Independent Canadian News

Ya move sixteen tons and whattaya get?

Friday, 24 July, 2015 -( 78˚F / 26˚C with a few  clouds overhead @ 6:30 pm near Ithaca, New York )-

What’s Happenin in Canada? I’ll give ya a hint: The ‘sitting’ Conservative ‘government’ is spamming most teevee channels up there with painfully annoying campaign style propaganda months ahead of their scheduled election in the fall: Their television ads are full of nauseating hints, false logic and innuendos – implying that the candidate the Prime Minister fears the most hates all Canadian tax payers, has his head up (*) you know where, and will pull back on all the sudden ‘entitlements’ the ‘government’ is trying to bribe potential voters with, and then strip older Canadians of their pensions and take the food out of starving babies mouths.

There are a couple ‘commercials’ in this barrage. They show people who are supposed to look intelligent discussing the head of the Liberal Party’s non-qualifications for the job of Prime Minister, his ‘lack of maturity’, his ‘clue-less-ness’ in how to defend Canada against the terrorists the Conservatives want everyone to believe are hiding under everybody’s beds, ready to pounce, torture and ‘brutally murder’ everyone and everything you hold dear.

In the second commercial in this barrage, which is aimed at senior citizens as well as the financially second class citizens who were not going to get any benefit worth noting from the Conservatives’ ‘Income Splitting’ scheme to begin with – the actors sit around and complain about the head of the Liberal Party and his campaign to cheat growing families out of the magical windfalls that have suddenly materialized ( sending the projected budget surplus into a budget shortfall bigger than the earlier projected surplus- ) and assure each other that his agenda will certainly try to cheat retirees out of their pensions and claw back every law passed or proposed by the Conservatives that would supposedly make average retirees’ lives a little more comfortable – which is a blatant lie – nothing the Conservatives have proposed was aimed at making anyone but the top couple percent of mega-millionaires more comfortable. – And the actors want to make the television viewing public believe that the Liberal Leader has made public speeches outlining his plot to take any possible advantages away from average and low income senior citizens, which is absolutely not the case. I am not endorsing the Liberal Leader, or anyone in this upcoming election, but I will say that this form of implicational propaganda looks to me like the smug Leaders of the Conservative Party up there have sunk to new lows. In the U.S.A. there is a saying: “The Republican Party has never lost an election by underestimating the intelligence of the voting public.” In Canada, it looks to me like the Conservatives have embraced a policy that can be summed up as, “Tell them anything, and they’ll believe it.”

– The biggest problem I have with these commercials is that the actors never answer the questions they ask each other, they follow those questions with unsupported accusations, off the wall implications and private suppositions which are supposed to look like the gospel truth because they’re coming from actors? – who, in the most often spammed commercial are pretending to be a board of directors for something like a respectable company. [Let me tell you, in my world there is no such thing as a respectable corporation.] Those actors’ snide comments are probably pretested on guinea pig audiences and calculated to make everybody want to throw up at the mention of the Liberal Candidates’ names. Of course, the test audiences are probably entirely made up of Conservative Party shills and I’m hoping they will be shocked senseless when the actual vote is counted and they find out how badly they misjudged the viewing public and the Canadian Citizenry whether they can stomach any main stream television or not.

– The second biggest problem I have with these commercials is the fact that the campaign has not officially begun up there yet so the rules governing fairness in campaigns do not apply yet. The incumbents can hammer everyone with lies and innuendos and call it ‘information’ and get away with that.

It also looks like *’all three’ of  the ‘major’ parties want to streamline their government by removing the Senate, that ‘House of sober second thought’ which should be an effective check and balance on their House of Commons – but has been used by every ruling party to stack the decks in their favour – Canadian Senators are ‘Appointed’ by the Prime Minister, for an indefinite length of time. [ If “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the other forms that have been tried” as Winston Churchill observed, you better realize that this is not Democracy, The Prime Ministerial type of government is whatcha call a “Republic” Sometimes referred to as a ‘Parliamentary Republic’, or since they still give lip service to the monarchy in England, ‘A Parliamentary Monarchy’,  ( *’all three’ = Nobody seems to be taking the Green Party or the Party Quebecois seriously – which I hope comes back to bite them where it hurts. )


-And then today- there is email from an organization that is trying to defend the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) from the Conservative Prime Minister’s campaign to unfund them and take away the potential threat that Stephen Harper feels when confronted with the possibility that quality journalism might undo his efforts to institute corporate fascism as the ultimate form of government in Canada.

-I actually signed up for ‘news & updates’ about the Canadian Prime Minister’s campaign to gut the best news service in North America. Today they sent out this message in email. I’ll mess with their ‘donate’ messages (they were links) to make them even more painfully obvious:-

Everything below this line is copied and pasted from today’s email, it probably went out with ‘default’ font and I’ve colorized the ‘please send us money’ stuff.

——— djo ———


Subject: The truth about Harper’s Child Care “Benefit”

This week millions of child “benefit” cheques arrived in Canadian families’ mail boxes, but there’s one thing Harper hasn’t told people — it’s taxable, and only worth about $13 per month for the average person. It’s a massive trick to try to buy Canadians’ votes with our own money.

Please donate today so we can counter Harper’s re-election strategy with hard-hitting ads to let Canadians know the truth about the Harper Conservative’s child care benefit.

Donate Today

Dear Doug,

This week the Harper Conservatives hit a new low. Employment Minister Pierre Poilievre raced around the country in an election-style campaign to promote Harper’s child care cheques, but there’s one thing he hasn’t told families: the new child “benefit” is taxable.

That’s right. Taxable. Which means that the Harper Conservatives are not only trying to buy our votes with our own money, they also plan to take BACK a hefty chunk in April – after the election.

Most benefits are taxable, but here’s the catch — while bringing in the new child “benefit” the Conservatives also just quietly axed our $2,225 child tax credit. After all’s said and done, that means a typical working parent will receive just $13 a month to cover skyrocketing child care costs.[1]

Thirteen dollars. Not a single child care space, not affordable care and nowhere near an actual plan – just $13. That’s not even enough to buy a pack of diapers.

The scary thing is this could work – millions of cheques are arriving in people’s mailboxes right now, and most of the Canadians Harper is targeting simply don’t know that this is a cheap trick to try to buy their votes with their own money and leave them with little to show for it. They’ll see the hundreds of dollars in their bank account, not realising it’s going to get clawed back at tax time, leaving them barely better off overall.

Together, we can counter Harper’s election ploy with hard-hitting, highly targeted ads to let people know the truth about the Harper Conservative’s child benefit, but we have to act fast, and get the ads online and into print while this is still top of mind for millions of Canadians.

Click here to chip in $10, $20 or $50 towards hard-hitting facebook and newspaper ads to warn parents who might get burned by this come tax time.

While outrageously claiming Harper’s new child care cheques mean “Christmas in coming early in July”, Poilievre forgot to mention that Santa will be taking your presents back in the next tax season.

To add insult to injury, Poilievre was also sporting a partisan Conservative Party shirt during his vote-buy – err, promotion tour, which – surprise surprise! – centred on swing ridings the Conservatives need to win the next election.[2]

Not only are the Conservatives deceiving families about how much we can spend, they’re promoting a government program to lock down a partisan vote – in the ridings where vote-splitting gave them a majority in 2011.

It’s a cheap election ploy. We know you won’t fall for it, but we need your help to warn parents about the actual worth of these cheques and how the Harper Conservatives think they can buy their votes.

If we raise $10,000 we’ll blast facebook with a series of highly targeted ads
If we raise $30,000 we’ll run print ads in local newspapers, broadcasting our warning across the country to the families that need to hear them most.

Can you chip in now to send a powerful message to hundreds of thousands of Canadians in battleground ridings across the country?

Advertising is all about volume. The more of us who chip in, the more ads we can run, and the more effective this will be. If thousands of us chip in what we can, we can blanket Conservative Swing Ridings with high-impact ads and make sure Canadians hear the truth about the Conservatives’ plan.

The Leadnow community takes childcare seriously. Thousands of us have listed the creation of a national childcare system as one of our top priorities, but we know that any progress towards building one depends on cooperation across party lines and a Conservative defeat in October. We’ll be there to keep pushing right after the election, but right now, we need to get the message out to Canadians.

Donate to fund powerful ads in the ridings Harper needs most to win again, and counter the Conservatives’ child care spin.

Thanks for all you do.

With hope and respect,
Brittany, Jamie, Matthew, Katelynn and Amara on behalf of the Leadnow team

P.S. If you prefer to donate by cheque, please send your cheque payable to “Leadnow” to:
PO Box 2091, Stn Terminal
Vancouver, BC
V6B 3T2

Please include a note with your cheque, so we know who it’s from.

To donate by phone you can call us toll-free at 1‑855‑LEADN0W (1‑855‑532‑3609) ext 2.

We also accept donations by PayPal, Interac e-Transfer, Vancity Credit Union instant transfer, or pre-authorized payment from your bank account. See here for details:


[1] Three things to know about the UCCB payments impact:

[2] Pierre Poilievre’s hunt to hand out 3 billion in child care cheques:

Tuesday, 23 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Tuesday, 23 September, 2014  -( 43˚F /6˚C –  & looks like a good day @ 8:30 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Brian Gallant in front of "Liberal" red background.
‘Liberal Leader Brian Gallant appears to have won the New Brunswick election amid a vote-counting “fiasco”-‘

 Discrepencies between tabulator machine-counted votes and manually entered vote tallies caused Elections New Brunswick to bring everything to a halt for a couple hours while they re-entered the votes from electronic chips from the vote counting gizmoes. The Progressive Conservatives and the People’s Alliance Party may want a recount of the physical paper ballots.  —djo—


Lead Articles:

-Updated- Brian Gallant’s Liberals elected amidvote-counting ‘fiasco’   {   }

-Coming up Live- N.B. Liberals prepare for transition after election marred by vote-count fiasco   {  }

U.S. and 5 Arab countries bomb ISIS targets inside Syria   {  }

Ebola cases could skyrocket to 21,000 in next 6 weeks: WHO    {  }

Netflix refuses CRTC demand to hand over suscriber data   { CRTC = The Canadian version of the FCC. Netflix says it will not violate the confidentiality of its customers and so far is not bound by the same rules as a broadcast or cable television company. }

Aboriginal throat singer Tanya Tagaq wins Polaris prize   {  }

-New- Israeli PM says shooting down Surian fighter jet doesn’t mean war is widening   {  }

-Live- UN Climate Summit: 4 things to know about the talks   {  }

Do the math: How parents can fight the fear of arithmatic   {  }



Mushroom in the woods
” A typical porcini (Boletus edulis var. clavipes) is shown in its natural habitat in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario. (Brent Dentinger/Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew) “


3 new mushroom species discovered in London grocery store   { It took me several minutes of reading and re-reading to guess that this was a grocery store in London, Ontario, Canada. -Not London, England- Photography credits to ‘Royal Botanical Gardens’ were no help, the caption to a photo showing: “A typical porcini (Boletus edulis var. clavipes) is shown in its natural habitat in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario.” – was a bright moment – —djo— }

City marks 200th birthday with a 61-metre bratwurst   { Gotta be Germany, right? Wrong! – It was Belleville, Illinois, USA  —djo— }

Reporter quits live on-air in support of marijuana legalization   { Charlo Greene quit her job in Anchorage, Alaska where she was a reporter for KTVA television. ‘-What many viewers didn’t realize prior to her hasty departure from the station, however, is that she is also the owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club — a medical marijuana collective that connects “patients in need to Alaskan cardholders with green.”-‘  —djo— }

Bald eagle rescue 101: how to hitch a ride on a fishing boat   { In the “Most Viewed” area the link to this article bears the headline: “Bald eagle rescue by fisherman posted on YouTube”  * And I’m really impressed with today’s ‘Offbeat’ news after several days of boring repeats- —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

New Brunswick election 2014 results: Brian Gallant’s Liberals set for transition after win   {  }

Tim Hortons, Burger King merger fallout: US cracks down on tax inversions   {  }

How Alexander Sodiqov was freed following espionage charges   {  }

Benjamin Netanyahu cautions about interpreting Syrian fighter jet shooting   { & two links down: “Golan Heights: Israel military shoots down Syrian fighter jet” }

Raymond Lee Caissie. 43, charged with murder of Serena Vermeersch   {  }

-Repeat- -17 photo slide show- People’s Climate Marches around the world   { No- the climate doesn’t march around the world- even if it really does – this article is about the numerous marches held around the world to let banksters and other string pulling manipulators know that a lot of people are not happy with elitists poisoning their food, poisoning their water and decimating their forests   —djo— }

-Blog- Emma Watson’s U.N. speech on gender equality prompts debate over feminism, Beyoncé   {  }




-New- How a PhD student was able to return to Canada after arrest on espionage charges   { * * They’re repeating article headlines in various spots around their page here with a slight change in wording- everybody must have been up all night waiting for the New Brunswick election returns.   —djo— }

-Updated- Barack Obama to address expanded airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria   {  }

Inuk throat singer Tanya Tagaq takes top honours at Polaris Music Prize   { * & I haven’t mentioned lately that Canadians wonder what we do with all out ‘U’s in the ‘lower 48’- I told them U.S. citizens use them all up chanting “USA Number One!” and never stop to count all the negative number ones they qualify for, number one in the most citizens in prison for b.s. charges- #1 in testosterone-poisoned culture-  -don’t get me started- —djo— }

Canadian arrested at JFK airport after 15 kg of marijuana found in checked bag  { I think they also said she had handguns and ammunition in her luggage or on her. If this happened on a domestic flight inside of Canada, my friends up there tell me, there would be a very good chance that a person with a gun, especially a realistic looking toy gun, or a phoney grenade, and maybe a package of loose tea suspiciously packaged – might actually be an inspector testing the security screening of any airline anywhere inside the country.  —djo— }

Vancouver Aquarium uses drone to track killer whales   { *** They’re ‘Orcas’ not killer whales- —djo— }

High-risk sex offender charged with murder of B.C. teen   { * And Fear-mongering headlines are still in style, even in relatively intelligent media?  —djo— }

Canadian wireless costs still among highest in world   { This is only a symptom of a much larger problem. * Okay, everybody go to Coast to Coast am, click on ‘become a member’ and listen to last night’s (September 22, 2014) 3 hour interview with Former Canadian Minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer. He will tell you, with authority, that an elitist cabal of greedy bankers have been trying to run the world from behind the scenes since the end of World War II -possibly longer- and part of their agenda has been to cut buying power, disempower the middle class, make everybody believe that trade unions are full of criminals and communists – And the elitist cabal members might even be plotting to kill off millions or billions of us if they can get away with it, to make the survivors more manageable – They believe in running the world on the model of The Bank Of England – Lending twenty times the amount of money they have actual assets for and enslaving by means of debt – countless billions on the planet – until after the revolution when they’re all wearing orange jump suits and working on chain gangs to make up for their crimes against humanity. If you tried to get away with what banks do all the time, you’d be heading to prison for a very long time, but they blackmailed most of the governments in what we used to think of as ‘the free world’ into granting them charters/licenses to get away with fraud and maybe worse.  —djo— }

-Storify- Calgary MP responds to ISIS threat with ‘secure bedroom selfie’   { She just might be the blond who stands behind Stephen Harper in most shots from ‘Question Time’ –  trying to look disgusted at what we’re supposed to interpret as ‘inane comments’ from anybody but a Conservative Party of Canada member.  [—gag—]   —djo— }

Ebola cases could quadruple in the next 6 weeks, WHO warns, but not all experts agree   {  }

Israel says it’s killed 2 Hamas suspects that helped spark weeks of fighting   {  }

Driver fined $162 after stopping police for illegal left turn   { “Duh- we only enforce the laws, we don’t have to abide by them-” ?   —djo— }

3 missing Afghan Army oficers in custoday at Canada-US border   {  }

-Must Watch- Toothpaste portrait of Robin Williams   {  Everything is beginning to sound like offbeat news – well, almost everything  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Elephant baby’s public debut   { If I’d gone to sleep last night instead of working all night, I’d swear I woke up in a parallel universe – but this one is more fun than the one I woke up in yesterday- —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Mission to Mars   { Did we move into a much more positive area of the material universe? Somebody go check Starfire Tor’s website, facebook page or whatever to see if she has a clue- Or am I just over tired and in that wonderful zone where everything almost makes sense and people almost seem a magnitude warmer and friendlier than they did a couple hours ago?  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- The story behind Liberal leader’s abortion strategy   { “The Liberals hope the policy distances them from socially conservative ex-MPs” & there’s a thumbnail photo of Justin Trudeau that makes him look like he’s full of himself – which he could be- but we need really impartial coverage here, guys. —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

– A lot of the above election coverage is repeated under ‘New Brunswick’-

David Coon makes history with seat for Green Party   { David Coon won a seat to the provincial legislature from Fredericton South – Becoming the second green party candidate to win a seat in any provincial legislature. The Green Party received 6.6% of yesterday’s vote. —djo— }

Liberal wave ousts 9 cabinet ministers   { *** On the provincial level, a lot of the sitting premier’s top officials were sent packing- premier David Alward put a lot of stress on shale gas development, claiming ‘energy jobs’ could save the economy and keep New Brunswickers from seeking jobs out west.  Green Party Leader David Coon said something like “It’s not just the fracking issue- it’s the PC party’s record.” The PC candidates may have gotten a bit of a boost when “Say Yes” buttons began appearing on their road side posters and David Alward’s smug Conservative expression sneered out at everyone in television spots that felt like ‘say yes to jobs, say yes to fracking, say yes to four more years of conservative majority rule-‘ But what might have been one of the most telling arguments against the conservatives’ return to mandate level power was the number of jobs that disappeared while they were promising prosperity through fracking and they probably cut thier own throats with ‘pension reform’- Or did they actually believe that all the provincial government job retirees they had just screwed out of large chunks of earned pension money were going to smile and vote them back into power for another round of such tomfoolery?  —————Jim W }

New Brunswick election may see manual recount amid vote-machine glitches   {  }

Grand Manan fatal plane crash GPS fails to offer clues   { An air ambulance returning home after delivering a patient somewhere crashed and killed the philanthropic pilot and a much loved and respected EMT on Grand Manan Island last month-  —djo— }

N.B. election sees 8 female MLAs elected in 49 ridings   {  }

Minto voters say jobs are a top election concern   { *** But Minto is one of the places where the “Jobs” mongering PC received only 26 more votes than the non jobs mongering 2nd place People’s Alliance candidate who will almost certainly ask for, and get a recount. —————Jim W }




-Opinion- Canada’s lack of leadership on climate issues alarming   { * Let me butt in and say that when a politician speaks about ‘leadership’ they mean, ‘I get up and dictate and you do what I say – and like it!’ – not the kind of leadership where somebody stands up and acts out of conscience because they know in their heart and mind that that’s the right thing to do. Real leaders walk a difficult path and do not demand that anybody follow their example, but they are happily surprised when others try to live up to higher standards. —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Manitoba judges reserve decision in Brian Sinclair appeal   { Brian Sinclair was a double amputee who died of a treatable bladder infection while he was waiting for 34 hours in a Winnipeg emergency room. His family filed a lawsuit against a health authority- claiming his charter rights were violated when he died in that hospital waiting room in 2008. – A lower court struck the lawsuit down, saying Brian Sinclair’s charter rights died with him. – But the family lawyer said it’s absurd that a man who died because he didn’t receive the care due him under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms isn’t allowed to sue because he’s dead.  The three judges hearing this appeal are thinking about it.  —djo— }

Pennsylvania teacher suspended over ‘Redskins’ newspaper flap   {  “Redskins” is the nickname of Neshaminy’s sports teams. Newspaper staff at the Bensalem school in Pennsylvania decided last year they would no longer use the term, which they say is offensive. – The faculty adviser for the student newspaper embroiled in a battle over the word “Redskins” has been suspended for two days without pay. –  The Philadelphia Inquirer reports Neshaminy High School teacher Tara Huber was disciplined for “willful neglect of duty and insubordination.” –  The suspension came three months after students published the June edition, in which they disobeyed an order by administrators to print an op-ed containing the word “Redskin.” The newspaper is also having $1,200 docked from its funds.  —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Bridge Builders: Lucy Fowler combat Metis stereotypes   { Metis have battled for- and recently been awarded the same rights and considerations of other First Nations Tribes. Their origins are usually believed to be a combination of original French settlers and various First Nations Tribes. —djo— }

Councillor urges Winnipeg to back inquiry into murdered, missing women   {  }

Attawapiskatt Chief Theresa Spence may face motion of non-confidence   {  }

Judge orders election translation for Alaskan aboriginals   { *This is in Alaska – A federal judge ordered the state to take additional steps to provide voting materials to Alaska’s aboriginal voters with limited English ahead of the upcoming state election. – “Buttons for poll workers will say ‘Can I help?’ translated into Yup’ik or Gwich’in.”  —djo— }



{ 11:26 am – after a couple distractions, ready to check for typos and colourize the headlines.  12:10 pm mouse-ing toward the ‘Publish’ button   ———djo——— }

Monday, 22 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Monday, 22 September, 2014  -( 49˚F / 9˚C –  & raining @ 8:30 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Quote of the day? Song lyrics from the flower child days: “Love is but a song we sing – /Fear- a way we die / You can make the mountains ring / -Hear the angels cry” – by Dino Valenti – It was performed by the old Kingston Trio, by Joni Mitchell, Judy Collins, HP LoveCraft, The Youngbloods, and Jefferson Airplane and then I lost count. It was called “Let’s Get Together” before the Youngbloods released it as “Get Together” And the Dave Clark 5 released a version as “Everybody Get Together”


5 political leaders in a row.
Leaders of the five political parties involved in today’s provincial elections in New Brunswick. Left to right: David Coon – Green Party, Dominic Cardy – NDP, David Alward – PC party, Brian Gallant – Liberal, Kris Austin – People’s Alliance party.


Lead Articles:

-Updated- Suspect in Clinton businessman shooting arrested, charged with 1st-degree murder   {  }

Storm leaves 23,000 cusomers without power across N.S.   {  }

Ebola death toll now at 2,792 in 5 African nations: WHO   {  }

Male teen charged in death of Surrey, B.C., teenager    {  }

Canadian in Syria blocked from bringing husband home to safety   { Another headline to the same article: “Ottawa blocks Canadian from getting Syrian husband out of danger.”  —djo—  }

-Analysis- People are drinking the drugs we take   { * This one’s scary: “What happens when the excreted drugs get into drinking water?”  —djo— }

-New- Downsizing: When hitting the road hurts like hell   { * This is a series about a large reporter trying to lose weight.   —djo— }




No new offbeat news?  🙁



“Most Viewed”

ISIS audio urges attacks on ‘unbelievers’ in Canada   {  }

High winds in Nova Scotia leave 50,000 in the dark   {  }

Nude celebrity photo leak: More images posted to online forums   { Repeat? or are there more since yesterday? & Why should we care?  —djo— }

Rockefellers to join in divesting $50B of oil fortune to fight global warming   { They’re probably buying up gold and silver in the belief that their manipulations are about to hit the fan and drive down the economies of everyone in the ‘free world’.  —djo— }

Justin Trudeau’s abortion policy keeps people talking   {  }

-17 photo slide show- People’s Climate Marches around the world   { Yesterday I got email and told you about the Conservative sector of the ‘Main Stream Press’ getting snarky and trying to undermine the sincerity of marchers around the world.  —djo— }




5 Things to watch for in New Brunswick’s provincial election   { 1. Does election coverage interfere with the season premier of ‘The Black List’? 2. Does it interfere with the season premier of ‘Sleepy Hollow’? * My turn to get snarky– —djo—  }

The story behind Justin Trudeau’s abortion strategy   { * How about the story behind headlines that try to make a political strategy look like cold hearted manipulation?  —djo— }

Unpaid academic internships ‘taking advantage’ of students, critics say   { And over the weekend an article in the Huffington Post suggested that banks were changing their strategies to make it harder for middle class people to get mortgages etc, while making it easier for the top small percentage of the richest segment of the population to cash in on everybody else’s difficulties.   —djo— }

No word on when Mayor Rob Ford will exit hospital   {  }

Cost of policing continues to climb despite reduced cri, study finds   { * Well, heck, somebody has to pay for all those shiny new military weapons and vehicles every police force in the world wants to show off –   —djo— }

Government’s plan to revoke passports raises human rights concern   { ‘A new passport order gives Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander the power to deny passports on the grounds of national security, – “revoking and refusing passports to those going abroad to take part in terrorist activities.”- ‘  * The trouble is, there have been too many cases of people who have been thought to be terrorists because they have a Muslim name. The man who used to be Cat Stevens was denied entry into the USA a couple years back because the Muslim name he took with his new religion also belonged to someone they believed was a terrorist. At least one Canadian citizen was taken from a plane in the USA and shipped off to a country where nobody questions their torture methods and tortured for a couple years. I think he sued the Canadian Government for a lot of money when he released. And if I remember right, there were three or four more cases that were almost identical in their legal system. ** So the kids I went to school with, who used to blurt out, ‘In the Future, the US will be more like Russia and Russia will be more like the USA-‘ -whatever their sources were, were right? And Canada is following the USA down the road to totalitarianism?  —djo— }

Pioneer of mixed-race prom seeks funds for Museum of Human Rights visit   { A teenager “from southern Georgia who planned her high school’s first mixed-race prom last year is raising money to visit Winnipeg after being honoured by the newly opened Canadian Museum for Human Rights.” * And what has me worried is: – Aren’t Museums places where you go to look at things that have gone extinct or out of style? Would the Museum of Human Rights be a place where we might go to celebrate the idea that we once had Human Rights?  —djo— }

Student suspended for selling banned Pepsi takes business to sidewalk   { * Well, heck, the kids who have been addicted to intestine-rotting GMO ‘modified corn sweetener’ in popular soft drinks have to get their suicidal fixes somewhere- * Me being snarky again.  —djo— }

NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft reaches orbit around Mars   {  }

-Must Watch- Worldwide climate change rallies   { ‘Climate change’ is probably more accurate than the ‘global warming’ headline I saw somewhere else. —djo— }

& The Editor’s Picks are left over from yesterday.

-World- 130,000 Syrians flee to Turkey in 4 days to escape ISIS advance   { * Up 30,000 from yesterday? Ever wonder who might want to stay up all night dreaming up new ways to make sure you’re nervously believing the world might explode into terror attacks and war exploding everywhere at once?  —djo— }

-World- Australia seeks broad anti-terror powers after foiled beheading plot   { * When I was a kid in the late sixties, early 70’s we had an exchange student from Australia come talk to us in school and while people in the USA were starting to doubt the war in Vietnam was us trying to make the world safe for everybody else, Australians seemed to be genuinely concerned that the Red Menace -Communists- who had replaced the -Yellow menace- -Japanese soldiers during WWII- might just swoop down and take over and rape all those nice pure white girls. Australia might be a little more susceptible to propaganda scare tactics than areas more removed from international hot spots. ** Um, anybody got any ideas on how we can reverse the barage of fear mongering b.s. scare tactics that are aimed at out hearts and minds? —djo— }

-World- Visiting Afghan soldiers go missing from Cape Cod military base   {  }

-Politics- Korean president to talk trade during Parliament Hill visit   {  }

-Politics- Tories revive union bill that provoked Senate rebellion, move to limit debate   { * Quick, somebody move to limit the Tories grasp on power-   —djo— }

-Health- Why Winnipeg? How a Canadian lab became an Ebola research powerhouse   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- 2014 CBC Poetry Prize winner announced   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Happy Birthday Leonard Cohen: Q opens the vault   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

5 cropped photos from a debate.
The five party leaders in today’s election.

5 things to watch for in New Brunswick’s provincial election   { Here’s their list :  1. Alward’s shale gas strategy – * Can conservative party lies that fracking is safe and necessary for the economy blind enough voters to give the unholy [ censored ]’s another win? * 2. Can Brian Gallant hold lead? * Can the Liberals pull in enough votes to win this one – after they pointed out that, all the time the Conservatives were telling everybody that Fracking meant jobs and prosperity, 3,000 actual jobs disappeared and campaign promises met half their goals- 3. Possible NDP breakthrough – Dominic Cardy did well in the debates after having moved his party a little closer to the centre of the political spectrum, recruiting ex-Liberals and ex-PC members to switch to the NDP banner and ‘pitching the party as the one that takes fiscal matters seriously’.  4. Green Party Leader David Coon – There was a tweet yesterday that Jim W sent me – A poster that was seen in University campus windows that said, “99% Less Bullshit”, showed David Coon’s smiling face- and listed web sites, twitter accounts, and facebook pages-  5. New riding map creates tight races – 55 voting districts were reduced to 49 – They don’t mention People’s Alliance candidate Kris Austin under #5 but his photo is there – *** Okay, I’ve probably done enough damage here- let’s move on to another headline.  —djo— }

New Brunswick: A different kind of election night   { ‘Elections New Brunswick is using vote tabulators to quickly count the votes in Monday’s provincial elections.’ & Link >>—-> <—-<< Jim W has a link to a recorded interview from the aftermath of the 2004 US Federal elections where-in a lawyer has explained how the Republicans stole the election to fraudulently put G.W. Bush in the White House for a second term – the second time he did not win an election legally, but found his butt in the seat of power. —djo— }

8 ridings to watch in the New Brunswick election   { ” 1. Fredericton South- “could be the closest race in the province on election night.” Green Party leader David Coon is running against Progressive Conservatives’ Craig Leonard, NDP’s Kelly Lamrock, Liberal Roy Wiggins and Independent candidate Courtney Mills.  “2. Saint John Lancaster” where former Liberal MLS Abel LeBlanc bolted from the Liberal Party in favour of the NDP. “3. Miramichi” Where ridings/districts were rearranged so sitting MLAs are running against each other. And a former PC MLA is also running in this riding as an Independent. “4. Memramcook-Tantramar ” is another riding in which two sitting MLAs are running against each other.  “5. Carleton-Victoria” Where the Liberal candidate was first charged with fraud in connection with a business he was a partner with, and then the charges were dropped. “6. Saint John Harbour” Where Tory Carl Killen won his race in 2010 by either 7 or 8 votes, depending on which paragraph you read here.  “7. Moncton Centre” The change in ridings/districts here has pitted two MLAs against each other who were famous for launching blistering partisan attacks at one another in New Brunswick’s ‘Question Period’ “8.  Fredericton West-Hanwell” where NDP leader Dominic Cardy is trying to win a seat that could be the NDP’s first seat in the legislature since 2005. ”  —djo— }

2 men stabbed at Esgenoôpetitj First Nation   {  }

New Brunswick election 2014: Voters head to the polls today   { Redundancy R Us? —djo— }




RCMP investigate claim officer made derogatory Facebook post   {  }

Assembly of First Nations says its proposals on missing women ‘tossed aside’ by Ottawa   {  }

NDP forces Commons debate on murdered, missing indigenous women   {  }

Only 3 First Nations candidates running in New Brunswick election   {  }

’60s Scoop adoptees find ‘some kind of belonging’ at national gathering   {  }

-Sadly it looks like every article on this page is a repeat-



{ 11:14 am – Checking for typos and colorizing the headlines.    11:45 am— Almost ready to hit the ‘Publish’ button ———djo——— }

Saturday, 20 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Saturday, 20 September, 2014  -( 70˚F /21˚C –  & ‘mostly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 5:30 pm in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


— Oooops – I composed a message asking for one of my helpers to put this together for me this morning and then never sent it. It was still waiting to be sent when I got home about five minutes ago. Jim & Jim were apparently also quite busy today- Sorry for the inconvenience —djo—

Man in rain with Scottish flag draped over his shoulders.
“Scotland turned its back on independence – and with that on a chance to reinvent its economoy and society,” writes Don Pittis.


Lead Articles:

Egyptian-Canadian Journalist inside a cage
Mohamed Fahmy as he appeared in court, inside a cage.

Mohamed Fahmy: Egypt’s president won’t interfere with courts in Canadian’s case   { Mohamed Fahmy is the Egyptian-Canadian journalist —djo— }

About 60,000 Syrian Kurds flee to Turkey as ISIS  advances   {  }

NATO chief says Ukraine has ceasefire ‘in name only’   {  }

Doug Ford kicks off his Toronto mayoral campaign   {  }

Ray Rice jersey swap attracts 7,000 Baltimore Ravens fans   {  }

Ebola burial team attacked in Sierra Leone amid lockdown   {  }

-New- Second man arrested in 2 days trying to enter White House   { The most interesting thing under this article is the related story: “Toddler apprehended by Secret Service at White House” -they caught a toddler somewhere where he or she should not have been?  —djo— }




Smiling man with beaver house behind him.
“Explorer Rob Mark snaps a selfie on top of the world’s largest beaver dam.” – but they don’t show the dam, just the pond behind it.

Oktoberfest begins in Munich   { What is offbeat about this? —djo— }

‘Nearly empty’ Picasso museum reopens in Paris   {  }

U.S. explorer first person to reach massiver beaver dam in Alberta   {  }

Polar bears chew through silicone in Winnipeg zoo’s underwater tunnel   { “Yum”? -We’ll have to ask them how it tasted, anybody out there speak the polar bear dialect? Are you crazy enough to want to go talk to one of them? —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

Why chimps kill other chimps — U.S. study uncovers main reason   { Male chimps kill other male chimps in order to increase the probability that they will be the ones who get to father the most baby chimps. -Scientists used to believe that the reason chimps killed each other had a lot more to do with tensions that increased when human communities expanded into chimp territory. Nope, it’s mostly sexual and a little bit territorial with keeping chimp guys away from ‘their’ chimp women.  —Sounds like high school and university fraternity attitudes.—  —djo— }

Onslow man, 19, facing attempted murder charge   { The 19-year-old Nova Scotian ran over a 17-year-old ‘with a car repeatedly’ according to police.   —djo— }

B.C. Ferries won’t get more government subsidies: Todd Stone    { “The B.C. government is trying to undercut a report that claims rising ferry fares are hurting the economy ahead of the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ annual general meeting next week. – Last week, the UBCM released a report that concludes B.C. missed out on more than $2 billion in economic activity over the past decade because of rising fares on BC Ferries

“- But in a letter to the UBCM’s president, B.C. Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Todd Stone said he rejects the conclusions of the report. – B.C. Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Todd Stone rejects the findings in the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ recent report that blames funding cuts to BC Ferries for robbing the B.C. economy of billions of dollars. – “Our sense of this report is it’s highly simplistic in terms of the analysis that’s been done,” he told CBC News on Friday. – “The assumptions that have been made that kind of underpin the findings of this report are so massively overstated that you could drive a ferry through them. – “It’s far too simplistic to suggest that just because someone may not have taken a ferry, they didn’t spend money in B.C. in some other facet.”  – ”  —djo— }

Jean Chrétien says Canada is all in on Iraq mission   {  }

Phoney cops scam money from tourists in Vancouver   {  }

Fire destroys St. John the Baptist church in Edmundston   {  }

ISIS takes over Syria Kurdish villages as thousands flee to Turkey   {  }

Leonardo DiCaprio film holds open casting call in Yellowknife   {  }

-11 photo slide show- Scotland tensions rise after referendum   {  }

-Blog- Scotland referendum: Alex Salmond gave up chance to negotiate, CBC readers say   {  }




-Analysis- What’s in store for Scotland? Ask Quebec: Don Murray   { The main British parties in London are now talking about turning huge chunks of tax power over to Scotland’s assembly.   —djo— }

‘We could see palm trees bending in half’: Newlyweds head home after Mexico hurricane   {  }

‘The building is lost’: Fire destroys 140-year-old N.B. church   { Edmunston is in New Brunswick, Edmonton is in Alberta.  —djo— }

-Analysis- Polls suggest Liberals poised for government in N.B., despite PC gains   { * Liberals are calling for a moratorium on Fracking and Exploring for frackable shale gas and pointing out the track record of the sitting PC party, showing that 3,000 jobs have been lost in the past 4 years – all the while the PC party is claiming that Shale Gas -Fracking- and exploration -Fracking- are the key to New Bunswick’s economic future. So far, it looks like the people of New Brunswick see through the PC party’s propaganda.  —djo— }

Car veers off road, rolls over, sending 5 exchange students to hospital   { * This happened near Truro, Nova Scotia, late Friday night. One student is in an Intensive Care Unit, One was expected to remain in hospital for 48 hours, the remaining 3 were expected to be released within 24 hours. “The people in the car are all between the ages of 20 and 21, and are international exchange students from Asia attending school at St. Francis Xavier in Antigonish.”  —djo— }

First Nations girl refuses chemotherapy, may be forced back into treatment   { Link: >>—-> And I just learned there’s a whole ‘Aboriginal’ page on the site – Looks like we’re about to expand our headline coverage here- —djo— }

Ottawa crash leaves woman trapped in car for 40 minutes   {  }

U.S. Secret Service under scrutiniy after intruder gets into White House   {  }

-Must Watch- Man runs on White House lawn   {  }

-Must Watch- Dramatic SUV rescue   { “Group of Salt Lake City [ Utah ] residents flip an SUV to free 3 teens trapped inside”  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Polls suggest Liberals poised for government in N.B.  { Probably the same article listed above, but this headline on the right side also says: “Éric Grenier takes a look at the numbers heading into the campaign’s final weekend” – Éric Grenier “is the founder of, a website dedicated to political polling in Canada and electoral forecasts.”  —djo— }

-World- Nigeria town under seige by Boko Haram, at least 23 civilians dead   {  }

-Analysis- Is ISIS expanding worldwide?   {  }

-Politics- U.K. government sought referendum advice from Jean Chrétien   {  }

-Politics- NDP forces Commons debate on murdered, missing indigenous women   {   }

-Business- Flying fees backlash and hotel room tips debated: the business week in review   {  }

-Business- Expect to pay $83K more for a Canadian home than you initially planned: Survey   { * That’s the average amount the Bank of Montreal’s Fall Home-Buying Report came up with.   —djo— }

-Business- Canada’s bank oligopoly is good for consumers, says outgoing TD CEO  { Yes, and foxes are probably trying to tell you that they are the best guards for hen houses, and alligators will try to tell you they’re protecting the gazelles they look out for from drowning, -chomp chomp-.   —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Children followed by strange man in 2 separate incidents   {  }

‘The building is lost’: Fire destroys 140-year-old N.B. church  {  }

Missing 13-year-old Moncton boy found safe   {  🙂  }

Michael Camp: Outmigration looms over final days of the election   {  }

-Timeline- Campaign 2014   {  }



“Aboriginal News”

Link to >>—-> <—-<<  page

Activist Pam Palmater recalls 1st time she stood up for her rights   {  }

’60s Scoop adoptees find ‘some kind of belonging’ at national gathering   { “They were taken from their families as small children and grew up without their aboriginal culture and identity. Now a one-of-a-kind national gathering is bringing the adoptees together.” —djo— }

Residential school experiences form basis of Royal Winnipeg Ballet Production   {   }

Only 3 First Nations candidates running in New Brunswick election   { “Curtis Bartibogue is running as the NDP candidate in Miramichi Bay-Neguac, focusing his campaign on natural resource management and First Nations relations. – The other aboriginal candidates are Sheila Croteau, who is running for the Green Party in the riding of Portland-Simonds, and Raven-Chanelle Arsenault-Augustine, who is running for the People’s Alliance in Kent North.” —djo— }

New society plans educational TV channel for Nunavut   {  }

-12 photo slide show- Back-to-school braids   { Makes me wish I grew up close to an area that celebrates First Nations Culture.  —djo— }

-Features- Truth and Reconciliation: nearly 4 years of hearings wrap   {  }

-Features- Embedded   { “CBC Thunder Bay wants to help you break out of your cultural comfort zone.” * And I’m wondering if anybody thinks that might be a good thing? —djo— }



{ & it’s 7:45 pm here in Ithaca and I actually feel like I accomplished something, even if I somehow lost the function that underlines in red all the words this process thinks are misspelled- time to check really close for typos and get out the crayons for the headlines-    8:20 pm -tell me it’s better late than never?- Clickin the “Publish” button-  ———djo——— }

Friday, 19 SEptember, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Friday, 19 September, 2014  -( 54˚F /12˚C –  & ‘clear in Ithaca @ 10:30 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


— Tweet from EFF -Electronic Frontier Foundation- “Technology must be designed to help uphold human rights, not help governments violate them.” —

Scotland Votes 'No'.
Scotland’s Referendum Vote: The ‘No’ votes are the majority.


Lead Articles:

-New- Even Scotland’s No vote holds lessons for Canada: Chriss Hall   { With several related headlines right under the above photo on the CBC News page.  —djo— }

French Jets launch 1st airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq   {  }

Scotland votes 55.3% to remain part of United Kingdom   {  }

B.C. teachers vote 86% to ratify 6-year deal   {  }

Scottish Nationalist Party leader Alex Slmond resigns   {  }

Netflix tells CRTC hearings to let market forces dictate   {  }

Annual inflation rate in August was 2.1%: StatsCan   {  }

-Analysis- Is ISIS violence expanding worldwide?   {  }

-Updated- Police issue Canada-wide warrant in shooting death of businessman   {  }

-Blog- NASA’s SpaceX, Boeing deal a giant leap for space flight: Bob McDonald   {  }




World’s longest dog tail honours go to Calgary   {  }

‘Seeing Jesus in Toast’ study among winners of Ig Nobel prizes   {  }

-Repeat- Boeing’s ‘space taxi’ includes seat for a tourist   {  }

-Repeat- Watch scientists examine a minibus sized colossal squid   { * Why?  —djo—  }



“Most Viewed”

Scotland Referendum: Voters say No to independence from U.K.   {  }

Apple’s iPhone 6 selling out early in Canada   {  }

Don Frigo shooting death: Canada-wide warrant issued for Boris Panovski   {  }

Iranian youth dancing to Pharrell Williams’ ‘Happy’ given suspended sentences   {  }

B.C. teachers’ strike: Could it have ended much sooner, asks Stephen Smart   {  }

Justin Trudeau hits bakl at ‘old men’ over abortion stance criticism   {  }

Escape from Los Cabos: Some Canadians return, some stuck in hurricane zone   {  }

8 Ebola workers found dead in Guinea, 6 suspects arrested   {  }

Netflix tells CRTC that consumers should vote with their dollars   { Netflix has never received a penny from me- —djo— }

-10 photo slide show- Apple’s iPhone 6 goes on sale around the world   {  }

-Blog- Scottish referendum: Story of No vote told on Britain’s front pages   {  }




-Updated- ‘Heads over hearts’ rule as Scotland votes No to independence in historic referendum   {  }

Florida man shoots 6 grandchildren, daughter, self police say   {  }

-New- 91 lashes, jail time suspended for ‘Happy’ dancers in Iran   {  }

-Analysis- Scotland’s No vote doesn’t mean satisfaction with the way things are: Margaret Evans   {  }

-Analysis- ‘Unequal Treaties’: So much secrecy around Canada’s investment deal with China   {  }

Apple’s iPhone 6 frenzy: Tempers, joy and long lineups   {  }

Canadian navy to retire four Cold War era ships: Sources   {  }

Trudeau hits back at ‘old men’ over abortion stance criticism   {  }

France joins airstrike campaign, wipes out ISIS target in Iraq   {  }

-Analysis- Backbenchers won’t get much of a boost with reform bill: Kay O’Malley   {  }

B.C. teen killed in apparent random attack, say homicide investigators   {  }

Netflix warns Canada against regulating internet   { netflix told the CRTC not to dictate how much Canadian content should be delivered by the internet.  —djo— }

-New- Alibaba to tap market in $22B US IPO   {  }

-Must Watch- Philippe Couillard reacts to Scottish result   {  }

-Must Watch- Australian iPhone fail   { “Australian Jack Cooksey, who waited in line all night to be the first to buy an iPhone 6 in Perth, drops his new smartphone on camera” }

-Must Watch- World reaction to Scotland vote   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- A Tribe Called Red cancels museum show   { The group of DJs cited concerns about the way the Canadian Museum for Human Rights portrays aboriginal issues.  —djo— }

-Editors’ Pick- Why all the crecy around FIPPA agreement with China?   {  }

-World- Pound down slightly after Scotland voters reject indepencdence   {  }

-World- Child measles vaccination deaths in Syria appear linked to human error   {  }

-Canada- ‘I thought I was gong to die,’ says Canadian back from hurrican zone   {  }

-Politics- FIPA agreement with China: What’s really in it for Canada?   {  }

-Business- Cost of Keystone XL likely to jump 85%: TransCanada CEO   {  }

-Business- Markets rise after Scotland voters reject independence   {  }

-Health- Hospital ER times reveal some ‘disturbing’ waits   {  }

-Health- ‘I know I’ll beat this terrible disease,’ Rob Ford says in audio statement   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Canada’s Oscar contender announced today in Montreal   {  }

-Arts 7 Entertainment- Liam Neeson is ‘refreshing’ in A Walk Among the Tombstones   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Original Marquis de Sade scroll unfurled in France   {  }

-Technology & Science- New security measures on Apples devices will make it harder for law enforcement   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Liberal lead shrinks as Tories gain, CRA poll says   { “Liberal Leader Brian Gallant is clinging to a nine-point lead ahead of Monday’s provincial election as the Progressive Conservatives have managed to chip away at the lead. – The Corporate Research Associates poll had the Liberals with the support of 45 per cent of decided voters followed by the Progressive Conservatives with 36 per cent and the NDP with 11 per cent. – Meanwhile, the Green Party had six per cent and the People’s Alliance had two per cent. – Don Mills, the chairman of Corporate Research Associates, said on Twitter his poll shows the Tory support is coming at the expense of the expense of the NDP.”  —djo— }

Cardy, Gallant spar over Nazi parody video tweeted by NDP candidate   {  }

Memramcook-Tankramar legal challenge hangs over new riding   {  }

Dorchester inmate released in Moncton with strict conditions   {  }

{ & There are several articles on the New Brunswick page that suggest that Shale Gas can be extracted safely. ***NO! FRACKING CANNOT BE DONE SAFELY!*** —djo— }



{ 12:45 pm  — ready to check for typos and get out the crayons — hitting the “Publish”  button @ 1:15 pm Eastern Time ———djo——— }

Thursday, 18 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Thursday, 18 September, 2014  -( 56˚F /13˚C –  & ‘partly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 9:30 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Bagpiper, looks like the pipes are spitting fire.
Today’s the day for the Scottish Referendum.


Lead Articles:

-Updated- ISIS-inspired beheading foiled in Australian counterterrorist raids   { 15 alleged ISIS-inspired demonstraters were detained in an alleged ‘random beheading plot’ in Sydney, Australia.  —djo— }

Polls open in historic Scottish independence vote   {  }

Toronto doctor says Rob Ford has malignant liposarcoma   {  }

Stranded Canadians arrive home from hurricane-hit Mexico   {  }

Ebola death toll in West Africa rises to 2,622: WHO   {  }

Air Canada to introduce $25 fee for 1st checked bag   {  }

-New- Scotland’s independence forces likely victors, no matter the vote: Nahlah Ayed   {  }

-Analysis- Cut them some slack: Go easy on families of cancer patients   {  }

-Analysis- ‘Too black’? Why the Atlantic Hawks co-owner’s email is no Donlad Sterling scandal   {  }




Boeing’s ‘space taxi’ includes seat for tourist   {  }

-Repeat- Watch scientists examine a minibus-sized colossal squid   { No thanks, I don’t want to watch anybody dissect a squid.  —djo— }

Central Perk pop-up draws droves of Friends fans   {  }

-Repeat- George the goldfish A-OK after surgery to remove tomour   {  }



“Most Viewed”

Scotland independence referendum: If Yes side wins, what happens next?   {  }

Nathan O’Brien murder case: Douglas Garland appearance draws gasps in courtroom   {  }

Scotland independence referendum: Voters line up to decide fate of U.K.   {  }

This muskox was spotted in the Northwest territories near the Alberta border two years ago. Another was spotted last week in Manitoba.

Rare muskox spotted in northern Manitoba raises hopes for its return   { Another headline goes: “‘Lonely male’ muskox? Rare sighting of Arctic mammal in Manitoba”  —djo— }

Cancer sends shockwaves far beyond the patient: Nikhil Joshi   {  }

Rob Ford’s cancer diagnosis: Will the mayoral candidates soften their attacks?   {  }

Alex Hennessy captures own armed holdup on GoPro camera   {  }

-21 photo slide show- Scotland votes   { The first photo in this series is the one at the top of this article today.  —djo— }

-Blog- Rob Ford diagnosis generates outpouring of emotion online   {  }




5 big issues an independent Scotland would have to address   {  }

-Analysis- Jim Prentice has a huge hill to climb to give Albertans what they want   {  }

U.S. border patrollers testing body cameras   {  }

Prescription drugs need to be tested on children to be effective, experts say   {  }

-New- Ukraine’s Porochenko meets with Obama, seeking more help   { Yesterday, the Ukrainian president met with PM Harper in Ottawa, hoping for closer ties and possibly, a deal to secure energy trade between Canada and Ukraine.  —djo— }

Fireball over Rockies was Russian spy satellite, experts say   {  }

Surrey teen’s death ‘suspicious’, police say   {  }

Artificial sweeteners linked to obesity epidemic, scientists say   {  }

Do distracted driving laws cover smartwatches?   {  }

-Must Watch- Tourists flee in wake of Hurricane Odile   {  }

-Must Watch- Secret satellite launch   { “An Atlas 5 rocket carrying a classified U.S. government satellite blasts off from Cape Canaveral, Fla.”  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Kalmaegi slams China   { Kalmaegi is a typhoon.  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- New iOS 8 apps launched for CBC News, Radio   {  }

-Opinion- Scotland referendum: Will slacktivists help secession succeed?   { * Now this is one snarky opinion >>—-> “Independence is too important a decision to place in the hands of teenagers” <—-<< Not my snarky opinion this time. —djo— }

-Richard III- King Richard III killed by two blows to bare head, forensics show   {  }

-Politics- Ukrainian president asks Canada to provide more loans, share intelligence   {  }

-Politics- Paul Martin on sparking a new conversation around aboriginal issues   {  }

-Business- Fed again pledges to keep interest rates low for a while yet   { The U.S. Federal Reserve – which is not a branch of the U.S. Government- it is a private organization that many say does not have our best interests in their agenda- are planning to keep interest rates down. & Janet Yellen’s photo with this article makes her look like a demented manipulatrix >>—-> Just my opinion <—-<<  —djo— }

-Business- CN to be fined for failing to move enough grain    { “Canadian National Railway will be fined for failing to comply with an order that it move a minimum amount of grain each week, a spokeswoman for federal Transport Minister Lisa Raitt said Wednesday in a move that caught the railway by surprise. – “As CN was not able to meet the minimum volume requirements (under the Fair Rail for Grain Farmers Act), the minister has decided to issue administrative monetary penalties to the company,” press secretary Jana Regimbal said in an email. – “The penalty is up to $100,000 per week and that is up to the minister’s discretion,” Regimbal added, noting it was the first such fine under the act. – ‘We can’t move what they don’t deliver.’- Claude Mongeau, CN – It was unclear what time frame was involved in imposing penalties under the act, which was passed last spring amid complaints that CN and rival CP Rail were providing poor services to western grain farmers.  —djo— }

 -Technology & Science- Gamers put own face on star players in NBA 2K15   {  }

-Community- CBC News readers suggest better pay for hotel workers rather than tip envelopes   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

DNR officer received ‘strange call’ over Andrew Harvey charges   { DNR = Department of Natural Resources. Former DNR officer Allen Goodine started the investigation in November of 2011. The probe culminated in charges laid on July 29, 2014, three weeks before the start of the campaign for New Brunswick provincial elections. >>—-> “Goodine said he told supervisors about the charges in July because Harvey was a high-profile candidate. – But then, on Aug. 29, his last day on the job before he retired, he said he got a phone call from a senior bureaucrat at DNR. – He said the official wanted to know details of the charges, including the names of the people accused, at which courthouse the charge was filed, and the date set for pleas. – “At that time, I said, `I got a gut feeling. I think there’s something’s adrift here,’” Goodine told CBC News. – He said he’d never received a call like that in his 33 years with DNR. The questions were the kind one would ask if they wanted to look up the court file, he said. – “I really don’t know why he called, but I got a gut feeling that something just didn’t seem right.” – The day of the call, Aug. 29, was Friday before the Labour Day long weekend. Four days later, on the evening of Sept. 2, the CBC received an anonymous e-mail with the court charge document attached. Other media organizations were also tipped off. – A DNR spokesperson said Wednesday there would be no comment on the alleged phone call to Goodine.”  && “Harvey said in a political brochure that he has “powerful enemies” in the Progressive Conservative Party”  —djo— }

Immigration is key to New Brunswick’s economic growth   {  }

NDP staffer questions [Liberal Party Leader:] Brian Gallant at Liberal press conference   {   }

Homecare businesses hold out for better deal from province   {  }

-New Brunswick Votes 2014 & the page: –

-interactive- NB Votes: Compare party platforms   {  }

Assembly of First Nations says its proposals on missing women ‘tossed aside’ by Ottawa  {   }

Police remove shale gas supporter from anti-shale event   {  }

-Editor’s Note- The journalism behind Brian Gallant’s second interview   {  }

-Featured Video- Wild edibles   { “Greg Osowski finds food in the forest”  —djo— }

-Gas Guru- Robert Jones: Weekly prices and predictions for gas and diesel.   { Gasoline prices in Canada have a suspicious propensity for rising and falling that lead many Canadians and visitors to Canada to believe that collusion is going on inside the offices of the gasoline retailers. Local gas station owners say they are being told what to charge, and the wild fluctiations in price are not their idea at all. One television comedy program showed a gasoline pump whose price spun up when an automobile owner picked up the pump handle and began to move toward his gas tank- and the price spun back down as he changed his mind and moved the pump handle back toward the pump. I thought that was both funny and ‘telling’.  —djo— }



{ 11:34 am — checking for typos and colorizing the headlines. — 11:56 am >>—-> Ready to “Publish”   ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 16 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Tuesday, 16 September, 2014  -( 54˚F / 12˚C –  & ‘mostly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 8:30 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


A lotta people, & a lotta flags.
Referendum Rally in B.C. – 1995?


Lead Articles:

-Breaking- Tentative deal reached in B.C. public school teachers’ dispute   {  }

Ebola outbreak a crisis unparalleled in modern times: WHO   {  }

Ukraine ratifies landmark deal to deepen ties with EU   {  }

U.S. carries out fresh airstrikes on ISIS in Iraq   {  }

Alberta officials confirm 18 cases of enterovirus D-68   {  }

-Analysis- Welcome aboard the discount era: Airlines offer cheap flights, we pay the rest: Don Pittis   {  }

-New- 46 years later, mom reunited with son she thought was dead   {  }




Apple’s one-click tool deletes unwanted U2 tracks   {  }

5-tonne, world-record polenta made by Windsor Italian club   {  }

Alouettes receiver challenges Bruins forwards to NHL 15   {  }

Ontarian sought ice cream, ended up with $50M lotto Max ticket   {  }



“Most Viewed”

Don Frigo, Toronto construction exec, ID’d as man shot near Clinton, Ont.   { He was on a horse, training hunting dogs when somebody approached and shot him. A woman who was with him -police have not confirmed that she was his wife- was ‘hurt but managed to escape’.  —djo— }

Enterovirus D-68: 8 things parents should know   { #9: When, every time you check the news anywhere- you find some very scary new threat- you should question the source and the media.  —djo— }

Robin Thicke admits to drug issue in Blurred Lines plagiarism suit   {  }

iOS 8: 8 new things   { *This is just me, but at first glance, there is nothing there that convinces me to spend any money on an iPhone 6 or the silly watch they’re hyping. I expected better from Apple. —djo— }

CRTC gets an earful at hearings on future of TV   { * Sounds to me like the big cable companies came out armed with all the propaganda they could carry, saying the Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission’s proposals are ‘Anti-Consumer’ and something along the lines of -okay, so you think we should think about a couple things, but don’t try to tells us what our services should look like-  —djo— }

Tony Lacavera and West Face buy Wind Mobile from VimpelCom   { VimpelCom is a Russian-Dutch company that was blocked from gaining full ownership of Wind Mobile last year and Tony Lacavera, who founded Wind Mobile, and a private investment group bought out the VimpelCom stocks.  —djo— }

-11 photo slide show- Your photos of the northern lights after the solar storm   { still there since yesterday  —djo— }

-Blog- Scottish independence vote ignites controversy online   { The big vote is on Thursday  —djo— }




British leaders make ‘The Vow’ to Scotland as referendum looms   {  }

Drinking fountains to be added at Hamilton stadium after flood of complaints   {  }

-Updated- Mike Duffy case: Both sides in court Sept. 23 to set trial date   {  }

-Feature- NFL punishments by the numbers   {  }

Why would someone want their salary in bitcoin?   {  }

-Analysis- Election clock ticking down on private members’ business   { Private members bills are legislative bills brought to the legislative body by any Member of Parliament – If I have this right – These bills are different from the bills that come ‘from the top – down’ as official party sanctioned agenda items. At least two private Members’ bills have a chance to make it through the required ‘readings’ and might even get passed into law. One is a ‘Reform Act’ to ‘rebalance the power dynamic between MPs and party leaders’, a second is a ‘bid to impose political disclosure requirements of staff who work for independent agents of Parliament’. Other bills in the past that looked like they might make it through the processes of compromise, re-wording and amendments found themselves stranded in the realms of non-existence when the Prime Minister asked for and got ‘prorogation’. Stephen Harper has used this trick a couple times to avoid the possibility of his losing power to a coalition when the Conservatives held a minority government & I should probably be ashamed to admit it, but I don’t remember why they prorogued last year.  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Brampton water main break   { Brampton is a city near Toronto. }

-Must Watch- PM talks trade, Ukraine aid   {  }

-Must Watch- California wildfires   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Fashion retailers’ faux pas   { There is a photo of a faded and supposedly blood-stained sweat shirt that says “Kent State University” on a hangar. The article is about items ‘of questionable taste’ —djo— }

-Analysis- Why an anti-ISIS coalition could be ‘a problem’   {  }

-Politics- Tories table plan to stop violence against aboriginal women and girls   { Here’s where we are divided by a common language: In the US, when an item is ‘tabled’ it is killed, sort of nailed to the table and left there to rot. In Canada when an item is tabled, it is ‘brought to the table’ for discussion, debate and possible passage into law.  —djo— }

-Business- Manufacturing sales rise to record $53.7 billion in July   {  }

-Business- Half of China’s rich want to leave (and a quarter want to move to Canada)   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Stratford Festival to film ‘entire Shakespeare canon’ for Canadians   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Irving Oil refinery productions slows due to cracking unit issue   { There is a problem with a ‘residue fluid catalytic cracking unit’ which has Irving Oil Ltd calling for an 8-week, $20M unplanned maintenance project this fall.  —djo— }

School crossing guard cuts considered in Saint John   {  }

‘Frightening’ threats gender-based, says Liberal candidate   {  }

David Alward campaigns quietly in northwestern N.B.   { A woman candidate for office  says she has been verbally threatened by someone using derogatory words for women.  —djo— }

Sally Ng: Innovationmust be nurtured and developed   {  }

-New Brunswick Votes 2014-

Liberal silence on hotel levy worries Moncton Councillors   {  }

Innovation in the province needs more that a 4-year plan   {   }

Anti-abortion postcards targetting Brian Gallant lead to complaints   {  }

Accounting firms aren’t endorsing campaign promises   {  }

Spin Reduxit political podcast   {  }

Early voting draws 46,000 voters   {  }



{ 11:11 am checking for typos and getting out the crayons—   ———djo——— }

Monday, 15 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Monday, 15 September, 2014  -( 48˚F / 9˚C –  & ‘mostly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 8:00 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Auroroa over Evergreens
This photo was shot by Doug McLean near Saint John, N.B. last Friday.


Lead Articles:

3 Canadian political leaders.
Leaders of the 3 biggest political parties in Canada. Left to right: Stephen Harper, Conservative – Tom Mulcair, NDP – Justin Trudeau, Liberal. Elizabeth May of the Green Party didn’t make the CBC’s cut here.

Parliament’s back, but don’t expect to see the leaders much   { “MPs are back in Ottawa today, but Canadians expecting to see the party leaders facing off every day in question period may be disappointed.” The author of the article behind the headline suggests that the leaders believe they may be winning more votes by being seen out in the ‘real world’ than by sitting in Parliament, doing the work of legislating. —djo— }

Swedish centre-left party wins election but not majority   {  }

Tensions flare at  rally for striking teachers in Vancouver   {  }

Response to ISIS must be global, says French president   {  }

Britain to ‘hunt down’ ISIS after aid worker beheaded   {  }

-New- Rob Ford tumour diagnosis: Do politicians have a right to medical privacy?   { Maybe it should be noted that I don’t think any reporter for a main stream news gathering organization in the USA would ask this question.  —djo— }

-Go Public- Clients feel duped into hiring lawyers now suspended   {” Clients of two lawyers accused of serious misconduct are outraged over being kept in the dark about their lawyers’ records, which they said derailed their cases and cost them thousands.”  —djo— }

-New- Downsizing: Losing weight is hard, but it’s the only option   { A writer in St. John’s, Newfoundland writes about his decision to ‘transform his body, and his life.’ On the page that is this article you can either listen to a segment from ‘Definitely Not The Opera’ or look at a video.  —djo— }




Dutch stage tomato fight against Russian sanctions   {  }

+ 3 repeat articles from the weekend



“Most Viewed”

Django Unchained atcress Daniele Watts detained by L.A. police   {  }

Liberal polling lead [is] more than a Justin Trudeau honeymoon   {  }

No arrests yet in deadly shooting near Clinton, Ont.[-ario]   { Another link to this article has the headline: ‘Why the silence?’: Few details released after rural Ont. shooting  —djo— }

Abdul Monir, 31, shot dead just months after arriving in Canada   { Abdul Monir came to Canada from Afghanistan in May, began working for a Pizza parlour two weeks ago. He was one of two people shot, the restaurant owner is still alive, in critical condition.  —djo— }

Canadian citizens charged in $68M US drug bust in Australia    {  }

Air France strike wipes out more than half its global flights today   {  }

& The Oscar Pistorius slide show -20 photos- is up for the 3rd day and “Facebook Messenger found to be tracking ‘a lot more data than you think’” is also up for the 3rd day.




-New- How to select a jury for Luka Magnotta   {  }

-New- L.A. police detain black actress for ‘showing affection’ with white boyfriend   {  }

-Updated- Iran rejects call for global strategy against ISIS   {  }

Non-profits turn to crowdfunding to save data cut by feds   { “How many day-care spaces exist in Canada? How much do the country’s poorest receive in welfare income? Are freshwater fish harmed by cleaning products? – For decades, the federal government paid to answer these questions. Now, non-profit groups are asking the public for donations in a desperate bid to save the data from extinction. – In the past year, three groups turned to crowdfunding, using the trendy but time-consuming online campaign that raises one small donation at a time. The trio — who seek to save child-care, welfare and environmental data — have a combined goal of $70,000. – As the onus in Canada for collecting some key data passes over to a non-profit sector reliant on one-off donations and small fee-for-service contracts, some worry about the impact of such a fragile arrangement. – “Certainly, it’s a bit of a stop-gap measure,” said Evidence for Democracy’s executive director, Katie Gibbs. “It’s pretty hard to do research under that condition of very short-term funding.” – Two of the campaigns successfully achieved their goals — including a think-tank rescuing welfare data and a fundraiser held by the world-renowned Environmental Lakes Area research group, the near-demise of which garnered widespread media attention.”  *** If Walter Burien of is right and almost all of the federal, state, provincial and municipal governments in this world are lying about their income streams and how much money they actually have— Then these programs were not ‘un-funded’ to save money, they were probably un-funded by groups who don’t want their agenda derailed by the truth they would rather not let you have access to. —djo— }

Powerful Hurricane Odile bears down on Mexico’s Baja coast   {  }

Heroin packed under frozen fish: 2 Canadians charged in massive drug bust   {  }

-Exclusive- End-of-life care must be improved, federal health minister says   {  }

-Updated- Cancer-stricken British boy undergoes 1st proton treatment for brain tumour   {  }

-Must Watch- Kady O’Malley previews Parliament’s return   { Kady O’malley is billed as a “Political Blogger”  —djo— }

-Must Watch- TIFF 2014 highlights   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Your photos of the northern lights after the solar storm   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- -In Depth- Sable Island: A living treasure   { “A look at Canada’s newest national park reserve” }

-Politics- MPs agenda for the fall: House cleaning and trade deals   {  }

-Business- Russia creates emergency fund to deal with Western sanctions   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- TIFF People’s Choice Award foes to The Imitation Game   {  }

-Technology & Science- Ocean algae can evolve fast to tackle climate change, study shows   { *** And remote viewers have said that they see a future in which the bad guys have poisoned the land and water by fracking and other evil practices and the world comes to depend on a blue-green algae for its biggest safest food source.  —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

David Alward’s PC campaign risks missing undecided voters   {  }

People with signs.
Lincoln, N.B. residents voted down a proposal to form a village.

David Shipley: Leadership needed to end ‘undemocratic’ LSD model   { “LSD” = local service district. – “David Shipley, who served as a member of the Rusagonis-Waasis Local Service District Advisory Committee, said the existing model is paralyzing many rural communities that are experiencing rapid growth. – Shipley was involved in the LSD advisory board when Rusagonis-Waasis was exploring the idea of becoming a rural community. – The community of roughly 3,300 people, which is outside of Fredericton, is experiencing significant growth but as a local service district it lacks full local control over its decisions. – Shipley pointed out the community has 900 people under the age of 18 but it does not have a local park, a decision that a rural community could have changed easily. – He said a variety of reasons, ranging from apathy to concerns over lost influence in a new form of governance, caused the push to become an elected rural community to fail. – Shipley wrote in a special op-ed for CBC News the next provincial government should lay out a clear process for ending the existing LSD system.”  *** & Any time I hear a politician utter the word ‘Leadership’ my flesh crawls. Leadership implies that some ice-hole stands up and screams ‘Do things my way!’ And that rarely turns out to be a good idea. The best ‘leaders’ are those who set off on a difficult course, realizing that not many others would want to follow their example or tackle whatever tasks they set for themselves. They do not force their agenda on anyone. They take on responsibility because they couldn’t respect themselves if they didn’t, not because they are seeking any political or monetary gain. —djo— }

Brian Gallant questions timing of Andrew Harvey charges   {  }



{ 9:37 am >>—-> Checking for typos and getting out the crayons.   “Publish” -ing at 10:00 am   ———djo——— }

Sunday, 14 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Sunday, 14 September, 2014  -( 56˚F / 13˚C –  & ‘mostly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 12:30 pm in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }

* I spent an hour this morning trying to fix one small error in yesterday’s heading –  and had three blogs suffer fatal confusion and crash — I have no idea what that was all about.  —djo— *


Ad for facebook messenger.
* “Stay in touch with your friends @ the NSA” ?* “Messenger appears to have more spyware type code in it than I’ve seen in products intended specifically for enterprise surveillance,” says iOS forensics and security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski.


Lead Articles:

One tweet from somebody not very happy with Stephen Harper.

-Analysis- Expenses audit won’t end questions about Senate’s role: Chris Hall   { -Um, The Auditor General is conducting an audit of Senate expenses- worrying some senators who fear their legitimate expenses may be criticized and questioned. *** >>—-> Opinion >>—-> The Harper government has been trying to bring down the Senate, with its checks and balances that get in the way of what many see as Harper’s attempts to turn Canada into his own private slave state. A tweet this morning (above) is one of many that voice their unhappiness with Harper’s attempts to ‘turn Canada into a colony of China’. It was three of Harper’s Senate appointees who were singled out and kicked out of the Senate in the recent scandals, leading some to wonder if Harper was crafty enough to appoint those three and maybe others in an attempt to sabotage the Senate. This Prime Minister has also gone up against the Supreme Court, and anybody else who would not buckle under to his total control. —djo— }

Halifax fire under control but some still out of homes   {  }

Britain to ‘hunt down’ ISIS after beheading of Briton   {  }

North Korea sentences American to 6 years hard labour   {  }

4th doctor infected with Ebola dies in Sierra Leone   {  }

Ontario town told to lock doors due to police probe   {  }

‘They are not Muslims; they are monsters,’ U.K. PM says of ISIS after hostage beheading   {  }

Quebec sovereigntists look to Scotland fo independence hope   { The vote in Scotland with take place this coming Thursday, September 18th, 2014. —djo— }




Miss America hopefuls take part in the ‘Show Us Your Shoes’ parade   { & my first impression? the beauty pageant has hit a new low.   —djo— }

&& Everything else under this topic is still there since yesterday.



“Most Viewed”

Central Huron residents told to lock doors for police probe   { I had a nightmare while I was growing up that the Army and National Guard locked down this whole area for some made up reason and went around shooting my friends with impunity- I thought I had awakened in a world occupied by Nazi storm troopers in American Uniforms. So that’s ‘where I’m coming from’ when I say it makes me nervous to hear that any police force wants to lock down whole towns after one person shows up shot to death.  —djo— }

Professional cheerleading ‘should be abolished’   { This opinion comes from former professional basketball player, Mariah Burton Nelson, “Cheerleading implies that women’s proper role is to support men, smile at men and fulfill the sexual fantasies of males,” declared Nelson, who played for Stanford University and in the first women’s pro-basketball league in the U.S. *Um, is this another case of somebody who wants to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’? Weren’t the original cheerleaders mostly men? I remember most cheerleaders in high school being ‘popularity addicts’ that I wasn’t particularly impressed by, -but I’ve developed an extreme allergic reaction to anyone who tries to tell me what everybody else should do or how they should think. }

B.C. teachers’ strike: Talks under way at Richmond hotel.   { I wonder if we’ll ever get anything like the truth behind this. Nobody has been able to answer my questions- I saw photos of teachers carrying signs that said they were locked out- but couldn’t find anything to either support or refute that. I should probably spend a little bit of time to dig deeper, but I can’t fly to British Columbia to seek out an talk to anybody out there- and I don’t have a whole day to sit and dig through ‘virtual reams’ of lies, half truths and corporate propaganda to find out what is really happening out there. —djo— }

David Haines beheading: British PM vows to ‘hunt down those responsible’    { Tell him to search his own closet first? }

Controversial natural gas rule changes came after B.C., oil lobby met   { “In January of this year, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers made a presentation to high-ranking officials in British Columbia’s Environment Ministry, outlining changes they wanted to environmental review rules for natural gas projects. – Those changes became law on April 14, but they didn’t stay that way for long.

‘An outcry from First Nations organizations forced an about-face from Environment Minister Mary Polak, who rescinded the revisions two days after they were passed by order-in-council. – Internal government documents obtained by The Canadian Press show 25 to 45 new natural gas plants will be needed to meet the government’s hopes for liquefied natural gas and that the industry wanted regulatory changes expedited so they could make investment decisions. – The Environment Ministry says Polak met with “various industry and environmental organizations” to discuss the regulation change, but the documents don’t make a single mention of any meetings other than with the petroleum producers’ association. – The regulatory review carried out on the instructions of Premier Christy Clark continues, but the ministry says no further changes will go ahead without public review and input.  —djo— }

Hiker falls to his death climbing glacier near Squamish   {  }

ISIS war chest grows by an estimated $3M every day   { And government propagandists try harder every day to spread fear and hatred in order to prepare you for a time when they will send your friends off to die in some stupid dispute they started a long time ago and nobody can remember what the actual root cause was. }

&& There are repeats of yesterday’s Oscar Pistorius Photo slide show and the -Blog- Feature:  “Facebook Messenger found to be tracking ‘a lot more data than you think“.




Abortion rights trump MP’s freedom to vote their conscience, Trudeau says   { Stephen Harper has been described to me as ‘a rabid micro-manager’. I heard somebody say, ‘Does that give Justin Trudeau the right to become a dictator on the other side of the fence?’  And then I remember Ralph Nader calling members of both the two biggest US Political parties “Republicrats” and I wonder about trends toward the same thing in Canada. —djo— }

-New- Panthers deactivate Greg Hardy as he appeals domestic violence conviction   { This would be the football panthers, right? }

Hurricane Odile to hit Mexico’s Baja with heavy rains, winds   { Well- isn’t that what hurricanes do? I’m trying to remember when we first started hearing about hurricanes and the Pacific Coast.  —djo— }

U.S. citizen sentenced to 6 years of hard labour for ‘hostile acts; against North Korea   { -um, a couple years ago, if something similar to this issue popped up, would we be hearing that U.S. citizens were being accused of spying, or something like that? I’m confused.  —djo— }

-Updated- Shelling in eastern Ukraine challenges ceasefire deal   { And something I heard on Coast to Coast am last week led me to believe that psychics and others who believe they have prophetic abilities believe that sections in the official Christian Bible were heavily edited a long long time ago, but documentation still exists that says ‘Legitimate Prophets’ foresaw Russian troops attacking Scandinavia and then Canada and the U.S. in grabs for natural resources. The person who delivered this news or opinion says that Judaic and Christians were involved in cover-up re-writes in order to strengthen their own power within their religions. This guy went as far as to say that the Prophet we know as Jesus was actually Immanuel, who said that a religion based on his teachings would be perverted by power crazy religious clerics and that the same thing would happen about five hundred years later when another True Prophet would be born in what we call the Near East- and evil manipulating men would pervert that True Prophet’s teachings. Immanuel went on to point out that the Israelites had stolen their land from inhabitants who were there before the Israelites left Egyptian slavery, and that if the two groups did not resolve their conflicts and differences, they would destroy each other. — This was way before there was a Russia or a United States of America — Karmic events were set to be triggered that could see the descendents of the Arabs who would follow the ‘True Prophet Mohamed’ conquer all of Europe, including England, and rule that area for 800 years. ***We may still be able to ameliorate this possibility, if we go back to the original teachings of Immanuel and scrap the revisionist nonsense that was written into the current version of the ‘Christian Bible’ – probably including anything that was added by the non-apostle Paul. *** It gets complicated.*** We’re stumbling around in the darkness of lies that have been hammered into our ‘consciousness’ for two thousand years, or longer. Pray for clarity here, pray the truth gets through to us. Pray for guidance and be ready to change everything you were ever taught to believe. Doesn’t sound easy does it? Want to wake up in chains or worse? Think about this — I do not have a hot line to the Source of all Truth — so you’re going to have to figure things out for yourself, and let me know what you come up with, okay?  —djo— }

‘I can’t wait for the Ford era to end’: Olivia Chow goes after Doug Ford   {  }

-Must Watch- Hot air balloon fest   { In Midland, Michigan }

-Must Watch- Baby coyote sleeps in fireplace   { Why wasn’t this in the Offbeat section? }

-Must Watch- Landing a spacecraft on a comet   { 5 possible landing sites on a comet where an attempt at a landing may take place in November —djo— }

&& ‘Editor’s Picks’ are leftovers from yesterday

-World- :

Typhoon Kalmaegi slams northeastern Philippines   {  }

Hall of fame golfer avoids serious injury in chain saw accident   {  }

-Politics- NDP to propose $15 federal minimum wage   { I believe the US Green Party and others were saying around fifteen years ago that $15.00 an hour would be the minimum ‘Living Wage’ needed to get by back then.  —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Formula E is in infancy but will drive innovation, 1st electric racing series suggests   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Ethel Bruneau. Montreal’s Queen of Tap, on why dancing ‘is a religion’   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Shakespeare’s complete works to be translated for Chinese readers   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

N.B. Law Society members vote against accrediting Trinity Western   { -You may remember from previous articles that Trinity Western subscribes to Fundamentalist Christian Doctrine and forces its students to do the same.  —djo— }

RCMP looking for witnesses in fatal Royal Road crash   {  }

Terry Fox Run struggling with participation on P.E.I.   {  }

-New Brunswick Votes 2014-

-Repeat- Michael Camp: Liberals, PC stick to script in ‘strange election’   {  }

-Repeat- Liberal candidate Andrew Harvey’s fraud charges dropped   { One other article somewhere warned about interpreting this as anything but a case of ‘they don’t have enough evidence’ to press forward. *** & I’m getting sick of all this name calling and dirty tricks stuff. Last week there was a bit of an article suggesting that lots of political signs were being vandalized, with one party being singled out as the biggest victim in one area, another somewhere else. Are adults acting like out of control children? —djo— }

-Repeat- Brian Gallant’s energy stance hypocritical, David Alward says  { & This is probably a case of a piece of coal calling a grey cloud ‘black’. }



{ 3:20 pm = Ack- I need to take a break and then check for typos etc.  —Initial Pulbishing @ 4:15 pm Eastern Time — Pre – tagging and not yet categorized — There may be a few typos left, but my sweetie is having an automobile problem & I gotta go help her out  ———djo——— }

Saturday, 13 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Saturday, 13 September, 2014  -( 45˚F / 7˚C –  & ‘partly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 12:15 pm in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }


Northern lights.
Northern Lights ‘may put on a show all over Canada tonight, thanks to the double impact from solar plasma smacking the Earth’. * & ‘Solar Plasma’ smacking the Earth is probably not a good thing. —djo—


Lead Articles:

-Analysis- ‘He really is not the same as Rob Ford’: But will that help Doug Ford or hurt him?   { Rob Ford bowed out of the mayoral race in Toronto and his brother, Doug, jumped in. John Tory, a Conservative, was in 1st place in the polls and probably still is, Rob was in 2nd, and Olivia Chow, NDP, was in 3rd. We’ll have to wait and see if Doug replacing Rob changes anything, or if any significant ‘X Factor’ changes everything.  —djo— }

Rob Ford quits Toronto mayoral race, brother Doug steps in   {  }

N.L. Tories to pick new premier at St. John’s convention   {  }

Ukraine PM says country still in state of war with Russia   {  }

Ebola ‘moving far faster than the capacity to manage’: WHO   {  }

Family of British hostage appeal to Islamic State to make contact   {  }

Watch for northern lights across Canada tonight   {  }




Young man and big cat portrait
16-year-old Draven Rodriguez, of Schenectady, NY- Wants to have his Senior Yearbook photo to include “Mr Bigglesworth” the Maine Coon Cat in this portrait. —djo—

Paris Hilton buys tiny Pomeranian worth $13K from Calgary dog breeder   {  }

Rory McIlroy hits tee shot into fan’s pocket   {  }

Teen petitions to have his laser-cat portrait in high school yearbook   {  }

Black bear in tree shot with tranquilizing darts during capture in Calgary   {  }



“Most Viewed”

How Doug Ford’s political skills and baggage will affect his mayoral candidacy   {  }

Terry Fox’s cancer now highly curable says medical expert   { But ‘Big Pharma’ does not want cheap cures on the market when they are making so much money with pills that keep people sick and only relieve a little of their pain and suffering. —djo— }

Ebola crisis: Nursing student returns from ‘terrifying’ aid trip   {  }

B.C. teachers’ strike: Both sides silently resume discussions   {  }

-20 photo slide show- Oscar Pistorius guilty of culpable homicide   {  }

-Blog- Facebook Messenger found to be tracking ‘a lot more data than you think’   {  }




Take a tour of Canada’s HMCS Athabaskan docked in Baltimore   {  }

#AmINext aims to raise awareness about murdered aboriginal women   {  }

Ray Rice and how the NFL handled 6 other domestic abuse cases   {  }

-In Depth- Forced marriage victim, legal experts call for more government action   {  }

-Photos- TIFF 2014 Celebrity selfies   {  }

Vikings RB Adrian Peterson booked, released from jail   {  }

What are the hot food trends this fall?   {  }

3 WW II-era bombs found on Corrections Canada site   {  }

-Smart Money- In love? Then it’s time to have the money talk  { Gag! Sounds like a war between the greedy and those who still have their hearts and souls intact.  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Doug Ford sound bites   {  }

-Must Watch- California wildfire   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- / -Photos- TIFF 2014: Day 8 highlights   {  }

-World- The week in pictures, Sept. 8-12   {  }

-Canada- Lazy days of summer? Not for these MPs  { 3 photos of Liberals, 3 photos of Conservatives and 1 photo of an NDP MP working through photo ops over the summer- Sound slanted to you?  —djo— }

-Business- Sandy McTire and the iPhone get makeovers: the business week in review   {  }

-Business- Netflix expansion in Europe worries French film industry {  }

-Business- Loonie down to near 90 cents US amid geopolitical turmoil   { -Who is trying to convince you that there is a world geopolitical turmoil and why would they want to do that?  —djo— }

-Business- Where is Ottawa again? iPhone 6 delivery map mixes up Canadian cities   {  }

-Health- High-dose opioid painkillers still prescribed at high rates in Canada   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- And the winner is? Our picks for top flick at TIFF   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Scorsese vs. Trumbull: Competing visions collide at TIFF   {  }

-Technology & Science- Cause of massive Antarctic ice shelf collapse uncovered   {  }

-Technology & Science- Apple iPhone 6 map of Canada confuses Toronto, Ottawa   { And Canadians visiting us here in ‘the lower 48’ gasp at weather maps that end at the Canadian border. They know a lot more about us, even our weather, than we know about them. Why do you suppose that is? Narcissism? Wool pulled over -whose- eyes?  —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Jane Goodall on Vancouver Aquarium belugas: ‘That’s not right’   { This article describes Jane as a ‘renowned conservationist’ and quotes her as saying that the Vancouver Aquarium’s beluga breeding programme is ‘indefensible’. Has anybody asked the belugas, orcas and dolphins what they think about this?   —djo— }



“Local /New Brunswick”

Bruce Northrup, province files defence against Windsor Energy claims   { “Former natural resources minister Bruce Northrup and the province of New Brunswick have filed a statement of defence against claims made by natural gas exploration company Windsor Energy. – Khalid Amin, the president of Calgary-based Windsor Energy, launched a $105-million lawsuit against the New Brunswick government and Northrup last month alleging Northrup made false, misleading and defamatory comments that hurt the company. – Amin claims Northrup was libellous when he issued a press release in November of 2011, following an incident in which a Windsor subcontractor did seismic tests along Route 1 inside Sussex town limits. – Northrup said the company had violated the province’s Oil and Natural Gas Act – The province also filed a complaint with the RCMP. – In the statement of defence, the law firm Stewart McKelvey says, “the defendants deny the words complained of were made with malice.” – “The public had a social, political and moral interest in receiving those statements.” – The defence also denies that Windsor Energy’s reputation suffered because of Northrup’s comments. – They argue that any damage to reputation “is not as a result of the words complained of, but because of the plaintiffs’ actions in the media and the plaintiffs’ actions in disregarding the requirements of the act and regulations, its licence and permit.” -” —djo— }

Michael Camp: Liberals, PC stick to script in ‘strange election’   {  }

N.B. this week   {  }

Liberal candidate Andrew Harvey’s fraud charges dropped   {  }



{ 1:45 pm – Publishing now, will finish checking for typos and painting with crayons later – 5:22 pm – Back from chores & other tasks, colorized and checking one more time before ‘updating’ –     ———djo——— }