Saturday – Optimistic In the Great White North?

Saturday, January 9th, 2016 -(-3˚C / +27˚F — Dark and hopeful @9:45 pm in this little corner of Atlantic Canada )-

Higher minimum wages benefits almost everybody.
Who benefits from higher minimum wages? How about almost everybody?

There is a lot of -“#ResistCapitalism”- on Twitter this evening.

Noam Chomsky quote
Noam Chomsky was re-tweeted a lot.
'The Lion and the Unicorn' by George Orwell
George Orwell has been re-tweeted a lot in the past couple days. I want to see what this book is all about. This tweeter isn’t the most diplomatic and/or refined individual in the ‘tweet-us-sphere’, but he usually has something interesting to say. 🙂

Binged on season two of “Manhattan” last night. Watched all ten episodes. That was one heck of a television series. I betcha the guy who first described television as ‘the wasteland’ would have been positively impressed-

But then I woke up with a wicked headache this morning, and after a little bit of coffee and pleasant distraction later and I was fine.

I did let Jassper drag me up and down the street around sunset, he needed to sniff ever inch of both sides of our cul-de-sac here. & he only needed to roll around and bond with the snow and ice twice, but he did need to stick his nose deeply into snow banks in several spots, had to be reminded to, “Easy- Take it easy!” several times and only nearly yanked me off my feet once.

Re: Mercury Retrograde: I seem to be deeply introspective about my writing this time. & Deeply concerned about what I ‘put out there’ and/or leave behind when I graduate to the next level of existence – I would much rather leave behind a positively inspiring legacy than be rolling in riches. Now where do I concentrate my efforts? Hmmmmm-

— Introspectively yours,

~~~~~ Jim


Welcome to 2016 –

Friday, January 8, 2016 -( 25˚F / -4˚C & “clear” @ 9:00 am in Ithaca )-

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to even attempt this. Maybe Mercury Retrograde is trying to tell me I should be keeping up with goals I sort of set myself when I was silly enough to believe I had enough time to follow through with them.

Okay- My Canadian Friends have a new Prime Minister and a new “Government” that can’t be as bad and can’t be as mean-spirited as the ex Prime Minister or his ‘Conservative Government’. One friend told me he used to have a ‘protest button’ that said “Part of the way with LBJ” when a lot of misled Democrats were wearing “All the way with LBJ” and others were wearing buttons that said, “The Great Society / Bullets Bombs and Bullshit” I was a little bit young back then and thought it would cool to be old enough to get away with wearing a button that spelled out “B.S.” for everybody to see.

And now I’m sitting here wondering if the Justin Trudeau ‘government’ can possibly live up to the hopes and dreams of anybody who voted him (and ‘them’) in- I suppose dreams just might come true-

-Okay, I’m almost ready to hit the ‘Publish’ button, I should probably run this through the spelling checker first and see if I can keep this going at least until Mercury stops moon walking backward across the sky-

Quote from RFK Jr
How about a quote from RFK jr? I thought we’d already fallen through the Oligarchy phase and were about to be jack-booted into all out fascism.
Occupy Wall Street
Has anybody heard of the phrase “Equal protection under the law”? or “Equal treatment under the law”? Or should we revive Arlo Guthrie’s “Pause for Mister Claus” in which he quips that one of the great things about America is that they will go after anybody, even ‘the last guy’ who he describes as the most destitute person in the USA -not in those words-
Michael Moore thinks the governor of Michigan should be arrested
Yeah, yeah, this is yesterday’s news, but this is the first chance I had to sit down and do anything about it. And, so much is happening you might have missed this.
Discharged Canadian Veteran charged with insubordination.
Now this is suspicious – It looks like they’re trying to impose martial law where that hasn’t been declared, and how the bleep can you charge somebody who isn’t in the armed services with insubordination? And if they do get away with this in Canada, what’s next? & Where else will they try this kind of nonsense?
Unions 4 Workers tweet.
How many times do we have to be lied to before we stand up and scream, “Just Give Me the Truth!” John Lennon, are you working with us from the other side?
George Orwell Quote.
Some of my conspiracy watch type friends said that George Orwell was an Elitist, or at least the son of Elitists, and “1984” was something he tried to tell us was coming to a street corner near you. But a quote like this makes sense, even if this is not the best photo I’ve ever seen of him.
