Monday, October 17, 2016 — +13˚C / +54˚F @ 6:46 am in the damp and dark in Atlantic Canada — Cousin Karen’s Birfday & Long Time WPKN – FM General Manager Harry Minot’s Birthday too —
— This is before I added the title and my name to the right of the avatar/’model’ there. There is more green ground cover below where I cropped it here, if I can figure out how to cover her ‘gear-axe’ I might think about using more of that – I love her expression, and the final touch that made this look really good to me happened when I moved the bar to make it look like the sun was shining from the lower right hand corner off-camera here. That happens if you select the correct setting and set the time to after midnight.
— Saturday I went browsing and searching for a photo of what one of the main characters described as a ‘Stone Lake’ in the novel I started writing in 1987, picked up a couple times, might have tried to re-write from the beginning half a dozen times and got pretty far, um, this would be the third time. The latest working title would be “The Stone Lake Revelations”. Several acres of forest land were blasted away to reveal nearly flat rock. The farmer who discovered this thought it was done by what was described as a massive tornado that touched down there in a freak storm and tossed whole trees miles away. But, um, not to give anything away, that is not what happened….
— I should add the not-quite-so-tightly-cropped photo here later, but for now —
— And –
— I wonder what this looks like from space? [ Thank you, Yoko – ]
— This avatar is actually a builder character who’s been messed with using facial and body morphers and dressed up so she isn’t running around half naked.
— Happy Monday?
~~~~~ Jim