Independent Canadian News

Copied & Pasted : Looks Like Jim Made the Mistake of Watching The News Today :)

Saturday, November 21, 2015 -( 3˚C / 37˚F @ 6:00 pm in dark, warmer than usual Atlantic Canada )- website screen shot
Good News First? We discovered a relatively new organization that supports local farmers who grow what we hope is 100% natural food and sell that directly to their customers. We’ll know a little more next Tuesday.

Above is a screen shot from —>  [ <— link ] We’re hoping their stuff is 100% free of anything genetically modified. & we’ll let you know about that after Tuesday evening.

We owe our existance to topsoil and rain.
Ain’t it the Truth? Support your local family farms! Before Monsanto kills us all and reports back to the devil that they’ve won. (( Schnarr! ))


1984 revisited
I went looking for some of those gawdawful images of heavily armed military guys terrorizing civilians in Brussels today. Every day it appears more clear that my father’s generation went to war between 1939 and 1945 to free the world of Nazis so good old boys the world over could sneak them bloody fascists into their countries and learn from them all their secrets and turn the whole bloody planet into a series of terrorized concentration camps.
Taylorism: The plot by elitists to micro-manage technology and suppress everyone they could while exploiting them in economic slavery; making themselves richer and more powerful all the time and making sure the creative, innovative and productive are rendered powerless and penniless and in debt way over their heads through all eternity.
schnarr ii
Yes, World War II was fought so ice holes could learn how to terrorize anyone who’d been born into a free society and fleece the honest citizens of the world and invoke a Fascist/Terrorist world economy and corporate Oligarchy? ???
So while Donald Trump wants to be the king of everything and build a strong defensive wall around his riches, he’s using the old ‘Divide and Conquer’ strategies, trying to scare Americans into fearing refugees and economic immigrants that the corporate oligarchy needs to work for almost nothing. & his Trumpness forgets that if he gets his way and outlaws refugees,  Native Americans,  Canadian First Nations, and all of North and South American aboriginals might find a legal loophole to export all the European, Asian, and ‘other’ usurpers who came to “Turtle Island” / the ‘Americas’ to escape the kind of tyranny that ice holes like Trump are trying to reinstate here now.
The bottom line is. The loving, industrious, creative, nurturing, supportive citizens of this world are the ones who suffer the most,  to the point where they’re almost paralyzed when bigoted ice-holes do their damnedest to create a state of constant fear and add their divisive propaganda which encourages morons to bully and isolate anyone who might look slightly different, but who just might be the Angels in Earthly form who can save us all from wannabe Hitlers and other Anti-Christs.

— Anybody want a soapbox? — I’m finished with it for today.

~~~~~ Jim

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