– Monday, August 12, 2019 – 80˚F / 27˚C & cloudy @ 3:30 pm near Ithaca, New York –
– “Economic Warfare .101 – Why do people get crazy when workers ask for a living wage when CEOs get $10,000.00 (or more) an hour?” – —djo—
— Now, if our buddy, “HJdA”, could get the design elements of the above blog to work here – I’d vote to double his salary at our next bored meeting 😉 – return multiply by zero error 😉
Monday, 23 February, 2015 -( -44˚F / -20˚C & clear @ 10:00 pm near Ithaca )- -( -8˚F / -22°C & clear & windy @11:00 pm Closer to Halifax —jim w—)- — { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is? —djo— } { 7,002 new tweets since 10:00 pm last night – aaaaaaaaa! —djo— }
February 23rd: 1633 – Samuel Pepys, navy expert/composer (Diary, Memoirs), born in London, England. 1646 – Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, Japanese shogun (d. 1709). 1685 – George Frederic Handel, Halle Germany, baroque composer and (Messiah, Water Music). 1734 (or 1743?) – Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Frankfurt, founder (House of Rothschild). 1868 – William E B Du Bois, Great Barrington Massachusetts, civil rights activist and writer (Souls of Black Folk). 1889 – Victor Fleming, American film director (“Wizard of Oz”, “Gone with the Wind”), (d. 1949). 1904 – William L Shirer, historian (Rise & Fall of 3rd Reich). 1915 – Paul Tibbets, US Air Force retired Brigadier General and Pilot of B-29 “Enola Gay” over Hiroshima (d. 2007). 1929 – Elston Howard, Yankee catcher (1st African American NY Yankee/1963 AL MVP). 1938 – Sylvia Chase, St Paul Minn, newscaster (ABC Weekend News, 20/20). 1939 – Majel Barrett, Columbus Ohio, actress (Christine Chapel-Star Trek). 1940 – Peter Fonda, actor (Easy Rider, Lilith, Wild Angels, Trip). 1944 – Johnny Winter, [John Dawson], American blues guitarist (Silver Train), born in Leland Miss, (d. 2014). 1949 – Marc Garneau, Quebec City Quebec, Canadian astronaut (STS 13, 77). 1951 – Patricia Richardson, Bethesada Md, actress (Double Trouble, Home Improvement). 1963 – Bobby Bonilla, outfielder (NY Mets, Balt Orioles, Marlins), born in NYC, New York. 1964 – Dana Katherine Scully, fictional character (X-Files). 1994 – Dakota Fanning, American Actress. (& I won’t tell because I don’t know) – Binnie Klein, Poet, Performance Artist and WPKN programmer. }
Eating peanut products early in life can reduce allergy risk, study suggests { }
CN Railway, Unifor avoid lockout with tentative deal { }
Offbeat News:
Canadian Sniper in the film parody we’ve all been waiting for { }
‘I just totally collapsed,’ says man after 168-hour Nickleback marathon for charity { }
Nonchalant dog shovels backyard hockey rink, wins winter { }
Moose on the loose gets police escort in Ontario { }
Blowtorches being used to melt sidewalk ice in Windsor { * I think I remember a really old issue of Mad Magazine suggesting various ways snow cleanup could be made much more effective and easier – one of them involved flame throwers, but the ‘after’ frame showed an entire city under about 20 feet of water. * —djo— }
Nestlé and Hershey pledge to make their candy bars healthier { * If G.M.O. ingredients are involved, don’t buy it. * —djo— }
Local / New Brunswick / Maritime News:
Larry’s Gulch junket alternatives in Fredericton come with cheaper price tags { }
Flu-like illness forces closeures at two N.B. hospitals { }
Poverty group prefers income tax increase, not HST { }
Irving pipeline gets retroactive approval fro EUB { * New Brunswick’s Energy and Utilities Board has granted an Irving Oil company retroactive permission to build an oil pipeline that the company already built without permission last year. * —“Not Good,” —djo— }
Larry’s Gulch review findings will ‘absolutely’ be made public { * This is a New Brunswick ‘scandal’ that sounds way too much like a slight of hand distraction to take your attention away from something else. The Province owns a multi-million dollar fishing lodge where they entertained visiting politicians and invited newspaper reporters who were fired for conflict of interest violations. There also seems to be some confusion over when the lodge went from being ‘private’ to ‘publicly owned’ & where the line between private and public functions was drawn. The new Liberal government has decided that the lodge can only be used for functions designed to bring jobs to New Brunswick. *** “Any time I hear a politician utter words like ‘jobs’ or ‘Leadership’ I know my ears are about to be assaulted by pure and utter b.s.” — Douglas Jay Otterson *** * —djo— }
Energy East Pipeline construction training premature, David Coon says. { * The Energy East Pipeline is a project that is being bitterly contested in Quebec. Activists cite dangers to wildlife, and say the claims of loads of jobs for local people is highly over-estimated and point out that New Brunswick will lose money in this deal unless they re-write the agreement with the corporations that will own the pipeline. And instead of refining and distributing the gas/oil the pipeline is supposed to deliver, here, they claim the resources would be exported, benefiting foreign interests at our expense. Oh, and Irving Oil stands to save and reap loads of money if this goes through. * —djo— }
— We should quit here and publish this fiasco before we look at the clock and realize it’s next week already and we haven’t gotten anything done in our ‘real lives’ —djo—
Thursday, 25 September, 2014 -( 46˚F /8˚C – Sunny & clear here @ 9:30 am – One whole time zone east of Ithaca )-
{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }
{ Today- again, this is -Jim W- filling in for Doug, who’s finally giving in and taking his flu case to bed and staying there for several more hours. }
Lead Articles:
-Analysis- Stephen Harper more open with Americans, UN than with Parliament { }
Brampton man shot dead during police traffic stop { }
Canada considers U.S. request for more help in ISIS fight { }
Candlelight vigil held for Toronto student fatally stabbed { }
14 ISIS fighters killed in U.S.-led airstrikes in NE Syria { }
Air Canada alleged problems with ‘explicit’ material in cockpit { This article is about Air Canada warning flight crews they could be fired or face criminal charges if they place ‘inappropriate material’ in the flight deck. It goes on to explain that a female pilot has reported pornographic material taped up in the cockpit and left in other places. —jim w— }
Lice aren’t nice, and parents pay big to get rid of them { }
Oldest pig in the world lives in Calgary { }
St. John’s will host one of the most significant fossil discoveries made { “An impression left by a life form, recently named Haootia Quadriformis, likely pushes back the start of animal life to 560 million years ago.” —jim w— }
Tinder for cuddling: Cuddlr app finds you strangers to snuggle with { A new app for smartphones calls itself a ‘no pressure’ ‘sex-free’ “location-based social-meeting app for cuddling.” — I don’t know that I’d trust anybody I met that way, and I’m a guy. —jim w— }
Do-si-do and meet the oldest square dancer on the continent { }
“Most Viewed”
Teacher Daniel Mark Ogloff suspended for slapping ‘I’m gay’ sticker on student { A Langley, B.C. metal and machine shop teacher with a history of inappropriate behaviour wrote “I’m gay” on a piece of masking tape and stuck that on the back of a male student’s jacket. The teacher has been suspended without pay for two weeks. }
Cold case: Woman digs for answers after alleged killings of 3 boys { A woman who saw her father murder 3 First Nations boy who were later buried on their family farm spoke to police, who told her there were no missing persons reports and no bodies to back up her story. }
Jordan Subban not holding a grudge over Vancouver Sun ‘dark guy’ caption { }
Even Democrats seem unsure of Obama’s ISIS strategy for Iraq, Syria { }
Jason Kenney faces foreign-worker fallout in own backyard { “Employment Minister Jason Kenney has faced growing pressure from businesses who say they need workers since he announced a crackdown on low-wage temporary foreign workers in June. Nowhere has that pressure been more vocal than in his home province of Alberta.” —jimw— }
BlackBerry Passport: Why it represents the ‘crux’ of CEO John Chen’s strategy { }
-13 photo slide show- India puts satellite into orbit around Mars { }
-Blog- NYPD, pregnant woman altercation video raises use of force questions { }
‘Drop the knife’: Witness account of what police said before deadly traffic stop shooting { }
-New- Ex-Scouts Canada leader to be sentenced on child luring charges today { }
Violence in schools can’t be solved with ‘knee-jerk reactions’ { }
U.S. -led airstrikes hit ISIS-held oil sites in Syria { }
Ebola crisis: Sierra Leone now has 5 districts under quarantine { }
Conservatives take flak in Alberta for foreign worker changes { }
Canada adds ISIS name to list of terrorist entities { }
-Video- Greenland’s ‘dark snow’ climate threat worse than thought { }
American sentenced to hard labour in North Korea says he’s in good health { }
-Must Watch- Japan’s air force anniversary { }
-Must Watch- Students react to school stabbing { }
-Editor’s Pick- UN Climate Summit: A ‘game-changer’ for global warming? { }
-Technology & Science- Ancient Alaska volcano spewed ash across continents { An eruption 1,150 years ago on the Alaska-Yukon border sent ashes 7,000 km away- as far as Europe. 6,000 km farther than scientist previously thought. They are warning airlines that other volcanic eruptions might be able to interfere with air travel in a wider area around volcanos than they previously believed. }
-Community- iPhone 6 plus bends in tight pants, say Apple fans { They’re saying that it is not a good idea to keep one of these phones in tight pants. Bending isn’t good. —jim w— }
“Local / New Brunswick”
Irving Oil turfs Gordon Dalzell, clean air activist, from group { Gordon Dalzell is an award-winning environmental advocate who was part of Irving Oil’s community Liaison committee- He was told they no longer want him on their committee because he released proprietary information to the media. * This may be a case where a corporation believes it can over-rule a citizen’s constitutional rights. —jim w— }
Brian Gallant’s hydro-fracking moratorium is risky, expert says { In another case where corporations believe they can dictate around or above the laws of a sovereign nation some businesses are suing various provincial, state, and federal governments. After Quebec banned hydro-fracking the U.S.-based Lone Pine Resources sued the federal government of Canada for $250 million in compensation. Andrea Bjorklund, a professor of international commercial law at McGill University in Montreal, said the Liberals have to be careful about how the moratorium will be instituted. -Bjorklund, who was a part of the U.S. State Department’s NAFTA arbitration team, said provinces have the right to change laws under NAFTA, especially to protect people or the environment. – But Bjorklund said they also have to respect the rights of investors. ** And the guys at “Half Past Human dot com” have seen a time when the ‘Banksters’ will try to take down sovereign governments and while this will not be pleasant for anybody- the Banksters will not emerge victorious. -When it’s us vs them in a fight for our lives, there are a hell of a lot more of us than there are of them.- Bjorklund was interviewed on local CBC early morning news this morning and said a bunch of times that fracking is safe and they have science to prove it. She was really good at trying to deflect her way around questions the interviewer asked, but he was better and I think you didn’t have to be psychic to see through her. After she was gone from the program someone sent email in to the host of the morning news and he read that on the air. The email ripped her arguments apart and accused her of believing that the general public was stupid and got their information by carrier pigeon. —jim w— }
Transition to Liberal Brian Gallant government begins { “New Brunswick’s new Liberal government is expected to be sworn in within two weeks. – The first step toward the transition took place on Wednesday, with a meeting between Premier-designate Brian Gallant and outgoing Premier David Alward in Fredericton. – Gallant says he’s confident the process will go well, but a firm date has not yet been set. – “The premier’s been very co-operative, his team has been very co-operative, and committed to us that he would do everything he possibly can to make this the smoothest transition it can be,” Gallant told reporters after the meeting.” —jim w— }
Threats against police must stop, Moncton judge says { I wonder if the judge thought of applying that to threats made by police as well. —jim w— }
McMaster wants aboriginal child taken from family for chemotherapy { Somebody should spirit the ice-holes who made that decision away and give them chemotherapy. Feed them lots of Genetically modified corn sweetener until their intestines burst and/or hold the idjits down and force feed them flouride five or six times a day, a whole tube of toothpaste at a time. How long do you think they’d survive? Doctors have known for years that there are better, almost free cures for cancer that they will not endorse because the big phamaceutical companies can’t get rich if everybody knows they can cure themselves for free. Would that be cruel or unusual punishment? —jim w— }
John Amagoalik, ‘Father of Nunavut’, to receive Order of Nunavut { }
Attawapiskat band members want vote on future of Chief Spence { According to a group of Attawapiskat band members, Chief Spence “should resign as chief, considering her romantic partner and former band manager Clayton Kennedy has been charged with defrauding the First Nation. ” —jim w— }
Atikamekw say they won’t allow forestry work on their land without approval { -Without the First Nation tribe’s approval- —jim w— }
B.C. Mounties look for suspect after First Nations mask was stolen { }
Site C or L.N.G: pick one, say B.C. First Nations { B.C. First Nations are telling Ottawa they will approve either a dam at ‘Site C’ or Liquified Natural Gas development, but not both —jim w— }
Women comb riverbank for clues in missing, murdered women cases { }
{ 11:38 am – Chopping wood and carrying – no wait – checking 4 typos and coloring headlines. ———Jim W——— }
Saturday, 13 September, 2014 -( 45˚F / 7˚C – & ‘partly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 12:15 pm in Ithaca )-
{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }
Lead Articles:
-Analysis- ‘He really is not the same as Rob Ford’: But will that help Doug Ford or hurt him? { Rob Ford bowed out of the mayoral race in Toronto and his brother, Doug, jumped in. John Tory, a Conservative, was in 1st place in the polls and probably still is, Rob was in 2nd, and Olivia Chow, NDP, was in 3rd. We’ll have to wait and see if Doug replacing Rob changes anything, or if any significant ‘X Factor’ changes everything. —djo— }
Rob Ford quits Toronto mayoral race, brother Doug steps in { }
N.L. Tories to pick new premier at St. John’s convention { }
Ukraine PM says country still in state of war with Russia { }
Ebola ‘moving far faster than the capacity to manage’: WHO { }
Family of British hostage appeal to Islamic State to make contact { }
Watch for northern lights across Canada tonight { }
Paris Hilton buys tiny Pomeranian worth $13K from Calgary dog breeder { }
Rory McIlroy hits tee shot into fan’s pocket { }
Teen petitions to have his laser-cat portrait in high school yearbook { }
Black bear in tree shot with tranquilizing darts during capture in Calgary { }
“Most Viewed”
How Doug Ford’s political skills and baggage will affect his mayoral candidacy { }
Terry Fox’s cancer now highly curable says medical expert { But ‘Big Pharma’ does not want cheap cures on the market when they are making so much money with pills that keep people sick and only relieve a little of their pain and suffering. —djo— }
Ebola crisis: Nursing student returns from ‘terrifying’ aid trip { }
B.C. teachers’ strike: Both sides silently resume discussions { }
-20 photo slide show- Oscar Pistorius guilty of culpable homicide { }
-Blog- Facebook Messenger found to be tracking ‘a lot more data than you think’ { }
Take a tour of Canada’s HMCS Athabaskan docked in Baltimore { }
#AmINext aims to raise awareness about murdered aboriginal women { }
Ray Rice and how the NFL handled 6 other domestic abuse cases { }
-In Depth- Forced marriage victim, legal experts call for more government action { }
-Photos- TIFF 2014 Celebrity selfies { }
Vikings RB Adrian Peterson booked, released from jail { }
What are the hot food trends this fall? { }
3 WW II-era bombs found on Corrections Canada site { }
-Smart Money- In love? Then it’s time to have the money talk { Gag! Sounds like a war between the greedy and those who still have their hearts and souls intact. —djo— }
-Canada- Lazy days of summer? Not for these MPs { 3 photos of Liberals, 3 photos of Conservatives and 1 photo of an NDP MP working through photo ops over the summer- Sound slanted to you? —djo— }
-Business- Sandy McTire and the iPhone get makeovers: the business week in review { }
-Business- Netflix expansion in Europe worries French film industry { }
-Business- Loonie down to near 90 cents US amid geopolitical turmoil { -Who is trying to convince you that there is a world geopolitical turmoil and why would they want to do that? —djo— }
-Business- Where is Ottawa again? iPhone 6 delivery map mixes up Canadian cities { }
-Health- High-dose opioid painkillers still prescribed at high rates in Canada { }
-Arts & Entertainment- And the winner is? Our picks for top flick at TIFF { }
-Arts & Entertainment- Scorsese vs. Trumbull: Competing visions collide at TIFF { }
-Technology & Science- Cause of massive Antarctic ice shelf collapse uncovered { }
-Technology & Science- Apple iPhone 6 map of Canada confuses Toronto, Ottawa { And Canadians visiting us here in ‘the lower 48’ gasp at weather maps that end at the Canadian border. They know a lot more about us, even our weather, than we know about them. Why do you suppose that is? Narcissism? Wool pulled over -whose- eyes? —djo— }
-Technology & Science- Jane Goodall on Vancouver Aquarium belugas: ‘That’s not right’ { This article describes Jane as a ‘renowned conservationist’ and quotes her as saying that the Vancouver Aquarium’s beluga breeding programme is ‘indefensible’. Has anybody asked the belugas, orcas and dolphins what they think about this? —djo— }
“Local /New Brunswick”
Bruce Northrup, province files defence against Windsor Energy claims { “Former natural resources minister Bruce Northrup and the province of New Brunswick have filed a statement of defence against claims made by natural gas exploration company Windsor Energy. – Khalid Amin, the president of Calgary-based Windsor Energy, launched a $105-million lawsuit against the New Brunswick government and Northrup last month alleging Northrup made false, misleading and defamatory comments that hurt the company. – Amin claims Northrup was libellous when he issued a press release in November of 2011, following an incident in which a Windsor subcontractor did seismic tests along Route 1 inside Sussex town limits. – Northrup said the company had violated the province’s Oil and Natural Gas Act – The province also filed a complaint with the RCMP. – In the statement of defence, the law firm Stewart McKelvey says, “the defendants deny the words complained of were made with malice.” – “The public had a social, political and moral interest in receiving those statements.” – The defence also denies that Windsor Energy’s reputation suffered because of Northrup’s comments. – They argue that any damage to reputation “is not as a result of the words complained of, but because of the plaintiffs’ actions in the media and the plaintiffs’ actions in disregarding the requirements of the act and regulations, its licence and permit.” -” —djo— }
Michael Camp: Liberals, PC stick to script in ‘strange election’ { }
N.B. this week { }
Liberal candidate Andrew Harvey’s fraud charges dropped { }
{ 1:45 pm – Publishing now, will finish checking for typos and painting with crayons later – 5:22 pm – Back from chores & other tasks, colorized and checking one more time before ‘updating’ – ———djo——— }
Thursday, 04 September, 2014 -( 58˚F / 14˚C & Grey out there in Ithaca @ 7:30 am )-
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }
{ I’ve been doing this because I believe that the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media here in the U.S.A., AND not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
Lead Articles:
-Updated- Ukraine crisis sets the stage for toughest NATO summit since Cold war ended { “NATO’s top official accused Moscow outright on Thursday of attacking Ukraine as allied leaders gathered for a summit to buttress support for Kyiv and bolster defences against a Russia they now see as hostile for the first time since the Cold War.” – “We are faced with a dramatically changed security environment,” NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters on arrival at the summit. “To the east, Russia is attacking Ukraine.” }
Russia warns NATO against offering Ukraine membership { }
BC teachers’ union rejects gov’t demand to suspend strike { Another link to the same article replaced “gov’t” with “premier’s” }
Manulife buys Standard Life Canadian assets for $4B { }
-Analysis- Why Barack Obama’s disengagement abroad may not be such a bad thing: Neil Macdonald { }
Happy Endings: 5 tips to keep TIFF from hurting your tush { “TIFF” = Toronto International Film Festival. This article flirts with becoming, “How to sit through 400 films without breaking your back” }
Miserable, retching Great Dane binged on 43 & 1/2 socks { *Jim & Cathi- don’t let Jassper read this.* But, I’m wondering who had to count the socks and how did they come up with that 1/2 a sock? —djo— }
Albino cobra on the loose in California suburb { I remember hearing that Alice Cooper’s pet snake escaped from its cage while Alice was doing a gig in Las Vegas, NV and got into the plumbing and came up out of a sink in the bar. The news guy who read that wondered how many people in the bar that night rad to their nearest AA meeting house. }
Huge hippo sculpture inhabits London’s Thames river { Yesterday’s ‘Must Watch’ video moved to ‘offbeat’ section & given a ‘more fun’ headline. }
Colour-blind artist hears colours with skull implant { * Unrelated*: The artist who has a lot to do with the Television Series “Heroes”-the guy who came up with all the wild paintings and the comic book- is color-blind- I think he might just ‘ink’ the cells and has somebody else do the fill-in? & completely unrelated to this article here today – We hear that ‘Heroes’ is going back into production with a new cast of characters and possible cameos or more from original cast members. }
“Most Viewed”
Pro sports cheerleaders: Are some modern-day slaves? { Another link to the same story: “Cheerleaders complain of poor or no pay from multi-million-dollar employers.” }
Regina teacher accused in student sex case guilty of misconduct { Not enough details in this article I don’t know if the teacher was found guilty on the strength of a student’s accusations or if there was any kind of due process type hearing or what? }
‘Knee defender’ passenger ‘ashamed’ but won’t stop using airline seat gadget { “Knee Defender” is a pair of clips that attach to a tray table and prevent the person in front of you from reclining into your face. The devices are ‘prohibited’ by some airlines, but are not illegal. If the greedy idjits who run the airlines made sure there was enough room for everybody, this would not be a problem. }
ISIS: How to to ‘degrade and destroy’ the militant group { }
Toronto mayor’s race: Who has the best plan to fix the city? { }
Library time and book access limited for federal prisoners, advocates say { }
2 Nova Scotia daycares failed to report suspected child abuse { }
-15 Photo Slideshow- Venice Film Festival 2014 { }
-Blog- Teen boy sues DMV after being forced to take off his makeup { – South Carolina – “According to the Associated Press, the gender non-conforming teen (who identifies as male) has filed a lawsuit against the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles for forcing him to remove his makeup in order to obtain a license.” – “It’s not likely that 16-year-old Chase Culpepper expected to have the time of his life when he went to a South Carolina DMV for his first driver’s license photo in March — but he didn’t expected to leave feeling humiliated, either.” }
‘It’ll take a number of years’: The challenges of destroying ISIS { Some of my favourite people are conspiracy theorists, or fans of conspiracy theories- But suppose for a minute that they might be right- and ISIS is the product of a C.I.A. training program. -If not the C.I.A., then another ‘intelligence’ operation with a ‘black ops’ budget. They find people who are a little bit over the edge already, and encourage them to become stark raving fanatics, kind of like: wind ’em up and let ’em go- But their wind up toys never know who it was, exactly, that wound them up / encouraged them to let their natural frustration and anger fester and become a solid force to be manipulated by puppet masters ( or idiots who believe they are puppet masters ) Give an angry, brainwashed person a gun, show him how to use it, convince him that he can go to heaven and pick and choose his 72 virgins because he’ll be killing creatures that his understanding of ‘god’ didn’t make, no, the infidels were created by the devil, by false gods… and blah blah blah- and then sit back, tenting your fingers together, smug as all get-out, and see what happens. Al-Qaeda means ‘The List’ – this was the C.I.A.’s list of ‘friendly’ nationalistic / religious partisans who wanted the Russians out of their country and would be happy to take C.I.A. money and guns and training and run around creating havoc – and then remember everything they learned and use it against the U.S.A. when they invaded their country / territory. So, if Al-Qaeda were originally C.I.A. assets or puppets who cut their strings and went after the puppet-masters, then went out and trained a whole new crop of wilder and crazier fanatics and called them ISIS or whatever they call themselves, and remember- if you mispronounce a name in their neck of the woods, or desert- that’s an insult- But anyway, the point of this whole silly rant is- if the C.I.A. or some similar group trained these guys or at least trained their trainers, ya’d think they had some kind of fail-safe – like for instance, a shipment of nerve gas bombs programmed to leak and kill the fanatics who were about to use them on innocents- But wait a minute- either these puppeteers are lousy at their ‘craft’ – or they don’t want to take down their golden egg laying gooses / scary Islamic fanatics – hey- while most of the people in this world are scared out of their minds that they might walk around the corner in Main Street, USA and see a wild eyed fanatic dressed like an Arab with an AK-47 in one hand and a grenade in the other- heck- while Mr and Ms USA are checking under their beds for wild eyed fanatics, they won’t be watching the puppet masters, who are robbing them blind, fitting them with strings and getting ready to play their funeral march. What was Alfred Hitchcock’s theme music again? Funeral March of the Marionettes? – Who’s pulling YOUR strings? —djo— }
-Analysis- Toronto mayor’s race: Are there any free rides out of city’s traffic jams? { & Where are those hover cars that everybody who went to the 1939 world’s fair believed we’d be flying around in by now? I saw television specials in black and white about that world’s fair. Unless I’m reincarnate from then, I wasn’t around to see it myself in person. }
‘I did my best’: Steven Sotloff’s fixer recalls effort to have U.S. journalist freed. { }
-New- Former PMs, aboriginal leaders announce new partnership today { }
Kashmir floods: 70 missing as bus swept away in stream { }
Rob Ford campaign staffer assaulted, police say { }
Tesla taps Nevada for $5B battery ‘gigafactory’ { Tesla, the car company, not Tesla the genius engineer. The engineer died penniless and had all his papers stolen by bad guys who are now using his technology against all of us. }
-Must Watch- Iceland eruption { Iceland’s Bardarbunga volcano is spitting out lava but experts say it’s not a threat to air traffic, yet }
-Must Watch- Heavy rain, landslides in China { }
-Editor’s Pick- Canadian beekeepers sue Bayer, Syngenta over neonicotiniod pesticides { Bayer did so much for Hitler’s guys in World War II that they were calling their US enterprises ‘Miles Labs’ until they figured it was safe to come out of that closet. Who would believe that a fascist organization secretly took over the U.S.A. a long time ago? Bet you didn’t know that Henry Ford send Adolf Hitler the equivalent of $40,000.oo U$ dollars every year on his birthday. }
-Editor’s Pick- How the Iraqi jihadist group has grown { }
-Politics- Stephen Harper and the obsession with Franklin { On his photo-op trip to the ‘way up north’, Prime Minister Stephen Harper toasted the search for Sir John Franklin’s ships, the Erebus and Terror. They were lost in a 19th century quest to find the Northwest Passage. }
-Business- Ontario chambers of commerce fight ‘aggressive’ U.S. incentives { }
-Arts & Entertainment- Where are the women? Why there are so few female movie roles? { -Um, because all the best parts for female actors are in “The Game of Thrones”? —djo— }
-Technology & Science- The race to capture solar energy at U of T { Researchers at the University of Toronto are re-imagining the solar cell as scientists and engineers around the world are racing to find alternatives to ‘fossil fuels’. They should look in the smoky back rooms of oil industry manipulations to find all the advances the ice holes have ‘buried’ to keep their strangle hold on your wallets. There is no gas or oil shortage. They’re lying to us. But there are cleaner ways to get our energy, and the Amish have the right idea in refusing to be at the ‘mercy’ of utility companies. —djo— }
“Local / New Brunswick”
How can New Brunswick improve the way students learn math? { Have them count the lashes when we whip the evil manipulating politicians who want to keep them stupid? Learning is fun. All kids start out loving to learn. Almost every school system on this planet makes learning a drudgery- and exposes wonderful, bright kids to bullies and teaches them that they should expect to spend their lives at the mercy of manipulating ice-holes }
Dr. Eilish Cleary heading to Nigeria to fight Ebola virus { }
Brian Gallant suspends Liberal candidate after fraud charges arise { The accused candidate says the charges are ‘baseless’ and questions the timing of the accusations. }
CRA seeks public apology from David Alward { The Corporate Research Associates want New Brunswick premier David Alward to apologize in public for his quip that the group that does scientific polling was ‘playing games’ when it released its latest findings that revealed that the premier is doing badly in his bid to impress the voters. Unless the PC Party in New Brunswick can buy an election the way G.W. Bush did here in the states, Alward will be looking for a job in a couple weeks. * & This “CRA” is not the Canada Revenue Agency, which Canadians love to hate as much as we hate the I.R.S. – but they don’t have the possible ‘out’ of learning that their federal tax agency never was legally adopted by the prerequisite number of states. The I.R.S. only has legal status because the congress passed laws to put Al Capone in Alcatraz for ‘tax evasion’. If you live or work in the United Snakes of Amerika, the U.S. Government is committing fraud every time it demands that you pay income tax. }
David Coon pledges to cancel forestry deals, hike corporate tax { David Coon is the ‘leader’ of the New Brunswick Green Party. }
Deportation order for Dieppe family from Tunisia lifted { Yay! }
Saint John movie extras still waiting to get paid { The producer of the movie ‘Dominion’ – about the final days of Dylan Thomas the poet – blames a clerical error for the 2 month delay in paying extras who were hired for the film. There is a photo of half a dozen actresses who played ‘swooning groupies’ who would flock to Dylan Thomas’ public poetry readings- & ‘The cheques should be in the mail within 2 weeks’. }
Voting machines erode secrecy of spoiled ballots { Apparently, spoiling one’s ballot was a person’s right – that can’t very well be practiced when voting on a machine. Best guess, it’s a way of saying ‘none of these candidates are worth voting for’. (?) —djo— }
{ 10:45 am – after several distractions – Checking typos and colorizing – It’s 11:45 am and I’m going blind here- ———djo——— }
Monday, 01 September, 2014 -( 61˚F / 16˚C & Foggy in Ithaca @ 6:45 am ET )- Happy Labor Day – Or Labour Day, north of the border – 😉
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }
{ I’ve been doing this because I believe that the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media here in the U.S.A., AND not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
Lead Articles
-Go Public- Foreign worker ‘mess’ making oilsands site unsafe, Cdns say { * “Go Public” is a kind of whistle blowers’ invitation to contact the CBC with their concerns. “Cdn” is a Canadian shorthand for ‘Canadian’. —djo— }
Strike by teachers to keep B.C. schools closed on Tuesday { }
Ukraine forces ordered to pull back from Luhansk airport { }
Protesters clash with Pakistan police, storm state tv { }
New sanctions will force Russia to ‘protect our economy’, Lavrov says { }
The back-to-school stat line for 7 million students, 440,000 educators { * Most students head back to school this week. – “Schools in the Fairbanks/North Pole, Alaska area where my sister and nephews live have already been in session for a couple weeks” -Jim W- }
New techniques helping curb advanced melanoma { * Melanoma is a ‘preventable skin cancer’ which has had high death rates in the past, this article talks about new techniques that show promise in dealing with the advanced forms of the disease. *** For years now, I’ve been hearing that Big Pharmaceutical companies have been hiding the fact that many actual cures for many cancers have been found. Big Pharma is not interested in curing cancer. Big Pharma is interested in making tons of money selling drugs. If they can get tens of thousands of dollars a year for a drug that costs them half a penny a dose to manufacture, package and sell, they will do just that. If anybody finds an herb or treatment that works against cancers that Big Pharma is making mega bucks on without curing it, they will see to it that legions of lawyers will attack and press charges of ‘Practicing Medicine without a License’ toward anyone who threatens their unethical means of fleecing the pockets of those who are already in bad shape with the disease and the anxiety that goes with it. I’m not kidding when I tell you that, “Big Pharma Kills” —djo— }
Vancouver’s “Dude Chilling Park” sign goes missing, again { “The ‘Dude Chilling Park’ sign, which was a prank art installation that Vancouver’s Park Board eventually installed in Guelph Park in East Vancouver, went missing over the weekend.” & “Community took to rogue art installation and lobbied for a permanent place for fake park sign” —djo— }
-The above is the only new article under this category-
“Most Viewed”
Joan Rivers: Family remains hopeful for star’s recovery { }
The Navigators plead for return of stolen instruments { The Navigators are a Newfoundland band who discovered two guitars and a fiddle worth about $6,000 had been stolen from their van hours before they were supposed to play in Conception Bay South. —djo— }
The week in Pictures { 21 pictures in a click-to-change slide show are still up, and so is the “-Blog- Russia responds to Canada’s snarky ‘geography lesson’ tweet, sparking international flame war” featured headline. —djo— }
{ & that’s it for ‘Most Viewed’ beyond what’s already been mentioned above this, or is repeated from Friday & the weekend. —djo— }
New restrictive abortion law enforcement blocked in Louisiana { }
Ferguson police to wear body cameras in wake of Michael Brown’s shooting { * & Once again, thanks to Jassper -aka ‘Boofaji’ – for finding and posting the tweet that I mentioned about Michael Brown not being the man on the security video who stole the cigars – unless he could change from sandals to running shoes and shave his head in five minutes. That Tweet was copied and pasted below on August 27th – if you want to scroll down and see it for yourself. The Video is not here, just what was tweeted- and Jassper took a screen shot of the tweet, cropped it and posted it. ‘Good Job!” —djo— }
Swedish hospital investigates possible Ebola case { }
Health Canada pulling last of citronella-based bug sprays { Health Canada wants the citronella-based insect repellent off the shelves by December, while allowing the DEET based crap remain for sale? Health Canada said they’re doing this because of the ‘absence of scientific proof that citronella is safe’. The scientists who tested citronella for Health Canada and passed it – say they’re ‘confused’ by this action. Health Canada, apparently, is in bed with Big Pharma. In the U.S.A. The FDA (food and drug administration) is also in bed with Big Pharma. These ‘watchdog’ agencies have been converted to attack dogs for Big Business interests. Go read the definition of ‘Fascism’ again- I dare you. As a matter of fact: Here are a handfull of definitions of Fascism for you: *** Robert Paxton says that fascism is “a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.” – Fascism is considered by certain scholars to be right-wing because of its social conservatism and authoritarian means of opposing egalitarianism. Roderick Stackelberg places fascism—including Nazism, which he says is “a radical variant of fascism”—on the right, explaining that “the more a person deems absolute equality among all people to be a desirable condition, the further left he or she will be on the ideological spectrum. The more a person considers inequality to be unavoidable or even desirable, the further to the right he or she will be.” – Italian Fascism gravitated to the right in the early 1920s. A major element of fascism that has been deemed as clearly far right is its goal to promote the right of claimed superior people to dominate while purging society of claimed inferior elements. The “Fascist right” included members of the paramilitary Squadristi and former members of the Italian Nationalist Association (ANI). The Squadristi wanted to establish Fascism as a complete dictatorship, while the former ANI members, including Alfredo Rocco, sought an authoritarian corporatist state to replace the liberal state in Italy, while retaining the existing elites. —djo— }
Ukraine crisis: Why the U.S. avoids calling Russia’s actions an ‘invasion’ { }
Sleep tips for kids heading back to class { “Occupational therapist offers tips to reset kids’ sleep schedules” }
“Local / “New Brunswick”
NDP’s Dominic Cardy proposes local governance overhaul { “The NDP leader unveiled a series of municipal reforms on Friday that will see a major democratic shift within New Brunswick communities. – Various governments have spent decades ruminating over how to restructure the local governance system, particularly the patchwork of local service districts spread across the province. – Cardy said he understands this policy could be a contentious issue with some people in unincorporated communities but he believes bringing an elected mayor and council to these areas is important. – “If you vote for the new NDP on Sept. 22 you are voting for a platform of fully-elected local councils in New Brunswick,” he said. ” —djo— }
Brian Gallant struggles to articulate campaign message { & I find this headline to be extraordinarily slanted. —djo— }
PTSD March reaches New Brunswick { * “Three former soldiers are marching through New Brunswick as they enter the final few weeks of a cross-Canada journey aiming to raise awareness about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. – Laden with military backpacks, Steve Hartwig and two fellow veterans left CFB Gagetown on Friday, hoping to make it to Saint John on Saturday. – Their journey began in British Columbia back in June. – “Everybody has some misunderstanding about PTSD,” said Hartwig. “When you come home a lot of people just don’t understand what you go thorough.” – The three men all served in Croatia in the 1990s and have been diagnosed with PTSD themselves. They’re marching because they want the public to better understand the disorder, a condition affecting thousands of Canadians inside and outside the armed forces.” *** And Veterans’ Advocates in the U.S.A. are very upset about the high rate of suicides here by vets with PTSD and other issues who can’t get enough treatment in a timely manner – and feel like they’ve been hung out to dry by an uncaring government. Looks like Canada has the same problem. —djo— }
{ 8:29 am on my day off? Not a lot of new news on the CBC site and you got to see me go off on an anti-fascist rant. Time to check for typos and highlight the headlines with colors – 8:55 am = Clicking the “Publish” button ———djo——— }
Sunday, 24 August, 2014 -( 64˚F / 18˚C with scattered clouds in Ithaca @ 9:30 am ET )-
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }
“Lead Stories”
Magnitude 6.0 earthquake rocks San Francisco Bay area { }
Ukraine’s president vows to boost military spending by $3B { }
2 quakes rattle Iceland volcano day after red alert issued { }
Winnie, the bear behind Winnie the Poo turns 100 { Another headline indicates ‘The story’ turns 100 years old. }
Parliament has not properly debated assisted suicide: Tory MP { }
Harper ‘on wrong side of history’ with aboriginal women comments, Trudeau says { In the ‘Most Viewed’ section, “Trudeau calls Harper ‘out of touch‘ -over comments we reported on yesterday. This is the first day I haven’t seen Justin Trudeau mentioned in a headline that didn’t look biased to me. —djo— }
-Photos- Bao Bao, rare captive-bred panda, gets 1st birthday cake at National Zoo { }
-Bao Bao story made it to the top in the offbeat section-
Peeing in the ocean is good for the environment, scientists say { This headline was actually under the “Technology & Science” heading. }
-other stories are repeats from yesterday-
“Most Viewed”
[Orca] pod rallies around orca trapped in fisherman’s net { I replaced “Killer Whale” with [Orca] —djo— }
-Blog- Indian Status: 5 things you need to know { “Filmmaker dispels myths and misconceptions about [First Nations] status in new film” }
Run-down Labrador highway destroyed motorhome, says couple { * If politicians, after being sued over issues such as fraudulent tax assessments, overcharging for municipality services, such as water if the town or city ‘owns’ the water supply, not being completely honest about where their money comes from -& how much money they’ve hidden from the public, allowing infrastructure decay, -and other things I don’t have time to list here- -& if they lose the court case – had to pay out of their own pockets and could not raise taxes to cover their losses, would this keep the not-so-public-minded from running for office? * }
3D printers widely accessible at libraries, makerspaces { “Makerspaces” might be internet cafés with 3D printers available for public use. }
Diner en Blanc pops up in Halifax courtyard { ‘Diner en Blanc’ appears to be a kind of ‘happening’ where, in this case, nearly 1,000 participants found out where the event would take place ‘moments before the event’. Diners are asked to wear only white and bring their own food, chairs and dishes. Looks like everybody brought white folding chairs. This took place in the quad at the University of King’s College. }
Iceland volcano: Bardarbunga eruption begins { I’ve seen no pictures yet, they said the eruption began beneath the ice of Iceland’s largest glacier. }
‘This is something we shouldn’t forget,’ Ferguson protesters say { }
Lev Tahor sect quietly moves from Chatham, Ontario, to Guatemala { Members of Lev Tahor have been accused of abusing their children and been threatened with having children removed from their custody by Child Protective Services. They’ve also been accused of moving away from more than one area to avoid prosecution, or, from their perspective, to escape persecution. If I had absolute proof that they systematically abuse their children I bet I would feel differently —djo— }
2 days of deadly attacks in Iraq threaten fragile government transition { }
Montreal photographer calls report on journalist’s kidnapping ‘personal attack’ { “Photographer Yves Choquette says he did not compromise the safety of American journalist Steven Sotloff, who was kidnapped in Syria last year and also appeared in a recent jihadist video in which fellow U.S. journalist James Foley was executed.” }
China’s toxic soil { “A once-secret government study says that nearly 20% of all farmland is polluted, causing danger to people working on the fields and those buying its products.” }
Where’s the fire pole? { “A more than 100-year-old tradition is slowly fading into history, as the fire pole is being phased out from fire halls across the country.” }
Alberta’s proposed tuition hikes could see increases of almost 60% in some [institutions] { Their headline said “-in some falculties’. ] }
Painkillers prescribed chronically to many Americans on disability { }
How bad news effects your brain: Day 6 { There are live links in the following Copied and Pasted feature: >>—-> “Awful, emotionally wrenching stories are dominating the summer news cycle – from violence in Iraq, protests in Ferguson, Ebola in West Africa and mounting deaths in Israel and Gaza. Though most of us are watching these stories unfold at a safe distance, that doesn’t mean we’re not affected. Brent speaks to Mary McNaughton-Cassill, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio, about the relationship between bad news and stress.” *** There are more interesting details on the page with the above, Link >>—-> “How to keep bad news from bringing you down” }
“Local” / “New Brunswick”
Firefighter hurt in Rothesay house fire { }
Human remains found in Sheffield { }
&&&&& From an ad type box on the side: Links included: >>—->
Tuesday, 19 August, 2014 -(49˚F / 9˚C & clear in Ithaca @ 6:30 am ET )- -( Happy Birthday Bill Clinton (?) )-
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }
-New- 2 shot, 31 arrested in Ferguson during clashes with police { Last night I watched television interviews with interested parties on both sides of this issue. African Americans don’t trust the police, and believe the police will kill them without reason and get their friends to back up their ‘self-defense’ stories. The police are afraid for their lives, those police officers who were brought up bigoted believe they are trying to protect themselves from a drug crazed mob of sub human animals who might have been stirred up by enemies of the state. Not a nice friendly way to spend a Monday night in Middle America. The question to ask is: “Who benefits from a situation like this?” And if everybody suddenly realized that their strings were being pulled, that their buttons were being pushed- by evil men with an agenda hiding behind a curtain somewhere, could both sides wake up and give each other bear hugs and turn around, hunt down and eliminated the ice-holes who get their jollies by planning this divide-and-conquer b.s.? And, if there are no evil manipulating enemies of freedom and all things wonderful in the U.S.A.- Is it something in the food we’ve been fed since Monsanto began to poison us that is putting us into a constant state of fear? Werner Von Braun warned his friends that things like this can happen. Anti-Social control freaks will plot and plan to keep everybody in a state of fear because people in that state of fear will surrender their hard won rights and freedoms for the promise of safety and security. Only the ice-holes who want total control will never give anybody any safety of security. The founding fathers of the U.S. of A. warned us with advice to the effect that “Freedom has to be earned in every generation.” Reaching for the nearest weapon and going on a rampage probably isn’t going to bring that freedom, or equality- ya think? Maybe the hardest way to fight for Freedom, Peace of Mind, Equality, and all those things we really want and need, is to know when to step back, take a breath and say- “What the bleep is going on here, and how can we fix this?” }
“Lead Stories”
Body of 15-year-old girl found in bag in Red River { }
Obama urges Ferguson, Mo., protesters to remain peaceful { }
Winnipeg’s ‘homeless hero’ found dead in river { This time I’m giving you a link: >>—-> Homeless Hero found dead in Red River in Winnipeg. This guy was given an award for saving a teen-ager from drowning in 2011 and later beaten up by people who recognized him from the media attention he got. There must have been a monetary award with the ‘Mayor’s Medal of Valor’ because he donated $1,000.00 to a Winnipeg homeless shelter. }
Health minister says anti-drug campaign is not political { Sunday’s headline was, ‘Canada’s doctors refuse to join anti-marijuana campaign’. *Let me blow your mind with this one: I don’t like marijuana. When I grew up it was impossible not to be exposed to it and I don’t know anybody who didn’t try it at least once. Some people should never go near the stuff. Not because they will instantly become homicidal maniacs or loose all touch with the consensus reality and run around indiscriminately raping underage boys and girls anywhere he or she sees one, but because they may become dependent on the stuff too easily and spend all their time and effort getting ‘high’- to the point where they may resort to stealing and other unethical and dangerous practices in order to get the stuff. Unscrupulous people will recruit vulnerable people who believe they need marijuana and get them to sell it for them and then force them to sell and use much more dangerous chemicals, we know that. Let me quote a friend from high school,”Every single alcoholic I know started out on milk. You don’t see anybody trying to make milk illegal do you?” & One of my favourite people on this planet tells me she could not have survived her dysfunctional/abused childhood without it (and she doesn’t smoke any now) There is medical evidence that the stuff helps many people. Autism Spectrum Disorder people can often find relaxation and relief they can’t get through normal channels by ‘toking up’ now and then. There are more serious medical conditions that have been treated with marijuana with remarkably good results. I’m just not one of those people who needs it. With the epidemic of physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual conditions that are prevalent these days, I see marijuana as the least of way too many evils. Genetically Modified Organisms in your food cause a whole lot more problems than marijuana does. The drugs that medical doctors have been conned into believing are needed for quite a few conditions and ailments do much more harm that the weed does. Go check out >>>—-> Dr Peter Breggin’s web site if you don’t want to take my word for any of this. Seeing medical professionals argue like this – one group says they will not be suckered into taking sides against something that has not been thoroughly and properly researched and the other side stamping their feet and turning red in the face and calling people names- in public- makes me feel like I fell through a black hole and woke up in a cosmic luney bin -where the keepers might be crazier than their patients. 😉 }
Taking dam from from ISIS a ‘major step forward’, says Obama { }
Tattoo removal business booming a inked teens grow up { }
-New- ‘Who is going to pay for it?’ Federal party leaders and security { After somebody broke into the home of Justin Trudeau, the head of the Liberal Party of Canada- The dialog was opened, “Should public officials have more security?” Some voices were heard to say, “We like not being a police state where cops in kevlar are not standing around on every street corner with the latest high tech machine guns at the ready.” One head of security said, -when he took that head of security for Parliament position, he looked at the lawn in front of the Parliament Building and saw peaceful people tossing a frisbee around. He wanted to continue seeing that sort of thing as long as he was in that office.- A loaded line like “Who is going to pay for it?” is a trademark of corrupt politicians who do not need tax money, but ant it all for themselves anyway. Governments could stop collecting taxes right now this minute and see to it that the citizens of Canada and the U.S.A. and every other ‘free’ country on this planet got more and better services than they do now. Everybody! Wake up and take back your governments. They are not serving you. Do you feel like the people you elect to office are there to make your life more comfortable? Or do you feel like those ‘elected officials’ believe that you are here to serve them? }
{ I found a full photograph of HitchBot on the Coast to Coast am web site and snitched it from there, no, I didn’t say that- I mean- an image of the HitchBot got a ride to this web site. Jee – He just showed up, hmmm- How cool is that? }
Alabama hunters haul in 459-kilogram alligator { 459 kg = 1,011 pounds }
Miss Texas new contender for worst opening pitch { At a baseball game, I bet- }
repeat- Rolf Buchholz, German man with horn implants and 400 piercings, denied entry to Dubai { I might think twice about letting that guy into my house if his car broke down within sight, I might let him use a cell phone- }
Montreal resident a magnet for Russian mail { Along with a postcard addressed to the Montreal resident, Canada Post delivered a whole bundle of mail -maybe with a rubber band around it? Mail in that bundle was addressed to other destinations all across Canada. }
-Blog- Mom’s ‘ignore no more’ app forces kids to call back. { I think somebody has created an app that removes the ‘ignore’ button from cell phones- or disables it. }
“Most Viewed”
Justin Trudeau’s home break-in: Do party leaders need more security? { In my tirade, above, I neglected to mention that Justin Trudeau was away on party business and his wife and children were in the home at the time of the break-in. Nobody claiming to be a plumber in a ‘Land-Shark’ suit knocked on the door first. }
Ice Bucket Challenge: Charlie Sheen dumps cold, hard cash -instead of ice water- { Ya know? That’s the nicest thing I’ve heard him say or do in a while. }
Pope Francis urges peace in South Korea trip { This one is slide show with 8 photos, you can either see of hide the captions. I think I like this Pope. -and isn’t that the height of egotism? }
Mars 2020 rover’s RIMFAX radar will ‘see’ deep underground { }
Analysis- Why London Mayor Boris Johnson could be on way to No. 10 { London, England. London’s mayor -who may be nicknamed ‘BoJo’- is apparently quite a character, with quite a sense of humour, I bet Toronto would swap for this guy in a second, but I doubt that the British Londoners would accept that- }
New- Ebola outbreak: Africans understandably wary about promised cures { Hey- Since we’ve learned that a well respected doctor in U.S. America’s southwest held a press conference to show how safe polio vaccine was by injecting his grandchildren in public – and within 48 hours one child was dead and the other had full blown polio- Do you blame them? ‘Big Pharma’ puts profit ahead of people, puts profit ahead of health, puts profit ahead of everything. -Charging thousands of dollars for pills that cost them less than a penny apiece to produce- squashing therapies that work against some cancers because their poisonous chemicals bring them such nice big bucks, for a much longer time than an easy cure would? When these Big Pharma crooks are brought to justice, what punishment do you believe would fit their crimes? }
Israel-Gaza conflict: Talks resume on Gaza deal { The last I heard on this the ceasefire had been extended. }
NEW- Lac-Mégantic derailment investigation findings released today { }
Khurram Sher terror trial verdict expected today { “Khurram Sher should find out in an Ottawa courtroom today whether he has been found guilty of planning al-Qaeda-inspired terrorist activities. -The former London, Ont., pathologist was arrested Aug. 6, 2010 and charged with conspiring to knowingly facilitate a terrorist activity. He was charged about two weeks after a wiretapped meeting at the centre of the trial. }
How the defensive shift and big data are changing baseball { }
PC leadership candidates face off over free memberships { ‘PC’ = ‘Progressive Conservatives’ -sound like an oxymoron to you?- I have long believed that if a politician opens his or her mouth and the word ‘leadership’ dribbles out, they are robotically repeating some b.s. line they’ve been taught to recite and it would be a total waste of your time to listen any further. }
Intruding 10-foot snake tries to hide under a couch { It took two big guys from ‘Animal Control’ and a camera crew to capture the Burmese Python and get it into a crate that looked like an oversized cat taxi. A boy in his teens discovered the snake when he came home and thought he saw or heard something behind the couch. }
Solar plant sets birds on fire as they fly overhead { The people who run that plant will have to reincarnate as birds and incinerated themselves a whole lot of times to make up for this. }
Facebook’s new ‘satire’ tag identifies fake news articles { If they come up with a ‘stupid’ or ‘why bother?’ tag they would be in danger of discovering what people think of their ‘social media’ site. effbook is one ‘Stupid’ waste of time and energy! }
Alberta dinosaur egg excavation could yield rare fossilized babies { 🙁 }
Calgary family celebrates after starring in Emmy-winning Apple ad { Now, if only Apple lived up to its earlier reputation and dropped the planned obsolescence and ‘change everything you can as often as you can so they have to buy new adapters etc all the time” b.s.- I might think about liking them again. }
“Local” / “New Brunswick”
Provincial ombudsman calls piece of waterway legislation useless { Conservationists and First Nations groups have voiced concerns about such things as mines’ toxic wastes and fracking’s disastrous consequences possibly ruining drinking water, as well as water used for recreation and by wildlife. The Provincial Ombudsman says the current regulations protecting New Brunswick’s waterways are worse than useless. He compared that legislation as requiring smoke detectors in every house without batteries. Political appointees can ignore the regulations any time they feel like it. }
Judge reserves decision on forestry plan challenge by First Nations chiefs { The deepest issue here may be that First Nations legally own the land, with all resource and mineral -and other- rights that federal, provincial, and local politicians believe they can sell off the rights to, or just plain sell off. }
Grand Manan air ambulance service restored after fatal crash { }
UNB professors upset by president’s contract { }
{ 9:40 am – I usually type and edit this in “Radio Free Earth News” first and then copy and paste to a couple other blogs. But today, I started here. -Time to colorize and edit for typos ———djo——— }
We received notification that ‘consumer2savlives‘ <— Link<<< is following us. This site is so interesting I’m going to see if we can get permission to repost most of what is posted there.
Monday, 18 August, 2014. -( 61°F / 16°C & cloudy @ 9:30 am near Ithaca, NY, USA )-
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }
“Lead Stories”
Missouri governor sends National Guard to Ferguson to restore order { }
Julian Assange says health has suffered while in London embassy { How about all the good people in this world pray for a healing for this guy? —> This is how it seems to me: He stuck his neck out, thinking he was doing something morally right and the C.I.A., NSA and other alphabet soup ice-holes saw to it that he was framed for an immoral act ? }
WikiLeaks founder says he’ll leave embassy in London soon { }
TSB says Grand Manan, N.B. air ambulance crash a mystery { Grand Manan is an Island off the southern coast of New Brunswick }
Regulatory gaps partly to blame for Lac-Mégantic: CCPA { ‘CCPA = Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, which is a group that is calling for an independent public inquiry into the accident that killed 47 people in the centre of town when the train derailed and burst into flames. The CCPA doesn’t believe the Transportation Safetry Board will go far enough to expose government regulatory failures. }
Intruder’s note left atop 5 or 6 knives at Trudeau home { Now that’s creepy. I should put a poll in here: How many people think this is political dirty tricks? }
Private autopsy finds Michael Brown shot 6 times: NYT { NYT, I suppose that means New York Times, not the Monty Python Knights who go “Nyt!” [wink] }
Dying Sierra Leone doctor never told Ebola drug was at his bedside { }
Analysis- Harper’s latest northern tour: Is government’s approach to ‘the great treasure house’ failing? { Harper’s trying to win votes without appearing to campaign for them? I bet that’s not what he meant when he said something about ‘transparency in government’. }
Montreal resident a magnet for Russian mail { }
Derek Jeter’s head profiled in New Jersey corn maze { Somebody went to a lot of trouble to do this. }
Messy summer festivals in Japan { Rain and floods messed up the area. }
“Most Viewed”
Rolf Buchholz, man with horn implants and 400 piercings, denied entry to Dubai { }
Drone video shows stubborness, severity of Goodridge Street fire { Goodridge Street is in Saint John’s, Newfoundland. They have a video of a ‘Snorkle’ type fire engine at work trying to put the fire out. }
Second Union Station subway platform opens today { }
{ Everything else in this category relisted from “Lead Stories” }
Analysis – Year of record recalls: how concerned should car drivers be? { }
Updated – Iraq forces say they’ve retaken Mosul Dam, but militants deny claim { }
5-day Gaza ceasefire ends tonight between Israelis and Palestinians { }
Quarantine creates ‘plaque villages’ in Ebola epicentre { }
Ukraine claims rebels fire on civilian convoy { }
OPP did not have ‘leading role’ in CBSA immigration arrests { }
Video – 911 call service often includes access to interpreters { }
180 dead as floods wash away homes in Nepal, India { }
– Blog – Teacher’s online campaign raises $40K to feed hungry kids in Ferguson { }
HitchBot completes 6,000 kn cross-Canada trip { }
Indian poachers threaten lesser-known animals { }
{ & Somewhere: I saw a blurb about a 6.2 earthquake in southern Iran }
“Local” / “New Brunswick”
Grand Manan mayor says plane crash victims will be missed { Grand Manan is an island off the southern coast of New Brunswick }
Grand Manan plane crash site offers few clues about cause { }
Anglophone East district standardizes school supply list { ‘Anglophone’ means ‘English speaking’. Parents of students receiving standardized list of items teachers expect students to show up with voice mixed opinions on this matter. }
14 year old Nova Scotia woman in Northumberland Strait charity swim: Youngest ever { }
{ Posted at 11:30 am EDST Updated here at Independent Canadian News after the captions failed to load with the photos ———djo——— }