Independent Canadian News

We Have a New Look

Friday, 25 July, 2014.  -(22°C / 72°F & Sunny According to Jim’s Web Cam)-

Hope you like the new look— This is a WordPress Template. The Blog (At least for now) is hosted on a WordPress server.

We spent most of the night listening to Coast to Coast a.m. while we tried out several different Themes for this News Blog.  (From the sound of things, Jim took it a bit more intensely than I did. And he started out feeling lousy, there’s some kind of bug going around up there.)

But anyway, This new look is the one that struck us both as looking cleanly ‘Professional’, and highly readable.

But, we noticed, there is no “Home” tab or button in the page array. However-, we accidentally discovered that you can click on the “Header” ( the photo at the top of this page? ) to get back to the main page if you’ve been looking at one of the other pages. (Some of which, we discovered) need to be at least slightly updated.
