Independent Canadian News

Sunday, 26 October, 2014 – New Week – Cleaner Slate?

Sunday, 26 October, 2014  -( 48˚F / 9˚C –  Overcast & The Sun Poked Through   @ 11:15 am near Ithaca )-  -( 43˚F / 6˚C –  Grey and Very Wet Outiside  @ 12:45 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-    { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

—New Week? Clean Slate?—

 { Waiting for the ‘fit to hit the shan’? }

Economic Warfare
Retweeted: “UK is the 6th richest Nation, yet 13 Million live in poverty & they’ve had the highest fall in living standards since 1870” = Ekonomic Warfare = That’s the plan we’ve heard that ‘Banksters’ have been trying to institute lately- -djo-
 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

domonstration against oil sands
Re-Tweeted: DenisMcCready ‏@DenisMcCready 2h2 hours ago
Au final plus de 2500 personnes @ Sorel-Tracy contre le transport de pétrole sur le fleuve St-Laurent. Qc en marche!” = “@DenisMcCready –  In the end more than 2500 persons @ Sorel-Tracy against the transportation of oil on the St. Lawrence River. Quebec is marching!

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”
70,000 dead fish in Ohio.
Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—

{ Friday appears to be the Stephen Harper Show: Anywhere the Video News crews were, Harper was centre stage. -djo- }



Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: ‘Are “THEY” trying to push you until somebody pushes back, so they can come down hard, institute Martial Law, claiming that, if you stand up for your rights, you are are a terrorist?’

Cluster Boxes Suck
A Bedford, N.S., woman has questions for Canada Post after she discovered the keys for her new community mailbox open not only her own mailbox, but at least one of her neighbour’s as well.

Exit polls show Ukraine overwhelmingly elects pro-West parliament  { * – “Exit poll shows pro-Europe parties have swept a parliamentary vote in Ukraine, an election result expected to strengthen President Petro Poroshenko’s mandate to end separatist conflict in the east, but also possibly fuel tension with Russia.”  – *  —djo—  *** But Major Ed Dames, one or our best known ‘Remote Viewers’ says Ukraine is about to fall apart- & I don’t know whether this might happen from within, or will somebody else attack and ‘conquer’ the country. // Or, is the Major such a staunch conservative that he believes that if a country goes ‘Liberal’ it has committed suicide in his eyes? ***  —djo—  }

The slayings of Cpl. Cirillo and Warrant Officer Vincent: How the week unfolded   { * –  “The events of this week won’t be soon forgotten by most Canadians — two soldiers killed in two separate attacks days apart. Here’s a look back at how the week unfolded.” – * But, what worries me is the idea that there are unethical power mad ‘ice-holes’ who believe they have the right to manipulate situations like these, to target, torture, train and activate marginalized individuals, send them off to commit crimes like we saw this week, sacrifice a few honest men and seize more power- manipulate everybody into surrendering their rights and liberties and turn this world into hell.  —jim w— }

N.S. woman shocked new community mailbox key opens neighbour’s mailbox too   { See photo- }

-Updated- CBC’s relationship with Jian Ghomeshi has ‘come to an end’   {  }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Crown honouring Cpl. Cirillo.
Hamilton, Ontario City Hall as Cpl. Cirillo’s body arrived.

Sunday: 25 October, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:  ?

Jian Ghomeshi to sue CBC for $50 million   {  }

President Poroshenko on track to win Ukraine election   {  }

PM says Ukraine shows courage  in face of Putin aggression   {  }

2nd worker in critical condition after Sarnia, Ont., blast   {  }

13 European banks told to fix finances after flunking review    {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<

-UPdated- Spurned affection for girl possible motive in Washington school shooting  { * Authorities are seeking a motive as to why a high school student in Washington shot dead a female classmate and wounded four others in a campus cafeteria before killing himself. *  —djo—  *** yeah, yeah, if ya can’t find a radicalized jihadi, or a Canadian? – try to blame it on a woman? *** —jim w— }

& the special sub section today entitled: “Attack in Ottawa” is still in evidence.



Santa's helpers in training
“Santa’s helpers in training.”


Do you have what it takes to get through ‘Santa School’?   {  }

Despicable Me minion makes birthday appearance at Sask. farm   {   }

Halloween dog parade in New York   {  }

Biological models: What aliens would look like and why   { *** Last week on Coast to Coast A.M. an expert on abduction cases etc. said that the only alien hybrids we see on this planet look exactly like you and me. They have almost no idea how we interact with each other or how to act in social situations. He also said most of them can control us using ‘mind control power’ from lobes in their brains that we don’t use, and we can’t control them- If this scares you, call on the arch-angels, especially Michael- or Jesus, or The Prophet -God bless him continuously with ever expanding bliss- Or a couple others that have direct lines to God- Or call on God yourself. The Divine hears every thought and whisper, and if you call out to the Divine, in whatever form you have your strongest faith, -unless your faith is in darkness- The Divine will answer. You are never alone. The bad guys can’t touch you unless you invite them to. *** —jim w— }

‘Organic genderless gingerbread figures’ might be the most politically correct cookies in esixtence   {   }



“Most Viewed”

Jian Ghomeshi, host of Q, not longer with CBC   {   }

Jian Ghomeshi, host of Q, off the air to deal with ‘personal issues’   {   }

Man arrested after Ottawa police officer punched in the face   {   }

St-Alexis woman dead after car crashes into her home   {  }

Bedford woman shocked her mail key opens neighbour’s mailbox  {   }

Stabbing at Wonderland kills man, leaves another critical   {   }

Ottawa shooting: the face-to-face encounter that ended the attack on Parliament   {   }

High fidelity 2.0: How your favourite music could sound even better  {  }

Kelowna Airport: Man in custodyafter Edmonton-Kelowna-Calgary flight threatened   {   }

Ottawa shooting: a look back at how the week unfolded   {   }

-15 photo slide show- The week in pictures, Oct. 18-24   {   }

harper sux donkey dicks
This was Tweeted last week.
Ebola CartoonBeer, burgers and cigarettes kill way more than Ebola.
“Yeah- It’s like the flu kills more people every year than the ‘pandemics’ the fear mongers are trying to terrorize us with-” —djo— // seconded by ———jim w——


-Blog- Readers concerned, confused by n>S. woman’s mailbox key  {  }




Woman dead, husband seriously injured after car crashes into bedroom  {   }

Iraq soldiers retake town outside Baghdand held by ISIS   {  }

Man hit with stun gun, arrested after police officer punched in the face   {  }

U.S. Ebola quarantines could deter health workers from helping fight epidemic    {  }

Tribal community says Washington school shooter was ‘happy-go-lucky, normal kid’    {  }

2nd worker in critical condition after explosion in southwestern Ont.    {  }

Hong Kong protesters scrap vote on what to do next    {  }

CBC Ideas: Is Islam the ‘green’ religion?    {  }

13 European banks flunk central bank’s stress test    {  }

Frankline discovery: Searchers consider ‘winter dive’ to explore Erebus further    {  }

Man taken into custody in B.C. after WestJet flight threatened    {  }

‘Nude’ judge set to argue inquiry panel should toss misconduct probe   {  }

Montreal Muslim teeb’s ‘not in my name’ Facebook post goest viral   {  }

RCMP takes over Ottawa shooting investigation, OPP to probe police conduct   {   }

-Must Watch-  Sens, Habs, Leafs stand together in pre-game ceremonies    {   }

-Must Watch-  15th imagineNATIVE film + media arts festival wraps    {   }

-Must Watch-  Bridge connects mountain peaks    {   }


Sitting, the ‘new smoking’ is killing us and costing the economy billions   { * So- should we be prepared for representatives of the Corporate Plutacracy -read that: ‘corporate based fascist government’- to begin arresting and executing people for sitting down too often? If you believe this is far-fetched, wait until you learn that somebody has copyrighted your dna and quietly had laws passed giving them the power to dictate what you can and can’t do about reproducing and ‘misusing’ the dna that they now ‘own’. And another thing: Even if ‘sitting is costing the economy billions’, how much do you think black ops budgets, and under-reported military spending are costing? More like trillions.*  —djo— *** And your governments have huge income streams that they hope you never find out about, because they do not need to tax you the way they do. Governments are fraudulently extorting money from you. Source:  —jim w— * }

-Analysis- Should we stop intervening in the Middle East? Nahlah Ayed   {   }

Chinese government hackers allegedly attack Apple’s iCloud  { * One guy I met told me that the leaders in China were space-alien hybrids, “And not the good aliens, either.” -Which could be true in the poetic sense, if not literal? But, when you can’t believe anything our government tells us, and you can’t believe anything the corporate media tells us? Should we all stand in a big circle and play Kazoo music until they shut up and go home and leave us alone? *  —djo— }

-Recap- World Series:   { * Saturday’s game was won by the Giants 11-4. Friday, the Royals beat the Giants 3-2. Game 2: Royals beat Giants 7-2. Tuesday, Game 1: Giants beat Royals 7-1.  So after 4 games they are tied with 2 games each —djo—  }

"Secret Space Plane"
“Secret Space Plane”

U.S. Robotic space plane lands after secret 2-year journey around Earth   { * What we thought was a slip-up in which somebody might have admitted that there were several space craft around Mars when the comet did a fly-by, was amended by NASA to explain that 3 satellites are in orbit around Mars and they were told to hide behind the planet when the comet approached. *  —jim w— }

-Must Watch- CF-18 fighter jets head to Kuwait    { * Why would I want to watch that? Or the video of 100 snakes that were found in somebody’s house? *  —djo— }

===== There are no new “Editor’s Picks” today =====

Wednesday: -Editor’s Pick- Glenn Greenwald in conversation about secrets, transparency and digital future  { * Now this is what I would call a “Must Watch” * —djo— }

Wednesday:-Editor’s Pick- Global deaths for communicable diseases compared   { * I wonder if they meant to say “-deaths FROM communicable diseases-” Are we on this planet to serve the bacteria? Are we dying for diseases? Ya think that might have been a Freudian sleep?  😉  —djo— }

Wednesday: -Editor’s Pick- Indian status: Why Lynn Gehl’s court challenge matters   { * Heck yes, When The Angels of Light come here and show everybody what’s been going on, instead of just clearing things up with “life reviews” between lives –  Can you imagine what would happen if they stand there and say, “Well, you’ve got two choices here, you can give the country back to its true owners and pay the First Nations the full value of what you stole from them, or you can go to hell.—”  * —djo—  *** Instead of doing everything you can to turn this planet into hell? ***  —jim w— }

===== Greatest Hits this week? =====

-World- Exoskeleton enables paralyzed groom to walk down the aisle  {  }

-Canada- Six indigenous cookbooks to warm you up   { * & Hey! Nobody caught the miss-spelling of ‘indigenous’ yesterday- *  —djo— }

-Business- Apple’s iCloud believed attacked by Chinese government hackers   { * While the Canadian Prime Minister was busy kissing their butts? *   —djo— }

-Politics- Cyberbullying bill draws fire from diverse mix of critics   {  }

-Politics- Federal government still mum on how to spend surplus   {  }

-Community- ‘Sexy’ kids Halloween costumes ifnite fierce debate about parental responsibility   {  }



“Local / New Bruswick”

David Kelly, longtime Fredericton city councillor, has died   {  }

Cap-Pelé home invasion sends man to hospital   {  }

Base Gagetown shuts down access for hunters   {  }

CBC’s relationship with Jian Ghomeshi has ‘come to an end’   {  }



seattle totem
“Seattle Totem”

“First Nations”

Nunavut MLA Nuqingaq expelled from legislative assembly   { *On Friday morning, Justice Minister Paul Okalik moved to pass a motion that Uqqummiut MLA Samuel Nuqingaq be immediately expelled from the legislature and his seat be declared vacant.* & * – Uqqummiut MLA Samuel Nuqingaq, who represents Clyde River and Qikiqtarjuaq, has been expelled from the Nunavut Legislative Assembly. – The vote happened Friday morning in Iqaluit, when Justice Minister Paul Okalik tabled a motion that said he wanted Nuqingaq immediately expelled from the legislature and his seat declared vacant. – “Over the past year, far too much of the legislature’s time has been spent on the conduct of the member of Uqqummiut,” Okalik said. –  ​In the motion, Okalik said Nuqingaq had been disciplined by the legislative assembly “on a number of occasions for this unacceptable conduct, including persistent absences from sittings of the House and meetings of its committees and caucuses without reasonable explanation.” – ​In April, the 42-year-old faced two charges, one count of being unlawfully in a dwelling house and one count of assault. – MLAs voted to suspend Nuqingaq from the legislature following those charges. During that time, he sought treatment for alcohol addiction in Nova Scotia.​ – Later on in the article there is a mention that he underwent treatment for alcohol addiction. *  —jim w— }

-Point of View- Defeathering Halloween: 3 things to keep in mind about headdresses  { * Let’s de-feather the issue and take a naked look at the headdress. There are three things to know about the feather headdress. :

1. Who wears them?
The headdress was sacred and still is to many indigenous cultures like the Plains Cree and the Lakota people.

2. How do you get one?
They were not just handed out willy nilly, you know.They have to be earned and gifted in ceremony. Only the most fearless leaders and warriors traditionally wore them. It is kind of a big deal.

3. Why is it important to First Nations cultures?
Again, because it is a sacred item. You don’t see people running around with yarmulkes or hijabs in colourful mockery trying to be trendy.

& You don’t see people mocking soldiers’ bravery by wearing medals they didn’t earn either-  —djo— }

Edmund Metatawabin visits Winnipeg to discuss his life, book   { * Residential school survivor Edmund Metatawabin’s Governor General’s Literary Award-nominated book Up Ghost River: A Chief’s Journey Through the Turbulent Waters of Native History is a horrific account of residential school life but it includes a call for action and a hopeful message. *   —djo—  }

imagineNA TIVE’s Shane Belcourt on directing, dance and #MMIW  {  }

Nunavut justice system ‘failing children and youth’: Inuit group  {  }

-Photos- Arviat youth use art workshops to discuss difficult topics  {  }

Tsilhqot’in chief hanged in 1864 exonerated by B.C. Premier Christy Clark  {  }

Yukon fashion designer set for Paris runway  {  }

Film tells story of Inuk man who died in RCMP custody  {  }

Manitoba dam protesters demand revenue sharing, hydro bill help  {  }

Residential school survivors in Nunavut confused about education credit   {  }

Top 10 indigenous films of all time   {  }

Who gets to be ‘Indian’: 6 reasons why Lynn Gehl’s court challenge matters   {  }

Grandmothers play key role helping families in North Central   {  }

Closing arguments begin in case of fed underfunding aboriginal child services   {  }

=== Previous Articles: ===

5 top picks for the imagineNA TIVE film festival  {  }

Diabetes support, prevention urged for Eskasoni   {  }

New women’s shelters planned in Cree communities   {  }

Edmonton jury selection process to be reviewed   {  }

Methadone treatment needs review, First Nations leader says    { * & I remember when they used to call Methadone “Rockefeller’s dope” *  —djo— }

Music NB awards should include aboriginal category, exec says    {  }

Defence wants mistrial in Douglas Hales murder case   {  }

Shale gas protester admits assaulting RCMP officer in Rexton   {  }

-Special Report-‘Canada’s Worst Neighbourhood’ needs more attention: community leaders, residents  {  }

-Audio-Wikwemikong group releases Anishinaabe language app   {  }

Winnipeg Indigenous Rock the Vote drums up encouragement  {  }

Move over Paleo: Six indeigenous cookbooks to warm you up    {  }

Manitoba Hydro evicted from northern dam station   {  }

6 things to know about N.W.T.’s infrastructure plans   {  }

Ouellette announces plan to make Winnipeg safer for Aboriginal women   {  }

University of Regina said the number of First Nations students is up by 50 per cent over the past 5 years  {  }

Food Banks Canada project to deliver fresh food to remote First Nations   {  }

Watchdog says B.C. government ignoring recommendations to help children   {  }

Healing garden planned to remember residential schools in St. Albert   {  }

{ First Nations [ ‘Aboriginal’ but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it, even if CBC still calls it ‘aboriginal’ ] page virtually unchanged since yesterday.  —djo— }


 { Editorial? :  This from ———jda——— :

– “Thursday, 23 October, 2014 – Ack! We live in a violent culture. Nobody under the age of responsibility planned it this way, at least not in this lifetime. – When the television programmes you plunk your kids down in front of are violent— When their sports are violent— When somebody out there has decided that your games and distractions should all be violent—- Why didn’t you see this coming? – Good, honest young men and women are being duped into taking up arms to support one lie against another. Embrace the love of life. Embrace the love of love. Embrace the preciousness of every life on this planet. Support each other. – To hell with the ideas that kill. To hell with philosophies that say it’s okay to kill for king and country. – We were not told, “Thou shalt not kill unless your government tells you to-” — We were not told, “Thou shalt not kill unless the controlling, obsessive men who took over and subverted your religions tell you to.” — Do not pray for vengeance. – Pray for guidance. Pray for protection from the lies that too many of our contemporaries allow to control their lives. – Pray we call come together and dismiss the governments and (small r) religions that allow darkness to smirk and laugh themselves silly because they’ve been pulling the strings and spitting out the words that convince you that you are working God’s Will when you believe you have the right to destroy the lives of any of God’s Children. – Get thee behind us, thou dupes of the dark side. – Unzip the uniforms and find there are Children of God inside. Burn down the deceptions and realize that any true Religion nurtures your body, mind, soul and spirit, and tells you that we are all one spirit. We are all children of the same divine intelligence. – Smash your delusions and realize we are all One. Before it’s too late. ———jda——— 

// Response from Cathi Harris: “Beautiful!”  —jim w— }



{ Almost 6:15 pm EDT —Ready to Rock and Roll— & Thankful for help from Jim W again, & especially since he is working today with a bruised rib, ouch!  —And also from “—jda—“ again this time —   ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 23 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Tuesday, 23 September, 2014  -( 43˚F /6˚C –  & looks like a good day @ 8:30 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Brian Gallant in front of "Liberal" red background.
‘Liberal Leader Brian Gallant appears to have won the New Brunswick election amid a vote-counting “fiasco”-‘

 Discrepencies between tabulator machine-counted votes and manually entered vote tallies caused Elections New Brunswick to bring everything to a halt for a couple hours while they re-entered the votes from electronic chips from the vote counting gizmoes. The Progressive Conservatives and the People’s Alliance Party may want a recount of the physical paper ballots.  —djo—


Lead Articles:

-Updated- Brian Gallant’s Liberals elected amidvote-counting ‘fiasco’   {   }

-Coming up Live- N.B. Liberals prepare for transition after election marred by vote-count fiasco   {  }

U.S. and 5 Arab countries bomb ISIS targets inside Syria   {  }

Ebola cases could skyrocket to 21,000 in next 6 weeks: WHO    {  }

Netflix refuses CRTC demand to hand over suscriber data   { CRTC = The Canadian version of the FCC. Netflix says it will not violate the confidentiality of its customers and so far is not bound by the same rules as a broadcast or cable television company. }

Aboriginal throat singer Tanya Tagaq wins Polaris prize   {  }

-New- Israeli PM says shooting down Surian fighter jet doesn’t mean war is widening   {  }

-Live- UN Climate Summit: 4 things to know about the talks   {  }

Do the math: How parents can fight the fear of arithmatic   {  }



Mushroom in the woods
” A typical porcini (Boletus edulis var. clavipes) is shown in its natural habitat in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario. (Brent Dentinger/Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew) “


3 new mushroom species discovered in London grocery store   { It took me several minutes of reading and re-reading to guess that this was a grocery store in London, Ontario, Canada. -Not London, England- Photography credits to ‘Royal Botanical Gardens’ were no help, the caption to a photo showing: “A typical porcini (Boletus edulis var. clavipes) is shown in its natural habitat in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario.” – was a bright moment – —djo— }

City marks 200th birthday with a 61-metre bratwurst   { Gotta be Germany, right? Wrong! – It was Belleville, Illinois, USA  —djo— }

Reporter quits live on-air in support of marijuana legalization   { Charlo Greene quit her job in Anchorage, Alaska where she was a reporter for KTVA television. ‘-What many viewers didn’t realize prior to her hasty departure from the station, however, is that she is also the owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club — a medical marijuana collective that connects “patients in need to Alaskan cardholders with green.”-‘  —djo— }

Bald eagle rescue 101: how to hitch a ride on a fishing boat   { In the “Most Viewed” area the link to this article bears the headline: “Bald eagle rescue by fisherman posted on YouTube”  * And I’m really impressed with today’s ‘Offbeat’ news after several days of boring repeats- —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

New Brunswick election 2014 results: Brian Gallant’s Liberals set for transition after win   {  }

Tim Hortons, Burger King merger fallout: US cracks down on tax inversions   {  }

How Alexander Sodiqov was freed following espionage charges   {  }

Benjamin Netanyahu cautions about interpreting Syrian fighter jet shooting   { & two links down: “Golan Heights: Israel military shoots down Syrian fighter jet” }

Raymond Lee Caissie. 43, charged with murder of Serena Vermeersch   {  }

-Repeat- -17 photo slide show- People’s Climate Marches around the world   { No- the climate doesn’t march around the world- even if it really does – this article is about the numerous marches held around the world to let banksters and other string pulling manipulators know that a lot of people are not happy with elitists poisoning their food, poisoning their water and decimating their forests   —djo— }

-Blog- Emma Watson’s U.N. speech on gender equality prompts debate over feminism, Beyoncé   {  }




-New- How a PhD student was able to return to Canada after arrest on espionage charges   { * * They’re repeating article headlines in various spots around their page here with a slight change in wording- everybody must have been up all night waiting for the New Brunswick election returns.   —djo— }

-Updated- Barack Obama to address expanded airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria   {  }

Inuk throat singer Tanya Tagaq takes top honours at Polaris Music Prize   { * & I haven’t mentioned lately that Canadians wonder what we do with all out ‘U’s in the ‘lower 48’- I told them U.S. citizens use them all up chanting “USA Number One!” and never stop to count all the negative number ones they qualify for, number one in the most citizens in prison for b.s. charges- #1 in testosterone-poisoned culture-  -don’t get me started- —djo— }

Canadian arrested at JFK airport after 15 kg of marijuana found in checked bag  { I think they also said she had handguns and ammunition in her luggage or on her. If this happened on a domestic flight inside of Canada, my friends up there tell me, there would be a very good chance that a person with a gun, especially a realistic looking toy gun, or a phoney grenade, and maybe a package of loose tea suspiciously packaged – might actually be an inspector testing the security screening of any airline anywhere inside the country.  —djo— }

Vancouver Aquarium uses drone to track killer whales   { *** They’re ‘Orcas’ not killer whales- —djo— }

High-risk sex offender charged with murder of B.C. teen   { * And Fear-mongering headlines are still in style, even in relatively intelligent media?  —djo— }

Canadian wireless costs still among highest in world   { This is only a symptom of a much larger problem. * Okay, everybody go to Coast to Coast am, click on ‘become a member’ and listen to last night’s (September 22, 2014) 3 hour interview with Former Canadian Minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer. He will tell you, with authority, that an elitist cabal of greedy bankers have been trying to run the world from behind the scenes since the end of World War II -possibly longer- and part of their agenda has been to cut buying power, disempower the middle class, make everybody believe that trade unions are full of criminals and communists – And the elitist cabal members might even be plotting to kill off millions or billions of us if they can get away with it, to make the survivors more manageable – They believe in running the world on the model of The Bank Of England – Lending twenty times the amount of money they have actual assets for and enslaving by means of debt – countless billions on the planet – until after the revolution when they’re all wearing orange jump suits and working on chain gangs to make up for their crimes against humanity. If you tried to get away with what banks do all the time, you’d be heading to prison for a very long time, but they blackmailed most of the governments in what we used to think of as ‘the free world’ into granting them charters/licenses to get away with fraud and maybe worse.  —djo— }

-Storify- Calgary MP responds to ISIS threat with ‘secure bedroom selfie’   { She just might be the blond who stands behind Stephen Harper in most shots from ‘Question Time’ –  trying to look disgusted at what we’re supposed to interpret as ‘inane comments’ from anybody but a Conservative Party of Canada member.  [—gag—]   —djo— }

Ebola cases could quadruple in the next 6 weeks, WHO warns, but not all experts agree   {  }

Israel says it’s killed 2 Hamas suspects that helped spark weeks of fighting   {  }

Driver fined $162 after stopping police for illegal left turn   { “Duh- we only enforce the laws, we don’t have to abide by them-” ?   —djo— }

3 missing Afghan Army oficers in custoday at Canada-US border   {  }

-Must Watch- Toothpaste portrait of Robin Williams   {  Everything is beginning to sound like offbeat news – well, almost everything  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Elephant baby’s public debut   { If I’d gone to sleep last night instead of working all night, I’d swear I woke up in a parallel universe – but this one is more fun than the one I woke up in yesterday- —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Mission to Mars   { Did we move into a much more positive area of the material universe? Somebody go check Starfire Tor’s website, facebook page or whatever to see if she has a clue- Or am I just over tired and in that wonderful zone where everything almost makes sense and people almost seem a magnitude warmer and friendlier than they did a couple hours ago?  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- The story behind Liberal leader’s abortion strategy   { “The Liberals hope the policy distances them from socially conservative ex-MPs” & there’s a thumbnail photo of Justin Trudeau that makes him look like he’s full of himself – which he could be- but we need really impartial coverage here, guys. —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

– A lot of the above election coverage is repeated under ‘New Brunswick’-

David Coon makes history with seat for Green Party   { David Coon won a seat to the provincial legislature from Fredericton South – Becoming the second green party candidate to win a seat in any provincial legislature. The Green Party received 6.6% of yesterday’s vote. —djo— }

Liberal wave ousts 9 cabinet ministers   { *** On the provincial level, a lot of the sitting premier’s top officials were sent packing- premier David Alward put a lot of stress on shale gas development, claiming ‘energy jobs’ could save the economy and keep New Brunswickers from seeking jobs out west.  Green Party Leader David Coon said something like “It’s not just the fracking issue- it’s the PC party’s record.” The PC candidates may have gotten a bit of a boost when “Say Yes” buttons began appearing on their road side posters and David Alward’s smug Conservative expression sneered out at everyone in television spots that felt like ‘say yes to jobs, say yes to fracking, say yes to four more years of conservative majority rule-‘ But what might have been one of the most telling arguments against the conservatives’ return to mandate level power was the number of jobs that disappeared while they were promising prosperity through fracking and they probably cut thier own throats with ‘pension reform’- Or did they actually believe that all the provincial government job retirees they had just screwed out of large chunks of earned pension money were going to smile and vote them back into power for another round of such tomfoolery?  —————Jim W }

New Brunswick election may see manual recount amid vote-machine glitches   {  }

Grand Manan fatal plane crash GPS fails to offer clues   { An air ambulance returning home after delivering a patient somewhere crashed and killed the philanthropic pilot and a much loved and respected EMT on Grand Manan Island last month-  —djo— }

N.B. election sees 8 female MLAs elected in 49 ridings   {  }

Minto voters say jobs are a top election concern   { *** But Minto is one of the places where the “Jobs” mongering PC received only 26 more votes than the non jobs mongering 2nd place People’s Alliance candidate who will almost certainly ask for, and get a recount. —————Jim W }




-Opinion- Canada’s lack of leadership on climate issues alarming   { * Let me butt in and say that when a politician speaks about ‘leadership’ they mean, ‘I get up and dictate and you do what I say – and like it!’ – not the kind of leadership where somebody stands up and acts out of conscience because they know in their heart and mind that that’s the right thing to do. Real leaders walk a difficult path and do not demand that anybody follow their example, but they are happily surprised when others try to live up to higher standards. —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Manitoba judges reserve decision in Brian Sinclair appeal   { Brian Sinclair was a double amputee who died of a treatable bladder infection while he was waiting for 34 hours in a Winnipeg emergency room. His family filed a lawsuit against a health authority- claiming his charter rights were violated when he died in that hospital waiting room in 2008. – A lower court struck the lawsuit down, saying Brian Sinclair’s charter rights died with him. – But the family lawyer said it’s absurd that a man who died because he didn’t receive the care due him under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms isn’t allowed to sue because he’s dead.  The three judges hearing this appeal are thinking about it.  —djo— }

Pennsylvania teacher suspended over ‘Redskins’ newspaper flap   {  “Redskins” is the nickname of Neshaminy’s sports teams. Newspaper staff at the Bensalem school in Pennsylvania decided last year they would no longer use the term, which they say is offensive. – The faculty adviser for the student newspaper embroiled in a battle over the word “Redskins” has been suspended for two days without pay. –  The Philadelphia Inquirer reports Neshaminy High School teacher Tara Huber was disciplined for “willful neglect of duty and insubordination.” –  The suspension came three months after students published the June edition, in which they disobeyed an order by administrators to print an op-ed containing the word “Redskin.” The newspaper is also having $1,200 docked from its funds.  —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Bridge Builders: Lucy Fowler combat Metis stereotypes   { Metis have battled for- and recently been awarded the same rights and considerations of other First Nations Tribes. Their origins are usually believed to be a combination of original French settlers and various First Nations Tribes. —djo— }

Councillor urges Winnipeg to back inquiry into murdered, missing women   {  }

Attawapiskatt Chief Theresa Spence may face motion of non-confidence   {  }

Judge orders election translation for Alaskan aboriginals   { *This is in Alaska – A federal judge ordered the state to take additional steps to provide voting materials to Alaska’s aboriginal voters with limited English ahead of the upcoming state election. – “Buttons for poll workers will say ‘Can I help?’ translated into Yup’ik or Gwich’in.”  —djo— }



{ 11:26 am – after a couple distractions, ready to check for typos and colourize the headlines.  12:10 pm mouse-ing toward the ‘Publish’ button   ———djo——— }

Sunday, 14 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Sunday, 14 September, 2014  -( 56˚F / 13˚C –  & ‘mostly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 12:30 pm in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }

* I spent an hour this morning trying to fix one small error in yesterday’s heading –  and had three blogs suffer fatal confusion and crash — I have no idea what that was all about.  —djo— *


Ad for facebook messenger.
* “Stay in touch with your friends @ the NSA” ?* “Messenger appears to have more spyware type code in it than I’ve seen in products intended specifically for enterprise surveillance,” says iOS forensics and security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski.


Lead Articles:

One tweet from somebody not very happy with Stephen Harper.

-Analysis- Expenses audit won’t end questions about Senate’s role: Chris Hall   { -Um, The Auditor General is conducting an audit of Senate expenses- worrying some senators who fear their legitimate expenses may be criticized and questioned. *** >>—-> Opinion >>—-> The Harper government has been trying to bring down the Senate, with its checks and balances that get in the way of what many see as Harper’s attempts to turn Canada into his own private slave state. A tweet this morning (above) is one of many that voice their unhappiness with Harper’s attempts to ‘turn Canada into a colony of China’. It was three of Harper’s Senate appointees who were singled out and kicked out of the Senate in the recent scandals, leading some to wonder if Harper was crafty enough to appoint those three and maybe others in an attempt to sabotage the Senate. This Prime Minister has also gone up against the Supreme Court, and anybody else who would not buckle under to his total control. —djo— }

Halifax fire under control but some still out of homes   {  }

Britain to ‘hunt down’ ISIS after beheading of Briton   {  }

North Korea sentences American to 6 years hard labour   {  }

4th doctor infected with Ebola dies in Sierra Leone   {  }

Ontario town told to lock doors due to police probe   {  }

‘They are not Muslims; they are monsters,’ U.K. PM says of ISIS after hostage beheading   {  }

Quebec sovereigntists look to Scotland fo independence hope   { The vote in Scotland with take place this coming Thursday, September 18th, 2014. —djo— }




Miss America hopefuls take part in the ‘Show Us Your Shoes’ parade   { & my first impression? the beauty pageant has hit a new low.   —djo— }

&& Everything else under this topic is still there since yesterday.



“Most Viewed”

Central Huron residents told to lock doors for police probe   { I had a nightmare while I was growing up that the Army and National Guard locked down this whole area for some made up reason and went around shooting my friends with impunity- I thought I had awakened in a world occupied by Nazi storm troopers in American Uniforms. So that’s ‘where I’m coming from’ when I say it makes me nervous to hear that any police force wants to lock down whole towns after one person shows up shot to death.  —djo— }

Professional cheerleading ‘should be abolished’   { This opinion comes from former professional basketball player, Mariah Burton Nelson, “Cheerleading implies that women’s proper role is to support men, smile at men and fulfill the sexual fantasies of males,” declared Nelson, who played for Stanford University and in the first women’s pro-basketball league in the U.S. *Um, is this another case of somebody who wants to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’? Weren’t the original cheerleaders mostly men? I remember most cheerleaders in high school being ‘popularity addicts’ that I wasn’t particularly impressed by, -but I’ve developed an extreme allergic reaction to anyone who tries to tell me what everybody else should do or how they should think. }

B.C. teachers’ strike: Talks under way at Richmond hotel.   { I wonder if we’ll ever get anything like the truth behind this. Nobody has been able to answer my questions- I saw photos of teachers carrying signs that said they were locked out- but couldn’t find anything to either support or refute that. I should probably spend a little bit of time to dig deeper, but I can’t fly to British Columbia to seek out an talk to anybody out there- and I don’t have a whole day to sit and dig through ‘virtual reams’ of lies, half truths and corporate propaganda to find out what is really happening out there. —djo— }

David Haines beheading: British PM vows to ‘hunt down those responsible’    { Tell him to search his own closet first? }

Controversial natural gas rule changes came after B.C., oil lobby met   { “In January of this year, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers made a presentation to high-ranking officials in British Columbia’s Environment Ministry, outlining changes they wanted to environmental review rules for natural gas projects. – Those changes became law on April 14, but they didn’t stay that way for long.

‘An outcry from First Nations organizations forced an about-face from Environment Minister Mary Polak, who rescinded the revisions two days after they were passed by order-in-council. – Internal government documents obtained by The Canadian Press show 25 to 45 new natural gas plants will be needed to meet the government’s hopes for liquefied natural gas and that the industry wanted regulatory changes expedited so they could make investment decisions. – The Environment Ministry says Polak met with “various industry and environmental organizations” to discuss the regulation change, but the documents don’t make a single mention of any meetings other than with the petroleum producers’ association. – The regulatory review carried out on the instructions of Premier Christy Clark continues, but the ministry says no further changes will go ahead without public review and input.  —djo— }

Hiker falls to his death climbing glacier near Squamish   {  }

ISIS war chest grows by an estimated $3M every day   { And government propagandists try harder every day to spread fear and hatred in order to prepare you for a time when they will send your friends off to die in some stupid dispute they started a long time ago and nobody can remember what the actual root cause was. }

&& There are repeats of yesterday’s Oscar Pistorius Photo slide show and the -Blog- Feature:  “Facebook Messenger found to be tracking ‘a lot more data than you think“.




Abortion rights trump MP’s freedom to vote their conscience, Trudeau says   { Stephen Harper has been described to me as ‘a rabid micro-manager’. I heard somebody say, ‘Does that give Justin Trudeau the right to become a dictator on the other side of the fence?’  And then I remember Ralph Nader calling members of both the two biggest US Political parties “Republicrats” and I wonder about trends toward the same thing in Canada. —djo— }

-New- Panthers deactivate Greg Hardy as he appeals domestic violence conviction   { This would be the football panthers, right? }

Hurricane Odile to hit Mexico’s Baja with heavy rains, winds   { Well- isn’t that what hurricanes do? I’m trying to remember when we first started hearing about hurricanes and the Pacific Coast.  —djo— }

U.S. citizen sentenced to 6 years of hard labour for ‘hostile acts; against North Korea   { -um, a couple years ago, if something similar to this issue popped up, would we be hearing that U.S. citizens were being accused of spying, or something like that? I’m confused.  —djo— }

-Updated- Shelling in eastern Ukraine challenges ceasefire deal   { And something I heard on Coast to Coast am last week led me to believe that psychics and others who believe they have prophetic abilities believe that sections in the official Christian Bible were heavily edited a long long time ago, but documentation still exists that says ‘Legitimate Prophets’ foresaw Russian troops attacking Scandinavia and then Canada and the U.S. in grabs for natural resources. The person who delivered this news or opinion says that Judaic and Christians were involved in cover-up re-writes in order to strengthen their own power within their religions. This guy went as far as to say that the Prophet we know as Jesus was actually Immanuel, who said that a religion based on his teachings would be perverted by power crazy religious clerics and that the same thing would happen about five hundred years later when another True Prophet would be born in what we call the Near East- and evil manipulating men would pervert that True Prophet’s teachings. Immanuel went on to point out that the Israelites had stolen their land from inhabitants who were there before the Israelites left Egyptian slavery, and that if the two groups did not resolve their conflicts and differences, they would destroy each other. — This was way before there was a Russia or a United States of America — Karmic events were set to be triggered that could see the descendents of the Arabs who would follow the ‘True Prophet Mohamed’ conquer all of Europe, including England, and rule that area for 800 years. ***We may still be able to ameliorate this possibility, if we go back to the original teachings of Immanuel and scrap the revisionist nonsense that was written into the current version of the ‘Christian Bible’ – probably including anything that was added by the non-apostle Paul. *** It gets complicated.*** We’re stumbling around in the darkness of lies that have been hammered into our ‘consciousness’ for two thousand years, or longer. Pray for clarity here, pray the truth gets through to us. Pray for guidance and be ready to change everything you were ever taught to believe. Doesn’t sound easy does it? Want to wake up in chains or worse? Think about this — I do not have a hot line to the Source of all Truth — so you’re going to have to figure things out for yourself, and let me know what you come up with, okay?  —djo— }

‘I can’t wait for the Ford era to end’: Olivia Chow goes after Doug Ford   {  }

-Must Watch- Hot air balloon fest   { In Midland, Michigan }

-Must Watch- Baby coyote sleeps in fireplace   { Why wasn’t this in the Offbeat section? }

-Must Watch- Landing a spacecraft on a comet   { 5 possible landing sites on a comet where an attempt at a landing may take place in November —djo— }

&& ‘Editor’s Picks’ are leftovers from yesterday

-World- :

Typhoon Kalmaegi slams northeastern Philippines   {  }

Hall of fame golfer avoids serious injury in chain saw accident   {  }

-Politics- NDP to propose $15 federal minimum wage   { I believe the US Green Party and others were saying around fifteen years ago that $15.00 an hour would be the minimum ‘Living Wage’ needed to get by back then.  —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Formula E is in infancy but will drive innovation, 1st electric racing series suggests   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Ethel Bruneau. Montreal’s Queen of Tap, on why dancing ‘is a religion’   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Shakespeare’s complete works to be translated for Chinese readers   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

N.B. Law Society members vote against accrediting Trinity Western   { -You may remember from previous articles that Trinity Western subscribes to Fundamentalist Christian Doctrine and forces its students to do the same.  —djo— }

RCMP looking for witnesses in fatal Royal Road crash   {  }

Terry Fox Run struggling with participation on P.E.I.   {  }

-New Brunswick Votes 2014-

-Repeat- Michael Camp: Liberals, PC stick to script in ‘strange election’   {  }

-Repeat- Liberal candidate Andrew Harvey’s fraud charges dropped   { One other article somewhere warned about interpreting this as anything but a case of ‘they don’t have enough evidence’ to press forward. *** & I’m getting sick of all this name calling and dirty tricks stuff. Last week there was a bit of an article suggesting that lots of political signs were being vandalized, with one party being singled out as the biggest victim in one area, another somewhere else. Are adults acting like out of control children? —djo— }

-Repeat- Brian Gallant’s energy stance hypocritical, David Alward says  { & This is probably a case of a piece of coal calling a grey cloud ‘black’. }



{ 3:20 pm = Ack- I need to take a break and then check for typos etc.  —Initial Pulbishing @ 4:15 pm Eastern Time — Pre – tagging and not yet categorized — There may be a few typos left, but my sweetie is having an automobile problem & I gotta go help her out  ———djo——— }

Saturday, 06 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines –

Saturday, 06 September, 2014  -( 72˚F / 22˚C & Mostly Cloudy in Ithaca @ 8:41 am )-

{ I’ve been doing this because I believe that the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media here in the U.S.A., AND not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }


Pipeline through boreal forest 120 km south of Fort McMurray, Alberta
Canada Leads The World in degrading Pristine, Intact Forests. This pipleine carries steam to well heads and heavy oil back to a processing plant. This section cuts through boreal forest 120 km south of Fort McMurray, Alberta.


Lead Articles:

B.C. cool to idea of arbitration to end teachers’ strike { -More like, The B.C. government and the Minister of Education are cool on the idea of allowing an impartial 3rd party decide how this should be worked out. —djo— }

Results of Alberta Tory leadership vote due later today   {  }

Sierra Leone to ‘lockdown’ areas infected with Ebola   {  }

Fighting in Ukraine subsides as ceasefire takes hold   {  }

Donetsk residents doubt truce would create lasting peace   {   }

Hispanic Mother & Child bonding on a bed or sofa.
“U.S. President Barack Obama vowed in June that he would act without Congress to reform the immigration system. But a debate appears to be underway at the White House over the timing of any immigration announcements. Will he or won’t he act before the midterm elections?”

-Analysis- Obama’s immigration dilemma: Act now or after midterms?   {   }

NATO faces 1st test, as Estonia accuses Russia of abduction   { According to the Estonian government, Russian agents crossed the border of Estonia and detained a police officer. Estonia and Canada are calling this a provocation.   —djo— }

3 circles, top two are black, bottom has a big smile and strange eyes.
Disney thinks this image is too much like Mickey Mouse Ears.

David vs. Goliath trademark battles: Giants don’t always win   { The electronic DJ known as Deadmau5, is being sued by Disney for incorporating giant ears as part of his costume. }

-Photos- Bad weather soaks stars, fans on second night of TIFF   { It was Bill Murray Day at the Toronto International Film Festival. }




Robot milkers gaining in popularity at dairy farms in N.B.   {  }

Strange looking fish.
An Ocean Sunfish, like the one in this photo , washed up on the beach at Cape Disappointment, near the mouth of the Columbia River in Washington state, USA. The fish was 6 feet long and weight almost 300 pounds.

‘It’s really an odd-looking fish’:  Rare 2-metre sunfish washes ashore   { Some West Coast friends of mine are very worried that radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Power plant disaster -after the earthquake and Tsunami- might poison vast stretches of the Pacific Ocean and make living on the west coast of North America not so pleasant in the near future- We get updates from Coast to Coast am (<—-<< Link-) every so often that are not encouraging. —djo— }

Tim Hortons coffee cups: XL claims put to the test   { Somebody tested the capacities of Timmy’s large and Extra-Large paper cups- & contrary to the Conspiracy Theory that both cups hold the same amount of coffee- found that when filled to the line that Tim Hortons  Employees fill these cups to- There are 4 more ounces in the Extra-Large cup than the Large one.  —djo— }

Toronto Festival goers — and the world — celebrate #BillMurrayDay   { I heard an interview yesterday with the producer behind some of Bill Murray’s more memorable movies – Bill does his homework and deserves the accolades he received.  —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

Pictures of storm clouds, downed trees as storm passes through   { This article includes several ‘tweeted’ photos taken in the Ottawa-Gatineau Ontario-Quebec area yesterday- The storm was quite impressive.  —djo—  }

Alex Stone arrested after U.S. teen wrote about shooting pet dinosaur   { Link This one really is worth reading. A 16-year-old student in South Carolina had an assignment to write about himself as if he was updating his status on facebook. He wrote that he shot his neighbor’s pet dinosaur with a gun he’d bought. His teacher notified the authorities and the police were called in. The student had his book bag and locker searched – and, when he objected to the way he was being treated was called, ‘irate’ and taken out of school in handcuffs. The school did not inform his mother. She is quoted as having said, ‘I mean first of all, we don’t have dinosaurs anymore. Second of all, he’s not even old enough to buy a gun.’  – And I would add that if the teacher believed that everything any teenaged kid would write as a status update on facebook was politically correct – that teacher is not connected to anything like ‘Reality’.   —djo— }

Busting Bill Murray: 10 believe-it-or-not stories   {  }

[Dutch dentist] Jacobus van Nierop’s patient: ‘Everything was infected’   { The Dutch dentist, arrested in New Brunswick and wanted by interpol on warrants from France claiming he mutilated patients- allegedly told somebody in an immigrations hearing/interview that he’d killed his wife in the Netherlands in 2006. A woman who lives in France said the dentist insisted she have all her fillings replaced even though she was unaware of any problems with them. After the dentists did the oral surgery she did have problems. She says he used dirty, infected instruments when he operated on her. The woman said her eldest child was also a victim of this dentist. —djo— }

Two dead, eight injured after moose collision on Highway 11   {   }

-Blog- Spirit Airlines slips up by trying to cash in on nude celebrity photo leak   { The Airline sent email ads to customers saying “Our Bare Fare was Hacked!” and featured a line drawing of a woman covering her chest with her arm.  —djo— }




Fragile Ukraine ceasefire seems to be holding   {  }

-Audio- The celebrity nude selfie leak and why we care   {  }

5 memorable marketing blunders   {  }

Education Minister cool to arbitration to end B.C. teachers’ strike    { If the Education Minister is afraid than an impartial arbitrator would find against the government and in favor of the teachers- that should tell you something. —djo— }

Indigenous women ask, ‘Am I next/’ in push for inquiry into deaths   {  }

-Photos- 4th biennial Stand Up To Cancer live benefit   {  }

Unresponsive plane crashes of Jamaica killing U.S. couple   {  }

Adopted brothers reunited in Ottawa after decades apart   { There is also a video. “Two brothers who didn’t know they were related have reunited in Ottawa” }

-Must Watch- ‘Stories of our lives’: being gay in Kenya { “Kenyan filmmakers risk everything to tell the story of what it’s like to be gay in Africa”  —djo— }

-World- Pakistan, India flooding kills more than 200   {  }

-World- Nicholas Henin, French journalist, says Brussels museum shooter tortured him in Syria   {  }

-Politics- Brian Mulroney says Supreme Court criticism ‘sends the wrong signal’   { “Former Progressive Conservative prime minister Brian Mulroney says it was “unhelpful” for Prime Minister Stephen Harper to publicly criticize Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin. Mulroney is credited with winning the biggest landslide victory in Canadian election history – then turning the government over to Kim Campbell -the 1st and only woman Prime Minister of Canada so far- The people I’ve talked to in Canada blame Mulroney for the biggest loss the Conservatives ever suffered. He came in with the biggest pro-conservative vote ever and after he left, the conservatives only won 2 seats – out of 295 —djo— }

-Politics- Canadian special ops soldiers to be part of anti-ISIS team in Iraq   {  }

-Politics- ISIS recruits in Canada spark Liberal call for parliamentary probe   {  }

-Business- Apple’s not talking but tech lovers anticipate iWatch release   {  }

-Business- Canada loses 11,000 jobs in August   {   }

-Technology & Science- House sized asteroid flies near Earth this Sunday   { A newly discovered asteroid – 20 meters wide -that’s about 65 feet & change-  will pass a ‘safe’  40,000 kilometers / 25,000 miles above New Zealand – The article goes on to say that the asteroid will be farther from Earth than any of our communications or weather satellites.  —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

-Opinion- Michael Camp: Campaigns marked by political allegations  { Michael Camp is a journalism professor at St Thomas University  in Fredericton. “Two allegations against David Alward’s Progressive Conservatives caught my attention this week. – One was colourful and direct. The other was by innuendo, one of the darker arts in the world of political persuasion. – The first came on Thursday when Dominic Cardy laid out the NDP’s platform. – Cardy is doing his best to shake off the perception that the NDP is a party devoted to taxing, spending and racking up big deficits. – He said he didn’t buy the idea that there was anything left wing about driving New Brunswick into bankruptcy. – So before the bank arrives to repossess the car and the furniture, we better straighten things out. – That’s the ‘new’ NDP message. – But I think Cardy’s attack on patronage should connect with a lot of voters — if he can get them to listen. – Who would disagree with this little gem from the party platform? – “Whether it’s a Conservative minister getting the road to a friend’s fishing camp paved while your car bangs over potholes that never seem to get fixed, or your neighbour, a prominent Liberal supporter, who always finds a summer job grant for his children — too often knowing the right people seems to matter more than working hard.” – Cardy didn’t name names. His examples were generic rather than specific. But every voter knows it’s the way things have always worked in this province. – If you want a nice job, start by making friends with a politician in power ”  && “The other notable allegation, if you can call it that, was made by Liberal Brian Gallant. – On the same day Cardy was unveiling his platform, Gallant took a little time off from his usual campaign routines to offer some comfort and support to Andy Harvey. – Gallant suspended Harvey as the Liberal candidate for Carleton-Victoria when it was revealed that he was facing fraud charges. – We don’t know much about the case, other than it involves the Harvey family business and the sale of some wood. – Harvey says he’s innocent. Fair enough. The courts will decide. – But in the meantime, Harvey and the Liberal leader are raising questions about the timing of the charges. – With the cameras rolling, Gallant told reporters they should ask the attorney general of New Brunswick why a Liberal candidate would be charged in July, three years after an alleged offence took place, just as the election campaign was getting into gear. – And if voters hadn’t given this much thought, Gallant apparently thought a little nudge would be in order. – “You’d have to ask the Attorney General as to why it’s been done now,” Gallant said. – “And I’ll certainly allow New Brunswickers to come to their own conclusions as to why it would have popped up now.” – ”  —djo— }

David Alward unveils full ‘Say ‘Yes’ platform for PCs   { Jim W’s assessment of television commercials for this ‘Say “Yes” to jobs etc.’ campaign: >>—-> “David Alward comes across as a mean-spirited high school bully looking down from behind a political pulpit, sneering at voters with a message that feels like “Only a god -bleeped- idiot would vote for [the opposition] – He’s got that smug “my-daddy-could-afford-to send-me-to-the-most-expensive-educational-institutions. So I clearly know better than you do-” look. He claims that fracking is safe and will provide loads of magic jobs for everybody- And that is just not true. Scientists whose jobs depend on money from the fracking industry are the only ones I’ve heard claim that fracking is safe. When the protective layer of stone that keeps natural gas down -and keeps the gas from seeping into well water- is shattered- there is no way they can protect the water supply from gas and other harmful chemicals. Their suggested band-aid solutions are laughable- metal pipes rust- concrete slabs crumble and crack. There is no safe way to repair an area that has been fracked. & Hey, run the poster again-“—Jim Wellington. — Okay, I’ll do that. —djo— }

sign comparing jobs per million bucks invested.
Jobs Per Million Dollars invested. Oil & Gas = 2 jobs. Building Efficiency = 14 jobs. Clean Energy = 15 jobs. “Do The Math!”

Liberals request judicial ruling over campaign transparency law   {  }

& There’s more New Brunswick news at (Link >>—->)  — or, if you want to see local news from any other province, you can find it  at the site.



{ 12:12 pm  —> Had one nasty browser crash and suffered the kind of lag lag lag I haven’t seen in years – >>—> but, ready to check for typos and paint the headlines pretty colours   >>—-> Pushing the “Publish” Button @ 12:55 pm     ———djo———  }

Wednesday, 20 August, 2014 – CBC News Headlines –

Wednesday, 20 August, 2014  -(68˚F / 20˚C & Hazy/overcast in Ithaca @ 8:30 am ET )-

-( Happy Birthday to Jim W’s nephew Sam in Alaska -I get updates from an old yahoogroups list-  )-

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }


Silhouettes of Riot Police
“Michael Brown Riot Police Aug 17”


“Lead Stories”

-Analysis- Is Michael Brown’s shooting really about race?: Keith Boag   { Well, judging from the evening news and everything in the “Main Stream Media”- If it wasn’t about race, it is now. }

47 arrested in Ferguson, Mo.,  but protests more subdued   { Another link to this story said, ‘no tear gas employed protests more subdued’. }

Obama to speak about alleged beheading of a U.S. journalist   { There are too many links to the video of this alleged beheading. I can’t watch it. My PTSD will flare up, probably off the charts. }

PM Harper leaves today for his 9th annual northern tour   { Trying to look like a viable choice to continue as Prime Minister?  He wants to show everybody that he’s big on Agriculture and Arctic sovereignty. I bet that doesn’t mean he believes the First Nations people up there are sovereign citizens of that region. He’s probably trying to say the ‘Crown’ owns the north pole. }

26 children died under care of N.L. government since 2009   { ‘N.L.’ = Newfoundland and Labrador, not ‘National League’. }

Over 1,000 gather in Winnipeg to honour 2 dead in river   { 🙁 }

-Analysis- Never mind the West, can Justin Trudeau crack Fortress Quebec?   { Does this sound to anybody, besides myself, like the headline writer is trying to cast doubts about Justin Trudeau’s ability to win the Prime Minister’s job in the Canadian Federal Elections next year? }




Tiny House On Wheels
“Tiny house on wheels”

Couple builds tiny house on wheels   { A couple is building their tiny dream house on wheels on the back of a flatbed truck in Guelph, Ontario. – See photo that should be above this- They spent eight months traveling around Canada and the U.S.A. with an even smaller trailer hitched to the back of fairly small car.  }

{ The above story is the only new one under “offbeat” on the CBC news web page. I imagine that anyone reading this from the Point of View of having lived in a much ‘saner’ society in a much less violent and anxiety riddled time would thing that all the stuff on this page is ‘offbeat’. }



“Most Viewed”

Brad Parker, avid climber, dies shortly after Yosemite marriage proposal   { 🙁 }

Pam Owen, beaten mental health worker, doesn’t blame attacker   {  }

MaraNatha, Trader Joe’s nut butters recalled over Salmonella risk   { Funny, this is the first time I had to type Salmonella anywhere- Maybe I led a sheltered life? Or just never typed as much news as I have in the last couple months- }

Iceland volcano: area north of Bardarbunga evacuated   { I hope Iceland doesn’t lose all their ice before Game Of Thrones finishes production- guess my priorities have been severely warped – sigh- }

Tom Hanks creates ‘Hanx Writer’ typewriter simulator for iPad   { But I guess I’m not the most severely warped creative individual on the planet. And, neither is Tom Hanks. }

Toronto Zoo investigates after visitors get too close to pandas   {  }




-Updated- Gaza conflict resumes with Palestinian rocket fire, Israeli airstrikes   {  }

Officials urge world to back Iraqi fight against ‘savage’ ISIS   { Those ‘officials’ are Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari. I say, “Why can’t we knock these guys out with laughing gas, strip them naked and drop them in the middle of a tropical island somewhere where they’d have to spend all their time trying to survive against monster mosquitos and monkeys throwing coconuts at them? OH- and no cell phones or cell phone service, no internet- surrounded by starving Great White sharks- I mean, why do we put up with this doo-doo when we know it’s nonsense that could very easily have been dealt with long ago? If human beings were just a little bit nicer to each other we wouldn’t have these problems. What would we do with crazies who want to hurt people anyway? -or steal everything anybody else cares about? Feed them GMO lethargy-inducing crap and strap them into oversized recliners and force them to watch endless re-runs of Green Acres, The Brady Bunchh Leave it to Beaver and Gilligan’s Island etc, until their brains explode? Isn’t that what they’re doing to us? }

Why elephant poaching is still rampant   { Um, because greedy people don’t share their God-given abundance with impoverished ‘minorities’, which they believe are below them? It’s not just the poachers who are guilty here, it’s anybody who could have helped everybody on the planet learn how to achieve a life they could believe in. It takes more than a village- It takes every one alive to recognize the sovereignty of every other person here and make sure they have the basic human needs of food and shelter, and a pat on the back to raise their self esteem wouldn’t hurt either. }

Justin Trudeau gets RCMP security at rally following break-in   { I overheard someone say that, “Party thugs do this sort of thing all the time [try to terrorize their opponents and their opponents’ families]  -Especially when there’s an election on the horizon.” }

Toronto carjacking victim needs 14 staples to close gash after pistol-whipping   { }

Shark finning banned in New Zealand   { It was already illegal there to remove the fins from live sharks, New Zealand passed a law to make it illegal to cut the fins off dead sharks and dump the carcasses at sea. }

Which 3 Canadian cities are on The Economist’s top 10 world ‘livability’ list?   {  Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary are on The Economist’s top 10 livability list. It isn’t perfectly clear, but one of those cities is tied with Adelaide, Australia. I’m not sure what the criteria are here. We listen to Coast to Coast am and hear that “Police had nothing to do after an earthquake knocked out a lot of utilities and phone service- but sit back and wait-” in New Zealand, where the people were so civilized, and cared so much about each other- that looting and other criminal activities in a time of ‘chaos’ were not a problem. }

St. Louis police kill knife-wielding suspect near Ferguson   {  }

-Video- Trivago guy to get makeover   { Trivago – is the travel metasearch engine that focuses on hotels. It launched in Dusseldorf, Germany in 2005- spread to Spain, France and the U.K. in 2007- and spread to the U.S., China, Japan, Brazil, and Mexico in 2009. In 2012 Expedia bought a majority stake in trivago for about $630 million U.S. bucks. Too many television ad watchers complained that current commercials feature a guy who hasn’t shaved in a week and looks ‘unhealthy’. I think the video I saw showed the same commercial with the guy digitally altered to look clean shaven. }



“Local” / “New Brunswick”

Liberals pledge to cut $250M in government spending   { If they want my approval, they’d have to pledge to end the governmental shell game and allow Walter Burien of to audit their books and reveal his results in every media outlet in the world. }

Lac-Mégantic report lacking: Saint John region officials   { Saint John is in New Brunswick. Saint John’s is in Newfoundland. The official  report by the Transport Safety Board was big news and had its video sound bites played on most networks’ news last night. They blamed both the Railroad (MM&A) and Transport Canada (Sort of theCanadian version of the ICC which used to also include the Canadian version of the FAA) for its lack of oversight. My take is that Conservative Governments have been trying to ‘de-fang’ Transport Canada since the days when Mulrouney was their Prime Minister. Their ‘strategy’ is to make it impossible for regulatory bureaus to enforce their regulations so they can crucify them in public and claim they never worked anyway. The philosophy behind this ‘strategy’ is to allow industry to police itself, which, clearly, doesn’t work- never did work and never will work. The definition of ‘Fascism’ is ‘Government in bed with big business’ / Governments taking orders from big business / governments letting big business convince them not to tax them, but to raise taxes on the ‘common citizens’.

Conservationists slam province over watershed inaction   { Conservatives, not conservationists, are in power in New Brunswick. Their Minister of the Environment has not allowed any of the studies done by 19 groups, which were submitted for classification to go through and be accepted as ‘Baseline’ studies. Without the baseline studies, any amount of pollution from toxic fracking water or toxic sludge from mining operations could not be verified and companies doing the polluting/poisoning could be traced back to the polluters. Yesterday, the Provincial ombudsman called the current regulations  a sham and compared those regulations as something demanding that all homes have a type of smoke detector for which no one makes the proper batteries. <— I reworded that. If it’s confusing, blame me. }



{ 10:53 am Ithaca time. Typing finished, ready to check for typos and add the colours. Ready to rock and roll @ 11:24 am Ithaca, Finger Lakes, New York State, U.S.A. time   ———djo———}

Tuesday, 19 August, 2014 – CBC News Headlines –

Tuesday, 19 August, 2014  -(49˚F / 9˚C & clear in Ithaca @ 6:30 am ET )- -( Happy Birthday Bill Clinton (?) )-

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }


Police in riot gear in Ferguson, MO
The National Guard arrived in Ferguson but kept its distance from the streets where police clashed again protesters, as clouds of tear gas and smoke hung over the St. Louis suburb where an 18-year-old was fatally shot by a police officer. 5:55 AM ET

-New- 2 shot, 31 arrested in Ferguson during clashes with police   { Last night I watched television interviews with interested parties on both sides of this issue. African Americans don’t trust the police, and believe the police will kill them without reason and get their friends to back up their ‘self-defense’ stories. The police are afraid for their lives, those police officers who were brought up bigoted believe they are trying to protect themselves from a drug crazed mob of sub human animals who might have been stirred up by enemies of the state. Not a nice friendly way to spend a Monday night in Middle America. The question to ask is: “Who benefits from a situation like this?” And if everybody suddenly realized that their strings were being pulled, that their buttons were being pushed- by evil men with an agenda hiding behind a curtain somewhere, could both sides wake up and give each other bear hugs and turn around, hunt down and eliminated the ice-holes who get their jollies by planning this divide-and-conquer b.s.? And, if there are no evil manipulating enemies of freedom and all things wonderful in the U.S.A.- Is it something in the food we’ve been fed since Monsanto began to poison us that is putting us into a constant state of fear? Werner Von Braun warned his friends that things like this can happen. Anti-Social control freaks will plot and plan to keep everybody in a state of fear because people in that state of fear will surrender their hard won rights and freedoms for the promise of safety and security. Only the ice-holes who want total control will never give anybody any safety of security. The founding fathers of the U.S. of A. warned us with advice to the effect that “Freedom has to be earned in every generation.” Reaching for the nearest weapon and going on a rampage probably isn’t going to bring that freedom, or equality- ya think? Maybe the hardest way to fight for Freedom, Peace of Mind, Equality, and all those things we really want and need, is to know when to step back, take a breath and say- “What the bleep is going on here, and how can we fix this?” }


“Lead Stories”

Body of 15-year-old girl found in bag in Red River   {  }

Obama urges Ferguson, Mo., protesters to remain peaceful   {  }

Winnipeg’s ‘homeless hero’ found dead in river   { This time I’m giving you a link: >>—->  Homeless Hero found dead in Red River in Winnipeg. This guy was given an award for saving a teen-ager from drowning in 2011 and later beaten up by people who recognized him from the media attention he got. There must have been a monetary award with the ‘Mayor’s Medal of Valor’ because he donated $1,000.00 to a Winnipeg homeless shelter. }

Health minister says anti-drug campaign is not political   { Sunday’s headline was, ‘Canada’s doctors refuse to join anti-marijuana campaign’. *Let me blow your mind with this one: I don’t like marijuana. When I grew up it was impossible not to be exposed to it and I don’t know anybody who didn’t try it at least once. Some people should never go near the stuff. Not because they will instantly become homicidal maniacs or loose all touch with the consensus reality and run around indiscriminately raping underage boys and girls anywhere he or she sees one, but because they may become dependent on the stuff too easily and spend all their time and effort getting ‘high’- to the point where they may resort to stealing and other unethical and dangerous practices in order to get the stuff. Unscrupulous people will recruit vulnerable people who believe they need marijuana and get them to sell it for them and then force them to sell and use much more dangerous chemicals, we know that. Let me quote a friend from high school,”Every single alcoholic I know started out on milk. You don’t see anybody trying to make milk illegal do you?”  & One of my favourite people on this planet tells me she could not have survived her dysfunctional/abused childhood without it (and she doesn’t smoke any now) There is medical evidence that the stuff helps many people. Autism Spectrum Disorder people can often find relaxation and relief they can’t get through normal channels by ‘toking up’ now and then. There are more serious medical conditions that have been treated with marijuana with remarkably good results.  I’m just not one of those people who needs it. With the epidemic of physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual conditions that are prevalent these days, I see marijuana as the least of way too many evils. Genetically Modified Organisms in your food cause a whole lot more problems than marijuana does. The drugs that medical doctors have been conned into believing are needed for quite a few conditions and ailments do much more harm that the weed does. Go check out >>>—-> Dr Peter Breggin’s web site if you don’t want to take my word for any of this. Seeing medical professionals argue like this – one group says they will not be suckered into taking sides against something that has not been thoroughly and properly researched and the other side stamping their feet and turning red in the face and calling people names- in public- makes me feel like I fell through a black hole and woke up in a cosmic luney bin -where the keepers might be crazier than their patients. 😉 }

Taking dam from from ISIS a ‘major step forward’, says Obama   {  }

Tattoo removal business booming a inked teens grow up   {  }

-New- ‘Who is going to pay for it?’ Federal party leaders and security   { After somebody broke into the home of Justin Trudeau, the head of the Liberal Party of Canada- The dialog was opened, “Should public officials have more security?” Some voices were heard to say, “We like not being a police state where cops in kevlar are not standing around on every street corner with the latest high tech machine guns at the ready.” One head of security said, -when he took that head of security for Parliament position, he looked at the lawn in front of the Parliament Building and saw peaceful people tossing a frisbee around. He wanted to continue seeing that sort of thing as long as he was in that office.- A loaded line like “Who is going to pay for it?” is a trademark of corrupt politicians who do not need tax money, but ant it all for themselves anyway. Governments could stop collecting taxes right now this minute and see to it that the citizens of Canada and the U.S.A. and every other ‘free’ country on this planet got more and better services than they do now. Everybody! Wake up and take back your governments. They are not serving you. Do you feel like the people you elect to office are there to make your life more comfortable? Or do you feel like those ‘elected officials’ believe that you are here to serve them? }



Hitch-hiking robot.
HitchBot. Looks like this might be the most positive story line I’ve seen lately.

{ I found a full photograph of HitchBot on the Coast to Coast am web site and snitched it from there, no, I didn’t say that- I mean- an image of the HitchBot got a ride to this web site. Jee – He just showed up, hmmm- How cool is that? }



Alabama hunters haul in 459-kilogram alligator   { 459 kg = 1,011 pounds }

Miss Texas new contender for worst opening pitch   { At a baseball game, I bet- }

repeat- Rolf Buchholz, German man with horn implants and 400 piercings, denied entry to Dubai   { I might think twice about letting that guy into my house if his car broke down within sight, I might let him use a cell phone- }

Montreal resident a magnet for Russian mail   { Along with a postcard addressed to the Montreal resident, Canada Post delivered a whole bundle of mail -maybe with a rubber band around it? Mail in that bundle was addressed to other destinations all across Canada. }

-Blog- Mom’s ‘ignore no more’ app forces kids to call back.  { I think somebody has created an app that removes  the ‘ignore’ button from cell phones- or disables it. }



“Most Viewed”

Justin Trudeau’s home break-in: Do party leaders need more security?   { In my tirade, above, I neglected to mention that Justin Trudeau was away on party business and his wife and children were in the home at the time of the break-in. Nobody claiming to be a plumber in a ‘Land-Shark’ suit knocked on the door first. }

Ice Bucket Challenge: Charlie Sheen dumps cold, hard cash -instead of ice water-   { Ya know? That’s the nicest thing I’ve heard him say or do in a while. }

Pope Francis urges peace in South Korea trip   { This one is slide show with 8 photos, you can either see of hide the captions. I think I like this Pope. -and isn’t that the height of egotism? }




Mars 2020 rover’s RIMFAX radar will ‘see’ deep underground   {  }

Analysis- Why London Mayor Boris Johnson could be on way to No. 10   { London, England. London’s  mayor -who may be nicknamed ‘BoJo’- is apparently quite a character, with quite a sense of humour, I bet Toronto would swap for this guy in a second, but I doubt that the British Londoners would accept that- }

New- Ebola outbreak: Africans understandably wary about promised cures  { Hey- Since we’ve learned that a well respected doctor in U.S. America’s southwest held a press conference to show how safe polio vaccine was by injecting his grandchildren in public –  and within 48 hours one child was dead and the other had full blown polio- Do you blame them? ‘Big Pharma’ puts profit ahead of people, puts profit ahead of health, puts profit ahead of everything. -Charging thousands of dollars for pills that cost them less than a penny apiece to produce- squashing therapies that work against some cancers because their poisonous chemicals bring them such nice big bucks, for a much longer time than an easy cure would? When these Big Pharma crooks are brought to justice, what punishment do you believe would fit their crimes? }

Israel-Gaza conflict: Talks resume on Gaza deal   { The last I heard on this the ceasefire had been extended. }

NEW- Lac-Mégantic derailment investigation findings released today {  }

Khurram Sher terror trial verdict expected today   { “Khurram Sher should find out in an Ottawa courtroom today whether he has been found guilty of planning al-Qaeda-inspired terrorist activities. -The former London, Ont., pathologist was arrested Aug. 6, 2010 and charged with conspiring to knowingly facilitate a terrorist activity. He was charged about two weeks after a wiretapped meeting at the centre of the trial. }

How the defensive shift and big data are changing baseball   {  }

PC leadership candidates face off over free memberships   { ‘PC’ = ‘Progressive Conservatives’ -sound like an oxymoron to you?- I have long believed that if a politician opens his or her mouth and the word ‘leadership’ dribbles out, they are robotically repeating some b.s. line they’ve been taught to recite and it would be a total waste of your time to listen any further. }

Ukraine crisis: 15 bodies recovered from refugee convoy attack   {  }

Intruding 10-foot snake tries to hide under a couch   { It took two big guys from ‘Animal Control’ and a camera crew to capture the Burmese Python and get it into a crate that looked like an oversized cat taxi. A boy in his teens discovered the snake when he came home and thought he saw or heard something behind the couch. }

Solar plant sets birds on fire as they fly overhead   { The people who run that plant will have to reincarnate as birds and incinerated themselves a whole lot of times to make up for this. }

Facebook’s new ‘satire’ tag identifies fake news articles   { If they come up with a ‘stupid’ or ‘why bother?’ tag they would be in danger of discovering what people think of their ‘social media’ site. effbook is one ‘Stupid’ waste of time and energy! }

Alberta dinosaur egg excavation could yield rare fossilized babies   { 🙁 }

Calgary family celebrates after starring in Emmy-winning Apple ad  { Now, if only Apple lived up to its earlier reputation and dropped the planned obsolescence and ‘change everything you can as often as you can so they have to buy new adapters etc all the time” b.s.- I might think about liking them again. }


“Local” / “New Brunswick”

Provincial ombudsman calls piece of waterway legislation useless   { Conservationists and First Nations groups have voiced concerns about such things as mines’ toxic wastes and fracking’s disastrous consequences possibly ruining drinking water, as well as water used for recreation and by wildlife. The Provincial Ombudsman says the current regulations protecting New Brunswick’s waterways are worse than useless. He compared that legislation as requiring smoke detectors in every house without batteries. Political appointees can ignore the regulations any time they feel like it. }

Judge reserves decision on forestry plan challenge by First Nations chiefs   { The deepest issue here may be that First Nations legally own the land, with all resource and mineral -and other- rights that federal, provincial, and local politicians believe they can sell off the rights to, or just plain sell off. }

Grand Manan air ambulance service restored after fatal crash   {  }

UNB professors upset by president’s contract   {  }



{ 9:40 am –  I usually type and edit this in “Radio Free Earth News” first and then copy and paste to a couple other blogs. But today, I started here. -Time to colorize and edit for typos  ———djo———  }

We’ve got a very interesting new subscriber

Monday, 18 August, 2014.

We received notification that ‘consumer2savlives‘ <— Link<<< is following us. This site is so interesting I’m going to see if we can get permission to repost most of what is posted there.

Here’s a sample – on their blog  : Americas Big Pharma Chemistry Project

Or this one:  Eugenics Theory – Male Sterilization

Or: Women of America Health Alert by CABIRI and Hooman Noorchashm MD, PHD


CBC News Healines – 18 August, 2014

Monday, 18 August, 2014.  -( 61°F / 16°C & cloudy @ 9:30 am near Ithaca, NY, USA )-

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }


“Lead Stories”

Missouri governor sends National Guard to Ferguson to restore order   {   }

Julian Assange says health has suffered while in London embassy   { How about all the good people in this world pray for a healing for this guy? —> This is how it seems to me: He stuck his neck out, thinking he was doing something morally right and the C.I.A., NSA and other alphabet soup ice-holes saw to it that he was framed for an immoral act ? }

WikiLeaks founder says he’ll leave embassy in London soon   {  }

TSB says Grand Manan, N.B. air ambulance crash a mystery   { Grand Manan is an Island off the southern coast of New Brunswick }

burned up railroad cars and vehicle.
This was the scene last July when the ‘deadly derailment’ at Lac-Megantic killed 47 people, many of them in a pub enjoying the summer evening.


Regulatory gaps partly to blame for Lac-Mégantic: CCPA   { ‘CCPA = Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, which is a group that is calling for an independent public inquiry into the accident that killed 47 people in the centre of town when the train derailed and burst into flames. The CCPA doesn’t believe the Transportation Safetry Board will go far enough to expose government regulatory failures. }

Intruder’s note left atop 5 or 6 knives at Trudeau home   {  Now that’s creepy. I should put a poll in here: How many people think this is political dirty tricks? }

Private autopsy finds Michael Brown shot 6 times: NYT   { NYT, I suppose that means New York Times, not the Monty Python Knights who go “Nyt!” [wink] }

Dying Sierra Leone doctor never told Ebola drug was at his bedside   {  }

Analysis- Harper’s latest northern tour: Is government’s approach to ‘the great treasure house’ failing?   { Harper’s trying to win votes without appearing to campaign for them? I bet that’s not what he meant when he said something about ‘transparency in government’. }




Montreal resident a magnet for Russian mail   {  }


Derek Jeter's Likeness in a cornfield
Nobody’s claiming this might be a crop circle that was put there by aliens.

Derek Jeter’s head profiled in New Jersey corn maze   { Somebody went to a lot of trouble to do this.  }

Messy summer festivals in Japan   { Rain and floods messed up the area. }



“Most Viewed”

Rolf Buchholz, man with horn implants and 400 piercings, denied entry to Dubai   {  }

Drone video shows stubborness, severity of Goodridge Street fire   { Goodridge Street is in Saint John’s, Newfoundland. They have a video of a ‘Snorkle’ type fire engine at work trying to put the fire out. }

Second Union Station subway platform opens today    {  }

{ Everything else in this category relisted from “Lead Stories” }




Analysis – Year of record recalls: how concerned should car drivers be?   {  }

Updated –  Iraq forces say they’ve retaken Mosul Dam, but militants deny claim   {  }

5-day Gaza ceasefire ends tonight between Israelis and Palestinians   {  }

Quarantine creates ‘plaque villages’ in Ebola epicentre   {  }

Ukraine claims rebels fire on civilian convoy   {  }

OPP did not have ‘leading role’ in CBSA immigration arrests   {  }

Video – 911 call service often includes access to interpreters   {  }

180 dead as floods wash away homes in Nepal, India   {  }

– Blog – Teacher’s online campaign raises $40K to feed hungry kids in Ferguson   {  }

A hitch hiking robot?
This is ‘HitchBot’s face.

HitchBot completes 6,000 kn cross-Canada trip   {  }

Strange looking armored lizards
Indian pangolins -From India- this is one of the species that are being killed or smuggled out of India.

Indian poachers threaten lesser-known animals   {  }

{ &  Somewhere: I saw a blurb about a 6.2 earthquake in southern Iran }



“Local” / “New Brunswick”

Grand Manan mayor says plane crash victims will be missed   { Grand Manan is an island off the southern coast of New Brunswick }

Grand Manan plane crash site offers few clues about cause   {  }

Anglophone East district standardizes school supply list   { ‘Anglophone’ means ‘English speaking’. Parents of students receiving standardized list of items teachers expect students to show up with voice mixed opinions on this matter. }

14 year old Nova Scotia woman in Northumberland Strait charity swim: Youngest ever   {  }



{ Posted at 11:30 am EDST Updated here at Independent Canadian News after the captions failed to load with the photos ———djo——— }


Friday Morning, August 1st, 2014 – CBC Morning Headlines

Friday, August 1st, 2014. -( 65°F / 18°C & Clear @ 9:15 am in Ithaca, New York )-
((I’m posting this in three places, here, on my own “Radio Free Earth News” and at “Inter World News” – so forgive me for explaining stuff that you might already know. –  I’m a ‘USAtian’ [US citizen and resident] who likes reading and listening to Canadian (((and British, BBC, and Radio Netherlands— and–))) news to see what the ‘free world’ press is reporting these days and how they’re reporting it. ))
((& I guess I’m pretty much committed to trying to pop these headlines from the CBC up here every morning, or pretty much every morning, until further notice.))
Plastic surgeon’s ‘fat-shaming’ muffin top billboard vandalized  { Somebody crossed over “Friends don’t let friends Muffin Top” and scrawled/painted “You’re Beautiful!” in purple paint and drew squiggles over what might be the name of the Plastic Surgeons firm. }
Should Costco be selling Christmas goods in July?   { “Marketing professor links early Christmas shopping to American ownership of big box stores”  In Canada, if you opened two coffee shops fairly close to each other, served identical products with the same ingredients in both and called one “Great American Donut Shop” and the other “Canada’s Best Donuts & Coffee”, my bet is the ‘Great American-‘ branded place would go bankrupt in no time flat. }
5 vintage fire trucks up for sale in Calgary
Oyster shucking world record attempted at festival
Ottawa man faces nearly 200 international cyberbullying charges { A 42 year old man faces charges including identity fraud, defamation and criminal harassment which he allegedly aimed at 38 people in Canada, the U.S. and U.K }
“Most Viewed”
Burlington Skyway crash: What you need to know   { The Skyway is an elevated stretch of a limited access highway above Burlington, Ontario. It’s a lot like the turnpike in New Jersey. A “Large Truck” crashed into and damaged the skyway. If you go to the web site you might find out whether the truck was on the Skyway or hit one of the supports. }
Burlington Skyway crash: Driver charged with impaired driving
Mountie who played ‘Mr Big’  upset with Nelson Hart decision   { The Canadian Supreme Court put limits on a practice that would be seen as entrapment down here in the U.S. The case they heard involved a man who allegedly murdered his two daughters and the photos of the two cute little girls were all over media articles. Apparently, the mounty (“RCMP Officer”)  who acted the part of the crime boss (and got the alleged perpetrator to brag about his alleged crime in order for the perpetrator to secure a lucrative position inside the fictitious crime family) believed he had done what needed to be done to protect law abiding citizens from criminals and other monsters. }
Why Republicans suing Obama is a good thing for Democrats   { “Democrats believe their base is energized by lawsuit and impeachment threat” —It’s fun to see what Canadians really think about U.S. politics. I’m surprised they let the media get away with calling citizens of the U.S. “Americans”, Canada is part of America, ya know- Canadian weather maps acknowledge the fact that there might be something besides a plain grey nothingness south of their borders. Are we really too smug to realize we’re making ‘arses’ of ourselves? }
B.C. chief Ron Giesbrecht’s $1M pay ‘very troubling’, minister’s office says   { The Chief of the Kwikwetiem First Nation (we call them ‘Native Americans’ does anybody ask them what they call themselves?) was paid “$914,219.” last year. The ‘very troubling’ statement came from the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development’s office. This is a cabinet level appointment (We call them Secretaries of whatever, Canadians call them Ministers of whatever.) The current Prime Minister and just about all of his appointees have the same party line and philosophy that believes it is perfectly correct to seize the property of a laid off worker who can’t pay his taxes (& whose 25 years with a company ((that closed down their Canadian operation and moved to some country where unions don’t stand a chance and virtual slavery in ‘employment’ is encouraged))– left him without a job and without a prayer for any kind of compensation, sometimes even without a pension ((although Canadians can get an ‘Old Age Pension’, supplemented income— for now anyway— unless the Conservatives get their way))- ), but they won’t touch corporations who thumb their noses at regulations and owe thousands of times more money in unpaid taxes and fees. }
Gaza conflict: Israeli soldier reportedly captured as ceasefire unravels
Crystal Palace closure leaves some tourists ‘pretty mad’   { The Crystal Palace Amusement Park is in Dieppe, New Brunswick. The “Cadillac Fairview Corporation” wants to open one of its “Bass Pro Shops” either on the site of the Amusement Park or beside it. The Amusement Park is scheduled to close down on September 1st. The Ramada Inn Crystal Palace Hotel and Convention Centre and the McGinnis Landing Restaurant are scheduled to close down on October 31st. The rides from the Amusement Park “have been aquired by the Maritime Fun group of companies, which includes Magic Mountain Waterpark and will soon have a new Moncton (NB) home.” (((—Sounds like it’s greedy bad guys vs innocent kids who want to go on having fun and guess who wins? But in all honesty, I do not know the whole story behind this. ))) }
Perseid meteor shower: Watch now to beat supermoon’s brightness  { Radio Station WPKN FM in Bridgeport, Connecticut (<— Link ) has had a volunteer programmer (the uninformed would probably call him a ‘deejay’) who has for years has dedicated part of his Friday evening program to a a segment he calls “The Skies Of Bridgeport” – When a friend who was originally from the Bridgeport area ‘turned me on’ to this program I learned how to pronouce “Perseid” properly (( persie-id )) & it’s nice to know a ‘supermoon’ event is coming. 🙂 }
Why Argentina’s default feels like American bullying: Don Pittis    { This article has the subtitle: “Why did courts side with hedge funds that bought up bonds supposedly restructured in 2001?” —I believe I heard something on Coast to Coast am last night that sounded like one extraordinary ‘Psychic’ believes that the ‘banksters’ are about to be blindsided out of their perceived victorious grip on the world’s resources. }
“Other” / “More Headlines”
Canada Post thefts halt Lens Rentals Canada service   { The ‘current government’ ((regime?)) in Canada wants to dismantle Canada Post (their postal service) the same way the conservative Republicans in the US would like to dismantle the US Postal Service and sell off the rights to deliver mail and parcels to ‘Private Business Interests’. [ Remember that the definition of a Fascist Government is one that is in bed with Corporate Powers ((a.k.a. : “Banksters”)) ]  So I’m a bit suspicious here…. Lens Rentals Canada is a company that rents high-end camera lenses and other equipment to photographers across the country. Several of its packages that had been mailed through the Canada Post were apparently stolen out of a Canada Post facility in Mississauga, Ontario, ((In the western reaches of the ‘Greater Toronto Area’)). Lens Rental Canada has stopped taking orders and is shipping stuff that has already been ordered through Purolator, which is ‘majority owned by Canada Post’ but does not share any aspects of the Canada Post delivery network. }
HitchBOT takes a ‘botnap’ in Toronto during cross-Canada trek   { “HitchBot” is a cutesy creation that looks like a cross between the robot on “Lost in Space” and a muppet. A subtitle in the article says, “Experiment looks at the interaction between people and technology”  Farther down inside the article we read: “A talking robot hithiking its way across Canada is taking a rest in Toronto.” You can follow this experiment through twitter (( @hitchBOT )) }
Sanctions against Russia in phase 3, but is Vladimir Putin listening?  
Pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine discovering pros and cons of social media in war
Uganda anti-gay law invalidated by constitutional court
“Exclusive” Canada to clinch trade deal with EU in September
‘A keen patriotic desire’: Why Canadian media embraced censorship during WWI  {  “Ideas”, a long running conversational and interview program on CBC radio one, which airs at 9 pm Eastern Time weekdays recently aired a series about the rise of propaganda and censorship and traced both back to World War One efforts to control the news that was reaching the public at large by using the media as a propaganda agency/arm of the government.
American aid worker with Ebola to be brought to U.S. for treatment  
(( & There is a slide show: )) = “Taiwan city rocked by gas explosions“
“Must Watch”  ((Videos waiting for web site visitor activation))
Dog stuck in wall   { “Firefighters, police and the Arizona Human Society work to free ‘Chip’ the dog” — Looks like a two tone brown, six month old puppy (my guess) got his head stuck through a ventilation type decorative cement block in an outside wall of mostly solid cement blocks. It has a happy looking ending. }
Double wingsuit jump  
Bavarian crop circle   { An aerial shot of a 75 meter geometric pattern that appeared in a farmer’s field next to the largest interplanetary monitoring station in Germany. }
Moncton puts final touches on FIFA U20 Women’s World Cup
Soldiers with PTSD waiting up to 6 months for help  { I do believe I know Viet Nam veterans down here who would have loved to wait only 6 months for help with issues they came home with. But- maybe it’s hopeful that somebody somewhere is taking PTSD and the nightmares of returning Armed Forces people seriously. There has been an epidemic of suicides among returning soldiers in Canada as well as the USA. In Canada, many veterans have allegedly been separated from service just before they would become eligible for extended years of benefits. }
2 in hospital after domestic trailer park dispute  
((( I had one catestrophic systems crash and still finished earlier than yesterday- it is now 11:57 am in Ithaca. )))

Insights about Moving Into a Positive Future

July 30, 2014

I wrote and posted this on one of the other Newsy Blogs (( Inter World News )) I’m mixed up with -at about 4 am on Tuesday morning, as I was winding down at work and getting ready to finish up and go home. (Look for more notes after the article:)



Moving Into A More Positive Future?

Posted in: Coast to Coast am, Mostly Positive, Positive Future Outlook, Positve, Spirituality | Comments (0)

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014.

Book Cover

In the second half of Coast to Coast a.m. tonight, George Noory is interviewing Vernon Mahabal (<— Link to Palmistry Website ). My first instinct would have been, “Well- I guess I’ll skip this one.”

But I’m working, too busy to change the station, and he’s making sense.

“Palmistry?” But he’s talking about trends that he sees coming. The message is very positive, although he sees a possible break-up of the United States into several regional governments with two basic polarities dividing those regional “Provinces” (he called them provinces a couple times) Those two groups will be “A”— [my distinction, he didn’t label them anything] The “Go-Getters” Materialistic, Patriotic, Nationalistic (( ESTJ’s)) and “B” — The more Creative, Perceptive, Community Minded (( Supportive, Nurturing )) types.

He says that the sneaky, demonic, string pulling, hidden, poisonous types who have been trying to run this Country and the World will lose their grip and in-fighting will destroy each other.

According to Vernon Mahabal, our world has moved into a much more Positive 18 year cycle, where most people’s idea of prosperity will be a lot different than it was from the 40′s to the 80′s. There may be some rough times ahead as the bad guys try to bring it all down, and the poisonous old ways die hard, but we will emerge stronger.There will be a kind of Hopi [a very spiritual tribe of Native Americans in the Southwestern desert] philosopy, “Create your own occupation and you will find your Freedom”, that more and more people will adopt and will lead to empowerment.

We will add a link to this page, where you can go find his site after this article is way down the list somewhere. (( We will probably add a link to Coast to Coast am, too, where you can go and sign up as an ‘insider’ ((( Not Free – they will charge you $ but you can sign up for a short time and download tons of interesting shows from their archives, I think they have 5 years of past shows available to subscribers ))) & if you do subscribe tonight’s downloaded podcasts may be a real good place to start. ))


Doug Otterson @ July 29, 2014


{2:30 am, Wednesday, July 30 2014 here in New York State,  10°C / 51°F & the skies are dark and clear.}

—I just copied and pasted the above article here, from one of the other blogs I’m mixed up with, changed a couple words and added a little bit, like the explanation of who the Hopi are and where they live.

& Like I said this morning, I was impressed with this person. He is extraordinarily spiritual and reading palms is only one of the ways he expresses his gifts.

Things he said about Palmistry were intriguing, like -If your ring finger is longer than your index or pointer finger, you’re more likely to be creative, perceptive, introspective, possibly artistic, live in the moment, and not be as intense about being in control and achieving success the way most western cultures perceive ‘Success’. If your index finger (pointer) is longer than the ring finger, you are probably more organized, goal oriented and assertive- (He describes these people as being ‘Patriotic’ and materialistic.) { I’ve understood that these tendencies are built into your personality before you are actually born and you can’t change your nature on this level. You can’t take a thoughtful, sensitive, artistic kid and work him half to death, force him to exercise and practice physical skills, until he falls down totally exhausted every evening, in order to turn him into a football hero type. His (or her) soul and spirit are just not wired that way. People these days are becoming a lot more receptive to accepting the fact than not everybody can be, or wants to be, the epitome of the All-American Sports Hero, wearing a high school or university sweater with big letters to show the world they’ve achieved little town fame and prowess, and being followed around by uniformed cheerleaders with sparkling hope in their eyes. }

What if your first and third fingers are the same length? This might indicate that you are a balanced person. You might find success in both artistic expression and leadership. You might be the leader of a successful band, or the guiding force behind an art gallery that keeps local artists (including yourself) from starving to death.

—He also said that children who grew up after the internet was invented (and had access to that internet) and are just now graduating from universities or coming into their own as young adults have a completely different view of everything than those of us who came along before the internet. { That almost qualifies for a, “Well -duh-!” But since he said that last night, I’ve been thinking and feeling that, yes, this is going on a lot more deeply and profoundly than most people realize. }

—But what I am calling this guy’s ‘gifts’ are his intuition and his ability to sense where the people whose hands he has to touch to his palmistry work are heading in life and what obstacles they face and after doing so many readings (and teaching others to do those readings) he has practiced and developed his intuition to the point where he can see trends.

—I have to tell you that his impressions of the future include things that I only heard before from two people whose spiritual presence was so amazing and so strong, even I could feel something when I walked into the room where they were (and both of them turned and smiled like they felt my presence. One of them told me I had a gift and if I developed that gift I’d be able to share my hard won insights with others and I could be pretty good at it. At the time I was thinking they’d read somebody else and mistook me for that person, but it almost feels like my time is coming, and, like they told me, by sharing what I’ve learned (the hard way?) I might be able to zoom ahead with increasing speed and surprise myself with what I will learn in this second half of my life on this planet- They told me, (way back when I had to struggle to get up and go to work every day, just to make enough money to make sure Rachel had a decent, sensitive, attentive and trustworthy babysitter and enough food to eat and clothes to wear and all that… I thought my life had ended when my wife ran away with crazies from California-) They told me that the future was not one thousand percent stamped into stone tablets, but what might happen and could probably happen would be this regionalization and possible break up of the USA into  several “autonomous” regions that might not exactly get along very well- with intellectual and philosophical differences that would seem to be insurmountable- But that later on, everybody would slowly absorb and come to embrace higher ideals and understanding of who we are spiritually and a lot of our differences would seem less and less significant. Like when you’re growing up and the people who go to school in the next town are the enemy. A couple years later the people in the next town wear different colored uniforms when they play football, but they’re in the same league with you and the people in the next state might be your real enemy. Later, the people in a different section of the country might seem to be your enemies, and if you keep growing, you should hopefully come to the realization that you don’t need any enemies at all to be yourself. If you want to enjoy life to its fullest, you have to grow beyond the b.s. that seeped into your mind when you were a kid, sitting in front of the television, getting all excited over war movies. Or sitting at the computer, killing alien invaders or monsters from some nether world- ( Sorry I picked all these images that guys relate to. Maybe somebody else can join our staff and give us the women’s point of view?)

———Have I blabbed enough for now?
