —djo— }
NBC freelance cameraman declared free of Ebola in Nebraska { }
B.C. tax rates on LNG lower than originally proposed { }
Bodies of 4 babies found in Winnipeg storage facility { }
Canada raises terror threat level to medium do to chatter { }
RCMP says it arrested Quebec car attack suspect in July { }
Quebec suspect stopped while trying to go to Turkey: RCMP { }
RCMP confirms it seized Martin Couture-Rouleau’s passport { }
Police questioned Quebec car attack suspect many times { }
Quebec suspect calls 911 during chase to claim act: RCMP { }
===== >>—-> End of Flashing headlines <—-<<
-Ooops, missed it- There was a Live Chat- The truth behind Ebola: Join us at 8 p.m. ET { * I finally got my computer up and running tonight and now it’s 8:55 pm ET, and they would never give me the kind of ‘Truth’ I’d want anyway. The whole freakin circus keeps screaming, “You couldn’t handle the truth!” because they believe we’re as stupid and as they are themselves. If the truth they discovered is so ugly and mind-blowing — Don’t ya think they would want to share that with somebody instead of keeping it a big ugly mind blowing secret? * —djo— }
Justin Trudeau says a marriage in politics has its ‘ups and downs’ { }
Baby snake with broken spine getting help { }
8 seconds of white noise from Taylor Swift album tops Canadian iTunes chart { *Yeah, but, “All you’ll ever be is mean-” <—-<< quote from Taylor Swift song. After I heard that, and after she said she was bullied in school because she liked a kind of music that ‘everybody who was anybody’ in that school didn’t approve of, I pretty much figured that Ms. Swift could do no wrong. — of course she can, but—> That quote is the best answer to, “Isn’t it time you forget about all that kid stuff and grow up, become an adult, just like me?!” Look around, kids, is there anybody out there you want to be like when you grow up? * —djo— }
Spot a bear? Why you should never get out of your car { * I really want to make a joke about bears stealing you car if you’re stupid enough to get out when you see one. * —djo— }
Breaking Bad dolls removed from Toys R Us website after mom’s petition { * Um, what do you suppose a store would look like if the store’s manager removed anything that somebody found offensive? * —djo— *** & Hey, Doug- I’ve known some pretty offensive store managers— *** —jim w — }
“Most Viewed”
Canada’s Dumbest Charge: The 5 most frustrating fees { }
Dead babies in Winnipeg storage unit ‘tragic beyond belief’ { * And ‘Tragic beyond something or other’ is the fact that they had to point that out. If we were working as a culture, everybody would know that, wouldn’t they? It’s like when they made supermarket check out people wear little badges that say, “I Care” — I mean, I figured then, if they had to wear a badge that said they cared, they probably didn’t. If they tried to look sincere and told you, “I care” there probably would be no credibility in their voices. — Not the voices of the people at the cash registers, who usually most obviously cared, but the ice-holes watching everybody from behind one way mirrors. And calling the fact that they can speak with a mean and loud delivery, “Leadership”? Are you kidding? That’s tantrumming. Not leadership. * —djo— }
Renee Zellweger stuns fans with unrecognizable face { * Um, put the before and after photos together and I wouldn’t even guess the one on the left hand photo was related to the person on the right- If Paul McCartney changed his looks half this much in 1969 the ‘is Paul dead?’ rumours would have had a lot more believers. * —djo— }
Canadian fighter jets intercept Russian military planes { * Is that a hypothetical statement? * – “NATO scrambled fighter jets twice in two days to intercept Russian military aircraft over the Baltic Sea, it said Tuesday amid reports that Russian military activity in the region is increasing. – Lt.-Col. Robert Gericke said the Russian aircraft were flying in international airspace and had not violated the territory of alliance members. – Two Canadian CF-18 Hornet jets were scrambled from the Siauliai Air Base in Lithuania on Monday to intercept a Russian Ilyushin-20 surveillance aircraft, which they shadowed for some 15 minutes, NATO said.” – NATO who? is that somebody’s name? }
Jacob to close all 92 stores { * Did I wake up today with premature Alzheimers? None of these headlines make sense. Okay- ‘Boutique Jacob Inc.’ is a Canadian Womenswear retailer—> ” -Womenswear retailer Boutique Jacob Inc. is abandoning its restructuring efforts and closing all its 92 stores in Canada. – The Montreal-based clothing chain says efforts over the last few months to “try to breathe new life into the company” have failed. – The insolvent retailer has been liquidating inventory at its Canadian stores since filing a proposal to creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in May. – ” * —djo— }
Paralyzed man Darek Fidyka walks after cell transplant, rehab { *** I heard this on the radio while driving to a store this evening. They reported that some skeptical doctors believed the injured man, whose spike was reported to be ‘severed, except for one thin tissue’ might not have actually been severed. *** —jim w— }
WestJet plane makes emergency landing in Thunder Bay { * Thunder Bay is a city, they didn’t land in a body of water * —djo— }
Could Ebola rank among the deadliest commincable diseases? { * Could this ‘Ebola Crisis’ rank among the most contrived bits of fear-mongering ever? * —djo— }
-6 photo slide show- Swedish sub hunt likened to Cold War-era { So, -if you’re old enough to remember when- do you feel safer now than you did during the cold war? }
-Blog- Comedian urges Washington Redskins to adopt “sunburned white person” as their logo { * Or at least come up with a team like the ‘Houston Honkies’ or the ‘Walla Walla White Trash Players’ – Hey, mad magazine fans out there? We really should organize a couple 43 Man Squamish skirmishes and show up with names like those I just suggested. Or how about the ‘Philadelphia Pink Skins?” —djo— }
{ Ack! it’s 9:45 pm EDT- I should probably quit while I’m ahead, but here I go, continuing — }
-Analysis- The blizzard of fear driving America’s Ebola response: Neil Macdonald { * Holy Bull Chips! A voice of reason? Quick- Pinch me- —djo— }
McDonald’s sales slide, Coke flat as consumer tastes shift { * Yup, we did wake up in a parallel universe. But what I want to know is? If we find out way back to the one we started out in, how would we know? I mean, it’s not like somebody puts markers on the clouds sailing by saying “Earth, Parallel #-97489763551-b” —Help— —djo— }
Home mortgage risk should be shared by banks, CMHC head says { * Um, “CMHC” Canadian Mortgage Hijackers’ Club? — Probably not. In the article they call it the “Canada Housing and Mortgage Corp.” But shouldn’t that be the CHMC? Let’s aske Thomas Jefferson, Hey Tom, what do you think of this? “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.” <—-<< That’s a direct quote, you can look it up. The world economic mess we’re in is being manipulated by banks. The stuff you think is money, isn’t. Anybody remember Douglas Adams? Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy? people on earth really get obsessive about green pieces of paper. Of course, Canadian money comes in several different colours. But- Banksters fraudulently manuever everybody into debt, then manipulate the value of their worthless bits of paper and try to convince you that you should sell your soul to the debt-holder >>—-> Them! HOWEVER— Since they fraudulently manuevered you into this situation, you don’t owe them one copper penny. —> Looking forward to seeing all them cheatin, lyin, ice-holes get what they deserve — When a critical mass of people like you out there wake up and scream, “What the fupp?” — & Half past human dot com says it’s going to come to: “It’s them or us!” And there’s a whole lot more of ‘us’ than ‘them’. —djo— }
Michael Sam, NFL’s first openly gay player, cut by Cowboys { * I kind of wish they’d said, “Let go-” by Cowboys, instead of ‘cut’ Anybody remember hearing Loreena Bobbit on tape? * —djo— }
-Exclusive- Woman’s ‘private and sensitive’ psychiatric report sent to her employer { }
Global science group demands Ottawa restore ‘freedoms and funding’ to scientists { }
Luka Magnotta sent email about urge to kill, U.K. journalist says { }
Chinese government hackers allegedly attack Apple’s iCloud { * One guy I met told me that the leaders in China were space-alien hybrids, “And not the good aliens, either.” -Which could be true in the poetic sense, if not literal? But, when you can’t believe anything our government tells us, and you can’t believe anything the corporate media tells us? should we all stand in a big circle and play Kazoo music until they shut up and go home and leave us alone? * —djo— }
Youngest ever Nobel-winner Malala Yousafzai to become honorary Canadian { * But, if this puts her in a class with Stephen Harper and John Baird, — If I was her, I’d refuse that ‘honour’ —djo— }
Beijing air pollution forces marathon runners to wear masks { }
U.S. Robotic space plane lands after secret 2-year journey around Earth { * And somebody on CBC teevee slipped today and said that there were a lot of space craft in the sky around Mars looking at the near fly-by of the comet, which was described as ‘the size of a small mountain’ but depicted as being almost round. Kind of like a maginified golf ball after somebody hit it with a sledge hammer from several different directs. * —jim w— }
-Must Watch- More than 100 snakes found in house { }
-Must Watch- CF-18 fighter jets head to Kuwait { * Why would I want to watch that? Or the 100 snakes that were found in somebody’s house? * —djo— }
-Must Watch- Underwater pumpkin carving { }
-Editor’s Pick- Glenn Greenwalk in conversation about secrets, transparency and digital future { * Now this is what I would call a “Must Watch” * —djo— }
-Editor’s Pick- Global deaths for communicable diseases compared { * I wonder if they meant to say “-deaths FROM communicable diseases-” Are we on this planet to serve the bacteria? Are we dying for diseases? Ya think that might have been a Freudian sleep? 😉 —djo— }
-Editor’s Pick- Indian status: Why Lynn Gehl’s court challenge matters { * Heck yes, When The Angels of Light come here and show everybody what’s been going on, instead of just clearing things up with “life reviews” between lives – Can you imagine what would happen if they stand there and say, “Well, you’ve got two choices here, you can give the country back to its true owners and pay the First Nations the full value of what you stole from them, or you can go to hell.—” * —djo— *** Instead of doing everything you can to turn this planet into hell? *** —jim w— }
-World- Exoskeleton enables paralyzed groom to walk down the aisle { }
-Canada- Six indigenous cookbooks to warm you up { * & Hey! Nobody caught the miss-spelling of ‘indigenous’ yesterday- * —djo— }
-Business- Stocks power higher for a 4th day in Toronto, New York { }
-Business- Apple’s iCloud believed attacked by Chinese government hackers { * While the Canadian Prime Minister was busy kissing their butts? * —djo— }
-Politics- Cyberbullying bill draws fire from diverse mix of critics { }
-Politics- Federal government still mum on how to spend surplus { }
Canaport LNG faces charges for bird kill { * A photo of an individual bird from the endangered species is at the top of today’s page here. “LNG” = Liquid Natural Gas? – The company can be fined up to $1,000.000.00 per incident. —djo— }
2nd-degree murder charge laid in death of N.B. teen in Alberta { }
Kelvin Constant sentenced to 5 years in fatal Fredericton stabbing { }
NDP’s Dominic Cardy will run in the Saint John East byelection { }
Tidal Bore sculpture unveiled in Moncton { *Not that Moncton has boring tides- This granite sculpture looks like the Bay of Fundy tides that surfers sometimes hitch a ride on. —djo— }
Rexton shale gas protests remembered one year later { * I talked to a First Nations man who believes that elemental beings set fire to police cars. Hey, if leprechauns and ‘others’ from that world are on our side, we should encourage them. Thank them and honour them for fighting for us. * —jim w— ***Update, after I wrote this on Saturday, I fell asleep and had a dream encounter with a ‘being’ about three feet tall & dressed all in black, looking like a leprechaun ninja- scared the hell out of me- 😉 *** —jim— }
Residential electricity customers underpaying, NB power says {* All power companies are way over charging- Jim W says. * —jim w— *** Update*** Today, in the news somebody said, “It won’t be long before they raise the rates-” Stick around, see how fast Utility company managers can run away when enough people find out how they buried technology that could have us all using renewable energy that the sun, the wind, the rain, running water, and the tides could give us for free- and become really really angry about being lied to and ripped off. * —djo— }
For the birds: NCC counting species in northern N.B. { }
“First Nations”
-New- Lynn Gehl challenges Indian status denial in Ontario court { }
Vote with your heart, Winnipeg mayoral candidate pleads { Robert-Falcon Ouellette is telling voters to vote with their hearts instead of voting strategically. *** Karma = If you vote for a planet killer who gets elected and kills the planet —> You ARE as guilty as he (or she) is *** —jim w— }
RCMP say driver of semi that hit truck ‘unable to avoid impact’ { }
Move over Paleo: Six indeigenous cookbooks to warm you up { }
Manitoba Hydro evicted from northern dam station { }
6 things to know about N.W.T.’s infrastructure plans { }
Who gets to be ‘Indian’: 6 reasons why Lynn Gehl’s court challenge matters { }
Ouellette announces plan to make Winnipeg safer for Aboriginal women { }
University of Regina said the number of First Nations students is up by 50 per cent over the past 5 years { }
Food Banks Canada project to deliver fresh food to remote First Nations { }
Closing arguments begin in case of underfunding aboriginal child services { }
Watchdog says B.C. government ignoring recommendations to help children { }
Healing garden planned to remember residential schools in St. Albert { }
{ Almost 11:00 pm EDT — After computer problems and a bunch of life’s little surprises —-> Ready to Rock and Roll— & Thankful for help from Jim W again — ———djo——— }
Monday, 20 October, 2014 -( 41˚F / 5˚C – & partly cloudy @ 9:45 pm near Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington }
{ Today is my mother’s, Tom Petty’s, & a couple guys I’ve worked with’s- birthday. (Like Josh T. from Renfrew)- & one person who doesn’t want their birthday made public- —jim w— }
{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above. ———djo——— }
Other Sources:
{ “-Snowden’s Film Tests Hollywood Obama Supporters: – LOS ANGELES — Early in Laura Poitras’s documentary “Citizenfour,”Edward J. Snowden, who exposed vast electronic surveillance by the United States government, tells what pushed him to go public. – “As I saw the promise of the Obama administration betrayed, and walked away from,” says Mr. Snowden, referring to drone strikes and invasive monitoring by the National Security Agency, “it really hardened me to action.” – But do some of President Obama’s staunch Hollywood supporters share his sentiment? – Her provocative, and deeply admiring, look at Mr. Snowden — which had its premiere at the New York Film Festival on Oct. 10 — arrived here this week amid high hopes, intense curiosity and more than a few raised eyebrows over its sharp critique of Mr. Obama, a president who has enjoyed strong support in the movie world. – The intrigue is especially pitched because several of the companies behind “Citizenfour” — which takes issue with Mr. Obama’s expansion of Bush-era surveillance, and his administration’s attempt to prosecute Mr. Snowden for espionage — are led by some of the president’s close political allies. – They include Harvey Weinstein, the Weinstein Company’s co-chairman, as well as Jeff Skoll, the founder of Participant Media, and Richard Plepler, the chief executive of HBO, who all have been major contributors to Mr. Obama’s political campaigns. – “Citizenfour” has already landed high on the handicappers’ lists of prospects for a documentary features Oscar. The film also promises to jolt the award season with a dose of real-world politics, as happened in 2012, when Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” Kathryn Bigelow’s “Zero Dark Thirty” and Ben Affleck’s “Argo,” the year’s best picture, converged on Washington, with screenings, receptions and a Congressional uproar over the portrayal of torture by Americans in Ms. Bigelow’s film, which was about the hunting down of Osama bin Laden. – The role that Mr. Weinstein, whose Radius-TWC unit is backing the film (and distributed last year’s Oscar-winning documentary “Twenty Feet From Stardom”), will play in promoting “Citizenfour” remains unclear. In the past, he has not shied from using his association with Mr. Obama to promote issues-oriented movies. These include the biopic “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom,” which had a much-publicized White House screening last year, and the documentary “Bully,” which was screened for Mr. Obama in 2012, just minutes after he announced his support for a pair of anti-bullying bills. – Also in 2012, Mr. Weinstein arranged a high-profile Washington showing of his “SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden,” raising complaints that its flattering portrayal of Mr. Obama — who was edited into the film before its election-week premiere — amounted to a campaign stunt. – On Tuesday, it was the Radius-TWC co-presidents, Jason Janego and Tom Quinn, and not Mr. Weinstein, who played host as Ms. Poitras introduced “Citizenfour” to film buffs and some potential Oscar voters at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. – “The film is certainly about the danger of N.S.A. surveillance, but it’s also really about courage,” Ms. Poitras said. (The movie’s title comes from Mr. Snowden’s self-designated code name when he began communicating with Ms. Poitras.) – In a later phone interview, Mr. Quinn and Mr. Janego said they had exercised considerable autonomy in acquiring rights to “Citizenfour” after Mr. Quinn visited Ms. Poitras to discuss the unfinished film at her home in Berlin. Both stressed that Mr. Weinstein and his brother, Bob, co-chairmen of the parent company, were not a driving force in the decision to distribute the film, which is to open on Friday in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington. – “We did not see the actual film until very late in the process,” Mr. Quinn added. – Promotional screenings and talks are likely among the tech crowd in San Francisco and among political types in Washington, but scheduling has been hampered by that late delivery, he said. – The potential power in “Citizenfour” lies less in its revelations — though its ending points to the existence of another, as yet unidentified, government-surveillance whistle-blower — than in its intimacy and attempt to make narrative sense of the disclosures by Mr. Snowden, a former N.S.A. contractor. – At the film’s core are startlingly close encounters with Mr. Snowden, shot during eight days in a Hong Kong hotel room in 2013, as he began revealing secrets of the N.S.A. to the journalists Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill, and wrestled with the implications of his leaks. At one point, in nearly silent pantomime, he reshapes his beard and restyles his hair, preparing to slip from the hotel and eventually seek refuge in Russia. – The footage of Mr. Snowden is framed against shots of Mr. Obama and members of his administration, first denying the existence of domestic surveillance, then promising a review of programs, and finally insisting on Mr. Snowden’s prosecution. – In the Oscar race for best documentary, “Citizenfour” is likely to find itself up against some less volatile documentaries. Among those are “Red Army,”about Soviet hockey stars; “Life Itself,” about the film critic Roger Ebert; and “Tales of the Grim Sleeper,” about the predations of a serial killer in South Los Angeles. – But “Citizenfour” recalls a different political dynamic, in 2004, when Mr. Weinstein introduced Michael Moore’s anti-Bush “Fahrenheit 9/11” at the Beverly Hills headquarters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with a personal tribute to Mr. Moore. The two received a roaring ovation from like-minded Academy members. – But “Fahrenheit 9/11” won no Oscars. It was ruled out of the race when Mr. Moore chose to air it on pay-per-view television shortly before the presidential election. – This time around, though, some key voices are quieter. – Mr. Plepler, whose top documentary executive, Sheila Nevins, is an executive producer of “Citizenfour,” has not yet seen the movie, an HBO spokesman said. Mr. Skoll, through a Participant Media spokeswoman, declined to comment when asked whether he had concerns about the film’s view of Mr. Obama. In an email, referring to Mr. Quinn and Mr. Janego, of Radius-TWC, Mr. Weinstein said: “This is Tom and Jason’s show. They have autonomy, and it’s all their call.” – Mr. Janego, on Wednesday, asserted that Ms. Poitras’s cinéma vérité approach leaves a comfort zone for both those who support Mr. Snowden and those who find his actions offensive. “You’re left to make up your own mind,” he said. -” ———djo——— }
Lead Articles:
Tug tows incapacitated Russian cargo ship to port in Prince Rupert { * The first attempt to tow it anywhere failed when the rope snapped. The news last night said they were once again worried it might run aground and ruin sensitive areas around Haida Gwaii, B.C. * —djo— }
-Go Public- Negative online reviews can lead to threats of legal action from targeted businesses { * It says an Ottawa student learned that the hard way. * —djo— }
Prince William and Kates 2nd baby due in April: official { }
Russian ship carrying tonnes of fuel now docked in BC port { }
Canadian Ebola response team starts dry run in Nova Scotia { }
Nigeria declared Ebola-free with now new cases in 42 days { }
-Updated- ‘A spectacular success story’: WHO declares Nigeria free of Ebola { }
Content streaming could leave Bell and Rogersl only providing the ‘pipe { * – Canadians who want to view specialty channels and watch their favourite shows must go through their cable providers, like Bell and Rogers. – But some industry experts say that may change. They suggest that Canadians will inevitably have access to American content streamed online when online streaming becomes the norm and more and more people abandon their cable providers. – It’s already happening south of the border. Last week, HBO announced that it will allow Americans to stream its programming online next year without having to subscribe to the cable channel. – While HBO won’t be streaming its service into Canada, at least not yet, the experts say the pressure from the public and from some content providers to allow more streamed foreign content is bound to grow. And that could mean that Bell and Rogers may eventually be relegated to essentially providing the “pipe” — or the actual cables, connecting to households that facilitate internet or wireless service. – “[Rogers] controls the pipe as does Bell. They will come to the realization, that’s their model, forget about content, and all this other nonsense, they don’t really have anything of propriety there to offer,” said Fred Lazar, an economics professor at York University’s Schulich School of Business. “Focus on the pipe, control that, and essentially increase the rates charged there as people start migrating.” – * —djo— }
-Old- Chrétien defends Trudeau’s Iraq position, calls CF-18 mission ‘marginal’ response { * Former prime minister Jean Chrétien says he supports Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s decision to oppose Canada’s air combat mission in Iraq. * —jim w— }
-New- 7 surprising revelations from Justin Trudeau’s memoir { }
-Old- Foreign caregivers backlog grows as families wait for residency { * The number of individuals waiting for permanent resident status under a program that brings foreign caregivers and nannies to Canada has ballooned to more than 60,000, according to documents released under an access to information request. * —djo— }
Paris ‘sex toy’ sculpture deflated by angry locals { }
Canadian Pacific accidentally bulldozes Montreal park { }
Identity theft? Barack Obama’s under-used credit card declined in New York restaurant { }
Saskatoon family wants to keep raccoon as pet { }
{ Everything here is repeated from Saturday- —djo— }
“Most Viewed”
Canada’s Dumbest Charge: The 5 most frustrating fees { * & I can think of a couple more Like income tax and utility bills and local municipal taxes. If what Walter Burien says is true at CFR1 dot com then they’re extorting from all of us and don’t need a penny of it, the lying ice-holes * —djo— }
How foreign online streaming will upset Bell and Rogers apple carts { }
Rob Ford asked to leave Ward 17 advance voting station { * “You can’t campaign for anyone while you’re here.” * —djo— }
Claudia Huber, Yukon woman, killed in bear attack { * She and another person operated ‘Breath of Wilderness’ a year-round adventure touring company. The article says the company website includes a German translation. * —djo— }
Prince William, Kate’s 2nd child due in April { & Cathi Harris, one of our ‘stringers’ predicted this and a lot of other things that have happened this year as part of her Year’s-End/Looking Ahead to next year pedictions that she does every year around or before New Year’s Day. She was almost frighteningly accurate this year. —djo— }
Lynn Gehl challenges Indian status denial in Ontario court { * A woman is challenging a decision made previously that she didn’t know who one of her grandfathers was. Her lawyer says the government’s ‘ultimate goal’ is to deny status whenever possible “-so stat at the end of the day there will be no Indians.” * —djo— }
Could Ebola rank among the deadliest commincable diseases? { * Could this ‘Ebola Crisis’ rank among the most contrived bits of fear-mongering ever? * —djo— }
-12 photo slide show- Syria-Turkey border town Kobai under siege by ISIS { }
-Blog- Ebola-themed TV series one of many attempts to capitalize on deadly virus { }
-New- Hong Kong protests: Fresh clashes deepen sense of impasse on resolution { }
Rob Ford sent letter after 2nd sighting at advance poll { }
Quebec home daycare worker strike hits parents of 90,000 children { }
-New- Mars orbiters survive close encounter with Comet Siding Spring { *** On Last night’s television news, there was an animated graphic in which three satellites/orbiters around mars moved to hide behind the planet as the comet came closest to Mars. *** —jim w— }
-New- Women’s fight for Indian status has personal, political implications { }
U.S. conducts airdrops to Kurdish forces battling ISIS in Syria { }
Jay Leno receives Mark Twain Prize for humour { * & Did I tell you that reincarnation researchers are pretty much convinced tht Mark Twain reincarnated as Kurt Vonnegut? They even look a lot alike. * —jim w— }
Boy starved to death memorialized with Superman statue in Toronto { }
Beijing air pollution forces marathon runners to wear masks { }
U.S. Robotic space plane lands after secret 2-year journey around Earth { * And somebody on CBC teevee slipped today and said that there were a lot of space craft in the sky around Mars looking at the near fly-by of the comet, which was described as ‘the size of a small mountain’ but depicted as being almost round. Kind of like a maginified golf ball after somebody hit it with a sledge hammer from several different directs. * —jim w— }
-Must Watch- Comet hurtling towards Mars { }
-Must Watch- Dramatic house fire rescue { }
-Editor’s Pick- Why the ISIS mission is Obama’s real ‘red line’ { }
-Editor’s Pick- 8 ways to protect yourself from market madness { }
-Editor’s Pick- Foreign caregivers backlog grows as families wait for residency { }
-World- Exoskeleton enables paralyzed groom to walk down the aisle { }
-Canada- Six indigenous cookbooks to warm you up { * & Hey! Nobody caught the miss-spelling of ‘indigenous’ yesterday- * —djo— }
-Business- Rogers & Netflix have teamed up to make their first TV show together { }
-Business- Crude price drop top of mind as oilpatch reporting season begins { }
-Business- WestJet allows gloves as flight crews worldwide worry about Ebola { }
-Politics- Cyberbullying bill draws fire from diverse mix of critics { }
-Politics- Trudeau leaves door open for Liberals to reverse planned Harper tax cuts { }
-Politics- Federal government still mum on how to spend surplus { }
-Politics- Canada’s combat mission inIraq could last beyond 6 months { * How can you tell when a politician is lying? His mouth moves.* —djo— }
-Arts & Entertainment- Misty Upham, actress, confirmed dead { * Of apparent suicide. * —djo— }
-Arts & Entertainment- Paris ‘sex toy’ inflatable art removed after attack by vandals { * It wasn’t the artist who gave it that nickname. Somebody didn’t like it, attacked it, deflated it. * —djo— }
-Technology & Science- Project to save wild Atlantic salmon in Bay of Fundy begins { }
-Technology & Science- What’s new in OS X Yosemite { * Sorry- I’m not going to jump into this one. I don’t care if every freaking browser I have squawks and balks and tells me it will no longer be supported. Unless Apple gets a whole lot less greedy they can go perform unnatural acts with themselves. * We expected better from Apple. —jim w— }
-Technology & Science- Northern white rhino death puts species on brink of extinction { }
-Community- Parents could be liable for what their kids post on Facebook, Georgia court rules { }
-Community- Kissing protesters flood British grocery store to protest treatment of lesbian couple { }
-Community- Barbie hoping not to add ‘unemployed’ to career list { * I betcha I know someone who would buy a ‘Bag-Lady Barbie’ * —djo— }
“Local / New Bruswick”
Canaport LNG faces charges for bird kill { * A photo of an individual bird from the endangered species is at the top of today’s page here. “LNG” = Liquid Natural Gas? – The company can be fined up to $1,000.000.00 per incident. —djo— }
Shelley Rinehart named Liberal candidate in Saint John East { }
Moncton’s Chantal Thanh Laplante earns Governor General’s award { }
Man dies in Saint-Louis-de-Kent house fire { }
-Atlantic Voice- No fat jokes here: Doctor dispelling weight gain myths through comedy { }
Gassing and dashing sends Moncton man to jail { He skipped out without paying after filling his tank 3 times. They have cameras, they caught him. }
Saint John East byelection set for November { * That’s as soon as they schedule one for. * —djo— }
Saint John man missing$6K in cheque scam { * He says, check your bank statements guys, somebody has been cashing cheques he wrote once- multiple times over. —djo— }
Rexton shale gas protests remembered one year later { * I talked to a First Nations man who believes that elemental beings set fire to police cars. Hey, if leprechauns and ‘others’ from that world are on our side, we should encourage them. Thank them and honour them for fighting for us. * —jim w— ***Update, after I wrote this on Saturday, I fell asleep and had a dream encounter with a ‘being’ about three feet tall & dressed all in black, looking like a leprechaun ninja- scared the hell out of me- 😉 *** —jim— }
Residential electricity customers underpaying, NB power says {* All power companies are way over charging- Jim W says. * —jim w— }
For the birds: NCC counting species in northern N.B. { }
“First Nations”
-New- Lynn Gehl challenges Indian status denial in Ontario court { }
Saskatoon police on two missing persons cases { }
-CBC Investigates- Sipekne’katik cranberry project anything but fruitful { * It was supposed to be a way for a struggling band to make money. But three quarters of a million dollars later, and three years after construction of a cranberry bog began on the Sipekne’katik First Nation, not a single berry has grown there. * *** & I’ve got the feeling from the tone of that statement – that somebody believes that loads of money is being wasted on projects meant to help First Nations people. *** —djo— }
Move over Paleo: Six indeigenous cookbooks to warm you up { }
Manitoba Hydro evicted from northern dam station { }
Ouellette announces plan to make Winnipeg safer for Aboriginal women { }
University of Regina said the number of First Nations students is up by 50 per cent over the past 5 years { }
-Video- N.W.T. child services to work to support families { }
Watchdog says B.C. government ignoring recommendations to help children { }
{ 12:00 pm —Ready to Rock and Roll— & Thankful for help from Jim W again — ———djo——— }
Monday, 13 October, 2014 -( 62˚F / 17˚C – & cloudy here @ 2:00 pm near Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson and jim wellington }
{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above. ———djo——— }
Thursday, October 9, 2014 – would have been John Lennon’s 74th birthday.
{ Thought of the Day: I just watched ‘GasLand II” the HBO documentary-movie, most of the way through, for about the tenth time. Why are governmental ‘mouthpieces’ still tring to say that Shale Gas is: (1) a good thing, and, (2) the best way to go? The best scientific evidence reported on in that movie showed that there is more than enough wind power available to generate 5 times our needed electricity- virtually free- forever- & it is renewable, does not pollute, does not poison your water supply. -And if the wind slows down, solar photovoltaics can fill in the gaps. And then there’s always hydro-electric and maybe even tidal generation possible. The only thing ‘wrong’ with these renewable technologies is the fact that no greedy corporation has found a way to control them enough with lies and propaganda to raise the price high enough to keep billions of people in low-wage-slavery for the foreseeable future. —djo— }
Lead Articles:
2 people with Ebola-like symptoms in Ottawa, Belleville hospitals { }
Hong Kong protesters rebuild destroyed barricades { }
French economist Jean Tirole wins Nobel economocs prize { }
1st human trials of Canadian Ebola vaccine start in U.S. { }
Lights out till Thursday after downtown Calgary electrical fire { }
More Ebola cases possible among health workers who cared for Dallas patient { }
India cyclone kills 24 { }
New York Comic Con 2014: costumes and crowds { See photo- —djo— }
Hello Kitty exhibit opens in Los Angeles { * ‘Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty’ museum celebrates Japanese icon’s 40th anniversary.* —djo— }
Wife carrying championship: An unusual Nordic tradition returns { * In one photo a wife is sitting on one guy’s shoulders as he looks like he’s walking somewhere in a hurry. * —jim w— }
-Repeat- How’s this for fun? Pretending to be a boring office drone on Facebook { }
-From Saturday- Record setting bluefin tuna hauled in by Nova Scotia girl { * & All of the above Offbeat headlines are repeats from yesterday* —djo— }
“Most Viewed”
Violent police home invasion leads to $66K bill for victims { * Halifax officer keeps his job and isn’t charged after illegal entry and assault on resident. – “”It was just like Cops. Or like a movie. The house was dark. The house was quiet … then bang-bang-bang! on my upstairs door,” said Tyson Bishop, 36, recalling the 2008 encounter. – “It was a home invasion. They invaded my home.” – Within seconds, it escalated to one of the officers shooting Bishop with a Taser stun gun when he tried to stop police from hitting his sister in the face. -Tyson and Cirbie Bishop said they can’t understand how they’ve paid a higher price than the police officer who entered Tyson’s home illegally and assaulted him with a Taser. – “I was fearful for her life,” said Bishop, a GM salesman. “I was watching them pick her up and drop her face on the floor. She was crying.” – “Absolutely unreal,” said Cirbie Bishop, 31. “Under no circumstances would anyone ever believe that two police officers could just enter your home illegally and do that to you.” – Officer broke the law – One of the officers, Const. Jordan Gilbert, was later sanctioned for illegal entry and assault, after a decision by a police complaint review board. But he was never criminally charged and he kept his job. – The Bishops, who had never been in trouble with the law before, said they are left with $66,000 in legal costs, which the municipality refuses to cover. – “They came into the house without a warrant. They came into the house with absolutely no right to. And we are left to pay for that,” said Cirbie Bishop, an insurance claims representative. – Submit your story ideas: – Go Public is an investigative news segment on CBC TV, radio and the web. We tell your stories and hold the powers that be accountable. -We want to hear from people across the country with stories they want to make public. -Submit your story ideas to Kathy Tomlinson at Go Public – Follow @CBCGoPublic onTwitter – On that night six years ago, the siblings had a Halloween party at Tyson Bishop’s townhouse. They said it was a normal party, with costumes, decorations, drinks and music. Police were called twice over noise complaints by a neighbour. – By the time Const. Gilbert and Const. Mathew Poole arrived to answer the second call at 3 a.m., however, the party was over and the townhouse was dark. Six people, including the Bishop siblings, were sitting around quietly in an upstairs bedroom. – When the officers got no answer at the front door, they entered anyway, then went upstairs and pounded on the bedroom door, ordering anyone who didn’t live there to leave. – “They were just screaming and yelling and swearing and forcing people out of the house,” Cirbie Bishop said, as everyone scrambled. “We had no idea we were there doing anything wrong. We just had a private party.” – She banged into Gilbert while going through the bedroom doorway. He considered that assault, so he and Poole grabbed and detained her. Gilbert later admitted he hit her in the face while pinning her on the bathroom floor. – Cirbie Bishop suffered injuries after being hit in the face while Const. Jordan Gilbert was trying to arrest her. – “They picked me up and they threw me on my face,” she said. – When Tyson Bishop tried to step in and protect his sister, Gilbert Tasered him — in the face — at close range. “You just collapse. You fall so fast and so hard. It’s such a jolt to your head,” Bishop recalled. – Gilbert also admitted hitting him twice.”
-Submit your story ideas: – Go Public is an investigative news segment on CBC TV, radio and the web. We tell your stories and hold the powers that be accountable. -We want to hear from people across the country with stories they want to make public. -Submit your story ideas to Kathy Tomlinson at Go Public – Follow @CBCGoPublic onTwitter – —djo— }
Misunderstood and often midiagnosed, the mystery of vertigo { }
Birth control pill threatens fish populations { “-The lead researcher of a new study is calling for improvements to some of Canada’s waste water treatment facilities after finding that introducing the birth control pill in waterways created a chain reaction in a lake ecosystem that nearly wiped out a freshwater fish. – ‘It’s a problem that we can certainly resolve with better wastewater treatment.’– Karen Kidd, University of New Brunswick – The study, which is being published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B on Monday, found that introducing small amounts of estrogen into a lake led to the near extinction of the fathead minnow because it interfered with the fish’s ability to reproduce.
“- Lead researcher Karen Kidd of the University of New Brunswick said the study has been ongoing since the late 1990s, when researchers in the United Kingdom discovered that male fish began to develop eggs when estrogen was introduced in their habitat. – Kidd said their study set out to build on that research to determine whether the estrogen would affect the fathead minnow’s ability to reproduce and whether there were larger effects on the lake’s ecosystem.introduced in their habitat. – Drinking water contaminated with excreted drugs a growing concern – Reseachers started introducing small amounts of estrogen into an Ontario freshwater lake research facility in 2001, Kidd said. -Estrogen in the birth control pill ends up in municipal sewage and eventually in waterways. – “Right away, the male fish started to respond to the estrogen exposure by producing egg yolk proteins and shortly after that they started to develop eggs,” she said in an interview from Saint John, N.B. “They were being feminized.” – Kidd said shortly after introducing the estrogen, the number of fathead minnow crashed, reducing numbers to just one per cent of the population. – “It was really unexpected that they would react so quickly and so dramatically,” she said. “The crash in the population was very evident and very dramatic and very rapid and related directly to the estrogen addition.” – Domino effect – Kidd said that created a domino effect, causing the population of lake trout, the fathead minnow’s main predator, to decline. She said the number of insects, the fathead minnow’s main source of food, also started to increase. – There are several areas in Canada that have feminized male fish because of municipal water sewage being released into waterways, Kidd said, including in Wascana Creek in Saskatchewan, the Grand River in southwest Ontario and the South Saskatchewan River in southern Alberta.
“- “It’s a problem that we can certainly resolve with better wastewater treatment,” she said. -” —djo— }
B.C. teachers in court Tuesday as province appeals decisions in their favour { }
-Blog- Creepy clowns in the night haunt California county { “Reports of creepy clowns carrying knives and other weapons have been scaring people in the California city of Bakersfield for the past week, police said on Sunday.” —djo— }
-Thursday’s Blog- Fracking company launches pink drill bits for breast cancer awareness { *This bit of manipulation is pretty freakin low, even for these corporate ice-holes. Trying to link a program that is destroying people’s health, property values and quality of life, as well as putting their lives in actual danger- to a campaign to raise awareness of women’s health issues is worse than unethical, cynical, bold face lying: on a par with telling Africans with AIDs that raping a virgin would cure their disease.* >>—-> Link to Huffington Post article on Gasland 2 * Fracking may be more hazardous to our health and quality of life than we have previously warned about. Find a copy of Gasland 2 and watch it. — To be fair, Forbes has been trying to label the movie as ‘Luddite Slander of Fracking’ *** but too many people without a horse in this race have ‘scientifically remote viewed without prejudice’ a future in which the USA has been reduced to less than a third world nation caused in a large part by fracking. —djo— }
Canadian detained in Indonesian child sex assault probe faces 30 more days in jail { }
-Go Public- Violent police ‘home invasion’ leads to $66K bill for victims { * There’s more of this article in the ‘Most Viewed’ section above. —djo— }
Turkey denies deal reached with U.S. on air base use in ISIS fight { }
Control of education policy at stake as B.C. appeals teachers’ court victories { }
-Analysis- As markets fail, IMF urges more economic risk-taking: Don Pittis { }
Assisted suicide: Where do Canada and other countries stand? { }
Hong Kong protesters boost barricades { }
Sentencing phase begins for Oscar Pistorius’s culpable homicide conviction { }
Tony Abbot, Australia PM, plans to ‘shirtfront’ Vladimir Putin at G20 { }
Kurds call for more airstrikes in Syria as they struggle to hold Kobani { }
Sudden oil price drop a crude awakening for Canada’s economy { *** “If it sends the current Conservative government packing, we’ll take it-” *** —djo— }
St.Louis police arrest 17 at protest over shooting deaths of black men { }
-Must Watch- Typhoon Vongfong hits China coast { }
-Must Watch- The fight for Kobani { }
-Editor’s Pick- What to know about this year’s flu virus { }
-Editor’s Pick- Oilsands ‘victory’ in Europe – but how will they get it there? { “Selling oilsands to Europe still a challenge, despite EC decision [ not to label it as ‘dirty oil’ ]” —djo— }
-Editor’s Pick- Thanksgiving dinner: how to eat as much as possible { * “Eating competetition champion, all-you-can-eat buffet owner weigh in on strategy.” —djo— }
-World- Powerful storms batter Japan and India { }
-Business- Nobel prize for economics won by Jean Tirole of France { }
-Business- Fears that shoddy Toronto condos could become future slums { }
-Business- Fiat Chrysler begins trading on New York Stock Exchange { }
-Politics- Just don’t call it ‘sociology’: Tories seek bids for terrorism research. { * Do they want to learn how to better use terrorism against their electorate? They’re doing quite well – controlling the news- invoking an atmosphere of constant anxiety and fear in a calculated effort to better control the hearts and minds of citizens kept in a state of constant fear- —djo— }
-Arts & Entertainment- Misty Upham, actress from August: Osage County, missing { }
-Technology & Science- X-37B robotic space plane set to return from 22-month orbital mission { }
-Technology & Science- Nuclear plants must give anti-radiation pills to nearby residents: regulator { }
-Technology & Science- Privacy concerns remain as cyberbullying bill inches closer to law { }
-Community- Katy Perry’s Super bowl halftime show sparks excitement, cynicism from readers { }
-Community- ‘No means yes?’ Singapore drops sex ed program after student complaint { }
“Local / New Bruswick”
Anti-poverty group pushes for higher minimum wage { }
N.B. vineyards face mediocre harvest due to storm Arthur { }
Hockey program’s goal: get kids on the ice minus big expense { }
Alma sending off lobster fleet with all-night party { }
Cancer patient calls for equal funding for take-home drugs { }
-N.B.Page- -New- Medicinal chaga mushroom may be over-harvested in N.B. forests { }
Today’s weather: Peter Coade’s synopsis { }
P.E.I. justice minister calls on N.S. to join securities regulator { }
“First Nations”
Aboriginal community featured in Winnipeg photo exhibit { }
Winnipeg women say being sexually harrased downtown the norm { }
More talks could break Peel land use planning stalemate { “Yukon First Nations and their environmental allies say the court battle over the Peel watershed land use plan could be settled through ‘proper consultation.” —djo— }
Polaris winner describes being followed, called ‘sexy little Indian’ on street { }
Marlene Bird says she had run-in with one of her attackers { “The woman who lost both her legs in a vicious attack in Prince Albert, Sask., over the summer says she recently came across one of the people who attacked her on the street” —djo— }
-Opinion- A First Nations take on Thanksgiving: ‘Your Welcome Weekend’ { }
Mi’kmaq say Sydney Harbour talks back on track { }
Union slams ‘rushed’ facility for at-risk girls in Winnipeg { }
Watchdog says B.C. government ignoring recommendations to help children { }
First Nations articles haven’t changed on the ‘aboriginal’ page
{4:00 pm —Ready to Rock and Roll— Had help again from Jim W — Thanks, Jim ———djo——— }