Sunday, 26 October, 2014 -( 48˚F / 9˚C – Overcast & The Sun Poked Through @ 11:15 am near Ithaca )- -( 43˚F / 6˚C – Grey and Very Wet Outiside @ 12:45 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }
—New Week? Clean Slate?—
{ Waiting for the ‘fit to hit the shan’? }
{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above. ———djo——— }
Other Sources:
{ “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin }
{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }
{ Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }
{ Friday appears to be the Stephen Harper Show: Anywhere the Video News crews were, Harper was centre stage. -djo- }
Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: ‘Are “THEY” trying to push you until somebody pushes back, so they can come down hard, institute Martial Law, claiming that, if you stand up for your rights, you are are a terrorist?’
Exit polls show Ukraine overwhelmingly elects pro-West parliament { * – “Exit poll shows pro-Europe parties have swept a parliamentary vote in Ukraine, an election result expected to strengthen President Petro Poroshenko’s mandate to end separatist conflict in the east, but also possibly fuel tension with Russia.” – * —djo— *** But Major Ed Dames, one or our best known ‘Remote Viewers’ says Ukraine is about to fall apart- & I don’t know whether this might happen from within, or will somebody else attack and ‘conquer’ the country. // Or, is the Major such a staunch conservative that he believes that if a country goes ‘Liberal’ it has committed suicide in his eyes? *** —djo— }
The slayings of Cpl. Cirillo and Warrant Officer Vincent: How the week unfolded { * – “The events of this week won’t be soon forgotten by most Canadians — two soldiers killed in two separate attacks days apart. Here’s a look back at how the week unfolded.” – * But, what worries me is the idea that there are unethical power mad ‘ice-holes’ who believe they have the right to manipulate situations like these, to target, torture, train and activate marginalized individuals, send them off to commit crimes like we saw this week, sacrifice a few honest men and seize more power- manipulate everybody into surrendering their rights and liberties and turn this world into hell. —jim w— }
N.S. woman shocked new community mailbox key opens neighbour’s mailbox too { See photo- }
-Updated- CBC’s relationship with Jian Ghomeshi has ‘come to an end’ { }
===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->
Sunday: 25 October, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines: ?
Jian Ghomeshi to sue CBC for $50 million { }
President Poroshenko on track to win Ukraine election { }
PM says Ukraine shows courage in face of Putin aggression { }
2nd worker in critical condition after Sarnia, Ont., blast { }
13 European banks told to fix finances after flunking review { }
===== >>—-> End of Flashing headlines <—-<<
-UPdated- Spurned affection for girl possible motive in Washington school shooting { * Authorities are seeking a motive as to why a high school student in Washington shot dead a female classmate and wounded four others in a campus cafeteria before killing himself. * —djo— *** yeah, yeah, if ya can’t find a radicalized jihadi, or a Canadian? – try to blame it on a woman? *** —jim w— }
& the special sub section today entitled: “Attack in Ottawa” is still in evidence.
Do you have what it takes to get through ‘Santa School’? { }
Despicable Me minion makes birthday appearance at Sask. farm { }
Halloween dog parade in New York { }
Biological models: What aliens would look like and why { *** Last week on Coast to Coast A.M. an expert on abduction cases etc. said that the only alien hybrids we see on this planet look exactly like you and me. They have almost no idea how we interact with each other or how to act in social situations. He also said most of them can control us using ‘mind control power’ from lobes in their brains that we don’t use, and we can’t control them- If this scares you, call on the arch-angels, especially Michael- or Jesus, or The Prophet -God bless him continuously with ever expanding bliss- Or a couple others that have direct lines to God- Or call on God yourself. The Divine hears every thought and whisper, and if you call out to the Divine, in whatever form you have your strongest faith, -unless your faith is in darkness- The Divine will answer. You are never alone. The bad guys can’t touch you unless you invite them to. *** —jim w— }
‘Organic genderless gingerbread figures’ might be the most politically correct cookies in esixtence { }
“Most Viewed”
Jian Ghomeshi, host of Q, not longer with CBC { }
Jian Ghomeshi, host of Q, off the air to deal with ‘personal issues’ { }
Man arrested after Ottawa police officer punched in the face { }
St-Alexis woman dead after car crashes into her home { }
Bedford woman shocked her mail key opens neighbour’s mailbox { }
Stabbing at Wonderland kills man, leaves another critical { }
Ottawa shooting: the face-to-face encounter that ended the attack on Parliament { }
High fidelity 2.0: How your favourite music could sound even better { }
Kelowna Airport: Man in custodyafter Edmonton-Kelowna-Calgary flight threatened { }
Ottawa shooting: a look back at how the week unfolded { }
-15 photo slide show- The week in pictures, Oct. 18-24 { }
-Blog- Readers concerned, confused by n>S. woman’s mailbox key { }
Woman dead, husband seriously injured after car crashes into bedroom { }
Iraq soldiers retake town outside Baghdand held by ISIS { }
Man hit with stun gun, arrested after police officer punched in the face { }
U.S. Ebola quarantines could deter health workers from helping fight epidemic { }
Tribal community says Washington school shooter was ‘happy-go-lucky, normal kid’ { }
2nd worker in critical condition after explosion in southwestern Ont. { }
Hong Kong protesters scrap vote on what to do next { }
CBC Ideas: Is Islam the ‘green’ religion? { }
13 European banks flunk central bank’s stress test { }
Frankline discovery: Searchers consider ‘winter dive’ to explore Erebus further { }
Man taken into custody in B.C. after WestJet flight threatened { }
‘Nude’ judge set to argue inquiry panel should toss misconduct probe { }
Montreal Muslim teeb’s ‘not in my name’ Facebook post goest viral { }
RCMP takes over Ottawa shooting investigation, OPP to probe police conduct { }
-Must Watch- Sens, Habs, Leafs stand together in pre-game ceremonies { }
-Must Watch- 15th imagineNATIVE film + media arts festival wraps { }
-Must Watch- Bridge connects mountain peaks { }
Sitting, the ‘new smoking’ is killing us and costing the economy billions { * So- should we be prepared for representatives of the Corporate Plutacracy -read that: ‘corporate based fascist government’- to begin arresting and executing people for sitting down too often? If you believe this is far-fetched, wait until you learn that somebody has copyrighted your dna and quietly had laws passed giving them the power to dictate what you can and can’t do about reproducing and ‘misusing’ the dna that they now ‘own’. And another thing: Even if ‘sitting is costing the economy billions’, how much do you think black ops budgets, and under-reported military spending are costing? More like trillions.* —djo— *** And your governments have huge income streams that they hope you never find out about, because they do not need to tax you the way they do. Governments are fraudulently extorting money from you. Source: —jim w— * }
-Analysis- Should we stop intervening in the Middle East? Nahlah Ayed { }
Chinese government hackers allegedly attack Apple’s iCloud { * One guy I met told me that the leaders in China were space-alien hybrids, “And not the good aliens, either.” -Which could be true in the poetic sense, if not literal? But, when you can’t believe anything our government tells us, and you can’t believe anything the corporate media tells us? Should we all stand in a big circle and play Kazoo music until they shut up and go home and leave us alone? * —djo— }
-Recap- World Series: { * Saturday’s game was won by the Giants 11-4. Friday, the Royals beat the Giants 3-2. Game 2: Royals beat Giants 7-2. Tuesday, Game 1: Giants beat Royals 7-1. So after 4 games they are tied with 2 games each —djo— }
U.S. Robotic space plane lands after secret 2-year journey around Earth { * What we thought was a slip-up in which somebody might have admitted that there were several space craft around Mars when the comet did a fly-by, was amended by NASA to explain that 3 satellites are in orbit around Mars and they were told to hide behind the planet when the comet approached. * —jim w— }
-Must Watch- CF-18 fighter jets head to Kuwait { * Why would I want to watch that? Or the video of 100 snakes that were found in somebody’s house? * —djo— }
===== There are no new “Editor’s Picks” today =====
Wednesday: -Editor’s Pick- Glenn Greenwald in conversation about secrets, transparency and digital future { * Now this is what I would call a “Must Watch” * —djo— }
Wednesday:-Editor’s Pick- Global deaths for communicable diseases compared { * I wonder if they meant to say “-deaths FROM communicable diseases-” Are we on this planet to serve the bacteria? Are we dying for diseases? Ya think that might have been a Freudian sleep? 😉 —djo— }
Wednesday: -Editor’s Pick- Indian status: Why Lynn Gehl’s court challenge matters { * Heck yes, When The Angels of Light come here and show everybody what’s been going on, instead of just clearing things up with “life reviews” between lives – Can you imagine what would happen if they stand there and say, “Well, you’ve got two choices here, you can give the country back to its true owners and pay the First Nations the full value of what you stole from them, or you can go to hell.—” * —djo— *** Instead of doing everything you can to turn this planet into hell? *** —jim w— }
===== Greatest Hits this week? =====
-World- Exoskeleton enables paralyzed groom to walk down the aisle { }
-Canada- Six indigenous cookbooks to warm you up { * & Hey! Nobody caught the miss-spelling of ‘indigenous’ yesterday- * —djo— }
-Business- Apple’s iCloud believed attacked by Chinese government hackers { * While the Canadian Prime Minister was busy kissing their butts? * —djo— }
-Politics- Cyberbullying bill draws fire from diverse mix of critics { }
-Politics- Federal government still mum on how to spend surplus { }
-Community- ‘Sexy’ kids Halloween costumes ifnite fierce debate about parental responsibility { }
“Local / New Bruswick”
David Kelly, longtime Fredericton city councillor, has died { }
Cap-Pelé home invasion sends man to hospital { }
Base Gagetown shuts down access for hunters { }
CBC’s relationship with Jian Ghomeshi has ‘come to an end’ { }
“First Nations”
Nunavut MLA Nuqingaq expelled from legislative assembly { *On Friday morning, Justice Minister Paul Okalik moved to pass a motion that Uqqummiut MLA Samuel Nuqingaq be immediately expelled from the legislature and his seat be declared vacant.* & * – Uqqummiut MLA Samuel Nuqingaq, who represents Clyde River and Qikiqtarjuaq, has been expelled from the Nunavut Legislative Assembly. – The vote happened Friday morning in Iqaluit, when Justice Minister Paul Okalik tabled a motion that said he wanted Nuqingaq immediately expelled from the legislature and his seat declared vacant. – “Over the past year, far too much of the legislature’s time has been spent on the conduct of the member of Uqqummiut,” Okalik said. – In the motion, Okalik said Nuqingaq had been disciplined by the legislative assembly “on a number of occasions for this unacceptable conduct, including persistent absences from sittings of the House and meetings of its committees and caucuses without reasonable explanation.” – In April, the 42-year-old faced two charges, one count of being unlawfully in a dwelling house and one count of assault. – MLAs voted to suspend Nuqingaq from the legislature following those charges. During that time, he sought treatment for alcohol addiction in Nova Scotia. – Later on in the article there is a mention that he underwent treatment for alcohol addiction. * —jim w— }
-Point of View- Defeathering Halloween: 3 things to keep in mind about headdresses { * Let’s de-feather the issue and take a naked look at the headdress. There are three things to know about the feather headdress. :
1. Who wears them?
The headdress was sacred and still is to many indigenous cultures like the Plains Cree and the Lakota people.
2. How do you get one?
They were not just handed out willy nilly, you know.They have to be earned and gifted in ceremony. Only the most fearless leaders and warriors traditionally wore them. It is kind of a big deal.
3. Why is it important to First Nations cultures?
Again, because it is a sacred item. You don’t see people running around with yarmulkes or hijabs in colourful mockery trying to be trendy.
& You don’t see people mocking soldiers’ bravery by wearing medals they didn’t earn either- —djo— }
Edmund Metatawabin visits Winnipeg to discuss his life, book { * Residential school survivor Edmund Metatawabin’s Governor General’s Literary Award-nominated book Up Ghost River: A Chief’s Journey Through the Turbulent Waters of Native History is a horrific account of residential school life but it includes a call for action and a hopeful message. * —djo— }
imagineNA TIVE’s Shane Belcourt on directing, dance and #MMIW { }
Nunavut justice system ‘failing children and youth’: Inuit group { }
-Photos- Arviat youth use art workshops to discuss difficult topics { }
Tsilhqot’in chief hanged in 1864 exonerated by B.C. Premier Christy Clark { }
Yukon fashion designer set for Paris runway { }
Film tells story of Inuk man who died in RCMP custody { }
Manitoba dam protesters demand revenue sharing, hydro bill help { }
Residential school survivors in Nunavut confused about education credit { }
Top 10 indigenous films of all time { }
Who gets to be ‘Indian’: 6 reasons why Lynn Gehl’s court challenge matters { }
Grandmothers play key role helping families in North Central { }
Closing arguments begin in case of fed underfunding aboriginal child services { }
=== Previous Articles: ===
5 top picks for the imagineNA TIVE film festival { }
Diabetes support, prevention urged for Eskasoni { }
New women’s shelters planned in Cree communities { }
Edmonton jury selection process to be reviewed { }
Methadone treatment needs review, First Nations leader says { * & I remember when they used to call Methadone “Rockefeller’s dope” * —djo— }
Music NB awards should include aboriginal category, exec says { }
Defence wants mistrial in Douglas Hales murder case { }
Shale gas protester admits assaulting RCMP officer in Rexton { }
-Special Report-‘Canada’s Worst Neighbourhood’ needs more attention: community leaders, residents { }
-Audio-Wikwemikong group releases Anishinaabe language app { }
Winnipeg Indigenous Rock the Vote drums up encouragement { }
Move over Paleo: Six indeigenous cookbooks to warm you up { }
Manitoba Hydro evicted from northern dam station { }
6 things to know about N.W.T.’s infrastructure plans { }
Ouellette announces plan to make Winnipeg safer for Aboriginal women { }
University of Regina said the number of First Nations students is up by 50 per cent over the past 5 years { }
Food Banks Canada project to deliver fresh food to remote First Nations { }
Watchdog says B.C. government ignoring recommendations to help children { }
Healing garden planned to remember residential schools in St. Albert { }
{ First Nations [ ‘Aboriginal’ but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it, even if CBC still calls it ‘aboriginal’ ] page virtually unchanged since yesterday. —djo— }
{ Editorial? : This from ———jda——— :
– “Thursday, 23 October, 2014 – Ack! We live in a violent culture. Nobody under the age of responsibility planned it this way, at least not in this lifetime. – When the television programmes you plunk your kids down in front of are violent— When their sports are violent— When somebody out there has decided that your games and distractions should all be violent—- Why didn’t you see this coming? – Good, honest young men and women are being duped into taking up arms to support one lie against another. Embrace the love of life. Embrace the love of love. Embrace the preciousness of every life on this planet. Support each other. – To hell with the ideas that kill. To hell with philosophies that say it’s okay to kill for king and country. – We were not told, “Thou shalt not kill unless your government tells you to-” — We were not told, “Thou shalt not kill unless the controlling, obsessive men who took over and subverted your religions tell you to.” — Do not pray for vengeance. – Pray for guidance. Pray for protection from the lies that too many of our contemporaries allow to control their lives. – Pray we call come together and dismiss the governments and (small r) religions that allow darkness to smirk and laugh themselves silly because they’ve been pulling the strings and spitting out the words that convince you that you are working God’s Will when you believe you have the right to destroy the lives of any of God’s Children. – Get thee behind us, thou dupes of the dark side. – Unzip the uniforms and find there are Children of God inside. Burn down the deceptions and realize that any true Religion nurtures your body, mind, soul and spirit, and tells you that we are all one spirit. We are all children of the same divine intelligence. – Smash your delusions and realize we are all One. Before it’s too late. ———jda———
// Response from Cathi Harris: “Beautiful!” —jim w— }
{ Almost 6:15 pm EDT —Ready to Rock and Roll— & Thankful for help from Jim W again, & especially since he is working today with a bruised rib, ouch! —And also from “—jda—“ again this time — ———djo——— }